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Found 282 results

  1. Hello After make sume missions on armed assault editor, Can i make a small setup like dlc from my missions ?
  2. Hayden Almeida

    Argo Map Editor

    Hello everyone. There is some place that teaches how to edit new map with Eden editor for ARGO? I am with idea to create new RAID map, but i am lost somehow. I puted some triggers and Modules in the map, but i think that isnt work properly. Someone to help create a basic raid map? Thanks and sorry for my bad english.
  3. Hi everyone recently, i try to make skin on arma 3, i reskin the mirage 2000 from hellenic Armed Force Mod ^^ I have change image pnj to paa, build addon etc... in game the mod have been correctly loaded but when I going to eden editor, I can't find my plane and the name of mod didn't appear in the search barre Anyone can check my config and tell me what is wrong please ^^ https://pastebin.com/1PH9EgB2 thank you very much !
  4. I am back to Arma after a long break and would like to know how to change the default enemy side with the combat patrol module. Thanks.
  5. -DL- Shane-uk

    Argo editor tutorials ?

    hey guys are there any argo editor tutorials out there i have played around with arma 3 editor and made missions etc .... i only ask as i would like to build a clash mission but not sure how the clash mode works in the editor ...... is it like sector control on arma 3 ? any help would be great thanks
  6. Hey (: I've made a TDM Map and set it include respawns 6vs6. but when i change the loadout inside the virtual arsenal and save as, i got an problem. the first time the soldier (for example a sniper) spawns, i got the choosen loadout. but everytime after the first spawn when the soldier spwawns, he gets the standard loadout from the soldier i had changed. for example. i take a marksman with MK14 and give him an CMR and silencer in team blue. but when he dies, and spawns a second time, he got his MK 14 again. how can i edit this to become the custom loadout also on every spawn?
  7. Okay. Hey peoples, one of my first threads here pleading for Help!!! I have been working on a CQB, VR Map for quite a long time now using VR blocks only. Now, I have different rooms from the start to finish that increase in difficulty and each stage is marked by colored arrows that point the direction of the finish area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So what I have done is I have used large amounts of 1x1x1 VR Blocks, to build walls, towers, roofs, balconies, cover etc. My idea was to have previously cleared stages blocked off by different shaped walls of VR blocks, once the player hit the next stage's trigger that is. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My go-to solution for this was to make a wall of blocks that separates stages 1 and 2 or Blue and Light Blue, Then set all the VR blocks conditions to false so that they would not be there on mission start and then create a trigger out of sight around a corner or something so as the player enters the trigger some magic VR wall appears in the previous stage so that the player can't go back to mission start and basically Re-Kit themselves with anything they want, before going back to finish off stages. I Just don't no how to tell the trigger to make the conditions of the sync'd VR blocks back to true once the trigger owner steps into the trigger. I really appreciate any help i get, Steam Name: Warlord I've been searching forums to no avail. I have thousands of hours of editor experience and not much to show for it so any other tips or anything will be incredibly helpful thank you so much everyone!! I have images of the Map but i can't post them here :(
  8. Sandman122312

    night time?

    so ive played around with the editor a lot and ive tried to make a night time op or a late in the evening op and the only thing I could do is make it dark for a few moments than be right back at 8:00 in the morning, is there anyway to fix this or do we have to wait for a later update?
  9. As the title said. I'm not quite sure how it affect the AI, does it improve the AI behavior or accuracy or both?
  10. Multiplayer client can't pick up items (ammo things) in the deadbody's vest/uniform/bag on inventory on mission. When change the equipments on 3den Arsenal. feedback: https://feedback.bistudio.com/T126030 it's since 1.72 update... :( STEPS TO REPRODUCE Start Arma 3 Go to Editor Place any AI unit & players(need server and client) change the AI unit's weapon in arsenal. save the mission play the mission on MP kill the AI try the pickup items(ammo) from vest/uniform/bag of deadbody's additional info: it's only in MP and client(not server) player bug. server can pickup ammos from equip changed AI unit deadbody's vest,uniform,bag.
  11. I'm trying to make a scenario for my unit. We are a PMC and we use expendable vehicles. I'm trying to give us some light armor that we can use but I'd like to make all of our vehicles black like they normally are and, I can't seem to find a way to make the BTR-80 black without using a mod that has ISIS symbols written all over it. I was wondering if anyone here knew how I can personally edit the vehicle in any way to maybe either remove these ISIS symbols or color my own. If possible I'd like to keep this within Bohemia's parameters and not have to use a personal mod, but if need be I can. Thank you in advance! ~Balthasaar
  12. I have been trying for a few days to script a helicopter to come in, land and then for the ai to board, then have the heli take off. I have tried watching videos and even tried searching, there was a redit post where someone provided an example but that file is no longer available and they did not go into details on how it was done. I made a helicopter, put it into the air, set a load waypoint, then created a ai fireteam group and set a waypoint for "get in" I then linked the "get in" waypoint activation to "load". What hapens is the helicopter says in the air, and on top of that the ai immediately heads for the get in waypoint. I thought that the waypoint for "get in" would only become active once "load" was true. I have also experimented with adding a "land" waypoint followed by the load, nothing is working, the ai moves to the position and does nothing. How can I make a simple scenario such that the helicopter flys in, lands waits for the ai to board, then takes off? [solved]I have two working solutions, for anyone reading this who is also having this problem, see my responses below.[/solved]
  13. So I've been experimenting in the editor, trying to make "standoff" armor for APCs, make big ridiculous armored gun trucks, things like that. Basically the kind of makeshift DIY stuff we see in Iraq and Syria. Naturally, I'm using the attachTo and setVectorDirAndUp commands in each objects init field for this. This is an EXTREMELY time consuming and tedious process, as I have to fiddle around with the X,Y,Z coordinates of every piece and then hit "play scenario" just to test the placement of each piece and then end it, make guestimates, rinse, wash, repeat. Is there a way to do this easier? Like maybe some mod or addon or something that lets me just sync the object to the vehicle and then move it around with the mouse? Or maybe see my X/Y/Z coordinate adjustments in real-time in the editor, as opposed to having to start the scenario each time to see the placement? I've got some really cool ideas, but my god is this a pain in the ass lol. Here's some WIP/ideas I'm messing with now:
  14. Is it possible to open the official missions in editor, so that I can adjust them, make them my own and save as user mission? If so, how? If not, why?
  15. I have a co-op mission for up to 9 players and I have respawn enabled. When I start the mission in MP, everyone starts off dead unlike the AI. . . Also my script for allowing loadouts to be persistent even after dying and respawning isn't working. Any help would be appreciated and I can go further into detail about the mission if need be. Thanks
  16. I am trying to hold troops in place until the helo is within 100m to speed up loading. This is for a basic helo transport practice mission I am working on. Right now the way the synched waypoints work the fire teams are running around on approach, sometimes toward the helo while I am still approaching, and it takes forever for them to load. I want to have a guard or hold waypoint that releases once the helo is close. This would keep them right on the PZ until I am nearly landed. I have tried searching and find it tedious. The wikia sucks so far when looking for editing info.
  17. Hey guys I am having a problem with the triggers in Eden Editor. I downloaded the game about a week ago, but I have about 300 hours in Arma and I never had an issue with the triggers. The problem I now have is that, although I can change the type of the trigger, I cannot change the Activation settings. I have tried the windowed mode, as someone has suggested, but it worked only once and now I cannot change it at all. I have also tried playing without mods and nothing seems to work. Do you know how can I fix it?
  18. I guess someone has solved this problem in the past, but i've been looking for in google and in this forum, and I've not been able to fix this problem. I'm aware that the normal ARSENAL doesn't allow faces, voices and insignias, so I decided to add a virtual arsenal to an NPC in my base in my dedicated server. The problem is that the insignias tab is completely empty, as well as the faces and voices one. I read in another topic that I need a config file of some kind, but didn't quite get it right. I find this strange as well from BI. If you want to desing the arsenal and the virtual arsenal, why just removing the trhee tabs that makes different the VA? Thanks a lot guys! I'm pretty sure there is a very easy way to fix this, but I couldn't find something useful in the Internet..-
  19. Hello again. Today I'm in a situation where I want the player to move to a certain spot/trigger location where an enemy patrol (2 units, variable name patrol1) will spawn down the road a ways and follow a set of waypoints. How would I go about doing this? Again new to all of this, please be understanding!
  20. Hello As I near the completion of my first mission, I wanted to add in a slow black fade in screen, followed by 5 lines of text in the lower right corner at the start of the mission. the timing for that would be default for both. How would I go about making this happen? Now I've obtained the script and watched a guide on What it does (down below) but I haven't found one that shows how to set it up setp by step. I've been having an extremely hard time editing it fit my needs, let alone inserting into the mission. Please go easy on me, I'm brand new to mission making and scripting is completely foreign to me. I'm here to learn!
  21. Hi there everyone so here is what i'm trying to create i want three Tanks to spawn with crew and then move to waypoints after a certain amount of time has elapsed. This is what i have so far.. major disclaimer here I've been experimenting with a lot of this just seeing how certain things work and trying to get the basic understanding of the language so Arma 3 coding veterans prepare the defibrillators because you might need to restart your hearts after seeing this. On a side note if anyone has any tips on learning how to code SQF, SQS etc in arma please let me know as im hungry to learn this language but can't find any good material anywhere. //if (isServer) then { _type = _this select 0; _mark = _this select 1; _time = _this select 2; _slaGrp = createGroup INDEPENDENT; //Sherman #1 _vehicleObject = createVehicle ["LIB_M4A3_75_Tubes", getMarkerPos "spawn1", [], 1, ""];_vehicleObject setDir 217.344; _S1vehicleName = "sherman1"; missionNamespace setVariable [_S1vehicleName,_vehicleObject]; publicVariable _S1vehicleName; //Sherman #1 Crew _s1Inf = "LIB_US_tank_crew" createUnit [ getMarkerPos "spawn1crew", _slaGrp]; missionNamespace setVariable _s1Inf; publicVariable _s1Inf; _s1Inf moveInDriver "sherman1"; //Sherman #2 Crew _s2Inf = "LIB_US_tank_crew" createUnit [ getMarkerPos "spawn1crew", _slaGrp]; missionNamespace setVariable [_s2Inf]; publicVariable _s2Inf; _s2Inf moveInGunner "sherman1"; //Sherman #3 Crew _s3Inf = "LIB_US_tank_crew" createUnit [ getMarkerPos "spawn1crew", _slaGrp]; missionNamespace setVariable [_s3Inf]; publicVariable _s3Inf; _s3Inf moveInCommander "sherman1"; //createVehicleCrew (sherman1 select 0); //Sherman #2 //_vehicleObject = createVehicle ["LIB_M4A3_75_Tubes", getMarkerPos "spawn2", [], 1, ""];_vehicleObject setDir 217.344; //_S2vehicleName = "sherman2"; //missionNamespace setVariable [_S2vehicleName,_vehicleObject]; //publicVariable _S2vehicleName; //createVehicleCrew (sherman2 select 0); //Sherman #3 // = createVehicle ["LIB_M4A3_75_Tubes", getMarkerPos "spawn3", [], 1, ""];_vehicleObject setDir 217.344; //_S3vehicleName = "sherman3"; //missionNamespace setVariable [_S3vehicleName,_vehicleObject]; // _S3vehicleName; //createVehicleCrew (sherman3 select 0); //};
  22. Hello, not sure if this is the right place for this topic. My problem is I want to keep the driver of a vehicle on the road and focused on the waypoints, while the gunner for example, fires away. I tried this setBehaviour "SAFE"; on the driver but that doesnt work?
  23. So at the moment there are a couple of roadblocks and bases available as well as the normal squads and fire teams for each faction. However, in the Eden editor, you are able to put down a certain collection of units, props or both and save that for later use. It would be great if these compositions could be used in the Zeus Editor as well as being able to create new ones that can be saved from Zeus. I doubt this would be too much work as it is essentially already in the game, but just not transferred and would be very useful for "Zeusing".
  24. In the two different missions I made, players spawn either in the water, or floating underneath their spawn point. I'm using the respawn on location of death setting, in case that matters. One of the maps is Altis, the other is Winter Chernarus. Any way to fix this?
  25. How do I add more falchion-22 in A-164 cas wipeout using Arma3 editor? Can anyone tell me the code please?