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  1. What is the 111th S.O.G. ? The 111th Special Operations Group is modeled after the small direct action paramilitary units employed by the C.I.A.. As a component of the Special Activities Division, the 111th SOG is a highly trained group tasked with the most secretive missions in the world. Using every tier 1 specialty and asset in its arsenal the group takes on missions that include everything from hostage rescue, HVT assassinations, reconnaissance, demolition, and sabotage are just a small sample of the types of missions it takes on Who are we looking for ? The 111th SAD/SOG is currently rebooting our group from the ground up. We have already acquired a few new candidates and are looking to grow our ranks. We are a small and tight knit group of friends that enjoy ARMA 3 COOP milsim training and missions. We are mature older professionals looking for those out there that want to experience ARMA 3 MilSim in a "New to MilSim" friendly environment. For those out there that are brand new to ARMA or brand new to MilSim, we provide a great place to learn the ropes and will walk you through the entire process from installing your mods, to setting up your ARMA settings and training with our unit. We are also of course interested in those that are experienced ARMA players or those who have mission building experience. We are about 6 in size right now and want to be around the 16 unit member mark. Its a small number but we thrive off of that "small direct action unit" vibe. Again we are just starting and rebooting the group. We already have over 30 missions and 15 training scenarios we run regularly throughout the week and we also run large scale COOP mission on the weekends. 111 S.O.G. Website - 111SOG.GAMERLAUNCH.COM REQUIREMENTS TO JOIN Must be 18 or older Must be willing to approach the game with an eagerness and passion to be involved Our mission times are usually around 9:30PM Eastern Time Zone, so that timezone would need to be one you can work with Fill out the application on our website Read the rules on our website After you send in your application a 111SOG staff member will review it and reach back out to you. We will get you on our TeamSpeak channel and can discuss further and help get you set up with the 111SOG mod collection. 111 S.O.G. Website -  111SOG.GAMERLAUNCH.COM image uploading site Edit
  2. shrike88


    What is the 111th S.O.G. ? The 111th Special Operations Group is modeled after the small direct action paramilitary units employed by the C.I.A.. As a component of the Special Activities Division, the 111th SOG is a highly trained group tasked with the most secretive missions in the world. Using every tier 1 specialty and asset in its arsenal the group takes on missions that include everything from hostage rescue, HVT assassinations, reconnaissance, demolition, and sabotage are just a small sample of the types of missions it takes on Who are we looking for ? The 111th SAD/SOG is currently rebooting our group from the ground up. We have already acquired a few new candidates and are looking to grow our ranks. We are a small and tight knit group of friends that enjoy ARMA 3 COOP milsim training and missions. We are mature older professionals looking for those out there that want to experience ARMA 3 MilSim in a "New to MilSim" friendly environment. For those out there that are brand new to ARMA or brand new to MilSim, we provide a great place to learn the ropes and will walk you through the entire process from installing your mods, to setting up your ARMA settings and training with our unit. We are also of course interested in those that are experienced ARMA players or those who have mission building experience. We are about 6 in size right now and want to be around the 16 unit member mark. Its a small number but we thrive off of that "small direct action unit" vibe. Again we are just starting and rebooting the group. We already have over 30 missions and 15 training scenarios we run regularly throughout the week and we also run large scale COOP mission on the weekends. 111 S.O.G. Website - 111SOG.GAMERLAUNCH.COM REQUIREMENTS TO JOIN • Must be 18 or older • Must be willing to approach the game with an eagerness and passion to be involved • Our mission times are usually around 9:30PM Eastern Time Zone, so that timezone would need to be one you can work with • Fill out the application on our website • Read the rules on our website After you send in your application a 111SOG staff member will review it and reach back out to you. We will get you on our TeamSpeak channel and can discuss further and help get you set up with the 111SOG mod collection. 111 S.O.G. Website - 111SOG.GAMERLAUNCH.COM What is the 111th S.O.G. ?
  3. Nikopol


    L'organisation PMC Phalanx recrute des joueurs passionnés par Star Citizen, notre gameplay passera par tous les aspects du jeu, dans un emballage Militaire. IRL First: La vie réelle passe avant les activités IG, tant que nous sommes prévenus pour les longues absences, ce principe est primordial chez nous. LEAD: Chacun aura la possibilité, après une instruction dédiée, et s'il le souhaite, de diriger une escouade, une escadrille, un vaisseau capital. Nous formons nos membres afin qu'ils soient prêts à toutes situation. MILSIM: Certaines soirées seront signalées "sérieuses", on vous demandera alors de respecter le briefing initial, respecter votre lead, communiquer en suivant la procédure radio. Il y aura également un code vestimentaire à respecter durant les Missions et Opérations. JEU EN GROUPE: Nous cherchons à créer un esprit de corps et à favoriser le jeu en groupe. Vous aurez la possibilité de vaquer à vos occupations, mais certains soir, on demandera une participation de tous aux Missions et Opérations de l'organisation. Nous sommes joignables en chat ou en vocal sur notre serveur DISCORD Ce que nous avons à offrir: - Une organisation mature - Une organisation structurée - Un suivi personnalisé de tous nos membres. Nous formons un groupe soudé, on ne laissera jamais quelqu'un dans son coin - Des évènements et une activité régulière dans et autour de Star Citizen: Star Marine Dogfight Racing Univers Persistant Soirées Lore Instructions de pilotages de différents niveaux Instructions Marines Entraînement de l'équipe Racing Entraînement autour des instructions Soirées Missions Soirées Quartier libre Exemple de Mission:
  4. Squad name: WEYLAND SECURITY Timezone/location : GMT +1 Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): COOP Contact email: weylandpmc@gmail.com Website address: http://weyland-security.net/ Short description: French PMC team Language: French Introduction : Weyland Security est une société militaire privée créé en 2016. Filiale autonome de la Weyland Corporation, une entreprise de recherche et de développement spatial, la Weyland Security intervient là ou d’autres ne le peuvent pas. Pour des gouvernements, des entreprises ou des particuliers, le recours aux services de la Weyland Security permet d'abord de réduire les coûts d'une intervention militaire ; en effet, l'emploi de contractors est moins onéreux que l'emploi de militaires, notamment en raison des droits qu'accorde ce statut (couverture santé, salaire…). L'État client peut ainsi ne pas engager ses forces armées, ce qui permet de faire diminuer le chiffre officiel des pertes. Pour certains gouvernements qui ne disposent pas d'une armée de confiance, c'est le moyen d'avoir des hommes efficaces et entraînés. Notre SMP (ou PMC pour nos amis anglophones) intervient tout autour du globe, Afrique, Europe de l’Est, Asie, Amérique du Sud … nous répondons à vos besoins. Nos services : Nous proposons nos services pour l'entraînement de troupes et la formation de gardes armées, d'agents spécialisés ou encore de chiens policiers, avec un certain succès. Par exemple, un État en transition institutionnelle, comme l'Afghanistan, nous contracte pour la formation de leur services régaliens en raison de notre professionnalisme. Nous proposons également des services logistiques, ils comprennent principalement la construction d'installations, le ravitaillement en vivres et matériel ainsi que l'entretien des matériels. Cœur de nos activités, bien que ne représentant qu'un faible pourcentage des effectifs employés, nous sommes spécialisés dans la surveillance d'installations et la protection rapprochée (fournissant notamment du PSD ou Personal Security Detail, « détachement de sécurité personnelle »), au profit d'États ou de compagnies privées, principalement minières et pétrolières. Nous offrons aussi des prestations de conception de simulations de conflit (Wargame), ainsi que l'assistance de conseillers tactiques. Nous pouvons également, à la demande de gouvernement, prendre part aux combats, souvent en assistance des forces du contractant ; c'est notamment pour cela que nous sommes assimilés, par une partie de l'opinion publique, à une forme de mercenariat. Plus concrètement, nous vous proposons : - Un système roleplay avec des salaires et des primes. - Un système d'achat d’équipement pour personnaliser votre personnage. - Une évolution de la SMP/PMC vis à vis des contrats réussis/echoués. - Une mission persistante ALiVE avec une génération de mission aléatoire. - Des missions scénarisées. Si vous voulez vous joindre à notre aventure, c'est par ici : http://weyland-security.net/
  5. 39th Battalion - Arma 3 Milsim Unit Our Identity Established in 2013, the 39th Battalion Arma Clan fosters the memory of Australian Infantry soldiers who famously defended against the advance of the Japanese Imperial Army over Stanley Ranges of Papua New Guinea during World War 2. Our Legacy In observance of their sacrifice, the 39th Battalion Arma Clan pursues all available Arma 3 and Community wide resources, in concurrence with historical and modern military procedures in order to model ourselves on the proud men and women who serve in Australia’s Defence Force. What we do Our clan runs official weekly operations every Sunday 6:30pm till 9pm EST. We also run other activities during the week, most notably Fridays our Beer & Bullets night where we play casual Arma missions or other free military games. Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2px_h_LnUZg If you think you have what it takes, join us now. Website: http://www.39tharmaclan.website/ TS: ts.day0.com.au 39th Recruit Cell channel YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Battalion39th
  6. 3rd Marine Division Fox Company, 2nd Battalion Marine Raider Team 8316 1st Marine Aircraft Wing 724th Special Tactics Group Hello, and before you read this post I wanted to thank you personally for taking the time to check us out. It will be a bit long, but it will include all the information required to both understand what the unit is about and also how to enlist or get in contact should you be interested. If you have any questions, please feel free to use the resources we provide at the bottom of the post to get into contact. What is the 3rd Marine Division? The 3rd Marine Division, or 3rd MD, is a military simulation unit looking to redefine the standard of military simulation, by providing a drama free, mature, and professional environment where you are a person, not a number, and can have as equal a chance as any to succeed. This group was founded on those principles, and has taken them to heart. Under those principles, we intend to allow our unit to thrive inside the milsim community, and constantly take consideration to the opinions of our player base to further improve the experience we provide. Outside of how we operate, the 3rd Marine Division is the culmination of numerous different assets within the United States Military. We consist of a regular infantry element (2nd Bat, 3rd MD), a MARSOC element (MRT 8316), an aviation element (1st MAW), and a Para-rescue element (724th STG). All these elements operate either together or separately to complete a wide variety of different objectives within our operations, with care being taken to try and diversify the scope of the missions our unit partakes in. What We Do As stated prior, the 3rd MD strives to maintain a mature, professional, and more importantly realistic environment. Considering this, training and operations are held to a high standard, and are done on a fairly regular basis. While we don't have daily operations, we do have a public liberation server which we will play on during the week for the purpose of practice but also enjoyment. Furthermore, we have our private training and operations server, operations being Saturdays at 1800 Eastern Standard Time. Training schedules depend entirely on the unit in which you enlist. These trainings and operations are all of course not only to provide enjoyment, but are also intended to breed the skills required by our members for success. Furthermore, in keeping with our standard, we partake in missions that the real US Military would partake in, these operations include activities such as… Counter Terrorism Large Scale Conventional Warfare Helicopter Based Assaults Defensive Operations Direct Action Hostage Rescue and many more activities that are not needing to be listed Training and Requirements We will begin with requirements, as the rest is not applicable to you if you do not meet these. Must be 15+ (17+ for the MARSOC element) Must be mature and have a professional attitude Must be willing to follow the chain of command Must own a legal copy of ArmA 3 Must be willing to dedicate time towards the unit, as it shall to you Must be able to make at least one unit event a week unless excused Must complete the training process in the required time frame Must maintain respect for yourself and others at all times If you meet these requirements, then read the following. It describes our training process... Training depends entirely on the unit in which you are assigned. Therefore, the length can vary. It will generally be no longer than a month unless you choose to enlist in our MARSOC element. The MARSOC element strives to create a lengthy process, generally lasting a month and a half, to ensure all members are dedicated to the unit. How Do I Join? Joining is a very simple process; it can be done by finding a recruiter, who can be found on our teamspeak at tfv.teamspeak3.com If that IP doesn't work, try or come to our website and make an account at https://2ndbattalion3rdmarines.wordpress.com/ Thank you for reading this post.
  7. S.H.I.E.L.D. What is SHIELD? SHIELD is a multi-national Arma III casual-milsim unit based off multiple ranks and fields from marvel’s SHIELD. As a milsim unit, we strive to use teamwork and tactics in Arma III. We are all here for one common goal: To act out as SHIELD Agents and Operatives on missions and training, while maintaining a fun factor for everybody. Training's What training will I undergo? We currently require all new members to undergo Selection (BCT and AIT combined). Selection consists of learning the basics of our mods, how procedures go, and other basic information. What we have to offer Special Agent Intel Agent STRIKE soldier Security Vehicle driver/gunner What is required to join? Must be 13+ years of age Speak English Be able to download mods Attend our required operations on Saturdays at 7:00PM EST Own valid copy of Arma III and the DLC APEX Enthusiasm! Interested? Our teamspeak: ca16.ts3.cloud:3092
  8. Hi! I am looking to play on some modded Milsim or COOP servers. I can't find many populated servers, and this place seems to be the best to ask. I prefer servers that don't have an age restriction. Thanks -Hyru
  9. The Sunrise Division ''旭兵団'' History The 23rd Division (第23師団 Dai-nijūsan Shidan?) was an infantry division in the Imperial Japanese Army. Its call-sign was the Sunrise Division (旭兵団 Kyokuhei-dan?). The 23rd Division was formed in Kumamoto on 4 April 1938, in the same day as 15th, 17th, 21st and 22nd divisions, as part of the military buildup following the outbreak of the Second Sino-Japanese War. The first divisional commander was Michitarō Komatsubara. The Group The goal of this group/realism unit is to show diversity in ARMA 3 Realism scene in the way of that we will show the Pacific/Asian Theatre of war as a Japanese IJA Army Unit. We try to give an diverse and unique experience from Jungle Patrols,Defense missions and full scale PVE/PVP events for in the future. We are a side unit of the 27.Fusilier regiment since this is our main unit so if you are also interested in the Eastern/Western front as a wehrmacht grenadier then hit us up!. Apart of playing as the 23rd Division( IJA ) , We will play as the SNLF ( IJN / Marines ) and other Assorted japanese units, so we can explore the experience of the japanese side of WW2. Our regiment will also try to cover almost every front/aspect of the japanese perspective of the war! Recruitment : OPEN Recruitment is at this moment open, we are looking for new individuals that are interested in WW2 Realism and or people that are interested in the Pacific Theatre of war. Below you can see what the recruitments are to join our unit. Atleast 16 years old and mature ( If younger contact one of the Officers/NCO's ) Have a legit copy of Arma 3 ( Apex is nice to have too ) Have Decent English speaking skills Have a Headset. Teamspeak / Steam Open to have fun and learn about Japanese Infantry Tactics and WW2 History Contact Info Here you can find our Contact info Teamspeak : azure.simrai.com:10000 Website : TBA Steam group : http://steamcommunity.com/groups/DaiKyokuHeidan NCO : http://steamcommunity.com/id/Kifesh NCO : http://steamcommunity.com/id/RikugunTaisa ** Pictures Are placeholder!
  10. JOINT TASK FORCE 9 What we represent Joint Task Force 9, also known as JTF9, is an elite multi-branch offensive whose purpose is to locate and eliminate high risk criminal and terrorist organizations around the globe. The task force is composed of detachments from NAVSPECWARCOM, the USMC's 1st Bn/1st Marines, and ARSOAC's 160th SOAR. All of these detachments are used to their full potential and each serve a specific purpose within the task force. Below will be a short description of each unit and their role within JTF9: 1st Battalion, 1st Marine Division (USMC) - The backbone of JTF9's assault force. They make up the manpower necessary to conduct large-scale attacks and they have the training to fit nearly every mission profile. They are valued highly within the task force for their ferocity, capability, and brotherhood. They are also a relatively new addition to the task force and are seen with great potential. If kicking down doors and annihilating an enemy objective suits your play style, then the Marines could use you. SEAL Team 1 (NAVSPECWARCOM) - If the Marines are seen as the hammer, then SEAL Team 1 is the scalpel. Capable of acting in 4 man teams, they are used to covertly gather intelligence, capture an enemy target, and conduct unconventional warfare within their AO. Their wide array capabilities also include; Direct Action, Personnel Recovery, and Counter-Terrorism operations (also including the aforementioned Special Reconnaissance, Unconventional Warfare, and HVT Elimination). JTF9 uses them in a capacity to stay undetected in an AO and cripple the enemy force through a smaller weak point. If working in a small elite team suits your interest then consider going through SEAL Team 1's training and selection pipeline. 160th SOAR (A) (ARSOAC) - The elite 160th SOAR serves as our premier helicopter transport and support detachment. They are highly trained and seen as the most capable helicopter support detachment in the US military. They perform missions such heliborne assault, close combat attack, and heliborne reconnaissance. If you believe your capabilities as a pilot can stand up to the strict and harsh demands of this elite detachment then take a chance and go for their selection. Now, JTF9 is a milsim community that values authenticity both in-game and in interaction within the TeamSpeak, Forums, etc. We look for like-minded individuals who enjoy the aspect of not only simulating the military in-game, but also who enjoy the aspects of it out of game. This means that rank is addressed when appropriate, chain of command is utilized throughout, planning takes consideration and preparation, training induces mental challenges, and overall makes the environment more enjoyable for those that want that experience. We don't plan on changing and for those that want to dismiss the military environment, we are not the community for you. If you enjoy the previously mentioned military environment and take interest in one of our detachments then please consider reading further. Our History Joint Task Force 9's Executive Command has many years within the MilSim environment and has gathered accurate information detailing the detachments that we represent. Our community is relatively new, being established in mid-2016, but the personnel that make up the community are familiar with how the military functions and what we expect from them in this simulated environment. We expect to pave a new path in Arma 3 Military Simulation and build our own history. If you wish to be a part of that history, look below to see how you can begin the application process for JTF9. How to Join If you are interested in becoming a member of JTF9 then the application process is relatively simple. To begin we suggest you speak to a recruiter at the JTF9 TeamSpeak (TS Address: in order to fully evaluate your interests within the community and find a suitable job for you within the task force. During this we would advise you to lay all cards on the table and be completely truthful with your recruiter on what you desire to do. They are there to help you but they need information to go off of first. After you've spoken to a recruiter, he/she will provide you with a list of prerequisites you will need to complete before being eligible to send in an application. Here are a few of the prerequisites that will be given to you: - Minimum age requirement is 16. Preferred age is 18+ (No exceptions will be made for those underage) - Download and test the JTF9 Modpack (A3Sync required)(Information will be given upon meeting your recruiter) - Own a legitimate copy of Arma 3 - Have a functional microphone that can be heard clearly in TeamSpeak - Fluently speak and understand English - Make sure your current name contains no numerics or special characters and are one word (English Surnames strongly advised) After you have met the criteria for each prerequisite you will be able to send in an application for JTF9. If you have not met the criteria for each and every prerequisite, your application will be denied immediately. Once your application has been sent in it will take approximately 48 hours to process. If you are accepted you will be placed within the training pipeline of your unit of choice and awarded the position of recruit (RCT). If you pass your initial basic training then you will gain your branch appropriate paygrade. And from there you have a future of training, deploying, and enjoying the community in it's full nature. Additional Notes We at JTF9 thank you for taking your time to read throughout this recruitment page. We hope to see you within our TeamSpeak either as a possible applicant interested in the community or as a public member looking to game with a good group on their spare time. Either way we believe you will enjoy your time with us and grow to see us as a community of like-minded people and not mindless individuals who don't enjoy what they do. From us here at Joint Task Force 9, thank you and come again.
  11. Started in July 2016 by a few friends interested in MilSim operations. We have recently decided to make the unit official and public. We are still working on getting everything organised and setup, we have a 100 slot Teamspeak, a professional Training map, a Dedicated Server Box, mods which allow us to take the 1st ID role both visually and mentally. Requirements Must be 17+. Must speak fluent intelligible English. Must be able to make events in the CST timezone (2pm - 8pm) and commit a reasonable amount of time to the unit. Information The 1st Infantry Division realism unit is a unit in which enforces a realistic type approach to the game of ArmA 3 like many other realism units. We are looking to induct dedicated, mature members willing to put the time and effort into bettering their skills and strategies for the unit. Recruits will go through a series of courses and tests to make sure that they are ready to take on the challenges the 1st Infantry Division will come across in combat. These courses will range from battle drills to learning and familiarisation with various U.S. and foreign weapons. Teamspeak Website http://1stinfantry.net/home
  12. About 7th Ranger Group We are a EU-based Arma 3 community with a desire to grow. In our operations we rely on planning, communication, teamwork and deployment of adapted military tactics. While we enjoy more realistic aspects of the game, it is important that this does not compromise the gameplay experience. As such, we do not adhere to any military structure in terms of ranks etc. as all members are considered equal. Our passion comes from challenging missions where we have to fight for a victory, never losing track of player experience. We do not want an easy victory where it is impossible to fail. We want challenging and immersive scenarios with reactive and responsive AI. In order to achieve this, our mission makers utilize a custom mission framework and various scripts in addition to the standard assets. Our operations Dedicated server for main operations. Works as training grounds during non-mission hours. Community server available for Antistasi, Liberation etc. Two weekly premade operations, set in modern day or cold war-era. Wednesdays 19:00 CET (GMT+1) or CEST (Summer Time, GMT+2). Saturdays 20:00 CET (GMT+1) or CEST (Summer Time, GMT+2). Units we play as includes (but is not limited to) US Army, US Marines, Tier 1 Operators, British Armed Forces, Bundeswehr and Russian Armed Forces. We play mainly as infantry, with additional helo and/or IFV support. What we are looking for Emotionally mature and teamwork-oriented players who are willing to learn and improve. It doesn't matter if you are a battle hardened veteran or completely new to ARMA, everyone is equally welcome. About trainigns we offer Every new member will receive mentoring to ensure his smooth transition into our unit. In addition we provide voluntary specialist trainings for certain combat roles such as: marksman / sniper, combat medic, heavy weapons specialist and helicopter pilots. If you want to improve or learn these roles, we offer you many opportunities to do so though training days and mentoring. Requirements You are at least 18 years old and you are able to respect and understand others in the unit, and give and take criticism for personal learning. We give everyone a chance to show what they are made of. TeamSpeak 3 Client A working microphone Legal copy of ARMA 3 (also, while not required, we strongly recommend the APEX DLC) Weekly attendance. However, as real life always comes first, not everyone can always make this. In this case, just post a Leave of Absence so that we know and can plan the operations accordingly. About mods We, like many other units out there, use a collection of mods to improve and expand the base game. Some of these mods have been further customized to better suit our needs. Size of the modset is currently around 60 GB, and we use Arma3Sync to distribute and keep it synced. How to join Fill in an application on our website. Once a Recruiter has reviewed it, he will contact you through Steam and invite you to our Teamspeak to have a chat. If we are what you are looking for and vice versa, you will get further access to all the needed resources to be able to join our operations. For more information Check out our handbook to learn more about us and our operation procedures and models. Visit our website Take a look at our YouTube playlist to see us in action. Feel free to join our Discord and have a chat with us. Feel free to contact me on reddit, if you have any further questions.
  13. Comrade, If you are looking for a Russian-style unit in ARMA3, look no further! 28MRB is a realism/milsim unit that is focusing on PVP with other ARMA3 units This unit is run as a milsim unit but is very open to everyone for every type of player. We try to run this unit very realistically, but not like the real military. We are always open for recruiting. We value our Rank system, but there is no dividing between different ranks. We value every rank/soldier. Requirements: 16+ Proficient in English Be Social And most of all, Have Fun! WANTED: BMP-2 / BTR-60: Driver BMP-2 / BTR-60: Gunner / Commander Platoon Medic Machine Gunner RPG Gunner Grenadier Rifleman More... How do you become a member of 28MRB? It's easy! Fill in this Application-Form Just go to our website: http://www.28mrb.boards.net Or join us on Teamspeak: (Admins online 18:00-24:00 GMT+0) Further Server details will be given to you as soon as the recruitment process has started. We are an European Based Unit but everybody is welcome to join, as long as you speak English. We hope to see you soon!
  14. 47 Commando Royal Marines Milsim/Realism Unit Who are we? The 47 Commando is a Royal Marine Milsim/Realism unit for ArmA 3, which is based on Royal Marine commando’s as seen today (The 47 commando in real life was a Royal Marine commando disbanded after World War 2, but we decided to bring it as a Arma 3 unit, based on the principles of training like 6 section battle drills and FIBUA and combat as seen in the modern 40, 42 commando’s etc). The 47 Commando strive for a realistic/milsim environment, without all the unnecessary realism that many find a burden e.g. “Yes sir†“No sirâ€. The 47 Commando has a Phase 1 and Phase 2 training, our training is based directly on the Royal Marines, only to be vastly scaled down and our training instructors have filtered it to be necessary to ArmA 3. We also have a PNCO cadre, for those willing to become NCO's in our unit, which is required to become a IC and a 2nd IC in a section. We have ownership of a forums, and a Teamspeak server and an ArmA 3 dedicated server, as well as being firmly organised. We are currently on a recruitment drive and are looking for members to expand the 47 commando and aiming to open another section as well as a FSG (Fire support group). We use many mods to improve our realism, this spans from 3rd Commando BAF (Royal Marines vehicles, clothing and weapons etc) as well as the ACE mod, which overal improves the realism of ArmA 3. What do we do? All our recruits who join our unit, are welcomed to our Phase 1 and Phase 2 training taught by our CTC instructors, and this training spans from FIBUA to 6 Section battle drills, to train our recruits to be ready for our operations as well as exercises in home rotations. We also have a PNCO cadre, for those willing to become NCO's in our unit, which is required to become a IC and a 2nd IC in a section. In term of dates, our training's and operations occur on a weekly basis through the week during the evenings, and these dates are never on deployment operation or home rotation exercise dates ,our deployment operations or if on home rotation, exercises, are on a Friday and Saturday evenings at 7:30 GMT to 10:30 GMT, we believe having two dates for these increases the chance of availability for our members .In terms of operations and home rotations, once recruits have finished Phase 1 and Phase 2 training's, they can earn their ‘Marine’ rank, and can attend our deployment operations which are set on different maps, and have a solid backstory for role-play, and when deployments are not occurring, we have our home rotations, where we have exercises and manoeuvres for the whole troop. We currently have a Zeus operator too, to create a high quality realism of our missions in our operations. Why join us? Our unit has potential to grow rapidly and high potential for success as well as to create a friendly and diverse community. We believe if you enjoy a realistic milsim environment, without the unnecessary bits (“Yes sirâ€) and have an organised rank structure and command, as well as a thorough training and a PNCO cadre course for potential NCO’s and enjoy a British, modern Royal Marines themed unit, we believe this is the unit for you. Dates of Training's and Operations/ Home Rotations -Operations and home rotations occur from 7:30 to 10:30 GMT on a Friday and Saturday -Trainings vary from Sunday to Friday once a week, in the evenings. Requirements -You must be at least 16 years of age to join due to mature reasons however we have a probational period for members under this age. - A functioning microphone (If you are in the process of obtaining one, we are happy to accept members) - Speak the English language to at least a basic level Enlist today: www.47commando.co.uk Our Teamspeak and Website: Our Teamspeak: 47commando.teamspeak3.com:9091 Our Website: www.47commando.co.uk Our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtBUtlDMSwhBbCHsDSoRW3A The Joining Process Firstly, once submitting your application under “Enlist now†on our forums website, your application will be analysed, and when it is accepted, you will be invited to a short spoken interview on our teamspeak, and once we have successfully completed the spoken interview, you will be accepted to our unit, and will be entitled to our Phase 1 and Phase 2 training’s. Still not convinced? You are perfectly entitled to join our teamspeak for any queries/questions, or you can add one of our staff on steam at: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197971854537
  15. About Us: The 101st Airborne Division is a Realism unit based in Arma 3 that strives to provide a real sense of teamwork and structure. We can provide everything you are looking for in a milsim unit. We have active members and a committed command staff. Members can rise through the ranks if they are willing to take on roles involving leadership and training. We offer all the standard-issue roles within the branches of a milsim unit, be it an AT Rifleman, Automatic Rifleman, Combat Medic, Engineer, Pilot, Air Crew etc. Gameplay We conclude training on a weekly basis. This can include BCT, CQB, AIT and specially tailored training. The run time for our ops can range between 2-4 hours, and differentiate each OP and is made from scratch every week Next campaign start will be 5th of November. What we are looking for: - Mature, Respectful and good-humored individuals - People willing to make new friendships - People who are willing to show commitment and interest to our unit Requirements - 16 Years or older (Exceptions can be made) - Working microphone and Teamspeak - Maturity - Regular attendance - Any level of experience If you are interested in submitting your application please check go to our website: http://cybernex-gaming.org/ https://units.arma3.com/unit/101stabeu We look forward to hearing from you! 101st Airborne Division EU "To Rendezvous With Destiny"
  16. Hello, i am Saige312 part of the 9th JSOC, rank was E-5 - Sargent. We have been previously known as the Task Force 72. A while back we got split up because one of our CO's (Walrus), decided to leave because he was very upset over how we run things. So we lost the majority of our men to the 17th BCT who is run by Walrus, a previous member of Task Force 72. Fast forward a few months to the release of Apex where TF72 was going to start up again. Once it was released, the owner of TF72 decided to step down as command and give up on the TF72 which made 80% of the community to leave, leaving only 14 left. That 14 group decided to create the 9th Joint Special Operations command (9th JSOC). And we havent been doing to well of a job to hold our community together, we all have advanced training in all fields for arma going from riflemen, auto-riflemen, engineer, combat medic, and so on. All we need is more recruits for our community to show how serious we are about amra 3. Since we have been so under the radar, we dont have a strong schedule at the moment but once we see people are interested in our community, we will have a very strong and organized JSOC. We have a TS if you want to know more about the 9th JSOC. We also have our own website to see what our recruitment form is like. We will accept anyone who sends one in if they are mature enough. We just want players that will play arma 3 tactically with a whole squad. We just need to figure a few things out and take the time to perfect the mistakes we made in the past. Thank you for reading. Website - http://9thjsoc.enjin.com/ TeamSpeak - tf72.ts3dns.com
  17. Joint Nordic Battlegroup 16 We are a Arma 3 unit based in Northern Europe. "Semper metam contingimus - We always reach our goal" What are we? We are focused around the Swedish Armed Forces with infantry, Aviation, Armour, Support units. We offer a serious but still fun and relaxed community where everyone are welcome to play not only Arma 3 but any game or just have a talk in the lounge. We do our best to try and stay open minded about all ideas that our players can give us at all times. Sticking to the fun and serious without the BS. We do our trainings and operations on a weekly basis,1-2 Trainings and then operations on the weekends. Our requirements for all members are. You own a legit copy of Arma 3. You have a working microphone and ts3 client. You are atleast 16 years old. You can and will behave in a mature manner on our servers. You think you have what it takes? Take the first step and contact an officer or recruiter now. Teamspeak 3 server ip: E-mail: info@jnb16.com Website: http://www.jnb16.com Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/JNB16 Arma 3 unit: https://units.arma3.com/unit/jnb16 Hope to see you on soon! // G. Joel Battlegroup Commander
  18. The 173rd was founded on September 18, 2016 by two people, passionate in their minds to have one of the best units they could create. as of right now, we only have a teamspeak until we get at least a squad or platoon, then will move on to get a functioning server to conduct operations and training on. What We are looking for! Currently we are looking for mature players willing to have leadership and combat effectiveness in ArmA 3. Requirements as follow: Maturity Legit copy of ArmA 3 Willing to download modsWilling to follow Chian of command. MOS positions At the Moment: 11B- Infantryman 68W- Health Care Specialist (Medic) 25C- Radio Telephone Operator 153A- Rotary Wing Pilot As of the moment, thats all for right now until we grow more, but hop on to teamspeak between the times of 1730 EST through 2230 EST on Weekdays to talk and/or enlist! Also, people with prior Airborne qualifications and experience with previous unit, may be eligible to gain the Airborne pin instant over here with valid proof of prior experience. This is due to us being MIL-sim and real life, that travels with you! TS IP: 173rdabct.ts-ip.com Add me on steam if you must talk to me before coming onto TS. Signed, 2LT J. Bowlin
  19. 173rd Airborne The 173rd is a professional 'Military Simulation' unit; priding itself on professionalism, realism, accuracy and maturity. Through the guidance of both former and active service members of Armed Forces throughout the world, the 173rd meshes real-world tactics with the Arma game-play mechanics. Through these ideals and principles the 173rd strives to act in a manner that is, above all, other levels presented in other environments and communities. About Us We, as the 173rd Airbone, are seen to perform operations ranking from situations including direct action insertions, Air assaults, and dropping behind enemy lines. We pool our resources to create new content for all to enjoy, allowing a constant stream of feedback from our members to guide our direction. The mutual respect between members, regardless or rank, experience or status; is what allows for us to form a cohesive unit and to truly get the most out of the experience. Furthermore, our reenactment of the 173rd Airborne does not impede the enjoyment or structure of online game-play: We do not require for members to refer to each other by rank, sir or to fulfill unreasonable demands, as well as having a deep understanding that personal issues take precedence. That said, we require a basic understanding of hierarchy whilst in-game; meaning that each soldier must endeavor to perform as their selected role and commit themselves as a member of a team. Our training schedule is a method for continuous improvement across the entirety of the roster, as newer members may offer a wealth of experience, which veteran members may not have had access to. In essence, our focus is to bring all members to a basic standard and build upon existing systems, in order to create a more enjoyable and immersive experience for all. As well as this, we also see ourselves performing a variety of operations ranging from scheduled Campaign Operations; Field Training Exercises; Brief Missions & Co-Operative Scenarios with other Realism Units. Requirements Minimum age is 16 years Must be available for Friday 2000GMT, Saturday 2000GMT Must have a clear, working microphone Must have a legitimate Copy of Arma 3 Must have Teamspeak 3 How to contact us Website: 503inf.enjin.com Teamspeak:
  20. About Us: We are a small group of players looking to grow our unit into the public scene with focus on milsim but on a casual level for those who do not wish to follow a military type structure. We do not do training missions/sessions/etc as a requirement. If you would like to request a training session you can contact me directly. Most of our missions rely on a zeus player whilst everyone else participates in the op. These ops will never be over the type unless majority rules for it. These are meant to be casual and non strenuous, but fun! Mods: We use RHS as a basis for our equipment and units. We also are expanding into using Iron Front assets as well. Age: You must be at least 18+ to join, exceptions can be made after an interview process. Other Req: You must own a microphone, ArmA 3 and ArmA 3 APEX Contact: Steam Community Page or email at sasdeathrite@gmail.com Thanks! tyler4171
  21. ~ VISIT US ONLINE OR JOIN US ON TEAMSPEAK ~ www.tcgaming.enjin.com | ts3.tcgaming.org The community that created the incredibly popular, game changing, ArmA 2 Island Life mod is back and better than ever! Looking for a community that has experience, a solid staff team, an ever-growing user base, and more? I'm happy to say you need not look further than Tactical Combat Gaming, also known as TCGaming. Our Mission TCGaming's mission is to provide like minded individuals across the globe with a laid back environment where we can all come together and just have plain old fun. We do our best to ensure all of our users and members to feel welcomed and cared for. What sets us apart from other Communities - We've got years of experience, and our numbers can prove it. In five years, we've grown from 5 founders with a dream to a large community of nearly 25,000 users. With over 100 active TCG members, we are one of the biggest Enjin communities around, with new users joining us every day. During those five years we pioneered the wildly popular ArmA 2 Island Life mod and continue to set the bar high in the ArmA 3 community and beyond. - We're a family. Our members are in it for the long haul! - There are no silly requirements to join us; in fact, there are none! - When it comes to playing on our life servers, we grant our players the freedom of choice in the way they play. We aren’t ultra strict and serious like some of the servers and communities out there, but we’re certainly not going to let it be a death matching fest, either. We’ve updated our rules to encourage more RP than in the past, but from there, it’ll depend on how people decide to play. The choice is entirely in the player's hands. - We have one of the strongest, active, and consistent admin teams anywhere, with a strict, but logical set of rules that add to the experience instead of detracting from it. Games We Currently Play We play just about anything and everything on PC, but here are some of our main games: ArmA 2:COArmA 3Battlefield 3 & 4SquadWorld of WarshipsWarthunderGTA VCounter Strike: Global OffensiveChivalry: Medieval WarfareAnd so much more! Interested in joining Tactical Combat Gaming? Are you interested in joining {TCG}? If so, awesome! We appreciate your consideration! As said above, there are no requirements to join us. You can register for our Website here: www.tcgaming.enjin.com/login/do/register You can join us on Teamspeak too! Our TS IP is: ts3.tcgaming.org If you own ArmA 3, and the Apex Expansion, we recommend checking our ArmA 3 Montgomery County Life server out! You can find out more information regarding MCL on our website :) Connect with Tactical Combat Gaming FACEBOOK: LINK TWITTER: LINK YOUTUBE: LINK Thanks for checking us out, we really appreciate it! We hope to see you on our Forums & Teamspeak soon! Have a great day! Best Regards, {TCG}Walrus Chief of Public Relations Senior Support Staff Tactical Combat Gaming www.tacticalcombatgaming.com
  22. 17th Airborne Division is recruiting!! Who are we? The 17th Airborne Division (17AD)is a multinational ARMA 3 ‘milsim’ group which takes its name from a real US Army unit, disbanded after WWII. We have members based in the UK, Europe, the US and the Middle East. We aim to create a relaxed but realistic environment without all of the “yes sir – no sir†nonsense that seems the norm with most milsim units. This is a game at the end of the day and although we formed 17AD to create a more structured and realistic environment to enjoy the game we try not to take the game or ourselves too seriously. That said, once our boots are on the battlefield and the bullets start to fly we maintain unit discipline, know our roles and focus on the task at hand. Structure 17AD employs a ranking system based on traditional military structures (Private, Corporal, Sergeant etc..) however these ranks are merit based and earned by showing leadership, aptitude, initiative and a willingness to get involved. Factors like length of service, your age, who you are friends with in the group or the quality of your jokes bear no relation to your opportunities for promotion. We encourage our members of all ranks to lead squads if they want to and we operate a fairly flexible approach to roles within the team. 17AD is quite a young group and we are still going through the process of assessing each member’s strengths and weaknesses and we will introduce more structured team roles going forward but if you have a particular preference and/or aptitude for a certain area or role that will be taken into account. 17AD Server 17AD have their own ARMA 3 public server which currently runs a custom version of Invade and Annex(Altis) and is open for anyone to join. We try to use realistic communication protocols when in the field and aim to employ realistic combat tactics as much as possible. To achieve this, we use Task Force Radio (TFR) which works through Teamspeak 3. TFR is compulsory for anyone wishing to join the public server, it is our means of communication and without it you can’t talk to us or hear what is being said. It’s a great mod and really adds to the whole experience so it’s worth the effort to install it. A link to a TFR installation guide is available below. We also run a couple of mods to enhance the realism of the battlefield experience, JSRS sound mod and Blastcore FX mod both of which are optional. 17AD may add mods to the server in time to enrich and broaden our field of operations however these will be clearly communicated through our community sites before they go live. We aim to have an additional server for our ‘17AD group members’ up and running in the near future which will host our scheduled sessions, operations & training. More news on that to follow. Requirements · To be over 16 yrs old (exceptions can be made for outstanding candidates) · Own a legitimate copy of ARMA 3 (Apex and DLC content is ideal) · Have access to Teamspeak 3 · To download and correctly setup TFR (link to guide below) · A functional microphone · To be able to speak the English language to at least a basic level · To have a good attitude and be willing to work as part of a team · To be respectful to our members and other public server players · To be an active member of the team How to join Probably the best way to find out more about 17AD is to join us on our public server, run some ops with us and become familiar with the members and the way we play. You can also jump onto our Teamspeak server to ask us any questions you may have, leave a message in this thread, ask a question on our steam community page or get in touch using the contact details below. Details TS server address - ts3.woodsy310.co.uk 17AD server name - 17th Airborne Division Invade and Annex (find us on the server browser) Group page - https://units.arma3.com/unit/17thairbornedivision Task Force Radio installation guide We look forward to meeting you!
  23. USSOCOM is now recruiting! About Us When USSOCOM was first created, we held a top 10 spot in most views in the ArmA 3 squad pages area, We had 150+ members, Multiple servers and operations each week run at different times for those who were in school, work, timezones and the like. The leadership has not changed as we are some of the most experienced and mature in the milsim world. We avoid drama, constantly admin our TS, Forum and servers to get rid of those who would troll our members. What We Offer Dedicated Server Team Speak 3 Forum Multiple Missions Public Operations Member Only Operations Weekly training Weekly Operations* Experienced Members Positions Open 75th Ranger Regiment 11B - Infantry 68W - Medic (ACE Mod) 25C - Radio Specialist (Task Force Radio) 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment 15P - Pilot 15T - Crew Chief Non-Combat MOS's 79R - Recruiter 31B - Military Police (MP) 42A - Human Resources Specialist 18K - Special Operations Instructor 35L - Counter Intelligence Training Training will be provided to you by instructors who have met the minimum requirements to teach that course. We will never give you inexperienced instructors who have not gone through the course themselves. Below is a list of training that will be provided to you, depending on the MOS you have chosen. Warrior Leadership Course (WLC) Combat Medic Course (CMC) Advanced Leadership Development & Assessment Course (ALDAC) Requirements To Apply Working Microphone Team Speak 3 APEX DLC Be active Be dedicated Be at least 16 years of age Be mature Our requirements are simple. In the past, we used to have an age limit. We feel as if we might have kept great, mature young men and women from joining because of their age. This time, we are taking a different approach and measuring you from your maturity level. Our rules are common sense. Treat others the way you want to be treated and you will do great things here. Contact Information Website: http://www.ussocomarma.com Team Speak: http://ts3server://ts3.ussocomarma.com:9987 (Click to connect) Forum: http://www.ussocomarma.com/forum
  24. PO1 Anderson 13th MEU

    13th MEU Realism Unit | Recruiting

    13th Marine Expeditionary Milsim/Realism Unit Who are we? The 13th Marine Expeditionary Unit is a United States Marine Corps Milsim/Realism unit for ArmA 3, which is based on 13th Marine Expeditionary Unit. The 13th Marine Expeditionary Realism Unit strives for a realistic/milsim environment. The 13th Marine Expeditionary Realism Unit has a Phase 1 and Phase 2 training, our training is based directly on the real life USMC training, only to be vastly scaled down and our training instructors have filtered it to be necessary to ArmA. We have ownership of a forums, and a Teamspeak server and an ArmA 3 server, as well as being firmly organised. We are currently looking for members to expand the 13th Marine Expeditionary Unit, and strive to fill up our first Company. What do we do? All our recruits who join our unit, are welcomed to our Phase 1 and Phase 2 training taught by our Drill Instructors, and this training spans from FTX drills, to train our recruits to be ready for our operations as well as exercises in home rotations. In term of dates, our trainings and operations occur on a weekly basis, operation time occur from 2000EST to 2200EST on a Sunday and other training times vary. In terms of operations, once recruits have finished Phase 1 and Phase 2 trainings, they can attend our deployment operations which are set on different maps, and have a solid backstory for roleplay, and when deployments are not occurring, we have our FTXs or Field Training Exercises. We currently have Zeus mission operators that ensure the highest quality and realism of our missions in our deployments. Why join us? The 13th Marine Expeditionary Unit strives for the most realistic and fun experience a player can have, we have very experienced members that have extensive knowledge on both ArmA realism units and the real life military and a friendly and diverse community. We believe if you enjoy a realistic milsim environment, an organised rank structure and command, as well as a thorough training and a U.S. Marine Corps themed realism unit, this is the place for you. If you are interested in applying, make sure you meet the following requirements for joining. Minimum Age Required: 17 years old(No Exceptions) Must have a valid copy of ArmA 3 and a valid Player ID. An invalid or missing Player ID will result in your application not being processed. Must have Teamspeak 3 and a working microphone. Ability to attend Unit wide events, taking place on Saturday/Sundays at 2000 Eastern Time. Our Teamspeak: | Password: 13home Our Website: http://13thmeurealismunit.net/index.php Public Server Information Server name: [OFFICIAL] 13th MEU (SOC) Realism Unit Public Server Server IP: Password: 13ahoy Rules: -No Teamkilling -No wasting of assets -No Cheating or hacking -Work as a team -All players must be on Teamspeak -Common Sense Required -Have fun, meet our members, get a taster of what we do here For information regarding mods for the server and other general information please use this link. - http://13thmeurealismunit.net/index.php?topic=1340.msg6950#msg6950 **Please feel free to come onto our teamspeak server or post something on our fourms if you have any questions or message me directly.
  25. This is an excellent mod and I can't understand why it's not more popular. A public PvP server that encourages teamwork and communication; isn't that what most Arma players want? Would just like to know if you've played it, what you thought of it, and why you stopped playing it. P.s. The server has gone down in numbers recently due to exams/euros/summer. It will be back.