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  1. i tried to import a JET to ARMA3 base on the reference of TO201, copied the config ,memory points, and proxies form to201, and adjust the axis in memory LOD, rewritten the key parameters in config (i did not touch class MFD), everything just works except the HUD ( only the class To201_parallax_HUD not work),. then i checked the class MFD and MFD_config_reference, noticed that there are three memory points needed in P3D, so i checked the memory LOD and confirmed that memory points was still there with correct names. there must be something i forget for HUD, but i do not find it.
  2. I have a lattice object that I attached to the technique, but when the technique is defeated, the textures of the lattice object remain the same, I decided to use hiddenSelections[] = {"green", "sand", "broken"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"data\green.paa", "data\sand.paa", "data\broken.paa"}; I decided to connect a script that will execute in a .skf file, but the arma does not react in any way, the object remains the same color. Help! How to make an object change color depending on whether the vehicle is alive or not. .sqf file: is there any other way to implement this idea?
  3. Hi, I'm kinda experienced already with modding of Items, Uniforms and stuff, but I never had to make any functions in ArmA, and I am only beginning to understand it. I was trying to add a Whitelisted ACE Arsenal to an Ammobox via Function: So far I have this: The Structure is (currently) simple: Addons\Arsenal\ The config just utilizes #includes. cfgPatches.hpp: class cfgPatches { class Nilia_Server_Functions { units[]={}; weapons[]={}; requiredVersion=0; requiredAddons[]={}; version="1.0"; versionStr="1.0"; versionAr[]={1,0,0}; author[]= { "Nilia" }; authorUrl=""; magazines[]={}; ammo[]={}; }; }; cfgFunctions.hpp class CfgFunctions { class Nilia_Server_Functions { class Nilia_Server_Functions { file="\Arsenal\functions"; class Nilia_Arsenal { preInit=1; }; }; }; }; In the functions folder: fn_Nilia.Arsenal.sqf if (!isServer) exitWith {}; private _Unit = this; if (!alive _Unit) exitWith { hint "Arsenal could not be Loaded" }; hint "Arsenal was loaded"; [_Unit, ["Item1","Item2","Item3" ] ] call ace_arsenal_fnc_initBox; If I call this function in the init field of an Ammobox (in the 3den Editor) call fn_Nilia_Arsenal; The Mission is Loading as it is supposed to be, the hint "Arsenal was Loaded", but the Arsenal is not added to the Ammobox. (The item1,2,3 are just placeholders for a bunch of Items, the array is confirmed working, when I replace "_Unit" with "Arsenal" and exectVM the Arsenal.sqf in the init field (and name the Ammobox "Arsenal") it is loading properly.) With this function, I want to achieve to load our restricted Arsenal on my Unit's Server in multiple Missions, without having to update every Mission (instead only the Addon), when I add any Items. This Addon is supposed to be running Server Side. Thank you very much for your Help :D
  4. Hi anyone knows why my custom module works when the attribute isTriggerActivated is disabled? (it didn't work when its enable). # Config: class CfgPatches { class FCLA_Modules { units[] = {}; requiredAddons[] = {}; author = "hozlucas28"; version = "2.0"; authorUrl = "https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198137876583/"; requiredVersion = 2.0; }; }; class CfgFactionClasses { class FCLA_Modules { side = 7; priority = 1; displayName = "FCLA"; }; }; class CfgFunctions { class FCLA_Modules { class 3DEN { class createACEObjectAction3DEN {file = "\FCLA_Modules\3DEN\functions\ACE_Actions\fn_objectAction.sqf";}; }; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class Logic; class Module_F: Logic { class AttributesBase { class Default; class Edit; class Combo; class CheckBox; class CheckBoxNumber; class ModuleDescription; }; class ModuleDescription { class Anything; }; }; class FCLA_Module_ACE_Object_Action_v1: Module_F { author = "hozlucas28"; displayName = "Crear acción (ACE - objeto)"; //icon = "\FCLA_Modules\3DEN\data\ACE_Interaction_Object.paa"; //portrait = "\FCLA_Modules\3DEN\data\ACE_Interaction_Object.paa"; category = "FCLA_Modules"; function = "FCLA_Modules_fnc_createACEObjectAction3DEN"; is3DEN = 0; isGlobal = 1; canSetArea = 0; isDisposable = 0; canSetAreaHeight = 0; isTriggerActivated = 1; scope = 2; class Attributes: AttributesBase { class FCLA_Name: Edit { tooltip = "Nombre que tendra la acción."; typeName = "STRING"; property = "FCLA_Name"; displayName = "Nombre"; defaultValue = "''"; }; class FCLA_Icon: Edit { tooltip = "Icono de la acción, opcional.\n• Se recomienda que el tamaño sea de 32x32 en formato '.paa'."; typeName = "STRING"; property = "FCLA_Icon"; displayName = "Icono"; defaultValue = "''"; }; class FCLA_Condition: Edit { tooltip = "Determina que condición/es deben cumplirse para que la acción se muestre.\n• Variables reservadas:\n - _target = entidad asociada a la acción.\n - _player = unidad que ejecuta la acción."; typeName = "STRING"; property = "FCLA_Condition"; displayName = "Condición/es"; defaultValue = "''"; }; class FCLA_Statement: Edit { tooltip = "Determina el código que se ejecutara al seleccionar la acción.\n• Variables reservadas:\n - _target = entidad asociada a la acción.\n - _player = unidad que ejecuta la acción."; typeName = "STRING"; property = "FCLA_Statement"; displayName = "Sentencia/s"; defaultValue = "''"; }; class FCLA_Associated_Object: Edit { tooltip = "Variable de la entidad a la que se le asociara la acción, opcional.\n• Si no se define ningúna variable, se le asociara la acción a la entidad sincronizada solo si es la única sincronizada al módulo."; typeName = "STRING"; property = "FCLA_Associated_Object"; displayName = "Variable"; defaultValue = "''"; }; class FCLA_Type_Of_Action: Combo { tooltip = "• Propia: solo la entidad asociada tiene acceso a la acción.\n• Externa: todas las entidades ajenas a la asociada tienen acceso a la acción."; typeName = "NUMBER"; property = "FCLA_Type_Of_Action"; displayName = "Tipo de acción"; defaultValue = 1; class Values { class Self { name = "Propia"; value = 1; }; class External { name = "Externa"; value = 0; }; }; }; class FCLA_Parent_Path: Edit { tooltip = "Determina en que acción padre se colocara la acción que queremos crear.\n• Por ejemplo:\n- Acción externa = ['ACE_MainActions']\n- Acción propia = ['ACE_SelfActions', 'ACE_Equipment']"; typeName = "STRING"; property = "FCLA_Parent_Path"; displayName = "Padres"; defaultValue = "''"; }; class ModuleDescription: ModuleDescription {}; }; class ModuleDescription: ModuleDescription { description[] = {"Crea una acción ACE 3D asociada a una entidad específica.<br/>• Más información: <a href='https://ace3mod.com/wiki/framework/interactionMenu-framework.html'>https://ace3mod.com/wiki/framework/interactionMenu-framework.html</a>"}; }; }; }; # Function: /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Author: hozlucas28 * * Description: * Crea una acción ACE 3D para una entidad específica. * * Public: [No] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ params [ ["_module", objNull, [objNull], 0], ["_synchronizedObjects", [], [[]], []], ["_isActivated", true, [true], 0] ]; if ((is3DEN) || (isNull _module) || (!_isActivated)) exitWith {["FCLA (server log): No Entro 1"] call ACE_Common_fnc_serverLog;}; //Verificar argumentos. _name = _module getVariable ["FCLA_Name", ""]; _icon = _module getVariable ["FCLA_Icon", ""]; _condition = _module getVariable ["FCLA_Condition", ""]; _statement = _module getVariable ["FCLA_Statement", ""]; _parentPath = _module getVariable ["FCLA_Parent_Path", []]; _typeOfAction = _module getVariable ["FCLA_Type_Of_Action", -1]; _associatedObject = _module getVariable ["FCLA_Associated_Object", objNull]; _numberOfCompatibleSynchronizedObjects = {!(_x isKindOf "EmptyDetector")} count _synchronizedObjects; if ((_name == "") || (_condition == "") || (_statement == "") || (_typeOfAction <= -1)) exitWith {["FCLA (server log): No Entro 2"] call ACE_Common_fnc_serverLog;["¡Error! El/Un módulo 'Crear acción (ACE - objeto)' no se pudo inicializar con éxito."] call BIS_fnc_error;}; //Pasar ruta de padres y classnames asociadas al formato correcto. _parentPath = parseSimpleArray ([_parentPath, """", "'"] call CBA_fnc_replace); _findedEntity = _synchronizedObjects findIf {!(_x isKindOf "EmptyDetector")}; _associatedObject = if ((_findedEntity > -1) && (_numberOfCompatibleSynchronizedObjects == 1)) then {_synchronizedObjects select _findedEntity;} else {call compile format ["%1", _associatedObject];}; //Crear y asociar acción. _actionCreated = [_name, _name, _icon, [_statement] call FCLA_Common_fnc_stringToCode, [_condition] call FCLA_Common_fnc_stringToCode, {}, [], {[0, 0, 0]}, 2, [false, false, false, false, false], {}] call ACE_Interact_Menu_fnc_createAction; _return = [_associatedObject, _typeOfAction, _parentPath, _actionCreated] call ACE_Interact_menu_fnc_addActionToObject; //Eliminar módulo. //deleteVehicle _module; ["FCLA (server log): Entro " + str _associatedObject + " " + str _return] call ACE_Common_fnc_serverLog;
  5. Hello dear people, this is my first forum topic and please dont kill me if I do everything wrong! I am a beginner server administrator and trying to get some things to work. I rented a A3Wasteland server and got it running with https://github.com/MayhemServers/MAYHEM_A3Wasteland.Altis mission. Now theres an addons folder and I try to get some of them working but nothing I tried was a success. For example the buryDeadBody addon can someone explain how to get it running? Im thankful for any help and tipps 😃 Also theres an AI_Spawner folder but I dont get it running too. We hoped to have a nice Wasteland server with occasionally spawning AI troops to support or attack. Im trying my best but its hard. Thank you guys in advance. Nils
  6. Hi. I'm relatively new to modding Arma 3 and using C++, and I would like to know how to add a script to an existing code block. To illustrate this I will provide an example of what I have already done and what I would like to add. What I have already done: class CfgPatches { class insignia_addon { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredAddons[] = {}; version = "1.0.0"; author[] = {author}; authorUrl = "url"; }; }; class CfgUnitInsignia { class patch1 { displayName = "name"; author = "author"; texture = "texture"; textureVehicle = ""; }; class patch2 { displayName = "name"; author = "author"; texture = "texture"; textureVehicle = ""; }; class patch3 { displayName = "name"; author = "author"; texture = "texture"; textureVehicle = ""; }; class patch4 { displayName = "name"; author = "author"; texture = "texture"; textureVehicle = ""; }; class patch5 { displayName = "name"; author = "author"; texture = "texture"; textureVehicle = ""; }; class patch6 { displayName = "name"; author = "author"; texture = "texture"; textureVehicle = ""; }; }; What I would like to add is the following code I found on Arma Dev reddit, which is seven years old. I don't know if it works so if someone could tell me if it still does that would be very appreciated. Here it is: class CfgPatches { class Markers { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion=1.00; }; }; class CfgMarkers { class flag1 { name="name"; icon="texture"; color[]={1,1,1,1}; size=32; shadow = 0; scope = 2; markerClass = "Flags"; }; class flag2 { name="name"; icon="texture"; color[]={1,1,1,1}; size=32; shadow = 0; scope = 2; markerClass = "Flags"; }; }; I do not know where to go from where I currently am or where to insert the code. I do not know how to make a separate code block in C++ for the flags. If anyone could help me, I would really appreciate it!
  7. Hi, I will post this because i havent found so much info related to class compartmentsLights. I have been helped by reyhard on the Arma 3 Discord. - Requieres the "points" to be defined in the model.p3d Memory LOD. - Requires compartments defined for all: driverCompartments = Compartment1; cargoCompartments[] = {Compartment1}; // and gunnerCompartments = "Compartment1"; in his respective turret class And this in myVehicle class: class compartmentsLights { class Comp1 // first class is asociated with Compartment1, second with Compartment2,.... { class Light1 { color[] = { 100,100,100 }; ambient[] = { 100,100,100 }; intensity = 0.1; size = 0; useFlare = 0; flareSize = 0; flareMaxDistance = 0; dayLight = 0; blinking = 0; class Attenuation { start = 0; constant = 0; linear = 1; quadratic = 70; hardLimitStart = 0.15; hardLimitEnd = 1.0; }; point = "light_interior1"; }; class Light2 : Light1 { point = "light_interior4"; }; class Light3 : Light1 { color[] = { 300,0,0 }; ambient[] = { 300,0,0 }; point = "light_interior2"; class Attenuation: Attenuation { start = 0; constant = 0; linear = 1; quadratic = 70; hardLimitStart = 0.5; hardLimitEnd = 1.5; }; }; class Light4 : Light3 { point = "light_interior3"; }; }; };
  8. Hey guys, I have created several buildings and objects to use them on my terrain. After placing them with the terrain builder and exporting them ingame, the doors are not working anymore. No scroll option either. In EDEN everything is working perfect! Here´s my object class and model.cfg class CfgVehicles { class Static; class PDE_larmschutz_tur : Static { author = "Prodeath21"; displayName = "$STR_PDE_larmschutz_tur"; scope = 2; scopecurator = 2; model = "\projekt_deutschland_structures\larmschutz\larmschutz_tur.p3d"; icon = "iconObject_4x1"; editorCategory = "PDE_Addon"; editorSubcategory = "PDE_larmschutz"; editorPreview = "\projekt_deutschland_structures\larmschutz\icons\preview_PDE_larmschutz_tur.jpg"; class AnimationSources { class Door_1_sound_source { source = "user"; initPhase = 0; animPeriod = 1; sound = "MetalOldDoorsSound"; //From: A3\sounds_f\config.cpp soundPosition = "Door_1_trigger"; }; class Door_1_noSound_source { source = "user"; initPhase = 0; animPeriod = 1; }; class Door_1_locked_source { source = "user"; initPhase = 0; animPeriod = 0.80000001; }; }; class UserActions { class OpenDoor { displayNameDefault = "<img image='\A3\Ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\Actions\open_door_ca.paa' size='2.5' />"; displayName = "$STR_DN_OUT_O_DOOR"; position = "Door_1_trigger"; priority = 1; actionNamedSel = "door"; radius = 2; aiMaxRange = 5.25; onlyForPlayer = 0; condition = "((this animationSourcePhase 'Door_1_sound_source') < 0.5) && (cameraOn isKindOf 'CAManBase')"; statement = "([this, 1, 1] call BIS_fnc_Door)"; }; class CloseDoor: OpenDoor { displayNameDefault = "<img image='\A3\Ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\Actions\open_door_ca.paa' size='2.5' />"; displayName = "$STR_DN_OUT_C_DOOR"; priority = 1; condition = "((this animationSourcePhase 'Door_1_sound_source') >= 0.5) && ((this getVariable ['bis_disabled_Door_1', 0]) != 1) && (cameraOn isKindOf 'CAManBase')"; statement = "([this, 1, 0] call BIS_fnc_Door)"; }; }; }; }; My P3D name: "larmschutz_tur.p3d" class CfgSkeletons { class Default { isDiscrete = 1; skeletonInherit = ""; skeletonBones[] = {}; }; class PDE_larmschutz_sceleton: Default { skeletonInherit = "Default"; skeletonBones[]= { "", "" }; }; class PDE_larmschutz_tur_sceleton: Default { skeletonInherit = "Default"; skeletonBones[]= { "door", "" }; }; }; class CfgModels { class Default { skeletonName=""; sections[]={}; sectionsInherit=""; }; class larmschutz: Default { skeletonName="PDE_larmschutz_sceleton"; sections[]={""}; sectionsInherit=""; }; class larmschutz_tur: larmschutz { skeletonName="PDE_larmschutz_tur_sceleton"; sections[]={""}; class Animations { class Door_1 { type = rotation; source = Door_1_sound_source; selection = door; axis = door_axis; memory = 1; minValue = 0.1; maxValue = 1; angle0 = 0; angle1 = (rad 80); }; }; }; }; In the Geometry LOD I added the propertys "class = building", "map = wall" I allready tryed for 2 weeks without a solution... Thx for your help! :)
  9. So, I love that BI included the P90 in Arma 3 bases game, but I was wondering if there would be any mod teams that could bring the AR-7 to the game? It's a perfect weapon for pilots and crewman as it takes up VERY little space in a backpack (and being 22LR the mags are tiny and light). Obviously 22LR isn't very useful against CSAT armor and even most armor, so potentially increasing the caliber up to 9mm for effective sake.
  10. Hey, I am currently working on an Arma object and now want to implement the ladder function on to the model. But it´s not working and I don´t know why. Tryed out several things, but still not working... I also surched for a thread about it but could not fined one. Here´s my object class class Static; class Pro21_Autobahnschild : Static { author = "Prodeath21"; displayName = "$STR_Pro21_autobahnschild"; scope=2; model = "\Pro21_Autobahnschild\autobahnschild\autobahnschild.p3d"; //icon = "\Pro21_Autobahnschild\autobahnschild\icons\autobahnschild.paa"; editorCategory="Pro21_Addon"; editorSubcategory="Pro21_Objects"; //editorPreview="\A3\EditorPreviews_F\Data\CfgVehicles\I_Boat_Transport_01_F.jpg"; //picture = "\Pro21_Autobahnschild\autobahnschild\icons\autobahnschild.paa"; //vehicleClass = ""; ladders[]= { { "Ladder_1_start", "Ladder_1_end", 2.5, "Ladder_1_action" } }; }; I configured: Ladder_1_start -> Memory LOD -> at the start of the ladder Ladder_1_end -> Memory LOD -> at the end of the ladder Ladder_1_action -> Geometry LOD -> geometry selection of the ladder I looked it up here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/CfgVehicles_Config_Reference#ladders But the player option to climbe is still not showing up ingame.. Am I missing something? Pls Help Thanks in advance. Transfered to other section --> https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/231663-problems-with-ladder-class-config/
  11. Hello! I am making a mission with addons. My main idea for the scripting is to have 2-3 airplanes in formation fly over the AO and having a ZSU fire around the airplanes, maybe ocassionaly taking one down. I want these airplanes and ZSU fire to go every 10-15 minutes or so to create ambiance for the soldiers on the ground. If anyone has any solutions/scripts for this I'd be happy to know! Kind regards// Ender from Zeus Community
  12. I've noticed that many mods and their keybindings can be tweaked via the "Addon Options" entry in the main menu. How do I give my mod an Addon Options page so the user can change various variables of my mod?
  13. I've tried everything related to changing the mass field via a CfgWeapons patch of the ItemInfo class but nothing has been working. Any way to change the mass?
  14. I've been tinkering with values of a mod that my Milsim unit uses. With all the mods we have somewhere along the pipeline has overly increased and made more realistic A.I. in which they also have more health but the weapons we use our simulated extremely well. The problem is the mod we use for our mortar damage range just isn't realistic and a direct impact may kill a single person on a group of 20 with no armor on. I wrote a script similar to what I'm doing here but with RHS and updated the weapon damage values just by using CfgPatches and I'm trying to do the exact same thing here but they named their ammo with a "( )" in it. Which upon compiling the addon doesn't allow it to continue as it returns an error along the lines of [line 13 expected = received "("] does anyone know a workaround or how to get this to work properly? TL:DR - Can't update damage of an ammo type because the class name has a symbol in it that the addon builder assumes is apart of the code rather than just being apart of the name. VZ99 CfgAmmo.hpp My CfgPatches in a separate addon I'm creating giving me the error. (Only editing the HE and HE_Multi ammo) As far as I can determine the issue is that the class name having ( ) is the issue but I can't edit the original addon CfgAmmo due to their licensing. If anyone knows a solution I'm open to anything.
  15. Hi to all! For my server, it was necessary to perform a whitelist for players who connect to the server. To do this, I created a separate mod that works almost perfectly, but the problem is that checking for all given parameters occurs only after a briefing. How to run a script in an addon loop for example when starting the server itself or when connecting the player to the server (not in the game - possibly in the lobby or simply connecting the mission selection screen). Here is my example implementation: config.cpp In config, we create a Security class and set the preInit parameter (I understand that it executes before loading the mission, and I need it when connecting to the server) fn_init.sqf And it works as follows: the server has a config containing an array of player data (name, guid, ban status) and an access password (required in the server configuration using the command serverCommandPassword = "010101"; specify the same password which is also in the "Security \ functions \ config.ccp"). Then after the start of the game (after the briefing) the script makes a check: 1) The presence of GUID in whiteList, if not - kick, if so then step two 2) Checking player on banned: if paremetr false - then next step if parametr true - so does the kick. 3) Checking the registered name if it does not match what is indicated in the whiteList - kick 4) If the player passes all three checks, he successfully connected the game and receives a notification in the chat "Accepted". And now my main question to the specialists (if they are still here is): How to make this script work not when the mission starts, but when the server starts? Any variations are accepted (When connecting the player, when starting in the lobby (but not further than the lobby), it can be a cycle or something). Maybe something smarter than this nonsense.
  16. I wanted to know if someone would have the model to facilitate it.
  17. I got following problem: I finally got my new computer setup und freshly installed arma3 after 5 years without any video games, but Arma3 just wont start. When i click on "Play" in the lower left corner of the arma launcher it seems to start the game but it gets stuck "initializing addons" while loading and then gives me following information: 0xC0000005 - STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION Details are: but i startet it without any mods and dlc's.. I didnt really found any helpfull support on that, this may be the result of my poor englisch skills so please be nice to me. Thanks for your help.
  18. Hello, community! I have a major issue that I need to solve without anymore problems and frustration. I have subscribed over 1200-1300 mods at all until yesterday. I wanted to unsubscribe most of them and delete the local content to spend more space on the hard disc. I needed additional space for other games and wanted to save only a few more important mods for Arma 3, especially a small list needed for a specific campaign I was working on. When I try to unsubscribe these unneeded mods from the launcher or from the workshop, they immediately will download again and there's no effect after all these attempts. How would I stop/pause redownloading of all this huge content and only subscribe my small list of addons I really need to use for my campaign? Thank you in advance and cheers!
  19. I want to make overpowered vehicle variants for my own fun, but for some reason I just can't do it right. I have Arma 3 tools and PBO manager at my disposal for this. If some people can tell me every step in a detailed way, I would really appreciate it.
  20. My friend and I have been working on getting a server to work with us with mods for 9 hours and its starting to get a bit frustrating. We feel like there is nothing for us to do. So basically one of the many issues we are having is that in the CONFIG_server.cfg file that I have, it does not appear to be registering the name of the server i have input, the server password or the admin password and when i enable them. These lead to other issues, such as not being able to access the Game Add On tab for the server so as to enable the mods once in game. If someone would let me know as to what I should be doing or what I have done wrong that would be great. Edit: This might be the potential issue because I was having the same problem with my .bat file The file is named CONFIG_server.cfg.txt so it isn't registering the .cfg as the file type??? it still says it's a .txt file even after I clarified while saving to not restrict it to only .txt This sounds like it might be the issue and I would be super happy if anyone could shed light on how to get it to stop making it .cfg.txt and just .cfg Edit of Edit: So i fixed the file type, server still doesn't recognize the name of server, admin password and normal password, will keep trying!!! Config File: // // server.cfg // // comments are written with "//" in front of them. // NOTE: More parameters and details are available at http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/server.cfg // STEAM PORTS (not needed anymore, it's +1 +2 to gameport) // steamPort = 8766; // default 8766, needs to be unique if multiple servers are on the same box // steamQueryPort = 27016; // default 27016, needs to be unique if multiple servers are on the same box // GENERAL SETTINGS hostname = "Server303"; // Name of the server displayed in the public server list //password = "serverpw"; // Password required to join the server (remove // at start of line to enable) passwordAdmin = "adminpw"; // Password to login as admin. Open the chat and type: #login password maxPlayers = 40; // Maximum amount of players, including headless clients. Anybody who joins the server is considered a player, regardless of their role or team. persistent = 1; // If set to 1, missions will continue to run after all players have disconnected; required if you want to use the -autoInit startup parameter // VOICE CHAT disableVoN = 0; // If set to 1, voice chat will be disabled vonCodecQuality = 10; // Supports range 1-30, the higher the better sound quality, the more bandwidth consumption: // 1-10 is 8kHz (narrowband) // 11-20 is 16kHz (wideband) // 21-30 is 32kHz (ultrawideband) // VOTING voteMissionPlayers = 1; // Minimum number of players required before displaying the mission selection screen, if you have not already selected a mission in this config voteThreshold = 0.33; // Percentage (0.00 to 1.00) of players needed to vote something into effect, for example an admin or a new mission. Set to 9999 to disable voting. allowedVoteCmds[] = // Voting commands allowed to players { // {command, preinit, postinit, threshold} - specifying a threshold value will override "voteThreshold" for that command {"admin", false, false}, // vote admin {"kick", false, true, 0.51}, // vote kick {"missions", false, false}, // mission change {"mission", false, false}, // mission selection {"restart", false, false}, // mission restart {"reassign", false, false} // mission restart with roles unassigned }; // WELCOME MESSAGE ("message of the day") // It can be several lines, separated by comma // Empty messages "" will not be displayed, but can be used to increase the delay before other messages motd[] = { "Welcome to My Arma 3 Server", "Discord: discord.somewhere.com", "TeamSpeak: ts.somewhere.com", "Website: www.example.com" }; motdInterval = 5; // Number of seconds between each message // LOGGING timeStampFormat = "short"; // Timestamp format used in the server RPT logs. Possible values are "none" (default), "short", "full" logFile = "server_console.log"; // Server console output filename // SECURITY BattlEye = 1; // If set to 1, BattlEye Anti-Cheat will be enabled on the server (default: 1, recommended: 1) verifySignatures = 2; // If set to 2, players with unknown or unsigned mods won't be allowed join (default: 0, recommended: 2) kickDuplicate = 1; // If set to 1, players with an ID that is identical to another player will be kicked (recommended: 1) allowedFilePatching = 1; // Prevents clients with filePatching enabled from joining the server // (0 = block filePatching, 1 = allow headless clients, 2 = allow all) (default: 0, recommended: 1) // FILE EXTENSIONS // only allow files with those extensions to be loaded via loadFile command (since Arma 3 v1.19.124216) allowedLoadFileExtensions[] = {"hpp","sqs","sqf","fsm","cpp","paa","txt","xml","inc","ext","sqm","ods","fxy","lip","csv","kb","bik","bikb","html","htm","biedi"}; // only allow files with those extensions to be loaded via preprocessFile / preprocessFileLineNumbers commands (since Arma 3 v1.19.124323) allowedPreprocessFileExtensions[] = {"hpp","sqs","sqf","fsm","cpp","paa","txt","xml","inc","ext","sqm","ods","fxy","lip","csv","kb","bik","bikb","html","htm","biedi"}; // only allow files and URLs with those extensions to be loaded via htmlLoad command (since Arma 3 v1.27.126715) allowedHTMLLoadExtensions[] = {"htm","html","php","xml","txt"}; // EVENT SCRIPTS - see http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Server_Side_Scripting onUserConnected = ""; // command to run when a player connects onUserDisconnected = ""; // command to run when a player disconnects doubleIdDetected = ""; // command to run if a player has the same ID as another player in the server onUnsignedData = "kick (_this select 0)"; // command to run if a player has unsigned files onHackedData = "kick (_this select 0)"; // command to run if a player has tampered files // HEADLESS CLIENT headlessClients[] = {""}; // list of IP addresses allowed to connect using headless clients; example: {"", ""}; localClient[] = {""}; // list of IP addresses to which are granted unlimited bandwidth; example: {"", ""};
  21. Promotional leaflet We present you the newest novelty toy from the remote island republic that normally you'd associate with cheap reasonably priced electronics - airsoft gun replicas! Aimed at adults and children of all ages*, airsoft gun replicas provide realistic military fun compared to no other toy. Republic of Folk Airsoft replicas provide: A collection of realistic looking gun replicas Both realistic and high capacity magazines A pack of safe to play 6mm plastic pellets * Safety hazard: never aim your airsoft replica at other people nor animals! Details Currently Republic of Folk Airsoft provides two vanilla guns converted into airsoft replicas: P90 SMG and P99 pisol. They fire visible pellets at muzzle velocity of 350fps, have almost no recoil and are accurate at the distance up to 35 meters (60 if you aim high). Ammo comes in two versions - lethal and non-lethal. The latter one requires some scripting on mission maker's side in order to do anything (or not, maybe your Milsim group can use these for training 😁) Links Try our official airsoft missions! https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1859324690 Steam Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1846060911 Source code and non-Steam downloads: https://github.com/republic-of-folk/folk-airsoft/releases License Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA) MADE IN FOLK
  22. ello, community. I have created my second mod using Drongo's Config Generator. There was no problem creating the first one and I have learned to create such mods and files very quickly. I did everything the right way - I created my units and added Drongo's generator module in the editor, which created the .cpp file. I converted it into a .PBO file successfully using the Addon Builder. After that I uploaded the .PBO file and created a mod, launched it with the requirements, but an error occurs: File Addons\ config.cpp, line 2: /cfgPatches/: '-' encountered instead of '{' What could be wrong? I have opened the file and the '{' was there instead of '-', so it was OK. Here's the whole file's content: Thank you in advance!
  23. Hi guys: I have been handling the game's most popular addons for a long time, CUP, RHS, SMA, KA, however, I don't think they are very realistic: I mean the weight of weapons, range, recoil, dispersion, impact, types of ammunition Is there any addon that is closer to reality? Many editors and players greatly appreciate the appearance of each weapon, its modeling and termination. This is important, but the rifle's behavior I think is much more.
  24. Hello, I need help for include CBA_A3 in my addon. Indeed, i more difficulty for use and understand this structure.
  25. Hello everyone, I am trying to create a module addon. However, after having correctly followed the subject of arma 3, it is well detected in game but the module does not appear in the editor menu. need you help me understand please? config.cpp class CfgPatches { class myTag_addonName { units[] = {"hds_systemes_operations"}; requiredVersion = 1.0; requiredAddons[] = { "A3_Modules_F", //"CBA_main" }; }; }; class CfgFactionClasses { class NO_CATEGORY; class hds_systemes_operations: NO_CATEGORY { displayName = "Hiddens systèmes opérations"; }; }; class CfgVehicules { class Logic; class Module_F:Logic { class AttributesBase { class Default; class Edit; // Default edit box (i.e., text input field) class Combo; // Default combo box (i.e., drop-down menu) class Checkbox; // Default checkbox (returned value is Bool) class CheckboxNumber; // Default checkbox (returned value is Number) class ModuleDescription; // Module description class Units; // Selection of units on which the module is applied }; class ModuleDescription { class EmptyDetector; }; }; class hds_systemes_occupations: Module_F { scope = 2; // Editor visibility; 2 will show it in the menu, 1 will hide it. displayName = "Secteur occupé"; // Name displayed in the menu icon = ""; // Map icon. Delete this entry to use the default icon is3DEN = 0; function = "hds_generations_occupations"; functionPriority = 1; isGlobal = 0; isTriggerActivated = 1; isDisposable = 1; class Attributes: AttributesBase { class Yield: Combo { // Unique property, use "<moduleClass>_<attributeClass>" format to make sure the name is unique in the world property = "hds_generations_occupations_factions_Yield"; displayName = "Faction"; // Argument label tooltip = "Veuillez sélectionner la faction qui sera généré dans le secteur"; // Tooltip description typeName = "NUMBER"; // Value type, can be "NUMBER", "STRING" or "BOOL" defaultValue = "0"; // Default attribute value. WARNING: This is an expression, and its returned value will be used (50 in this case) class Values { class le_csat {name = "csat"; value = 0;}; class le_fia {name = "fia"; value = 1;}; }; }; }; class ModuleDescription: ModuleDescription { description = "Généré une occupations dans le secteur"; // Short description, will be formatted as structured text }; }; }; class CfgFunctions { class hds { class hds_functions { file = "\hds_occupations_ops\fonctions"; class hds_generations_occupations{}; }; }; };