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About Trilux

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  1. I've been tinkering with values of a mod that my Milsim unit uses. With all the mods we have somewhere along the pipeline has overly increased and made more realistic A.I. in which they also have more health but the weapons we use our simulated extremely well. The problem is the mod we use for our mortar damage range just isn't realistic and a direct impact may kill a single person on a group of 20 with no armor on. I wrote a script similar to what I'm doing here but with RHS and updated the weapon damage values just by using CfgPatches and I'm trying to do the exact same thing here but they named their ammo with a "( )" in it. Which upon compiling the addon doesn't allow it to continue as it returns an error along the lines of [line 13 expected = received "("] does anyone know a workaround or how to get this to work properly? TL:DR - Can't update damage of an ammo type because the class name has a symbol in it that the addon builder assumes is apart of the code rather than just being apart of the name. VZ99 CfgAmmo.hpp My CfgPatches in a separate addon I'm creating giving me the error. (Only editing the HE and HE_Multi ammo) As far as I can determine the issue is that the class name having ( ) is the issue but I can't edit the original addon CfgAmmo due to their licensing. If anyone knows a solution I'm open to anything.
  2. I appreciate this greatly it's working the way intended, I can't thank you enough I apologize I thought I looked into this but couldn't figure it out as far as the ( ) placed in the wrong location that's completely an oversight I was following a fix for someone else that worked for them. https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/183490-scripting-how-to-delete-all-objects-in-defined-radius-trigger-marker-etc/?do=findComment&comment=2896230 Not that I'm blaming them in any way that was completely overlooked and I didn't realize it's been in the wrong location.
  3. Yes I know this post has been made before and there’s countless different ways to resolve this but I’m attempting using a largely different formula with no variable names. Without using a script or external file I’ve created signs with a init to spawn aircraft on to a trigger using the code [this, “Deploy A-10A”, ”\A3\Air_F_Jets\Plane_Fighter_01\Data\UI\Fighter01_icon_ca.paa”, “\A3\Air_F_Jets\Plane_Fighter_01\Data\UI\Fighter01_icon_ca.paa”, ”player distance _target < 6”, ”player distance _target < 6”, { }, { }, {createVehicle [“rhs_a10”, getPos aircraftpad, [ ], 0, “NONE”] setDir 270}, { }, [[0,0,0]], 3, 0, false, false ] remoteExec [“BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd”, 0, this]; the code here works works beautifully and creates the vehicle desired and is copied and pasted on to different signs with different vehicles inserted instead and scrolling on the sign prompts a option to spawn the vehicle on the trigger after holding space for 3 seconds now I’m trying to make a sign that uses the same code above but in the command to run clears the objects inside of it being anything currently blocking the pad preventing a new vehicle to be spawned on the trigger. I’ve tried almost everything but when it does let me save it in Arma with no errors it doesn’t work or the code provided no longer works for example I’ve done. [this, “Clear Pad”, ” “, ” “, ”player distance _target < 6”, ”player distance _target < 6”, { }, { }, {{deleteVehicle _x} forEach nearestObjects [[aircraftpad], ["all"], 5]}, { }, [[0,0,0]], 3, 0, false, false ] remoteExec [“BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd”, 0, this]; This ended up not removing the vehicle from the pad, I’ve been working on this with google for the past two days so figured I’d ask you brilliant people.