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  1. Hi, I have made a mission and uploaded in from eden to Steam Workshop, everything fine but I got no Mission Summary Picture when I subscribe to it and then host (no dedicated server). This is my description.ext briefingName = "Codename Johan"; overviewText = "Capture the HVT codename Johan"; overviewTextLocked = "Capture the HVT codename Johan"; overviewPicture = "the_monster_within.paa"; author = "kiba3x" onLoadName = "Codename Johan"; onLoadMission = "Capture the HVT codename Johan"; loadScreen = "the_monster_within.paa"; I will be really thankful for any help. Link to the mission - > https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3253698791
  2. Hello everyone, This code below used to work back in the days (I'm about two years without login in, so perhaps some things have changed?): waitUntil {!isNull player && alive player && {vehicle player != player}}; while {alive player} do { waitUntil {vehicle player != player}; vehicle player addEventHandler ["IncomingMissile", { params ["_target", "_ammo", "_vehicle"]; [_target, "smokeLauncher"] call BIS_fnc_fire; private _newTarget = createVehicle [["laserTargetW","laserTargetE"] select (side _target getFriend WEST < 0.6),getpos _target vectorAdd [0,0,5],[],0,"can_collide"]; private _missile = (getpos _vehicle nearestObject _ammo); [_target, [0,0,0]] remoteExec ["setVehicleTIPars",0]; _missile setMissileTarget _newTarget; [_missile,_target,_newTarget] spawn { params ["_missile","_target","_newTarget"]; while {!isNull _missile && alive _target} do { if (_missile distance _target < 150) then {deleteVehicle _missile}; }; deleteVehicle _newTarget; }; [_target, "CMFlareLauncher"] remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_fire", 0]; _missile setMissileTarget _newTarget; }]; waitUntil {vehicle player == player}; vehicle player removeEventHandler ["IncomingMissile", 0]; }; When I used it single player it still works though. But when in MP server with my friends, the server crashes when he hosts, when I'm hosting, it doesn't work but it also doesn't crash. In single player mode, it works just fine. How can I make it so it would work in MP? Thanks in advnace.
  3. Hi Folks. My goal is set in my mp training scenario a kind of randomized CQB "killhouse" generator, and I was lucky to find between my old files a scenario folder that have it. It works perfectly in SP but in MP have a problem, and is when my buddys join in scenario walls and targets are not synchronized between the server and the players. I must clarify that I don't know anything about scripting. I understand that the function of the script is to hide the walls and targets randomly to give a dynamic impression to the killhouse. It works with ACE mod menu. Below I leave the details: In a transfer switch init (Land_TransferSwitch_01_F) named "training_tools": _killhousecategory = ["KILLHOUSE", "KILLHOUSE", "", {}, {true}] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_createAction; _targetcategory = ["TARGETS", "TARGETS", "", {}, {true}] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_createAction; _rankillhouse = ["KILLHOUSE_RAN", "RANDOMIZE", "", { private["_w", "_walls"]; _walls = []; _w = 0; for "_count" from 0 to 45 do { _w = _w + 1; _walls set [_count, format["w%1", _w]]; if (_w == 45) then { _w = 0; { targetObj = missionNamespace getVariable [_x, objNull]; targetObj hideObject false; targetObj setDamage 0; } forEach _walls; for "_count2" from 0 to 45 do { ranval = selectRandom _walls; target = missionNamespace getVariable [ranval, objNull]; target hideObject true; }; }; }; }, {true}] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_createAction; _rantargets = ["OPFOR", "[TAR] OPFOR", "", { private["_t", "_targets"]; _targets = []; _t = 0; for "_count" from 0 to 51 do { _t = _t + 1; _targets set [_count, format["t%1", _t]]; if (_t == 51) then { _t = 0; { targetObj = missionNamespace getVariable [_x, objNull]; targetObj hideObject false; targetObj setDamage 0.8; } forEach _targets; for "_count2" from 0 to 51 do { ranval = selectRandom _targets; target = missionNamespace getVariable [ranval, objNull]; target hideObject true; }; }; }; }, {true}] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_createAction; _ranciv = ["CIV", "[TAR] CIV", "", { private["_civ", "_civilians"]; _civilians = []; _civ = 0; for "_count" from 0 to 33 do { _civ = _civ + 1; _civilians set [_count, format["civ%1", _civ]]; if (_civ == 33) then { _civ = 0; { targetObj = missionNamespace getVariable [_x, objNull]; targetObj hideObject false; targetObj setDamage 0.99; } forEach _civilians; for "_count2" from 0 to 43 do { ranval = selectRandom _civilians; target = missionNamespace getVariable [ranval, objNull]; target hideObject true; }; }; }; }, {true}] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_createAction; _cleartargets = ["CLEAR", "[TAR] CLEAR", "", { private["_num", "_targets", "_civilians"]; _targets = []; _civilians = []; _num = 0; for "_count" from 0 to 51 do { _num = _num + 1; _targets set [_count, format["t%1", _num]]; _civilians set [_count, format["civ%1", _num]]; }; { targetObj = missionNamespace getVariable [_x, objNull]; targetObj hideObject true; } forEach _targets; { targetObj = missionNamespace getVariable [_x, objNull]; targetObj hideObject true; } forEach _civilians; }, {true}] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_createAction; [training_tools, 0, ["ACE_MainActions"], _targetcategory] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_addActionToObject; [training_tools, 0, ["ACE_MainActions"], _killhousecategory] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_addActionToObject; [training_tools, 0, ["ACE_MainActions", "KILLHOUSE"], _rankillhouse] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_addActionToObject; [training_tools, 0, ["ACE_MainActions", "TARGETS"], _cleartargets] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_addActionToObject; [training_tools, 0, ["ACE_MainActions", "TARGETS"], _rantargets] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_addActionToObject; [training_tools, 0, ["ACE_MainActions", "TARGETS"], _ranciv] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_addActionToObject; There are a total of 45 internal walls named consecutively (w1, w2,......w45). There are a total of 51 opfor targets named consecutively (t1, t2,......t51). There are a total of 33 civilian targets named consecutively (civ1, civ2,......civ33) Sorry, my english sucks. Greetings and thanks
  4. First of all, I'm a non-English speaking player, so I'm relying on a translator since my English skills are terrible. (Translating using Naver’s Papago.) I'm trying to help famous Korean streamers enjoy Arma 3. In Korea, Arma 3 had a lot of difficulty accessing various information as the number of people active in it decreased significantly due to the DDoS incident that lasted about two years. (I feel infinite envy for those whose native language is English.) This streamer continues to enjoy Arma 3 with his fans and other streamers. In 2022, about 80 people gathered to enjoy the simplified King of the Hill, and in 2023 and at the end of March this year, about 80 people gathered in Altis and Tanoa to enjoy the marathon. Before enjoying content focused on war and combat, research is needed on server problems and optimization, but it is difficult to get help from the Korean community because such a large server has never been serviced in Korea. Our goal is to have 100+ people in one session playing PvP, and I was wondering if I could get some help. Q1. Would using TFAR or ACRE rather than Arma 3's VON reduce the burden on the server? Q2. I saw a topic saying that increasing server bandwidth can reduce desynchronization. Is this still valid? And what is the maximum? Q3. How much will the frame rate drop when 100+ players battle across the area? Please understand that I have too many questions. I hope you have a nice day. 🙂 Add, I think I picked the wrong topic. This is my mistake as I am not familiar with the forum.
  5. Hi! We have a semi-Public Antistasi Server and some of the people think, shooting through the bottom of an APC or Tank is fun to capture it. We have rules but there isn't everytime someone around to check if they "legally" obtained it or not. I also searched for some scripts or mods that help with this problem but I couldn't find a single one that would prevent this (how is that not a problem someone already fixed?) I now wanted to create a serverside mod that adds an EventHandler to all players, because I can't edit the mission itself (and don't want to because of updates etc). My initial code looks like this: _firedHandler = { _player = _x; _position = eyePos _player; _positionAbove = _position + [0, 0, 1]; _objects = lineIntersectsWith [_position, _positionAbove]; { if ((_x isKindOf "APC" || _x isKindOf "Tank")) then { _player setPos (_position + [1, 0, 0]); }; } forEach _objects; }; if(isPlayer _x) then {_x addEventHandler ["Fired", _firedHandler];} forEach allPlayers; but I can't figure out how this can work on a dedicated server. I have almost zero knowledge in coding and just googled the most of it and used the wiki. Other solutions or directions how this could be archived are welcome It would be very helpful if someone could help me out. I can't understand how to make this work :(
  6. Hello, Consider this key in the stringtable : <Key ID="STR_CID_FREE_CITY_TASK_DESCRIPTION"> <English>Clear %1 of ennemies</English> <!-- more languages --> </Key> Using a local context, I can easily do : private _localizedDescription = format [ localize "STR_CID_FREE_CITY_TASK_DESCRIPTION", _cityName ]; However, I'm wondering if it's possible to use such strings with BIS_fnc_taskCreate I could do [ _side, _taskID, [ format [ localize "STR_CID_FREE_CITY_TASK_DESCRIPTION", _cityName ], "some title", // could be localized too "" ] ] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate; But this will be evaluated server-side and the clients may receive strings in a language that doesn't match theirs I could remotely send the tasks creation on each clients with [ [ _side, _taskID, _cityName ], { [ /* same parameters than previous code */ ] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate; } ] remoteExec [ "spawn", 0, true ]; This may work, but will require extra work to sync the tasks between the clients and the server, update the JIP queue when a task has changed and probably more stuff And in my opinion, this will goes against the purpose of using the Task Framework, which already handle all of this and can send static localized strings to clients So far, the only clean solution I found was changing the description to a generic "Clear the zone of ennemies" and as title the _cityName. This is acceptable, but I was wondering if using formatted localized strings was possible using the Task Framework Thanks
  7. Hello guys. I've got a COOP mission for you to try out! Originally I released this mission last summer 2023, but it turned out to have lots of script errors. Yeah, this was my first true experience of creating a scripted scenario for multiplayer. Fortunately I learned a thing or two and managed to put this project into a working condition. Feel free to try out with your friends: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2983422293 Now hear this, testing a mission from start to finish constantly is tiring as hell, but I managed to beat this with my friends anyway. It had some errors that I have now fixed. If you encounter any problems, please let me know and I'll look to them as soon as possible. Enjoy.
  8. when i try to load a saved game inside my server it loads a mission i no longer have saved. I've tried deleting all my saved games and starting from scratch but it will still load the same thing.
  9. Dynamically Generated Horror Missions Join the Paranormal Operations Group (POG) and deal with spooks, anomalies, and paranormal disturbances across the world... NOTE - THIS IS A BETA RELEASE. BUGS MAY PERSIST. PLEASE REPORT IN REPLIES SO I CAN FIX THEM Storyline: The Paranormal Operations Group, a secret multi-national organization, has served under various names since World War 2 to keep the world safe from (and unaware of) the cosmic horrors that threaten our existence. From zombie contagion outbreaks to anomalous beings from beyond the veil, POG stands ready to deploy, contain, and destroy the weird, the paranormal, and the horrifying, no matter where they crop up. - A Horror Mission Generator by UselessFodder Features: - Completely dynamic horror missions generated across the entire map - Every mission is completely unique - Generates based on the server's loaded horror/monster mods (see below) - Variety of mission objectives (purge zone, recover artifact, destroy object, etc) - 1-4 objectives per operation - Single Player or Multiplayer coop up to 16 - Ground or helicopter insertions into the AO - Mission Difficulty and "Vibe" parameters available - Custom 'horror events' and sounds to keep the spooks up while in the AO - Zeus capability for hosts & logged in admins - Mission "Themes" (Undead, Fantasy, Sci Fi, etc) to increase immersion - Fine-tuned control of the enemy factions - Extremely Easy to Port to new Maps - [Coming Soon] Custom POG Patches created by UselessFodder Steam Collection of all Maps Available here: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=3064136265 Supported Maps: - Malden: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3064130063 - Altis: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3064103977 - Stratis: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3064149451 - Chernarus - Autumn: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3064063985 - Takistan: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3064683012 - Bystrica: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3065545236 - (Soon) Livonia - (Soon) Namalsk - (Soon) Others as Suggested Supported Mods: NOTE: You MUST have at least one of the supported mods loaded or the mission will not spawn enemies! - Devourerking's Necroplague Mutants - Drongos Spooks and Anomalies - WebKnight's Zombies and Creatures - Empires of Old - Ryan's Zombies & Demons - Foes & Allies Aliens - The Corporation DVK - Ravage - Max's Alien - Max's Werewolf - Cytech Assets (WIP) - Horror Mod (WIP) - (Soon)Diwako's STALKER-like anomalies - (Soon)EpochZ Spearhead Zombies - (Soon)Atmospheric Horror & Emotional Music Pack - (Soon)BG21 Slaughter Assets - (Soon)Alias Night FX Modules - (Soon)SCP Foundation - (Soon)WH Fantasy Skeleton Faction NOTE: This persistent mission was inspired by the Dynamic Recon Ops, but diverges from that scenario in significant ways and does not utilize a single line of their code. The focus here is on the tension of clearing a dark, lamp-lit village on foot by flashlight, waiting to hear the footsteps of the infected just around the next turn... No one is coming to save your team: You are the saviors. I hope you enjoy the experience... If you encounter any bugs, please post them here, on the Steam Workshop page or in our Discord at https://discord.gg/UselessFodder . Thanks for playing! All Released DHO Collection: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3064136265 GitHub with most up to date version: https://github.com/UselessFodder/FS-DynamicHorrorOp Credits: - Horror Mod collection: Liru the Lcpl., Icebreakr, Nillers, GameCam, John, Scarecrow1625, Hippcelt, EpochZ, JamesH97, Maddog088, Spectakil, Jones.S, lemonstone92, SMuRG_Teh_WuRGG, Sir_Potoo, robofireman - Testers: GameCam, Flame, Poly, John, Sytx, Waksu, Axagoras, Element, uty206, slugfox - Bugfixes: Drongo, Devourerking - See more in-game Highlighted by BIS in Community Spotlight #144: No kidding screenshots captured during DHO missions:
  10. Eman-227554645821b8d3

    Group tasks in multiplayer

    Greetings all! Long time lurker first time poster. I am currently working on an MP mission in Prairie Fire and I am trying to accomplish having each of my 3 groups (All BLUFOR) have separate tasks that they have to accomplish throughout the mission. I tried at first to do it with the modules but as you can imagine the triggers where not firing correctly (Probably my fault) and the insane amount of sync lines in the mission made me want to move to a script based solution. Which is where I am currently stuck and would love to have some guidance. Here is my current setup. 3 groups (All BLUFOR) Group names = RT, CV, and SR (Have not even bothered with SR because I can't get the first two to work correctly) initServer.sqf if (isServer) then { [RT, "RTbrief", ["Chief SOG has mission brief for RT Alabama.", "Go to the OPS brief", ""], chief, "ASSIGNED", 99, true, "whiteboard", true] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate; [CV, "CvyBrief", ["Chief SOG needs you at the OPS brief with RT Alabama.", "Go to the OPS brief", ""], chief, "ASSIGNED", 99, true, "whiteboard", true] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate; }; RT1 trigger "RtTasks\RT1-brief.sqf" remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_execVM","RT",true]; RT1-brief.sqf ["RTbrief", "succeeded"] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState, sleep 3; [RT, "S4", ["Go see the Quatermaster at S4 to draw weapons and gear for your mission.", "Draw weapons and gear", ""], [9418.15,6592.3,2.84225], "ASSIGNED", 98, true, "RIFLE", true] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate; CVY1 Trigger "CvyTasks\CVY1-brief.sqf" remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_execVM","cv",true]; CVY1-brief.sqf ["Cvybrief", "succeeded"] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState, sleep 3; [CV, "GetInAC", ["Head to the airfield and get in the AC-119K", "Get in AC-119K", ""], [9629.8,6631.44,6.89819], "ASSIGNED", 98, true, "GETIN", true] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate; I originally had this setup in the triggers but thought the problem had something to do with the use of "execvm" and tried the code in the blocks above. if (isServer) then { [[], "CvyTasks\CVY1-brief.sqf"] remoteExec ["execvm", 2]; }; Okay so as you can tell I have been calling an SQF file for each of the tasks so they fired in sequence instead of being able to see all the tasks from the start of the mission (There is probably a much better way to do this😅). Task(initServer)>Trigger call>run SQF. One for each task (RT has 9 tasks, CV has 5 tasks, and SR has 6). I'm sure there is a much more eloquent/efficient/better way to write this script and would love to see it. This solution worked fine in the editor but once I put the mission on my dedicated server the first person to hit their groups respective trigger would disable the other groups trigger (If RT hit their trigger and then CV tried to hit theirs it would not fire or vice versa). There was a time period where it would just assign the group who hit their trigger first task to the other group but that seems to have stopped happening. As you can tell I am super new to scripting and failing to grasp using these functions properly let alone how this needs to be done to support MP play. Let me know if you need more details. I am very grateful for any advice/help you can provide me and I am eager to learn. Thanks in advance!
  11. Hey all, I'm relatively new to Arma 3 scripting and have run into an issue. I recently figured out that I could activate triggers synced to show/hide modules with a variable set with an add-action, essentially allowing me to control entire swaths of triggers with a button press, something I have found to be far more reliable than triggers activated by the physical presence of a unit. What I have is a set of triggers that simply have the variable and a semi-colon: StageOneActivated; And then with an add-action added with an init.sqf, I have: Controller addAction [ "Begin Phase One", {StageOneActivated = true; Controller removeAction (_this select 2); }]; Which sets the StageOneActivated to true which activates the trigger and removes the now-useless addaction from the list. Both locally and testing in local multiplayer via LAN this works flawlessly, but on the server the triggers simply don't respond. I know the init.sqf is working because the addAction's are present. And I know the addAction is working because it's removing the addaction after use. This implies the variables are whats not working correctly. I went into my init.sqf and decided to call the variables on mission start and set them, so I have the line: StageOneActivated = False; This has made no impact, neither in the locally tested version which still works, nor on the server which still fails. I've read through the documentation on global variables and I think this is probably what I need to do: to call the variables globally in the MP mission but I am struggling with the syntax. Do I just add publicVariable "StageOneActivated"; to the init.sqf after the line where I set the variable state as StageOneActivated = false; or do I need to call the public variable in the add-action as well? or is there another way to name and set these variables that I am missing entirely? Any help is appreciated. I want to start using variables more to really add some oomph into my missions and this is something that is going to come up a LOT.
  12. JAWZ2143

    Server Trouble

    so lately me and a couple mates have been playing a fun campaign that i was just hosting manually, now i ended up building and using my own server to host a dedicated server so they can play when i'm not around, the first day we had it running we were all able to connect and play no harm no foul, now the next day the server decided it wanted to only show up for my friends and not me, and its confusing me as i cannot seem to find where its disappeared to. ports are fine as my friends can see it and connect. i have sat and waited about 15 minutes to see if it appeared but nothing, it doesn't show up in lan either which it shouldn't as my server isn't connected to my home network. the firewall for the server is disabled at this stage to allow the traffic. but still i cannot see where it is.
  13. Ankara3105


    We serious need a rework in the respawn system of the antennas. Its insane how 5 seconds after you kill a enemy while raiding a enemy base, he spawns again behind you, the same person you just killed and kill you. Theres no how you cap any major enemy base with less than 4 people playing together, i really apreciate teamwork but not every match we jump in aways has communicative teammates that are necessary to cap the bases.
  14. Vieil Homme Innocent

    hosting localy

    Hi, I can't host any game with my friends on arma reforger. In the host menu in multiplayer I can host but if they try to join : "Kick cause code: group=1 'REPLICATION', reason=3 'CONNECTION_FAILURE'
  15. can anyone help me please? when i start the lan game the players don't see maps or missions they only see the sign wait for server btw sorry for my english
  16. Hey everyone! Since the last 2.14 update I'm not able to join any multiplayer servers. The problem is well described in the feedback tracker issue (that's not my report but I have the same experience). You're stuck on a default background when you try to join. The issue persists with using Proton 7, 8 and Experimental as well. This is a separate problem from the Launcher's broken Server tab issue which already has a hotfix on this forum and looks like to only affect Linux gamers. I deliberately didn't use any launch parameters and mods. Singleplayer content works fine. Usual troubleshooting steps don't seem to work and this affects both AMD and NVIDIA users. Do you have any solution for the situation? Thank you in advance for the help!
  17. Resolution : I forgot to put publicVariable for both of my variable so they didn't change globaly and only localy so I just put publicVariable "hideLaat" and publicVariable "hideShield" and it worked ! Hi, I'm currently in the process of creating a mission for my friends. (I will take the role of zeus) I currently have a problem with the HoldAction command, At first I used the option available inside the Attribute Tab, but I discovered that i didn't work on a dedicated server, So I searched a bit and found that I needed to use the remoteExec command so that it execute on the server, but even with that i doesn't work and I tried to put it in every file I could (init.sqf, initPlayerLocal.sqf , initPlayerServer.sqf). There the script : [ this, "Disable the shield", "\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\holdactions\holdAction_hack_ca.paa", "\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\holdactions\holdAction_hack_ca.paa", "_this distance _target < 3 and (cresh getVariable 'owner' == WEST) ", "_caller distance _target < 3", {}, {}, {hideLaat = false; hideShield = true; removeAllActions shieldTerminal;}, {}, [], 5, 0, true, false ] remoteExec["BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd",0,this]; Right now I put this code inside the Init box of the object inside the 3DEN editor when I try with Singleplayer and self Hosted Multiplayer it works perfectly but when I test it on a dedicated Server it doesn't work anymore the HoldAction is shown, I can't re-use it because the removeAllActions works but the code that use hideLaat and HideShield doesn't works (Two trigger with Server Only box checked, that use the Show/Hide Module to show and hide object and vehicles) I'm completely lost and don't know what to do anymore. Thank you.
  18. Hello people, I have been struggling to make a working custom ticket system for my mission. My goal is to have a maximum of 7 global west tickets as I have 7 available player slots. To make it more fair, I want one ticket to subtract from west side every time a new player respawns on west side, but not when they respawn again. Server should keep track of tickets subtracted and add ticket back if player chooses to change sides to east or if he disconnects the server from the west side. My guess is, i have trouble making database work... Now I don't have any real coding experience and this is my idea of the code which I heavily edited multiple times using logic and ChatGPT: onPlayerRespawn.sqf // Variable ticket system private _uid = getPlayerUID player; // Retrieve player data private _playerData = [_uid] call TAG_fnc_retrievePlayerData; private _tempSideRespawned = side player; private _tempAlreadyRespawnedAsEast; private _tempHasReturnedTicket; private _lastRespawnedSide = profileNamespace getVariable ["lastRespawnedSide", east]; if (!isNull _playerData) then { _tempAlreadyRespawnedAsEast = _playerData select 1; _tempHasReturnedTicket = _playerData select 2; } else { _tempAlreadyRespawnedAsEast = false; _tempHasReturnedTicket = false; }; // Handle ticket decrement and increment based on the respawned side if (_tempSideRespawned == east && _tempSideRespawned != _lastRespawnedSide) then { [east, -1] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets; _tempHasReturnedTicket = false; } else { if (_tempSideRespawned == west && _lastRespawnedSide == east && !_tempAlreadyRespawnedAsEast && !_tempHasReturnedTicket) then { [west, 1] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets; _tempAlreadyRespawnedAsEast = true; _tempHasReturnedTicket = true; }; }; // Update the player's last respawned side private _lastRespawnedSide = _tempSideRespawned; profileNamespace setVariable ["lastRespawnedSide", _tempSideRespawned]; // Update the player's data in the database [_uid, [_tempSideRespawned, _tempAlreadyRespawnedAsEast, _tempHasReturnedTicket]] call TAG_fnc_storePlayerData; initServer.sqf execVM "Scripts\functions.sqf"; // Global array to store each player's data in the TAG_database if (isNil "TAG_database") then { TAG_database = []; }; // Event handler for player disconnect addMissionEventHandler ["PlayerDisconnected", { params ["_id", "_uid", "_name", "_jip", "_owner", "_idstr"]; // Get the player's data from TAG_database using UID private _playerData = [_uid] call TAG_fnc_retrievePlayerData; if (count _playerData > 0) then { private _side = _playerData select 0; private _hasReturnedTicket = _playerData select 2; if (_side == west && !_hasReturnedTicket) then { [west, 1] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets; // Add one ticket to West side on the server diag_log "Ticket returned to West"; // Mark that the ticket has been returned for this player to prevent multiple returns [_uid, _side, true] call TAG_fnc_storePlayerData; }; }; // Remove the player's data from TAG_database upon disconnect TAG_database = TAG_database - [_uid]; }]; functions.sqf TAG_fnc_storePlayerData = { params ["_uid", "_data"]; private _playerIndex = -1; { if ((_x select 0) == _uid) then { _playerIndex = _forEachIndex; true } else { false }; } forEach TAG_database; if (_playerIndex < 0) then { TAG_database pushBack [_uid, _data]; } else { TAG_database set [_playerIndex, [_uid, _data]]; }; }; TAG_fnc_retrievePlayerData = { params ["_uid"]; private _playerIndex = -1; { if ((_x select 0) == _uid) then { _playerIndex = _forEachIndex; true } else { false }; } forEach TAG_database; if (_playerIndex >= 0) then { TAG_database select _playerIndex select 1; } else { []; }; }; TAG_fnc_getPlayerIndex = { params ["_uid"]; private _playerIndex = -1; { if ((_x select 0) == _uid) then { _playerIndex = _forEachIndex; true } else { false }; } forEach _database; _playerIndex; }; description.ext class CfgFunctions { class Anthill { class MissionFunctions { class fnc_startTimer { file = "Scripts\functions.sqf"; }; class fnc_stopTimer { file = "Scripts\functions.sqf"; }; class fnc_resetTimer { file = "Scripts\functions.sqf"; }; class fnc_checkEmptyServer { file = "Scripts\functions.sqf"; }; class fnc_missionTimer { file = "Scripts\functions.sqf"; }; class fnc_scheduleTimer { file = "Scripts\functions.sqf"; }; class TAG_fnc_storePlayerData { file = "Scripts\functions.sqf"; }; class TAG_fnc_retrievePlayerData { file = "Scripts\functions.sqf"; }; class TAG_fnc_getPlayerIndex { file = "Scripts\functions.sqf"; }; }; }; }; I have sorted all errors in RPT files, and I still can't manage to execute full onplayerrespawn.sqf... I don't know where is the problem or how else i can diagnose it beside diag_log which doens't always work. Thanks for insights
  19. I'm part of a UKSF unit leading Induction and Recruitment while also helping with training. We're strictly 18+ so very mature group of people from all over the world. Our average age would currently be 24+ At present we have 30+ members, and that number is growing, so we all get to know each other very well. As a unit we have been operating for 4 years now and we are not stopping any time soon, so all very seasoned Arma 3 veterans. At present we are exclusive to Arma 3, no plans to move to Reforger. We are ambitious though, so we plan on transitioning to Arma 4 when that becomes available. We focus on mil-sim realism and team play with a huge emphasis on the team play and coordination. We have training at 1900hrs BST every Wednesday, with optional workshops throughout the week. And operations at 1900hrs BST every Sunday During the downtime we have a lot of other events for other games going on throughout the week. such as DayZ, HOI4 and much more. Current mods include the best that comes to Arma 3 such as: RHS, CUP, ACE, KAT Medical, 3CB and much more, with all mods being optimized for our equipment available to us at any given operation and training session. If this is something you may be interested in, you can find more details on our website, plus a join link for our discord if you wish to join us. Our Website!
  20. Hey guys, Im playing Arma3 for some timw now and i cant figure out why nothing i try works. The Problem is i cant see anything but fog further than 300m, i watched a lot YT videos and nothing helped. I play with a lot of mods like ACE on a Multiplayer server i have 16GB of RAM and my pc is using all of it, my GPU and CPU is activatet and working. My settings are on Very High, except clouds on Standard and PIP deactivatet. My Visibility is 2700/1600/50/1000, HDR and Water Reflection is on Standard. Im Playing with Fullscreen Windowed and VSYNC disabled my AA&PP settings are on default. I have a 1070TI GPU and a i7-8700 3.20GHz, 6 cores, 12 Theards. My FPS is in Menü at 120fps but ingame its 40fps this maybe because of the mods and i dont care about it that much but i do care about me not seeing anything in a range of over 300m, like i said its all fog and just doesnt render at all i dont see buildings, enemys or whehicles. I tryed it in Singleplayer and Multiplayer both the same. I would really appreciate your help in any form. Thanks in advance
  21. Hello everyone, I am looking all over the place recently if there is any script or code out there that simply just works in MP and displays, say if you play with a few friends, all the players and simply their kill count on a small text list on screen. We are not satisfied with how the score board works in Arma and want something what we think is a bit more concrete display of number of kills, where everyone, including civilians adds +1 to number of kills for the individual player. Or if not binding the score to a player, maybe bind it to a unit's variable name to show. https://techlethal.com/2013/03/21/arma-3-alpha-scripting-a-kill-counter-that-keeps-track-of-ai-kills/ This is the closest I got, but it only works in SP. Any tips or feedback is appreciated!
  22. Hey guys, I am getting a constant error message on a server I am running and it spams my log full. that cant be healthy for performance and I would like to find this object. Thing is, I have no idea how. The message is: 21:12:03 Ref to nonnetworkobject 16027dd0100# 626607: mapboard_01_wall_f.p3d The logmessage is written two, sometimes three times per milisecond in the log. Anyway I could identify that object that is causing this?
  23. I_am_Unicorn34

    Stuck on loading screen

    Me and my friend are using LAN to play together, he host and I join, it was working an hour ago then when I restarted my game for something I just get stuck in the final stage of loading, I join and select my role then it starts loading and gets stuck at about 90%.
  24. Hey everyone, I have been looking around for an answer to my question! I am wondering if you can put into say the init file of your mission that always it will give all players present like a huge rating increase, and then say repeat it over and over. I want the players at all time to never ever switch to the sideEnemy or turn into renegades, no matter what happens. Any player who leave and enter. cheers,
  25. Hey, everyone I wanted to ask for your help guys, i found this on forum and it works great but it has one issue which is out of my reach to fix. The problem i have is that when player respawns the snowing particles remain around the corpse. Is there a way to make it switch to the respawned player after he dies? Can somebody pretty please help me out? This is the script i found on the forum.