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  1. I want to suggest that the direction that searchlights, which are mounted on vehicles such as helicopters, point at should be adjustable. I don't know if it's realistic. It's just that for example on helicopters they are in a fixed position pointing straight downward from the helicopters airframe acting like a second landing light only increasing the lit area slightly. With this you can't effectively search for places or infantry in a helicopter at night.
  2. So I play Arma 3 on my Mac and love flying Helis, so I am interested in getting head tracking to work for me, even though options are sadly very limited on Mac. While OpenTrack is kind of available for Mac, I could not get it to build myself and prebuilt applications do not seem to work for Mac. (Available outputs are only FlightGear, UDP over Network, Virtual Joystick (Does not work) and X-Plane). I am not able to get any of those to interact with Arma 3 in any way. Because of this my only real option seems to be making my own custom solution. While I can get the actual head tracking figured out, my main issue is the interaction in Arma. I see three main approaches, however I still have questions on all of them: 1. Try to make some kind of existing head-tracking protocol work with my own custom solution and make it work on Mac. This seems basically impossible, firstly because I cannot find any information on how headtracking-applications actually communicate with Arma and secondly because these solutions are most likely Windows specific. Does anyone here have any pointers as to where I could find more information about head tracking protocols? 2. Make a Arma 3 Mod for a custom head tracking interface. While I do have experience making Missions and Scripting for that purpose, I have no experience in making mods. Are there any resources on or easyish ways to manipulate the payer view? How does interaction to the outside work? 3. Simulate Joysticks. This seems like the easiest solution, the actual Joystick part should be fairly easy. The main question with this is whether it is possible to make joysticks independently control the view of a player, ideally both rotation and translation? I would be very happy if I could get any answers or tips on any single one of my questions. Please also feel free to reply even if your answer might be windows specific. Any help would be welcome.
  3. Hello! First | The basic premise of what I am attempting to do is two-fold. A) respawn existing vehicles (of different types - i.e. some jets, some helicopters, some ground vehicles), with the same custom pylons - for the jets/helis - set by the pylon/dynamic loadout editor in 3den. This part works fine thus far (see below). And B) apply unlimited ammo on a delay (i.e. it takes 45 seconds for the ammo to restore) to both the original vehicle and its respawned clone. The main trouble I am having is getting unlimited ammo to work with the new, respawned vehicles. Second | A code dump and summary of what is where: The code below is my unlimited ammo expression in the existing F/A-181 (and other vehicles). Ideally, the missiles & bombs refresh on a delay, hence the {sleep 45} segment. This part works perfectly for my purposes. this addEventHandler ["Fired",{[_this select 0,getNumber (configFile/"CfgAmmo"/(_this select 4)/"explosive")] spawn {if (_this select 1==1) then {sleep 45};_this select 0 setVehicleAmmo 1}}]; This code is present in the expression of a Game Logic and synced to all relevant air vehicles. It works perfectly for my purposes; no errors and functions as intended. [this] call { if (!isServer) exitWith {}; params ["_thisObject"]; _vehs = synchronizedObjects _thisObject; _initScript = { params ["_vehicle", ["_pylons", "none"]]; if (typeName _pylons == typeName []) then { private _pylonPaths = (configProperties [configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _vehicle >> "Components" >> "TransportPylonsComponent" >> "Pylons", "isClass _x"]) apply { getArray (_x >> "turret") }; { _vehicle removeWeaponGlobal getText (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _x >> "pylonWeapon") } forEach getPylonMagazines _vehicle; { _vehicle setPylonLoadout [_forEachIndex + 1, _x, true, _pylonPaths select _forEachIndex] } forEach _pylons; }; }; { [_x] call _initScript; } forEach _vehs; [_vehs, _initScript] spawn { params ["_vehs", "_initScript"]; sleep 1; _respawnlist = []; { _respawnlist = _respawnlist + [[_x, position _x, [vectorDir _x, vectorUp _x], getPylonMagazines _x]] } forEach _vehs; while { true } do { sleep 1; { _veh = _x # 0; _respawnpos = _x # 1; _playerdistance = 200; { if (_veh distance _x < _playerdistance) then { _playerdistance = _veh distance _x }; } forEach allPlayers; if (!alive _veh || (_veh distance _respawnpos > 20 && _playerdistance > 20)) then { _vehType = typeOf _veh; [_veh, _respawnlist] spawn { params ["_veh", "_respawnlist"]; deleteVehicleCrew _veh; _veh lock true; _inSpawn = false; waitUntil { sleep 0.5; _inSpawn = false; { _respawnpos = _x # 1; if ((_veh distance _respawnpos) < 30) exitWith { _inSpawn = true; }; } forEach _respawnlist; _inSpawn || ((speed _veh == 0) && (isTouchingGround _veh)); }; if (!_inSpawn) then { sleep 30 }; deleteVehicle _veh; }; sleep 10; _newveh = _vehType createVehicle _respawnpos; _newveh setPos _respawnpos; _newveh setVectorDirAndUp (_x # 2);[_newveh, _x # 3] call _initScript; _respawnlist set [_forEachIndex, [_newveh, _respawnpos, _x # 2, _x # 3]]; }; } forEach _respawnlist; }; }; }; This is the current code present in the "System Specific - Vehicle Respawn" Module expression (not its Init). It does not work at all. params ["_newVeh", "_oldVeh"]; [_newVeh addEventHandler ["Fired", { [_newVeh select 0, getNumber (configFile/"CfgAmmo"/(_newVeh select 4)/"explosive")] spawn { if (_newVeh select 1 >= 0) then { sleep 5 }; _newVeh select 0 setVehicleAmmo 1 } }]] call BIS_fnc_initVehicle; The Vehicle Respawn Module: It throws the no errors upon mission launch and no errors upon vehicle respawn. My friends and I suspect it is not even executing properly. Here are a few screencaps of the 3den editor of the scene in question if it helps you: // Overview of the whole airfield. The Vehicle Respawn Module on the Right by the center of the airfiled is exlusively linked to ground vehicles. It respawns the vehicles fine but without the unlimited ammo. // The test F/A-181. // The Game Logic. // My two primary test subjects (Left is experimental; Right is the control). As you can see, the left F/A-181 is the primary test subject for the Vehicle Respawn Module, as it is synced to both the Vehicle Respawn and the Game Logic. The right F/A-181 (and all other air vehicles) is synced only to the Game Logic. Both jets initially spawn with the proper pylons/dynamic loadouts and unlimited ammo, as expected vis-a-vis the 3den editor settings. Both jets respawn with the proper pylons/dynamic loadouts. Neither jet respawns with unlimited ammo, currently. I feel close to solving this, but I am blind to what I am missing/adding unnecessarily. I have tried numerous other variations with even less luck. I am sure there is some redundancy between the Vehicle Respawn Module and the game logic, and I would appreciate any simplifications there. However, that is a secondary concern. Thanks for reading this far! Hopefully, you can help me and anyone else who wants to do this.
  4. When I join a KOTH game and kill someone with Rockets on a Jet or Heli my whole PC crashes. I already checked files on Steam, seems fine. And also updated the graphic card soo I dont know why this happens.
  5. While flying a helicopter, my character is placed in the wrong position, which means the camera's also in the wrong position as well. This is the same for all helicopters. For the little bird in particular, my character acts as if it's "dead" when it's not. I believe that this issue is not related to files or hardware since I use a streaming platform (GeForce Now) to play. The issue is also not due to a mod. Here's a YouTube clip and screenshot of my pilot in the little bird to give you some visualization. https://youtu.be/Fpi_LnIKlsc
  6. EGX_HeliTransport system by Enigx The system allows you to call and manage a heli transport to and from a specific clickable area on the map. Useful to simulate and manage an insertion/exfiltration or simply a players heli transport. You can control the heli when you are on board (order it direction, stop and land). Armaholic EGX_HeliTransport system Hey, it seems Armaholic has been shut down!! Alternatively, I added the file to this link which uses a personal external website (completely unrelated to the Arma game). Features: System consists of two separate modules: ** CallHeli Allows you to spawn a helicopter and make it land on a map position. It can be used to call an exfiltration. You can call heli wherever you want on the map You can call heli whenever and as many times as you want Graphical interface window for options selection Different helicopters available for selection You can add user heli inserting its classname and text description Automatic procedure to identify a safe landing position close to the selected one You can select heli route clicking on intermediate waypoints on map Multiple helicopter calls No need to place heli from editor. It is spawned at each call ** OrderHeliGO Allows you to order a helicopter, in which you are on board, to go and land at a point on the map. Useful to simulate and manage an insertion to specific zone. Graphical interface window for options selection Automatic procedure to identify safe landing position close to the selected one You can select heli route clicking on intermediate waypoints on map You can stop the flight in progress, land at current position or reset the route for new destination You must within a copter to work Once landed you can choose to send it away and delete it Both modules can be activated by ACE self interaction menu for authorized players only or for everyone. SP/MP compatible. Installation / Usage: For instructions and information about how to use the EGX_HeliTransport pleasde refer to the included README.txt file. Mission example included in zip archive. Notes: It needs the following mods loaded in your mission: - ACE for the interaction menu - RHS USAF for the definition of the RHS helicopters option. Otherwise you can use vanilla copter option. Mods: ace ACE Compat - RHS United States Armed Forces CBA_A3 RHSUSAF Credits & Thanks: Sceptre for sharing his Custom Dialog System (CDS) Thanks to Armaholic Community. Changelog: **Version:** 2.0 - 02/11/2021 - The transport with heli module (OrderChopterGO) has been updated with the possibility to stop the transport in progress and reset the route - Updated the module of the heli call (CallHeli) with the possibility to add an user heli from a different mod to specify **Version:** 1.0 First official version 1.0
  7. Sorry for criticism but I just want to help. Arma 3 helicopters FM not only terrible, but also initially wrong. In advanced FM mode when you pull joystick(cyclic stick) to do G-turn, rotor RPM is dramatically decreasing. IRL rotor RPM doesn't decreasing by G-turns(maneuvers), but instead they(RPM) increasing, because autorotation happens. Fix this problem please, because its ruining all flight experience in advanced mode.
  8. EGX Players Transport system by Enigx The system orders the transport of players from a Base Point to clickable point on the map by means of air or ground vehicles. Useful to transport players from the respawn area to operational area for their re-insertion. Armaholic EGX_PlayersTransport system Hey, it seems Armaholic has been shut down!! Alternatively, I added the file to this link which uses a personal external website (completely unrelated to the Arma game). Features: Just place a Base point marker during mission editing and the system does the rest Graphical interface window for options selection You can call transport vehicle whenever and as many times as you want Different air and ground vehicles can be selected You can select vehicle route clicking on intermediate points on map Automatic procedure to identify safe landing position for copters Multiple transport calls No need to place vehicle from editor. It is spawned and deleted at each call Activation by ACE self interaction menu for authorized players only or for everyone SP/MP compatible Installation / Usage: Detailed steps and information in initEGX_PlrsTransp.sqf file. Mission example included in zip archive. Notes: It needs the following mods loaded in your mission: - ACE for the interaction menu - RHS USAF for the definition of some type vehicles. Otherwise, if not loaded, you can use the vanilla vehicle from graphical window. Mods: ace ACE Compat - RHS United States Armed Forces CBA_A3 RHSUSAF Credits & Thanks: Sceptre for sharing his Custom Dialog System (CDS) Thanks to Armaholic Community. Changelog: First official version 1.0
  9. AI landing by Heli by Enigx The script orders the landing of AI units via a helicopter on markers placed on the map from editor. The helicopter moves on specified waypoints and lands, disembarks units and flies to an escape point where it is canceled, or in alternative it stays where landed. Units can be moved on a routes of markers also positioned on the map by the editor. Useful for AI enemy units landing and attack or blufor reinforcements. Armaholic AI landing by Heli Hey, it seems Armaholic has been shut down!! Alternatively, I added the file to this link which uses a personal external website (completely unrelated to the Arma game). Features: Selection of heli and infantry units Routes for helicopter placed on map from editor Units, once landed, can move to specific waypoints route Heli can flies away to a cancellation marker on map or stay in landing position Multiple helicopters and units transportation Selection of random routes, heli and units SP and MP compatible Installation / Usage: Place markers on map from editor to identify waypoints for heli and infantry routes. Extract files and copy \AILandByHeli folder into mission folder. Open AILandByHeli_OpenMe.sqf to define parameters for the heli transport and landing. Activate it by trigger or Ace self interaction menu (code and details included) Detailed steps in AILandByHeli_OpenMe.sqf. Mission example included in zip archive. Credits & Thanks: Thanks to Armaholic Community. Changelog: First official version 1.0
  10. officialepicpatrickyolo

    Aircraft Banking Randomly

    I recently got into ArmA, and tried out my joystick (T.Flight HOTAS 4) to fly aircraft in this game. While flying the Yak-130, I noticed that my aircraft would randomly bank to the right without any input from me. I noticed the same with helicopters, but it stopped doing it after a couple hours. How do I prevent this from happening? It makes landing and bomb runs extremely difficult for me, and it frustrates me.
  11. v6.0 Released! (11/11/2019) Copyright 2019 hcpookie. This item is not authorized for posting on Steam, except under the Steam account named hcpookie. Inclusion in Steam "collections" is permitted. IMPROVED: Inheritance settings FIX: Version check set to 1.82 for Linux port FIX: Annoying foot clipping Changelog: This addon provides the Bell 47 / H-13 helicopter in several versions for BIS sides/factions. Versions are based on research of real-world Bell 47 configurations. - Experimental: AFM compatible (must be enabled in game menu) - Guns eject spent shell cases on armed models - Fully functional gauges - Floating CSAR model - Sling load compatible - Different camo schemes for factions - FFV positions where possible Default factions are standard, CUP is now optional. I have placed this addon in its own folder: @pook_H13. Therefore, if you have placed a previous version elsewhere (in the @POOK folder for example) you must delete that old version to avoid conflicts! Download zip (98mb) here: https://onedrive.live.com/?id=5B54FC51A7917265!26783&cid=5B54FC51A7917265 ... This version has been published to steam workshop as well! CHANGELOG: Versions - "Basic" Bell 47 / H-13 in both Military and Civilian versions. CIV version comes in different color schemes (blue/white, slate blue, yellow, black, white, red/white). CIV VERSIONS ARE NOW AVAILABLE! - MH-13 Medevac model (the M*A*S*H helicopter). Unarmed, medic pilot, 3 passenger seats (1 FFV CoPilot in cockpit + 2 stretcher seats) - UH-13 Transport model: pilot grenades, M60 door gun, Seats for transport of 3 or 4 (3 passenger + 1 door gunner). - AH-13 CAS model: pilot grenades, dual M60 guns. 1 FFV CoPilot seat. - UH-13 Amphibious CSAR (floats on water). Pilot smoke, 2 passenger seats (CoPilot w/ spotlight + 2 skid seats). As the pic shows, you can walk on the floats when you exit the cockpit. Perfect for SCUBA team insertions! 🙂 DISCLAIMER / RESTRICTIONS :
  12. Hi, Below script -published here- turns not working with Dedicated Server after 1.66 Update. Any help really be appreciated Mission init.sqf [] execVM "scripts\Restrictions\Restrictions.sqf"; scripts\Restrictions\Restrictions.sqf BAKE_VREST_RESTRICTIONS = [ ["blackHawk", "a10"], [ [['["Driver"]'], ["pilot_1", "pilot_2"], "Pilots only."], ], ["a10"], [ [['["Driver"]'], ["123", "456"], "Members only."] ] ]; execVM "scripts\Restrictions\init.sqf"; scripts\Restrictions\init.sqf if (isDedicated) exitWith {}; waitUntil {!isNull player}; BAKE_VREST_RESTRICTIONS = missionNamespace getVariable ["BAKE_VREST_RESTRICTIONS", []]; BAKE_VREST_CHECK_INTERVAL = missionNamespace getVariable ["BAKE_VREST_CHECK_INTERVAL", 0.1]; BAKE_VREST_SHOW_ROLE = missionNamespace getVariable ["BAKE_VREST_SHOW_ROLE", false]; while {true} do { _vehicle = vehicle player; if (_vehicle != player) then { _role = str assignedVehicleRole player; if (BAKE_VREST_SHOW_ROLE) then { hintSilent _role; copyToClipboard _role; }; for "_i" from 1 to count BAKE_VREST_RESTRICTIONS step 2 do { if (str _vehicle in (BAKE_VREST_RESTRICTIONS select (_i - 1))) then { { _restrictedRoles = _x select 0; _playerWhitelist = _x select 1; if (_role in _restrictedRoles && !(str player in _playerWhitelist) && !(getPlayerUID player in _playerWhitelist)) exitWith { moveOut player; titleText [_x select 2, "PLAIN", 0.2]; }; } forEach (BAKE_VREST_RESTRICTIONS select _i); }; }; }; sleep BAKE_VREST_CHECK_INTERVAL; }; Thank you for your help in advance
  13. Here we go..again. I've been playing around with the editor, and this is what I've put together, just for fun. This is dedicated to all the "PILOTS" out there...and besides, not many scenarios based on AIR assets. It's an SP AIR CAMPAIGN, where you play as a NAVY or MARINE pilot, flying combat missions over enemy AO. Here more details: Summer of 2027... Winds of war are sweeping across the Middle East... ...Iran surprisingly announces his newly developed nuclear arsenal. Scared by the powerful neighbor, Syria, Jordan, and Iraq quickly form an alliance with Iran. Their armies, a.k.a. the CSAT, cuts through Egypt and Libya, ending his course on the Greek island of Altis. A foothold at the doorstep of Europe. U.N. resolution authorizes NATO intervention. The Sixth Fleet is mobilized and a carrier group is scrambled offshore Altis. U.S. Navy pilots and aviators from the 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing are tasked to conduct Air Superiority and Ground Attack mission to disrupt enemy operations, in preparation for a major invasion. Your task is to fly combat missions over enemy AO. FEATURING: -AUTO-CREWING OF VEHICLES (AI crew will join/dismiss as needed). -GUNNER to PILOT CUSTOM COMMANDS: (Control Altitude, Directions, Loiter Area, Land here and RTB while in the gunner seats. -"TAXING" THE DECK CUSTOM SCRIPT. (Move to catapult ready for takeoff action). -DECK-CREW WEAPONS OFFICER (Change pylons loads on the deck with GUI) -VIEW DISTANCE GUI (Set view distance based on foot/ground vehicles/air/drone use) -LANDING PATH HELPER (Action will set you up for landing, moving you to correct descend path.) -ENHANCED UAV LASER-INTEL (Provide additional INTEL on lased objects) . MISSION: The mission is based on Drongo's Area of Operation, which will give you random tasks and objectives To win the campaign, players must 300+ victory points (from killing enemies and completing missions). Killing an enemy troop gives .5 points, completing a mission gives 10 points. There is also a ''Political Will'' rating which is reduced by civilian casualties and failed missions. If it reaches zero, the campaign will be failed. Campaign progress is automatically saved at the end of a mission. MISSION TYPES: -Demo: Locate and destroy the objective. -SEAD: Locate and destroy the SAM/AAA vehicle. -Assault: Destroy the enemy forces occupying the town. -Downed Helo: Locate the downed helo and recover any sensitive items from the wreck (move next to the wreck for a few seconds). -Search and Rescue: Locate the downed pilot. Move close to him and he will join your squad. Bring him back to base. -Destroy Convoy: Destroy the enemy convoy before it reaches its destination. -Destroy Squad: Kill all members of the designated squad. -Destroy Vehicle: Destroy the designated vehicle. -Assassinate: Kill the enemy HVT -RTB: Approach the aoBase object. REQUIRED ADD-ON: DRONGO AREA OF OPERATION's COMMUNITY FACTIONS PROJECT. Note: Each add-on has his on dependencies. CREDITS AND SPECIAL THANKS: - @Grumpy Old Man for his invaluable PYLON LOADOUT SCRIPT. - @tonic-_- for his TAW script. -Drongo for his AREA OF OPERATIONS mod. - @beno_83au for his great Enhanced UAV intel script. - @Larrow, @wogz187, and EVERYONE ELSE THAT HELPED ME directly or indirectly, which due to my aging brain, I 'm forgetting. STEAM WORKSHOP LINK Please , subscribe, rate, but most of all REPORT bugs/problems/like/dislike. A little peek ..hahahahaha
  14. Hey guys, I am in need of a clever explanation of what I'm seeing and a helpful hand with fixing it. I have created an action that calls for a chopper from a nearby location and makes it move and land in a different location. The script works locally without issues. The script works in multiplayer when called using the Zeus code module option. The script does not work when called by addAction (either attached to a player or a static object). By "does not work" I mean the helicopter does receive the cargo (which means it is recognised) but the chopper just sits there forever. ["Land_PaperBox_01_small_closed_brown_IDAP_F", helicopter1] call ace_cargo_fnc_addCargoItem; ["Land_PaperBox_01_small_closed_brown_IDAP_F", helicopter1] call ace_cargo_fnc_addCargoItem; ["Land_PaperBox_01_small_closed_brown_IDAP_F", helicopter1] call ace_cargo_fnc_addCargoItem; ["Land_PaperBox_01_small_closed_brown_IDAP_F", helicopter1] call ace_cargo_fnc_addCargoItem; hint "Friendly chopper incoming"; helicopter1 move (getPos heli_landing_pad); sleep 15; while { ( (alive helicopter1) && !(unitReady helicopter1) ) } do { sleep 1; }; if (alive helicopter1) then { helicopter1 land "LAND"; while { ( (alive helicopter1) && !(unitReady helicopter1) ) } do { helicopter1 engineOn false; }; }; For the love of me, I cannot understand why it keeps happening. I even called the helicopter1 move part individually from the zeus interface and it did work. Thanks a lot, Adam
  15. I know that this has been asked before and I have tried everything that I found. My problem is that I'm not using waypoints, I'm using the unitplay for my flight path. I don't want to use a radio activation. I want to use the Condition field of a trigger or task. This is the code I have in Condition. {_x in H1} count (units group player) == {alive _x} count (units group player); This works when testing in editor both in SP & MP, but does not work on the dedicated server. What happens is the takeoff without waiting to be loaded. I have also tried.... if (isServer) then { {_x in H1} count (units group player) == {alive _x} count (units group player); }; When using the (isServer) they don't take off but when I get on the chopper it does not activate. Let me also add that I"m using two choppers and need to wait till both choppers are loaded before they can takeoff. For this I have a trigger for each chopper with the above code. Then I have another trigger with this code in the Condition... triggerActivated H1Loaded && triggerActivated H2Loaded && triggerActivated EngineStart; The EngineStart trigger is activated as the players move to the chopper. I then have two more triggers for the sqf's that have the flight path info. Again this all works in SP & MP it the editor but DOES NOT work on the dedicated server. Any help would be great, thanks in advance.
  16. I really need some help here guys, this script has been keeping me up for the last 6 days and nothing seems to make it work correctly when called by Clients connected the my Hosted Server (No errors thou): The first part when executed on the server (host player) works perfectly, I left it in inside the If (isServer) as a reference to the simplest version that works for the server. Then under the If (!isServer) is the reworked script that I made for the clients. Lots of options that I tried are now with // just as reference to what I tried with no success.
  17. Hi! I have a problem finding the black taru pods in the Eden editor. I find them in the config viewer, so I know they are there, I also find them as Zeus, and three of them (Transport, bench and medical) are possible to reskin using right click and "Edit Vehicle Appearance". I want the fuel and ammo pods aswell and they are not listed as a placeble object in the "Assets", neither is it possible to use the "Edit Vehicle Appearance" option. Is there anyone who have a solution or who have struggled with this? I can supply more information or images if needed.
  18. Hey, I try to make some mission with unsung mod, So i want some heli/huey landing at US base on wooden landing pad, And the problem,.. 1. The helli cant landing on precision object (helipad invicible) i mean the heli always randomly landing and not land at center of object. Sometimes heli land at center but when i restart the game its not working. 2. The heli direction always change before land,.. I want straight landing, like huey landing on vietnam war movie,.. But when a heli on 5 or 10 feet before landing the heli changed the direction.. Maybe i want to make La drang valley gameplay but i need the 2 point for make scene hot LZ to drop troops,.. Anybody can help me?
  19. Talking only of standard, base game vehicles and radar mechanics, Anti-Air SPAAG vehicles are completely useless against a competent attack helicopter crew. Tactics and integrated air defense networks aside, the standard AA vehicle is entirely unable to effectively accomplish its role of protecting armored assets from air targets reliably. Due to the fact that I predominantly play KOTH I know I'm probably going to get a bunch of people in here telling me to play a real game mode but my point is about the BASE VEHICLES, not the gamemode in which they are used, and I'd like the responses to be limited to that context as well. Arma is a game that prides itself on its realism of combat systems. However the AA problem is a glaring deficiency in what I consider to be an otherwise outstanding game. My main points of contention come from a few simple facts about the imbalances between ground AA and air assets with guided missiles and radar. They are: 1) Radar and spotting ground vs air It is significantly easier to spot ground targets from the air with radar vs spotting air targets from ground radar. This is simply because the radar mechanics in arma are on a 2D plane with only flat distance information given. In a helicopter this is perfectly fine as the ground is also a flat plane, you simply look along that plane at the specific distance and heading and find your target immediately. On the ground, it is a different story. The helicopter could be 4KM away and 4km up, or flying nap of the earth, or anywhere in between. Finding the altitude of a helicopter at max distance is a process that takes time that an AA vehicle doesn't have to spare, while the helo, given that it is finding targets on a 2D plane instead of a 3D space, doesn't have to deal with it. It is mathematically easier, and when trying to contest good helicopter pilots it is a significant disadvantage when seconds count. 2) Countermeasure systems Helicopter countermeasures are extremely effective at range. I don't know the exact percentages but firing all 4 titan missiles at a helicopter and not hitting a single one is not an uncommon occurrence (and yes I've tried a bunch of different strategies for shooting missiles at helicopters). Flares do not impede the helicopter from continuing active fire, do not have an activation cooldown between uses, do not have as limited number of uses vs smoke, nor do they require an extra player in the vehicle to activate. Smoke denies the ground vehicle the ability to continue return fire, limits its location to within the smoke preventing relocation, has a cooldown between uses, has a much more limited number of uses, and requires an extra player in the vehicle besides the driver/gunner. While none of this is directly related to the primary issue of helicopters vs AA vehicles, I figured it was worth showing another series of inequalities in defensive options. 3) Ranges and and weapon systems Now for the meat of the argument. The AA vehicles cannot contest helicopters with their weapons unless the pilot makes a mistake (read: is a noob). I know the counterargument for some of this is going to be 'ITS JUST A GAME' but if we are striving for a realistic environment it needs to be said. AA vehicle-based weaponry should outrange helicopter weapons, period end of story. The fact that the most common (and effective) tactic is to fly at max altitude and rain ATGMs on anything with a radar signature is ridiculous for a helicopter to be able to do in a radar-based ADN environment. IRL if you were in a helicopter doing that in the vicinity of a dedicated radar AA platform you would be obliterated in the time it takes to fire the missile. Right now the primary target of AA vehicles (THE HELICOPTER) outmatches it so completely, it is never worth it to buy an AA vehicle to shoot it out of the sky. Guns are not auto tracked (like we have now irl, let alone 25 years in the future) but manually aimed, they give you heading information but do not auto-range, and the damage they deal is incremental over time based on how often you score a hit (which if the helicopter is maneuvering at max range and altitude is hard to do consistently, call me a noob all you want but it is a hell of a lot easier to hit a slow moving tracked vehicle once than to hit a maneuvering helicopter multiple times). Meanwhile the ATGM system on the helicopter needs to hit once (or in the case of DAGRs about 4 times but when fired in quick succession it functions the same) and you are instantly dead. You can pop smoke to avoid the auto targetting feature on the chopper but you don't have enough smoke on the vehicle to actually survive continued contact from even a single helicopter's payload outside of getting rearmed, and I have already described the deficiencies of the smoke defense in the above point. Titan missiles are not consistent with the countermeasure system and that is assuming you are alive for long enough when facing off against a helicopter to actually get a lock and use them all before needing to pop smoke and ruin your ability to fire effectively. Damage, weapon systems, countermeasure systems and target tracking on ground based AA vehicles are all objectively worse than attack helicopters for the base vehicles. Yes, you can disable some of these features. Yes, you can mod them. But the fact remains that there is a vehicle in the game that is incapable of fulfilling its primary role (again, unless the pilot does something stupid but you can't plan for that) due to the mechanics of the game if all features are enabled. In a vacuum, an AA vehicle in the open should be able to beat an attack helicopter in the open. The opposite is true as the game is now. There are a few fixes that could be implemented that could help address this issue: 1) Autotracking guns We have them now, today. No AA piece is manually fired anymore unless you are subjected to HARM SEAD sorties which is not the case in the game for most multiplayer situations. Immediately getting a firing solution and gun lock on a helicopter would go a long way in terms of being able to instantly suppress the gunner and bring down a helicopter in the open. 2) Longer range locking missile The primary weapon for most ground based AA vehicles that take on modern attack helicopters is a missile/radar system combo that outranges the ATGMs that helicopters bring. THATS WHY YOU TAKE THEM ON THE VEHICLE. They are big and accurate and can't be carried by people. Right now we have MANPADS strapped to the sides of this thing that are literally the same thing infantry carry and no better. The gun is worse and the missiles are too short range to effectively face off against a helicopter due to the countermeasures issue discussed earlier. If there was a missile that had a longer lock on range vs the attack helicopter ATGMs that would not only balance the gameplay against high-flying attack helicopters but also actually be realistic. 3) Missile less likely to be spoofed by countermeasures Again, looking at what we have now in the military with combination IR/UV seeker heads, flare-based countermeasures should be way less effective than what they are now. If after all of the things I described in the engagements earlier don't come to pass and you actually do manage to get a lock and fire your weapons at a careless pilot, they probably won't hit if the enemy knows how to evade missiles. AA missiles (especially vehicle based variants!) should be a way bigger threat to helicopters if one gets launched at it and right now they aren't. This lack of threat leads to specifically the gameplay strategy of staying at max altitude over the AO and being uncontested except by other helicopters, almost never by ground-based AA vehicles which SHOULD be the primary threat and concern for helicopter pilots. Instead, nap of the earth flight with limited radar visibility should be the norm as that would actually require a level of sneakiness and vulnerability that would be open to a lot more opportunities for engaging helicopters with other weapons, and also because that's how helicopters have to operate to stay alive in a contested AA zone. TLDR: Please fix AA vehicles. Also is this actually the right place to post this? If not let me know where it goes.
  20. hello all, LORD FRITHS CHOPPER SUPPORT SCRIPT: OVERVIEW: been trying to teach myself a bit of scripting and sate my obsession with being ferried around the map in an AI chopper. This script is adapted/took inspiration from 'kibot's' awesome DUWS and still contains some large snippets of his code (on share alike licence). "rabid Chaffinch" is a support chopper called from the communications menu (0-8-1). the aim is to allow one in-game chopper to provide as much support (transport, supplies, etc) to player unit as possible, and to add a bit of character/detail to the whole process. DOWNLOAD: dropbox: latest release 1.1 basic release (old) INSTALL: script packaged in a scenario file. unzip and place into your "documents/arma3/userProfile/missions" folder USAGE: to use this support menu: 0-8-1 brings up support menu. select 1-1 ("transport" - "chopper transport") click on map as instructed to set extract and insert points if you are at base close to chopper you will only need insert point, chopper will wait for you to board and move out if you are out on mission chopper will fly to designated extraction point, land and wait for player group to board once on board chopper will fly to insert point and land, kicking all player group out of chopper, then (if out in mission) will return to base and refuel. near langing/takeoff you can call a script reset in case anything gets stuck while in transit you can redirect chopper to new insert point using "landhere" addaction. to add/create a mission using this script: copy/merge init.sqf and description.ext to mission folder place a helo called "helitaxi", any helo can be used but MH9 animations supported place a helipad at your desired base location and name "helipad0" taxi callsign can be edited in init.sqf funds costing can be disabled byt setting cost = false; in init.sqf in init.sqf or initPlayerLocal.sqf in description.ext: "support\suptFunc.sqf" the helitaxi script itself "support\taxi\helotaxi.sqf": the "landhere" action "support\taxi\LandHere.sqf": resetCommsMenu.sqf KNOWN ISSUES: not tested in MP at all. i have no idea how chat/tasks/functions will be passed between server/client. again feedback appreciated. very occasionally chopper will not take off, still not managed to replicate this precisely so feedback appreciated my military radio protocal/terminology is... a little amatuer, input appreciated :D no chopper respawn, once its dead its gone! TO DO: add functions for created submenu items (currently most menu options are just placeholder hints) start porting mission for MP add support for factions/different chopper animationSource LICENCE: "You can remix, tweak, and build upon my work non-commercially, as long as you credit me and license your creations under these same identical terms." CREDITS: kibot for original support scripts which have guided and inspired this one, still contains many snippets from his DUWS mission. The .sqf gurus of BIforums. PWNR: Adam mission editor, awesome tool and also comes with good helitaxi (learnt about "onSingleMapClick" from that) Lordfrith CHANGELOG: 1.1 update added submenu's added init option to change chopper name added chopper config functions added reset support item added support for funds. set cost = false; to disable reworked "LF_fnc_inVehChck" so it checks if whole player group is in vehicle reworked script flow so script can close if chopper is killed/gets stuck reworked dialogue with capitals and punctuation like i went to school. removed debug hints tried to tidy up the script a little did a bunch of other stuff i forgot as i was drunk. hopefully didn't break anything as i was drunk 1.0 initial release enjoy :D
  21. Need a project to cut your teeth on? This unique mod may challenge you to become the scripter you always dreamed you could be - the guy that makes girls' pants wet! Make your mamma proud! Seriously, though, I'm looking for a scripter to fine-tune my in-game models, mostly so that I can continue to focus on the artwork. I need someone who can push themselves to add polish and shine to the mod. The mod is called Fight for Freedom. It's based on our favorite (US) army men from the '80s, the successor to the toy line that invented the term "action figure," but with extra doses of realism mixed in for that tasty immersive flavor. Here's a quick list of work that needs fulfilled: Tanks Set up for a variety of tracked vehicles with full modeled interiors and articulation. - Crew hatches will need to have at least three stages - open, turned out, and shut. Depending on vehicle, turned out may be split into two phases - turned out sitting and turned out standing - for a possible total of four. - Change displays and/or display focus of individual crewmen. E.g.: commander's screen changes from his top cam to the gunner's cam - stuff like that. - Performance. Climbing, speed, turning, etc. - Weapons. Specify what weapons are used and which crewmen will control them. Define firing rates, weapon change order, range, etc. Custom [some fictional] weapons will be needed; see "Ammo" below. Ammo Some vehicles in this mod will have unique weapons with unique ammo. We will need to define them and create them. Other Vehicles and Stuff There's plenty to do, including helis, cars, boats, and anything else that needs work. I have a good chunk of the models already, and quite a bit more in line waiting for me to create them. At the time of this post, I have these items semi-working ingame: 3 tanks 1 helicopter 4 cars 4 airplanes, including 3 VTOLs 1 boat 3 helmets Much more on the way! This is a paid opportunity! The more you're involved with the project, the more you get paid, so let's talk about getting some $$$$ into your dusty wallet! Fight for Freedom Rooster3D's Arma 3 Assets Promotional Images
  22. Since the most recent patch, whenever I zoom in as a pilot, it de-centers the crosshair does an off-centered zoom with the crosshair 3/4 up the screen instead of centered.
  23. On the A3 Vehicle Textures (without DLCs) of diffrent Armys (NATO, AAF ,CSAT) arent Country/Army Insignias/Flags/Cockades, why ? There some Pics of Jets (A3 and DLC): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1361596358 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1361596302 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1361596464 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1361596414
  24. Hi folks, I noticed when peering about in the light heli configs that the civilian MH heli has user actions to separately open all 4 doors. pic: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1304367873 i can get it working as a Virtual Garage option but not as an in game action, my intention being to make it so you can open the door before you get in/out. I thought changing 'available' to 1 would do it... i am fairly bad at configs and pretty sure some syntax is outdated. Here is whole config if anyone can see what i'm missing/doing wrong. Currently this kicks up a 'scope' error but otherwise works minus the working doors:
  25. Trailer: Welcome to BIRDY WARS - WHERE Little Birds SOAR.... LOL.. yeah.. always wanted to do something like that.. anyway, This is a mission I made based of "Heliborne" with focus on only ground support. Wanted the game with an Arma 3 flight model, so this is what I came out with. A project made out of fun, but I thought it would be fun so I decided to put in the workshop. I wanted to play Heliborne but I was looking for something closer to Arma 3's flight model and also wanted an actual reason to transport units and land them, rather than the usual heli-taxi mission you see made in the community. (Not because that's what the waypoint says, but because you have to insert the troops there to maybe flank or capture the sector faster.) So Birdy Wars is what came out of that desire. (I ended up focusing on this so much more than actually learning how to fly the helicopter though... T-T ) Wonder if I can make a trailer out of it :P Steam Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1174045120 Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rclahashddpbnxh/BirdyWarsV153b.Altis.pbo?dl=0 Quick SP and MP Description: SP (player in MP actually) - Be able to practise transporting troops to LZ or doing combat runs on AI running around to secure sectors - Just fly.... Don't bother about anything else MP - Go against each other to support your ground AI units to capture the sectors. - Play in Either Ground support Only or Pilot vs Pilot Actual Feature Description: - 6v6 Ground Support Only or Pilot vs Pilot modes (Set in Parameters; WIP) - 3v3 Ground-based Support (1 armed and 2 unarmed vehicles.) - AI-based Sector Control (You support the AI to capture the Sector) - Pawnee for combat roles and Humming Bird for support roles(Spotting, Reinforcements) - Vehicles available same way with armed and unarmed(only reinforcing.) - Spotting:- Apply enemy side in range with smoke/flares depending on day/night. (range set in parameters) - Reinforcements:- Pick up small units from base and inserting them close to sectors to make them assist the attack on the ground. - Simple Repair and Rearm function back in base after landed and engine turned off. - "Advanced" AI to move/attack sectors according to sectors controlled. - AI Patrols on sectors taken by their sides accordingly - Map Tracker to help keeping friendly units' position in check - RHS compatible; Specifically RHS USAF and AFRF. (Set in parameters too.). Default in Vanilla mode. RHS MELB and Humvee used for RHS Enabled games. - Added Parameter to allow armed players and also Virtual Arsenal ammobox near Spawn area. (Off by Default) Some Screens. Roadmap(Might sound a bit too massive though, lol) - Better Clean-up system - AI polishing. (Not like FFIS or bcombat, but just how the AI's waypoints is being decided.) - Limitations of different features to prevent overuse/server crash. Nonetheless, I do hope you had fun! Also, please do comment in regards to possible bugs so I can try to solve it as there is a limit to how much I can search and find with a single brain. PS: Please don't expect quick response and also quick solution to issues as I am doing this in my free time from work. Hope you can understand. Thanks.