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  1. I have some boxes (Weapon's Cache) scattered across my map. They can be "retrieved" by any BLUFOR player (BLUFOR player has to use the hold action), which removes the box, adds CuratorPoints to all BLUFOR Curators and removes the question mark from the map (where the box is located). They can also be "destroyed" by any Independent unit (Independent player and AI has to use the hold action), which removes the box and removes the question mark from the map (stopping the BLUFOR Curators from gaining CuratorPoints). I currently have this in the init of all the boxes scattered across the map. When used by any player, the trigger just removes the question mark from the map and nothing else. I think I need to use remoteExec for the deleteVehicle part and the addCuratorPoints, but I do not know how to use that function. Please help!
  2. Hello, dear Community! Once upon a time, I actively fought in Flashpoint and, even, together with one friend, created a unique dynamic campaign (at that time, the uniqueness was in the branching of the campaign, depending on the player's choice and the appearance of destroyed equipment in subsequent missions in exactly the places where it was destroyed, it seemed like a trifle, but it turned out that it delivered an additional emergency to the player)))) In general, somehow by itself, about a year ago I began to deal with the development of the universe in the alternative ancient past and called this universe AntiquePunk. It has its own distinctive rules, background and development. One of the distinguishing features is the active use of steam engines, another extreme feature is the deliberate absence of gunpowder / chemical explosives, internal combustion engines and electricity. Now I am engaged in 3D modeling of the first model of this universe. A lot of steam and bronze. I will post my progress here as I progress In general, meet
  3. How would I turn this short script global. Basically, I need these mines, when placed by any Curator on the map, to lose the ability to be edited by the Curator who placed it. Currently, I have this short piece of code located in my "initPlayerLocal.sqf", however, when I test my multiplayer map using the "arma3server_x64.exe", it doesn't remove the ability for me to edit the mines after they are placed. Please help!
  4. Sean Newberry

    First Armored Division

    Come join the First Armored Division, we currently have 12 people, but pull in the corp 30-40 in events and drills! We have many mos, everything from motorized rifleman to a helicopter gunner. We primarily focused on land fighting but will have the occasional apache in missions. There is no age limit, only requirement is to have arma 3 and speak ok english. https://discord.gg/NsUyQXjQ4z To join copy and paste this link into your browser and accept the invite.
  5. A selection of non-military styled GM Gear, designed to give an armed civilian look to the Global Mobilization universe. Parkas: Field Dress Uniforms: Combat Uniforms: Battle Uniforms: Requirements: Global Mobilization - Cold War Germany. Classnames: Credits: Vertexmacht for kindly sharing their texture templates. Download links: Steam Workshop. Armaholic. License: https://www.bohemia.net/community/licenses/arma-public-license-share-alike Please be respectful of the license.
  6. I'm going to learn how to use params in order to make future scripts more effective and you might learn something about params, too (please use the debug console if you want to follow along). A simple example, fnc_learnThis= { params ["_caller","_some","_thing","_luck"]; if (_luck>0) exitWith { systemChat format ["%1", _caller]; systemChat format ["%1 %2", _some, _thing]; }; }; With some luck this call will prompt the functions to run with the parameters set, [player, "is", "cool",1] call fnc_learnThis; The next example shows how to select from an array and sub-array. We can create some helpers and make the orb jump between them. Make three sets so the result isn't binary. Create the array of helpers from named objects like this, Enter the function, and call the function with, [orb, 0] call you_fnc_help; The orb should continue to go around between the three helpers each time you enter the call. To change to the next helper group, [orb, 1] call you_fnc_help; More examples continue throughout the discussion below, Have fun!
  7. Hi, I'm trying to set up a minefield module via script. I get an error when using local variables while everything works fine with global variables. If anyone could tell why that'd be great. Here's my code : POP_fnc_Minefield = { if ((typename _this != "ARRAY") or (count _this < 3)) exitWith {hint format ["Error : POP_fnc_Minefield argument : %1", _this];}; _MineGroup = createGroup [(_this select 0), true]; _pos = _this select 1; _FieldSize = _this select 2; if (count _this <= 3) then {_NbMines = floor(_FieldSize/2);} else {_NbMines = floor(_FieldSize/2*(_this select 3));}; if (count _this <= 4) then {_MineType = "APERSMine";} else {_MineType = this select 4;}; if (count _this <= 5) then {_FieldCond = TRUE;} else {_FieldCond = _this select 5;}; _Minefield = "Site_Minefield" createUnit [ _pos, _MineGroup, format [ "this setVariable ['minescount', '%1']; this setVariable ['minestype', '%2']; this setVariable ['axisa', '%3']; this setVariable ['axisb', '%3']; this setVariable ['shape', 'Rectangle']; this setVariable ['side', 'Independent']; this setVariable ['marked', 'Friendlies']; this setVariable ['conditionofpresence', '%4'];", _NbMines, _MineType, _FieldSize, _FieldCond ] ]; }; This code throws undefined variable errors but if replace _NbMines, _MineType, _FieldCond with NbMines, MineType, FieldCond then everything seems to work fine.
  8. Hi there. First of all sorry for my poor English. So, i just started "scripting" things for Arma3 and i faced with problem of creating object by client globally. Basic idea was to build the bridge by holding button, but when i hosting a server i (the server ) can make my script work, but not friend of mine (client). With that problem i tried many different solutions like HideObject, then making it's "false" in the body of "holdAction". Here is my code now, holdAction : if (!isDedicated) then { if (playerSide == west) then { [ planks_s, // Object "Construct bridge", // Title "\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\holdactions\holdAction_search_ca.paa", "\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\holdactions\holdAction_search_ca.paa", "(_this distance _target < 5)", "(_this distance _target < 5)", {}, {}, { [] spawn {[] execVM "PlankSimple_S.sqf"}}, // Code executed on completion {}, [], 3, // how long 0, true, false ] call BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd; }; }; And here's my file "PlankSimple_S.sqf" : if (isServer) then { _simpleObject_0 = createSimpleObject ['a3\structures_f_exp\civilian\accessories\plank_01_8m_f.p3d', [5613.273926,4128.347168,13.888593]]; _simpleObject_0 setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.857715,-0.499353,-0.122361],[-0.114261,-0.0469019,0.992343]]; _simpleObject_1 = createSimpleObject ['a3\structures_f_exp\civilian\accessories\plank_01_4m_f.p3d', [5618.109863,4131.231934,14.0554686]]; _simpleObject_1 setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.84041,-0.514142,0.171377],[0.155349,0.0744123,0.985053]]; _simpleObject_2 = createSimpleObject ['a3\structures_f_exp\civilian\accessories\plank_01_8m_f.p3d', [5608.121094,4125.246094,13.159078]]; _simpleObject_2 setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.854349,-0.503035,-0.130551],[-0.151054,0,0.988526]]; }; So once again. I need to make it work globally on server to every client. Thanks in advance. And once again, sorry for my English.
  9. Hey! I've been trying to make a IED script that uses a triggerman instead of the commonly found pressure plate. So far it's early in "development" but eventually I'm aiming for it to become dynamic and able to spawn random death traps all over the chosen map. The problem I've encountered and need help with is that my local variable doesn't work in a trigger. // Pick a spawnpoint _spawnPoint = selectRandom [ "spawn_garage", "spawn_hotel", "spawn_hotel_2", "spawn_shop", "spawn_office", "spawn_binocular", "spawn_suicide", "spawn_minaret", "spawn_wall" ]; // Spawn IED man _bomberGroup = createGroup [East, True]; _bomber = _bomberGroup createUnit ["LOP_AM_OPF_Infantry_Engineer", getMarkerPos _spawnPoint, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _bomberGroup setBehaviour "careless"; //removeAllWeapons _bomber; _bomber setCaptive true; _bomber disableAI "MOVE"; _bomber setUnitPos "UP"; _bomber_weapon = currentWeapon _bomber; // Custom scripts depending on which spawnpoint is chosen switch (_spawnPoint) do { case "spawn_garage": { hint "GARAGE"; _bomber setPos [getPos _bomber select 0, getPos _bomber select 1, 4.040]; }; case "spawn_hotel": { hint "HOTEL"; _bomber setPos [getPos _bomber select 0, getPos _bomber select 1, 3.798]; }; case "spawn_shop": { hint "SHOP"; _bomber setPos [getPos _bomber select 0, getPos _bomber select 1, 4.292]; }; case "spawn_office": { hint "OFFICE"; _bomber setPos [getPos _bomber select 0, getPos _bomber select 1, 5.787]; }; case "spawn_binocular": { hint "BINOCULAR"; _bomber setPos [getPos _bomber select 0, getPos _bomber select 1, 3.403]; }; case "spawn_suicide": { hint "SUICIDE"; }; case "spawn_minaret": { hint "MINARET"; _bomber setPos [getPos _bomber select 0, getPos _bomber select 1, 19.424]; }; case "spawn_hotel_2": { hint "HOTEL_2"; }; case "spawn_wall": { hint "WALL"; }; default { hint "ERROR! No spawnpoint chosen"; }; }; // Make bomber face IED _dir = _bomber getDir IED_L; _bomber setDir _dir; _bomber setFormDir _dir; // Spawn weapon next to bomber //_wh = "WeaponHolderSimulated" createVehicle position _bomber; //_wh addWeaponCargoGlobal ["rhs_weap_akm",1]; //_wh addMagazineCargoGlobal ["rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm",1]; //_wh setPos (getpos _bomber); _wh = "GroundWeaponHolder_Scripted" createVehicle position _bomber; _wh setPosAtl (getPosATL _bomber); _bomber action ["DropWeapon", _wh, _bomber_weapon]; // Create a trigger on triggermans position to make him combat any player that gets close // ###THIS IS WHERE IT GETS FUCKY### _trgr_bomber_1 = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", getPos _bomber, true]; _trgr_bomber_1 setTriggerArea [10, 10, 0, false]; _trgr_bomber_1 setTriggerActivation ["ANYPLAYER", "PRESENT", false]; _trgr_bomber_1 setTriggerStatements ["this", "hint 'trigger start'; _bomber selectWeapon '_bomber_weapon'; _bomber enableAI 'MOVE'; _bomber setUnitPos 'AUTO'; _bomberGroup setbehaviour 'COMBAT'; _bomber setCaptive false;", "hint 'trigger end'"]; // Testing to see if set to careless because he kept on throwing grenades // Somehow AI still do that in careless I guess? sleep 5; _b = behaviour _bomber; hint format ["%1", _b]; /* ACE Detonation Needs to be fixed No clue how to use this at all // Connect explosives to bomber [_bomber, IED_L, "Cellphone"] call ace_explosives_fnc_connectExplosive; sleep 30; // Boom? [{ ["_bomber", "3000", "IED_L", "0", "Cellphone"]; true }] call ace_explosives_fnc_addDetonateHandler; */ Basically, if you can understand my mess, I have two issues 1: the "_trgr_bomber_1" doesn't know what "_bomber" is so it can't make him pickup a gun and activate standard AI combat. 2: AI still throw grenades at me like 17th century grenadiers even though they're set to "CARELESS". Any help would be greatly appreciated and I'm pretty sure it's an easy fix for anyone who's actually a coder.
  10. I used the following script on my backpack item: _backpackItem hideObjectGlobal true; When running the result is the following: I would like to make it completly invisible (remove dangling shadows) and non-interactive (disable actions) How to achieve that? The documentation hints me that this should be actually working like that. Greetings Charlie!
  11. Hey guys! I have a mission where players can choose to be blufor, opfor and independent. Each leader of a faction has an endtrigger synced to them that should end the mission when the unit enters it. I have the triggers and debriefing working fine in singleplayer, but in multiplayer I am not able to force the end on the clients even though I use [endMission, "END1" ] call BIS_fnc_MP; in the respective trigger for each side. What am I doing wrong? I found a lot of threads where people say to execute the functions on the clients, but I just can't seem to grasp how to do this. Cheers!
  12. As part of a multiplayer mission, there's a downed AAF pilot. The unit is setUnconscious, and had a "revive" option. Here is it's .init: if isServer then {this setUnconscious true;}; this addAction [ "<t color='#B70000'>Revive</t>", { _help = [_this select 0,_this select 1] execVM "law\pilotRevive.sqf"; pilotRevive = true; }, "",0,true,true,"","(side _this == west) && (lifeState _target == 'INCAPACITATED')",3 ]; pilotRevive.sqf the following. params [["_casualty",objNull],["_caller",objNull]]; if ((isNUll _caller) || (isNUll _casualty)) exitWith {}; if (isMultiplayer) then { (_caller) playMove "AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medic0"; sleep 5; (_casualty) setUnconscious false; (_casualty) playMove "AinjPpneMstpSnonWnonDnon_rolltofront"; sleep 4; //was 3 (_casualty) playMove "AmovPpneMstpSnonWnonDnon_AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon"; sleep 5.25; //was 1.25 [_casualty,""] remoteExec ["switchMove",0,true]; (_casualty) enableAI "ALL"; (_casualty) setUnitPos "UP"; (_casualty) setHit ["legs", 1]; (_casualty) doMove [6675.358,11257.388,0]; sleep 2; (leader group (_caller)) groupChat "The pilot thanks us."; sleep 3; (leader group (_caller)) groupChat "He says we can go. He will radio for CasEvac."; sleep 1; } else { (_caller) playMove "AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medic0"; sleep 5; (_casualty) setUnconscious false; (_casualty) playMove "AinjPpneMstpSnonWnonDnon_rolltofront"; sleep 4; (_casualty) playMove "AmovPpneMstpSnonWnonDnon_AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon"; sleep 5; (_casualty) switchMove ""; (_casualty) enableAI "ALL"; (_casualty) setUnitPos "UP"; (_casualty) setHit ["legs", 1]; (_casualty) doMove [6675.358,11257.388,0]; sleep 2; (leader group (_caller)) groupChat "The pilot thanks us."; sleep 3; (leader group (_caller)) groupChat "He says we can go. He will radio for CasEvac."; sleep 1; }; The events work fine in singleplayer; the unit rolls over, gets up and hobbles to the position with his injured leg. In multiplayer, he currently goes from down to up with no transition, and his lifestate remains unconscious. I think i'm not really understanding what needs to be executed where here. I tried executing the playMove's on each client before but I was getting reports that the unit was getting stuck in a loop of different animations and ultimately ended up still lying face down. But then I saw that playMove has a global effect, so I stopped executing it on all clients. Except now the intermediate actions all seem to be having no effect, and the sleep commands didn't seem to appear. Help would be much appreciated, since I can only test this properly on the community test server which is a pain to keep doing. Thanks, Law
  13. ABOUT The 101st Airborne Division - Realism Unit is an ArmA 3 focused milsim community. The unit is based off of the real life 101st Airborne Division. We provide and maintain the best quality of milsim within the limitations of ArmA 3. COMMUNITY This is a community driven volunteer organization of gamers, military enthusiast, and veterans alike. We provide a professional, interactive and fun environment for milsim, roleplay and content creators. This unit is currently in the active stage of stand up and seeks both leaders and regular members to fill its ranks. Visit our website for sign up details. MISSION Our mission is to continuously build and sustain a milsim community for the players by the players united under one name. Providing a platform under which to achieve multiple goals for both community and personal relations. We strive for and are proud to maintain the highest quality of milsim taken from the core values of our definition of realism within the ArmA universe. WHY JOIN? Do you enjoy military simulation and the realism aspects in video gaming? Being apart of a team or leading a team of like minded individuals while enjoying the idea of an organization that values strong bonds and unit cohesion? If so then you should consider joining the 101st Airborne Division - Realism Unit. You will not only be a member that's apart of an organization but you will also be a member who shapes the future of the organization. Features Army units Air Force units 25+ Ranks 40+ Awards Custom Award Display 14+ Skill Courses Dedicated Server Teamspeak Server Custom mod pack Annual unit events Plus more! Positions 11B - Infantryman 68W - Healthcare Specialist 153A - Rotary Wing Aviator 11FX - Fighter Pilot 1C4X1 - TACP More coming soon! CONTACT Email: fsec.official@gmail.com Teamspeak: (pass: screamingeagle) Website: http://www.101stabdrealismunit.net/ Units: https://units.arma3.com/unit/101stabd Thanks for your time and consideration, P. Dubois [101st] https://steamcommunity.com/id/Feenx-sama Our motto: "Together, we stand as one!"
  14. WHAT IS CHAIRBORNE? CHAIRBORNE [CB] is a military gaming unit (Not a milsim) we play as a variety of different forces, throughout a variety of different time periods on a variety of maps with a variety of weapons. Essentially we are the definition of variety. BUT I WANT A VIRTUAL RANK?! Not to worry! We use a Rank System and a COC to make us all military-esque, we use what we like to call a 'universal rank system' but not that silly one that NATO uses. We use the following ranks : [OFC] Officer [SNCO] Senior Non-Commissioned Officer [NCO] Non-Commissioned Officer [PVT] Private [RCT] Recruit WILL I HAVE TO DO BASIC INFANTRY TRAINING? *SIGHS* Kinda, you as a fresh faced and ever so optimistic recruit are required to undertake C.L.I.T (Chairborne Light Infantry Training) it lasts 1 Hour and essentially helps us to help you help yourself. Dont worry, theres only 1 slideshow. I AM 13 YEARS OLD, CAN I JOIN? No. No you cant. The minimum age requirement for CHAIRBORNE is 18. Sorry its just we have to watch what we say in work, we wont be doing it at home. DO YOU USE MODS? Yes. HOW MANY MODS? Enough. SIGN ME UP! Good stuff! Head on over to the [CB] Website and go to the Join Us page! Make sure to read the community rules first, they're kinda helpful! [CB]
  15. Welcome to AhoyWorld! Who are we? AhoyWorld Enhanced, or AWE, is one of several Arma servers of the AhoyWorld community, creators of Invade & Annex. As a public server, we offer a modded, custom dynamic co-op mission running 24/7 inviting everyone to drop by and say hello! Additionally, there are frequent events and game nights open for all to attend, created by staff and volunteering community mission makers. What do we do? AWE aims to bring fun to an organised manner of tactical gameplay. Our roster is open for everyone to pick any available role and be put under the wings of competent leaders -- or take up the role of command themselves! You’ll be playing alongside like-minded members of an open community that strives to bring realism and cohesion forward into each mission. Daily dynamic gameplay on a dedicated server with TeamSpeak integration No rank structure; everything is public Cohesive platoon-based action with an established CoC Whether spec-ops, para-drops or combined arms assaults, we do it all Focus on teamplay and coordination Welcoming atmosphere Newcomer-friendly! For a preview of how we operate, check out our media distribution centre! AWE Media Distribution We also host accompanying events such as dedicated training sessions for those interested in advancing their skills, or a more milsim-style server running a weekly ALiVE campaign. Which mods are there? Chiefly, we use RHS, 3CB & MGP for our equipment, ACE for our realism and TFAR for our comms structure. There are a number of other gameplay-enhancing mods for you to explore, including a selection of terrains for daily play as well as scheduled events. Our modset aims to contain as little bloat as possible, but it’s still full of content! What should you bring to the table? A positive attitude and open mind for a variety of playstyles Enjoyment of organised, semi-realistic gameplay Ability to listen to a chain of command A microphone and presentable English That’s all we ask of you! Interested? Head on over to http://www.ahoyworld.net if you want to find out more and join us. We have a Steam group as well as several social platforms, and an active Twitch stream! TS: ts.ahoyworld.net Any questions are welcome in here, as PM or directly on our forums. We hope to see you soon! Cheers AhoyWorld Outreach
  16. Hello everyone! I'm pretty new to scripting in Arma, so i hope someone can help me out. I've created a script that makes a global variable grow when a unit spawns. it worked great in singleplayer but when i tested it in multiplayer, it suddenly threw this error. Undefined variable in expression: participants So now i'm asking myself, what did i do wrong? init.sqf participants = 0; code when unit spawns participants = participants + 1;
  17. I have a trigger that will activate 600s after a player has entered the area which is like 15000x15000x-1. I synched that to an end mission module. The problem: When the mission ends and people come back to the mission selection screen, the new mission only starts after 10 seconds or so. If any player clicks on OK, the old mission will keep going on...forever (as the mission end trigger with the timer cant be activated again). What can i do? How do i end the mission globally? I do not want to use any scripts if that is possible...
  18. Hello lads! I'm currently making / modifying a coop mission in ArmA 3, most stuff works so far, managed to find most stuff i needed in the Forums already. Now i have a little problem, it has been explained a few times already, but i just can't seem to understand it somehow :P How can i manage to make stuff sync between all connected users ? e.g. i have some "addaction" stuff used in my mission, but some of these actions are only executed on the local client side, and not globally for all of the players. As far as i know, i will have to somehow send information (for ex. briefcase collected, which would be a addaction) to the server in which i set a server variable (for ex. briefcase_collected) to a specific value, in this case 1 / true. Then the server would share this information with all collected clients, and by changing the value of the variable, the clients would know that this task has been completed, and it would show the next. I just have no idea how i do this in arma, i am trying for quite some hours now but just can seem to get it right. I thank all of those that give me some hints in advance! B) - PsychOrange