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  1. Hello everyone, i'm playing Arma 3 with my brothers via LAN, at the start of the mission we have three tickes, all normal, if we consume those tickets we cannot respawn, logic. But when we earn more tickets, they are useless, the game says respawn blocked, why? (the mission is from the game, not custom)
  2. I'm trying to make working faction units, but their identities reset to default between respawn and death. What isn't properly defined? Example in video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fr5h6rz-Lgg One of the faction addOns : http://www.mediafire.com/file/ifl4fae3vxlun82/bcsu_thugs.pbo/file addOns config.cpp : https://www.mediafire.com/file/16w2t9fkbw4y8dc/bcsu_thugs_config.cpp/file
  3. Hello everyone To begin, I want to apologize in advance for my English, I am French with a small level of vocabulary, helped by Google Translate. I request your help for the French server that I am finalizing. I got the Invade & Annex mission from Ahoy World and I am facing a small texture problem. Indeed, I created my own textures in a mod but as the server will be public and therefore accessible without mod I apply the standard textures of the game and the rgb colors. So I entered the textures to apply with and without mods in the Functions \ Vehicle \ fn_vsetup02.sqf file and when I connect with the mods, the standard textures are applied. When I launch the server side mod, the moded texture appears as it should but when I reconnect without the mod, the standard textures are not loaded and therefore the vehicles no longer have bodywork. Extract of the code: private _vehicle = _this select 0; if (!alive _vehicle) exitWith {}; private _vehicleType = typeOf _vehicle; [_vehicle] spawn AW_fnc_vehicleInventory; _vehicle lock 0; //=============vehicle specific FBCTexture = isClass (configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "RETEXTURE_CE"); if (FBCTexture) then { switch (_vehicleType) do { case "B_Truck_01_flatbed_F": { //HMTT Plateau _vehicle setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "\RETEXTURE_CE\Data\HEMTT\truck_01_ext_01_co.paa"]; _vehicle setObjectTextureGlobal [1, "\RETEXTURE_CE\Data\HEMTT\truck_01_ext_02_co.paa"]; }; }; } else { switch (_vehicleType) do { case "I_APC_Wheeled_03_cannon_F": { //Gorgon _vehicle setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "A3\Armor_F_Gamma\APC_Wheeled_03\Data\apc_wheeled_03_ext_co.paa"]; _vehicle setObjectTextureGlobal [1, "A3\Armor_F_Gamma\APC_Wheeled_03\Data\apc_wheeled_03_ext2_co.paa"]; _vehicle setObjectTextureGlobal [2, "A3\Armor_F_Gamma\APC_Wheeled_03\Data\rcws30_co.paa"]; _vehicle setObjectTextureGlobal [3, "A3\Armor_F_Gamma\APC_Wheeled_03\Data\apc_wheeled_03_ext_alpha_co.paa"]; }; }; }; What I would therefore like is that when I connect with my mod, the moded textures appear but when someone connects without the mods, it is the standard textures that apply. In addition, when the vehicle is destroyed and must reappear, the texture must be correctly reapplied to the vehicle depending on whether the player has the mods or not. I know it works locally but I can't seem to find the solution. I have attached the Invade & Annex file to you as an attachment Thank you in advance for your help !
  4. Hello, _grp = group _this; _wp = _grp addWaypoint [_rndDest, 0]; _wp setwaypointtype "MOVE"; I have this to add a waypoint from an array (_rndDest) to a unit (playable). This code is executed via execVM when the unit spawn for first time and when die. All is working fine when spawn for first time, but when respawn i get and error in _grp = group _this; The error say something about missing vector. Any help, please? Thanks!
  5. Hello, through trial and testing I've arrived to the following format for a vehicle respawn functionality. addMissionEventHandler ["EntityKilled", { params ["_killed", "_killer", "_instigator"]; [_killed] spawn { switch (true) do { case (!alive vehCivSUV_1): {deleteVehicle vehCivSUV_1; _newVehicle2 = "C_SUV_01_F" createVehicle [1263,1298,0]; _newVehicle2 setVehicleVarName "vehCivSUV_1"; vehCivSUV_1 = _newVehicle2; publicVariable "vehCivSUV_1";}; sleep 2; case (!alive vehCivSUV_2): {deleteVehicle vehCivSUV_2; _newVehicle = "C_SUV_01_F" createVehicle [1232,1298,0]; _newVehicle setVehicleVarName "vehCivSUV_2"; vehCivSUV_2 = _newVehicle; publicVariable "vehCivSUV_2";}; }; }; }]; While testing has proven that it works decently enough in a dedicated server there's still at least one edge-case scenario that I'd like to iron out. The edge-case is that should the two vehicles mentioned in the event handlers code be destroyed exactly at the same time the functionality does not work as expected. Should the demise of both vehicles happen at the same time the other vehicle won't be created at all (and the other that gets created will have a duplicate vehicle spawned next to it). So while what I have now works to some degree there should be some changes made to make the functionality more robust. Maybe the switch-do is not the best solution but I have only just arrived to that and don't have off the top of my head any other solution to try. So question for this is that: what would be a more robust way to achieve what I have now and do away with the edge-case scenario at the same time? Another thing would be that the functionality should, if possible, incorporate at least two more vehicles in it. edit: while I know that there's a respawn module available in the editor that can't be used for "reasons"
  6. Hi, i have the following problem... if i kill somebody on my TDM server he dies and i have a respawn cooldown for 3 seconds... so the death person is 3seconds on the ground and then respawns, but in this millisecond the player respawns is spawning a person with no gear only a blue uniform on the death body, after ~0.5 sek the man despawns and the death body is away, if you kill this blue man the person who was killed will die 1 more time... how can i disable those blues on the death/respawn? *sry for my bad english!*
  7. black_hawk_mw2_87

    Force Groups Spawn

    Hello to everyone from the community! 🙂 I would like to ask for a script that: - creates groups of units by force (from sqf file) and WHEN a trigger is activated and its condition is met. My idea is to: 1.create a group in the EDEN editor and give the unit a callsign X (for example); 2.force spawn the same group when a condition is met in my trigger (it must not exist until this moment, OR be invisible); 3.use the sqf file to check if the ENTIRE group is eliminated and forced respawn it again; 4.have another script from another trigger which could stop spawning the group when another condition is met (for example a visible timer reaches 0 second - such scripts could be used when the player awaits reinforcements and must hold a position for certain time). Here is everything again: [trigger is activated and spawns the X group] ---> [the group is eliminated - checked by the sqf file that also spawns it again] ---> [use a no matter what condition in a 2nd. trigger to stop the respawn /a timer is preferred/] Thank you for the help in advance and cheers! Edit: additional question - can I use multiple groups named X_1, X_2, X_3 etc. and also use multiple sqf files with similar names that work as the first file, only for the next X groups that follow? 🙂
  8. Hi I've been working on setting up respawn loadouts for a mission I am making and while I have figured out how to set up the gear that the player will respawn with but i cant figure out how to change the role (or class I'm not sure of the right term but basically how the player will show up on the map and other players HUD) and the player traits (medic, engineer, etc.) after the player respawns. From what I have learned so far I think that it might not be potable to change the role if I want to use a custom loadout but I at least should be able to change traits. Below are links to a pastebin of my initserver.sqf, onplayerRespawn.sqf and description.ext if needed although I'm pretty sure the problem is in the onplayerRespawn.sqf. initserver.sqf https://pastebin.com/Xv08VPYT onplayerRespawn.sqf https://pastebin.com/Rkr7ynSU description.ext https://pastebin.com/NcAUdaTX Any help with this would be appreciated and I'd be happy to answer any questions you might have. Thanks
  9. First of all I have to say that I've spend many hours searching and reading things about my "problem" on forum ... no success so far. Now, my story ... I have a coop mission and I need the following conditions to work together: Players that have medikit are the only who can revive (no need to have medic class) Players must have ONLY ONE Respawn ticket (each - not per side) and on their death position (instant respawn), when, there is no enemy on a given distance (they have to wait until area is safe) For all players, when the one Respawn limit have been reached, they will continue as Spectators till all rest (alive) players will be dead (end of the mission - lose) When all players will be dead, mission is fail and ends Please don't point me to read WiKi links as I've already read them, but I can't combine them all together to achieve my goals. Thanks in advance for any help.
  10. Greetings everyone, could you help me pls with that build. I'm a rookie in Arma 3 Editing. I'm just want to do dynamic AI take off from STRATIS AirBase and after take off they moved to Trigger who delete them, and repeat this every time in Scenario. Could you steer me in the right way to build this. Thanks. What i did. First: MultiPlayer ModuleRespawnVehicle_F - connect to My Vehicle names FBH - AI unit get in - MovePoint to Trigger {deleteVehicleCrew _x} forEach crew; deleteVehicle FBH;}, and they don't respawn, bacause Trigger delete them forever. And i'cant find any replacement to this function for my build. And second : i dont know how to respawn units. Please treat with understanding.
  11. Hello, community. I am working on a Coop mission, where I have placed 3 playable units. I will perhaps add more later, depending on my later ideas. They all (including me - the player) need to be able to pick up an item (a specific bagpack - ace_gunbag_Tan). I have placed this object on the ground and I am the only one who can pick it up right now, but it is an important item, being also a protective gear. 😄 So, when I or the other players pick up the first object, the same object should respawn on its previous location after, let us say, 10-15 seconds. It should respawn exactly X times, according to the playable count of units. How do I achieve that? Thank you in advance and cheers! 🙂
  12. https://github.com/HAPPY3N1GMA/Enigma_Exile_Revive
  13. Hey, so I've got a question regarding the setting up of multiplayer spawns *on* static ships in ARMA 3. No matter what I do, I am unable to successfully spawn onto a static ship, such as in the hangar bay of a destroyer, or on the flight deck of a carrier. Is there some secret Bohemian sorcery that I simply don't know that makes it work, because there's absolutely zero material out there on this matter and it's beginning to get frustrating.
  14. Hey guys, I have preconfigured loadouts for each class in my mission, but when you respawn the (loadout) comes up and let you choose another or even your own custom loadout you have saved. How do I disable this please and just let the person respawn with the loadout I have set for that unit? Image of (loadout) I want to disable: Thank you 🙂
  15. Hey all, I am (still :D) trying to create a medical training framework for a unit playing a persistent mission. All is going (quite) good so far and now I am stuck with an issue. The unit uses players to practice medical and some of them die in the process. They have a respawn time (I think is somewhere around to 1 minute, but this is irrelevant) to discourage ramboing. So, the goal is to find a way to respawn instantly (override the normal respawn time) those who didn't make it through the medical practice of their fellow aspirant medics and then move them back to the medical training facility where they died. I believe the second part to be quite easy. Probably with just a setPos (although this may not be the case if I don't have access to the unit object). So, at the moment I am stuck as to how I can instantly repsawn units (but not all units, just specific ones). I have looked at the BI's respawn functions, but there are no examples and the wiki/docs seem to be completely deserted. I did try to use BIS_fnc_respawnInstant but seems that it does NOT do what I want it to do. After quite some time searching I was unable to find something (or was unable to recognize it) that would help me accomplish my task. Any insight, ideas or suggestions would be most welcome. Thanks in advance, Achilles.
  16. macross zero

    Respawn in vehicle?

    Hi, I'm new to Arma and I wanted to know how I can make a soldier revive in a vehicle, so when he dies he always relives in the vehicle (tank) I do not understand any of the scripts if they explain that I have to modify and where I place it examples _unit ay the unit that I want Reviva to that I mean. By the way I'm from another country and I do not understand English so I use the translator for everything Thank you.
  17. I am in a bit of struggle. I am making a mission where I want an assault boat unit to respawn if it is killed, the problem is you can't simply use the AI spawn module because it does not support naval vehicles for some insanely stupid reason. I want the boat crew to follow a waypoint (Guard waypoint) again when they respawn, but how?? PS: I have tried using JEBUS but they do not respawn or follow waypoints so... I have also tried different things with the "Object: Event Scripting - On killed" field, but nothing works. Hope you guys can help
  18. Hello. I'm trying to create different spawn points for different groups. The mission is going to have 3 different forces, the Pilots, the SOF guys and normal Army guys. I want each to have their own respawn point. Tried searching for something similar and came up with: OnPlayerRespawn.sqf player addEventHandler ["Respawn", { if (group player == "B Alpha 1-1") then {player setpos (getmarkerpos "PilotRespawn"); } else { if (group player == "B Alpha 1-2") then {player setpos (getmarkerpos "SOFRespawn"); }]; Tried using Respawn and MPrespawn EH, both didn't work. Respawn is set as Custom Location and there are 3 markers (respawn_west, PilotRespawn and SOFRespawn and also tried on Position of Death but the code doesn't do anything and also doesn't work.
  19. Hello i would like to know how to sync a playable/respawnable unit to a module in MP environement. I try to make playable unit displayed with the HC ui after respawn but thats not work, i search on the web but its like its not possible to make it work without issue. So i have try with zeus + "ModuleCuratorAddEditableObjects" but same issue the unit wont show up after respawn. I have tried different way with this command without success. I want to add a commander feature inside a custom warlord similar to liberation, where the zeus commander can only see blufor unit, same with opfor commander. Somebody know how to transfer new blufor unit to zeus interface ?
  20. hi, I want the player to be teleported to a MHQ. I'm hereby doing this: if (!isEngineOn westmhq1) then { player moveInCargo westmhq1; }else{ player setPos (westmhq1 getPos [10,10]); }; if (!isEngineOn westmhq1) then { player moveInCargo westmhq1; }else{ player setPos (westmhq1 getPos [10,10]); }; that works too. If the MHQ named westmhq1 is destroyed, spawns it again: _vehicle = _this select 0; _respawntime = _this select 1; _facingofvehicle = getDir _vehicle; _positionofvehicle = getPosATL _vehicle; _vehicletype = typeOf _vehicle; _name = vehicleVarName _vehicle; .... _vehicle = _vehicletype createVehicle _positionofvehicle; _vehicle setVehicleVarName _name; _vehicle setPosATL _positionofvehicle; _vehicle setDir _facingofvehicle; ... that works too. After respawning from westmhq1, the player is no longer teleported. No error message appears. Unfortunately, I do not understand why that is. Maybe someone can explain why the player is no longer teleported after respawn westmhq1. thanks..
  21. I'm a bit stuck with with a spawn point problem. I've set up triggers to activate markers as spawn points and they are working okay for me but none of my team mates in a coop game would spawn at the markers - they just spawn where they died. I can't find any setting to make spawning different for individuals, only ones that affect the markers or the triggers or the whole game so I'm not sure where to look now. Any help would be much appreciated, thanks. An e.g. of the activation string I'm using is : respawn_west setPos (markerPos "base01"); So I think this should trigger marker 'base01' to become the spawn point for everyone in my team when the conditions are met. It works... but only for me!?
  22. I've created a custom endgame-mission. On it I have custom selectable loadouts. I use Ace3. I have both selectable medic and engineer class. Problem is, when they respawn they aren't defined as medic or engineer by ace anymore. Is it possible to link a setvariable in to a specific item (e.g. If a player has the toolkit, he get ace engineer asset) or uniform/vest (e.g. If the medic class has a unique vest, the vest 'trigger' activation of the ace medic asset). How do I fix this?
  23. Hi!, sry for my bad english, i am looking for a script to do : A training camp, with a Addaction start the training, then spawn "X" IA unit in random location inside, also a addaction where you can restart training or delete training,. I have the training camp , and the random location with marks, but idk how to spawn unit inside and how delete. anyone know a script or something for this pls?, Thanks you very muchS!!
  24. I've been building a mission for the better part of a week now and I have everything working the way I want it, triggers are firing spawning AI, scripts are executing blowing players up its quite lovely. However with everything kicking off and running well (or at least running) I cannot get my spawn system to work properly, mission specifics in spoilers. My description.ext My init Some example scripts Any help is greatly appreciated, I'm kind of swimming in it right now and I haven't a clue what to try next... This mission is running on a dedicated server.