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  1. So I purchased Arma 3 today and I've already tried to find a fix for my issue and I can't find one I was wondering if any of you guys know what to do thanks! Arma3Launcher_Exception_20170903T223928 Arma 3 Launcher Exception Log ============================= Arma 3 Launcher has encountered an unexpected error described below. Sorry for the inconvenience. Please report this on Arma 3 Feedback Tracker (http://feedback.arma3.com). Thanks to you we may fix the issue faster! ---------------------------- System information ---------------------------- Date: 2017-09-03 22:39:28 / 2017-09-03 15:39:28 -07 Current dir: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3 AppData dir: C:\Users\XDDD\AppData\Local Command line: "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\arma3launcher.exe" Version: CLR version: 4.0.30319.42000 OS Version: 10.0.14393.0 (Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.14393.0) OS 64 bit: True Process 64 bit: False Personal dir: C:\Users\XDDD\Documents Culture: en-US UI Culture: en-US Point of log: Unhandled Exception ---------------------------- Exception ---------------------------- System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. File name: 'System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' at System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticsConfiguration.get_IndentSize() at System.Diagnostics.TraceInternal.InitializeSettings() at System.Diagnostics.TraceInternal.get_UseGlobalLock() at System.Diagnostics.TraceInternal.WriteLine(Object value) at Launcher.Program.RunLauncher() at Launcher.Program.Main(String[] args) WRN: Assembly binding logging is turned OFF. To enable assembly bind failure logging, set the registry value [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Fusion!EnableLog] (DWORD) to 1. Note: There is some performance penalty associated with assembly bind failure logging. To turn this feature off, remove the registry value [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Fusion!EnableLog]. ---------------------------- Modules and assemblies ---------------------------- - mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089; C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\mscorlib.dll - arma3launcher, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null; D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\arma3launcher.exe - log4net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=669e0ddf0bb1aa2a; D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\Launcher\log4net.dll - System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089; C:\Windows\Microsoft.Net\assembly\GAC_MSIL\System\v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089\System.dll ---------------------------- Assembly resolution ---------------------------- Resolving System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a requested by: unknown not resolved Resolving System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a requested by: unknown not resolved Resolving System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a requested by: unknown not resolved Resolving System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a requested by: unknown not resolved Resolving System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a requested by: unknown not resolved
  2. Hi, I make a terrain on arma 3 (Farkhar valley ) When i make pbo with pbo project, there is troobleshoot and error log " checking config.cpp's for land_xx..." and there are many objects error " error P3D: unknown odol format". An idea? Can you help me? Thank you Best regards
  3. Hi, I make a terrain on arma 3 (Farkhar valley ) When i make pbo with pbo project, there is troobleshoot and error log " checking config.cpp's for land_xx..." and there are many objects error " error P3D: unknown odol format". An idea? Can you help me? Thank you Best regards
  4. Hey there! I've begun learning SQF scripting around a week ago, so still quite the newbie. I've been reading through the Fockers tutorial series (which I have yet to finish), and decided to try and get some practical experience making something, since that's the best way I learn code. My friend, who makes missions and does zeus stuff, suggested I make a patrol script. I liked the idea, and went along with trying to make a patrol script callable by execVM, accepting the calling unit and an array of Markers as parameters. The script works by sending the entire group to those markers assuming the group still exists and there's at least one unit alive in it. If the marker they are about to head to does not exist, the marker is deleted from the array and the loop starts from the beginning until a valid marker exists. Irrelevant at this point as I can't test to make sure that actually works, since I can't seem to get an object param passed to the file. It looks like it only accepts arrays, which I am having trouble understanding. So I need to solve this one of two ways: I need to find a way to pass an object as a parameter and keep it intact when it reaches the function. Or, I need to find a way to take the array sent as the unit, and turn it back in to the object, which I don't know how to do. This script is meant to be multiplayer friendly (despite me not having the slightest clue of how to code it for multiplayer) so please keep that in mind with the solution. My goal is not to just come to a solution to fix my issue, but to understand why it works, since I'm trying to learn SQF and understanding what the code is doing and why will help me advance in that goal. I appreciate the help and can try to give as much information as I can when asked. This is in the team leader's init box: patrolArray = [patrolMarker1, patrolMarker2, patrolMarker3]; PatrolScriptHandle = [this, patrolArray] execVM "Patrol.sqf"; This is the Patrol.sqf: // Patrol.sqf // Parameters: // 0: (Object) Unit // 1: (Array) Markers params ["_unitObject", "_markerArray"]; debugPatrolRunning = True; // Use this only for debug purposes to see if the script is still running. _unitMarkerPatrolArray = _this select 1; _patrolArrayCount = (count _unitMarkerPatrolArray) - 1; _unitGroup = group _this select 0; _shouldRun = True; while (_shouldRun) do { scopeName "patrolCheck"; sleep 0.1; for "_i" from 0 to _patrolArrayCount do { _unitsAlive = {alive _x} count units _unitGroup; _curMarkerSelection = _unitMarkerPatrolArray select _i; if ( isNull _curMarkerSelection ) then { _tempA = [_curMarkerSelection]; _unitMarkerPatrolArray = _unitMarkerPatrolArray - _tempA; _tempA = nil; breakTo "patrolCheck"; }; if ( _unitsAlive >= 1 && {!isNull _unitGroup} ) then { // I don't think I can use the Marker object itself in getMarkerPos, so let's convert it to string first. _curMarker = format ["%1", _curMarkerSelection]; _unitGroup move getMarkerPos _curMarker; sleep random [3, 5, 10]; } else { _shouldRun = False; debugPatrolRunning = False; breakOut "patrolCheck"; }; }; };
  5. Hi I was playing pilgrimage now for about 2 hours. Everything was perfect. Until my guns simply stopped shooting. Its weird because I can use primary mouse button for everything in game except for shooting. So, when I press left mouse button the game simply doesnt react. It is not a problem of one gun, but all the guns and you can propably imagine what is Arma without guns... At first I was suspicious of addons - I use CBA_A3, Bloodlust, JSRS SOUNDMOD, Ace 3. Then I checked if some wierd weapon jamming is in place or I had a safety on but alas I did not. To end this topic, guns simply doesnt shoot even after re-maping the keys and trying a restart of the game. Happened suddenly. That's all I guess. Thank you beforehand for any answer.
  6. Listerine.

    Loadouts not Appearing

    I go into my equipment and make custom loadouts for each one of my slots. Yet when I load into a game all that's there are the default loadouts
  7. I have purchased the Jets DLC through the steam store but cannot use the items in game. The DLC is listed in the list under the Arma 3 Tab in my library but I cannot pick up items in game and still get the advertisements on my screen.
  8. Hello Bohemia Community; I recently ran into a really confusing and frustrating issue with Arma 3 servers, and I'm hoping for some potential insight. What's happening is that, when I connect to certain servers, the game loads into a place devoid of objects, terrain details, and even my own 1st/3rd person character model; the only things that I can see are the grass and the terrain color/texture itself (I've attached some image links). I'm absolutely certain that these images are not in debug areas too. I've connected to a good variety of servers with the same sort of outcome. Here is a small list of servers I experienced this issue: Trailerpark Wasteland on Tanoa (A3 Wasteland Version 1.3B) BIB Wasteland (A3 Wasteland Version 1.3C) BFC Exile Esseker US #2 EXP Exile Chernarus EXP Exile Napf However, to make it more confusing, these results are rather inconsistent. For instance, I can load into an A3Armory (runs A3 Wasteland Version 1.3C) hosted server, and everything would load in fine: I see buildings, terrain details like rocks and underbrush, trees, etc., vehicles, weapons, and my character model. As potential fixes to this problem, I've tried: Reverifying my game cache of Arma 3 on Steam A clean reinstall of the game itself A clean reinstall of my game mods Isolating mods reported to have issues (a Steam forum page noted that the "CUP Terrain - Maps" mod specifically had this rendering issue - the forum suggested the "Auto Detect" button in the Arma 3 video settings, but that didn't work). I'm unsure of what else I could possibly do, and so now I turn to a community that knows much more than me, at least. I hope to hear back from those of you who could possibly help. BFC Exile Essker US #2: Trailerpark Wasteland on Tanoa:
  9. So I've been following PMC's guide to the letter but I'm obviously missing something. I have made my terrain and I can see the terrain in Bulldozer but its all white. I kept pushing forward and noticed that when I get into the game, I can see the ground just fine. Any thoughts?
  10. I keep trying to fire up A3 but get these two errors. Googling the exit code said it was a DX error. I tried reinstalling my Nvidia drivers (1070) and and the Visual C++ Redistributables. Same errors. Any ideas what my issue might be? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  11. I have been having this error pop up upon trying to generate layers for a terrain that I am building for the entirety of the day and I've had no clue why or how it is happening, help or a push in the right direction would be much appreciated. the Layers.cfg file class Layers { { class SirB_Rangmore_forest_pine { texture="" material="SirB\Rangmore\data\SirB_Rangmore_forest_pine.rvmat"; }; class SirB_Rangmore_snow { texture="" material="SirB\Rangmore\data\SirB_Rangmore_snow.rvmat"; }; class SirB_Rangmore_rock { texture="" material="SirB\Rangmore\data\SirB_Rangmore_rock.rvmat" }; class SirB_Rangmore_stony { texture="" material="SirB\Rangmore\data\SirB_Rangmore_stony.rvmat" }; class SirB_Rangmore_beach { texture="" material="SirB\Rangmore\data\SirB_Rangmore_beach.rvmat" }; class SirB_Rangmore_desert { texture="" material="SirB\Rangmore\data\SirB_Rangmore_desert.rvmat" }; class SirB_Rangmore_wild_grass { texture="" material="SirB\Rangmore\data\SirB_Rangmore_wild_grass.rvmat" }; class SirB_Rangmore_wildfield { texture="" material="SirB\Rangmore\data\SirB_Rangmore_wildfield.rvmat" }; class SirB_Rangmore_marsh { texture="" material="SirB\Rangmore\data\SirB_Rangmore_marsh.rvmat" }; class SirB_Rangmore_strseabed { texture="SirB\Rangmore\data\SirB_Rangmore_strseabed.rvmat" }; }; class Legend { { picture="SirB\Rangmore\source\mapLegend.png" class Colors { SirB_Rangmore_forest_pine[]={{170,190,80}}; SirB_Rangmore_snow[]={{255,255,255}}; SirB_Rangmore_stony[]={{120,120,120}}: SirB_Rangmore_rock[]={{80,80,80}}; SirB_Rangmore_beach[]={{175,160,130}}; SirB_Rangmore_desert[]={{255,190,0}}; SirB_Rangmore_wild_grass[]={{140,195,80}}; SirB_Rangmore_wildfield[]={{170,180,70}}; SirB_Rangmore_marsh[]={{158,198,90}}; SirB_Rangmore_strseabed[]={{230,230,120}}; }; }; and just in case it was an issue with an .rvmat file here is an .rvmat file ambient[]={1.5,1.5,1.5,1}; diffuse[]={0.5,0.5,0.5,1}; forcedDiffuse[]={0,0,0,0}; emmisive[]={0,0,0,0}; specular[]={0,0,0,0}; specularPower=1; PixelShaderID="NormalMapDiffuse"; VertexShaderID="NormalMapDiffuseAlpha"; class Stage1 { texture="SirB\data\SirB_Rangmore_beach_nopx.paa"; uvSource="tex"; class uvTransform { aside[]={10,0,0}; up[]={0,10,0}; dir[]={0,0,10}; pos[]={0,0,0}; }; }; class Stage2 { texture="SirB\data\SirB_Rangmore_beach_co.paa"; uvSource="tex"; class uvTransform { aside[]={10,0,0}; up[]={0,10,0}; dir[]={0,0,10}; pos[]={0,0,0}; }; }; what I have tried already got rid of duplicate references inside the cfg file retype the Layers.cfg file by hand take another Layers.cfg file renamed everthing made a Layers.cfg file with only four textures retype Layers.cfg file again restart the project At the moment the only other thing I can think of is that the mask_Ico is a .bmp and has slightly different RGB codes (like 1-2 in any of the R,G or B) for some pixel than what is there for the colors class, but I think that would generate a different error code and using the magic wand w/ the fill tool would be a nightmare. So once again, help me out please.
  12. KyrasMoonhunter

    Random Crashing.

    Hello, I just recently downloaded this game, actually yesterday in fact and I have been having this weird issue. Now, to clarify before hand I am using the Dev Branch version so I can play with a friend. Now, the issue seems to be that for some reason my game will crash at random moments. If my mouse is over the prologue animation in the menu too long it will stop responding, or several attempts at connecting and jumping into a server with my friend will cause it. When I do finally get in, I cannot fly or drive without it messing up, and sometimes the randomest thing will end responsiveness and then be fine after the next start up. I've noticed it will randomly jump down to 32 bit instead of 64, which causes me to not be able to connect to the server at all. All of this will also cause a random problem where the only way I can stop the game is by Logging out of the Computer all together because it shows my desktop or my End Process menu, but acts like it is still running Arma. Now, when I actually get a chance to play it will run 10-20 fps fine, and looks great even on low, despite it starting it on high at first. These random in game crashes can be due to Zeus, or me trying to drive, or a random shot from an enemy that happens at any random interval. The only thing I know I cannot do is be the driver or pilot, but gunner and passenger is no issue. I've even been able to play a near full 2 hours without it messing up at all. Yes, I did check for other threads for it recently but one is unsolved, and the other is due to a joystick issue which I do not have. Does anyone have any advice, or maybe know anything? PS. My specs are: Processor AMD A4-5300 APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics 3.4GHz, and the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650. And as I said before, once she runs, I can run her fine for a while, but it takes a few restarts to get her there.
  13. All STEAM related issues will be merged into this thread after being resolved, answered or acknowledged ... you can also post into this thread ... it will be sorted as needed :D post please Your Please post full specs of your system: mainboard brand,model, chipset processor model,speed graphics card brand, type, ramsize, interface, driver build audiocard brand,model,interface driver build which OS and what servicepack each HDD brand, model, interface and ingame settings (or if it does at any settings), especially both UI/3D resolutions and friendly advice, several people who experienced various performance issues solve them by (order doesnt matter sometimes they needed only some sometime all): - temporary disabling antivirus while running ArmA 2 - disabling all unneeded applications (especially browsers, media players, scanners etc.) - using windowed mode instead of fullscreen - using fullscree mode instead of windowd - disabling forced AA / AF in drivers (huge performance killer as game does that self ingame) - changing ingame advanced video settings (needs lot of try&fail cycles) - using -maxmem=2047 (with 3+ GB ram only) - restarting OS - defragmenting drive - place ArmA 2 (demo) on different drive than OS (2 HDD system) and ideally different than swap file (3 HDD system) - updating drivers - installing SP2 for Vista - installing SP3 for XP - validating the STEAM file cache (select arma2 in STEAMgames list>right mouse button> properties > local files > verify integrity of game cache + restart steam - checking this for key issues : https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=4950-EKAM-2644 * try above first before posting :)
  14. Forgive me if anyone else has suggested it, i didn't see anything in the forums about it, and my error messages aren't easily sent. I too have been suffering from the 3fps 'bug', and i'd like to make the following suggestion regarding submitting feedback. Is it possible to add 'send' buttons on the error messages so those could be sent directly to BIS? (I guess you'd need a dedicated SMTP mail server like JangoMail or similar to handle the log traffic, but this would likely generate more feedback for you guys.) I have no idea if this would help the DEVS to examine logs to see if any of the crashes share a common trigger, or if even the logs reveal such things. What i do know is that many users have short attention spans and probably won't take the time to share their crash data in the forums or feedback tracker, especially if they aren't yet Arma addicts. Here's my suggestion for sending error logs directly to you guys (in green) : Cheers and keep up the good work friends!
  15. So I randomly started getting this "No message received" error on only 1 virtual server box from my arma unit. It started happening around October, but was fine playing on the same server for almost 2 years prior with no errors. What happens is that I join the server, randomly anywhere from 5 mins up to 50 mins I will eventually get a "No Message Received" error then eventually lose connection to the server. It happens only on the servers hosted on this one particular virtual machine, every other server I join hosted on other boxes, I have no issues with. Also no one else has this issue when they're playing on this server but I'm the only one who will eventually lose connection every single time. I have the last .rpt file from when I tried joining the server today but it is fairly large so if someone needs to see it to see if there is anything at all in it then I will post it. If anyone has absolutely any idea on how to troubleshoot this, please let me know, thanks.
  16. Ben Laden

    Can't launch Arma 3

    When i launch the game i get the following errors Exception Processing Message -xc000007b Parameters 0x7ff90fc41d28 0xc000012f 0x7ff90fc41d28 bad image 0xC000012F - STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_NOT_MZ I've tried updating directX, i've reinstalled the game, i've also looked at Dependency Walker, which gives about 20 dx files i think not found. Please Help
  17. Hi! Im getting max 40FPS looking at the sea or the ground and i get 15 in the city and just looking at the city I get 25 and driving around I get 30fps. If i change my settings from ULTRA to LOW there isnt much FPS difference. I have my Arma3 instaled on SSD. My specs: GPU: GeForce GTX 970 (i bought it 2 weeks ago) CPU: Intel® Core i5-2310 CPU @ 2.90Hz Memory 8.00 GB RAM (7.98 usable) I have 4 Cores and 4 Threads. I have been looking at videos and forums and nothing helps. I've got better PC then some of my friends and they run arma3 just fine. Please help me!
  18. ok first of im not sure if this is the correct forum to post this?....but anyway, basically, im haveing a few issues as when i have a few scripts running on my dedi server sometimes it freezes on load screen (but i can hear sounds and seem to be able to walk around), it mostly does it when i try to rejoin the server as first time it loads straight in, i can can upload my mission file here if someone would be willing to have a look, i am a bit of a newbie when it comes to scripting, but it all works fine on lan server and iv researched this like hell and anything i have tried doesnt help. ps iv been through all the trouble shooting for being stuck on load screen, its defo something to do with my scripts, im 90% sure its how im executing them, so would really need someone to take a look, sure let me know!!! :)
  19. Ive spent a long time making a mission in the new Eden editor and I havent had any problems up to this point. Ive tested the mission muiltiple times throughout making it never having any problems. But when I was pretty much putting the finishing touches whenever i test it the camera is put in the sky looking top down like there is no player in the mission. I have checked muiltiple times I DO have a player and muiltiple playable characters. Does anyone know whats wrong?
  20. I have been having troubles with opening ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead. I also have the following problem after continuing the problem I posted as the title above: Shaders Not Valid (mismatch of exe and data?) I am unsure of the issue, and unsure how to resolve it. I am willing to go to far extents to fix the issue. I have searched google, with no results. I tried installing Microsoft Redistructable, however did not manage to fix the issue. If anyone can help, thank you.
  21. Hi all, this is my first post here, tho i registered a long time ago. I would like to see if someone has the same problem,let me explain: I bought the game (CZ version) via my-sprocket.com, and I downloaded the game's download manager (sprocket.exe). The problem is, whenever I try to start the download, it says "Login failed!,try another server." I don´t see any login screen, and the CZ mirror is the only server i see there. Maybe the server is too busy? :S Thanks, XJ ps:yes,my firewall is closed,and I've opened basically ALL my router ports (unsafe, I know ,but the game is worth the risk),I also used the search feature with no results. pss:sorry for my bad english
  22. Thread Purpose To inform members of problems and their resolutions for playing ArmA on the Vista 32-bit and 64-bit operating system. This thread should also be the one and only thread to discuss playing ArmA on Vista, mostly about Stability, Performance and Connectivity Issues. Sticky and lock of old Troubleshooting threads have been requested to Placebo. Information Resources Unofficial ArmA on Vista Troubleshooting BIKI Page (will be updated and contains links to old forum discussion threads)
  23. I have a problem with patch 1,14 Withnout mod is work great but with mods its problematic. When I shoot with BIS M4 or AK74 its display to me: SIZE:'AK74Recoil/' not an array and the same with M4 Do anyone know why ? thank you Â
  24. Hello I need help on particule texture. I made a texture of explosion but when i test it on A2, I've got this result : Blurred ... mip map problem, the model .p3d is a simple square plane with texture apply on it. Do you have any idea about this issue ? I test to change all video settings : not solved mipmap in TextView : not solved O2 face properties scales U&V parameters : not solved Thanks in advance,
  25. Game autodetects 5040x1050@56hz, as running in Windows using 190 series nVidia drivers. 1.01 runs fine, patch to 1.02 and I get the error message, "Error creating Direct3D 9 Graphical Engine". If I edit the settings files (User/Documents folder) and manually set the res down to 1680x1050@60hz, it launches correctly. Please fix this!