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  1. Hi, first sorry, i dont speak english XD... I am looking for a script to do this: Example: Go to a laptop,and with the Addaction, select a task from multiple task, kill oficer,destroy tower,rescue civil, etc, then this task spawn in 15 randoms posible location... you can take more task in the same time, but, if you dont complete kill oficer,, cant select kill oficer again,. ¿Is this posible? , i search for this ,but dont find it,, also i dont speak english, and cant search good,, can anone help me pls??? Thanks you very muchs!!
  2. Hi to everyone, I 've searched tried and then frustrated because with a lot of googling i can find anything so far but this. Is there a way to make a minefield module randomly generated? As you can imagine i tried to link the module to an empty marker but as expected didn't work. I tried to find a post here creating a minefield with script but i couldn't as well. So i beg for your help. Even an answer like : No you can't will be so much time saver. Thank you in advance to anyone who will even read my post and question, Jim
  3. I want to have AI assets moving randomly within a radius of an arbitrary point (the objective). ALiVE does not do what I need. DAC appears to be incompatible with the current version of ARMA 3.
  4. Hi. My problem is that my game freezes after a "random" time. I was playing on "HostileTakeover.co - King Of The Hill - EU#2 Infantry" server and game was running normally (around 40-50fps, around 110 people on that server) and then it just froze right when i died and that's not first time today. When it happened for the first time i've checked file integrity on steam and there were 3 corrupted files (1.2GB) but downloading them didn't help. After another crash i've went to game directory and repaired all programs that were located in _CommonRedist (using installers that were located there, i've rebooted my pc after that) and that didn't help either. Before writing this i've made another test run and same results* but this time i had HWMonitor running in the background and i've closed GeForce Experience (both services and process). *The only difference is that this time game detected crash that when i close it (with taskmgr) and created crash report. Here is the link to Dropbox folder with crash report, arma3 log.rpt, dxdiag and HWMonitor https://www.dropbox.com/sh/w3kmghlbst5ik5m/AACVWRv_Zc_IzRH2GVEPHleva?dl=0 Thank you in advance for help.
  5. Hi, I searching for a way to spawn units randomly in a marker. I've tried something with radius etc but it seems that units spawn even out of the marker and even on water... I'd like to spawn those units only on ground and in the definided marker. And I have another problem, The units I try to spawn are zombies... And when I choose to spawn 2000 of them with a debug marker to know where each zombies are, I don't find any zombies at the markers positions... is there any units limit on Arma 3 ?
  6. Is there a way to randomly spawn the premade item groups in Eden? Example: I would like to be able to define a radius in which object groups will be randomly pulled from the list and randomly placed. ALIVE does some of this already, but with only a few items. If this is not possible, my follow up question would be: is it possible to set a spawn radius for a premade object group as if the group were a single object? Normally, Eden will set a spawn radius for each object in the group while not maintaining the objects relative position to each other.
  7. Need Help me Guys. I try makes scenaries for Multiplayer. And tried to resolve this issue - Select one player with Opfor team, assign him Somename as "spy1" and createDiaryRecord for him. i try many scripts but not rusult. one script work in my computer but not work with my friends. i try that in init.sqf _arr=[r1,r2,r3]; rozv1 = selectRandom _arr; rozv1 createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["Bla-bla", "Bla-bla-bla"]]; if (alive rozv1) then {hint format ["%1 is chosen", rozv1];}; and that fn_SelectRandomOpfor = { _unit = objNull; _unitsArray = []; { if ((side _x == east ) and (isPlayer _x)) then { _unitsArray = _unitsArray + [_x]; }; } forEach allunits; rozv1 = _unitsArray call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;} call fn_SelectRandomOpfor; rozv1 createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["Bla-bla", "Bla-bla-bla"]]; and that waitUntil {player == player}; playerarray = []; { playerarray = playerarray + [_x]; } forEach playableUnits; if (side player == opfor) exitWith { rozv1 = playerarray call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; rozv1 createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["Bla-bla", "Bla-bla-bla"]]; if (alive rozv1) then {hint format ["%1 is chosen",rozv1];}; }; but every times when i tested with my friends we have problem with Select that one spy player. say me please what I need to do to achieve the desired result.
  8. I want to randomize the damage on a car on the start of a mission, same thing with a tank and helicopter and so on. What are the codes for each part and how do I make it random? Is there some place to reference each part of a car/tank/helicopter like a website I could use?
  9. Hey folks! So throughout the time I spent working on my mod there was one thing I was quite unsure about, and that was randomizing anything from loadouts to music/sounds. When I found a way I personally find simple and useful I thought I should post it here to help other people who are new to modding/mission making. Let's begin. 1) You need to create an array of the things you need, in this tutorial's case, I want to spawn a unit with a random uniform and hat. //Loadout Array _CivSpawnUniform = selectRandom ["LOP_U_AFR_Civ_03","LOP_U_AFR_Civ_06","LOP_U_PMC_Fatigue_02","LOP_U_AFR_Civ_05"]; _CivSpawnHeadgear = selectRandom ["H_Bandanna_gry","H_Bandanna_cbr","H_Bandanna_khk","H_Bandanna_camo","H_Cap_blk","H_Cap_grn","H_Cap_oli","H_mas_afr_Bandana","H_mas_afr_c3","rhs_beanie_green"]; Now take a look at "_CivSpawnUniform", that's the name it'll use if you want to call everything after the "=" symbol on the same line, rather than individually In there, you should place the clothes/uniforms you want your unit to choose from. Your code should look something like this: _NAME = selectRandom ["CLASSNAME1","CLASSNAME2","CLASSNAME3"]; Now you have defined a basic randomize script. How does this work though? Lemme show you. The function below selectRandom; This basically tells the game to look at the class names you have and randomly pick one of them. Don't forget to put the function command BEFORE the class names. Your script should now look like this: _NAME = selectRandom ["CLASSNAME1","CLASSNAME2","CLASSNAME3"]; And voila! The randomization script is working, but how do we get it to actually randomize the unit's gear? I'll be giving the soldier a uniform in the following example: UNITNAME AddUniform _ARRAYname; To finalize it, I'll show you what a full working one looks like: //Loadout Array _CivSpawnUniform = selectRandom ["LOP_U_AFR_Civ_03","LOP_U_AFR_Civ_06","LOP_U_PMC_Fatigue_02","LOP_U_AFR_Civ_05"]; _CivSpawnHeadgear = selectRandom ["H_Bandanna_camo","H_Cap_blk","H_mas_afr_Bandana","H_mas_afr_c3","rhs_beanie_green"]; //Unit Init removeUniform UNITNAME; removeHeadgear UNITNAME; UNITNAME addUniform _CivSpawnUniform; UNITNAME addHeadgear _CivSpawnHeadgear; The above units will have uniforms and headgear randomly selected from the arrays we defined at the top. I really hope this helps some new guys here! If it wasn't easy to understand or if you have any issues, feel free to leave a comment below or contact me through PM. Kind regards, MrCrazyDude115
  10. Hello, i am writing a mission and I am hitting a hurdle that I can not get over. I have not been able to find any info on the web about what I am trying to do. I am making a mission that involves a hostage providing you with Intel. I want there to be a 50/50 chance that the Intel they provide is good or bad Intel. If good info is randomly generated I want to take the squad down the storyline if bad Intel is provided I want to send the squad into an ambush. Thank you
  11. Hello everyone. I don't know how to desribe my problem in the title, my English isn't good enough on that.. I want let the script to randomly pick a marker. My problem is that the markers are being created dependant on the amount of towns on the map. It detects all towns and creates an invisible marker at each, with name "Mark_1", "Mark_2", etc... I need to know how can I let my script at first count all created markers (as each map has a different amount of villages) and then randomly pick one of these markers. The markers are being created as follows (a part of the script): towns.sqf /* Location finder for towns, villages and cities Places triggers and/or markers at these locations */ // Get each locations of villages or cities and create trigger/marker // Original script for finding locations by BrotherhoodOfHam // Final script by Godis if (!isServer) exitWith {}; //#define MARK #define OFFSET 0 _locations = (nearestLocations [[0,0,0], ["NameCity", "NameVillage", "NameCityCapital"], 40000]); { _xy = size _x; _trig = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", position _x]; _trig setTriggerArea [ (_xy select 0) + OFFSET, (_xy select 1) + OFFSET, direction _x, false ]; _trig setTriggerActivation [ "WEST", "PRESENT", true ]; _trig setTriggerStatements [ "this", "hint 'Entered Village: Watch out in this area';", "hint 'Leaving Village...';" ]; //#ifdef MARK _mkr = createMarker [format ["Mark_%1", _forEachIndex], position _x]; _mkr setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; _mkr setMarkerAlpha 0.0; _mkr setMarkerSize [ (_xy select 0) + OFFSET, (_xy select 1) + OFFSET ]; //#endif } forEach _locations; // Now place units I thought I could just add a counter to towns.sqf, so I would get the total amount of all created markers stored in a variable, like: all_markers = 0; // Content of towns.sqf here (create markers) all_markers = all_markers + 1; // count each marker and store number in 'all_markers' But this would need another check for this variable's value, and also another code to select one of them according to the amount of created markers. I think it's kind of inconvenient. There must be another easier way to archive that, I guess. Is there any code I can use to get that in only a few lines? At the end I just need to: 1. find the amount of markers with name Mark_1, Mark_2, Mark_3, etc, etc 2. Randomly select one of these (i.e. to make it visible by setMarkerAlpha or sth else) Thanks in advance.
  12. Hey, Small topic for those who love to play around with randomness. Have you ever tried to find random point in circle? Let`s try find a random point around player in 1000 meters radius. So we can write something like. player getRelPos [random 1000, random 360]; And here we go, seems cool right? No it is not. Let`s try do that 5000 times, and put a marker for each resulting position. for "_i" from 0 to 5000 do { _pos = player getRelPos [random 1000, random 360]; _markerstr = createMarkerLocal [str random 100,_pos]; _markerstr setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON"; _markerstr setMarkerTypeLocal "hd_dot"; }; Here what we gonna have. As you can see it is not random at all. Dots are concentrated towards center. So how can we have unified distribution? We can write following: for "_i" from 0 to 5000 do { _radius = 1000; _randomValue = random _radius; _distributedValue = _randomValue; if ((1-(_randomValue/_radius)) > (random 1)) then { _distributedValue = (_randomValue + (random (_radius - _randomValue))) }; _pos = player getRelPos [_distributedValue, random 360]; _markerstr = createMarkerLocal [str random 100,_pos]; _markerstr setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON"; _markerstr setMarkerTypeLocal "hd_dot"; }; So here is what we gonna have as result Basically what we do here is: As smaller the random value we get as bigger the chance that we will add to this value a bit. (In simple words ;p) Have a good day
  13. Hi All I'm wondering if its possible and if so how i can use Respawn Positions and specify certain areas to spawn it. For example. I have a mission with 2 towns that players will spawn in. I would like the players to be able to select on the respawn screen for example "Elektro" as a spawn area, but have the player load in to specified areas around the town. When i use a Respawn Module in Eden editor i am able to select the town i want to spawn in but i load in at the position of the marker. I want to some how link player spawns to this marker so they load in at the player spawns rather than on the actual marker itsself? If that doesn't make sense i think what i'm trying to re-create is similar to the respawn mechanics from DayZ Origins... Thanks in advance
  14. Hello guys, In the mission Editor, I often put enemy sniper or rpg on roof of buildings, Unfortunately they are always fast detected and killed before to be a real menace. I use this dostop true or disable ai move and I also use setunitpos to select the stance. If I Iet the vanilla ai system, they just go prone when the detect enemy, and can’t fire through the window or from the roof… I would like to make a little scrips lunched on the AI initialization field, or from a trigger to make an ambush like situation to make my AI switch from down to middle just a little time to firing and hide again for a certain time. I was thinking to something like this: (sorry I am not aware about the syntax) _myunit setunitpos “down†Sleep random [ 30, 50] <- Wait random time from 30 to 50 sec _myunit setunitpos “middle†Sleep random [ 5, 10] (the time to select a target and dofire, and hide again) #loop I am sure that if it works it can add a lot immersion in hostile zone. Please if someone can help me in syntax for the script and for the initialization to run an maybe add a variable in the timing… Thanks for reading. Cheers
  15. I need a little help. This is for Multi Player Environment. 1. Lets say I have 10 triggers that spawn enemy AI when a player is within the individual bases zone. 2. I want to let the players know where these enemy spawns are, but I want to keep it random for replay value. 3. So, lets say that on any given mission I want three of the AI bases to show up on the players map as a marker. (same bases will show for all players) 4. But, I want the three markers to be random on each play through, and I want all 10 bases to always spawn - so if they stumble upon them, there is still surprise factor - on the players. I'm thinking I just need to name the triggers individually and place them into an array.. but I need help with that. I would assume it needs to be done on server, because if it was local all the players would see different markers.? As I type this, I'm thinking it might be easier to just spawn random triggers that have markers already attached? I'm not really sure how to proceed, but the above gives a good outline. Thanks for any help, Fire
  16. I have been working on a small collection of addons for Arma 2:CO for myself and a few friends. This started as a simple weapon, equipment and unit renaming addon but as I've been reading through the ACE, BI and VBS2/JCOVE configs the ideas have been flowing! I have started to experiment with creating my own ammunition and magazines just to see if I can do it. The below examples are from JCOVE Lite and I'm guessing these values are intended to be randomised with each hit. Is this correct? If so, is this possible to do in Arma 2/3 and are there any issues with doing this? I have tried to test with "B_556x45_Ball" ammunition in Arma 2 but I honestly can't tell - My targets are dead in one shot using; class BulletBase; class B_556x45_Ball: BulletBase { hit = "6*1.2"; }; *** As I'm typing this, I recall using a script that displays target damage and where they have been hit. I'll look that out and crack on *** EXAMPLES FROM JCOVE LITE; class vbs2_ammo_B_556x45_AP: vbs2_ammo_B_556x45_Ball { hit = "8*1.2"; }; class vbs2_ammo_B_556x45_Silent_AP: vbs2_ammo_B_556x45_Silent { hit = "8*0.80*1.2"; }; class vbs2_ammo_B_127x99_Ball: vbs2_LargeBullet { hit = "(15 + (7))"; typicalSpeed = "0.75*855"; airFriction = -0.00068; tracerScale = 1.5; model = "\vbs2\data\bullettracer\tracer_red"; };
  17. Hello BIS Forums, I am working on a mission which involves a cool chase scene, and to put in a "randomness" factor, I have recorded 3 different paths the AI can take. The paths work, but for some reason, the script I am using to choose the random path isn't really working. Here it is: _poi = _this select 0; _randomMovement = ["pursuitPath1","pursuitPath2","pursuitPath3"]; _dataPath = _randomMovement call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; hint format ["The path will be: %1",_dataPath]; sleep 0.5; // The script works up until here.. if (_dataPath == pursuitPath1) then { hint "good"; _pursuit1 = [_poi] execVM "path\play.sqf"; // play, play3 and play4 are the files that make the AI follow the path, they all work when I execute them through the debug console or by trigger. waitUntil {scriptDone _pursuit1}; terminate _pursuit1; }; if (_dataPath == pursuitPath2) then { hint "bueno"; _pursuit2 = [_poi] execVM "path\play3.sqf"; waitUntil {scriptDone _pursuit2}; terminate _pursuit2; }; if (_dataPath == pursuitPath3) then { hint "gut"; _pursuit3 = [_poi] execVM "path\play4.sqf"; waitUntil {scriptDone _pursuit3}; terminate _pursuit3; }; I am still learning the basics and everything there is to scripting, so bear with me if I made a simple error. I believe it has to do with the condition with the if statement, however, I am not sure what to do and google has failed me in this endeavor. If there is any help you all can offer it will be greatly appreciated! Thanks all : )
  18. Ok around 4-5 months in the making. I present to you my dream..... Al Inteqam (The Revenge). A series of perpetual and 'repeatable' CSAT missions all arranged randomly. Inspired by Patrol Ops, BMR Insurgency among others. But much simpler, quicker and SP. I would encourage budding mission makers to rip this mission apart via Eliteness program and look at how I have achieved this.Its as vanilla as possible. The task files are commented for a better explanation. Always use Notepad++ or the great Atom with latest Arma 3 plugin for opening sqf files. Its my time to give something back to the community :) Features: 1. Random Missions on random locations 2. Support modules 3. Random time and weather 4. Random chance of vehicles, and heli enemy patrols 5. New mission types 6. Field Headquarters 7. Auto cleanup after mission end (as cleanup during an ongoing mission wont allow you to rearm at dead bodies) 8. Enemy tracker action to reduce hunting time of remaining few AIs 9. AI Recruit 10. Civilians in towns 11. Oh and most important.. AMAZING FPS ;) Currently the missions are: 1. Capture Town (Uses towns as locations) 2. Capture NATO Base (Uses Military bases all over Altis and some fortifications as mission spots) 3. Destroy asset ( Will select an asset from a pool to be destroyed - Transformer, Radio Tower, Drone, Artillery unit. The arti unit may occasionally get utilized by the AI) 4. Assassinate (Eliminate enemy officer) 5. Stop the convoy (4 vehicles will form a convoy in Column formation where ends will have defence forces and middle 2 will be the deal. I mean the trucks to take out) 6. Kill the Snipers (A bunch a' snipers have wandered in to the Altis wild. Take em out) 7. Secure the intel from crash site (Beware of light reinforcements) 8. Rescue our brother (Rescue POW) 9. Destroy the mortar squad (A mortar squad has been spotted in Altis. Take em out) 10. Defend the town (A lightweight defense scenario featuring towns) 11. Skirmish (Join CSAT patrol in the wilderness. Be on the lookout for any enemy.) 12. Dog Fight (Yeah now we talkin. This is quite easily my favourite. The music, the enemy, The mission countdown, the moving task marker everything is special) 13. Caught (The enemy has found our base and conducted a rigorous operation. Wait for further orders and PRAY) 14. Like a Ghost (Reach the Rendezvous point through heli and armour patrols. No enemy infantry) ..... will keep adding unique mission types and not the cliche'. Before you play. Read this: 1. Added the awesome Bon's recruit AI script. 2. The mission will have you start in front of a flag. Use it to HALO drop wherever you need to once assigned a mission. If Dog Fight is assigned, rush to an airport. 3. Crate with Virtual Arsenal right in front at mission start so that you can choose your favourite loadout :) 4. At the end of each mission you will be teleported back to starting position with a random time. 5. I am MP illiterate. Wont be able to convert this to MP by any chance. I love SP and the convenience of playing a mission over days :) 6. Given my work schedule, please do not be angry if I dont reply to your queries quickly. 7. The reveal addaction is not a cheat, but should be used only to see that last annoying enemy left in town ;) 8. Artillery, Transportation and CAS support available. But has cooldown. 9. Each mission will have a random AO size between 2 extremes which I personally dont wish to disclose. Wont be fun to know beforehand, but I assure you its not extremely huge, nor tiny, but decent. If you insist on its knowledge, then send me a message. 10. There is no caching done here. Its not needed with such scale. I dont like the idea of a nano second lag when units spawn back. Spoils the atmosphere. 11. Spawned units are given a decent area to patrol, so even the knowledge of the AO size wont guarantee that they will remain only inside ;) This mission is a huge achievement for me being new to the scripting scene. Had to manually and carefully place 4 types of markers. 1st for towns, 2nd for military bases, 3rd for sniper spawn points, 4th for Convoy spawn spots. In all 95 markers on the beautiful and behemoth Altis handpicked and tweaked which literally took days. Got to learn a lot in the forums here by some amazing and hugely talented people of the community. Especially JSHOCK, R3VO, SHUKO, PERSIAN MO, GREENFIST, RYDYGIER and LARROW who helped me in shaping it the way it is and the future of Al Inteqam. But JShock 's extreme patience here kick started my interest in developing this. I want the community to enjoy this. MODS REQUIRED: None :biggrin: Google Drive (V 1.4.2): https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B8jSob5bHbEBQldCdkd1TjBBR2s&usp=sharing Steam Workshop: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=606946272 Community stuff utilized: 1. JShock's extremely simple unit spawning and AO deletion functions 2. Shuko's legendary SHKpos and SHKbuildingPos scripts 3. Enemy left counter snippet by R3vo 4. =ATM= Airdop by pokertour (edited to suit this mission) 5. Several other snippets by amazing people like Persian MO, Greenfist, Larrow, Rydygier and everyone else. WIP: 1. Giving detailed information to each task. 2. Adding atleast one unique mission with each update 3. Create a more 'living' base Update V1.4.2: Changelog: Minor bug fixes. Update V1.4.1 hotfix: Changelog: 1. Fixed: Like a ghost mission wouldnt spawn any enemies. Possibly due to new Arma 3 update 2. Removed mission "Escape" for the time being till its fixed and bug free. 3. Several bug fixes. Update V1.4: Changelog: 1. New mission type "Like a Ghost" which will now fire the first time you play the mission 2. Optimized "Eliminate Arti Squad", "Defend", and "Caught" missions 3. Hopefully fixed: Loadout bug 4. Fixed: AI mates unable to teleport with player 5. Edited HALO script to be extremely lightweight Update V1.3: Changelog: 1. New mission type "Escape" which will fire the first time you play the mission 2. Cleaned up the mission files to remove unnecessary code 3. Fixed: Sniper mission bug where mission would complete at -1 kills UPDATE V1.2 Changelog: 1. Made changes to Destroy mortar squad. Should be tough now 2. Added the recruit AI option at the base flag 3. Replaced the virtual heli transport module with an actual AI heli at base as requested by community UPDATE V1.1: Changelog: 1. Headquarter entities are now movable (But still deliberately left invincible) 2. Lightened up the player's starting loadout a bit 3. Reveal addaction should now not show its name at the screen center by default (Thanks to tortuosit) 4. Removed dependancy on RHS units hence this should fix the task auto-complete thing.
  19. RALLY UP! Rally Up is a set of random local/short missions made for small groups. CORE FEATURES : Short missions for your squad. Completely random based game play. (No two missions will be the same). Local tasks, less transportation usage. Decentralized spawn point. Missions that encourage discovery. MISSIONS : - Rallyup, Ambush, Assassinate, Defend, Overwatch, Payday, Relocate, Rescue, Search, Support, and Surveillance ADDITIONAL FEATURES : Utilizing new BIS task features. Squad up with random requested AI. New locations types (Explore unknown areas of Altas). Dynamic mission and squad names. Designed mod free but not mod incompatible. Reward missions with Arsenal. DOWNLOAD : UPDATED 2015 10 11 Steam Workshop: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=540777252 Armaholic mirror: Rally Up Co-x "I’d like to share with the community my random missions. I’ve always loved the random missions generators like Patrol Ops, SecOps, DUWS and others. The basic idea is to create a bunch of short missions that can be played for an hour or two. I started coding my own in hopes of learning the ARMA language and also to brushing up on my other programming projects." Come play @
  20. So I'm trying to make survival mission for me and my friends and I want empty vehicles to spawn randomly along the roads, mainly civ vehicles but also a few military ones. I've tried to search around but I suck at searching for arma editing stuff, I don't know why xD I ofcourse want it to be as nice on the fps as possible, aka only spawn vehicles close to the player, maybe 2.5km away? I know that you can use "createVehicle" and how to make it choose a vehicle randomly from an array but I don't know how to make them spawn along the road in a good fashion. Thanks
  21. Looking for some info / tutorial on how to have a set of pre destermed locations to have a chance to spawn essentially a base with some ai. Kinda new and mostly a script kiddy so any advice would help. Thx
  22. So I'm trying to make a generic faction for internal use and I want my soldiers to use this Beard mod (if activated) so they can look more middle eastern :) This is what I got for the momment class aif_ins_me_rifleman : I_G_Soldier_F { scope =2; side = 0; modelSides[] = {0, 3}; faction = rhs_faction_aif; vehicleClass = aif_vehclass_men; author = "$STR_A3_Bohemia_Interactive"; uniformClass = "aif_OG_Guerilla1_1"; identityTypes[] = {"LanguagePER_F", "Head_TK", "G_IRAN_default", "NoGlasses"}; allowedHeadgear[] = {"H_Shemag_olive","H_ShemagOpen_tan", "H_ShemagOpen_khk"}; genericNames = "TakistaniMen"; linkedItems[] = {"H_Shemag_khk","V_Chestrig_khk","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; respawnLinkedItems[] = {"H_Shemag_khk","V_Chestrig_khk","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; weapons[] = {"rhs_weap_akm","Throw","Put"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"rhs_weap_akm","Throw","Put"}; magazines[] = {"rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm", "rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm", "rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm", "rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm", "rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm", "rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm","rhs_mag_rgd5","rhs_mag_rgd5"}; respawnMagazines[] = {"rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm", "rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm", "rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm", "rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm", "rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm", "rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm","rhs_mag_rgd5","rhs_mag_rgd5"}; }; Some beard class names are: SFG_Tac_BeardD, SFG_Tac_BeardB, SFG_Tac_BeardG. How can I do that? Thanks in advance!
  23. So I'm trying to make a generic faction for internal use and I want my soldiers to use this Beard mod (if activated) so they can look more middle eastern :) This is what I got for the momment class aif_ins_me_rifleman : I_G_Soldier_F { scope =2; side = 0; modelSides[] = {0, 3}; faction = rhs_faction_aif; vehicleClass = aif_vehclass_men; author = "$STR_A3_Bohemia_Interactive"; uniformClass = "aif_OG_Guerilla1_1"; identityTypes[] = {"LanguagePER_F", "Head_TK", "G_IRAN_default", "NoGlasses"}; allowedHeadgear[] = {"H_Shemag_olive","H_ShemagOpen_tan", "H_ShemagOpen_khk"}; genericNames = "TakistaniMen"; linkedItems[] = {"H_Shemag_khk","V_Chestrig_khk","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; respawnLinkedItems[] = {"H_Shemag_khk","V_Chestrig_khk","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; weapons[] = {"rhs_weap_akm","Throw","Put"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"rhs_weap_akm","Throw","Put"}; magazines[] = {"rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm", "rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm", "rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm", "rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm", "rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm", "rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm","rhs_mag_rgd5","rhs_mag_rgd5"}; respawnMagazines[] = {"rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm", "rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm", "rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm", "rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm", "rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm", "rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm","rhs_mag_rgd5","rhs_mag_rgd5"}; }; Some beard class names are: SFG_Tac_BeardD, SFG_Tac_BeardB, SFG_Tac_BeardG. How can I do that? Thanks in advance!