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Found 323 results

  1. Hello everyone. The new feedback tracker is a little bit complex to use. The new website is far from being intuitive. So I have decided to do a thread about this matter. Is possible that someone explains a little bit here how to use it correctly? I suppose that learning to use the feedback tracker could help to reduce the doble posting of the same game problems and to keep the information of the game issues up to date.
  2. Pulling an odd error regarding the eos_spawnVehicle file. I have no idea how to fix it so some help would be appreciated... Also, kinda off-topic, but does anyone know why I would spawn in as a seagull on an MP mission I created? I have a spawn point but it doesn't see it? Picture of the in game error: Map: G.O.S Dariyah
  3. Multiplayer client can't pick up items (ammo things) in the deadbody's vest/uniform/bag on inventory on mission. When change the equipments on 3den Arsenal. feedback: https://feedback.bistudio.com/T126030 it's since 1.72 update... :( STEPS TO REPRODUCE Start Arma 3 Go to Editor Place any AI unit & players(need server and client) change the AI unit's weapon in arsenal. save the mission play the mission on MP kill the AI try the pickup items(ammo) from vest/uniform/bag of deadbody's additional info: it's only in MP and client(not server) player bug. server can pickup ammos from equip changed AI unit deadbody's vest,uniform,bag.
  4. pavel volonsky

    Game crash when changing map

    Each time the game crashes when changing the map. There will be a warning shows like: Argo: argo_x64.exe - Application Error Instruction at 0x000000000203C170 referenced memory at 0x0000000000000004. The memory could not be read.
  5. I was playing raid, the first round was okay, the second round this started, the footage is of the third round. I can only assume it is an AI controller taking control of my player character and bouncing around. Also AI frequently spawns in these games and they can invinsible, invisible or just completely dopey. I don't think AI are supposed to beable to play on the PVP servers so idk. That AI spawning is quite frequent, this bug is the first I have seen of it, or heard of it.
  6. i was playing a game and i muted my computer audio with the button on my keyboard and after un-muting it the game had no volume but everything else did. i already tried restarting my computer and game that didn't work
  7. BVN101

    Item issue

    Hi everyone, In the last few days I ve tried to buy a silencer for my MX. When I clicked on "get item" a frame appears where it says "Connection to cloud server failed. Check your internet connection and try again later." My Internet Connection was very good all the time and after this few days this bug really makes me mad. If anyone could help me please write me a reply. THX BVN101
  8. Hi, First, sorry for my english, I'm french ^^.... second, I have a bug in the main campaign in one mission: crossing paths (ou "croisée des chemins" in french). At the end of the mission, just after the last encounter against the AAF forces, the screen stop with a message like "sound file missing battlefieldexplosions3" and then i press OK and i continue this mission. Maybe someone has the same bug and I want to highlight it for the devs to correct it. Thanks for reading, it could be unpleasant ;)
  9. Hey guys! I'm absolutely loving Argo but this issue is kinda annoying. As you can see in the picture I can't see my statistics and this has happened with every browser I've tried (Chrome, Edge, Firefox) Just wondering if anyone else has had this issue? http://i.imgur.com/DUU44Ou.png
  10. Hey, Guys, I'm pretty new to the forums and scripting, so I have this problem with other people's scripts, I can't see the dialog text, I'm using TAA name And VAS Vas: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=19134 TAA: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=23512 TAA Picture VAS screenshot:
  11. I died close to one of the shipping containers in Airport mission, when I was revived, I spawned inside of container and could not get out, unless killed myself. Can we get doors, that is usable? :D
  12. -NBR- Magic

    EXP Not Being Rewarded

    Have been playing Clash most of the day and several times, the last 3 games in a row, i have not been rewarded with any EXP. The MVP screen does not show, just a blank landscape it is most annoying. Sometimes during the game the scoreboard shows you as having just one point if you have made one kill. I finished a match with 7 kills and 5 flag captures and only had 7 points, there was no MVP screen and i didnt even get the 7 points added to my overall score. Could we get this sorted out please? Or could the points be added retrospectively? thanks. (i cant seem to add a link to the screen shots on my steam profile on here :s)
  13. hi guys, i really need the spectator for my mission, but sadly it does not work (its blocked looking the ground, no way to move it). seems that with "respawn on custom position" there's no way to make it work. to be accurate, it works when i join the mission and i never died, but after the first death, no way to move it, it get s stuck looking hte ground! please help ! thanks ! EDIT: all this on dedicated server. with editor MP it works. EDIT: seems that "select respawn position" option makes a huge difference. with it (and i need it) spectator camera does NOT works (get stuck looking ground), and sadly with it disabled camera works fine, but also player respawn even without a respawn point !! madness... and i obviously want player stay dead as spectator camera.... any help is really appreciated! thanks !
  14. Alex150201

    Can't even launch Argo

    Hi Argo just released and I downloaded it. It was strange to me that it was only 100MB. Upon trying to launch it I get this error: E:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Argo\argobattleye.exe Any help?
  15. Hello there great community of Arma! I happened to experience this strange audio bug during my last sessions of Arma, and I'd like to ask, if anyone else experienced something familiar, and if so, did anyone managed to fix it. Here's the video of bug, it'll be better than making an effort to explain it with words: I'm using Dynasound+Enhanced Soundscape, and I feel that it started to happen more frequently after recent updates of Arma.
  16. Ok when player is alone and when i use [_p] join _pg command player joins the group. And then when I use RemoveAllWeapons _p it removes the weapons and then it leaves the group. What is going on here? How do I prevent it from happening? Heres some other details and useless ones: Player is alone at first Hes on resistance side Time is on default Player is in captive mode that means i used SetCaptive on it
  17. I have purchased the Jets DLC through the steam store but cannot use the items in game. The DLC is listed in the list under the Arma 3 Tab in my library but I cannot pick up items in game and still get the advertisements on my screen.
  18. Vasily.B

    EDEN Editor BUGS

    As i dont see thread like this, and feedback is still down, i need to write it here. Paramterer DontCreateAi in eden is not working, which causes a serious problems in RHS mod apc's and BMP's. Also i wanna report/suggest one way to increase joy of using Eden - create shortcut for synchronizing. In 2D editor we used F5, now we have to click rRMB and choose option to synchronise with every unit we want to do so, its very time consuming on some missions (as you have to sync over 50 objects). Overally Im staring to enjoy your new child (EDEN) and i think its gonna be historical moment of BIS.
  19. So many of you might have noticed how the AI animates when stationary. You will for example, breech a building and find in one of the rooms an AI lying on their stomach, who then uses their freakish abdominal muscles to spin around at the speed of a falcon's sneeze without moving their legs at all and gun you down in the face. AI when stationary seems to act like a turret, very robotically and artificial looking, swiveling around on the spot with little to no animation other than where there gun is pointing. It's immersion breaking and kind of terrifying in a 'familiar made strange' terminator sort of way. And it's doubly strange because players appear to animate fine when swiveling around, (assuming their mouse sensitivity isn't 100%) Bohemia, please fix :(
  20. jackkellar

    Praetorian 1C AI Fire Rate

    The Praetorian 1C when controlled by AI fires at a much slower rate than when manually controlled. Is this something i can set up? Or the AI just feels like it?
  21. Hello guys, im currently searching for the new Jets Dlc wepaons class names, so far, that ones from the class names West,Indipendent,Opfor are missing. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_CfgVehicles_WEST It says, theyve only got "3" Weapons: 1x magazine_Fighter01_Gun20mm_AA_x450 1x Laserbatteries 1x 240Rnd_CMFlare_Chaff_Magazine so indeed thats not all. Where can I find the missing class names? Would be very nice, if some one could help me. Greetings
  22. Hey first time posting on here so please forgive me if I don't supply all the information needed! Recently I've been making a team vs team mission that is based on the rush gamemode from battlefield games, but I've come across an issue when testing it on a dedicated server that has pretty much made it impossible to resume without having to restart everytime somebody joins. I'm using the RespawnTemplates: Menuposition and MenuInventory, I've set the inventory in the description and I've got revive working, but whenever somebody joins in progress they get stuck on the map screen with no menu to allow them to choose a position or a loadout. Either i'm doing something silly for this to occur or I've came across a bug but I've tried Reddit with no replies and I've tried searching on google for countless hours with no success of a solution. The only thing I've really got that would interfere with it I guess would be the InitPlayerLocal.sqf and OnPlayerRespawn.sqf but I'm not 100% sure on how to fix this which is why I'm here Map = 1; saving = 0; disabledAI = 1; joinUnassigned = 1; enableSentences = false; disableChannels[]={0,4,5}; OnLoadName = "WW2: Battle For Szydlow"; loadScreen = "pictures\background.jpg"; Author = "J. Doddsy (RaptorSKA)"; // Respawn respawn = 3; respawnDelay = 10; respawnDialog = 1; respawnOnStart = 1; respawnTemplatesWest[] = {"MenuInventory","MenuPosition"}; respawnTemplatesEast[] = {"MenuInventory","MenuPosition","Tickets"}; // Revive ReviveMode = 1; ReviveUnconsciousStateMode = 0; ReviveRequiredTrait = 0; ReviveRequiredItems = 2; ReviveRequiredItemsFakConsumed = 1; ReviveDelay = 10; ReviveMedicSpeedMultiplier = 2; ReviveForceRespawnDelay = 3; ReviveBleedOutDelay = 40; // Misc showCompass = 1; showGPS = 1; showWatch = 1; showNotePad = 1; // Optimisation: wreckLimit = 4; wreckRemovalMinTime = 60; wreckRemovalMaxTime = 120; Ingame when the player joins after launching the session, he'll sometimes get the menu but It's just a slight chance. The players I've had join say they can only see the map screen, they have physically spawned at the respawn location - once killed they are able to actually see the menu.. I'm sorry if this has already been solved, I only took a quick look at the forums to see if anything resembled my error but it's something I've been trying to fix now for about 2 weeks and I'm still having no luck with Reddit or Google. I've tried looking at respawnonstart -1; I've even removed respawnonstart and it actually started working slightly.
  23. JiggyJinjo

    Blurry scope

    Hello guys, I've been experiencing problems with in-game scopes : your vision becomes blurry once you aim with them through a scope and go back to the mounted Holo or iron-sight if the scope has one. Here is the difference : this is the normal behavior and there's nothing wrong with it : this is after looking through my scope and going back to the mounted Holo : I don't use any kind of mods affecting visual and here is the video I made about it : The issue appears between 0:11 and 0:13. I wish you guys could resolve this bug or show me a way to fix this as it ruins my experience with most scopes (low magnification scopes don't seem to be affected by that, I'd say that any scope with more than 4x magnification has this issue) Thanks in advance
  24. dlegion

    eden editor bug

    hello, i discovered after the 1.68 update, that in eden editor, many properties in list, like a common trigger "activation - none" , does not work. for example, in a common trigger, "type" list works (clicking let you choose the guarded by... end... ecc.. as usual) but the "activation" field does not work. clicking on it doesnt open the list to choose your option. same for respawn modules and many others. pretty total-broke the editor right now :(
  25. millardzahiri

    Tick Tock CRASH

    the game is crash after 5 to 10mins, its like you added a timer for it to crash for me. I could be playing a game, or just be on the main menu, it will freeze. I have to do ctrl alt delete everytime. Iv yet to play the game without crashing since i did the update today. One time it took only 2 mins to crash, I clicked on Multiplayer on the main menu then clicked Server Browser, I crashed, here is the info i saw after i ended Arma program through ctrl Alt Delete if it helps- https://i.gyazo.com/7ea2cc1080c9cd8ae29edbcd8344f6d2.png Exit code- 0xCFFFFFFF - STATUS_APPLICATION_HANG OS 64BIT: TRUE Process 64bit: FALSE Culture: en-US