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Found 240 results

  1. Random (I) Tactical Zone, RITZ! Dynamic missions orchestrated by HETMAN artificial leader. You will be leading your assigned squad throughout pitched battles. Comes in two flavors on different maps and factions: Battle Generator - Take role on either side and fight over central point. Campaign mode - Progress throughout the map in multiple part scenario. Units can be recruited with action > "Recruit". If you "Recruit" the commander unit at flag marker, YOU become the commander! Access High Command module with "ctrl + spacebar". ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation Place .pbo in missions folder. Requires Combined Operations. No addons required. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Modifying Battle generator can be played on different map by changing .pbo name e.g SP_RITZ.Zargabad.pbo -> SP_RITZ.Takistan.pbo Campaign mode works on trigger locations in editor. Arrays for units can be changed in UnitSpawning.sqf ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Download: Google drive moddb ------------------------------------------------------------------------ credits: HETMAN ARTIFICIAL COMMANDER by Rydygier BI wiki for information and various script snippets from bi forum posts, thanks a ton everyone! ^^
  2. Hey there guys, I am looking around and wondering if anyone knows how to set up Dynamic Simulation, for ALL non-player units in the session, at all times. .. maybe a sleep or check timer where it applies it in periods for all non player units. Both from the start of the session and when you spawn them in mid session, through script or by Zeus Micro managing activating dynamic simulation on any and all units is a bit tedious for me as Zeus
  3. I know .sqf is generally better but i would like to save the props as a composition so i can just place it down in different missions. Is there a way to run loops in the init field WITH suspension. Sleep doesnt seem to work.
  4. Hello fellow Arma players! Is there anyone still remembering the original "Survivor" simple mission in Girna that blew up when Arma was still in Alpha? Well, it has been more than 10 years and I thought that it's time to create a PROPER sequel :) Survivor is back! Prevail as a Survivor against numerous bullies! Use the environment, skills, equipment and fallen enemies' gear to annihilate those pesky bullies that just want you dead! 10 Year Anniversary 10 years ago, I've created and published a mission called "Survivor". It was a simple small mission set up entirely in the old 2D editor using triggers, waypoints and units. That mission became my first workshop success in Arma 3 community and is still played and praised today! To remind you of this mission and to pay proper respect to the community - I've created this sequel, packed with action, story line, comic pages and inovative gameplay features, that will keep you busy for the entirety of this rollercoaster! Features - 10 story missions , each being more difficult and complex as you progress - 4 secret missions , that you can unlock by inspecting certain items in the world (can be found during story missions) - 78+ comic (manga) pages explaining the story line and secrets - 24 music songs , picked from Epidemic Music! - 36+ secret images explaining my personal history - Epic gameplay features during certain missions! - Ultimate challenge that gets harder the more you accomplish - Fast restart after death (no waiting for the mission reload) - Death cam (enjoy your suffering in slowmo) DOWNLOAD Steam Workshop
  5. hello all, new to the forums and A3 mission generating. currently working on a D-Day landing Zeus OP for my group and I'm having issues. When I launch the initial gameplay test from the editor directly everything works as I designed, the German AI forces starting engaging the US landing craft from a range of approximately +/-500m (from mg bunkers to about 150m from water edge). the problem arises when I push the mission pbo to my dedicated server on Host Havoc the AI don't engage unless fired upon or zeus'd right in front of each other. I've tried messing with the AI defenders settings as well as trying to adjust the server settings but nothing is working. what could I be doing wrong or what is causing the difference in gameplay between the 2 types of hosting? thanks! DoughB0i
  6. Anyone know if it's to add game master to scenario like an entity or something? I want to add it to bohemia's conflict mission/campaigned and the game master game mode seems to break the mission. Thanks
  7. How do I make a objective list for my mission that checks off, and side objectives (not necessary for mission completion), and how do I connect items/vehicles/people to being part of an objective, etc. thankyou!
  8. I'm trying to get a ai unit to shoot at an target/object while on a heli door gun when a trigger is activated. I got the trigger to make him shoot but he wont shoot at the target/object. He just shoot's into the air randomly or at the ground but not the target/object. null = shooter1 spawn {_this dotarget t6; sleep 0.5; while {alive t6 and alive _this} do {sleep 4; gl action ["useweapon",vehicle _this,_this,0]; }}; this is the code placed in the trigger I was told to replace the "useweapon" with "fireAtTarget" but got error when running the mission and the ai wouldn't shoot I then tried this code below null = g1 spawn {_this dotarget t6; sleep 0.5; while {alive t6 and alive _this} do {sleep 0; gl action ["fireAtTarget"]; [_helicopter, currentWeapon LMG_Minigun_Transport,0]; }}; But when running the mission with code I got another error and the ai wouldn't shoot I have pics but I'm not sure how to add them.
  9. null = this spawn {_this dotarget t6; sleep 0.5; while {alive t6 and alive _this} do {sleep 4; gl action ["useweapon",vehicle _this,_this,0]; }}; I used this code in my mission is there a way to use this or something like it but with a trigger? Right now the AI shoots as soon as the mission starts I'd like for them to only shoot once the player moves into a trigger.
  10. Hello there! We are a group/clan of around 50+ players who have now made an attempt to move from ArmA3 to Reforger. As mission builders, we have encountered a problem, which is that we have one account that we use to upload our missions to the Workshop. It's not optimal because we share login credentials. Sometimes someone forgets to log out, and sometimes a more advanced mission is being built that requires some extra care, but the person who wants to build it has to wait until the person ahead of them is finished. So, no matter how we do it, we have a maximum of 7 days to build and plan everything. Currently, we have a framework "mod" that contains our gear and organization with our groups/callsign, and then we have the actual mission or training mission as a separate mod. The problem arises because there are 5-8 people building new missions every week, so I believe this question falls within how you guys handle mods with multiple people helping or having different responsibilities within the same mod. My specific questions are: What version control do you use for your mod? How do you upload your mod to the Workshop when there are multiple people sharing that responsibility? Do you build and upload multiple mods, such as a live mod and a dev mod version? or can you hide the dev version on the Workshop (if you don't have a name/code for it)? Best regards RL ArmA MILSIM
  11. I made a mission, it has those 2 options enabled. But mission ends when respawn tickets reach 0, even though players are still alive. How do I make it so it only ends after tickets reach 0 AND everyone is dead? Edit: I realize this is the wrong place to ask this so I'll make another thread
  12. Armando Ramos Quintana

    Operation Exodus (COOP-04)

    Cooperative Mission 4 Players You are part of Team Bravo, a detachment of the Delta Force mission in Chad. Your vehicle has run out of fuel and you are alone in the desert. Or so you thought... Even so, you have a mission to accomplish. I would like to get feedback about this mission, I plan to do more like this one, and using these same mods. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2907198306
  13. br_ac_army1

    Old Man - Redressing

    Hi everyone! I have a problem that I can't pass checkpoints when I wear a gendarme uniform, for example. The guards shout me to get lost and then fire me. However, when I wear a common clothes, there are no problems. I use full outfit and I wear a stealth balaclava, so I have a green question mark. I really don't know what's the problem. Why does it happen?
  14. Hello everyone, I currently have the problem that my server is deleting save games of any type of scenario or mission as soon as I turn off the server. I'm currently using AWS (Amazon Web Services) as server provider. Did anybody have the same problem with this provider or maybe other providers aswell and can help me out? Thanks in advance
  15. Hi Community, I plan to play a small highlight video for our Battlegroup at the end of an ingame campaign. This also works wonderfully on the Dedicated. As a screen, I chose the Land_Billboard_F, which works so far and is perfect for about 15 people viewing at the same time. But every time the video starts, the standard Texture with path "a3\structures_f\civ\infoboards\data\billboard_metal_co.paa" is loaded with a metal and cracked effect, which makes the quality of the display very poor. I have now tried to set a white .paa in the texture field of the object editor, but this is also replaced when the video is starting. And the setting of foreground and background colors in white or black by BIS_fnc_playVideo does not come into play either. How do I get rid of the switch to the standard .paa when starting the video? Do I have to set or change configs there? I haven't gotten into that part yet. I am very grateful for every tip and help. Part of the belonging Script:
  16. I make a mission and i published un workshop. The mission run well in SP or scenarios mode. when i load in dedicated server, the server start without errors but the client crashes. In the server log these errors are shown: Inconsistent item table on Slave connection. Item is missing or different item was loaded in its place. I don't know what could be wrong.
  17. I am going to post everything I find about mission making here. I am finding that with all these videos, wikis, and etc. each one brings something new or slightly different. I have already taken 2 items, from 2 different people, and apply it to my scenario to get it to work. Any hopefully, someone will get something out of this to help them.
  18. StriderTibe

    02: Ambush completed the hard way

    Well this game can still suprise me, even today. After a few retry and loaded saves, it turns out that ambush can be completed the hard way, even after the tanks starts rolling in, and you get the command to retreat from Houdan. It was true chaos, completely alone there, running in and out of houses in the town, popping armored vehicles, and some straggler infantry while trying to scavage even more rgp rockets from dead soldiers avoiding any line of sight with those bmp-s and t72-s, and those sneaky soldiers closing in on me. At the end the only thing that prevented the mission completion is some random enemy sitting with a grenade launcher east of Houdan. When i finally found that guy and dealt with it, the mission finaly get a good ending, despite my commander nagging me to evacuate with that chopper the moment we set foot in the town. Here is my proud achivement of completing this absolute insane mission on veteran difficulty. https://imgur.com/a/V5VDUdK This game still rocks, and still can be a challanging immersive and fun experience, even with its sometimes funky graphics. Any other non-convetional ways to complete missions you guys know about?
  19. I want to make a similar type of mission like a RobJ's helicopter pilot mission. But I couldn't understand anything from his mission file. There wasn't much I could refer to. And It's hard to find tutorials for this. Could someone please let me know if you know any tutorials about how to create a mission that create tasks randomly and continuously?
  20. Take back the oil drilling location that is currently captured by ISIS forces. This should be a quick operation. They will not see it coming. I wanted to create a scenario that would be fun to play once or twice and without minimal frustrations. It's not the hardest mission if you time the attack correctly. You have to start the operation with radio Alpha. You will hear a radio message and a feed when they are moving in. You have time to choose the M14 rifle with scope instead of the HK416 you start with. Some more goodies can be accessed at the supply crate near the spawn. Have fun! The Workshop link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2799008687 All my scenarios are made with gear and weapon packs to make them stand out and increase the fun factor. Previous scenario (In And Out - Night Operation): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2797835392
  21. Blow up the building with warheads in it and extract by air or sea. The darkness is your cover. You have one optional objective (for a higher score). But there is only one main objective. Destroy that building by planting 3 bombs in the middle of the building. When the main objective is completed, choose to extract your team by sea or air. But you have to steal the vehicle you choose. Two helicopters have been spotted at the airbase. Two boats have been spotted at the dock in the north part of the map. Can be played with up to 3 friends or by yourself. You can choose to go in guns blazing or sneak your way into the building. Keep in mind that alarms can go off in the village and at the airfield. Stay frosty! The mission can be found on Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2797835392
  22. Hey fellow Arma players, while customizing a unit in the virtual arsenal I was like "Man, I would really like a coop mission as gendarmerie"... So I created it. About this mission: Duration: 2-3h Features: - Base discovery with respawn system - Vehicle store - Performance boosting (the mission is quite huge. Inactive units will not be processed) - Civilian population Workshop page: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2797269554 Feedback: I really want to create a nice and stable mission. So please send me any feedback you have. From bugs to your playthrough experience. Note: The mission contains tasks where you need to search for evidence. I intentionally did not mark their location on the map. In case you find them too hard to find, please tell me. In case you cannot find all evidence:
  23. Hi, I just wanted to present a mission I've been working on for quite a while now but never got around to posting it here. Basic description Random infantry skirmish on a random place on the map, you can choose any faction, any weapon and any vehicle and just start fighting. The battles are fast, fierce and fun. The mission purpose is to have some quick arcade fun with whatever faction mod you have. Main features Fast-paced, dynamically generated firefight with infantry and land/air vehicles Compatible with any mod that has proper units definitions Fully customizable, set your own rules, select your gear, pick a location, pick factions 3 game modes: Push, King of the Hill and Team Deathmatch Supports Singleplayer and COOP (up to 8 players) Supports 30 worlds! Game modes Push - attack and capture sequence of points, one after another while defenders put fierce resistance King of the Hill - team that has more units in a specified area gets points over time, the team that reaches the point limit first wins Team Deathmatch - get points for killing enemy units, the team that reaches the point limit first wins Workshop collection link (contains missions for all 30 worlds) The mission is fully open source, you can find the sources on GitHub: https://github.com/SkaceKamen/random-infantry-skirmish/ (feel free to use any code found there for any purpose)
  24. So, I'm currently working on a mission with a fixed object to access the arsenal (ACE). This arsenal however should only be accessible to the pilots role to deliever logistics. Unfortunately there are some players in the group that won't listen to strict rules, saying that no one shall go there and access the arsenal. So I was wondering if there is a way or a script to either: a) Kill any player (except of the pilots and the zeus), force them to respawn, when they step into a trigger area or b) show only the zeus via a hint that Player1 has entered the trigger area to which the zeus can react himself. I'd prefer the killing method however. If someone has an idea I'd be happy to know and hear about it. THX
  25. Hello, I hope this isn't too much of a stretch to ask but there's one thing bugging me. I have the Zeus Enhanced mod and I was wondering if there's any way to use systems made available by it in 3D Editor. What I mean by that is for example - I wanted to use the suppressing fire module provided by the Zeus Enhanced mod, connect it to a trigger and have units appear and fire as the module allows. Also some tools like "Tracers" are way way simpler to use as Zeus, with graphical interface instead of inputting certain weapon names and such. Has anyone encountered an issue like this? Is this mod conflict or a base game limitation? Is there a way or a workaround I could implement? I would be extremely grateful if anyone could be so kind to help me.