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About br_ac_army1

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    Private First Class

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  1. I added the discreteDistance and discreteDistanceInitIndex variables. It helped me to solve a problem with ASP-1 Kir (I made a 127x108mm variant of it, but it couldn't fire further than 1400m). However, I had put these strings to my ADR-97, but nothing changed. I have a theory that the problem is in the ammo, because I have .338 variant of ADR-97 TR where I wrote maxzeroing = 1600, and it works nice for all ranges. I suppose that bullets can tune to some range automatically and shells can't. I ran out of ideas
  2. I am trying to create a weapon based on ADR-97 TR and using 25 mm HE shells (inherited from 40 mm HE). Everything is okay but when I try to put a bigger distance (500m, 1000m, 2000m for example), the weapon just fires without changes. However, it worked for everything else. What should I do? My config.cpp: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ho5aw314uqv6d7s/config.cpp?dl=0 CfgAmmo: class G_40mm_HEDPUC: G_40mm_HE { hit = 630; indirectHit = 30; indirectHitRange = 10; warheadName = "HEDPUC"; explosive = 0.8; caliber = 5; }; class G_25mm_HEDPUC_special: G_40mm_HEDPUC { hit = 720; indirectHit = 25; indirectHitRange = 7; warheadName = "HEDPUC"; explosive = 0.3; caliber = 4; typicalSpeed = 750; maxSpeed = 1000; thrust = 35; thrustTime = 15; tracerScale = 3.0; tracerStartTime = 0.05; tracerEndTime = 12; timeToLive = 60; }; CfgMagazines: class 12Rnd_25mm_SMG_03: 50Rnd_570x28_SMG_03 { displayName = "50rnd 25 mm ADR-97 Magazine (U)"; ammo = "G_25mm_HEDPUC_special"; count = 15; mass = 20; initSpeed = 750; }; CfgWeapons: class SMG_03_TR_cheat: SMG_03_TR_khaki { baseWeapon = "SMG_03_TR_cheat"; displayName = "ADR-97 TR 5.7 mm (Upgraded)"; magazines[] = {"75Rnd_570x28_SMG_03","50Rnd_570x28_SMG_03"}; muzzles[] = {"this"}; modes[] = {"SingleB","FullAutoB"}; recoil = "recoil_empty_c"; class Single; class FullAuto; class SingleB: Single { reloadTime = 0.05; dispersion = 0.00007; }; class FullAutoB: FullAuto { reloadTime = 0.05; dispersion = 0.00007; }; class WeaponSlotsInfo { class CowsSlot: CowsSlot_Rail_Boost { iconPosition[] = {0.4,0.3}; iconScale = 0.2; }; class PointerSlot: PointerSlot_Rail { iconPosition[] = {0.33,0.37}; iconScale = 0.25; }; class MuzzleSlot: MuzzleSlot_57 { iconPosition[] = {0.0,0.5}; iconScale = 0.25; }; mass = 52; allowedSlots[] = {901,801,701}; }; }; class SMG_03_TR_cheat_25mm: SMG_03_TR_cheat { baseWeapon = "SMG_03_TR_cheat_25mm"; displayName = "ADR-97 GL 25 mm (Upgraded)"; magazines[] = {"12Rnd_25mm_SMG_03"}; muzzles[] = {"this"}; modes[] = {"SingleB"}; recoil = "recoil_empty_c"; initSpeed = -0.5; maxZeroing = 2400; class SingleB: SingleB { reloadTime = 0.25; dispersion = 0.00004; }; class WeaponSlotsInfo { class CowsSlot: CowsSlot_Rail_Boost { iconPosition[] = {0.4,0.3}; iconScale = 0.2; }; class PointerSlot: PointerSlot_Rail { iconPosition[] = {0.33,0.37}; iconScale = 0.25; }; class MuzzleSlot{}; mass = 55; allowedSlots[] = {901,801,701}; }; };
  3. br_ac_army1

    Recoil problem

    I have already solved a problem. I've just removed recoils from modes (I mean from Single/Burst/FullAuto) or replaced them with an array.
  4. br_ac_army1

    Recoil problem

    But although recoil works, Arma says, that the recoil "is not an array". How to solve it?
  5. Why are Altis and Stratis located somewhere between Crete and Malta, but not in Aegean Sea as in real life?
  6. br_ac_army1

    Recoil problem

    Thanks a lot! It worked!
  7. I am trying to add a recoil to my weapons, but Arma 3 always says: "Cannot update non class from class mod_uw\config.cpp/cfgRecoils/recoil_empty/". What do I do wrong? Part of my code: class cfgRecoils { recoil_empty_list[] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; class Default; class recoil_empty: Default { muzzleOuter[] = {0.08,0.3,0.1,0.09}; muzzleInner[] = {0,0,0.03,0.03}; kickBack[] = {0.01,0.02}; permanent = 0.01; temporary = 0.01; }; }; File: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ho5aw314uqv6d7s/config.cpp?dl=0
  8. br_ac_army1

    Class inheriting problem

    Thanks for your help! Actually I've already found a solution for my problem. I decided to add class WeaponSlotsInfo to my code and inherit other classes in modified weapons. So, I have something like: class WeaponSlotsInfo; class srifle_DMR_02_cheat_F: srifle_DMR_02_F { // Some code modes[] = {"SingleB","single_close_optics1","single_medium_optics1","single_far_optics1"}; // replacing Single to SingleB class Single; class SingleB: Single { // My code }; class single_close_optics1: SingleB { // Copying from original }; class single_medium_optics1: single_close_optics1 { // Copying from original }; class single_far_optics1: single_medium_optics1 { // Copying from original }; class WeaponSlotsInfo: WeaponSlotsInfo{ // Copying from original with minor changes }; };
  9. br_ac_army1

    Class inheriting problem

    More detailed:
  10. I have some problem creating copies of some weapons in Arma III. I created a new file and called classes to inherit from them. However, if I just use class hgun_ACPC2_F, it says that my new weapon has undefined class "Single". If I use class hgun_ACPC2_F { class Single; class WeaponSlotsInfo; }, my weapon starts working wrong (infinite ammo, no sound, puts away when pressing F). What should I do? Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/od2v2at9wvthh2j/upgradedweapons.zip?dl=0
  11. br_ac_army1

    A script trouble

    Heh, my mistake was really stupid. I used "#" instead of "//" to comment. I guess the problem is closed
  12. Hi everyone! I've finished working on my little mod, but when I'm trying to launch it, Arma III says: "Preprocessor failed with error - Invalid file name(empty filename)". And after launching my mod doesn't work. What did I do wrong? My mod contains only mod.cpp and Addons folder with pbo file. The file has only one file - config.cpp.
  13. br_ac_army1

    Old Man - Redressing

    Hi everyone! I have a problem that I can't pass checkpoints when I wear a gendarme uniform, for example. The guards shout me to get lost and then fire me. However, when I wear a common clothes, there are no problems. I use full outfit and I wear a stealth balaclava, so I have a green question mark. I really don't know what's the problem. Why does it happen?