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Found 120 results

  1. How do I apply _SMDI and _AS maps into texture maps I can apply in Blender? If needed to convert, how can I do that? Any tutorials?
  2. Started modelling and I'm not happy with the texture results.The rvmat is loaded but the NOHQ is not visible and the texture has less detail than the CO image What could be wrong? This is using a 2048x2048 CO image. The rvmat:
  3. I would really like to know how to develop a script/addon/texture/interface for a retina and fingerprint scanner. The idea is contextualized in the attached video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCvQxbfGHvw
  4. I'm having a issue getting my vest coded into the game with config.ccp . (I didn't make this vest, just a disclaimer). I was just wanting to add textures to certain items, adding patches and such on chest area and misc. Point being, I'm not getting any syntax errors, or any pop ups when booting up the game or any kind of "can't find texture" issue, but when I load into the game's arsenal, it doesn't pop up, I've tried multiple things. I've managed to get headgear in the game to work with my textures on it but, this vest will not go into the game for the life of me. Can someone explain to me what I'm doing wrong, thanks. https://ln5.sync.com/dl/32dea5ae0/gpdgpvjd-i9ubqgk7-ka7yigmy-ekaaxqhh
  5. I can't figure out what's going on here, and it's basically making it impossible to learn to fly(or not kill myself if I just go for it outside of training) in ARMA3, as soon as it happens. Normal View View after dying a few times Above screenshots are all in "VR Training: Helicopter - Weapon Systems" Below are in "VR Training: Helicopter - Basics" Before the issue happens After the issue happens (Note the cockpit texture resolution. You can actually see that in the first images too, just noticed; the geometry textures or whatever ARMA3 renders the knobs on the panels in the cockpit with also go away.) I've got the following DLC: Jets, Helicopters, Karts, Marksmen, Apex, laws of War, Malden, Zeus, Tac-Ops Mission Pack, Tanks, Contact, Art of War Charity Pack I have uninstalled Contact and still have the issue. I have one mod installed: Antistasi I've disabled Antistasi and still have the issue. My Helicopter flight model is Standard. I'm using Keyboard+Mouse. Windows 11, Geforce RTX 2060. Driver version: 532.03 (latest, updating hasn't mattered) I do have dual monitors and run in fullscreen on one. Most settings are on high/ultra. 1920x1080. This seems to happen from simply dying a few(unclear on more specific circumstances or how many times) times, and nothing recovers it beyond restarting the entire game.
  6. Hello, I would like to know if there was a solution to apply a texture to a polyline/spline, that would make the work easier
  7. Hey guys, I am currently working on a mission that would feature some kind of a "command center" (for the lack of better description...) which would have a few screens. Those screens have been set up to receive a texture captured from a camera attached to a uav (to be precise, the Pelter drone from the new Contact DLC). I have used a script kindly provided by @killzone_kid which I have only adjusted for the other drone type and basically looks like this - this is repeated for 12 screens in the init.sqf: laptop1 setObjectTexture [0, "#(argb,512,512,1)r2t(uavrtt1,1)"]; cam1 = "camera" camCreate [0,0,0]; cam1 cameraEffect ["Internal", "Back", "uavrtt1"]; cam1 attachTo [pelter1, [0,0,0], "PiP1_demining_pos"]; addMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D", { _dir = (pelter1 selectionPosition "PiP1_demining_pos") vectorFromTo (pelter1 selectionPosition "PiP1_demining_dir"); cam1 setVectorDirAndUp [ _dir, _dir vectorCrossProduct [-(_dir select 1), _dir select 0, 0] ]; }]; The UAV feeds are being thrown on the screen in sequence one by one. This is how it looks in a test environment with 12 machines - you can see that the last four laptops turn black and show no feed. When I deleted the part of the script responsible for the first laptop, the 9th one worked fine so again - no more than 8 at once. I have two issues with it: - Obviously, I can display no more than 8 feeds at once - any more than that will appear as black screen - similarly, when opening the uav terminal, the turret control window will also appear black/blank. I do not mean to complain, but do you think this is an engine/performance limitation of some kind and there's no way around it? - Will this effect even be global to other players or only local (I fear the latter)? If local, is there a way to display this kind of effect globally to such a scale in a multiplayer environment? I appreciate all the feedback on this topic. Thanks a lot in advance! Adam
  8. Hello! I am starting to learn how to mod and wanted to try to have the chest armor updated dynamically. I am sure this can be done server-side, but I was curious if it can pull the player UID within a chest rig mod. So the UID is grabbed by the mod on equip; after grabbing the UID it checks against a preset array of UIDs and determines which patch to put on their armor. Basically, I want to avoid having ten million sets of chest armor to update when a significant change hits my unit. within the hiddenSelectionsTextures for my testing vest I just have the variable but it does not seem to pass the patch.paa path from the _chest_path if statement condition Thank you!
  9. as the title says I'm trying to do some light retexturing to a CUP helmet model and I used the CUP_H_LWH_MARPAT_des_CO texture from the cup_creatures_people_military_usmc data folder in the CUP units mod. Once I Retextured it I made a config file (https://imgur.com/a/MF7Ll8g and https://imgur.com/a/del2Vo7) and packed both the retex and config file as a PBO then put it into a data folder within a Addons Folder within the main mod folder but I think I messed up around line 40 or 33 of the config where I try to grab the LWH helmet model and I don't know if that is the correct way of doing it or not. happy to answer any questions.
  10. Hey everyone, I got a real quick question. So, I've started making a lot of custom factions with the ORBAT tool, and I'm looking to create custom camo for different uniforms in order to make certain factions for my unit's campaigns. To get to the question itself, I've extracted the .paa file from the .pbo, I've converted it into a .png using TexView 2 from ArmA 3 Tools, and now I'm stuck at Photoshop since there are no templates that I've found I ran into a problem. I tried using Overlay to apply my camo to the .png, I removed the boots, belt, and whatnot using selection so they don't get affected. But my problem is this, whenever I apply my fairly bright camo to the darker variant from RHS, it darkens my camo, basically ruining it, the old camo is still very much so visible below it and all the little details like the folds and stretching in the clothing, where the clothing bundles up and the stitches all of it just is either barely visible or gone. From what I saw I seem to need a template to properly do this, so I can apply my camo over theirs, but I haven't found a template. I know people have managed to retexture before and I asked RHS but they say they can't provide the .PSD files which I completely understand. So is there a way for me to retexture this and how did the other people do it, since I was quite a few retextures both big mods and small private ones.
  11. Hello! I bought recently Arma 2 complete collection=all dlc-expansions pack I played Arma 2 a lot of years ago (retail) on a worse machine that the one that i have and i dont remenber this kind of performance this is what happens: changing graphics settings affect my FPS (at low set high fps and at high set less fps) ok? Well, the problem is that the game almost look the same, ugly. It looks even worse or similar to Arma 1! And im talking from the lowest to the highest setting. Yes, some things change a bit, but the big graphic thing remains the same. Every texture looks like it is low resolution, like OFP!! Im not pretending to play at the highest settings, but at least, medium one with a logic look Besides that, there is some texture popping up, or slow rendering (when you go far from an object) the strange thing is that, some things have excellent detail, for example: the humvee has arma 1 textures but you can see the water/moist on the headlights The player ped and the IA look decent too Its like, there is a texture, but there isnt a 3d thing going on And the weirdest thing: i can run arma 3 on decent fps and, looking more normal and logic my specs: intel i5-5200u intel hd620 Ram 8Gb DDr4 And when playing the game isnt even close to 60/70% on the cpu thanks!!
  12. T100 My custom vehicle 1 34600 faces in totall ( 58000 tris) 2* 4096*4096 textures 2* 2040-2048 textures 1* 1024*1024 textures 1* 512*512 textures More faces, high resolution textures , But high FPS My custom vehicle 2 18377 faces in totall ( 31388 tris) No 4096*4096 textures 3* 2040-2048 textures 1* 1024*1024 textures 1* 512*512 textures less faces lower resolution textures, But unbelievable FPS FPS would be increased if i remove all the textures If i work in a wrong way, both of my custom vehicles could encounter same problem, but not
  13. Screenshot: everyone know how to fix the issue in the red cycle radically, i use blender with Arma toolsbox
  14. Hello, so I'm an amateur at this so I have pieced this script for a custom retexture of a helmet but it keeps returning "cannot load texture" when I try to load it in the arsenal. class CfgPatches { class 6TH_uniforms_addon { units[]={}; weapons[]={}; requiredVersion=1; requiredAddons[]={}; }; }; class cfgMods { author="Shatter"; }; class cfgWeapons { class rhsusf_hgu56p_visor; class 6TH_C_Harmon_hgu56p_visor: rhsusf_hgu56p_visor { author="Shatter"; scope=2; displayName="HGU-56/P (Harmon)"; picture=""; hiddenSelections[]= {"camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[]= {"6th_uniforms\6th_uniforms\data\rhs_hgu56_olv_Harmon_Custom_co.paa"}; }; };
  15. Hello, I'm currently trying to retexture one of the racing kart helmets from the DLC. This will be implemented into a game for uniforms on a modded server. I cant seem to understand how to import or implement the Visor and visor effect into my config file. Hat.hpp class Spitfire_base : H_RacingHelmet_1_F { author = "Ean Wolfe"; scope = 0; picture = "\@Spitfire\icon.paa"; displayName = "Spitfire Race Helmet base"; }; class Spitfire_Camo : Spitfire_base { scope = 2; displayName = "Spitfire Race Helmet"; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\@Spitfire\Data\Spitfire_RacingHelmet.paa"}; }; This is what i currently have for the helmet its self. Anyway to add the visor + visor effect?
  16. For some reason this error is happening to me, it is only when looking at the texture of the ceiling. I am using multimats. PS: ignore the video sound
  17. Looking to get skins for the Blackhawk, Chinook, Little Bird, and MI-8 done. Will gladly arrange payment for work provided as our community has pooled a good amount of funds for our unit to have their own vehicle skins. Would also like to get ground vics done but air assets are the priority here.
  18. Altis Special Police Unit v1.50 by FoxFort Description: At the end of civil war in Altis, the Jerusalem Cease Fire of 2030 mandated the creation of an armed defence force to secure the sovereign territory of The Republic of Altis and Stratis, with that act Altis Armed Forces was born. But it was limited to have less then 1000 soldiers. In recent years, the on-going counter-insurgency operations in North-Western Altis resulted with worn down AAF military strength and with WW3 on the doorstep, the need to deal with insurgency and to increase overall security was a top priority. With active embargo on increasing the military strength. Altis government decided to form a Special Police Unit. The newly formed SPU consists only from current serving Altis police officers, who volunteered to server in area of counter-insurgency operation with hope of bringing order to chaos. New needed equipment for SPU was imported into country and the new 100+ strong SPU was formed. Wearing distinctive blue uniforms, SPU saw their first action in defence of Oreokastro. Features: Police Unit to boost defence of Altis from evil West and East 🙂 ------------------------------ Changelog: v1.50 - Added: Fieldpack in Green color, also replaces Fieldpack AT on Woodland AT class. - Added: Bonniehat in MC camouflage. - Added: PASGT helmet in Green-Olive camouflage (From Laws of War DLC). - Changed: All infantry classes now have randomized headgear, except Crew class. - Changed: Now Olive version of rangefinder is used instead of Sand version. - Tweaked: Color of MTV (GA Carrier Lite) Olive-Green camouflage. - Fixed: Default version of the mod, had wrong weapons magazines in cargo. - Fixed: Missing SPU Zafir and Rahim black versions in Arsenal. ------------------------------ Notes: - The SPU addon is "standalone", which means you don't need to download any other addon in order to use SPU. Now there are alternative weapons files included that require official Arma 3 DLC ownership. Use them if you wish, but you can use only ONE set of alternative weapons at the time. - Originally, new Hmmwvs have been imported from ArmA 2 into ArmA 3 by "Aplion", then further tweaked by me (FoxFort) for usage in SPU addon. - The new MI-35M is not finished, I should improve it eventually.. ------------------------------ Known issues: - The new MI-35M is not finished, expect improvement. - Jeeps and Mi-35M mostly have a proper metal hit effect, but dirt splash when hit is still present on some parts (WIP). ------------------------------ License / Disclaimer: Just by downloading and/or using my mod/addon you automatically accept and apply: - You are allowed to use my "Altis Special Police Unit" in your private or public missions and servers. - You are allowed to use my "Altis Special Police Unit" as part of your mod/addon as long as you make that your addon/mod requires to have my mods/addons installed and running at the same time as a seperated entities. - You are not allowed to alter or to extract my assests from any of my mods/addons and to release it to public as your own work. - You are not allowed to use all or parts of my mods/addons in order to intengrate it into your mod/addon, without making "Altis Special Police Unit" mod/addon as a requirement to be installed and run as a seperated entities. - You are not allowed to use all or parts of my mods/addons in order to make any kind of damage to my name. - You are not allowed to port my work into other games/mods without asking me. --(Basically, just do not steal my stuff and pretend that you made them.)-- ------------------------------ Required Arma 3 DLCs for Alternative Weapons: For "Alternative Weapons APEX AK12": You need to own APEX DLC: https://store.steampowered.com/app/395180/Arma_3_Apex/ ------------------------------- For optional "Alternative Weapons APEX SPAR": You need to own APEX DLC: https://store.steampowered.com/app/395180/Arma_3_Apex/ ------------------------------- For Optional "Alternative Gear - Contact DLC": You need to own Contact DLC: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1021790/Arma_3_Contact/ ------------------------------ DOWNLOAD LINKS: Armaholic ModDB Steam Workshop ------------------------------ Credits & Thanks: BIS, Aplion and Mickyleitor. ------------------------------- Video preview of the mod: ------------------------------- Screenshots:
  19. marki980908

    RVMAT files

    I am trying to make an active camo script. Topic 3 years ago discussed that using this: would allow players to achieve that (semi transparent vehicles etc, What I did, I took a random rvmat file from the game, copied it, unbinarised it into .cpp and replaced most of it with the script above. However when I try to replace some texture with new RVMAT file, game just crashes. Any idea what is wrong? PS. finished version should look something like this: https://gyazo.com/1cf752018440e580a91a42c683f1cf6c Or this: https://gyazo.com/69e19eb9a720b3acf19bb1734758d951 Edit: One of the first comments said this, maybe it will help "I found a very simple solution to the first method...the original texture for the vehicle/object must end with _ca, it seems like the alpha is only added with the orginal texture..and works great with moving vehicles."
  20. Having found a cache of old weapon models on an old HDD I've been tinkering with them to try and bring them up to Arma standards more for nostalgia's sake really. They use several smaller textures and in a bid to save memory I've been attempting to merge these smaller textures into one larger texture. I'm also trying to save myself time so I don't have to manually re-UV-map each texture. I've found some old .PTM files on the same HDD that I've used to merge textures like this in the past - However, when I edit and attempt to use the PTM file I simply get an error in Object Builder saying "Error reading PTM file" I was wondering if this function is still supported in Object Builder (as I haven't used it since the OFP/Arma days back when it was 'Oxygen') and if anyone had a functioning PTM file to use as a base as the old formatting seems to throw errors.
  21. I m making a balaclava mod. Everything done except texturing. My issue: Parts which are the taking light, as what i want, its looking okay. But parts which are the not taking light they're so dark as its should not to be. In-game photo: https://prnt.sc/tey21i My rvmat: class StageTI { texture="balaclava\textures\balaclava_ca.paa"; }; ambient[] = {1,1,1,1}; diffuse[] = {1,1,1,1}; forcedDiffuse[] = {0,0,0,0}; emmisive[] = {0,0,0,1}; specular[] = {0.5,0.5,0.5,0}; specularPower = 150; PixelShaderID="Super"; VertexShaderID="Super"; class Stage1 { texture="balaclava\textures\balaclava_nohq.paa"; uvSource="tex"; class uvTransform { aside[]={1,0,0}; up[]={0,1,0}; dir[]={0,0,0}; pos[]={0,0,0}; }; }; class Stage2 { texture="#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1,DT)"; uvSource="tex"; class uvTransform { aside[]={1,0,0}; up[]={0,1,0}; dir[]={0,0,0}; pos[]={0,0,0}; }; }; class Stage3 { texture="#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0,MC)"; uvSource="tex"; class uvTransform { aside[]={1,0,0}; up[]={0,1,0}; dir[]={0,0,0}; pos[]={0,0,0}; }; }; class Stage4 { texture="balaclava\textures\balaclava_as.paa"; uvSource="tex"; class uvTransform { aside[]={1,0,0}; up[]={0,1,0}; dir[]={0,0,0}; pos[]={0,0,0}; }; }; class Stage5 { texture=""; uvSource="tex"; class uvTransform { aside[]={1,0,0}; up[]={0,1,0}; dir[]={0,0,0}; pos[]={0,0,0}; }; }; class Stage6 { texture="#(ai,64,64,1)fresnel(1,0.3)"; uvSource="none"; }; class Stage7 { texture="a3\data_f\env_land_ca.paa"; useWorldEnvMap="true"; uvSource="tex"; class uvTransform { aside[]={1,0,0}; up[]={0,1,0}; dir[]={0,0,0}; pos[]={0,0,0}; }; }; You can tell me if any file missing to find solution. I m waiting for replies...
  22. Hey, I was wondering if anyone could help me with this recurring problem I have. Whenever I try using an alpha texture (_CA.paa) I get this weird artifact. It happened to me one time and I fixed it somehow (it's not that I don't remember, I honestly don't know how I fixed it lol). I used the same RVMAT, so I'm guessing the problem can't be in the material. Can anyone shed some light on it?
  23. Hello friends! A couple of days ago I've ran into some trouble I couldn't solve myself, and I found help here very fast. Right now, I'm at the point where I'm unable to find a solution for some sort of problem, again. What I'm trying to achive, is to spawn a vehicle - the AWC 302 Nyx (Wiesel), to be exactly - with alternate, official texture. The Nyx features the standard AAF-Camo, and alternatively an simple Olive-Camo. Since I'm making a own verison of DUWS - many of you will know what this is -, you will also know how those vehicles do spawn: Go to the headquarters, talk to the officer, choose the vehicle, spend the credits, and the vehicle will spawn outside of the HQ. Heres a little insight of how I try to spawn this vehicle with the alternate Olive-Camo: case 18: { if (commandpointsblu1 >= 28) then { hint "Vehicle ready !"; commandpointsblu1 = commandpointsblu1 - 28; ctrlSetText [1000, format["%1",commandpointsblu1]]; _vehic = "I_LT_01_AA_F" createVehicle _spawnPos; _vehic setObjectTexture [0,"Indep_Olive"]; _vehic setObjectTexture [1,"Indep_Olive"]; _vehic setObjectTexture [2,"Indep_Olive"]; _vehic animate ["showTools", 1]; _vehic animate ["showCamonetHull", 1]; _vehic animate ["showBags", 1]; _vehic animate ["showSLATHull", 0]; } else { hint "Not enough command points"; }; }; If I do place the vehicle in 3den-Editor, change it's visuals like the camo, SLAT-Armour, camonet etc., and then export it, copy paste it somewhere, the Olive-Camo is defined as "Indep_Olive", like above. Exported stuff looks like this: _veh = createVehicle ["I_LT_01_AA_F",position player,[],0,"NONE"]; [ _veh, ["Indep_Olive",1], ["showTools",1,"showCamonetHull",1,"showBags",1,"showSLATHull",0] ] call BIS_fnc_initVehicle; Of course I already found out that this won't work with SetObjectTexture, unfortunately. The vehicle does spawn with all the extras like SLAT-Armour, tools, but with missing textures (At least this showed me, that it somehow works). I then tried different things to achive my goal, changed something here and there, tried to find the path to those textures, etc. Funny enough: It's possible to use this code instead of the old one, and spawn the vehicle with all the extras and the correct textures. Bad thing is, It's spawn behaviour is totally different and all over the place - sometimes even glitches into the HQ. Results in apocalypse. If I'd use the new code instead of the old one, it'd look like this: case 18: { if (commandpointsblu1 >= 28) then { hint "Vehicle ready !"; commandpointsblu1 = commandpointsblu1 - 28; ctrlSetText [1000, format["%1",commandpointsblu1]]; _veh = createVehicle ["I_LT_01_AA_F",position player,[],25,"NONE"]; [ _veh, ["Indep_Olive",1], ["showTools",1,"showCamonetHull",1,"showBags",1,"showSLATHull",0] ] call BIS_fnc_initVehicle; } else { hint "Not enough command points"; }; }; It's a long and already ungrateful journey, and I don't know where else to look, what else to do. If there would be someone to point me in the right direction, or is able to make a functioning code of the examples above - old code or new one, doesn't matter as long as it works and the spawn behaviour is correct and identical to the old one, I'd - again - be more than very thankful. Hope to hear from you folks, enjoy your time! Regards, MajorBlunderbuss.
  24. Hello ! I recently released a new singleplayer scenario called "The Bunker", where i added custom textures to uniforms on the player and some AI. It worked well when i made some tests from the editor, but since i released it on the workshop and tried it as a new subscriber from the main menu and not as the "developer" from the editor, the texture doesn't apply at all on the player, which is then the vanilla camo, but it works well on the AI... The original texture is in a PAA format, but i also tried the JPG version and it still doesn't work Here is the command i put on the player init: kerry setObjectTexture [0, "urban.paa"]; kerry is the name of the player unit. I saw many posts about similar problems for the multiplayer category, but didn't found anything for the singleplayer one... and i don't know at all what could cause this. If someone have a solution, i would really appreciate, as i'm a little embarrassed since i published it on the workshop recently. Thank you in advance for your answers
  25. For a campaign I'm working on I want to add a bit of detail by giving the characters vests with their names on them like the kerry vest. However I don't know how to go about doing this. I found the nohq and co vest .paa files but I'm not sure what to do with them. Also, would I be able to add these to both the carrier rig for NATO and CTRG as well?