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About Jackal326

  • Rank
    First Lieutenant


  • Interests
    Addon Research, 3D Modelling, the assassination of leading political figures.

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  1. You need a " to close the classname out, as it currently says vehicle = "O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_rifleman7_01; and should say: vehicle = "O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_rifleman7_01";
  2. Jackal326

    Arma 3 Launcher "Loading Data"

    Might be worth saving the mods to a collection through Steam (via the workshop you can filter by subscribed files and then add them all to a collection), unsubscribing from them all, verifying files again and then resubscribing to (and re-downloading) the collection.
  3. If you're running ACE (which your OP states you are) its not as simple as just having a first-aid kit in your inventory. You'll need to use the ACE Medical Interaction system (unless you've disabled ACE Medical). I'm about 8 years out from the last time I've used ACE for a mission so I'm not exactly the most qualified to talk you through it but I bet YouTube (or even the ACE Thread) will have some tutorials etc. I seem to remember it uses a combination of the left windows key, with a mix of CTRL and ALT/Shift for various sub menus... I still maintain that ACE is the most-likely root-cause of your Action Menu issues (and the requirement to hold down the space bar to override it)...
  4. Jackal326

    I want to buy VBS1 + Addons

    Its not. You might get lucky on EBAY but you wont find it "new" anywhere as BI only seem to sell VBS4 now. I have VBS1 knocking around somewhere and to be honest it was essentially Operation Flashpoint 1.5 and was a stepping stone between OFP and Arma - the graphics were an improvement on OFP and about on par with ArmA, but as it was designed as a "training aid" rather than a "game" the graphics were never really invested in...
  5. Options > Controls > Presets (down the bottom-left of the menu), then select which-ever you want to try. Experiment and see what works for you, but mine is set to 'Arma 3 APEX' and I have no issues. If you try these and your mouse-wheel still doesn't work for options its either a mod-conflict (ACE maybe?) or your mouse is FUBAR...
  6. Sounds like your control settings have been reset, the historical default controls changed around about the time APEX released and the new "default" is more "FPS-based" than it used to be. Anyway, [ and ] I think should scroll the actions too...
  7. Theoretically it would be easy IF the original author has given the area the texture is defined to a name selection. If they have not then you're SOL.
  8. That depends on how the mod maker has setup their named-selections seeing as how there aren't any UH-1H's in game by default (to my knowledge). My advice would be to either try and experiment by changing the number in the init line (0, 2, 3, 4, 5 etc.) to see the results, but keep in mind it may not even be possible depending on how it was made in the first place...
  9. No, because the way Arma works is it loads any addons/mods upon start-up. As such any downloaded addons/mods would require the game to be re-started to be loaded. Simply put: If they didn't implement this when they added the shitty launcher, then they wont add it now.
  10. Why not just download it from the GitHub page?
  11. Jackal326

    SJB UKSF L119A'X' Pack

    I'll look into it if/when I get around to updating the pack.
  12. Its possible to do, but you wont find the config entry in the missions PBO, or the launcher(?) You'll want to look in 'weapons_f.pbo' and then the 'Ammoboxes' sub-folder. There you'll find a config.cpp containing the entry (along with every other ammo box entry from the base game - minus addons/expansions). class B_AssaultPack_Kerry: B_AssaultPack_mcamo { author = "$STR_A3_Bohemia_Interactive"; _generalMacro = "B_AssaultPack_Kerry"; displayName = "$STR_A3_B_AssaultPack_Kerry0"; picture = "\A3\Weapons_F\Ammoboxes\Bags\data\UI\icon_B_AssaultPack_Kerry_ca.paa"; model = "\A3\Characters_F_EPA\BLUFOR\backpack_kerry"; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1","camo2"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"a3\weapons_f\ammoboxes\bags\data\backpack_compact_rgr_co.paa","a3\characters_f\blufor\data\vests_rgr_co.paa"}; maximumLoad = 160; // <<<<<< This is it! mass = 20; }; Though you'll want to create a replacement config as editing the base game files will (most likely) break your game if you don't know what you're doing - plus you'll flag up when joining any MP servers as having modified files and the game will think you're cheating...
  13. Yes. Its to try and prevent you from spamming 'nades like a crazy person. You can see the information I outlined above in the config file for the "Throw" weapon: class Throw: GrenadeLauncher { scope = 1; autoAimEnabled = 0; cursor = "EmptyCursor"; cursorAim = "throw"; value = 0; type = 0; displayName = "$STR_DN_THROW"; canDrop = 0; textureType = "semi"; magazineReloadTime = 0.0; reloadTime = 0.0; muzzles[] = {"HandGrenade_Stone","HandGrenadeMuzzle","MiniGrenadeMuzzle","SmokeShellMuzzle","SmokeShellYellowMuzzle","SmokeShellGreenMuzzle","SmokeShellRedMuzzle","SmokeShellPurpleMuzzle","SmokeShellOrangeMuzzle","SmokeShellBlueMuzzle","ChemlightGreenMuzzle","ChemlightRedMuzzle","ChemlightYellowMuzzle","ChemlightBlueMuzzle","IRGrenade"}; // this is what is switching and by-passing the "MagazineReloadTime" of 2.5 seconds... class ThrowMuzzle: GrenadeLauncher { cursor = "EmptyCursor"; cursorAim = "throw"; sound[] = {"",0.00031622776,1}; reloadSound[] = {"",0.00031622776,1}; aiDispersionCoefX = 6; aiDispersionCoefY = 6; reloadTime = 0; magazineReloadTime = 2.5; // this is what normally "delays" the throwing of a follow-up grenade within the same muzzle enableAttack = 0; showEmpty = 0; autoReload = 1; modelOptics = ""; minRange = 10; minRangeProbab = 0.2; midRange = 45; midRangeProbab = 0.9; maxRange = 60; maxRangeProbab = 0.03; keepInInventory = 1; }; class HandGrenadeMuzzle: ThrowMuzzle { magazines[] = {"HandGrenade"}; }; class MiniGrenadeMuzzle: ThrowMuzzle { magazines[] = {"MiniGrenade"}; }; class HandGrenade_Stone: ThrowMuzzle { magazines[] = {"HandGrenade_Stone"}; displayName = "$STR_DN_STONE"; minRange = 5; minRangeProbab = 0.01; midRange = 45; midRangeProbab = 0.1; maxRange = 80; maxRangeProbab = 0.01; }; class SmokeShellMuzzle: ThrowMuzzle { displayName = "$STR_MN_SMOKE"; magazines[] = {"SmokeShell"}; }; class SmokeShellYellowMuzzle: ThrowMuzzle { displayName = "$STR_MN_SMOKE"; magazines[] = {"SmokeShellYellow"}; }; class SmokeShellRedMuzzle: ThrowMuzzle { displayName = "$STR_MN_SMOKE"; magazines[] = {"SmokeShellRed"}; }; class SmokeShellGreenMuzzle: ThrowMuzzle { displayName = "$STR_MN_SMOKE"; magazines[] = {"SmokeShellGreen"}; }; class SmokeShellPurpleMuzzle: ThrowMuzzle { displayName = "$STR_MN_SMOKE"; magazines[] = {"SmokeShellPurple"}; }; class SmokeShellBlueMuzzle: ThrowMuzzle { displayName = "$STR_MN_SMOKE"; magazines[] = {"SmokeShellBlue"}; }; class SmokeShellOrangeMuzzle: ThrowMuzzle { displayName = "$STR_MN_SMOKE"; magazines[] = {"SmokeShellOrange"}; }; class ChemlightGreenMuzzle: ThrowMuzzle { displayName = "$STR_cfgWeapons_Throw_ChemlightMuzzle0"; magazines[] = {"Chemlight_green"}; }; class ChemlightRedMuzzle: ChemlightGreenMuzzle { magazines[] = {"Chemlight_red"}; }; class ChemlightYellowMuzzle: ChemlightGreenMuzzle { magazines[] = {"Chemlight_yellow"}; }; class ChemlightBlueMuzzle: ChemlightGreenMuzzle { magazines[] = {"Chemlight_blue"}; }; class IRGrenade: ThrowMuzzle { displayName = "$STR_A3_cfgWeapons_Throw_IRGrenade0"; magazines[] = {"B_IR_Grenade","O_IR_Grenade","I_IR_Grenade"}; cursorSize = 1; }; };
  14. Probably due to the "reloadTime" for that weapon muzzle (as most default grenades use the "Throw" weapon), and switching from grenade type negates the "reloadTime" due to the other grenade type being a different muzzle and as such being unaffected.
  15. Jackal326

    "Member already defined" Error.

    Why do you have two separate cfgPatches sections with the same class name and exact same contents? And your required addons seem a little....excessive.... The following should work: