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About wansec_6

  • Rank
    Master Sergeant


  • Occupation
    Security Officer

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  1. wansec_6

    EricJ WIP Thread

    G,day @EricJ, You seem to have been busy over the festive period. That M/AH-15 is looking great. Looking forward to taking her for a spin. Thanks for all the work you,'re doing to the birds.
  2. After having played through the Expeditionary Forces Recon mission and utilising the NLOS missiles successfully, I have been trying to set them up in a mission, but not have been able to get them to work. I have set up a JTAC with data sending enabled and an attack boat (NLOS) with data receiving. Put a support requestor and a support provider module down and synced them all together. In game when I select the support option for the boat, it is greyed out and I get no missile launch. Could anyone please point me in the right direction to get them to work. Thank you in advance and Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to the Community.
  3. wansec_6

    EricJ Release thread

    G'day @EricJ, Glad to see you're still finding things to adjust and improve on the Helo pack. I was just wondering whether you may be able to add the new gun pods from Reaction Forces CDLC to the AH-96 and the MH-92, please? Thank you in advance and I hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas.
  4. wansec_6

    Damen LST collection

    That's really good news for the ADF. Don't forget the other staple of Aussie cuisine, a meat pie with sauce! 😆 Hope you are well and the modding is going smoothly?
  5. wansec_6

    Damen LST collection

    G'day @mankyle, That Ferry is looking great. Keep up the great work
  6. wansec_6

    EricJ WIP Thread

    G'day @EricJ, The .50 looks great. Good luck with the textureing.
  7. wansec_6

    Damen LST collection

    G'day @mankyle, You sound to be making quite some progress. Congrats on the progress. Looking forward to their launch as well as the new Civil Landing craft.
  8. G'day @icebreakr, Maltempo is looking great in your screen shots. Looking forward to visiting there.
  9. wansec_6

    EricJ Release thread

    G'day @EricJ, Great to see everything is progressing well. Have you made the M230 pod available for the AH-92? I haven't checked lately to see if you have. If not, would you consider adding it?
  10. wansec_6

    Damen LST collection

    G'day @mankyle, Glad to see that you are progressing with the development. She is looking good.
  11. wansec_6

    EricJ Release thread

    G'day @EricJ, Thanks for the reply. I completely understand your thoughts on the Hatchet choppers. Looking forward to having another go with the Kiowa, when I get a chance. Thanks for the hard work you're putting in.
  12. wansec_6

    EricJ Release thread

    G'day @EricJ, Glad to see things are progressing with the helos. Gave the updated MH-60 DAP a brief trial today. The M230 worked great. The only issue I found was that the volume of the gun was quite low. I don't know for sure, but I think a large calibre cannon that close to the pilots would be a lot louder, even with hearing protection worn. Just my observation. A duel M230 setup may cause to much recoil for the aircraft to handle, but it would be a nice addition to the arsenal, if you did choose to add it. Another option you could add is to include the pylon weapons from the Hatchet MH-60s as an optional ordnance source. This way they could be used by anyone that has the Hatchet mod, but it wouldn't be a dependency for your choppers. The Hatchet 60's also have a right side pylon mount for the M230 so a left, right or dual mount is capable. Keep up the good work my friend. Looking forward to whatever you choose to bring us next.
  13. wansec_6

    Damen LST collection

    G'day @mankyle, Good to hear you're making progress on the vessel. Looking forward to seeing her afloat, but don't wear yourself out. Keep up the good work mate!
  14. wansec_6

    EricJ Release thread

    G'day @EricJ, My apologies for the request. I was using the Mighty Gau-8 Mod and it removed the pylon option from the Aircraft in the mission editor. Removed it and they worked fine. Thanks for the reply
  15. wansec_6

    Damen LST collection

    G'day @mankyle, Those screen shots look great. I'm looking forward to seeing her completed and operational. Hope your health is improving. Keep up the good work.