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  1. Hello, I have a problem with the AI helicopter after paradrop. The helicopter stop following his waypoints after the paradrop. It just stay in hovering flight. I would like to make the helicopter follow his waypoints again after paradroping.... Here is the command that I've put in the "On Activation" field of the helicopter drop waypoint: paratroopers leaveVehicle heli; {_x action ["Eject", vehicle _x];} forEach units paratroopers; I d'ont see what other command line(s) I should use. I defeinitely need an expert. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is my test senario (3D editor): https://mega.nz/#!FgAn3Rqa!2MR4nIZOQGo2l92l2l0nbHKg8Ar20hm6_r1uW06v1UI GOAL: the helicopter must land at Camp Rogain after paradrop. Thanks and regards. PS: the problem does not happen when the player is the paratroop team leader.
  2. 173rd Airborne The 173rd is a professional 'Military Simulation' unit; priding itself on professionalism, realism, accuracy and maturity. Through the guidance of both former and active service members of Armed Forces throughout the world, the 173rd meshes real-world tactics with the Arma game-play mechanics. Through these ideals and principles the 173rd strives to act in a manner that is, above all, other levels presented in other environments and communities. About Us We, as the 173rd Airbone, are seen to perform operations ranking from situations including direct action insertions, Air assaults, and dropping behind enemy lines. We pool our resources to create new content for all to enjoy, allowing a constant stream of feedback from our members to guide our direction. The mutual respect between members, regardless or rank, experience or status; is what allows for us to form a cohesive unit and to truly get the most out of the experience. Furthermore, our reenactment of the 173rd Airborne does not impede the enjoyment or structure of online game-play: We do not require for members to refer to each other by rank, sir or to fulfill unreasonable demands, as well as having a deep understanding that personal issues take precedence. That said, we require a basic understanding of hierarchy whilst in-game; meaning that each soldier must endeavor to perform as their selected role and commit themselves as a member of a team. Our training schedule is a method for continuous improvement across the entirety of the roster, as newer members may offer a wealth of experience, which veteran members may not have had access to. In essence, our focus is to bring all members to a basic standard and build upon existing systems, in order to create a more enjoyable and immersive experience for all. As well as this, we also see ourselves performing a variety of operations ranging from scheduled Campaign Operations; Field Training Exercises; Brief Missions & Co-Operative Scenarios with other Realism Units. Requirements Minimum age is 16 years Must be available for Friday 2000GMT, Saturday 2000GMT Must have a clear, working microphone Must have a legitimate Copy of Arma 3 Must have Teamspeak 3 How to contact us Website: 503inf.enjin.com Teamspeak:
  3. I want a helicopter to spawn with crew and pick me and my squadmates up which activates by trigger. It would be cool too if you told me how to spawn an aa squad simultaniously so that he gets shot down.
  4. Greetings all, my question concerns advanced heli flight model. At night when flying in near-total darkness, the guages are blindingly bright. Is there any way to dim them? Script? If not, how can I suggest this to developers?
  5. G'day all, I've whipped up one of my favorite Operation Flashpoint Campaign missions. Let me know what you think, I've used CUP USMC units while I wait for the CUP Conflict 85' mod to come to fruition. Link to Steam Workshop ------- "AIRBORNE - OFP REMAKE"
  6. Hell-Heli [2016-07-16] Fly Tanoa, Altis and Stratis. Practice your combat moves in the island's most unreliable chopper - Hell-Heli. Guaranteed to fail. Initial Spawn Location and Damage are increasingly randomized, failure modes via engine, and tail rotors. Persistent settings and options for a customized flight. If you get stuck in a bush, use 'escape bush'! Its an easy way to practice the maneuver, and hone your reflexes. When the time comes in combat, you'll be able to rapidly identify a landing site, and execute a successful flightpath to safe landing. Survival is the best way to learn. Changelog: 2.4 - 2016-07-16 Tanoa! Camera tweaks for Tanoa; jungle density will remain an issue Map shift-click for waypoints restored +map close after teleport Fog rescaled for more practical use Time-of-day setting fix; was saving wrong hour, and ignoring minutes Failure timeouts adhered to Additional minor fixes, and attempts to reduce double-spawn frequency AFM tail-rotor damage fix Note: At the moment, many (but not all!) of the CUP Mod helicopers have broken Hitpoints and thus do not work. There are so many variants, if you find a broken model please add it to the Discussion, "Broken Model Reports"; I will try to make a bug report once I have a decent list generated and verified. 2.3 - 07/19/15 Mod Enumeration - will search and list new helicopter mods** ИÑправлен перевод на руÑÑкий Ñзык - ÑпаÑибо ruPaladin. Russian translation overhaul by ruPaladin; Thanks again! User-set Respawn Altitude and Deathcam Timeout in settings dialog Rotorlib support (not the cleanest hack, but works) Settings besides Weather, now automatically save Solution to loss of Action Menu when separated from helicopter MANY bugfixes - duplicates; WY-55; deathloop; text overflow; unlimited ammo; ocean-death; NV, +more Outdated Changelog: Helicopter DLC Class list [ for legacy versions ] Installation: Install *.pbo to steamapps/common/arma3/missions or copy the included folder for A3 Editor into {user}/Documents/Arma 3 {Profile}/missions Download 2016-07-16: [ Latest - Tanoa, Altis & Stratis: sp_hell-heli-autorotation_v2_4_pack.7z ] [ Latest: sp_hell-heli-autorotation_v2_4.Tanoa.7z ] [ Latest: sp_hell-heli-autorotation_v2_4.Altis.7z ] [ Latest: sp_hell-heli-autorotation_v2_4.Stratis.7z ] This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
  7. Beta-testers and cannon fodder are needed for a new Team vs.Team Sector Control scenario that is currently being developed for APEX Tanoa! Currently, we are stable with 5 Island Sectors, but wish to expand this to 7, 9, and 11 Sectors provided we have enough players to test the flow and ebb of the gameplay. Upon the stable release of APEX, we will be hosting Island Hopping on a dedicated server at http://themedicstation.net/ If you like tactical military gameplay please help us get this scenario finished by playing it through for us so we can make the appropriate edits. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=720699276
  8. I try to import helicopter from arma 2 to arma 3,after fixing model i try to pack addon and i have error some input after end of file. Any ideas? My config.cpp class CfgPatches { class yup_US_Navy_hh60j { units = {"yup_HH60J"}; requiredAddons = {"CACharacters", "CACharacters2", "CAWeapons", "yup_uscg_pilots"}; }; }; class CfgMovesBasic { /*extern*/ class DefaultDie; /*extern*/ class Actions; class ManActions { UH60_Pilot = "UH60_Pilot"; UH60_Gunner = "UH60_Gunner"; UH60_Cargo01 = "UH60_Cargo01"; UH60_Cargo02 = "UH60_Cargo02"; }; }; class CfgFactionClasses { class USCoastGuard { displayName = "US Coast Guard"; priority = 1; side = 1; }; }; class CfgAmmo { /*extern*/ class MissileBase; class yup_JayhawkFueltankAmmo: MissileBase { hit = 1; indirectHit = 1; indirectHitRange = 1; typicalSpeed = 10; cost = 100; deflecting = 1; airLock = 0; model = "\hh60j\fueltank_j"; proxyShape = "\hh60j\fueltank_j"; }; class yup_EmptyAmmo: MissileBase { hit = 1; indirectHit = 1; indirectHitRange = 1; typicalSpeed = 10; cost = 100; deflecting = 1; airLock = 0; model = "\hh60j\empty"; proxyShape = "\hh60j\empty"; }; class yup_fakeAmmo: MissileBase { airLock = 0; hit = 1; indirectHit = 1; indirectHitRange = 1; typicalSpeed = 10; maxSpeed = 10; cost = 100; effectsMissile = "NoEffect"; muzzleEffect = "NoEffect"; CraterEffects = "NoEffect"; explosionEffects = "NoEffect"; explosive = 0; deflecting = 1; model = ""; proxyShape = ""; }; }; class CfgMagazines { /*extern*/ class Default; class CA_Magazine: Default { }; class VehicleMagazine: CA_Magazine { }; class yup_1Rnd_JayhawkFueltank: VehicleMagazine { scope = 2; displayName = "Fueltank"; ammo = "yup_JayhawkFueltankAmmo"; count = 1; }; class yup_2Rnd_JayhawkFueltank: yup_1Rnd_JayhawkFueltank { count = 2; }; class yup_3Rnd_JayhawkFueltank: yup_1Rnd_JayhawkFueltank { count = 3; }; class yup_1Rnd_Empty: VehicleMagazine { scope = 2; displayName = "Empty"; ammo = "yup_EmptyAmmo"; count = 1; }; class yup_2Rnd_Empty: yup_1Rnd_Empty { count = 2; }; class yup_3Rnd_Empty: yup_1Rnd_Empty { count = 3; }; class yup_fakeMagazine: VehicleMagazine { scope = 2; displayName = ""; ammo = "yup_fakeAmmo"; count = 1; }; }; class CfgWeapons { /*extern*/ class Default; /*extern*/ class CannonCore; /*extern*/ class HellfireLauncher; class yup_fakeWeapon: HellfireLauncher { cursorAim = "\ca\Weapons\Data\clear_empty"; autoFire = 0; initSpeed = 1; displayName = ""; minRange = 300; minRangeProbab = 0.980000; midRange = 2000; midRangeProbab = 0.980000; maxRange = 4500; maxRangeProbab = 0.900000; sound = {"", 17.782801, 1}; magazines = {"yup_fakeMagazine"}; }; }; class CfgVehicles { /*extern*/ class All; class AllVehicles: All { class NewTurret { }; }; class Air: AllVehicles { }; class Helicopter: Air { class Turrets { class MainTurret: NewTurret { /*extern*/ class viewOptics; }; }; /*extern*/ class AnimationSources; }; class yup_HH60J: Helicopter { scope = 2; vehicleclass = "Air"; model = "\hh60j\hh60j"; displayname = "HH-60J Jayhawk"; mapSize = 17; picture = "\hh60j\ico\HH_60J_CA.paa"; Icon = "\hh60j\ico\icomap_HH60J_CA.paa"; crew = "yup_uscg_Pilot"; side = 1; faction = "USCoastGuard"; nameSound = "blackhawk"; maxSpeed = 270; accuracy = 0.300000; armor = 30; damageResistance = 0.002420; cost = 10000000; class MarkerLights { class RedStill { name = "cerveny pozicni"; color = {0.200000, 0.020000, 0.020000, 1}; ambient = {0.300000, 0.030000, 0.030000, 1}; brightness = 0.005000; blinking = 0; }; class BlueStill { name = "siniy pozicni"; color = {0.020000, 0.100000, 0.200000, 1}; ambient = {0.030000, 0.150000, 0.300000, 1}; brightness = 0.005000; blinking = 0; }; class WhiteStill { name = "bily pozicni"; color = {0.200000, 0.200000, 0.200000, 1}; ambient = {0.030000, 0.030000, 0.030000, 1}; brightness = 0.005000; blinking = 0; }; class WhiteBlinking { name = "bily pozicni blik"; color = {1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1}; ambient = {0.200000, 0.200000, 0.200000, 1}; brightness = 0.010000; blinking = 1; }; class RedBlinking { name = "cerveny pozicni blik"; color = {1.000000, 0.050000, 0.050000, 1}; ambient = {0.200000, 0.020000, 0.020000, 1}; brightness = 0.010000; blinking = 1; }; }; class HitPoints { class HitHull { armor = 1; material = 51; name = "NEtrup"; visual = "trup"; passThrough = 1; }; class HitEngine { armor = 0.250000; material = 51; name = "motor"; visual = "motor"; passThrough = 1; }; class HitAvionics { armor = 0.150000; material = 51; name = "elektronika"; visual = "elektronika"; passThrough = 1; }; class HitVRotor { armor = 0.300000; material = 51; name = "tail_blades"; visual = "mala vrtule staticka"; passThrough = 0; }; class HitHRotor { armor = 0.200000; material = 51; name = "velka vrtule"; visual = "velka vrtule staticka"; passThrough = 0; }; }; mainRotorSpeed = -1; memoryPointLMissile = "Missile_1"; memoryPointRMissile = "Missile_2"; soundGetIn = {"\ca\Sound\Air\Noises\heli_door_01", 0.316228, 1}; soundGetOut = {"\ca\Sound\Air\Noises\heli_door_01", 0.316228, 1, 30}; soundEnviron = {"", 0.031623, 1.000000}; soundDammage = {"\ca\Air\Data\Sound\alarm_loop1", 0.001000, 1}; soundEngineOnInt = {"ca\sounds\Air\UH1Y\int\int-start-final", 0.100000, 1.000000}; soundEngineOnExt = {"ca\sounds\Air\UH1Y\ext\ext-motor-start", 1.000000, 1.000000, 800}; soundEngineOffInt = {"ca\sounds\Air\UH1Y\int\int-stop-final", 0.100000, 1.000000}; soundEngineOffExt = {"ca\sounds\Air\UH1Y\ext\ext-motor-stop", 1.000000, 1.000000, 800}; class Sounds { class Engine { sound = {"ca\sounds\air\uh1y\ext\ext-fly-mode2", 2.511886, 1.000000, 900}; frequency = "rotorSpeed"; volume = "camPos*((rotorSpeed-0.72)*4)"; }; class RotorLowOut { sound = {"ca\sounds\air\uh1y\int\int-rotor-single5b", 2.511886, 1.000000, 1400}; frequency = "rotorSpeed"; volume = "camPos*(0 max (rotorSpeed-0.1))"; cone = {1.600000, 3.140000, 2.000000, 0.500000}; }; class RotorHighOut { sound = {"ca\sounds\air\uh1y\int\int-rotor-single5a", 2.511886, 1.000000, 1600}; frequency = "rotorSpeed"; volume = "camPos*10*(0 max (rotorThrust-0.9))"; cone = {1.600000, 3.140000, 2.000000, 0.500000}; }; class EngineIn { sound = {"ca\sounds\air\uh1y\int\int-fly-mode7", 3.162278, 1.000000}; frequency = "rotorSpeed"; volume = "(1-camPos)*((rotorSpeed-0.75)*4)"; }; class RotorLowIn { sound = {"ca\sounds\air\uh1y\int\int-rotor-single5b", 3.162278, 1.000000}; frequency = "rotorSpeed"; volume = "2*(1-camPos)*((rotorSpeed factor[0.3, 1.1]) min (rotorSpeed factor[1.1, 0.3]))"; }; class RotorHighIn { sound = {"ca\sounds\air\uh1y\int\int-rotor-single5a", 3.162278, 1.000000}; frequency = "rotorSpeed"; volume = "(1-camPos)*3*(rotorThrust-0.9)"; }; }; driverInAction = "UH60_Pilot"; driverAction = "UH60_Pilot"; cargoAction = {"UH60_Cargo02", "UH60_Cargo02", "UH60_Cargo02", "UH60_Cargo02", "UH60_Cargo02", "UH60_Cargo02"}; transportSoldier = 8; driverCompartments = "Compartment1"; cargoCompartments = {"Compartment1"}; radarType = 4; LockDetectionSystem = 8; IncommingMisslieDetectionSystem = 16; Driverhasflares = "True"; weapons = {}; magazines = {}; memoryPointCM = {"flare_launcher_1", "flare_launcher_2"}; memoryPointCMDir = {"flare_launcher_1_dir", "flare_launcher_2_dir"}; enableSweep = 0; supplyRadius = 2.500000; initCargoAngleY = 10; minCargoAngleY = -60; maxCargoAngleY = 120; type = 2; threat = {0.300000, 1, 0.400000}; typicalCargo = {"SoldierWPilot", "SoldierWPilot", "SoldierWAT", "SoldierWAT"}; transportMaxMagazines = 150; transportMaxWeapons = 30; forceHideDriver = 1; castDriverShadow = 0; castCargoShadow = 0; dustEffect = "HeliDust"; waterEffect = "HeliWater"; class Library { libTextDesc = "$STR_POPIS"; }; class Damage { tex = {}; mat = {"hh60j\t\glasses.rvmat", "hh60j\t\uh60_skla_damage.rvmat", "hh60j\t\uh60_skla_damage.rvmat", "hh60j\t\hh60j01.rvmat", "hh60j\t\hh60j01_damage.rvmat", "hh60j\t\hh60j01_destruct.rvmat", "hh60j\t\hh60j02.rvmat", "hh60j\t\hh60j02_damage.rvmat", "hh60j\t\hh60j02_destruct.rvmat", "hh60j\t\hh60j03.rvmat", "hh60j\t\hh60j03_damage.rvmat", "hh60j\t\hh60j03_destruct.rvmat", "hh60j\t\hh60j04.rvmat", "hh60j\t\hh60j04_damage.rvmat", "hh60j\t\hh60j04_destruct.rvmat", "hh60j\t\hh60j05.rvmat", "hh60j\t\hh60j05_damage.rvmat", "hh60j\t\hh60j05_destruct.rvmat", "hh60j\t\hh60j06.rvmat", "hh60j\t\hh60j06_damage.rvmat", "hh60j\t\hh60j06_destruct.rvmat", "hh60j\t\rotorJ.rvmat", "hh60j\t\rotorJ_damage.rvmat", "hh60j\t\rotorJ_destruct.rvmat", "hh60j\t\intJ_1.rvmat", "hh60j\t\intJ_1.rvmat", "hh60j\t\intJ_1_destruct.rvmat", "hh60j\t\intJ_2.rvmat", "hh60j\t\intJ_2.rvmat", "hh60j\t\intJ_2_destruct.rvmat", "hh60j\t\intJ_3.rvmat", "hh60j\t\intJ_3.rvmat", "hh60j\t\intJ_3_destruct.rvmat", "hh60j\t\intJ_6.rvmat", "hh60j\t\intJ_6.rvmat", "hh60j\t\intJ_6_destruct.rvmat", "hh60j\t\bkabine.rvmat", "hh60j\t\bkabine_damage.rvmat", "hh60j\t\bkabine_destruct.rvmat", "hh60j\t\panelF.rvmat", "hh60j\t\panelF.rvmat", "hh60j\t\panelF_destruct.rvmat", "hh60j\t\panel2F.rvmat", "hh60j\t\panel2F.rvmat", "hh60j\t\panel2F_destruct.rvmat", "hh60j\t\panel3B.rvmat", "hh60j\t\panel3B.rvmat", "hh60j\t\panel3B_destruct.rvmat", "hh60j\t\panelF_low.rvmat", "hh60j\t\panelF_low.rvmat", "hh60j\t\panelF_low_destruct.rvmat", "hh60j\t\navy_seat.rvmat", "hh60j\t\navy_seat.rvmat", "hh60j\t\navy_seat_destruct.rvmat"}; }; class Turrets: Turrets { class MainTurret: MainTurret { body = "flir_turret"; gun = "flir"; minElev = -60; maxElev = 110; initElev = -60; minTurn = -180; maxTurn = 180; initTurn = 0; soundServo = {"", 0.010000, 1.000000}; gunBeg = "gun"; gunEnd = "gunnerview"; weapons = {"yup_fakeWeapon"}; magazines = {"yup_2Rnd_JayhawkFueltank"}; gunnerName = "copilot"; gunnerOpticsModel = "\ca\air\optika_AH1Z"; gunnerOutOpticsShowCursor = 0; gunnerOpticsShowCursor = 0; gunnerAction = "UH60_Pilot"; gunnerInAction = "UH60_Pilot"; gunnerCanSee = 31; radarType = 4; primaryGunner = 1; commanding = -1; stabilizedInAxes = "StabilizedInAxesBoth"; class ViewOptics { initAngleX = 0; minAngleX = -30; maxAngleX = 30; initAngleY = 0; minAngleY = -100; maxAngleY = 100; initFov = 0.420000; minFov = 0.022000; maxFov = 0.940000; }; outGunnerMayFire = 1; memoryPointsGetInGunner = "pos gunner"; memoryPointsGetInGunnerDir = "pos gunner dir"; memoryPointGun = "gun"; memoryPointGunnerOptics = "gunnerview"; castGunnerShadow = 1; viewGunnerShadow = 0; gunnerForceOptics = 0; lockWhenDriverOut = 0; }; }; class AnimationSources { class HoistHide { source = "user"; animPeriod = 0; initPhase = 0; }; class MovePilotDoor { source = "user"; animPeriod = 1; initPhase = 0; }; class MoveCopilotDoor { source = "user"; animPeriod = 1; initPhase = 0; }; class MoveCargoDoor { source = "user"; animPeriod = 1; initPhase = 0; }; class Move2nd_windowDoor { source = "user"; animPeriod = 1; initPhase = 0; }; class Move1st_windowDoor { source = "user"; animPeriod = 1; initPhase = 0; }; class MoveLeftElevator { source = "user"; animPeriod = 4; initPhase = 0; }; class MoveRightElevator { source = "user"; animPeriod = 4; initPhase = 0; }; class MoveBlade1 { source = "user"; animPeriod = 5; initPhase = 0; }; class MoveBlade2 { source = "user"; animPeriod = 15; initPhase = 0; }; class MoveBlade3 { source = "user"; animPeriod = 15; initPhase = 0; }; class MoveBlade4 { source = "user"; animPeriod = 5; initPhase = 0; }; class MoveTail { source = "user"; animPeriod = 15; initPhase = 0; }; class mainRotorFold { source = "user"; animPeriod = 3; }; class spread_incomplete { source = "user"; animPeriod = 0; initPhase = 1; }; }; class Reflectors { class Left { color = {0.800000, 0.800000, 1.000000, 1.000000}; ambient = {0.020000, 0.020000, 0.020000, 1.000000}; position = "L svetlo"; direction = "konec L svetla"; hitpoint = "L svetlo"; selection = "L svetlo"; size = 0.300000; brightness = 0.300000; }; class Right { color = {0.800000, 0.800000, 1.000000, 1.000000}; ambient = {0.020000, 0.020000, 0.020000, 1.000000}; position = "P svetlo"; direction = "konec P svetla"; hitpoint = "P svetlo"; selection = "P svetlo"; size = 0.300000; brightness = 0.300000; }; class Left2 { color = {0.800000, 0.800000, 1.000000, 1.000000}; ambient = {0.070000, 0.070000, 0.070000, 1.000000}; position = "svetlo"; direction = "konec svetla"; hitpoint = "svetlo"; selection = "svetlo"; size = 0.300000; brightness = 0.200000; }; class Left3 { color = {0.800000, 0.800000, 1.000000, 1.000000}; ambient = {0.070000, 0.070000, 0.070000, 1.000000}; position = "Cabine_lgt"; direction = "Cabine_lgt_dir"; hitpoint = "Cabine_lgr"; selection = "Cabine_lgt"; size = 0; brightness = 0.100000; }; }; class UserActions { class OpenCargoDoor { displayName = "Open Door"; position = "pos cargo"; radius = 2; condition = "this animationPhase "MoveCargoDoor" < 0.5"; statement = "this animate["MoveCargoDoor",1]"; onlyforplayer = 0; showWindow = 0; }; class CloseCargoDoor: OpenCargoDoor { displayName = "Close Door"; condition = "this animationPhase "MoveCargoDoor" > 0.5"; statement = "this animate["MoveCargoDoor",0]"; }; class OpenCargoDoors { displayName = "Open Door"; position = "pos driver"; radius = 2; condition = "((this animationPhase "MoveCargoDoor" < 0.5) ) and not (player == driver this) and not (player == gunner this) and (player in this)"; statement = "this animate["MoveCargoDoor",1]"; onlyforplayer = 0; showWindow = 0; }; class CloseCargoDoors { displayName = "Close Door"; position = "pos driver"; radius = 2; condition = "((this animationPhase "MoveCargoDoor" > 0.5)) and not (player == driver this) and not (player == gunner this) and (player in this)"; statement = "this animate["MoveCargoDoor",0]"; onlyforplayer = 0; showWindow = 0; }; class OpenPilotDoor { displayName = "Open Door"; position = "pos driver"; radius = 2; condition = "(this animationPhase "MovePilotDoor" < 0.5) and not (player in this)"; statement = "this animate["MovePilotDoor",1]"; onlyforplayer = 1; showWindow = 0; }; class OpenPilotDoorIn { displayName = "Open Door"; position = "pos driver"; radius = 2; condition = "(this animationPhase "MovePilotDoor" < 0.5) and (player == driver this) and ((speed this)<=10)"; statement = "this animate["MovePilotDoor",1]"; onlyforplayer = 0; showWindow = 0; }; class ClosePilotDoor { displayName = "Close Door"; position = "pos driver"; radius = 2; condition = "this animationPhase "MovePilotDoor" > 0.5"; statement = "this animate["MovePilotDoor",0]"; onlyforplayer = 1; showWindow = 0; }; class OpenCopilotDoor { displayName = "Open Door"; position = "pos gunner"; radius = 2; condition = "(this animationPhase "MoveCopilotDoor" < 0.5) and not (player in this)"; statement = "this animate["MoveCopilotDoor",1]"; onlyforplayer = 1; showWindow = 0; }; class OpenCopilotDoorIn { displayName = "Open Door"; position = "pos driver"; radius = 2; condition = "(this animationPhase "MoveCopilotDoor" < 0.5) and (player == gunner this) and ((speed this)<=10)"; statement = "this animate["MoveCopilotDoor",1]"; onlyforplayer = 1; showWindow = 0; }; class CloseCopilotDoor { displayName = "Close Door"; position = "pos gunner"; radius = 2; condition = "this animationPhase "MoveCopilotDoor" > 0.5"; statement = "this animate["MoveCopilotDoor",0]"; onlyforplayer = 1; showWindow = 0; }; class CloseCopilotDoorIn { displayName = "Close Door"; position = "pos driver"; radius = 2; condition = "(this animationPhase "MoveCopilotDoor" > 0.5) and (player == gunner this)"; statement = "this animate["MoveCopilotDoor",0]"; onlyforplayer = 1; showWindow = 0; }; class OpenWindows { displayName = "Open Windows"; position = "window_pos"; radius = 3; condition = "this animationPhase "Move1st_windowDoor" < 0.5"; statement = "this animate["Move1st_windowDoor",1];this animate["Move2nd_windowDoor",1]"; onlyforplayer = 1; showWindow = 0; }; class CloseWindows { displayName = "Close Windows"; position = "window_pos"; radius = 3; condition = "this animationPhase "Move1st_windowDoor" > 0.5"; statement = "this animate["Move1st_windowDoor",0];this animate["Move2nd_windowDoor",0]"; onlyforplayer = 1; showWindow = 0; }; class OpenWindowsIn { displayName = "Open Windows"; position = "pos driver"; radius = 3; condition = "(this animationPhase "Move1st_windowDoor" < 0.5) and not (player == driver this) and not (player == gunner this) and (player in this)"; statement = "this animate["Move1st_windowDoor",1];this animate["Move2nd_windowDoor",1]"; onlyforplayer = 1; showWindow = 0; }; class CloseWindowsIn { displayName = "Close Windows"; position = "pos driver"; radius = 3; condition = "(this animationPhase "Move1st_windowDoor" > 0.5) and not (player == driver this) and not (player == gunner this) and (player in this)"; statement = "this animate["Move1st_windowDoor",0];this animate["Move2nd_windowDoor",0]"; onlyforplayer = 1; showWindow = 0; }; class FoldTail { displayName = "Fold blades and tail"; position = "pos driver"; radius = 2; condition = "(this animationPhase "rotor_brake" < 0.1) and (this animationPhase "MoveLeftElevator" < 0.5) and (!isEngineOn this) and (speed this < 1) and (player == driver this)"; statement = "this exec "\hh60j\scripts\SH60fold.sqs""; onlyforplayer = 1; showWindow = 0; }; class SpreadTail { displayName = "Spread blades and tail"; position = "pos driver"; radius = 2; condition = "(this animationPhase "MoveLeftElevator" > 0.5) and (!isEngineOn this) and (speed this < 1) and (player == driver this)"; statement = "this exec "\hh60j\scripts\SH60spread.sqs""; onlyforplayer = 1; showWindow = 0; }; }; }; class yup_MH60J: yup_HH60J { model = "\hh60j\mh60j"; displayname = "MH-60J Jayhawk"; cargoAction = {"UH60_Cargo02", "UH60_Gunner", "UH60_Cargo02", "UH60_Cargo02", "UH60_Cargo02", "UH60_Cargo02"}; transportSoldier = 7; class Turrets: Turrets { class MainTurret: MainTurret { weapons = {"yup_fakeWeapon"}; magazines = {"yup_2Rnd_JayhawkFueltank"}; primaryGunner = 0; }; class RightTurret: MainTurret { body = "otocvez"; gun = "otochlaven"; proxyIndex = 2; minElev = -88; maxElev = 10; initElev = -88; minTurn = -165; maxTurn = -15; initTurn = -90; animationSourceBody = "otocvez"; animationSourceGun = "otochlaven"; memoryPointsGetInGunner = "pos cargo"; memoryPointsGetInGunnerDir = "pos cargo dir"; animationSourceHatch = ""; memoryPointGun = "mgun_1"; memoryPointGunnerOptics = "gunneroptic_1"; soundServo = {"", 0.010000, 1.000000}; stabilizedInAxes = "StabilizedInAxesNone"; gunBeg = "mgun_beg_1"; gunEnd = "mgun_end_1"; selectionFireAnim = "zasleh"; weapons = {"M240_veh"}; magazines = {"100Rnd_762x51_M240", "100Rnd_762x51_M240", "100Rnd_762x51_M240"}; gunnerName = "$STR_POSITION_DOORGUNNER"; gunnerOpticsModel = "\ca\weapons\optika_empty"; gunnerOutOpticsShowCursor = 1; gunnerOpticsShowCursor = 1; gunnerAction = "MH60_Gunner"; gunnerInAction = "MH60_Gunner"; gunnerCompartments = "Compartment1"; gunnerForceOptics = 0; primaryGunner = 1; class ViewOptics { initAngleX = 0; minAngleX = -30; maxAngleX = 30; initAngleY = 0; minAngleY = -100; maxAngleY = 100; initFov = 0.700000; minFov = 0.250000; maxFov = 1.100000; }; }; }; class AnimationSources { class HoistHide { source = "user"; animPeriod = 0; initPhase = 0; }; class MovePilotDoor { source = "user"; animPeriod = 1; initPhase = 0; }; class MoveCopilotDoor { source = "user"; animPeriod = 1; initPhase = 0; }; class MoveCargoDoor { source = "user"; animPeriod = 1; initPhase = 1; }; class Move2nd_windowDoor { source = "user"; animPeriod = 1; initPhase = 0; }; class Move1st_windowDoor { source = "user"; animPeriod = 1; initPhase = 0; }; class MoveLeftElevator { source = "user"; animPeriod = 4; initPhase = 0; }; class MoveRightElevator { source = "user"; animPeriod = 4; initPhase = 0; }; class MoveBlade1 { source = "user"; animPeriod = 5; initPhase = 0; }; class MoveBlade2 { source = "user"; animPeriod = 15; initPhase = 0; }; class MoveBlade3 { source = "user"; animPeriod = 15; initPhase = 0; }; class MoveBlade4 { source = "user"; animPeriod = 5; initPhase = 0; }; class MoveTail { source = "user"; animPeriod = 15; initPhase = 0; }; class mainRotorFold { source = "user"; animPeriod = 3; }; class spread_incomplete { source = "user"; animPeriod = 0; initPhase = 1; }; }; class UserActions { class OpenPilotDoor { displayName = "Open Door"; position = "pos driver"; radius = 2; condition = "(this animationPhase "MovePilotDoor" < 0.5) and not (player in this)"; statement = "this animate["MovePilotDoor",1]"; onlyforplayer = 1; showWindow = 0; }; class OpenPilotDoorIn { displayName = "Open Door"; position = "pos driver"; radius = 2; condition = "(this animationPhase "MovePilotDoor" < 0.5) and (player == driver this) and ((speed this)<=10)"; statement = "this animate["MovePilotDoor",1]"; onlyforplayer = 0; showWindow = 0; }; class ClosePilotDoor { displayName = "Close Door"; position = "pos driver"; radius = 2; condition = "this animationPhase "MovePilotDoor" > 0.5"; statement = "this animate["MovePilotDoor",0]"; onlyforplayer = 1; showWindow = 0; }; class OpenCopilotDoor { displayName = "Open Door"; position = "pos gunner"; radius = 2; condition = "(this animationPhase "MoveCopilotDoor" < 0.5) and not (player in this)"; statement = "this animate["MoveCopilotDoor",1]"; onlyforplayer = 1; showWindow = 0; }; class OpenCopilotDoorIn { displayName = "Open Door"; position = "pos driver"; radius = 2; condition = "(this animationPhase "MoveCopilotDoor" < 0.5) and (player == gunner this) and ((speed this)<=10)"; statement = "this animate["MoveCopilotDoor",1]"; onlyforplayer = 1; showWindow = 0; }; class CloseCopilotDoor { displayName = "Close Door"; position = "pos gunner"; radius = 2; condition = "this animationPhase "MoveCopilotDoor" > 0.5"; statement = "this animate["MoveCopilotDoor",0]"; onlyforplayer = 1; showWindow = 0; }; class CloseCopilotDoorIn { displayName = "Close Door"; position = "pos driver"; radius = 2; condition = "(this animationPhase "MoveCopilotDoor" > 0.5) and (player == gunner this)"; statement = "this animate["MoveCopilotDoor",0]"; onlyforplayer = 1; showWindow = 0; }; class OpenWindows { displayName = "Open Windows"; position = "window_pos"; radius = 3; condition = "this animationPhase "Move1st_windowDoor" < 0.5"; statement = "this animate["Move1st_windowDoor",1];this animate["Move2nd_windowDoor",1]"; onlyforplayer = 1; showWindow = 0; }; class CloseWindows { displayName = "Close Windows"; position = "window_pos"; radius = 3; condition = "this animationPhase "Move1st_windowDoor" > 0.5"; statement = "this animate["Move1st_windowDoor",0];this animate["Move2nd_windowDoor",0]"; onlyforplayer = 1; showWindow = 0; }; class OpenWindowsIn { displayName = "Open Windows"; position = "pos driver"; radius = 3; condition = "(this animationPhase "Move1st_windowDoor" < 0.5) and not (player == driver this) and not (player == gunner this) and (player in this)"; statement = "this animate["Move1st_windowDoor",1];this animate["Move2nd_windowDoor",1]"; onlyforplayer = 1; showWindow = 0; }; class CloseWindowsIn { displayName = "Close Windows"; position = "pos driver"; radius = 3; condition = "(this animationPhase "Move1st_windowDoor" > 0.5) and not (player == driver this) and not (player == gunner this) and (player in this)"; statement = "this animate["Move1st_windowDoor",0];this animate["Move2nd_windowDoor",0]"; onlyforplayer = 1; showWindow = 0; }; class FoldTail { displayName = "Fold blades and tail"; position = "pos driver"; radius = 2; condition = "(this animationPhase "rotor_brake" < 0.1) and (this animationPhase "MoveLeftElevator" < 0.5) and (!isEngineOn this) and (speed this < 1) and (player == driver this)"; statement = "this exec "\hh60j\scripts\SH60fold.sqs""; onlyforplayer = 1; showWindow = 0; }; class SpreadTail { displayName = "Spread blades and tail"; position = "pos driver"; radius = 2; condition = "(this animationPhase "MoveLeftElevator" > 0.5) and (!isEngineOn this) and (speed this < 1) and (player == driver this)"; statement = "this exec "\hh60j\scripts\SH60spread.sqs""; onlyforplayer = 1; showWindow = 0; }; }; }; }; class CfgNonAIVehicles { /*extern*/ class ProxyWeapon; class Proxyfueltank_j: ProxyWeapon { model = "\hh60j\fueltank_j"; simulation = "maverickweapon"; }; };
  9. Hello, So, I announced this add-on a few years back and quickly had to postpone it due to some employment related reasons. The issues that led me to postpone it originally are no longer a factor, I have started the project back up and have been working tirelessly on these models for the past few months. Here are some pic links... 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 I apologize for the hasty, low quality pics, I will try to make future preview pics higher resolution. *Pics have been updated to high resolution renders I have fashioned the model to be a representation of the systems upgrades that Bell-Textron introduced in 2012. I do not think that a model currently exists of this helo that represents this particular version. Here is how the model(s) are progressing... Geometry is about 95% complete. UV unwrapping is about 80% complete. Texturing is about 10% complete, so far the textures are just an ambient occlusion layer and color layer, with more detail in the instrument panel textures. Integration into ArmA 3 has not started yet but will as soon as all modeling and texturing is completed. So far I only have plans to create several versions of the Delta variant but would love to do the newer Foxtrot variant as well, we will see what happens. I am doing all of the work in Blender and Photoshop. I will post updates regularly as I reach certain milestones. Thanks for your feedback! - ADuke
  10. In first: Settings - Controls - Interface Layout We have several tools for aircraft... false-Horizon, altimeter, speedometer... If altimeter and speedometer we can see at vehicle-health panel, the horizon we wont. But i still need to control on both dificulty level by pilot tools as mount in the helicopter (like a Littlebird or Kaiman). On Kayman without RMB zoom i dont see false-Horizon att all - all number is white rectangulars. === In second: We use ALT key for toogle freelook and double ALT for switch freelook. In switched freelook pressing alt by some reason backs the camera at middle. It makes some problems when driving Helicopter. I think IN FREELOOK MODE key ALT must GIVE CONTROLS AND HOLD CAMERA IN CURRENT POSITION without backing it to center. That allows use freelook for correct heli landing position when sitting down and correct it with mouse when holding ALT key in freelook mode. Sorry, i want to see bottom and use mouse to land helicopter. === In third: We have option "vehicle freelook" that not correctly working with freelook key. When vehicle freelook is activated - we cannot use both key for again use mouse to control helicopter - it used for freelook only even if key ALT is pressed. I think it's a bug. === In fourth: Key V is using for stepping over obstacle. Do BIS can add the check for that function - is obstacle here? That dancing when you accidentally press V making both actions inactive for 2 seconds, means a lot of time in PVP. That function allows sometimes stepping through walls, through high fence, or come into texture. Need a check like function "Stand weapon" - key wont work if we havent nearby wall or flat surface. Still here - if we not have small fence - function is inactive. === Fiveth: Swim keys we can remove from game. Use camera an classic W-S-A-D. I think need to add swim-control with depending from carrying weight. So slow swim speed for both missions even if haven't inventory at all. Very slow. Water missions is always bored for make it in future.
  11. I have posted this question on a couple of threads , my apologies for duplicating it but I am a Newbie and it wouldnt let me start my own topic. I am having trouble with my helicopter remaining stationary after ejecting the last of its AI paratroopers , despite it having waypoints to go too. It drops the troops ok but then just sits there and wont move. I have tried all sorts and its driving me nuts. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks.
  12. Hi, I have a strange problem (since the Eden-update?). When I want to enter a helicopter as any role (even as pilot) I am not allowed and thrown out again with the message "You need to be a pilot in order to enter this vehicle". It is the first time I encounter this in a mission, did not have this problem pre-Eden. I created the mission on my own but I really don't know where I can set this role selection. I use MCC but couldn't find any settings for this (and again, I had no problems earlier). Any ideas? My mods are @CBA_A3;@Ares;@ASDG_JR;@CHVD;@cTab;@helo_hmds_kimi;@hlcmods;@L_ES;@Leights;@mcc_sandbox;@MELB;@PRKZ;@RDS;@RH_acc;@VTS_Weaponresting;@rhs_afrf;@rhs_usaf;@BC-Phoenix;@BC-Tracers;@st_nametags;@sthud;@task_force_radio;@U100;@Vcom_AI;@cz75_stanceindicator Edit: it has something to do with MCC. When I completely delete MCC modules in the editor, I can enter choppers. Which brings me to the next problem: when I change settings in MCC modules, they are not saved but always spring back to default. I am mostly interested in MCC's "Save gear" function but springs always back to "no". Any help is appreciated
  13. I have a helicopter with three waypoints; a MOVE waypoint, which is connected to a trigger, a LAND waypoint attached to an invisible helipad and with the condition that all units are inside it, and a third MOVE waypoint. I expected the helicopter to move in and land on the helipad once the first MOVE waypoint is skipped, but instead it simply flies over and stays hovering in midair over the trigger attached to it's MOVE waypoint. Why is this happening, and how can I get it to land on the helipad? Edit: Here's an example mission that demonstrates my problem; https://mega.nz/#!sMUByIQb!2snm5wTgDpMsCGJYxSXzoMZjqMKxWOa__TaDh0_AORE The helicopter should move past the first waypoint once the trigger is activated, but it simply stays in midair and doesn't move at all. There are no enemies on the map, or any other characters besides me and the pilot. As an extra note, I'm playing this mission in multiplayer. Edit: I was able to solve my problem by using multiple waypoints; I first used a Move waypoint right next to the helicopter that's connected to a trigger, and is skipped when the trigger activates. Then a Move waypoint attached to the helipad with a condition of true and an Actrivation with 'heli land "land";' in it. Then a Scripted waypoint also connected to the helipad, with a condition of "me in heli", then, a final Move waypoint out in the distance with a condition of true. Here is a more complicated mission I created using this information; it features a helicopter that ferries the player between sides of the lake whenever they get inside, and waits for them to reenter; https://mega.nz/#!FUkiFIYI!jm-56z1QLBkh9lEIPdt8iPOyHZKEWdnGU3dTsa2TD3Q
  14. I make missions for my small group of friends. We have this one guy who really likes flying helos, so I made a mission where he can fly around and give us CAS, then refuel/restock ammo and stuff. The thing is.. Every single enemy on the whole map turn their gun upward and fire at the helo, making it impossible to stay in the air for more than a couple of minutes. And it also lags the shit out of the server. So I was thinking.. Is it possible to make the enemy AI stop firing at the helo but not take away all the realism? Like, they only fire at the helo if it is, say 50 meter away? Or worst case, just fire at the pilot if he exits the helo? Anyone care to help? Im no scripting expert, I mostly just use pretty basic scripting.
  15. Hello, I've been working on a mission, and I had no errors for now, but now I have an issue with the Unload transport waypoint. Well I have a scripted helicopter route that: Takes off and land, drop off a squad, then go to another LZ, picks up another squad and flies away. Well, everything worked fine until I got to picking up another squad... I've linked the GET IN waypoint with the LOAD waypoint of the Helo and all this, but not working... so I jumped in the pilot's view and then I saw the issue. When dropping off the first squad, (all the squad was out the Helo) the waypoint stays at "HOLD", and it doesn't moves to the next waypoint. Can anybody help me to find the mistake here? I thought that maybe I have to assign the pilot and copilot as driver and commander, or the squad as cargo maybe? EDIT: the problem here, was that I had to assignAsCargo the squads you need to drop. so the code would be:
  16. epicgoldenwarrior

    Mute Vehicles?

    HI It's been a while since I've been on here...anyway I need help for 5 seconds, searched but no answer. I need to figure out how to silence a vehicle until a trigger activates allowing it to make sound again. Thanks.
  17. Description: Use your Mi-290 Taru to pick up and deliver fuel cargo to the CSAT artillery section near Galati. "Delivery Boy" is a mission I've cut out of the CSAT campaign I am working on since like a million years. I figured it doesn't fit the campaign style anymore, so I've reworked some stuff and released it now as a stand-alone mission. Feels like it would be a waste to just keep it sitting on my hdd... It would be useful to own the Helicopter DLC, other than that no additional addons are required for this mission. Links: Mission at Steam Workshop
  18. Old favorite from A2 that I've ported for A3 a long time ago already. People on Steam's Workshop seem to like it so I thought I'd share it here as well. Mission Overview A UH-80 Ghost Hawk (Jolly Green 28) was forced to land in enemy territory due to being damaged by ground fire. The JFC decided there was no time for a TRAP mission, so they have ordered a CSAR instead. Enemy forces are very likely to search for the crash site. Tasks CSAR: Your mission is a Combat Search and Rescue. Jolly Green 28 went down, at a location we haven't been able to confirm yet. Your task is to pick them up once they are located or they are able to radio in an extraction zone. Crash survivors: Your mission is to Escape and Evade (EE) the enemy, find an extraction zone and contact base with the location of it. Notes Crash site and enemies are random. Meant to be played with the least amount of UI cheating as possible (server settings). Obviously GPS would ruin the fun etc. There is no predefined extraction zone for the players need to find. You need at least one player in both groups to play this mission. Download Direct download Steam Workshop Armaholic
  19. I'm quite new to functions with variables and scripting in general and I would really appreciate some help! The code will not even execute and I've been banging my head for hours now. Can someone please take a look? The function I'm trying to run is called spawnHeli (see code below) and its written in a file called functions.sqf. functions.sqf is called in init.sqf by execVM "functions.sqf"; and the spawnHeli function is called in a trigger in the editor by _nul = [getMarkerPos "heliSpawnPoint", "ocra"] spawn spawnHeli; The spawnHeli function I want to run as it is written in functions.sqf: It seams like already in the init phase the end of the functions.sqf file is not reached so can it be some error in the spawnHeli function preventing it from compiling? spawnHeli = { private["_xPos","_yPos","_zPos","_type"]; _xPos = this select 0; _yPos = this select 1; _zPos = this select 2; _type = _this select 3; _spawnMarkerPos = [_xPos,_yPos,_zPos]; if (isServer) then { _heli = []; _crew = []; _crew = creategroup EAST; if(_type == "ocra") then { _heli = [_spawnMarkerPos, 180, "O_Heli_Light_02_F", _crew] call bis_fnc_spawnvehicle; } else { if(_type == "kajman") then { _heli = [_spawnMarkerPos, 180, "O_Heli_Attack_02_F", _crew] call bis_fnc_spawnvehicle; } else { exitWith {}; }; }; _wp = _crew addWaypoint [getPos player, 0]; _wp setWaypointType "SAD"; _wp setWaypointCombatMode "RED"; _wp2 = _crew addWaypoint [getPos player, 1]; _wp2 setWaypointType "LOITER"; _wp2 setWaypointCombatMode "RED"; uiSleep 300; _wp3 = _crew addWaypoint [getMarkerPos "wpCas", 2]; _wp3 setWaypointType "Move"; _wp3 setWaypointCombatMode "green"; _Ocra = _heli select 0; waitUntil{ (getPos _Ocra) distance (getmarkerpos "wpCas") < 2000}; {deleteVehicle _x} forEach (crew _Ocra); deleteVehicle _Ocra; } else {}; };
  20. Moved to the Arma 3 video thread. https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/183918-arma3-video-thread/page-78?p=2904045
  21. German Hind Version 1.11 by McLupo Release of an addon Today I would like to release my very first addon here on the BIS-Forum, to present it to a bigger audience. Background: FRL_Myke, a well known com-member, released in spring of 2014 an addon, made by his 6 year old son. It was a coloured furniture; some of you will remember?! It was named "Samuel´s table" I was very impressed, because I´m a 56 year old man and I didn´t have the skill, nor a clue, how it works, at this time. In short: It was the initial ambition to learn all this stuff, because I want to create an addon by myself. Pure ego. ;) And today I´m very proud to release this debut feature to the biggest ArmA Community.. So have fun with this small addon and take it as what it is - a beginners work, neither more, nor less. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Description: Simple as it is...a community request was the initial impact to do this job. But the main reason was the historical meaning. After the reunion of Eastern- and Western - Germany the German Forces took charge of a few helicopters for testing (Hind-D) from the NVA. At last I wanted to see the Hind in ArmA. Content: Woodland version of the Mi-24P Desert version of the Mi-24-V Navy version of the Hind-D Version of the NATO Reaction Forces of the Hind-D (Everything is fictitious and my interpretation of a German Hind) Features: Unique German Helicopter Pack Handcrafted camos Decals, scratches and optical highlights Fully playable as BLUFOR-Faction Woodland, desert, navy and Reaction Force of the Mi-24 (P+V+D) Signed AddOn (bikey included) Changelog: v1.11 ADDED: Navy version of the Hind-D (Original CDF-Faction)) ADDED: Version of the NATO Reaction Forces (NRF) (Original CDF-Faction) ADDED: Some new decals (Labels,Markings) ADDED: Each Hind with Head-Logo (Eagle, Tiger, Panther, Puma) CHNGD: Priority of the MCLU_GermanHind FIXED: Config.cpp adjusted FIXED: ReadMe corrected Credits/Thanks: -Armaholic and ArmA2Base for the mirrors -Foxhound and Miller for hosting my stuff -Bohemia Interactive™, creating ArmA, the best military simulation ever and all the good stuff around -BIF, a heartfelt thanks to all the nice guys The four versions of the German Hind i can offer to you: Additional video: MIRRORS: MCLU_German Hind v1.11 Arma2Base http://www.arma2base.de/include.php?path=download&contentid=6228 Greetings McLupo
  22. Just found this in the latest Dev Diary Video of BI: Source: https://youtu.be/g4BiACtVaps?t=1m28s What do you guys think? EDIT: Something like an Easter Egg maybe? https://youtu.be/g4BiACtVaps?t=3m42s BI Guy is playing Hearthstone :D