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  1. ADV - ACE CPR Giving you a second chance if your everyday CPR doesn't do squat. UPDATED INFO: Dear community! I spent a lot of time here on the board and writing mods for my own community and you to use. And it has always been fun for me. But I haven't played Arma in over a year now and modding without using the fruits of one owns labour would be equally selfless and tedious. So I quietly waited out the end-of-life timer of my mod, as it was only a question of time when ace³ would release their medical rewrite. As of 1. January 2020 this has now happened. I therefore decided to drop my work on ADV - ACE CPR completely. My mod still works with ace³ versions below 3.12.6, so there's still the option to keep using it (but I'd recommend dropping my mod to update ace³ to the newest version!). Additionally you may visit my github and download all my ADV-ACE CPR data and modify, rework or base your own work, and distribute the mod as you see fit. The licence has been updated to reflect this, as with version 1.5.7 only the ace³ provided GPL 2.0 licence applies. Please feel free to post links to your work in this thread, so I can include the successors of ADV - ACE CPR in this first post. Sometimes I may even still come here and take a look at questions, but please don't expect too quick an answer. I have to thank the whole community for their positivity, help and support not just for me, but for every mod creator out there. When I started I didn't think something so small and simple as a mod that simply modifies the way CPR works, would be used so widely and by so many people. I'm thankful to have had this opportunity. You guys have been lovely to work with and I hope someone will pick up the lantern and provide you with the additional medical mods you need! Have fun! Current versions that came to my attention: ///////////////// OLD TEXT: My community and I had a serious problem with the way ACE handles its CPR. If you're playing with ace_medical_enableRevive=1 you might have found out that CPR practically does nothing as long as your patient has no pulse (i.e. is in the revive state). You would need to use a Personal Aid Kit to revive your patient, setting all his health variables back to their start values - practically doing a magical heal with the magical wand called PAK. With adv_aceCPR you can finally use CPR to get someone out of the revive state without healing him completely, making gameplay much more interesting. After successfully "stabilizing" the patient, he/she will have a basic pulse of at least 30bpm. ACE-doctors have a 40% success rate and ACE-medics have a 15% success rate. Regular riflemen can resuscitate a patient, but they will have a much lower success rate. They can still keep the patient from dying due to an expired revive timer though. The success rate is lowered if the patient looses blood and is raised if the patient received Epinephrine right before CPR. The minimum rate is always 2%, unless the player starts with a success probability of 0 (look at "For mission builders" for additonal info). Depending on your settings (adv_aceCPR_maxTime, see below) you might be too late to resuscitate a player with CPR alone - in that case I have good news for you: With version 1.4.0 a new item has been added to ADV - ACE CPR: A defibrillator. The defibrillator works almost like the CPR action, but you have to have an AED in your inventory and it's much faster and the success rate is way higher. Using the defibrillator will induce pain to all units who stand too close to a patient when the defibrillator is used (except for the operator). You can only use the defibrillator if you're a medic (ace_medical_medicClass > 0). With version 1.5.4 I have added the option to use stationary AEDs. You can set the stationary AED objects via CBA settings. Default is Land_Defibrillator_F. You can place a stationary AED via editor or curator. Players can approach the item and use an ACE action to activate the stationary AED. By activating it they have 12 seconds to use it on any unconscious patient in a radius of five meters. After 12 seconds the stationary AED will deactivate again. I recommend using ADV - ACE Splint additionally to ADV - ACE CPR - not just because I'm the modest author, but because these two mods offer the things I felt missing in the current version of ACE³. Download: The most current version (1.5.7) can be downloaded here: https://github.com/Pergor/ADV_Medical/releases/download/1.5.7/@adv_aceCPR.zip Or get it at armaholic (thanks to foxhound!): ADV - ACE CPR v1.5.5 For now I uploaded ADV-ACE CPR to Steam Workshop as well: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1104460924 Advanced Combat Environment 3 (ACE 3) Community Base addons A3 The Addon is signed and has a bikey. And of course ACE³ is needed - adv_aceCPR works with at least version 3.12.6 For mission builders: You can set the probabilities for successful resuscitation individually depending on the value for ace_medical_medicClass a player's unit has, or the time to be added to the revive timer or the duration during which CPR can still be applied successfully. The easiest way to do this is via CBA Settings ( https://github.com/CBATeam/CBA_A3/wiki/CBA-Settings-System ). Alternatively you can use the following variables in your mission: adv_aceCPR_probabilities = [40,15,5,85]; //the first entry is for ace_medical_medicClass == 2, the second for == 1, the third for regular units with ace_medical_medicClass == 0 and the fourth one for the defibrillator. So if you want to disable CPR for any player with less than ace_medical_medicClass below 2 just use something like this: adv_aceCPR_probabilities = [40,0,0,85]; The time to be added to the revive timer (+/-3 seconds) can additionally be set with this variable (default is 30, maximum is 40, minimum is 15 - if set to anything below 18 there's a chance you spend more time on CPR than you gain): adv_aceCPR_addTime = 30; To set the duration during which CPR can still be applied successfully, you can set adv_aceCPR_maxTime. (Eg. if your ace_medical_maxReviveTime is 600 seconds and you want players to only be able to resuscitate patients for 300 seconds, set it to 300. If the value is higher than ace_medical_maxReviveTime, it will revert to ace_medical_maxReviveTime). After this time you have to use AED or PAK to resuscitate a player (default is 1200). In other words: after adv_aceCPR_maxTime each CPR only adds time to the revive timer, it won't bring your buddies back: adv_aceCPR_maxTime = 300; The classname for the defribrillator item is "adv_aceCPR_AED" I highly recommend to adjust the values for adv_aceCPR_probabilities when handing out the AED. Current issues: - Unknown Special thanks: - LeWarz and the whole Spezialeinheit Luchs for playtesting - Markus from Boom Tools Filmton for his support and the AED sound! - T.Fork - NorX Aengell - DeliciousJaffa - GodofMonkeys - veteran29 - corp-0 Changelog: 1.5.7: Updated: licence And of course, the licence: This addon - as a whole - is allowed to be copied, distributed or modified as per the GPL-2.0 licence. Additional terms apply for the usage of this addon: You may not use this addon or parts or derivatives of it for any commercial purposes, including monetized game servers. This addon or parts or derivatives of it may not be used in any derivative of Life gamemode. Different licences may apply to parts of this addon if it's not copied or distributed as a whole.
  2. Hello guys! I would like to show You my latest creation. Feels best when played with 8-19 players. About mission: It's March 2017. USA can't simply stand aside and watch how Russia is being called 'Hero' in mass media because they're the only one to support Takistan's government in their fight. We will strike today to show everyone that USA is still monitoring the situation. Your main objective will be to kill the regional ISIS leader Abdul Ak-Sahrim who is hiding inside a big town in far east. Feels easy huh? Well it is not because enemy has a lot of outposts between our forces and their leader. Not even counting armored support. Their vehicles and weaponry are mostly outdated but still deadly, you should know that best. We need to regain respect on the world and when you succeed we will commence another operation, this time on a big scale. Don't dissapoint us son. Requirements: RHS CUP ACE3 (if you do not want to use ACE, just install it and disable all its functionality) ACE3 compatibility plugins (optional but you should have them anyway) Task Force Radio now Download: Steam - http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=886207077 Github - https://github.com/GodlikeRU/GoDlike-ARMA-3-missions Screenshots: Best viewed on steam workshop page. Feedback/Bug Reports: Please tell me if you enjoyed my mission (or not). You can contact me here or on steam. I tested this mission with my friends and I can't find any bugs now. Tell me about any bugs you may encounter. I'll try to fix them ASAP. I did my best to correct any mistakes in text but im not a native english speaker, please tell me if you find any. If I see that You enjoyed my mission I will make next parts in future. Regards
  3. Title says it all. I have a medical helicopter, I want to set a trigger to when X body bags have been put in. I cant seem to figure out the ace calls and how they work.
  4. heya there guys, posted this aswell in the config and scripting forum as i am not sure what channel is best sooted for this. but anyways lately i am getting something strange which i cannot identify , when ever i preview a mission from EDEN, TFAR will not load straight away so it reload after a minute or so. however i cannot seem to enter any vehicle or use the ace interaction, self interaction works perfectly fine but the interaction opens up and never disapears then. added here is a link to a google docs where i posted the RPT from the mission. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yNQiaHOeNfFfJ01-B0ShU4UNgrYae23uyzyueYd1eGI/edit?usp=sharing any ideas as to why this is happening and even better how to fix this would be greatly appreciated. Greetings.
  5. Hi! I'm having issues spawning in ACE3 IED's with pressure plate activation on. Currently there's 50 IED's that spawn in, they're simulated objects and should (?) work with pressure plate, yet they don't. Here's the faulty script: if (!isserver) exitwith {}; //Theres a marker called center in the middle of the map _centerMrk = "center"; _dist = 25000; _center = getmarkerpos _centerMrk; _counter = 0; _rDist = 5.75; // Objects used as IEDs _iedList = [ "ACE_IEDLandBig_Range", "ACE_IEDLandSmall_Range", "ACE_IEDUrbanBig_Range", "ACE_IEDUrbanSmall_Range" ]; while {_counter < 50} do { //Create position on map for IED _list = _center nearRoads _dist; _iedType = _iedList select (floor random (count _iedList)); _road = _list select (round random (count _list)); _roadDir = getDir _road; _newDir = _roadDir; _dir = _newDir; _pos = getpos _road; _posx = _pos select 0; _posy = _pos select 1; _tx = (_posx + (_rDist * sin(_dir))); _ty = (_posy + (_rDist * cos(_dir))); _iedPos = [_tx,_ty,0]; //Create IED _trgMan = createVehicle ["I_C_Pilot_F", _center, [], 0, ""]; _ied = createVehicle [_iedType, _iedPos, [], 0, ""]; _ied setDir (random 360); _ied setPos getPos _ied; //So far so good, this is where I have to add some type of way to trigger them because they dont work by themselves like if you place them with zeus [_trgMan, _ied, "PressurePlate"] call ace_explosives_fnc_connectExplosive; deleteVehicle _trgMan; //Add IED to list _counter = _counter + 1; }; If anyone with knowledge about ACE3 could help me out that'd be highly appreciated. //Green
  6. This mod adds to the game RWR system. Radar radiation detection distance 10km. This is port mod from ACE2 (ace_sys_air_rwr) + error correction. New icon for Gepard, Su-35, F-15, F-16, F-22 Requirements: Community Base addons A3, ACE3, CUP Vehicles All rights belong to the ACE2 Team. Authors: ACE2 Team, Xeno, rocko, Reezo, Stolen,TECAK. Steam Workshop: Link Supported vehicles and mods: RHS: Mi-24, Ka-52, AH-64D, Melb helicopters, CH-47, CH-53, AH-1Z, T-50, F-22,A-10, SU-25, Mi-28, C130 Su-34 (CUP) Su-35 (John_Spartan & Saul) AV-8B (CUP) F/A-18 Super Hornet (John_Spartan & Saul) F-15 Eagle Series Standalone (firewill) F-16C Fighting Falcon Standalone (firewill) CH-53 (CUP) MV-22 (CUP) SA-22 (CUP) 2K22 Tunguska - SA-22 (CUP) Gepard (FlakPz Gepard) Sukhoi-22M4 M163 (CUP) A-10 (firewill) F-14 (firewill) F-2A Zero (firewill) Su-47 (Fox) Mig-25 (Fox) PAK-FA T-50 (Lyotchik-sniper)
  7. Hello there, i have read on the ace3 doc that if you use ace_captivestatuschanged To listen for a unit being freed/ cuffed but i cant seem to get it working everytime i use the code its telling me its missing ; or if i use [_unit2, _state(false), _reason (“SetHandcuffed” or “SetSurrendered”)] its telling me a ] is missing and i dont know where or how. if anyone has gotten this to work please let me know :)
  8. Hi, I am actually working on a personnal script to run in singleplayer to simulate a respawn when I should die. What I do is that when I take a sufficient amount of damage, I disable damage, teleport myself to spawn, clean my damage amount and renable damage. It works fine, but the mission also use the ACE and it's basic medical system. I want to keep it that way but if I don't erase all the HandleDamage handlers before putting mine, my script still run but I die anyway when I "respawn" because of ACE. Is there any way I can tell ACE that I do not want to die when taking a certain amount of damage? I tried calling the ace_medical_fnc_treatmentAdvanced_fullHeal function in my script after setting allowDamage to false but it doesn't work. Here is my code so far : SPR_HandleDamage_EH = { private ["_unit", "_killer", "_amountOfDamage"]; _unit = _this select 0; _amountOfDamage = _this select 2; _killer = _this select 3; if (alive _unit && _amountOfDamage >= 0.9) then { hint "Respawning"; _unit allowDamage false; if (hayACE) then { [_unit, _unit] call ace_medical_fnc_treatmentAdvanced_fullHeal; } _unit setPos(getMarkerPos("respawn_west")); _unit setDamage 0; _amountOfDamage = 0; _unit allowDamage true; }; _amountOfDamage }; [] spawn { waitUntil { !isNull player }; [] spawn SPR_Player_Init; hintSilent format["SP Respawn Script Loaded"]; }; SPR_Player_Init = { //player removeAllEventHandlers "HandleDamage"; player addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", SPR_HandleDamage_EH]; }; pastebin
  9. 64bit dll for TFAR and ACE3 TFAR dll work confirmd. ACE3 dll not confirmed. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK TFAR Official Dll https://github.com/michail-nikolaev/task-force-arma-3-radio/releases/tag/0.9.12 Experimental, compiled from 1.0 Branch https://github.com/michail-nikolaev/task-force-arma-3-radio/releases/tag/1.0-PreRelease https://macchky.net/dl/task_force_radio_pipe_x64.dll 2017/3/17 Update TFAR Dll
  10. Hi AmrA 3 community. I am pretty new to this stuff and have to apologize in advance if I post this in the wrong place. I am trying to create a mission for my friends. I have completely fallen in love with mods, but as it seems these might cause somewhat of a problem for me. This is what I am trying to accomplish: 5 units from the Norwegian Units mod with customized loadout. ---------------- My first problem is that even though I configure something like this in the backpacks, going out of loadout editor and back in just completely changes everything: 5 x 5.56 ammo 10 tourniquet (ACE3) 5 Packing Bandages (ACE3) This gets changed to not new items, but more of the already chosen ones until it is full: 16 x 5.56 ammo 20 tourniquet (ACE3) 18 Packing Bandages (ACE3) This problem I was able to fix by saving a loadout with the Norwegian Units items I wanted, then loadout to a normal NATO unit. My unit is no longer a Norwegian Unit, but this doesn't really matter to me as I have the same gear. ---------------- My second and unresolved problem though is that random items seems to appear in my loadout even though it doesn't appear in loadout editor. If I remove all items in uniform, vest and backpack (loadout editor) this is what is left: Uniform2 x Rangefinder 10 x Basic Bandage (ACE3) 10 x Tourniquet (ACE3) 5 x Morphine (ACE3) Vest1 x Rangefinder Backpack1 x Rangefinder 6 x Morphine The uniform is full even though no items is added in loadout editor. How is it possible to remove these items? I have tried this in the units init: this removeItemFromUniform "Rangefinder"; this removeItemFromUniform "ACE_fieldDressing"; this removeItemFromUniform "ACE_tourniquet"; this removeItemFromUniform "ACE_morphine"; This leaves me with this in the uniform: 22x Basic Bandage 16 x Morphine So I'm back to square. The rangefinder and tourniquet dissapeared, but ArmA somehow just added more of the other items to still utilize 100% of the space in my uniform. ---------------- I am literally pulling my hair. How can I get rid of this issue. Please please someone help me out. I'm frustrated out of my mind. I am aware there is something called random "optional no randomisitation" in the "Norwegian Units" mod folder, however this doesn't fix my problem These are the mods I am using https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/28809866/mods.html
  11. This file is a compatibility patch between Iron Front ArmA 3 (Lite) and ACE 3 addons. Requiered : Latest Iron Front Lite version : https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/190809-iron-front-in-arm3-lite-preview-versions/ Latest ACE 3 version : https://github.com/acemod/ACE3/ Download and support tickets are directly managed on github : https://github.com/bux578/IFA3_ACE_COMPAT Steam workshop : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=773759919 Please be aware : This addon won't directly be integrated into Iron Front. Most issues are IF Side and are actively worked on This addons is only supposed to make IF compatible, not add any function using ACE. At least until someone wants to get into it. Version 11 changelog : Enjoy !
  12. This mission is not another run and gun insurgency. You will have to work to find the enemy, either by talking to the civilian population or stumbling upon them yourselves with recon tactics. There are no magical markers on the map to show you enemy locations. Civilians that are favorable toward your side will mark your map (If asked nicely) with any locations that they are aware of. All this is now done through ACE interaction. - 18 Man Co-Op + 2x Headless Clients - BLUFOR vs OPFOR FIA - Low Opfor count at start - ALiVE War Room ready. - VCOM AI Script - Loadout Transfer Script - Zeus enabled for admin - ACE modules for Basic medical - ACE Repair and Medical facilities - Designated Engineer and Medic classes - Custom HQ for controlling ALiVE features - Custom civilian interaction script integrated into ACE. < Its awesome! - Custom version of Coala OS (TFA OS) integrated into ACE > Requires wearing the BLACK TFAR backpack. - No vehicle respawn. Be careful with your vehicles! - ACE Rallypoint enabled with JIP compatability TIPS: - Civilian interaction is now done through the ACE menus. - There are no markers to show enemy locations, however talking to civilians will reveal everything they know about in a 2KM diameter. If they like you. - You must arrest a civilian to search him. - Try promising the Town Elder that you will help him and his people. It may help swing favor your way. - There are friendly AI south of grid line 03. This simulates having an actual foothold in the territory. NOTES: - Bug reports should be posted at https://gitlab.com/Blunts/TFA_Takistan_Insurgency/issues - The source files to the mission are also on GitLab. Feel free to edit the mission to your needs as long as you comply with the text found in the README.txt - The VCOM AI script included in the mission may conflict with other AI mods such as ASR_AI etc. It is not recommended to use any other AI controlling mod with this mission. Version 1.0.2 Steam Link http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=756539921 Big thanks to all you modders and scripters out there that make life easy on a mission maker. Special thanks to S.Crowe for all the custom coding and the TFA players for testing. You can find us on Twitter @ThatsWhyWeGame and on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/TaskForceArma/ CHANGELOG: 1.0.1 ACS locality issue fixed and Creation Factory added to newly placed HEMTT 1.0.2 Refreshed all the ACE3 modules to ensure compatability with the new version.
  13. The 2.Panzer-Division is a Wehrmacht 'Milsim' unit for Bohemia Interactive's latest title, ArmA III. Our campaign and event operations span the period of the Second World War. Our operations focus on cooperative gameplay. Structure, tactics, and weapons are based on actual military documentation. We strive for a mixture of accuracy and entertainment, and will edit and update areas of the unit as aspects change such as mods and terrains. What we are looking for: - Mature, active, and reliable members. - Applicants interested in utilizing realistic tactics and squad layouts. - Members able to make our weekly events. (Sunday at 8PM GMT+1 till around 10-11PM GMT+1) We offer: - A fun and friendly community of players, without any shouting/screaming Drill Sergeants. - Open recruitment opportunities for various roles within our Infantry. - A continous developing internal campaign, with longterm goals and effects. - A unit lead by people with experience from various realism communities. - An always open Teamspeak ( Adress: ). How to join: Go onto the website and fill out the form under "ENLISTMENT". You will then be contacted on Steam by a leader for an interview. Website Leader SteamProfile Steamgroup Youtube Channel
  14. because of some mimimi from Redphoenix & Pufu i remove the mod from here. if someone still interested, pm me.
  15. Hey, since the 1.60 update some of my addons dont work anymore, i patched the laptop for use with ace3. Cant find the failure in my config. It worked before, i hope someone has a solution or can give me a hint for fixing. Thx Phil ------- rpt: config viewer: half of the configs are missing although i patch the base config. config.cpp:
  16. Fox Refuel | Ace³ Hey, this addon adds the ability to refuel your vehicle with the canister. Why i made this addon ? We use a addon in our clan which calculates the fuel consumption based on the players and the driving speed of the vehicle (public release wip). More fat guys in the humvee, more fuel consumption :P, # Adds a canister to every vehicle based on class Car_F. # transfer fuel and check canister content via Ace³ interaction. # setVar for missionmakers to change fuel status. # Download include the addon, sample mission and sourcecode for self compiling. Wiki -> Link Video & images:
  17. =kct=blackmamba

    Boeing CH-47F V1.17

    The Boeing CH-47F Chinook. Features: Openable cargo ramp/side door, ACE3 Compatible: ACE3 cargo system, ACE3 fastrope etc, Apex: vehicle in vehicle transport, In US olive, tan and in RAF color schemes. Changelog : V1.17 Added : Small amount of weapons/ammo to CH-47F in case of emergency, Added : Vehicle in Vehicle transportation (Apex), Added : new overhead panel (cockpit), Changed : CH-47F Tan version color correction (Again..), Changed : CH-47F Additional freedom of movement in cargo during flight (switch seats), Fixed : CH-47F Advanced flight model, Updated : Some base layers, Steam V1.17 : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=634535057 Links Below TBA.
  18. Does anyone know of a script to use for a Paradop insertion? Either a Static line from =ATM= or a skydive one? Not using RHS. Im looking for a script that I can use that will make the plane (most likely a C17) spawn in mid-air as a static object. But with the sound effect of it flying. That way, the players can run out the back into a free fall. ACE3 supported.
  19. About Us The 2 SG (GU) is an upcoming/in the making Arma 3 MilSim unit. We represent the 2nd Battalion Scots Guards, providing an Armoured Infantry role. Using realistic tactics used by the British Army and NATO, we aspire to create a professional and well oiled gaming unit for those who are looking for a unique Arma 3 experience. Who we are looking for We've made some considerable progess filling up our first platoon, and are now open for recruitment. We have current and former members of both the US and British Armed Forces, but we are open to anyone regardless of experience or background. Roles we are offering •Rifleman •LMG Gunner •Sharpshooter •Team Medic •Warrior Crewman We are hoping to find capable mission and mod makers, and those who seek discipline and professionalism whilst having fun and enjoying the experience Joining Regulars and Reserves The main division of the unit. What We Require: •Age of 16 or Older •Own Arma 3 •Own a Microphone •Speak and understand English •Own TeamSpeak •Can attend official operations/trainings •Commitment to the Unit •Desire to work as a team Reserves have the same initial requirements, sans attendance policy. Facilities If any part of this ad has interested you, or you would just like to help out/advise/etc., please have a look at our website and forums: Website Forums TeamSpeak: Or contact: Lt Keown Sgt Edge LSgt Wilkinson TGdsm Hanford
  20. I am working on porting ACE3 A3Wasteland to Lingor A3 which just released the beta on the 3rd of September 2015. I am in need of some assistance on some of the parts like adapting and converting missions to work on the map, Selecting the types of players to spawn, placing stores and other objects, and balancing the object spawns. The mission currently has ACE3 and RHS on it so one of the things will be to tweak the prices and mission rewards as well as the weapon crate contents. Most of the RHS action keybinds would need to be disabled in preference to ACE3 keybinds. I wanted to add an AI mod like GroupLink 5 to it but could not find enough documentation on how to implement it. I have the ALiVE mod on the back burner as an ambient AI option for when server pop is low. But am open to options like UPSMON too. I someone experienced with setting up ACRE2 or TFAR would like to help that would be appreciated. All credit is given where credit is due. I have a dedicated, Dual Xeon server with 32GB of RAM available for the mission. If a radio mod can be setup properly, I will run a Digital Ocean Teamspeak server for it. I already have most of the map markers placed and most of the ACE3 modules placed as well. Many thanks to AgentRev of A3wasteland for releasing an ACE3 port of A3Wasteland. I currently have an ACE3 A3Wasteland server running on that server and it has been up without a restart for over 170 hours now. Still going strong. Here is the Github link to my Lingor Project
  21. Moved original post and reply's to it to ace3 thread at: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/181341-ace3-a-collaborative-merger-between-agm-cse-and-ace/page-80?p=2902848
  22. Insurgency 3 is in closed alpha testing! To Insurgency lovers and newcomers, here is something the lovers awaited, and newcomers are about to experience. From the maker of Insurgency for Armed Assault Pogoman over his port of this excellent mission to Arma2 working version and across Fireball's and Kol9yn's excellent effort to keep it alive and up to date, along with ACE2 support which brought new experience to it, comes a complete, new and fresh revival ( or complete rewrite )l of this excellent mission, brought up to its feet and ready to be battle tested. I guess patience is a virtue, and eventually it pays off if you are patient enough. Thanks to Outlawz7 ( Project Reality BF2 ) and Ruthberg ( CSE, ACE3 ) mission is breathing new air, totally rewritten from ground up, although lacking some functionality which previous versions had, which will not even be possible in A3 in current state, and those being primarily ambient civilians. ( yep BI Ambient Civilians! ) We got the base code running, showing excellent results, and as such mission is qualified for some alpha testing. Anyone interested with large enough player base ( ~30 and up ) please contact me for details and files. Files are not YET public, but will be once we finish alpha testing of the core, and make sure there are no any nasty bugs or performance issues. Once that is done, mission will be hosted God damn forum ate 3/4 of my post....urghhh!!!