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About Jastreb

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    Staff Sergeant

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  1. Jastreb

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    added, thanks for feedback
  2. Jastreb

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Changelogs are beside the mod folders also available on our website. http://www.rhsmods.org/mod/1#changelog http://www.rhsmods.org/mod/2#changelog http://www.rhsmods.org/mod/3#changelog http://www.rhsmods.org/mod/4#changelog Patience is a virtue. ;)
  3. To block weapon resting, you can do this in fn_keyUnbind.sqf forEach ['ReloadMagazine','Gear','SwitchWeapon','Diary','ingamePause','DeployWeaponAuto']; I added blocking of the ESC ( pause menu ) so players cant abort nor respawn, and to block weapon resting just add the DeployWeaponAuto Hope this helps
  4. Jastreb

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    And I meant when I said its offtopic. That and there is no division like that, at least not known to the soldiers. Everyone is rifleman unless specialized. Company is anything from 60 up to 120 men, and the numbers in squad and fireteams depend on the company size. It usually the rule of 1/2. If company had more men then its split to 4 squads, squads are split to 2 to 4 fireteams depending on size again.
  5. Jastreb

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    @Aniallator not sure what you mean by that, this is the topic for all RHS mods. The remarks before are about someone bashing CUP or something like that.
  6. Jastreb

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I didnt meant to make it look like that but your posts on previous page that strethced even to this one are all about it. Hence why I replied. Odd that you have just one vehicle class but not the others. It comes from one single pbo, thats why its strange. Always check in the Eden Editor, and in case you think you found any bugs, theres feedback.
  7. Jastreb

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Special Forces or in this case Paratroopers or Airborne do use those and they are part of KOV - Land Forces, so whats confusing you there? Think we didnt do our homework or even some of us handt served in some of those? ;) PS: There is infanty (Oakleaf) and infantry (Digital) under KOV faction aswell as infantry ( desert ) and ( digital ) under UN, they use M70s and M21s. None of them uses G36, HK416 nor Minimi. There are however some weapons that are used as placeholders. M72 LAW is due to be replaced in the next update with RBR M80, then there is M84 LMG which is placeholder edited Arma2 PKM model, to be replaced with the new HQ model of M84 LMG, and then there is SMAW which will evetnually be replaced with POS M91 or M79.
  8. Jastreb


    Looking forward to it. :)
  9. Jastreb

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    @Pan Samogon dont be so sure they are obsolete :) http://www.vs.rs/index.php?content=923eda30-0210-102c-a202-2f44c9235232
  10. Jastreb

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Your PS looks like a feature request. Hrm... But let me answer quick. Rifle grenades are for the most part phased out and not used. So its not going to happen. Not all M70s have that sight. M70B3 / AB3 doesnt. Even if it is modelled on the weapon its there just for authenticity, but as dummy w/o function.
  11. Jastreb

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Right click on the torrent link button and choose Save link as... save it to desktop and then double click to open with BT app you use. Works in any browser. Seem to be an issue with the web server mime types handling. Nothing on your side ;-) Edit: Nope its served from ftp server so its browser fail in recognizing file properly and offering to launch the app. Save link as will work anyway.
  12. Jastreb

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Well thats another 40 min of work for you and 50TB+ over the contracted bandwitdth each month less for us. The cost which individuals cant sustain to pay anymore for your or anyone elses pleasure. But we havent forgot server admins and we are working on a solution as I said before but you refused to read, and assumed the worst.
  13. Jastreb

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Care to read the previous page or the page #436 where the release post is? So we dont have to repeat all the time, kinda gets old.
  14. Jastreb

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Wget updaters are discontinued and no longer supported. We might come up with a solution for server admins at some point, but dont hold my word for it.
  15. Jastreb

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Yeah true, our Arma players wont understand a word of Czech nor Russian, or very few will, hence thats why I used Altian English.