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About Kristure

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  1. Fixed it! Pretty difficult way to do it, but adding this in init.sqf worked: removeAllItems p1; removeAllItems medic1; removeAllItems marksman1; removeAllItems breacher1; removeAllItems rifleman1; counter = 0; // Add ACE3 single items Teamleader p1 addItemToBackpack "ACE_surgicalKit"; p1 addItemToVest "ACE_MapTools"; p1 addItemToVest "ACE_EarPlugs"; p1 addItemToBackpack "ACE_Flashlight_XL50"; p1 addItemToVest "ACE_CableTie"; // Add ACE3 single items Medic medic1 addItemToBackpack "ACE_surgicalKit"; medic1 addItemToVest "ACE_MapTools"; medic1 addItemToVest "ACE_EarPlugs"; medic1 addItemToBackpack "ACE_Flashlight_XL50"; medic1 addItemToVest "ACE_CableTie"; // Add ACE3 single items Marksman marksman1 addItemToBackpack "ACE_Tripod"; marksman1 addItemToVest "ACE_MapTools"; marksman1 addItemToVest "ACE_EarPlugs"; marksman1 addItemToVest "ACE_epinephrine"; marksman1 addItemToVest "ACE_tourniquet"; marksman1 addItemToBackpack "ACE_Flashlight_XL50"; marksman1 addItemToVest "ACE_CableTie"; // Add ACE3 single items Rifleman rifleman1 addItemToVest "ACE_MapTools"; rifleman1 addItemToVest "ACE_EarPlugs"; rifleman1 addItemToVest "ACE_epinephrine"; rifleman1 addItemToVest "ACE_tourniquet"; rifleman1 addItemToBackpack "ACE_Flashlight_XL50"; rifleman1 addItemToVest "ACE_CableTie"; // Add ACE3 single items Breacher breacher1 addItemToVest "ACE_MapTools"; breacher1 addItemToVest "ACE_EarPlugs"; breacher1 addItemToVest "ACE_epinephrine"; breacher1 addItemToVest "ACE_tourniquet"; breacher1 addItemToBackpack "ACE_Flashlight_XL50"; breacher1 addItemToVest "ACE_CableTie"; breacher1 addItemToBackpack "ACE_Clacker"; while {counter < 15} do { if (counter < 5) then { // Teamleader p1 addItemToUniform "ACE_morphine"; p1 addItemToVest "ACE_tourniquet"; p1 addItemToBackpack "ACE_salineIV_500"; p1 addItemToVest "ACE_epinephrine"; p1 addItemToVest "ACE_atropine"; // Medic medic1 addItemToUniform "ACE_morphine"; medic1 addItemToVest "ACE_tourniquet"; medic1 addItemToBackpack "ACE_salineIV_500"; medic1 addItemToVest "ACE_epinephrine"; medic1 addItemToVest "ACE_atropine"; // Marksman marksman1 addItemToUniform "ACE_morphine"; // Rifleman rifleman1 addItemToUniform "ACE_morphine"; // Breacher breacher1 addItemToUniform "ACE_morphine"; }; // Teamleader p1 addItemToUniform "ACE_fieldDressing"; p1 addItemToUniform "ACE_elasticBandage"; p1 addItemToVest "ACE_quikclot"; p1 addItemToVest "ACE_packingBandage"; // Medic medic1 addItemToUniform "ACE_fieldDressing"; medic1 addItemToUniform "ACE_elasticBandage"; medic1 addItemToVest "ACE_quikclot"; medic1 addItemToVest "ACE_packingBandage"; // Marksman marksman1 addItemToUniform "ACE_fieldDressing"; // Rifleman rifleman1 addItemToUniform "ACE_fieldDressing"; // Breacher breacher1 addItemToUniform "ACE_fieldDressing"; counter = counter + 1; };
  2. Hi AmrA 3 community. I am pretty new to this stuff and have to apologize in advance if I post this in the wrong place. I am trying to create a mission for my friends. I have completely fallen in love with mods, but as it seems these might cause somewhat of a problem for me. This is what I am trying to accomplish: 5 units from the Norwegian Units mod with customized loadout. ---------------- My first problem is that even though I configure something like this in the backpacks, going out of loadout editor and back in just completely changes everything: 5 x 5.56 ammo 10 tourniquet (ACE3) 5 Packing Bandages (ACE3) This gets changed to not new items, but more of the already chosen ones until it is full: 16 x 5.56 ammo 20 tourniquet (ACE3) 18 Packing Bandages (ACE3) This problem I was able to fix by saving a loadout with the Norwegian Units items I wanted, then loadout to a normal NATO unit. My unit is no longer a Norwegian Unit, but this doesn't really matter to me as I have the same gear. ---------------- My second and unresolved problem though is that random items seems to appear in my loadout even though it doesn't appear in loadout editor. If I remove all items in uniform, vest and backpack (loadout editor) this is what is left: Uniform2 x Rangefinder 10 x Basic Bandage (ACE3) 10 x Tourniquet (ACE3) 5 x Morphine (ACE3) Vest1 x Rangefinder Backpack1 x Rangefinder 6 x Morphine The uniform is full even though no items is added in loadout editor. How is it possible to remove these items? I have tried this in the units init: this removeItemFromUniform "Rangefinder"; this removeItemFromUniform "ACE_fieldDressing"; this removeItemFromUniform "ACE_tourniquet"; this removeItemFromUniform "ACE_morphine"; This leaves me with this in the uniform: 22x Basic Bandage 16 x Morphine So I'm back to square. The rangefinder and tourniquet dissapeared, but ArmA somehow just added more of the other items to still utilize 100% of the space in my uniform. ---------------- I am literally pulling my hair. How can I get rid of this issue. Please please someone help me out. I'm frustrated out of my mind. I am aware there is something called random "optional no randomisitation" in the "Norwegian Units" mod folder, however this doesn't fix my problem These are the mods I am using https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/28809866/mods.html
  3. Ahh. That's too bad. It works great for me somehow, and it seems like a really great mod. However if it stopped working mid 2014, how come it got released on Armaholic 2014-10-23.
  4. Kristure

    ACRE2 Stable Release

    I get this message that something is wrong with the mission or ARMA and that my inventory has desynced. Any idea how I can fix this? I am trying this at an simple own made mission.
  5. I'm having lots of problems getting this mod to work. I wrote my own mission which I intend to play with 2 fellow comrads but I seem to be the only one which can get interaction to work. The mod seems to work fine for them, but they cannot interact. Is there something I need to put in the mission or should this work from the batch?