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  1. Ok i have a ten key-less keyboard and i wanted to know if anyone had a keybind set that was easy to use besides "Arma 3 alternative" or something close please and thank you
  2. I'm trying to retexture the AAF officer but I'm running into difficulties with my config. I've defined the hidden selections and the their locations but still my retexture fails to appear - I end up with an invisible chested guy (although the trousers appear). I've professionally (!) retextured original .paa file to a Grenadier Guard as one can see. I've posted my config below for anyone who can spot the issue. I apologize in advance for any obvious mistakes - this is my first shot at retexturing in A3! My config
  3. Hello, I've designed model of his idea of waiting for a chair but after I finished the design and programming when I run the game with a Mod show me this message : Config : https://www.dropbox.com/s/9j0nrogus30a12x/config.cpp?dl=0 What is the solution ???? Regards, Abdul Rahman.
  4. Hi. Would it be possible to create a visible laser like this? If so, how? Thanks. EDIT: If the beam is impossible, then how do you at least get the point where it hits?
  5. How can I go about creating a custom config file to store values for my script to call onto? And eliminate variable definitions completely from outside the script, instead just plug and play? e e.g could I do this? class RSSysParams { class InitialWeather { title = "Initial weather"; values[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5}; texts[] = {"Clear","Sunny","Cloudy","Foggy","Stormy","Severe"}; default = 2; }; }; _config = configFile "RSSysParams\InitialWeather"; _configEntry = getArray (_config); ? nvm reverse engineering Altis Life showed me how to do it.
  6. Hello, im trying to make a reskin, standalone version of the CUP_Vehicle's Dingo 2 The config.cpp is from the CUP_Vehicle. I've only cutton down on numbers of varients to 2 and renamed all CUP dependent weapons and units to arma 3 standard one. When i'm trying to pack the mod im getting the following error: Build failed. Result code=1 CfgConvert task failed. File C:\Users\CWS\Desktop\Dingo\config.cpp, line 720:/CfgVehicles/NORFOR_Dingo_Base_F.NORFOR_Dingo_MG: Undefined baseclass'NORFOR_Dingo_Base_F' Config:some input after EndOfFile. Error reading config file 'C:\Users\CWS\Desktop\Dingo\config.cpp' Class destroyed with lock count 1 Thanks for all the help i may get! Here is my config.cpp #define private 0 #define protected 1 #define public 2 #define TEast 0 #define TWest 1 #define TGuerrila 2 #define TCivilian 3 #define TSideUnknown 4 #define TEnemy 5 #define TFriendly 6 #define TLogic 7 #define true 1 #define false 0 class CfgPatches { class NORFOR_Dingo { units[] = {"NORFOR_Dingo_MG", "NORFOR_Dingo_GL"}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Soft_F"}; }; }; class WeaponFireGun; // External class reference class WeaponCloudsGun; // External class reference class WeaponFireMGun; // External class reference class WeaponCloudsMGun; // External class reference class RCWSOptics; // External class reference class CfgVehicles { class LandVehicle; // External class reference class Car : LandVehicle { class NewTurret; // External class reference }; class Car_F : Car { class AnimationSources; // External class reference class Turrets { class MainTurret : NewTurret {}; }; class HitPoints { class HitLFWheel; // External class reference class HitLF2Wheel; // External class reference class HitRFWheel; // External class reference class HitRF2Wheel; // External class reference class HitGlass1; // External class reference class HitGlass2; // External class reference class HitGlass3; // External class reference class HitGlass4; // External class reference class HitGlass5; // External class reference class HitGlass6; // External class reference }; }; class MRAP_01_base_F : Car_F {}; class NORFOR_Dingo_Base_F : MRAP_01_base_F { expansion = 3; dlc = "NORFOR"; author = CUP_AUTHOR_STRING, NTF_Saetre; scope = private; side = TWest; accuracy = 0.3; // accuracy needed to recognize type of this target faction = BLU_F; model = "\NORFOR\Dingo\CUP_Dingo2a2_MG.p3d"; Picture = "\NORFOR\Dingo\data\Picture_Dingo2MG_CA.paa"; Icon = "\NORFOR\Dingo\data\icon_dingo2_ca.paa"; mapSize = 5; displayName = "Dingo 2"; crew = "B_Soldier_F"; typicalCargo[] = {"B_Soldier_F"}; armor = 150; armorStructural = 4; enableGPS = 1; cost = 100000; hideWeaponsCargo = true; transportSoldier = 4; transportMaxBackpacks = 6; driverAction = "Driver_High01"; cargoAction[] = {"passenger_low01", "passenger_low01", "passenger_low01", "passenger_VAN_codriver02"}; cargoIsCoDriver[] = {1, 0}; castDriverShadow = false; radarType = 8; driverCanSee = 4+8+2+32+16; gunnerCanSee = 4+2+8+32+16; unitInfoType = "RscUnitInfoTank"; // threat (VSoft, VArmor, VAir), how threatening vehicle is to unit types threat[] = {1.0, 0.4, 0.6}; driverLeftHandAnimName = "drivewheel"; driverRightHandAnimName = "drivewheel"; dustFrontLeftPos = "stopa PLL"; dustFrontRightPos = "stopa PPP"; dustBackLeftPos = "stopa ZLL"; dustBackRightPos = "stopa ZPP"; class Reflectors { class Left { color[] = {1900, 1800, 1700}; ambient[] = {5, 5, 5}; position = "Light_L"; direction = "Light_L_dir"; hitpoint = "Light_L"; selection = "Light_L"; size = 1; innerAngle = 100; outerAngle = 179; coneFadeCoef = 10; intensity = 1; useFlare = 0; dayLight = 0; flareSize = 1.0; class Attenuation { start = 1.0; constant = 0; linear = 0; quadratic = 0.25; hardLimitStart = 30; hardLimitEnd = 60; }; }; class Right : Left { position = "Light_R"; direction = "Light_R_dir"; hitpoint = "Light_R"; selection = "Light_R"; }; class Right2 : Right { position = "Light_R"; useFlare = 1; }; class Left2 : Left { position = "Light_L"; useFlare = 1; }; }; aggregateReflectors[] = {{"Left", "Right", "Left2", "Right2"}}; slingLoadCargoMemoryPoints[] = {"SlingLoadCargo1", "SlingLoadCargo2", "SlingLoadCargo3", "SlingLoadCargo4"}; class Exhausts { class Exhaust1 { position = "exhaust1"; direction = "exhaust1_dir"; effect = "ExhaustsEffect"; }; }; normalSpeedForwardCoef = 0.65; slowSpeedForwardCoef = 0.35; turnCoef = 3.3; terrainCoef = 1.0; simulation = "carx"; dampersBumpCoef = 6.0; precision = 20; brakeDistance = 8.5; // vehicle movement precision maxSpeed = 109; // max speed on level road, km/h fuelCapacity = 94; wheelCircumference = 3.48; brakeIdleSpeed = 1.78; class complexGearbox { GearboxRatios[] = {"R1", -4.575, "N", 0, "D1", 8, "D2", 4.4, "D3", 3.35, "D4", 2.68, "D5", 2.2, "D6", 1.45, "D7", 1.0, "D8", 0.75}; TransmissionRatios[] = {"High", 6.59}; gearBoxMode = "auto"; moveOffGear = 1; driveString = "D"; neutralString = "N"; reverseString = "R"; }; changeGearMinEffectivity[] = {0.95, 0.0, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8}; switchTime = 0.2; latency = 0.8; differentialType = "all_limited"; frontRearSplit = 0.5; frontBias = 1.3; rearBias = 1.3; centreBias = 1.3; clutchStrength = 50.0; dampingRateFullThrottle = 0.15; dampingRateZeroThrottleClutchEngaged = 2.0; dampingRateZeroThrottleClutchDisengaged = 0.85; torqueCurve[] = {{(600/2300), (0/810)}, {(1000/2300), (600/810)}, {(1200/2300), (810/810)}, {(1400/2300), (810/810)}, {(1600/2300), (810/810)}, {(1800/2300), (790/810)}, {(2000/2300), (750/810)}, {(2603/2300), (0/810)}}; maxOmega = 400.86; enginePower = 650; peakTorque = 2540; idleRPM = 600; redRPM = 2300; thrustDelay = 0.5; antiRollbarForceCoef = 5; antiRollbarForceLimit = 2; antiRollbarSpeedMin = 10; antiRollbarSpeedMax = 50; class Wheels { class LF { boneName = "wheel_1_1_damper"; steering = 1; side = "left"; center = "wheel_1_1_axis"; boundary = "wheel_1_1_bound"; width = 0.2; mass = 150; MOI = 12; dampingRate = 0.1; dampingRateDamaged = 1.0; dampingRateDestroyed = 1000.0; maxBrakeTorque = 22500; maxHandBrakeTorque = 0; suspTravelDirection[] = {0, -1, 0}; suspForceAppPointOffset = "wheel_1_1_axis"; tireForceAppPointOffset = "wheel_1_1_axis"; maxCompression = 0.15; mMaxDroop = 0.15; sprungMass = 2690; springStrength = 261600; springDamperRate = 26780; longitudinalStiffnessPerUnitGravity = 5000; latStiffX = 25; latStiffY = 180; frictionVsSlipGraph[] = {{0, 1}, {0.5, 1}, {1, 1}}; }; class LR : LF { boneName = "wheel_1_2_damper"; steering = 0; maxBrakeTorque = 18000; center = "wheel_1_2_axis"; boundary = "wheel_1_2_bound"; suspForceAppPointOffset = "wheel_1_2_axis"; tireForceAppPointOffset = "wheel_1_2_axis"; maxHandBrakeTorque = 275000; }; class RF : LF { boneName = "wheel_2_1_damper"; center = "wheel_2_1_axis"; boundary = "wheel_2_1_bound"; suspForceAppPointOffset = "wheel_2_1_axis"; tireForceAppPointOffset = "wheel_2_1_axis"; steering = 1; side = "right"; }; class RR : RF { boneName = "wheel_2_2_damper"; steering = 0; maxBrakeTorque = 18000; center = "wheel_2_2_axis"; boundary = "wheel_2_2_bound"; suspForceAppPointOffset = "wheel_2_2_axis"; tireForceAppPointOffset = "wheel_2_2_axis"; maxHandBrakeTorque = 275000; }; }; class RenderTargets { class LeveZrcadko { renderTarget = "rendertarget0"; class CameraView1 { pointPosition = "PIP0_pos"; pointDirection = "PIP0_dir"; renderQuality = 2; renderVisionMode = 4; fov = 0.7; }; }; class PraveZrcadko { renderTarget = "rendertarget1"; class CameraView1 { pointPosition = "PIP1_pos"; pointDirection = "PIP1_dir"; renderQuality = 2; renderVisionMode = 4; fov = 0.7; }; }; class LeveZrcadkoPredek { renderTarget = "rendertarget2"; class CameraView1 { pointPosition = "PIP2_pos"; pointDirection = "PIP2_dir"; renderQuality = 2; renderVisionMode = 4; fov = 0.7; }; }; class PraveZrcadkoPredek { renderTarget = "rendertarget3"; class CameraView1 { pointPosition = "PIP3_pos"; pointDirection = "PIP3_dir"; renderQuality = 2; renderVisionMode = 4; fov = 0.7; }; }; class Gunner_display { renderTarget = "rendertarget4"; class CameraView1 { pointPosition = "PIP4_pos"; pointDirection = "PIP4_dir"; renderVisionMode = 2; renderQuality = 2; fov = 0.7; }; }; }; class HitPoints : HitPoints { class HitEngine { armor = 0.8; material = -1; name = "engine"; visual = ""; passThrough = false; minimalHit = 0.2; explosionShielding = 0.2; radius = 0.45; }; class HitGlass1 : HitGlass1 { armor = 2; explosionShielding = 3; radius = 0.25; }; class HitGlass2 : HitGlass2 { armor = 2; explosionShielding = 3; radius = 0.25; }; class HitGlass3 : HitGlass3 { armor = 2; explosionShielding = 3; radius = 0.25; }; class HitGlass4 : HitGlass4 { armor = 2; explosionShielding = 3; radius = 0.25; }; class HitGlass5 : HitGlass4 { armor = 2; explosionShielding = 3; radius = 0.25; }; class HitLFWheel : HitLFWheel { armor = 3; explosionShielding = 4; radius = 0.25; }; class HitLBWheel : HitLF2Wheel { armor = 3; explosionShielding = 4; radius = 0.25; }; class HitRFWheel : HitRFWheel { armor = 3; explosionShielding = 4; radius = 0.25; }; class HitRBWheel : HitRF2Wheel { armor = 3; explosionShielding = 4; radius = 0.25; }; class HitFuel { armor = 0.6; material = -1; name = "fueltank"; visual = ""; passThrough = true; minimalHit = 0.2; explosionShielding = 0.2; radius = 0.25; }; }; class Damage { tex[] = {}; mat[] = {"NORFOR\Dingo\data\karrosse.rvmat", "NORFOR\Dingo\data\karrosse_dam.rvmat", "NORFOR\Dingo\data\karrosse_des.rvmat", "NORFOR\Dingo\data\karrosse_innen.rvmat", "NORFOR\Dingo\data\karrosse_innen.rvmat", "NORFOR\Dingo\data\karrosse_innen_des.rvmat", "NORFOR\Dingo\data\teile.rvmat", "NORFOR\Dingo\data\teile_dam.rvmat", "NORFOR\Dingo\data\teile_des.rvmat", "NORFOR\Dingo\data\teile_innen.rvmat", "NORFOR\Dingo\data\teile_innen.rvmat", "NORFOR\Dingo\data\teile_innen_des.rvmat", "NORFORDingo\data\FLW200.rvmat", "NORFOR\Dingo\data\FLW200_dam.rvmat", "NORFOR\Dingo\data\FLW200_des.rvmat", "NORFOR\Dingo\data\plane.rvmat", "NORFOR\Dingo\data\plane_dam.rvmat", "NORFOR\Dingo\data\FLW200_des.rvmat", "NORFOR\Dingo\data\alpha_glass.rvmat", "NORFOR\Dingo\data\alpha_glass_dam.rvmat", "NORFOR\Dingo\data\alpha_glass_des.rvmat"}; }; HiddenSelections[] = {"camo1", "camo2", "camo5", "camo6"}; HiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\NORFOR\Dingo\data\ACR_karosse_des_co.paa", "\NORFOR\Dingo\data\ACR_DES_a_teile_co.paa", "\NORFOR\Dingo\data\FLW100_co.paa", "\NORFOR\Dingo\data\FLW200_co.paa"}; SoundGetIn[] = {"NORFOR\Dingo\Sounds\door.wss", "db-5", 1}; SoundGetOut[] = {"NORFOR\Dingo\Sounds\door.wss", "db-5", 1, 40}; soundEngineOnInt[] = {"NORFOR\Dingo\Sounds\Dingo_int_start.wss", "db-5", 1.0}; soundEngineOnExt[] = {"NORFOR\Dingo\Sounds\Dingo_ext_start.wss", "db-5", 1.0, 250}; soundEngineOffInt[] = {"NORFOR\Dingo\Sounds\Dingo_int_stop.wss", "db-5", 1.0}; soundEngineOffExt[] = {"NORFOR\Dingo\Sounds\Dingo_ext_stop.wss", "db-5", 1.0, 250}; buildCrash0[] = {"NORFOR\Dingo\Sounds\crash_building_01.wss", "db-3", 1, 200}; buildCrash1[] = {"NORFOR\Dingo\Sounds\crash_building_02.wss", "db-3", 1, 200}; buildCrash2[] = {"NORFOR\Dingo\Sounds\crash_building_03.wss", "db-3", 1, 200}; buildCrash3[] = {"NORFOR\Dingo\Sounds\crash_building_04.wss", "db-3", 1, 200}; soundBuildingCrash[] = {"buildCrash0", 0.25, "buildCrash1", 0.25, "buildCrash2", 0.25, "buildCrash3", 0.25}; WoodCrash0[] = {"NORFOR\Dingo\Sounds\crash_mix_wood_01.wss", "db-3", 1, 200}; WoodCrash1[] = {"NORFOR\Dingo\Sounds\crash_mix_wood_02.wss", "db-3", 1, 200}; WoodCrash2[] = {"NORFOR\Dingo\Sounds\crash_mix_wood_03.wss", "db-3", 1, 200}; WoodCrash3[] = {"NORFOR\Dingo\Sounds\crash_mix_wood_04.wss", "db-3", 1, 200}; WoodCrash4[] = {"NORFOR\Dingo\Sounds\crash_mix_wood_05.wss", "db-3", 1, 200}; WoodCrash5[] = {"NORFOR\Dingo\Sounds\crash_mix_wood_06.wss", "db-3", 1, 200}; soundWoodCrash[] = {"woodCrash0", 0.166, "woodCrash1", 0.166, "woodCrash2", 0.166, "woodCrash3", 0.166, "woodCrash4", 0.166, "woodCrash5", 0.166}; ArmorCrash0[] = {"NORFOR\Dingo\Sounds\crash_vehicle_01.wss", "db-3", 1, 200}; ArmorCrash1[] = {"NORFOR\Dingo\Sounds\crash_vehicle_02.wss", "db-3", 1, 200}; ArmorCrash2[] = {"NORFOR\Dingo\Sounds\crash_vehicle_03.wss", "db-3", 1, 200}; ArmorCrash3[] = {"NORFOR\Dingo\Sounds\crash_vehicle_04.wss", "db-3", 1, 200}; soundArmorCrash[] = {"ArmorCrash0", 0.25, "ArmorCrash1", 0.25, "ArmorCrash2", 0.25, "ArmorCrash3", 0.25}; class Sounds { class Idle_ext { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_ext_idle", 0.398107, 1, 150}; frequency = "0.95 + ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(800/ 4500),(1400/ 4500)])*0.15"; volume = "engineOn*camPos*(((rpm/ 4500) factor[(600/ 4500),(1100/ 4500)]) * ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(1800/ 4500),(1300/ 4500)]))"; }; class Engine { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_ext_low1", db-7, 1, 250}; frequency = "0.9 + ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(1400/ 4500),(2100/ 4500)])*0.2"; volume = "engineOn*camPos*(((rpm/ 4500) factor[(1400/ 4500),(1800/ 4500)]) * ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(2300/ 4500),(2000/ 4500)]))"; }; class Engine1_ext { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_ext_low2", 0.562341, 1, 300}; frequency = "0.9 + ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(2100/ 4500),(2800/ 4500)])*0.2"; volume = "engineOn*camPos*(((rpm/ 4500) factor[(1900/ 4500),(2300/ 4500)]) * ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(3000/ 4500),(2500/ 4500)]))"; }; class Engine2_ext { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_ext_mid", db-3, 1, 350}; frequency = "0.9 + ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(2800/ 4500),(3600/ 4500)])*0.2"; volume = "engineOn*camPos*(((rpm/ 4500) factor[(2500/ 4500),(3100/ 4500)]) * ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(4500/ 4500),(3700/ 4500)]))"; }; class Engine3_ext { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_ext_high", db0, 1, 400}; frequency = "0.95 + ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(3600/ 4500),(4500/ 4500)])*0.1"; volume = "engineOn*camPos*((rpm/ 4500) factor[(3800/ 4500),(4500/ 4500)])"; }; class IdleThrust { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_ext_exhaust_idle", 0.562341, 1, 200}; frequency = "0.95 + ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(800/ 4500),(1400/ 4500)])*0.15"; volume = "engineOn*camPos*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*(((rpm/ 4500) factor[(600/ 4500),(1100/ 4500)]) * ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(1800/ 4500),(1300/ 4500)]))"; }; class EngineThrust { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_ext_exhaust_low1", db-3, 1, 350}; frequency = "0.9 + ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(1400/ 4500),(2100/ 4500)])*0.2"; volume = "engineOn*camPos*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*(((rpm/ 4500) factor[(1400/ 4500),(1800/ 4500)]) * ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(2300/ 4500),(2000/ 4500)]))"; }; class Engine1_Thrust_ext { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_ext_exhaust_low2", db-1, 1, 400}; frequency = "0.9 + ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(2100/ 4500),(2800/ 4500)])*0.2"; volume = "engineOn*camPos*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*(((rpm/ 4500) factor[(1900/ 4500),(2300/ 4500)]) * ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(3000/ 4500),(2500/ 4500)]))"; }; class Engine2_Thrust_ext { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_ext_exhaust_mid", db1, 1, 425}; frequency = "0.9 + ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(2800/ 4500),(3600/ 4500)])*0.2"; volume = "engineOn*camPos*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*(((rpm/ 4500) factor[(2500/ 4500),(3100/ 4500)]) * ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(4500/ 4500),(3700/ 4500)]))"; }; class Engine3_Thrust_ext { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_ext_exhaust_high", db2, 1, 450}; frequency = "0.95 + ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(3600/ 4500),(4500/ 4500)])*0.1"; volume = "engineOn*camPos*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*((rpm/ 4500) factor[(3800/ 4500),(4500/ 4500)])"; }; class Idle_int { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_int_idle", db-12, 1}; frequency = "0.95 + ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(800/ 4500),(1400/ 4500)])*0.15"; volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(((rpm/ 4500) factor[(600/ 4500),(1100/ 4500)]) * ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(1800/ 4500),(1300/ 4500)]))"; }; class Engine_int { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_int_low1", db-10, 1}; frequency = "0.9 + ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(1400/ 4500),(2100/ 4500)])*0.2"; volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(((rpm/ 4500) factor[(1400/ 4500),(1800/ 4500)]) * ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(2300/ 4500),(2000/ 4500)]))"; }; class Engine1_int { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_int_low2", 0.398107, 1}; frequency = "0.9 + ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(2100/ 4500),(2800/ 4500)])*0.2"; volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(((rpm/ 4500) factor[(1900/ 4500),(2300/ 4500)]) * ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(3000/ 4500),(2500/ 4500)]))"; }; class Engine2_int { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_int_mid", db-6, 1}; frequency = "0.9 + ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(2800/ 4500),(3600/ 4500)])*0.2"; volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(((rpm/ 4500) factor[(2500/ 4500),(3100/ 4500)]) * ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(4500/ 4500),(3700/ 4500)]))"; }; class Engine3_int { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_int_high", 0.630957, 1}; frequency = "0.95 + ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(3600/ 4500),(4500/ 4500)])*0.1"; volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*((rpm/ 4500) factor[(3800/ 4500),(4500/ 4500)])"; }; class IdleThrust_int { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_int_exhaust_idle", db-9, 1}; frequency = "0.95 + ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(800/ 4500),(1400/ 4500)])*0.15"; volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*(((rpm/ 4500) factor[(600/ 4500),(1100/ 4500)]) * ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(1800/ 4500),(1300/ 4500)]))"; }; class EngineThrust_int { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_int_exhaust_low1", db-7, 1}; frequency = "0.9 + ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(1400/ 4500),(2100/ 4500)])*0.2"; volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*(((rpm/ 4500) factor[(1400/ 4500),(1800/ 4500)]) * ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(2300/ 4500),(2000/ 4500)]))"; }; class Engine1_Thrust_int { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_int_exhaust_low2", 0.562341, 1}; frequency = "0.9 + ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(2100/ 4500),(2800/ 4500)])*0.2"; volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*(((rpm/ 4500) factor[(1900/ 4500),(2300/ 4500)]) * ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(3000/ 4500),(2500/ 4500)]))"; }; class Engine2_Thrust_int { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_int_exhaust_mid", db-3, 1}; frequency = "0.9 + ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(2800/ 4500),(3600/ 4500)])*0.2"; volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*(((rpm/ 4500) factor[(2500/ 4500),(3100/ 4500)]) * ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(4500/ 4500),(3700/ 4500)]))"; }; class Engine3_Thrust_int { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_int_exhaust_high", db-2, 1}; frequency = "0.95 + ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(3600/ 4500),(4500/ 4500)])*0.1"; volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*((rpm/ 4500) factor[(3800/ 4500),(4500/ 4500)])"; }; class TiresRockOut { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\tires\ext_tires_dirt_soft_1", db3, 1.0, 60}; frequency = "1"; volume = "camPos*rock*(speed factor[2, 20])"; }; class TiresSandOut { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\tires\ext-tires-sand1", db3, 1.0, 60}; frequency = "1"; volume = "camPos*sand*(speed factor[2, 20])"; }; class TiresGrassOut { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\tires\ext_tires_dirt_soft_2", db2, 1.0, 60}; frequency = "1"; volume = "camPos*grass*(speed factor[2, 20])"; }; class TiresMudOut { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\tires\ext-tires-mud2", db1, 1.0, 60}; frequency = "1"; volume = "camPos*mud*(speed factor[2, 20])"; }; class TiresGravelOut { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\tires\ext_tires_gravel_1", db2, 1.0, 60}; frequency = "1"; volume = "camPos*gravel*(speed factor[2, 20])"; }; class TiresAsphaltOut { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\tires\ext_tires_asfalt_2", db1, 1.0, 60}; frequency = "1"; volume = "camPos*asphalt*(speed factor[2, 20])"; }; class NoiseOut { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\noise_ext_car_3", db1, 1.0, 90}; frequency = "1"; volume = "camPos*(damper0 max 0.02)*(speed factor[0, 8])"; }; class TiresRockIn { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\tires\int_tires_dirt_soft_1", db-3, 1.0}; frequency = "1"; volume = "(1-camPos)*rock*(speed factor[2, 20])"; }; class TiresSandIn { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\tires\int-tires-sand2", db-3, 1.0}; frequency = "1"; volume = "(1-camPos)*sand*(speed factor[2, 20])"; }; class TiresGrassIn { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\tires\int_tires_dirt_soft_2", db-3, 1.0}; frequency = "1"; volume = "(1-camPos)*grass*(speed factor[2, 20])"; }; class TiresMudIn { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\tires\int-tires-mud2", db-3, 1.0}; frequency = "1"; volume = "(1-camPos)*mud*(speed factor[2, 20])"; }; class TiresGravelIn { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\tires\int_tires_gravel_1", db-3, 1.0}; frequency = "1"; volume = "(1-camPos)*gravel*(speed factor[2, 20])"; }; class TiresAsphaltIn { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\tires\int_tires_asfalt_2", db-3, 1.0}; frequency = "1"; volume = "(1-camPos)*asphalt*(speed factor[2, 20])"; }; class NoiseIn { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\noise_int_car_3", 0.562341, 1.0}; frequency = "1"; volume = "(damper0 max 0.1)*(speed factor[0, 8])*(1-camPos)"; }; class breaking_ext_road { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\slipping_tires_loop_04", db-3, 1, 80}; frequency = 1; volume = "engineOn*camPos*asphalt*(LongSlipDrive Factor[-0.15, -0.3])*(Speed Factor[2, 10])"; }; class acceleration_ext_road { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\slipping_tires_loop_02", db-3, 1, 80}; frequency = 1; volume = "engineOn*camPos*asphalt*(LongSlipDrive Factor[0.15, 0.3])*(Speed Factor[10, 0])"; }; class turn_left_ext_road { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\slipping_tires_loop_02", db-3, 1, 80}; frequency = 1; volume = "engineOn*camPos*asphalt*(latSlipDrive Factor[0.15, 0.3])*(Speed Factor[0, 10])"; }; class turn_right_ext_road { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\slipping_tires_loop_02", db-3, 1, 80}; frequency = 1; volume = "engineOn*camPos*asphalt*(latSlipDrive Factor[-0.15, -0.3])*(Speed Factor[0, 10])"; }; class breaking_ext_dirt { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\slipping_tires_14_dirt_breaking", db-3, 1, 60}; frequency = 1; volume = "engineOn*camPos*(1-asphalt)*(LongSlipDrive Factor[-0.15, -0.3])*(Speed Factor[2, 10])"; }; class acceleration_ext_dirt { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\acceleration_dirt_ext_1", db-3, 1, 60}; frequency = 1; volume = "engineOn*camPos*(1-asphalt)*(LongSlipDrive Factor[0.15, 0.3])*(Speed Factor[10, 0])"; }; class turn_left_ext_dirt { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\slipping_tires_18_dirt", db-3, 1, 60}; frequency = 1; volume = "engineOn*camPos*(1-asphalt)*(latSlipDrive Factor[0.15, 0.3])*(Speed Factor[0, 10])"; }; class turn_right_ext_dirt { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\slipping_tires_18_dirt", db-3, 1, 60}; frequency = 1; volume = "engineOn*camPos*(1-asphalt)*(latSlipDrive Factor[-0.15, -0.3])*(Speed Factor[0, 10])"; }; class breaking_int_road { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\slipping_tires_loop_04_int", 0.630957, 1}; frequency = 1; volume = "engineOn*asphalt*(1-camPos)*(LongSlipDrive Factor[-0.15, -0.3])*(Speed Factor[2, 6])"; }; class acceleration_int_road { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\slipping_tires_loop_02_int", 0.630957, 1}; frequency = 1; volume = "engineOn*asphalt*(1-camPos)*(LongSlipDrive Factor[0.15, 0.3])*(Speed Factor[10, 0])"; }; class turn_left_int_road { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\slipping_tires_loop_02_int", 0.630957, 1}; frequency = 1; volume = "engineOn*asphalt*(1-camPos)*(latSlipDrive Factor[0.15, 0.3])*(Speed Factor[0, 10])"; }; class turn_right_int_road { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\slipping_tires_loop_02_int", 0.630957, 1}; frequency = 1; volume = "engineOn*asphalt*(1-camPos)*(latSlipDrive Factor[-0.15, -0.3])*(Speed Factor[0, 10])"; }; class breaking_int_dirt { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\slipping_tires_14_dirt_breaking_int", 0.630957, 1}; frequency = 1; volume = "engineOn*(1-asphalt)*(1-camPos)*(LongSlipDrive Factor[-0.15, -0.3])*(Speed Factor[2, 6])"; }; class acceleration_int_dirt { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\acceleration_dirt_int_1", 0.630957, 1}; frequency = 1; volume = "engineOn*(1-asphalt)*(1-camPos)*(LongSlipDrive Factor[0.15, 0.3])*(Speed Factor[10, 0])"; }; class turn_left_int_dirt { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\slipping_tires_18_dirt_int", 0.630957, 1}; frequency = 1; volume = "engineOn*(1-asphalt)*(1-camPos)*(latSlipDrive Factor[0.15, 0.3])*(Speed Factor[0, 10])"; }; class turn_right_int_dirt { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\slipping_tires_18_dirt_int", 0.630957, 1}; frequency = 1; volume = "engineOn*(1-asphalt)*(1-camPos)*(latSlipDrive Factor[-0.15, -0.3])*(Speed Factor[0, 10])"; }; }; maximumLoad = 4000; class NORFOR_Dingo_MG : NORFOR_Dingo_Base_F { scope = public; side = TWest; faction = BLU_F; vehicleClass = "Car"; displayName = "Dingo 2 (MG)"; author = "Community Upgrade Project, NTF_Saetre"; class Turrets : Turrets { class MainTurret : MainTurret { gun = "mainGun"; body = "mainTurret"; weapons[] = {"HMG_127"}; magazines[] = {"200Rnd_127x99_mag_Tracer_Red", "200Rnd_127x99_mag_Tracer_Red", "200Rnd_127x99_mag_Tracer_Red", "200Rnd_127x99_mag_Tracer_Red"}; minElev = -25; maxElev = +60; gunnerAction = "gunner_MRAP_01"; viewGunnerInExternal = true; castGunnerShadow = true; stabilizedInAxes = 3; turretInfoType = "RscOptics_crows"; discreteDistance[] = {100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1100, 1200, 1300, 1400, 1500}; discreteDistanceInitIndex = 2; gunnerOpticsModel = "\A3\weapons_f\reticle\Optics_Gunner_02_F"; gunnerForceOptics = false; usePip = 1; memoryPointGunnerOptics = "PIP4_dir"; class ViewOptics : RCWSOptics {}; class ViewGunner : ViewOptics { initAngleX = -15; minAngleX = -45; maxAngleX = 45; initFov = 0.9; minFov = 0.42; maxFov = 0.9; visionMode[] = {}; }; soundServo[] = {"\NORFOR\Dingo\Sounds\turret-1.wss", "db-40", 1.0, 10}; selectionFireAnim = "zasleh"; }; }; class AnimationSources : AnimationSources { class ReloadAnim { source = "reload"; weapon = "HMG_127"; }; class ReloadMagazine { source = "reloadmagazine"; weapon = "HMG_127"; }; class Revolving { source = "revolving"; weapon = "HMG_127"; }; class muzzle_rot { source = "ammorandom"; weapon = "HMG_127"; }; }; }; class NORFOR_Dingo_GL : NORFOR_Dingo_Base_F { scope = public; side = TWest; faction = BLU_F; vehicleClass = "Car"; displayname = "Dingo 2 (GL)"; author = "Community Upgrade Project, NTF_Saetre"; model = "\NORFOR\Dingo\CUP_Dingo2a2.p3d"; Picture = "\NORFOR\Dingo\data\Picture_Dingo2_CA.paa"; class Turrets : Turrets { class MainTurret : MainTurret { gun = "mainGun"; body = "mainTurret"; weapons[] = {GMG_40mm}; magazines[] = {"96Rnd_40mm_G_belt", "96Rnd_40mm_G_belt", "96Rnd_40mm_G_belt"}; minElev = -25; maxElev = +60; gunnerAction = "gunner_MRAP_01"; viewGunnerInExternal = true; castGunnerShadow = true; stabilizedInAxes = 3; turretInfoType = "RscOptics_crows"; discreteDistance[] = {100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1100, 1200, 1300, 1400, 1500}; discreteDistanceInitIndex = 5; gunnerOpticsModel = "\A3\weapons_f\reticle\Optics_Gunner_02_F"; gunnerForceOptics = false; usePip = 1; memoryPointGunnerOptics = "PIP4_dir"; class ViewOptics : RCWSOptics {}; class ViewGunner : ViewOptics { initAngleX = -15; minAngleX = -45; maxAngleX = 45; initFov = 0.9; minFov = 0.42; maxFov = 0.9; visionMode[] = {}; }; soundServo[] = {"\NORFOR\Dingo\Sounds\turret-1.wss", "db-40", 1.0, 10}; selectionFireAnim = "zasleh"; }; }; class AnimationSources : AnimationSources { class ReloadAnim { source = "reload"; weapon = GMG_40mm; }; class ReloadMagazine { source = "reloadmagazine"; weapon = GMG_40mm; }; class Revolving { source = "revolving"; weapon = GMG_40mm; }; class muzzle_rot { source = "ammorandom"; weapon = GMG_40mm; }; class muzzle_hide_GMG { source = "reload"; weapon = GMG_40mm; }; }; }; };
  7. Addonbuilder keeps deleting my vehicle's config files during the PBO process. It still adds the model and textures however, with the exception of the .RVMATs.
  8. Hi all, Im trying to create a custom module for an addon I am creating. Only problem is I cant seem to remove an argument that is being displayed in the 2d editor from the module. The drop down list: Apply To: (units synchronized, groups of objects synchronised, etc...) Ive searched quite a bit and cant find where that is being created from in the config below, http://pastebin.com/H5sPvWBX Anyone know where I can find and disable this argument? Thanks in advance. EDIT: That is not the entire config, thats just the only part where modules are used or mentioned.
  9. Hello. For some reason that I can't figure out, my localization files aren't working. Here's my files: Stringtable <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Project name="Arma3Aegis"> <Package name="A3_Aegis_F"> <Container name="PhoneticalAlphabet"> <Key ID="STR_A3_Night515"> <Original>Night515</Original> <English>Night515</English> <Czech>Night515</Czech> <French>Night515</French> <German>Night515</German> <Italian>Night515</Italian> <Polish>Night515</Polish> <Portuguese>Night515</Portuguese> <Russian>Night515</Russian> <Spanish>Night515</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_Kydoimos"> <Original>Kydoimos</Original> <English>Kydoimos</English> <Czech>Kydoimos</Czech> <French>Kydoimos</French> <German>Kydoimos</German> <Italian>Kydoimos</Italian> <Polish>Kydoimos</Polish> <Portuguese>Kydoimos</Portuguese> <Russian>Kydoimos</Russian> <Spanish>Kydoimos</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_CfgVehicles_Flag_Iran_F0"> <Original>Flag (Iran)</Original> <English>Flag (Iran)</English> <Czech>Vlajka (Ãrán)</Czech> <French>Drapeau (Iran)</French> <German>Flagge (Iran)</German> <Italian>Bandiera (Iran)</Italian> <Polish>Flaga (Iran)</Polish> <Portuguese>Bandeira (Irã)</Portuguese> <Russian>Флаг (Иран)</Russian> <Spanish>Bandera (Irán)</Spanish> </Key> </Container> </Package> </Project> Config class FlagCarrier; class Flag_Iran_F: FlagCarrier { author = $STR_A3_Night515; _generalMacro = "Flag_Iran_F"; scope = public; scopeCurator = public; displayName = $STR_A3_CfgVehicles_Flag_Iran_F0; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\A3\Structures_F\Mil\Flags\Data\Mast_mil_CO.paa"}; hiddenSelectionsMaterials[] = {"\A3\Structures_F\Mil\Flags\Data\Mast_mil.rvmat"}; class EventHandlers { init = "(_this select 0) setFlagTexture '\A3_Aegis_F\Aegis\data\flags\Flag_iran_CO.paa'"; }; }; Help would definitely be appreciated! Thanks, Night515
  10. Hey everyone that is willing to help. I have made an animations and I want to use it in arma 3. I have been told that it's not possible to add it in a missions just with a script but I have to make a config.cpp and pack it into a .pbo and pretty much make it a mod. I have zero knowledge on writing configs so anyone that would volunteer to write me a config for one animations only I would really appreciate. I am also going to post the same things on ARMA 3 - FIND OR OFFER HELP.
  11. Hey everyone that is willing to help. I have made an animations and I want to use it in arma 3. I have been told that it's not possible to add it in a missions just with a script but I have to make a config.cpp and pack it into a .pbo and pretty much make it a mod. I have zero knowledge on writing configs so anyone that would volunteer to write me a config for one animations only I would really appreciate. I am also going to post the same things on ARMA 3 - ADDONS - CONFIGS & SCRIPTING.
  12. Hey guys, So I have been working on my first pistol, the Desert Eagle, and could not get around this error that is preventing the custom firing sound to fire. Error: My config: class CfgWeapons { class DSS_DesertEagle_F: Pistol_Base_F { author = "Rawner135"; scope = 2; model = "\dss_weapons\models\Desert_EagleAE.p3d"; picture = "\A3\Weapons_F_EPA\Pistols\Pistol_Heavy_02\data\UI\gear_Pistol_heavy_02_X_CA.paa"; magazines[] = {"16Rnd_9x21_Mag","30Rnd_9x21_Mag"}; displayName = "Desert Eagle (AE)"; descriptionShort = "Desert Eagle <br/>Caliber: .44 Magnum"; reloadAction = "GestureReloadPistol"; recoil = "recoil_gm6"; drySound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Zubr\dry_Zubr",0.39810717,1,20}; reloadMagazineSound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Acpc2\reload_ACPC2",1.0,1,30}; modes[] = {"Single"}; class WeaponSlotsInfo { allowedslots[] = {901}; mass = 60; class MuzzleSlot { access = 1; compatibleitems[] = {}; displayname = "Muzzle Slot"; linkproxy = "\A3\data_f\proxies\weapon_slots\MUZZLE"; scope = 0; }; }; class Single: Mode_SemiAuto { sounds[] = {"StandardSound", "SilencedSound"}; class BaseSoundModeType { weaponSoundEffect = "DefaultRifle"; closure1[]={"A3\sounds_f\weapons\closure\closure_rifle_6", db3, 1,10}; closure2[]={"A3\sounds_f\weapons\closure\closure_rifle_7", db3, 1,10}; soundClosure[] = {"closure1",0.5, "closure2",0.5}; }; class StandardSound: BaseSoundModeType { begin1[] = {"dss_weapons\snds\DE_fire_alt_0.ogg", 1.58489, 1,1200}; soundBegin[] = {"begin1", 1}; }; class SilencedSound: BaseSoundModeType { begin1[]={"A3\sounds_f\weapons\silenced\silent-18", db-2, 1,100}; begin2[]={"A3\sounds_f\weapons\silenced\silent-19", db-2, 1,100}; begin3[]={"A3\sounds_f\weapons\silenced\silent-11", db-2, 1,100}; soundBegin[]={"begin1",0.333, "begin2",0.333, "begin3",0.333}; }; reloadTime = 0.26; dispersion = 0.00406; recoil = "recoil_single_gm6"; recoilProne = "recoil_single_prone_gm6"; minRange = 5; minRangeProbab = 0.3; midRange = 25; midRangeProbab = 0.6; maxRange = 50; maxRangeProbab = 0.1; }; inertia = 0.5; dexterity = 1.7; initSpeed = 420; }; }; The sound location for "de_fire_alt_0" is in its proper location, but I still don't understand why it is failing to load the sound. Thanks, Rawner135
  13. I posted this on Reddit and felt that I should also post it here. I apologize if it's not in the right area. I'd imagine with the team working primarily on Apex and Nexus, there isn't much of a chance of us seeing old content such as the AMOS Marshall and KSG Shotgun. I think Bohemia Interactive should release older content with complimentary textures, unbinarized models, and config if possible, allowing the community to examine or add them in themselves. I really think BIS should consider this, and could possibly release it with the Arma 3 Samples. What do you guys think?
  14. colddna

    Clutter Issue

    7:27:20 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWorlds/kapolei/Clutter/DefaultClutter.model'. 7:27:20 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 7:27:20 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWorlds/kapolei/Clutter/DefaultClutter.swLighting'. 7:27:20 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 7:27:20 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWorlds/kapolei/Clutter/DefaultClutter.scaleMin'. 7:27:20 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 7:27:20 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWorlds/kapolei/Clutter/DefaultClutter.scaleMax'. 7:27:20 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 7:27:20 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWorlds/kapolei/Clutter/DefaultClutter.affectedByWind'. 7:27:20 Warning Message: '/' is not a value class DefaultClutter; class Grass_Green1: DefaultClutter { model = "arma3map\kapolei\clutter\c_StrGrassGreen_group.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.6; swLighting = 1; scaleMin = 0.7; scaleMax = 1.0; }; i dont have any errors in pboproject but once i load my map into editor i get the message above
  15. Up until now, I've been able to retexture plate carriers for NATO without a problem. However, after the Personal Protection update rolled out on devbranch, I haven't been able to change textures for the "V_PlateCarrier1_rgr", "V_PlateCarrier2_rgr", "V_PlateCarrierGL_rgr", and "V_PlateCarrierSpec_rgr". CfgWeapons_NATO: /// Vests class V_PlateCarrier1_rgr: Vest_NoCamo_Base { author = "$STR_A3_Bohemia_Interactive"; _generalMacro = "V_PlateCarrier1_rgr"; scope = 2; displayName = "$STR_A3_V_PlateCarrier1_rgr0"; picture = "\A3\characters_f\Data\UI\icon_V_plate_carrier_1_CA.paa"; model = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest02"; descriptionShort = "$STR_A3_SP_AL_III"; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\A3_Aegis_F\Aegis\characters\BLUFOR\data\vests_rgr_co.paa"}; class ItemInfo: VestItem { uniformModel = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest02"; containerClass = "Supply140"; mass = 80; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; class HitpointsProtectionInfo { class Chest { HitpointName = "HitChest"; Armor = 16; PassThrough = 0.3; }; class Diaphragm { HitpointName = "HitDiaphragm"; Armor = 16; PassThrough = 0.3; }; class Body { hitpointName = "HitBody"; passThrough = 0.3; }; }; }; }; class V_PlateCarrier1_mtp: V_PlateCarrier1_rgr { author = "$STR_A3_Night515"; _generalMacro = "V_PlateCarrier1_mtp"; displayName = "$STR_A3_V_PlateCarrier1_mtp0"; picture = "\A3\characters_f\Data\UI\icon_V_plate_carrier_1_mtp_CA.paa"; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\A3_Aegis_F\Aegis\characters\BLUFOR\data\vests_mcamo_co.paa"}; }; class V_PlateCarrier2_rgr: V_PlateCarrier1_rgr { author = "$STR_A3_Bohemia_Interactive"; _generalMacro = "V_PlateCarrier2_rgr"; scope = 2; displayName = "$STR_A3_V_PlateCarrier2_rgr0"; picture = "\A3\characters_f\Data\UI\icon_V_plate_carrier_2_CA.paa"; model = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest01.p3d"; descriptionShort = "$STR_A3_SP_AL_IV"; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\A3_Aegis_F\Aegis\characters\BLUFOR\data\vests_rgr_co.paa"}; class ItemInfo: VestItem { uniformModel = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest01"; containerClass = "Supply140"; mass = 100; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; class HitpointsProtectionInfo { class Chest { HitpointName = "HitChest"; Armor = 20; PassThrough = 0.2; }; class Diaphragm { HitpointName = "HitDiaphragm"; Armor = 20; PassThrough = 0.2; }; class Body { hitpointName = "HitBody"; passThrough = 0.2; }; }; }; }; class V_PlateCarrier2_mtp: V_PlateCarrier2_rgr { author = "$STR_A3_Night515"; _generalMacro = "V_PlateCarrier2_mtp"; displayName = "$STR_A3_V_PlateCarrier2_mtp0"; picture = "\A3\characters_f\Data\UI\icon_V_plate_carrier_2_mtp_CA.paa"; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\A3_Aegis_F\Aegis\characters\BLUFOR\data\vests_mcamo_co.paa"}; }; class V_PlateCarrierRecon_rgr: V_PlateCarrier1_rgr { author = "$STR_A3_Bohemia_Interactive"; _generalMacro = "V_PlateCarrierRecon_rgr"; scope = 2; picture = "\A3\characters_f\Data\UI\icon_V_plate_carrier_1_CA.paa"; displayName = "$STR_A3_V_PlateCarrier1_rgr_V_PlateCarrier_Kerry0"; model = "\A3\Characters_F_EPA\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest_kerry.p3d"; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\A3_Aegis_F\Aegis\characters\BLUFOR\data\vests_rgr_co.paa"}; class ItemInfo: VestItem { uniformModel = "\A3\Characters_F_EPA\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest_kerry.p3d"; containerClass = "Supply120"; mass = 80; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; }; }; class V_PlateCarrierRecon_mtp: V_PlateCarrierRecon_rgr { author = "$STR_A3_Night515"; _generalMacro = "V_PlateCarrierRecon_mtp"; displayName = "$STR_A3_V_PlateCarrierRecon_mtp0"; picture = "\A3\characters_f\Data\UI\icon_V_plate_carrier_1_mtp_CA.paa"; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\A3_Aegis_F\Aegis\characters\BLUFOR\data\vests_mcamo_co.paa"}; }; class V_PlateCarrierGL_rgr: Vest_NoCamo_Base { author = "$STR_A3_Bohemia_Interactive"; _generalMacro = "V_PlateCarrierGL_rgr"; scope = 2; displayName = "$STR_A3_V_PlateCarrierGL_rgr0"; picture = "\A3\Characters_F_Mark\Data\UI\icon_carrier_gl_rig_grn.paa"; model = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_carrier_gl_rig.p3d"; overviewName = "$STR_B_SOLDIER_GL_F0"; overviewPicture = "\A3\Data_F_Mark\Images\watermarkInfo_page09_ca.paa"; descriptionShort = "$STR_A3_SP_ER"; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\A3_Aegis_F\Aegis\characters\BLUFOR\data\carrier_gl_rig_rgr_co.paa"}; class ItemInfo: VestItem { uniformModel = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_carrier_gl_rig.p3d"; containerClass = "Supply140"; mass = 100; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; class HitpointsProtectionInfo { class Neck { hitpointName = "HitNeck"; armor = 8; passThrough = 0.5; }; class Arms { hitpointName = "HitArms"; armor = 8; passThrough = 0.5; }; class Chest { hitpointName = "HitChest"; armor = 94; passThrough = 0.6; }; class Diaphragm { hitpointName = "HitDiaphragm"; armor = 94; passThrough = 0.6; }; class Abdomen { hitpointName = "HitAbdomen"; armor = 16; passThrough = 0.3; }; class Pelvis { hitpointName = "HitPelvis"; armor = 16; passThrough = 0.3; }; class Body { hitpointName = "HitBody"; passThrough = 0.6; }; }; }; }; class V_PlateCarrierGL_mtp: V_PlateCarrierGL_rgr { author = "$STR_A3_Bohemia_Interactive"; _generalMacro = "V_PlateCarrierGL_mtp"; displayName = "$STR_A3_V_PlateCarrierGL_mtp0"; picture = "\A3\Characters_F_Mark\Data\UI\icon_carrier_gl_rig_mtp.paa"; DLC = "Mark"; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\A3_Aegis_F\Aegis\characters\BLUFOR\data\carrier_gl_rig_mcamo_co.paa"}; }; class V_PlateCarrierSpec_rgr: Vest_NoCamo_Base { author = "$STR_A3_Bohemia_Interactive"; _generalMacro = "V_PlateCarrierSpec_rgr"; scope = 2; displayName = "$STR_A3_V_PlateCarrierSpec_rgr0"; picture = "\A3\Characters_F_Mark\Data\UI\icon_carrier_spec_rig_grn.paa"; model = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_carrier_spec_rig.p3d"; DLC = "Mark"; descriptionShort = "$STR_A3_SP_AL_V"; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\A3_Aegis_F\Aegis\characters\BLUFOR\data\carrier_gl_rig_rgr_co.paa"}; class ItemInfo: VestItem { uniformModel = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_carrier_spec_rig.p3d"; containerClass = "Supply100"; mass = 120; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; class HitpointsProtectionInfo { class Neck { hitpointName = "HitNeck"; armor = 8; passThrough = 0.5; }; class Arms { hitpointName = "HitArms"; armor = 8; passThrough = 0.5; }; class Chest { hitpointName = "HitChest"; armor = 24; passThrough = 0.1; }; class Diaphragm { hitpointName = "HitDiaphragm"; armor = 24; passThrough = 0.1; }; class Body { hitpointName = "HitBody"; passThrough = 0.1; }; }; }; }; class V_PlateCarrierSpec_mtp: V_PlateCarrierSpec_rgr { author = "$STR_A3_Bohemia_Interactive"; _generalMacro = "V_PlateCarrierSpec_mtp"; displayName = "$STR_A3_V_PlateCarrierSpec_mtp0"; picture = "\A3\Characters_F_Mark\Data\UI\icon_carrier_spec_rig_mtp.paa"; DLC = "Mark"; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\A3_Aegis_F\Aegis\characters\BLUFOR\data\carrier_gl_rig_mcamo_co.paa"}; }; CfgWeapons: class CfgWeapons { class Uniform_Base; class UniformItem; class Vest_NoCamo_Base; class Vest_Camo_Base; class VestItem; class V_BandollierB_khk; class V_Chestrig_khk; class ItemCore; class HeadgearItem; class H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo; class H_Booniehat_khk_hs; class H_Cap_oli_hs; #include "CfgWeapons_CTRG.hpp" #include "CfgWeapons_GUER.hpp" #include "CfgWeapons_NATO.hpp" }; And CfgPatches: // Config class CfgPatches { class A3_Aegis_F_characters_BLUFOR { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Characters_F","A3_Characters_F_beta","A3_Characters_F_Gamma","A3_Characters_F_Bootcamp","A3_Characters_F_EPA","A3_Characters_F_EPB","A3_Characters_F_EPC","A3_Characters_F_Mark"}; }; }; Anything I'm doing wrong?
  16. If the hands and legs of your uniform don't match the skin color of your unit's face, you need to copy the class Wounds{}; from whatever unit you're inheriting it from. So, what that means is if I am implementing a custom uniform model and inheriting from B_Soldier_F, my config would need to look like this: class B_Soldier_F; class SC_Nam_Soldier: B_Soldier_F { scope = 1; scopeCurator = 0; author = "simkas & Scorch052"; displayName = "-"; uniformClass = "SC_Nam_Uniform"; model = "\SC_Nam\uniform_main.p3d"; weapons[] = {"Throw","Put"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"Throw","Put"}; Items[] = {"FirstAidKit"}; RespawnItems[] = {"FirstAidKit"}; magazines[] = {}; respawnMagazines[] = {}; linkedItems[] = {"SC_Nam_FlakVest","SC_Nam_Helmet","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; respawnLinkedItems[] = {"SC_Nam_FlakVest","SC_Nam_Helmet","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1","camo2","insignia","boots_bloused","pants_bloused","shirt_rolled","shirt_rolledt","shirt_rolled_hands","shirt_rolledt_hands"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"SC_Nam\data\jacket_co.paa","SC_Nam\data\pants_co.paa"}; class Wounds /// changes material of skin according to damage { tex[] = {}; mat[] = { "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_bald_muscular.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_bald_muscular_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_bald_muscular_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_black_bald_muscular.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_black_bald_muscular_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_black_bald_muscular_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_hairy_muscular.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_hairy_muscular_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_hairy_muscular_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_old.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_old_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_old_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_asian_bald_muscular.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_asian_bald_muscular_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_asian_bald_muscular_injury.rvmat" }; }; }; If you have a material for wounds on your model, you would put that at the beginning, like so: class Wounds /// changes material of skin according to damage { tex[] = {}; mat[] = { "SC_Nam\Data\uniform.rvmat", "SC_Nam\Data\uniform_injury.rvmat", "SC_Nam\Data\uniform_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_bald_muscular.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_bald_muscular_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_bald_muscular_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_black_bald_muscular.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_black_bald_muscular_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_black_bald_muscular_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_hairy_muscular.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_hairy_muscular_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_hairy_muscular_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_old.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_old_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_old_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_asian_bald_muscular.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_asian_bald_muscular_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_asian_bald_muscular_injury.rvmat" }; If a mod could consider adding this to https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/139468-arma3-characters-modding-tutorial/ I could not, for the life of me, find info on how to fix this issue, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.
  17. I have a good idea for what I want to achieve with an Arma 3 mod, but I have only just started trying to figure out how to achieve it. What I want is to alter the control scheme for ease of use and to be more familiar to FPS players. BIS's controls leave a lot of room for improvement, here's how I would do it: Interact/Use [MB3]: Context sensitive. Interacts with a world object. Will open standard style menu if multiple options exist (example: choose which vehicle seat to enter). -The goal here is to reduce the number of actions tied to this one control. Only the context sensitive ones remain. 1 [1] : If in menu, selects option 1. Else, equip primary weapon. 2 [2] : If in menu, selects option 2. Else, equip secondary weapon. 3 [3] : If in menu, selects option 3. Else, equip launcher. 4 [4] : If in menu, selects option 4. Else, change grenade 5 [5] : If in menu, selects option 5. Else, opens explosive menu (scroll to choose which to drop or to touch off bombs) -Here we have a standard FPS style weapon choice setup while retaining the ability to navigate Arma menus. Explosive options safely removed from main Arma 3 menu key. Zoom In/Menu Up [MWheelUp] : If in menu, navigates up. Else, increases zoom level if the option exists. Zoom Out/Menu Down [MWheelDown] : If in menu, navigates down. Else, decreases zoom level if the option exists. -No longer need separate control to adjust zoom levels in vehicles and scopes. Mouse wheel for this is very intuitive. Will also switch between reflex sights and scope if that type of sight is equipped. CTRL + MWheelUp or MWheelDown will adjust zeroing if applicable. Up [space] : If prone, move to crouch stance. If crouched, move to standing stance. If standing, then execute step over action. -Replicates the function of the typical FPS jump key. Does this all look possible to do? Any suggestions on what files I will need to edit for this or links to relevant tutorials would be appreciated.
  18. Hi, I usually play in multiplayer but I play single player too, in both Arma 3 goes at 30-40 fps with little players and my video config in low-standard with a resolution of 1280x720. I don't want any fall of fps more, so what video config I must choose? CPU: Intel® Core i5-3470 CPU @ 3.20GHz GPU: GTX 660 RAM: 8 GB OS: Windows 10 Type of OS: Operative system of 64 bits, cpu x64. Motherboard: ASUS P8H61-M LK R2.0 Game version: 1.50
  19. So I'm trying to make a generic faction for internal use and I want my soldiers to use this Beard mod (if activated) so they can look more middle eastern :) This is what I got for the momment class aif_ins_me_rifleman : I_G_Soldier_F { scope =2; side = 0; modelSides[] = {0, 3}; faction = rhs_faction_aif; vehicleClass = aif_vehclass_men; author = "$STR_A3_Bohemia_Interactive"; uniformClass = "aif_OG_Guerilla1_1"; identityTypes[] = {"LanguagePER_F", "Head_TK", "G_IRAN_default", "NoGlasses"}; allowedHeadgear[] = {"H_Shemag_olive","H_ShemagOpen_tan", "H_ShemagOpen_khk"}; genericNames = "TakistaniMen"; linkedItems[] = {"H_Shemag_khk","V_Chestrig_khk","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; respawnLinkedItems[] = {"H_Shemag_khk","V_Chestrig_khk","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; weapons[] = {"rhs_weap_akm","Throw","Put"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"rhs_weap_akm","Throw","Put"}; magazines[] = {"rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm", "rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm", "rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm", "rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm", "rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm", "rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm","rhs_mag_rgd5","rhs_mag_rgd5"}; respawnMagazines[] = {"rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm", "rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm", "rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm", "rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm", "rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm", "rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm","rhs_mag_rgd5","rhs_mag_rgd5"}; }; Some beard class names are: SFG_Tac_BeardD, SFG_Tac_BeardB, SFG_Tac_BeardG. How can I do that? Thanks in advance!
  20. So I'm trying to make a generic faction for internal use and I want my soldiers to use this Beard mod (if activated) so they can look more middle eastern :) This is what I got for the momment class aif_ins_me_rifleman : I_G_Soldier_F { scope =2; side = 0; modelSides[] = {0, 3}; faction = rhs_faction_aif; vehicleClass = aif_vehclass_men; author = "$STR_A3_Bohemia_Interactive"; uniformClass = "aif_OG_Guerilla1_1"; identityTypes[] = {"LanguagePER_F", "Head_TK", "G_IRAN_default", "NoGlasses"}; allowedHeadgear[] = {"H_Shemag_olive","H_ShemagOpen_tan", "H_ShemagOpen_khk"}; genericNames = "TakistaniMen"; linkedItems[] = {"H_Shemag_khk","V_Chestrig_khk","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; respawnLinkedItems[] = {"H_Shemag_khk","V_Chestrig_khk","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; weapons[] = {"rhs_weap_akm","Throw","Put"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"rhs_weap_akm","Throw","Put"}; magazines[] = {"rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm", "rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm", "rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm", "rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm", "rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm", "rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm","rhs_mag_rgd5","rhs_mag_rgd5"}; respawnMagazines[] = {"rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm", "rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm", "rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm", "rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm", "rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm", "rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm","rhs_mag_rgd5","rhs_mag_rgd5"}; }; Some beard class names are: SFG_Tac_BeardD, SFG_Tac_BeardB, SFG_Tac_BeardG. How can I do that? Thanks in advance!
  21. Hello and thank you for reading, I am currently working on a decently large project that included an extraction script. The script is supposed to send a helicopter with a sufficient amount of seats to pickup a group. However, since the introduction of firing from vehicles, there is an issue. The config entry "TransportSoldier" no longer represents a real amount of passenger seats in a vehicle. The entry only accounts for seats where FFV is unavailable. This makes it impossible for my script to ever use the MH-9 or many of the RHS vehicles because they use a lot of ffv slots. I'll give an example below: if ( (getNumber(_vehicle >> "transportSoldier")) >= (count (units _extractGroup)) ) then {extractNames = extractNames + [configName _vehicle]}; //The MH-9 only has 2 non FFV seats so it is almost never in the array I am aware that there is already a ticket open for this but it is getting little attention and I doubt this is a priority at all for the Devs right now. http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=21602 Thank you in advance if anyone can think of a work around for this that doesn't involve spawning each vehicle and using emptyPositions.
  22. Arma 3 Tanks Config Guidelines Feel free to use it according to our modding license. It roughly describes new features for tanks in Arma 3, You still would need to know the basics from A2/OA and how to set up cars in A3 first.
  23. Hi, Iv made a dogfighting mission on Altis where AI jets respawn after being downed on markers using Kronzky UPS vehicle respawn script. I also have moving map markers for enemy jets and a hint that comes up when you kill an AI saying the name of the AI enemy jet killed. The issue I'm having is that when the jets respawn they don't inherit the name of the AI jet that died so the map markers don't work and the hints don't work once onto the second batch of jets. Any ideas how to resolve this? Thanks