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  1. Hallo Ich bin tim und suche leute die interesse für Arma 3 mislim (Taktik) zeigen . Das alter ist egal ! auf Steam [RG]DerKiller9000.GZ
  2. crypticsilence

    Red Ember Clan [=REC=]

    RED EMBER CLAN [=REC=] ABOUT US: We mix serious and play as much as possible and look for people who can communicate and think. Our core group has been around since 2010, mostly focusing on military and team tactical games. Large group tactics is our familiarity as we operate groups in various military tactical genres. We have jobs or go to school and don't want to see gaming as another chore to get done, so don't expect rules that will kick you out based on attendance. WHAT DO WE DO?: Some of our main games are Arma, DayZ, and Squad, but we are not limited to just military games. Join up and play with us on other games if you want! We play PubG, CounterStrike, Elite Dangerous, MOBAs (LoL, DOTA, ), RPGs, E-Sports, etc. REQUIREMENTS: Maturity, Headset/Microphone, and Teamspeak. DO NOT BEG FOR MONEY!! we are generous to our members, but beggars will be removed. We expect members to respect other REC members and to have the ability to communicate wants/needs/problems/issues. COMMS: TeamSpeak - redembergaming.teamspeak3.com (PRIMARY) Discord - https://discord.gg/M5533Hp (Secondary/Back Up) HOW TO JOIN: Join our teamspeak and talk with one of our recruiters, moderators, or admins.
  3. 1st Battalion, 5th cavalry is recruiting! ---------------------------- Are you interested in joining an Arma group, with emphasis on a sense of community? then the 5th Cavalry is the place for you! Cheesy recruiting lines aside, the 5th cavalry is always looking for new members, who share the same love for Arma as we do. The 1st Battalion, 5th Cavalry group is a multinational, English speaking group, and we are always looking for new members. It does not matter if you are new to Arma; we can teach you what we know. We won't force you through long training sessions, with little to no actual knowledge sharing about Arma like others will. Instead, we believe in teaching as you go, picking roles that you would like to play and learning while playing. We strive to provide a friendly, fun experience, without the red tape of "roleplay" units. Our Operation times are on Saturdays at 14.30 EST / 19:30 GMT. Our modset is flexible, allowing us to switch eras if the community feels like it. Our age barrier is 17 years old, although exceptions can be made. If this sounds like a place for you, feel free to message me or join our Community Discord through this link: https://discord.gg/CMUnurm Or through our Arma-units page: https://units.arma3.com/unit/1stbattalion5thcavalry Some additional requirements are: Teamspeak3 A Valid Copy of Arma 3 An internet connection Hope we see you soon -
  4. Here at 21st Specialized Division we create an exciting, immersive, challenging and enjoyable experience for players that are looking to join a relaxed MilSim unit. We are currently doing weekly realism campaign/patrol missions which have a different tasks each week to provide the experience that people want (we're always open for ideas / suggestions for new campaign/patrol missions and tasks). Our goal and aim is to be a successful MilSim division where everyone feels welcome, relaxed, apart of a friendly group in the community and continue to build and maintain an ultimate military simulation within Arma 3. We strive for Military Simulation in all aspects of game play, this unit has undergone many missions with each other and are looking to grow with new additions of players. We have a wide range of roles and opportunities to choose from, so come aboard and have fun today We are looking for the following: -Team Leaders -Grenadiers -AT Riflemen -Automatic Riflemen -Combat Medics -Dedicated Pilots -Marksman/Scout -And Support Staff! Requirements: - Working microphone - Willing to play in a realistic environment with mature players - 16 years of age or older - Serious attitude - Speaks fluent English Website Application - https://21stspecializeddivision.enjin.com/recruitment Server IP - - Port 2347 TeamSpeak -
  5. About 163rd Reconnaissance Company "Recon Wolves" The 163rd Reconnaissance Company was founded in late September of 2017 as an ARMA 3 Vietnam and Modern-era military realism unit focused on capturing the essence of a Recon unit and its actions. we are currently operating at a strength of two Squads and are planning on expanding to a whole platoon (30-40 men). We are currently accepting members age 16 upwards with some exceptions. It doesn’t matter if you’re not the best shot in the world, as long as you’re willing to try, you will be fine! 163rd Reconnaissance Company Features * Main Operations every saturday at GMT 6.30pm. * Realistic military tactics and organization * Very mature and respectful community. * A community of friends to game with anytime across multiple games. Friendly Community We are all like-minded individuals with a wide variety of ages ranging from 16 to 40. All of us enjoy playing ArmA MilSim without the stress and drama that comes with being in a unit that required work on your end. So long as you are willing to learn how we play and turn up when required, that's all we need. What are the requirements to join? Age Requirement The 163rd does have a minimum age requirement of 16. We do have a mature community and will not hesitate to remove people that threaten that. We are a community that doesn't want to worry about anything we say in front of people of a younger audience. Don't Start Any Drama One of our main requirements. We are a friendly group of people that don't care much for ArmA drama, stress or arguments. We do not tolerate this within our group, if there is a problem, talk about it, do not generate unnecessary arguments. If you don't like someone, figure it out via the help of the community members, or avoid them. Few More Must exhibit maturity. Must be willing to comply with the unit training and operations regime. Must be at least 16 years of age (waivable for applicants with exceptionally high maturity levels). Overbearing, loud, or obnoxious candidates will not be accepted. The applicant must not be a member of any other unit. Must able to attend at least 50% of the operations per month We are looking for People who can fill leadership roles People with an interest in ARMA 3 MilSIm Maturity and and cooperativeness Interested? Jump in our TeamSpeak server and ask questions to your hearts content: Or Contact me on Steam http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198002851967/ APPLY HERE! https://goo.gl/forms/CqO69kHRsYBAziBP2
  6. Here at 21st Specialised Division we plan on creating an immersive, challenging and enjoyable experience for players that are looking to join a relaxed MilSim unit. We are planning to do weekly realism campaign/patrol missions which will have a different task each week to provide the experience that people want. Our goal is to aim to be a successful MilSim division where everyone is welcome, feels relaxed in the community and to strive to maintain an ultimate military simulation group within Arma 3. We strive for Military Simulation in all aspects of game play. This unit has undergone many missions with each other are looking to grow with new additions of players. We have a wide range of roles and opportunities to choose from. We are looking for -Team Leaders -Grenadiers -AT Riflemen -Automatic Riflemen -Combat Medics -Dedicated Pilots -Marksman/Scout -And Support Staff! Requirements: - Working microphone - Willing to play in a realistic environment with mature players - 16 years of age or older - Serious attitude - Speaks fluent English Website Application - https://21stspecializeddivision.enjin.com/recruitment Server IP - - Port 2347 TeamSpeak -
  7. Hello. Fairly new to Arma. Looking for a serious server, like a Milsim server or group to join. Would like to learn the game more and get involved. (Uk timezone.) Cheers Tom
  8. INTRODUCTION The Guards Armoured Division is a serious attitude British World War II milsim unit. Our primary focuses are teamwork, historical accuracy, operational realism and enjoyable experience. Roots of the unit date back to May 2017. To describe our unit the best, we’re a unit that is heavily influenced by history of the real Guards Armoured Division during World War II. Our unit is medium sized and the leadership of the unit has a great amount of experience of running units in Arma from the past. Currently, we expect a playerbase of 30+ on our operations. Feedback is heavily valued in order to shape the unit for us all to enjoy. Ranks are given according to their need and leadership skills, rather than as a reward for good performance. We have different and enjoyable supportive branches to join that won't completely take your infantry experience. Many opportunities to conduct historical operations focused on various nations. Allied with several other WW2 British units. Relaxed attendance (under Leave of Absence report), operational seriousness. New player friendly. DETACHMENTS Motor Platoon Motor Infantry Sections are the main backbone of our operations. They're operating out of their designated vehicles (M5 Halftracks, Bren Carriers & others, depending on Operation setting) and they're composed of two Groups. There are three in a regular Platoon. HQ Section is the section which commands the Motor Platoon in the field and coordinates the operation with the Armoured Troop and Carrier Platoon. This usually holds 6-7 men, and sometimes holds a Mortar / PIAT detachment depending on the situation. Our Motor Platoon represents the 1st Battalion, Grenadier Guards in main operations. Carrier Platoon Carrier Platoon is an Infantry Section operating in smaller groups and utilizing the nimble Universal Carriers. They often carry out Scouting duties before major engagements. On foot, without their Universal Carriers, these lads still create a solid threat to the enemy troops, and are in no way less prepared for contact than their Halftracked counterparts. Our Carrier Platoon represents the 1st Battalion, Welsh Guards in main operations. Armoured Troop Armoured Troops are utilized in majority of our operations, using a wide variety of vehicles depending on their task. (Such as Sherman I or Sherman Vc Firefly or Stuart VI) Their primary role in the main operations is to take the vanguard in major advances, but may also be deployed as Armoured Reconnaissance Troop if the situation requires it. Our Armoured Troop represents the 2nd (Armoured) Battalion, Grenadier Guards in main operations. Royal Army Medical Corps Our medical branch. Their task is to keep everyone in the Battlegroup up in good shape and providing medical service. OPERATIONS Our attendance policy is far from being strict. We are aware of real life issues that everybody may have at any chosen point of their life, as well as their regular out-of-game duties. We can understand whenever somebody isn’t able to play the whole week due to their work schedule. Schedule: FRIDAY - Main Operation - 7 PM GMT / 8 PM CET / 2 PM ET SATURDAY - Bonus Operations - 7 PM GMT / 8 PM CET / 2 PM ET SUNDAY - Basic Training and Exercises - 7 PM GMT / 8 PM CET / 2 PM ET REQUIREMENTS & JOINING It is required that applicants are at age of at least 15 and have a working microphone. We expect that the applicants can act mature and serious during the operations, as well as respectful towards the other members of the unit throughout the whole stay. If you’re willing to join, join our discord for more enlistment info. A new member starts at the rank of Recruit. Recruits are gentlemen that had just joined the unit and hadn't completed their basic training course yet. A recruit should never be afraid to ask different game related matters, such as procedures or game mechanics. Recruits become Guardsmen upon completion of their Basic training. LINKS & MEDIA Teamspeak: guards.tsdns.pl Discord: discord.gg/x3CvPX4M25 Steam group: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/guardsad Twitter: https://twitter.com/A3GuardsAD
  9. Col Mustang


    1st Marine Division The First Marine Division Online Military Simulations Team is RECRUITING! If you are looking to be apart of a serious action packed simulations team on Arma 3 make sure to message @Sgt. R. Shaw. Open positions consist of, Infantry (includes... Rifleman, Machine Gunner, and much more), and Staff (includes... Fire-team Leader, Squad Leader, and other available Staff positions). The 1MDOMST performs Operations in a realistic manner against a common enemy, the player will find themselves in a realistic battlefield environment while engaging foreign antagonists and completing a set objective with your Platoon. More assets open up as the Team grows which is why we need your help! Discord: https://discord.gg/yzsb5wN Teamspeak: 1stmardiv.teamspeak3.com Make sure to find a recruiter to get yourself set up once in. If no recruiter is online the information/mod tab in the OFFICIAL Team Discord will get you up to speed. Start with downloading the mod pack!
  10. XXIV (24th) Armeekorps The 24th Armeekorps was founded to create immersive and realistic ArmA3 community with a focus on the Germany Army during World War 2. Part of this Community is a dynamic campaign that starts with the Occupation of Czechoslovakia, the Invasion of Poland and the Blitzkrieg in the West and takes in important Events like Dunkirk, the Battle of the Bulge, the fight for Stalingrad and the Battle of Crete. We feature - Zeus-aided Missions - Dynamic and Chornologic Campaign - Regular Trainings and Events - Ranks - TFAR - Website / Forum - Teamspeak 3 - EU/US Friendly Times We are recruiting Currently we are looking for: - Pilots - NCO's - Medics (Requires knowledge of ACE-Medical) - RTO's - General Recruits and Personelle You can contact us over ... ... our Website ( http://xxivarmeekorps.gamerlaunch.com/ ) ... our Steam Group ( http://steamcommunity.com/groups/24thArmeekorps ) ... our ArmA3 Unit Page ( https://units.arma3.com/unit/xxivarmee ) ... our Teamspeak ( ) ... me personally ( http://steamcommunity.com/id/thedesertfox_xxiv )
  11. Hello Guys! So me and 2 other guys have started a Milsim group, this is Bundeswehr, so yeah it's modern war. We basicly have some fun Operation everyday(doesn't mean you need to attent everyday). We don't force you to get on, if you rather play something else that day etc, but we are having lots of fun, we are not the most serious nor realistic, but we try to make it fun for everyone and that's what it's about. We have Hostage Situations, Patrols, Base Attacks, Kidnaps, Zombie Apocalypses and so much more! If you wanna join you'll be way more than welcome to join and reach the ranks and get up high up guys!. TS: Server: Roster: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1v5d6VdKr8prCi26Eq_I9AAhidQ7-HB2WyW5RzlLtHW0 We are around 15 members already so please feel free! Regards: Bundeswehr Milsim Group High Commands.
  12. 2nd Battalion , 8th Marines Regiment / 2nd MAW What is 2nd Battalion , 8th Marines Regiment - Arma 3 Milsim Unit? 2nd Battalion , 8th Marines Regiment - Arma 3 Milsim Unit is an Arma III Military Simulation unit based off the United States Marine Corps. As a Military Simulation, we strive to use teamwork and tactics used in the real world in Arma III. We are all here for one common goal: To enjoy the Milsim aspect of Arma III, while maintaining a fun factor for everybody. Training's What training will I undergo? We currently require all new members to undergo the Interview. Then you would go to Infantry Training Battalion (Recruit Training, School Of Infantry, Or Flight School) Selection consists of learning the basics of our mods, how procedures go, and other basic information. Current Open Billets 0311 Rifleman HM-8404 Hospital Corpsman 2nd MAW Is Currently Recruiting: Pilots (Rotary) Co-Pilots (Rotary) Command Staff Positions are Open What is required to join? Must be 14 years of age Speak English Be able to download mods Attend our required operations on Saturdays at 8:00PM EST Own valid copy of Arma III Not be a member of another unit Enthusiasm! Interested? Our teamspeak:
  13. 49th Hooligans Infantry Division Introduction: We are based in the US and work to be a well oiled casual realism unit. We are based on US Army Infantry Units. We strive to provide a real sense of teamwork and structure. In the Hooligans Infantry Division, we have a dedicated and hardworking command staff that are active almost 24/7. What we offer: - Weekly Main Story Ops on Weekends - No basic training - Semi-Casual Experience - Monthly Meeting on every 4th Tuesday. (Times Set One Week before Meeting) - Natural Rank Progression (Every event you attend gives you a certain amount of point to add up to your next rank! Rank also depends on performance and attitude) - First Person Only - TeamSpeak 3 Server Requirements: Must be 15 and over. No Expectations. Must have a working microphone. Must have Arma 3. Must be committed and mature. What we are looking for: Dedicated people who are looking for a milsim experience but also want to have fun. People who strive for leadership. Contact Information: TeamSpeak: Coming Soon Discord: https://discord.gg/uhswyP Website: https://illusivehooligans.mistforums.com/news Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/IllusiveHooligans
  14. The Gloucestershire Regiment is based on the rifles Regiments in the British Army. We would class our selves as a realistic milsim unit. We have only just recently started up and we are looking for potential officers and NCOs. To join just join our discord: https://discord.gg/XhMWgaz and if you have any questions feel free to ask us.
  15. The Gloucestershire Regiment is based on the rifles Regiments in the British Army. We would class our selves as a realistic milsim unit. We have only just recently started up and we are looking for potential officers and NCOs. To join just join our discord: https://discord.gg/XhMWgaz and if you have any questions feel free to ask us.
  16. Delta Company of the 7th Cavalry Regiment [D/1-7] is currently recruiting. We are a Vietnam era Arma 3 clan using the Unsung mod and part of one of the largest and oldest milsim groups in Arma (Founded 2004. Active membership of 250-300 in 7th Cav 50-60 in ACV). Our style is realistic with a well-defined CoC, classes for almost all MOS, flight schools, milpacs, award systems and an infrastructure that is committed to making sure you get the most out of your time with us. The Unsung mod gives us dozens of Vietnam era jets and payloads as well as over 100 weapons, uniforms, choppers, etc. The ACV public server even has VC Spider holes! To join 7th Cav Air Cav Vietnam you must: Be 18+ years of age Not belong to any other FPS clans Must agree to conduct yourselves according to the rules and regulations of the 7th Cav Attend SP one hour a week (Multiple SP times available) and sign roll call weekly Join us on our Steam page http://steamcommunity.com/groups/aircavnam You can also join us on our teamspeak server and public server: Server Name: =7Cav=Official Air Cav Vietnam Server IP: Port: 2302 TeamSpeak 3: ts3.7cav.us Port:9987 Pass:7thCavalry Mods required: - Unsung (delta version): Unsung Download[www.armanam.eu] - Collection modlist COLLECTION - APEX DLC
  17. unicornhadmelike

    Ovion Milsim Server

    Just started a mil-sim unit not the first time running one i have ran a few one of the notable ones was straya gaming's when they did one back in 2015 We are based in Australia if you would like more info feel free to message me on steam: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198175454838/ And this is our roster/mod list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lAY9uNOTaVeX5Gght-kkg7ssJp9Yw-JZB2Tjclgagr0/edit#gid=0
  18. Group: 2nd Marine Raider Battalion - Marsoc Branch: Milsim/Realism Timezone: Central Standard Operation Times: Saturday 20:00 CST Training: Friday 20:00 CST Operation Type: Assault, Reconnaissance, Patrol, Airborne, Waterborne Other essential info: The 2nd Marine Raider Battalion is a team which showcases a realistic type approach to the game of ArmA 3. We understand this is recreation and most of our members work full time with a family at home. We aim to maximize the amount of challenge and fun working in a team atmosphere. We portray a special operations unit. We create more of an advanced, specialized point of training and conflict experience. By teaching more in-depth skills and techniques, this then allows the serving men to fight with more mind set then the average online marine. We are looking to induct dedicated, mature members willing to put the time and effort into bettering their skills and strategies for the unit. Website: http://marsoc.us TeamSpeak: ts.marsoc.us Units Page: https://units.arma3.com/unit/marsoc Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/2dMRB Discord: https://discord.gg/e5f239n
  19. 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit | +40 members | Recruiting ===11thMarine Expeditionary Unit=== ===Training Phases=== -Infantry Training Battalion -School of Infantry -Marine Special Operations School -Marine Combat Training -Officer Candidate School -RTC Great Lakes (Navy) -Aviation Cadet Training Program (Navy) -Marine Corpsman Field Medical School ===11th MEU (INFANTRY)=== -2nd Platoon, Alpha Company, 2nd Battalion, 1st Marines -1st Platoon, Alpha Company, 2nd Battalion, 1st Marines -1st Marine Reconnaissance -1st Tank Battalion -5th Battalion, 11th Marines [Artillery] ===MARSOC (MARINE SPECIAL FORCES)=== -1st Marine Raider Battalion ===26th Special Tactics Squadron=== -Pararescue Squadron [Guardian 1-1] -Red Devils Detatchment 232 -Vengeance Detatchment 469 -War Horse Detachment 465 ===Current Weekly events=== ---Operation every Saturday--- ===Requirments=== -Must be at least 16 years of age. *Or show a high level of maturity at the time of enlistment -Must Speak Fluent English -Must have a working Mic ===Contact=== Teamspeak: Website: https://www.11thmeu.org/ [/quote]
  20. 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit About Us The 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit (31st MEU) is one of seven Marine Expeditionary Units in existence in the United States Marine Corps. The Marine Expeditionary Unit is a Marine Air-Ground Task Force with a strength of about 2,200 personnel. The MEU consists of a company-sized command element, a battalion landing team (BLT), (an infantry battalion reinforced with artillery, amphibious vehicle and other attachments), a medium tiltrotor squadron (reinforced), (which includes detachments of VTOL airplanes and heavy, light, and attack helicopters), and a combat logistics battalion. The 31st MEU is based at Camp Hansen, Marine Corps Base Camp Smedley D. Butler, Okinawa, Japan. This is the only permanently forward-deployed MEU and is America's expeditionary force-in-readiness in the Asia-Pacific region. What We Are Looking For The 31st MEU is Currently looking for members that are both Experienced or inexperienced in milsim units. We currently have a total of 11 members that fill 1 squad. We are hoping to expand to a second platoon which will mean lots of room for growth within the unit We are also looking for anyone that know there way around servers and would be able to help with keep a server running over time. If you have spent any time in a Milsim unit and have completed any specialized training please let our recruitment staff know durning you interview Recruitment Information If you want to know please contact one of the following NCOs or Officers Recruitment Officer Name: Knight Rank: 1st Lieutenant Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198276582471 Recruitment NCO Name: Wolf Rank: Staff Sergeant Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tristianwilden/
  21. ABOUT THE SERVER Our public Insurgency server is a Dedicated Server built to run fun ArmA 2 style Insurgency ACE & ACRE missions, but with ArmA 3 with updated and modern versions of addons such as ACE and Task Force Radio. For those who played ACE and ACRE Insurgency servers back in ArmA 2, we are trying to revive the gameplay style along with other servers doing the same to provide a fun and realism experience on a public server. This server will be up 24/7 unless updates or restarts are needed. The server may under go mission changes as we like to switch the terrain up from time to time, so don't worry about having to play the same terrain over and over again. We will keep the mission style to insurgency but some missions may have a slight difference depending on the scripting that went into the different missions. These missions are pulled from mission devs that are not part of our group, but will be modified for a better experience, such as adding ACE, Task Force Radio and CUP Terrains. HOW TO JOIN To join our server, all you need is the required addons and the latest version of ArmA 3. REQUIRED ADDON LIST ACE3 ACEX CBA A3 CUP_Terrains_Core CUP_Terrains_Maps Task Force Radio HOW TO PLAY For those of you new players that have not played these style of missions, we will describe how to play. Insurgency is a mission of clearing red grid squares that indicates towns or buildings, within those red markers are hostiles. You objective is not only to clear red squares to turn them into blue or green squares, but also retrieve intel of ammo caches in the region. Intel can be in forms of cell phones, radios, documents, pictures and even talk to civilians for intel. Once intel is acquired, red question marks with a number next to it will pop up on the map. Those question marks will give the approximate distance in meters of the cache from the marker. Once you find the cache, you are to detonate the cache. Once all 12 ammo caches are detonated around the map, the mission will end and restart or move on to the next insurgency map. If players do not want to cache hunt anymore, that is fine. There are also randomly generated side missions that generate around the map, such as, Eliminate HVT's, destroy IED factories, Destroy enemy convoy, Capture and much more. These missions will also give the players rewards such as new vehicles and equipment back at main base if the task has been a success. Being part of our server with the Task Force Radio addon requires all players to join our Teamspeak server for communication. This allows players to have a better realism experience having to use radios to communicate from one side of the map to the other. This also allows better organization in the server for multiple teams of people to communicate with out stepping over each other with default in-game communications. SERVER INFORMATION Game Server IP = Game Server Port = 2318 Teamspeak IP = Unit Website = http://www.1strb.us
  22. ASOC short for Army Special Operations Command is a realistic Arma 3 milsim unit. We strive for a realistic and fun experience thats open for anyone to join. Currently we're looking the expand and our US Army Rangers section of the unit has positions that need to be filled. Just hop on our forums and create an application or talk to recruiter on our teamspeak. Forum: http://asoc.shivtr.com/ TeamSpeak IP:
  23. Centurion Platoon Centurion Platoon is a very new Milsim Community. Our focus is on mechanized infantry and ground based combat. We are looking to recruit members to play in cooperative and pvp based scenarios. When we play we aim to use realism and logical solutions to in game problems. Once we have enough people we hope to create campaigns that will be played through with weekly/Bi weekly large scale missions. Those of you who join now will be able to help this small community grow into something much more. If you have anymore questions or would like to join, feel free to message me. Requirements: 18+ (With possible exceptions) Microphone Ability to work with a team (Small or Large)
  24. Introduction Today (7 Dec 2013) I am proud to announce the release of Tactical Battlefield (TacBF). This mod introduces new Team vs Team (aka Player vs Player) game play features to Arma 3 with gritty new game modes, missions within a standardised environment and consistent rules. Tactical Battlefield takes teamwork and tactics to a new level. TacBF has been under development on different versions of the ARMA engine for around 7 years and is brought to you by me (Dr Eyeball) and Wormeaten, with the support of 12thmechanised.com and the Regiment of the Grenadier Guards [RGG] Arma communities. Latest Tactical Battlefield mod download mirrors: <www.tacbf.com/dl> All Change Logs, (including change log for latest release), can be viewed from: <Change Logs Index>. Visit http://www.tacticalbattlefield.net/forum/ for more information and to join the discussion. Features: Community- Tactical Battlefield already has an established community of players who regularly play, communicate, and coordinate together in teams, sharing tactics, support, and resources and doing everything they can to shoot, kill, and blow each other up in nail-biting, edge-of-your-seat, gritty combat! Missions - around 20x Team vs Team multiplayer missions ranging in size from Tiny to Huge, with specially-designed main bases and in-built mission voting feature. Game modes Advance and Secure (A&S) - Both sides fight tooth-and-nail to dominate objectives in this dynamic and challenging game mode, or until the enemy is worn down to the nub and their 'tickets' run out. Attack and Defend (A&D) - Like A&S, but one side is on the Defensive and occupies key positions while the other side Attacks. Lost objectives can never be re-captured. Failure to capture a single objective by the attacking team will result in defeat. Search and Destroy (S&D) - Gather intel (documents & maps) by searching bodies, seek out and destroy Resistance weapons caches amidst suicide-bombers and Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Devices (VBIED). Roles - Teamwork-focused gear restrictions with pre-configured but customisable loadouts, including Squad Leader, Medic, Engineer, Light Anti-Tank, Heavy Anti-Tank, Marksman, Sniper, Crewman, Pilot etc. Say goodbye to AT Sniper Pilots! Weapon resting - Reduced muzzle climb and deploy bi-pods via our customized TMR code. Suppression effect - By suppressing your enemy with accurate fire, he will temporarily experience gradual shake and vision blur, enabling realistic infantry tactics for suppression fire and assault elements. This code is exclusive, has been developed specifically for Tactical Battlefield, and has been tested, tweaked, and approved by about 40 testers. Wind effects on ballistics - Marksmanship is now a real skill with support for the server-side VTS ballistics addon. [img.]http://i.imgur.com/76GwKvPl.jpg[/img.] Squad Management and map features - Join or create a Squad with a customised call-sign, and recruit new members. Toggle player name-tags. Designate fire teams and leaders and coordinate with other Squads. With special map features, assign orders, report enemy, request support. Logistics - Transporting assets using the cargo system, eg. loading containers into towed trailers. Outposts and respawns - Deploy a respawn point or build your own fortified Forward Outposts with Hesco barriers, barbed wire and mounted weapons. Advanced Medical - Includes diagnosis, CPR, Adrenaline auto-injectors, morphine and bandages. Vehicle Maintenance System - Rearm, repair and refuel APCs, tanks, helicopters, and planes. Thank you for your support As lead developer, I would like to thank everyone who worked on this mod or provided permission to incorporate their work. Special thanks to the TacBF Team who provided endless hours of testing, change reports, suggestions, administration and infrastructure organisation and all our forum members. Also a big thanks to the wider Arma 3 community for their interest and feedback, and of course Bohemia Interactive. What are the upcoming plans for Tactical Battlefield? Prepare next mission pack, enhance existing plus introduce new systems and features, finalise Commander System integration, introduce new game modes, add support for ACRE, ACE, All in Arma and 3rd party addons, plus more. Development and Contributions by Dr Eyeball - ICE/TB systems coding, AAS code fixes and improvements, configs, images, some basic models, imports. Coolbox - original AAS system code Wormeaten - original SAAS extensions, design, organisation DMC - models (the good ones) Norrin - original sling load base code mad rabbit - coding tasks Adanteh - Suppression system, NVG adjustment, general coding. Taosenai - allowing us to include TMR addon Galzohar - allowing us to include @galz_wind_ballistics addon KDK - allowing us to include vehicle textures from blu_mohawk addon. Leon - UI menu/icon graphics Swedge - Help manual TacBF team members - missions, servers, forums, plus numerous hours of testing, suggestions and organisation countless others in the community who have contributed: missions, advice, code sections or other assistance Special credits to: Dale, Hurtz and Adanteh - for organisation and management of forums and servers. Gunther - for management and hosting of servers. Looking forward to the next phase of this project. For more information please visit http://www.tacticalbattlefield.net/forum/ Sincerely, Dr_Eyeball
  25. We are a new server looking for all players! We are very active and very friendly to new people. Let me know if you're interested.