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Everything posted by krzychuzokecia

  1. krzychuzokecia

    Arma 3 Apex: Old Man Feedback

    Having GPS on is really helpful to understand wanted effect. To put it simple - when cops/soldiers start shouting at you, just back away. Don't stay there, don't get out of vehicle, don't move forward - move back. On map (or GPS) you'll see that there's a red overlay, and the longer you're near the enemy, the more red map becomes. At some point they will shoot you. When you back out, red overlay disappears, and so is your heat/wanted level. Some more issues: 1. When I got into my first firefight with CSAT, I encountered following error: Sound OM_QRF_CSAT_report_Soldier_A_03_Chinese05_Processed not found. 2. Cars seems to have higher than regular Arma fuel consumption. Honestly, I think it's a little bit too high - with the starting car (red pickup) I barely made it to Vagalala (first Ensemble quest, second quest total), and had to ditch it because of empty tank. Either lower the fuel consumption, or add possibility to tank cars from jerry cans? 4. In Arsenal there are now two variants of Gendarmerie uniforms each - OPFOR and BLUFOR. IIRC in case of vanilla A3 FIA uniforms there are also B/O/I variants, but only BLUFOR are visible in Arsenal. It may be a good idea to do the same with new Gendarmerie uniforms.
  2. krzychuzokecia

    Arma 3 Apex: Old Man Feedback

    Various issues I encountered: 1. Intro text, final line is not displayed properly on 5:4 screens. 2. Messed up formatting in Relations hint. 3. Civilian trying to walk through aid bags in IDAP camp. 4. Missing stringtable in Sleeping hint #1. 5. Mysterious CONTROL1 and CONTROL2 in hints Skipping time and Sleeping #2. 6. Checkpoint drone wil crash through bigger vehicles. Also - a lot of the props (objects, uniforms) used in this scenario come from Enoch update. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought that Enoch stuff is downloaded only for Contact DLC owners, and just split from Contact, due to experimental nature of First Contact campaign itself? If so, what will see people without Contact/Enoch DLC?
  3. krzychuzokecia

    CSAT Member Countrys

    There's a canon-friendly Scimitar Regiment in Aegis mod (canon-friendly meaning they are more-less equipped identically to Scimitar units in Tac-Ops). I'm pretty sure it's Persian language. I mean - I don't know Persian, but I speak Polish my whole life, and learned a tiny bit Russian, and for the love of God I have no idea what that guy was talking about. Heck, he could have just ordered pizza for what I know! However it's obvious that at some early development stage Russians were quite CSAT-friendly - whole CSAT is equipped by them, and IIRC there are some remains of Russian PMC in game files (in a way predicting real-life RF-Iran rapprochement in effect of Syrian civil war). But it was changed into Russian Federation being neutral, probably because now it's not politically correct to not like Russians. Kinda makes you wish for a non-PC version of A3 where there's Greece instead of AAF (or Poland instead of LDF), and Russia-Iran-Turkey-China alliance (with Turkey leaving NATO once and for all) decide it's time to deal with their issues. Culminating with a series of smaller scale conflicts which are waged against NATO inability to act.
  4. krzychuzokecia

    General Discussion (Global Mobilization RC Branch)

    It is not. Soviet night vision optic mounts (as used on NSP-2, NSP-3, NSPU etc.) have a stop pin at the rear of the mount - the purpose of this pin is to retain sight position on the rail during the recoil. Most of these optics can mount on AKM night-fighting variants (N and L), AK-74N variants and SVD rifles (and RPGs). However, when designing the PSO-1 mount, Soviets decided to put that stop pin at the front of the mount, and set whole scope much further from the eye of the shooter, almost in the middle of receiver. Because of that front stop pin SVD rail have additional horizontal center groove, so the pin can slide into it's locked position. Since nor AKM, or AK-74, rails have that groove, the only way to mount PSO-1 on these rifles is to slide the scope from the front - but this also means your stop pin is not locked, and your scope will loose it's zero after first shot (and subsequent shots may even make it fall off your rifle). That's why there are currently commercial AK-compatible PSO clones (either NPZ, or BelOMO POSP series) with entirely different mounting clamp used - one with stop pin in the rear (just like NV sights). This is a rather recent development (late 90s, early 00s), and was not used by Russian armed forces. Are Polish units in GM supposed to be a mechanized infantry (as suggested by SKOT-2A in pic), or some more generic representation of Polish People's Army? RPK and RPK-74 light machine guns in Poland were used in very limited numbers, only in airborne units.
  5. Sorry for double posting, but regarding the following: Yes, this method works (see Ravage for example), but you won't be able to tag your addon as a scenario in Publisher tool (campaign is the closest thing to use). It's all a mess, why BIS, oh why we can't have nice things anymore?
  6. krzychuzokecia

    [SP] FlashPoint Shooting Competition - timed firing drills

    Thanks! I'm very glad you like it - from addonmaker with your accomplishments it's a high praise for me! Obviously this mission is not as great as BIS drills are, but I hope it will create some interest in competetive shooting style of missions, and maybe someone with skills better than mine will be able to come up with more advanced/feature-rich solution. Workshop is full of interesting missions of all styles, but timed firing drills are surprisingly not present. I'm not sure why - when making this mission I was looking around the forums for answers to some scripting questions I had, and noticed that at least several people have tried to achieve the same goal. And they came up with scripts way above my comprehension. But I couldn't find any finished mission - guess they were not satisfied in final result? My scripting is probably funny to experienced scripter, but you gotta start somewhere - and for me it's more important to have imperfect, but otherwise playable and fun mission, than spend years trying to achieve perfection. And helpful folk at the forums will gladly tell you where you can improve and where you messed up (wink, wink, nudge, nudge ).
  7. krzychuzokecia

    Grenade explosion script

    If you're talking about BD grenades, then IIRC yes - bouncing is possible thanks to grenade having mass defined in Geometry LOD.
  8. I'm wondering the same. However, as a relative late-comer to A3 (previously only having made missions for OFP), I have no idea how to pack mission as an addon. All I ever did was simply pack the mission folder, move to /Missions, and voila! Even poor old OFP can do it right! :P Maybe... I told you so! :D
  9. Curiously enough, when you place an unpacked mission (folder) in Arma 3/Missions folder, all of the attributes (mission name, author, overview pic and text etc.) are displayed correctly. So indeed it seems that, when loading packed (.pbo) mission, game is simply forced to look for mission data on the Steam Workshop. Even if that mission doesn't exist on Steam. However, and pardon me here, I think it's dumb, and not only because of non-Workshop missions. Here's why: Most Workshop descriptions contain formatting and embedded images, which are not parsed by Arma, so in-game description is hard to read (HTML tags everywhere). If one needs to see Workshop description, there's a very useful blue See scenario in Workshop button. Thus you don't really need to see several paragraphs of mission features and requests for comments/likes/subscribes in-game: a simpler description would suffice. Skimming through missions I've subscribed on Workshop, it seems to me that most content creators are still using either Eden attributes or description.ext to name their missions and create overviews. Quite possibly because official tutorial tells them to do so. In my humble opinion if it ain't broke, don't fix it - old-school overviews were often containing stuff like short description of story, or some other intriguing text (like mottos, or famous people quotes). Things that allowed mission to stand out in mission selection menu. On the other hand Workshop pages contain much more detailed technical information, with authors describing in detail mission features/scripts/ideas, similiar to forum threads. To me there's really no point in showing that in mission selection menu, especially since the text box is rather small to begin with. I don't want to have my screen cluttered with hard to read data, even more when it's available (in much more readable version) literally a one click away.
  10. krzychuzokecia

    Broken Scenario Attributes

    What's worse, the official Mission Presentation thread (linking to, as it happens, useless info on BIKI), for last two pages is full of people who can't get their overviews to display properly. I'm afraid BIS is very much aware of the problem.
  11. I'm having the same problem with Export to Singleplayer feature of Eden editor. Mission name, author name, overview text and image and required DLC notification are not displayed in Scenarios menu. No matter if those are set via Eden mission Attributes menu, or description.ext. Interestingly enough - Eden seems to display that info properly, when previewing the mission. The Steam connection is probably true - non-Workshop scenarios won't show proper authoring information. This also explains why overview texts of 90% of Workshop missions are full of HTML tags that Arma can't decipher.
  12. krzychuzokecia

    Broken Scenario Attributes

    Just wanted to report that as of today, when using Export Mission to Singleplayer, following attributes are still not displayed properly in Scenarios menu: mission name, author name, overview picture, overview description, required DLC halo. Loading picture, loading description and misc. settings (show briefing/debriefing) work. While it's easy to fix it just using description.ext, it would be nice to have this Eden feature work properly. Scratch that - even after adding params to description.ext, none of that info is displayed in Scenarios menu. Also @OMAC is reporting same problem.
  13. krzychuzokecia

    [WIP, ALPHA] Jasło, Poland

    Map throws an error: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgLocationTypes.null' Also while the vegetation is now summer, the roads in the town are still full of autumn leaves (maybe you know it already). BTW: is this map setting supposed to be some kind of post-apocalypse/ravaged land? Numerous wrecks on the streets and (after last update) whole destroyed village make it look so.
  14. krzychuzokecia

    SSL -Sky Sun & Lighting

    Just wanted to say thank you for this magnificient job! Finally, after all these years, I can play A2 which looks like normal world, and not some greenish-brownish sad filter out of Matrix movie. That's how this game should look from the day one, and funny how with your mod A2 looks a lot like A3!
  15. Variables are way to go here. You need to set up two variables (one for alarm, one for crew detecting player), which are false at the mission start (easiest way is to put them in init.sqs). Then, in Condition field of a get in waypoint, you check for the variables returning true (or command should work). Now you need to activate those variables - set them to true. You can do it in a waypoint or trigger On Activation field. I guess this part you already have covered. That's the simplest way I'd do that, and knowing OFP it might not work from the get go, but... at least you should get an idea of what to do.
  16. A few old pics all connected by Miller on vacation theme... Miller in Alamo Sheriff Miller guns down the bad guy! High noon! Addons used: CUP Terrains and @Bnae Project Infinite Miller's hunting cabin (judging by trophies he prefers hunting two-legged critters) Addons used: none.
  17. krzychuzokecia

    Contact Expansion Asset Feedback

    Not that my opinion matters, but I agree with @joostsidy - huge .45 ACP pistol like 4-five (FN FNP-45) doesn't make too much sense as a standard issue item for what is essentially a small Baltic country, which is a NATO member. In case of real-life Baltic states, none of them issues a .45 pistol, instead they replaced their 9x18 Makarovs with 9x19 pistols like Glock or USP. In Poland (which is also an inspiration for Livonia to some extent) only special forces procured a few double-stack .45 pistols (USP-45 and Mk 23), along with full-size USP-9s... only to replace them all with small 9mm USP Compacts. Additionally - pistols in general are still specialized equipment in Armed Forces of Poland, only soldiers deployed in abroad conflicts can apply for one irrespectively of the TOE. I'm pretty sure it's the same in Baltic states armed forces. To be completely honest, I'm convinced that LDF using .45 pistol comes from the fact that they are essentially a Mini-Me retextured version of AAF - who also use .45 pistol (but this time regular 1911 variant - similiar to real-life HAF). What proves my theory is the fact that LDF ammoboxes still contain 9 round 1911 magazines, instead of 11 round mags for 4-five.
  18. THE OLDEST OFP BUG! Not really, but... how you guys could have missed it through all these years?
  19. krzychuzokecia

    Community Upgrade Project - CUP

    Thanks for clarification!
  20. GIMP, PAATool, some kind of PBO extractor and packer (Kegetys cpbo, Amalfi's MakePBO), and (in case of sight views, not crosshair) Oxygen+Buldozer and Binarize. Most of that stuff is available here.
  21. krzychuzokecia

    Contact Expansion Feedback

    Big drone/mothership/alien entity is somewhere in the empty/objects category. It's yuuge.
  22. Apart from the performance issue, I noticed a lot of weird things happening (and not weird in a positive, extraterrestrial meaning). In mission one it seemed to me as if everything was playing on double/fast forward speed. Spoilers ahead, I guess. Also I don't know who wrote Polish lines, but he clearly never learned this language and used some automatic translation. The number of grammar mistakes, non-existing words, weird phrases etc. is too big to list them all. And that's only in first two missions (even radio protocol is not free of this). One that stuck in my mind is brak prasy on a photo in AAN article. It is supposed to mean no press allowed, but... it doesn't mean that at all in Polish language. What it means is no newspapers, as in we the shop run out of newspapers, you won't buy one here today. I was literally rolling on the floor laughing after seeing that, and well... it destroys the campaign experience completely. Also it makes me wonder how messed up are Persian and French protocols/dialogs in base game and Apex (apparently Russian radio protocol is also full of mistakes, this was already mentioned in other threads).
  23. krzychuzokecia

    Community Upgrade Project - CUP

    That may be a problem since Contact objects are scaled up from A2 originals. It's been discussed a lot in DLC threads.
  24. krzychuzokecia

    Contact Starters

    It seems to me (since we don't have any means of contacting aliens outside our Solar system) that the initiative is in alien... hands/receptors/whatever they use. But if an alien ship would arrive here and (seemingly) do nothing, then (for our own safety) we are obliged to research this alien presence. Afterall (for example) hostile alien civilization wouldn't need little green men with laser pistols to eradicate human population. If we would come up with some sort of understanding of what we're dealing with, then it's time to try to make a contact (if our earlier efforts were not met with any reaction). However, just like Rydygier, I expect this undertaking to fail. Thing is - we really cannot stay passive because we don't have certainty that alien mothership is not really an alien bomb of magic death rays with delayed fuse. Not that we shouldn't prioritize safety of the researchers, and move carefully, but you're dealing with something you cannot comprehend, your first task should be to understand the problem. Without uderstanding, you cannot solve it. What if aliens themself are a race of selfish, stupid, aggresive fanatical assholes? See - that's the problem with godlike alien vision of Carl Sagan and many sci-fi writers. You can't assume that technologicaly advanced form of life would suddenly become a sage of Universe, sort of a good uncle, always willing to help if kids are behaving nicely. And that's what enlightened sci-fi promotes, as opposed to pop sci-fi where aliens are always hostile green men. However in real life you hope for the best and prepare for the worst. Also another question is if things we can get from aliens would really be of benefit to human race? What if initial progress would lead to change so deep, that humanity would stop being... human? Clarke's novel Childhood's End brings an interesting twist to the gifts from godlike aliens theme. +1 on that - Fiasco is better description of Lem's pessimism than Solaris (which ironically may be the reason why Solaris is more popular).
  25. krzychuzokecia

    Arma 3 Aegis

    IMO LDF helmet, with it's deez eez Spartuh! face cover, fits Greek/AAF theme way better than not-really-Poland Livonia. Going back to pre-Christian times, there was never a similiar style of head cover used, which (again) makes me think that this helmet (like all other non-alien elements of Contact DLC) is some old idea/prototype which missed it's intended release. LDF would be better with AAF PASGT for regular forces, and NATO ACH/MICH for recon/SF.