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Found 19 results

  1. MrCats Special Weapons And Tactics (SWAT) Mod [V1.0.1] introduction Welcome to my SWAT Mod for Arma 3. I'm a big fan of the SWAT TV series. That's why I developed this mod. This mod is also still under development, but an update with new content appears almost every week. My SWAT Mod adds new swat style combat vests, belts, helmets and uniforms to Arma 3. Vehicles are also included. But at the moment there is only one armored SWAT truck. Download my modification on Steam Workshop https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2623846349 What is new - Tactical SWAT Vest - Tactical SWAT Belt - JPC Vest - Helmet with or without hearing protection - Vapid TARV - Lore-Friendly Bearcat -> automatic generated license plate -> Armor -> Lightbar + Sirens -> mew Airhorn + Signal Siren -> destructible body What is planned - Earpieces - Emerson 6094 Vest - More Versions for the SWAT Vests - SWAT Vehicles (Dodge Charger, Chevrolet Tahoe) - Weapons (40mm LAPD) Bugs Did you find any bugs or problems? Then write us a message immediately! Credits All vests, belts, holsters, pouches and helmet were bought by me from TurboSquid and CGTrade. Taser created by SZ Dan Axon Cam created by Hanako SWAT Patches created by Me Screenshots created by Adrian Aguilera (Choko) & kuro Vapid TARV - Lore-Friendly Bearcat by NACHO PELTOR PTT created by Razor9200 LAPD Badge creatd by me Important Links My Discord My Website some Pictures Update from 22nd October 2021 New Tactical Vest and Belt
  2. Altis Special Police Unit v1.50 by FoxFort Description: At the end of civil war in Altis, the Jerusalem Cease Fire of 2030 mandated the creation of an armed defence force to secure the sovereign territory of The Republic of Altis and Stratis, with that act Altis Armed Forces was born. But it was limited to have less then 1000 soldiers. In recent years, the on-going counter-insurgency operations in North-Western Altis resulted with worn down AAF military strength and with WW3 on the doorstep, the need to deal with insurgency and to increase overall security was a top priority. With active embargo on increasing the military strength. Altis government decided to form a Special Police Unit. The newly formed SPU consists only from current serving Altis police officers, who volunteered to server in area of counter-insurgency operation with hope of bringing order to chaos. New needed equipment for SPU was imported into country and the new 100+ strong SPU was formed. Wearing distinctive blue uniforms, SPU saw their first action in defence of Oreokastro. Features: Police Unit to boost defence of Altis from evil West and East 🙂 ------------------------------ Changelog: v1.50 - Added: Fieldpack in Green color, also replaces Fieldpack AT on Woodland AT class. - Added: Bonniehat in MC camouflage. - Added: PASGT helmet in Green-Olive camouflage (From Laws of War DLC). - Changed: All infantry classes now have randomized headgear, except Crew class. - Changed: Now Olive version of rangefinder is used instead of Sand version. - Tweaked: Color of MTV (GA Carrier Lite) Olive-Green camouflage. - Fixed: Default version of the mod, had wrong weapons magazines in cargo. - Fixed: Missing SPU Zafir and Rahim black versions in Arsenal. ------------------------------ Notes: - The SPU addon is "standalone", which means you don't need to download any other addon in order to use SPU. Now there are alternative weapons files included that require official Arma 3 DLC ownership. Use them if you wish, but you can use only ONE set of alternative weapons at the time. - Originally, new Hmmwvs have been imported from ArmA 2 into ArmA 3 by "Aplion", then further tweaked by me (FoxFort) for usage in SPU addon. - The new MI-35M is not finished, I should improve it eventually.. ------------------------------ Known issues: - The new MI-35M is not finished, expect improvement. - Jeeps and Mi-35M mostly have a proper metal hit effect, but dirt splash when hit is still present on some parts (WIP). ------------------------------ License / Disclaimer: Just by downloading and/or using my mod/addon you automatically accept and apply: - You are allowed to use my "Altis Special Police Unit" in your private or public missions and servers. - You are allowed to use my "Altis Special Police Unit" as part of your mod/addon as long as you make that your addon/mod requires to have my mods/addons installed and running at the same time as a seperated entities. - You are not allowed to alter or to extract my assests from any of my mods/addons and to release it to public as your own work. - You are not allowed to use all or parts of my mods/addons in order to intengrate it into your mod/addon, without making "Altis Special Police Unit" mod/addon as a requirement to be installed and run as a seperated entities. - You are not allowed to use all or parts of my mods/addons in order to make any kind of damage to my name. - You are not allowed to port my work into other games/mods without asking me. --(Basically, just do not steal my stuff and pretend that you made them.)-- ------------------------------ Required Arma 3 DLCs for Alternative Weapons: For "Alternative Weapons APEX AK12": You need to own APEX DLC: https://store.steampowered.com/app/395180/Arma_3_Apex/ ------------------------------- For optional "Alternative Weapons APEX SPAR": You need to own APEX DLC: https://store.steampowered.com/app/395180/Arma_3_Apex/ ------------------------------- For Optional "Alternative Gear - Contact DLC": You need to own Contact DLC: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1021790/Arma_3_Contact/ ------------------------------ DOWNLOAD LINKS: Armaholic ModDB Steam Workshop ------------------------------ Credits & Thanks: BIS, Aplion and Mickyleitor. ------------------------------- Video preview of the mod: ------------------------------- Screenshots:
  3. GF Police and Siren Script by GEORGE FLOROS [GR] Description: GF Police and Siren Script , configurable script. You are free to do anything but i would like to give me Credits for this! Simple and easy to use and adapt . Have Fun ! Installation / Usage: For usage instructions and information of how to use the GF Police and Siren Script please refer to the included documentation and/or example mission. Place in your mission the files . There is everything included , in the init.sqf and description.ext , to copy paste in your mission . https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/SQF_syntax Don't try to open this with the simple notepad. For everything that is with comment // in front or between /* means that it is disabled , so there is no need to delete the extra lines. You can open this ex: with notepad++ https://notepad-plus-plus.org/ and also use the extra pluggins (this way will be better , it will give also some certain colours to be able to detect ex. problems ) http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8680 or use any other program for editing . For the Compilation List of my GF Scripts , you can search in: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/215850-compilation-list-of-my-gf-scripts/ Notes: This is including a Script to add a Siren to any vehicle you want and 2 retextures of Greek Police , Offroad and Hatchback. It can be used with the editor placed vehicles and also scripted. There are examples in the init.sqf and inside the ex. mission. Credits and Thanks to : Thanks to All script contributors Thanks to everyone who tries to do the best for this game! Thanks to BIS for such a great platform . Thanks to BIS Community and BIS Community Forums . Thanks to Armaholic Community and Forums . Changelog: v1.0 Forum topic: - Armaholic forums http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=40218 Armaholic GF Police and Siren Script
  4. Metropolitan Police Specialist Firearms Command is looking for new recruits to join our Milsim group. MPSSFC has decided that there really is little to no real Police Milsim units available to join we decided to base ourselves on the UK SFC with sub-divisions of CTSFO and SC&O19 we would like to think that we are not that serious of a Milsim unit we don't command an ultimate level of professionalism and seriousness we just ask that people act appropriately depending on the scenario but for the most part we just want people to enjoy themselves. We accept anyone from anywhere (You don't have to be from the UK to join that is not the case) as long as the applicant meets the application criteria and 16+ and able to speak English. If you wish to join our unit please fill out this simple application form: https://goo.gl/forms/Elj8HX51kFnHHIcw1 Alternatively, you can join our Teamspeak server and find out more and come have a chat with a member of staff! Teamspeak:
  5. Project SnowBacon I have been working on a Police Database program for the Arma 3 Community mainly for Life Roleplay groups. The program is still in very early stages of development but it moving along quickly. Project SnowBacon is a separately run program that is meant to run outside of the Arma 3 game as an individual program. It currently features a Login System, HIstory Search System, Radio Frequency Page, On-Duty Officers Page, Admin System, and an Online Users Page. As I said before the program is still in early stages of development and a lot more features will be added to the program. The Program uses an Online Database to store and manipulate data from multiple systems simultaneously. This is the normal user's homepage which allows access to all of the many functions that are going to be in the program. The identity Search page allows you to do a search on a suspect to get information like prior history with the police department, if he/she is a criminal or if he/she has any active warrants. It also features a suspect image but it does not currently function. It is a pre-loaded image. The Radio Frequency Page allows an organized page to allow all departments to be allowed to know the corresponding frequencies that they need to be on or if they need to contact another department. It will soon be able to be updated by an administrator allows ease of access when it comes to changing the frequencies. This is the Homepage for an Admin. The only different feature that it provides is the button to access the Admin Page. This is the Admin Page. It doesn't feature much right now because the program is still in early development and more features will be added in the future. This is the Online Users page for Admins. There are going to be more features added to this page to make it easy for administrators to get and change information for users. Project SnowBacon still needs a lot of work and that is why I would like to get suggestions and feedback from the Arma 3 community to help make this program something special. If you have any suggestions or feedback in relations to this Program please feel free to comment on this post or send me a message directly. Thank you for your interest. P.S. The Codename is SnowBacon because I'm Canadian and you can probably guess the other part.
  6. Heyho, Im Marshmallow and work on a Stretch-Limo for Arma 3. I have 1 Car Into Arma (Gurkha RPV) and this is only In A3s (Arma 3 Survival). This here is my next car and i think...thats cool. You can see, i make Screenshots and modelling all self. Maybe i make a non armed version....hmm.. More as maybe. Im Sure :P But i have not many time at the moment. I work on a big Project and i work and so. Pls be patient. You can see my Status in the Screenshots. ________________________________________________________________________ Moin, auf deutsch fasel ich jetzt hier nicht so lange rum. Ich Arbeite an einer Strech Limo mit einer Minigun. Im Prinzip ist es nicht so schwer, noch eine ohne bewaffnung zu machen. Nur momentan fehl mir die Zeit. Ich Arbeite an einem weiteren Projekt und hab auch noch andere dinge zu erledigen, daher bitte ich um verständnis :) Ich werde nach und nach weiter machen und bin mir ziemlich sicher, das es bald auch ingame sein wird. Greez Marshmallow You have a question? http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197977337107/ Update 1: Update 2: Update 3: Update 4: (first test of Texturing) Update 5
  7. I am currently working on a police database program that will run as an independent program meaning that is no a mod for Arma 3. I am hoping it will be used in Arma 3 Life communities that do Police, Civilian, and Criminal Role Play. I am looking to the Arma 3 Community to get different suggestions from different people about what I should have in the program. Just some information. Uses an Online Database for ease of access and operations on multiple computers. A login system that will provide separate logins for each member of your police force to restrict and permit access to certain functions in the program. A history search that will provide a great system to bring up peoples past history A ticket and citation system that allows you to keep track of peoples past history in conjunction with the history search and there are many more possibilities to add with the help of the Arma 3 Community. If you have any ideas that you might think beneficial to add to this program please feel free to let me know. Thank you for taking an interest.
  8. After long time we are announcing our new mod. This mod will be beta version of our next full mod. We made it for fix our older mod TMT Turkish Army Weapons and Wears mod. Soon we will be announce new mod which will be have Turkish brand vehicles, new units and equipments. Please be patient before 1.0 release, until this temporary you can use this mod for play! With next mod you will be receive more complicated Turkish mod after Arma 2. Full release still work-in-progress.. With this mod : We updated TMT Turkish Army Weapons and Wears mod, Fixed multiplayer issues, Improve mod to up-to-date Arma 3 standarts, Added some vehicles before release, (all content will be released next version) Supported Zeus features, Added some improvements, features and fixes. DOWNLOAD LINKS Download Mirror 1 : http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27523 Download Mirror 2 (Steam) : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=740727824 TERMS OF USE AND LICENSING This mod belongs to Turkish Mod Team. No one can use this mod without the permission of Turkish Mod Team management. All rights reserved for Turkish Mod Team management and every decision about this mod belongs to OnlyGokhan and Mehmet Tozlu (SWAT.TR). Mod editing files can not be used without our permission. Mod's Textures, models, configs, scripts and all other files can not be used without Turkish Mod Team's permission. A person, who installs this mod or includes this mod files in their PCs, agree to the terns of use. When the mod and mod's files are used without permission Turkish Mod Team has the right to legal sanctions. In case of a violation to these clauses a person, who intentionally or unintentionally uses or provides the mod development files, will be held responsible. Users are permitted to install and use the TMT Addons for personal using purposes only. Any military, commercial or educational use is prohibited without permission from the author. Free redistribution is permitted for the original file package as long as it is kept unmodified and distributed free of charge. Distribution of parts of the TMT Addons are not allowed without explicit TMT authorization. This TMT Project that is for Arma 3 is under the “Arma Public License†and “Arma Public License - Share Alikeâ€. REQUIREMENTS This mod requires Arma 3. Make sure latest game updates are installed. To play without any problems we recommend using an orginal copy of the game. OPTIONAL REQUIREMENTS - "F-16C Fighting Falcon Standalone" & "FIR AWS US - AirWeaponSystem US/NATO" for optional TuAF F-16C Addon. HOW TO INSTALL Drop all of files to Arma 3 main folder and make sure the location is correct. For example, default Arma 3 steam location : ....\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3 @TMT_TurkishForces_(v0.5_beta) folder must be inside Arma 3 main folder. If you want to use F-16C with Turkish Army skin you should copy content that inside of Addons(Optional) folder and paste those contents to mod Addons folder. CREDITS OnlyGokhan - TMT Leader, Mod design, Modelling, Model Importer(O2 Developer) and config, Mission and Script editor SWAT.TR - TMT Leader, Mod design, Texture Berkuk - Model Importer(O2 Developer) and config Ozgur34 - Mission Developer TSK123 - Modelling Emre Kocasu - Modelling Yavuz DemirbaÄŸ - Modelling Sinan BaÅŸak - Modelling Kadir Özkan - Modelling Evrenos - Referance Finder Rovsen Huseynov - Texture, Azerbaijan mod responsible Memmed Mehdi - Texture, Azerbaijan mod responsible SPECIAL THANKS TO SuperRat, Balkan War Mod - Mg3 Firewill for F-16C Fighting Falcon and AirWeaponSystem Addons CUP Team for Documentation
  9. Greece anti-terrorists Description: A highly trained special Ops soldiers are sent on a mission to eliminate terrorist cells across the reservation. We are sending our best Private Military Units operating under NATO and European Union. Your mission is to establish peace and save all civilians and especially Nicos. Be prepared to contact with non-uniformed terrorists units. Official DLC required: MarksmenDLC Addons required: No addons needed Specials: Virtual Arsenal available If you like my creation you can support me. Thank you. Steam workshop: Greece anti-terrorists
  10. I have created this german police blackfish skin https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/96106978722496885/99A76694E38A1B2861DA79CF3CD73BEA63009516/ Do you like the skin ?
  11. Version: 1.1 Description: This addon adds a retextured A3 Vanilla Offroader. It also comes with some extra Customizations like the Police Beacons, Afghan Police Siren and an Roll Dumper at the rear. Model is made by Bohemia Interactive, only the exterior texture, the siren and config is mine. Download: Steam Workshop: steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=692870391 Armaholic: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=31265 Feel free to post your Feedback and further ideas for this mod!
  12. Hello, it's been a while since I been on here. This is a new RPG mission/template. Currently there is no stringtable so it's only in English. Downloads below.Key Features: -Banking -Keychain-Garage-Trading-Personal Items-Crafting-Gathering-Stats-SkillsPictures: Pic 1 Pic 2 Pic 3 Pic 4 Pic 5 I am releasing this because I don't know what else to do with it and have become very bored with it. Haven't worked on it in months. I hope this can help someone with any issues they were having or it gets picked up and renovated. Please feel free to do as you wish with the files, just please leave my credits/thanks in and add to it as needed. Thank you! Download Mission & Addon Pack It also requires iniDB on the server for 'database' saving. Download iniDB Armaholic Topic
  13. Hi all, I'm trying to improve my Life pack.... This is my new 3D model of Cop.. What do You think about it?
  14. Selod's Gaming Network Selod's Gaming Network is a community of like-minded gamers regardless of platform or location. We’re looking for people who enjoy gaming and love to share their thoughts and experiences in those games. Our environment and atmosphere is casual with a roleplay mindset when in game, we believe in playing Arma 3 Life the right way with out bias. We have a close-knit community that everyone gets along with one another, we don't allow any negative gamers into our Network. We are looking for Seroius players, to play A3L the Right Way . We are currently looking for players to fill the following billets: EMS, LSO, and Civilian. If you have any questions come ask us, Here is our TS3 IP: or click here to submit a application [www.selodsgaming.com] Hope you all will come play with us on Lakeside. Best Regards, SGN Staff
  15. Hello there, im new here and i wanted to ask what ways there are to add police light bars to vehicles. I know there is that hidepolice 1,0 stuff. I tried that but yea just works for the offroad and doesnt look that nice to be honest. Thats why i wanted to add police lights to old arma 2 vehicles which i have retextured. This is how they look atm http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/548682046894741237/78F1BEFC860618782D8D282B0C64DD4BD5013005/ (this is how i wanted them to look like https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/94/Police_car_from_Afghanistan.JPG ) Btw: if you want give me some feedback on those and maybe what to do even better since these are my first skins ever. Anyways. I want to add some sort of lightbars to them but google doesnt give me anything usefull.. All i need is like a tutorial on adding lightbars to vehicles and maybe how to make them actually work (light flashing and sound) Youtube doesnt show me anythin usefull aswell. Everybody is just showing off but nobody explanes.. If you guys could help me that would be amazing :) sorri for brad english im from england im not :D anyways have a nice day! Edit: why are the links not working? They did for me before i put them in here..
  16. Hey eh, if someone could do me a favour and add some light bars to my vehicles? ive already asked how to do that here https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/188681-add-police-light-bars-to-mod-vehicle/ but even if i get a reply im probably horrible at it :D If someone could do what i discribed in my linked post that would be amazing :)
  17. drunken officer

    German Police Mod

    Hello everybody. I present a german police mod. There are two kind of Cops. 1. patrol cops 2. special cops (SEK). The cars have the typical german siren sound. For the patrol cops, there are 1 Pickup and 4 Cops. For the SEK, there is one fennek and 7 cops (medic, exploive, smg, MX, sniper....) You will find them under "blufor" --> "polizei" Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yih5v5fog1jrmz4/%40DOF_Polizeimod.zip?dl=0 Requierments: nothing, just ArmA 3 Here are some pictures: http://www.pic-upload.de/gal-878983/yvfola/1.html
  18. I'm making a mission about Polish police where you need to chase criminals. I've placed Surrender Module so after some time of chasing, criminals stopping their cars, getting out them and surrendering. That's a perfect moment for mission to end. How to make a trigger that activates by their surrendering? Thanks!
  19. I was needing help with making a simple taser script. I've tried to cannibalize some of ylguf's script but i couldn't figure out how to make the taser work for everyone. I'm rather new to scripting so any help is appreciated. I believe I already have the stun.sqf figured out I mainly just need help making a script that executes stun.sqf whenever a player is shot by a P07. Here is the stun.sqf I've made that made which is partially cannibalized from various scripts and likely riddled with errors player switchmove "AinjPfalMstpSnonWnonDf_carried_fallwc"; //this looks important might as well keep it sleep 7; // this sems like i dont need it but i dont know enough to do anything about it player switchmove ""; "dynamicBlur" ppEffectEnable true; // enables ppeffect "dynamicBlur" ppEffectAdjust [15]; // intensity of blur "dynamicBlur" ppEffectCommit 5; // time till vision is fully blurred enableCamShake true; // enables camera shake addCamShake [10, 45, 10]; // sets shakevalues disableUserInput true; // Prevents the suspect from doing anything 5 fadeSound 0.1; sleep 15; //Time you get tazed for disableUserInput false; //lets the suspect do shit again "dynamicBlur" ppEffectEnable true; // enables ppeffect "dynamicBlur" ppEffectAdjust [0]; // enables normal vision "dynamicBlur" ppEffectCommit 10; // time it takes to go back to normal vision resetCamShake; // resets the shake 20 fadeSound 1; The rest of the scripts were cannibalized from ylguf's script