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Soldier Tracker ( Map and GPS Icons )
fn_Quiksilver posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
SOLDIER TRACKER by QUIKSILVER v2.6.0 CREATED: 8/08/2014 UPDATED: 11/10/2023 A3 2.14 Download (GitHub) VIDEO: IMAGES: DESCRIPTION: A system for showing Soldier, Vehicle and Group information on the Map, GPS and HUD. PURPOSE: Designed for scenario designers to have a powerful, high-performance and highly flexible solution to presenting player, vehicle and group information on the map, GPS and HUD interfaces. FEATURES: FUTURE DEVELOPMENT: INSTRUCTIONS: PERMISSIONS: SUGGESTIONS / FEEBACK / BUG REPORTS: KNOWN ISSUES: CHANGE LOG: THIRD PARTY CREDIT: DONATE: DOWNLOAD LINK: Download (GitHub) Cheers! 🙂- 142 replies
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Getting units to spawn on marker through function
BeaniePope. posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Heyo! Here's the plan: I would like units to spawn on a marker via a function call during initServer. Spawning works! The units do spawn, but they spawn at 0, 0. why? Because the script doesn't recognize the "_markerCordon" marker from the mission, and returns the default value when getMarkerPos is called- I would love if someone could let me know how exactly I'm supposed to pass my marker (or at least my marker position) to my function, assuming I can- thank you! initServer (this works fine) call AZN_fnc_spawnMutantsCordon; fn_spawnMutantsCordon below don't mind the commenting, this is made to be plug and play for a friend. Base units for testing and one modded unit also for testing. _mutantGroup = ["B_Soldier_F", "B_Pilot_F", "B_Survivor_F", "armst_blinddog2"]; private _marker = "_markerCordon"; private _mutantCount = 3; // Counting starts from 0 ex: _mutantCount = 3 spawns 4 mutants // -- DO NOT TOUCH BELOW THIS CON -- // private _finalPosition = [0,0,0]; private _markerPosition = [0, 0, 0]; //Gets Marker _markerPosition = getMarkerPos _marker; _markerPositionX = _markerPosition select 0; _markerPositionY = _markerPosition select 1; //Randomizes pos _randomX = [-100, 100] call BIS_fnc_randomInt; _randomY = [-100, 100] call BIS_fnc_randomInt; _finalPosition set [0 , _markerPositionX + _randomX]; _finalPosition set [1 , _markerPositionY + _randomY]; //Spawns units for "_i" from 0 to _mutantCount do { private _cordonMutants = createGroup [west, true]; _unit = _mutantGroup select _i; _position = _finalPosition; _positionX = _position select 0; _positionY = _position select 1; _position set [0, _positionX + _i]; _position set [1, _positionY + _i]; _unit createUnit [_position, _cordonMutants]; }; -
Hi guys! Is it possible to create the marker for current side ? Multiplayer mission My idea: 1) Start mission: creating a markers ( like on the screenshot ) but for side west 2) When players from east in area of this markers, this markers will be change the color, but this color also change only for west side General: All, what connected with this markers, will be change on west side, including creaton Screen:
cfgMarkers for ellipse/rectangle one?
pierremgi posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Hi all, I'm trying to script some plain ellipse markers in 3den I have my own module for that. If I use the createMarker command, everything goes well but these markers vanished at preview. Normal. But when I come back to 3den, the markers are no more present. I don't want that. So, I'm trying to use create3denEntity. that means to know what the cfgMarkers class is: _mk = create3DENEntity ["markers", "class", position] The problem is that all available cfgMarkers classes seem to be for iconed markers but not area ones. I tried "system", "ellipse", "", "empty"... Only empty is a defined class, so it's works... for an empty marker. Then I added lines like: _mk set3DENAttribute ["itemClass","ellipse"]; _mk set3DENAttribute ["markerType",1]; _mk set3DENAttribute ["brush","solid"]; Nothing works. The marker remains "empty". Any idea to add a solid area marker by create3denEntity ? Thanks- 16 replies
optimization [SOLVED] 5 lines only. Can you do it with less?
thy_ posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Hello, folks. Is there any chance you share a faster or more elegant way to write the same result below? Code goal: at the mission starts, search once all named markers and remove all found markers that aren't area markers (rectangles and ellipses), saving the result in a list for further purposes. Pretty sure even the first code line below could be smarter/complete. // Search through all markers on the map with the prefix "mark_" and append them in a list: _areaMarkersOnly = allMapMarkers select {_x find "mark_" isEqualTo 0}; // result example: ["mark_1", "mark_garbage", "mark_2"] but unfortunately including markers with unwanted shapes. { // forEach in _areaMarkersOnly: // It will be needed to identify what will be deleted later: _index = _areaMarkersOnly find _x; // If the marker (_x) is NOT rectangle and is NOT ellipse, so... if ( (markerShape _x != "RECTANGLE") AND (markerShape _x != "ELLIPSE") ) then { // delete this marker from my list: _areaMarkersOnly deleteAt _index; }; } forEach _areaMarkersOnly; SOLVED! Below, you see the code that works for me after the community advice: _acceptableShapes = ["RECTANGLE", "ELLIPSE"]; _prefix = "mark_"; if ( !_debug ) then { // Selecting only relevant markers: _areaMarkersOnly = allMapMarkers select { (_x find _prefix == 0) AND {(markerShape _x) in _acceptableShapes} }; } else { // For debugging purporses, the way to select the relevant markers here it is slightly different. Now selecting all markers shapes: _areaMarkersOnly = allMapMarkers select { _x find _prefix == 0 }; { // forEach _areaMarkersOnly: // _x index in the list, need it to delete _x from the list: _markerIndex = _areaMarkersOnly find _x; // if the marker has no the shapes acceptables, do it: if ( !((markerShape _x) in _acceptableShapes) ) then { // delete the marker from the list: _possibleMinefields deleteAt _markerIndex; // delete the marker from the map: deleteMarker _x; // and print this messages: systemChat format ["DEBUG > Marker '%1' has NO a rectangle or ellipse shape to be considered a area marker.", _x]; }; } forEach _areaMarkersOnly; }; -
How to hide floating marker and objective markers in 3d view GUI? [solved]
J.Larsson posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
I am not even sure what to call them, So I want these markers to be hidden in game, how do I proceed to make it work. I am very new to arma 3 editor and bad with scrips, please ad instructions. (i have google this issue but did not find what i was looking for.) Special thanks to Larrow. Solved step 1: create a init.sqf file Step 2: copy this script and past it in the init file step 3: result -
Hi, I make sandbox (kinda) scenario where the player have to liberate 20 sectors on the map. Every sector has map markers and I use the marker names to get position for enemies/loot to spawn. They are different types and named like capture_1, capture_2, etc I want to make one universal script for all 20 sectors which uses the marker names without the sufix. For example I want to spawn a certain group of enemies on all markers that has "capture" in its name, vehicles on vehicle_1, vehicle_2 markers and so on. Here is the code "capture_1" marker: private _pos1 = [(getMarkerPos "capture_1"), 1, 250, 3, 0, 0, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; private _group1 = createGroup [east, true]; _group1 = [(getMarkerPos "capture_1"), east,[ "LOP_ISTS_OPF_Infantry_TL", "LOP_ISTS_OPF_Infantry_AR", "LOP_ISTS_OPF_Infantry_AR_Asst", "LOP_ISTS_OPF_Infantry_AT", "LOP_ISTS_OPF_Infantry_GL", "LOP_ISTS_OPF_Infantry_Rifleman_5" ]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _group1 setBehaviourStrong "Aware"; _group1 setCombatMode "RED"; _group1 setSpeedMode "FULL"; _group1 setFormation "LINE"; _group1 deleteGroupWhenEmpty true; { _x setSkill ["general",1]; _x setSkill ["courage",1]; _x setSkill ["aimingAccuracy", 0.15]; _x setSkill ["aimingShake", 0.50]; _x setSkill ["aimingSpeed", 0.50]; _x setSkill ["reloadSpeed", 0.50]; } forEach (units _group1); _wp1 = _group1 addWaypoint [(getMarkerPos "capture_1"), 20]; _wp1 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp2 = _group1 addWaypoint [(getMarkerPos "static_2"), 20]; _wp2 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp3 = _group1 addWaypoint [(getMarkerPos "capture_2"), 20]; _wp3 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp4 = _group1 addWaypoint [(getMarkerPos "capture_1"), 20]; _wp4 setWaypointType "CYCLE"; How to make it universal, for all the markers with a name "capture_x" ?
SOLVED: Serialize/unserialize map markers, including Polylines
kaleb c0d3 posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Sup all! I've made a modification of BIS_fnc_markerToString and BIS_fnc_stringToMarker to allow Polylines (map drawings) to be serialized/unserialized, because native scripted functions does not allows it. I'm currently using this because my players sometimes participate in a pre-mission recon and this allows them to save important map intel data, that will be re-renderized on their maps on the official mission day. Use/modify them as you see fit. Enjoy! GLMRK_fnc_markerToString: GLMRK_fnc_stringToMarker: -
Markers scrip not working in MP (Following and Color coded)
Skullfinger_NL posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Hello, In short: I want some markers to follow there "attached" unit and change color when the state of the player changes. When i test this in local MP it works, however when i test it on our dedicated server de markers snap back to there starting position and sometimes the color does not update at all. Im wondering if it has something to do with double while {} do loop (see codes below) and i dont know how to fix it. I've learnd some basic coding from and for Arma 3 mission making so i dont know all the in's and out's. My question is if its possible to make the code "server friendly" or if its possible at all. Senario: PvP senario 3 man (BLUEFOR) against 23 man (independent). Where the 3 guys have better gear and know there enemy's location. The 23 man have some POI map markers only visible to them, the 3 man on the other hand see the location and state of the 23 man. The 23 man all have unique namers aka Unit_1 etc. Together with 23 Dot markers with the variable "west_Unit1M" etc. To make the map markers visible to only there side I found the following post. The code is in the Init.sqf of the mission folder. Init.sqf: [] spawn { while {!isDedicated} do { waitUntil { sleep 1; alive player }; { _arr = _x splitstring "_"; _pre = _arr select 0; if (_pre in ["west", "east", "GUER", "CIV"]) then { if (format["%1", side player] == _pre) then { _x setMarkerAlphaLocal 1; } else { _x setMarkerAlphaLocal 0; }; }; } count allMapMarkers; }; }; Now for the Bluefor guys i wanted them to see the "state" of the enemy with colored markers as shown below. Red = Alive Yellow = Unconscious and Green = Dead and it deletes the marker after 60sec. Im wondering if the Update_Marker.sqf needs a [] Spawn { like the code in the Init but im not sure if i need to account for the _u and _m. Init of unit named Unit_1: (next is Unit_2 with marker "west_Unit2M" etc.) [this,"west_Unit1M"] execVM "Update_Marker.sqf"; Update_Marker.sqf: //Update marker color _u = _this select 0; _m = _this select 1; while {alive _u} do { _result = incapacitatedState _u; if (_result == "UNCONSCIOUS") then { _m setMarkerColor "ColorYellow"; } else { _m setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; _m setMarkerPosLocal getPos _u; }; sleep 1; }; _m setMarkerColor "ColorGreen"; sleep 60; deleteMarker _m; I hope this makes sense and that someone can help me. Kind regards, Ben edit: Someone from my comunity recommended the Soldier Tracker script But as far as i could see it only made Blufor markers for Bluefor units that only they could see. I could not find a way to make Bluefor markers that follow Bluefor units that are only visible to the Independant side. -
I recently watched the dev stream and heard you guys speak about nerfing the SG1s and HBAR. I personally think that’s a great idea because they have to be one of the most used guns in the game. Every encounter I’ve played thiers atleast 1 trio team with both of them. I understand the HBAR and SG1 are supposed to be variants for the AUG A1 and GEWER 3. I think just turning both those guns to semi auto would be a excellent idea since they both have long range scopes on them. Also, swapping the magazines in the SG1 and gewer 3 would be ideal also. Give the 30 round mag to the gewer 3 and give the 20 round mag to the SG1. Lowering the fire rate of the HBAR by 50 could be good also. i also noticed the yellow star markers sometimes glitch and have the same numbers on them. And the numbers are so small they are hard to see. I thought changing the colors on them for each player would be great. (Like the pings) Thank you
Hi. Anyone know how to make these animated/clickable markers on the map..? Like in arma 2 warfare for example where you select respawn location. I don't know where to start with it Never dealt with it before
GF Units Map Markers and Symbols Script
GF Units Map Markers and Symbols Script by GEORGE FLOROS [GR] Description: GF Units Map Markers and Symbols Script , simple Map Markers for AI and Players. You are free to do anything but i would like to give me Credits for this! Simple and easy to use and adapt . Have Fun ! Installation / Usage: For usage instructions and information of how to use the GF Units Map Markers and Symbols Script please refer to the included documentation and/or example mission. Place in your mission the files . There is everything included , in the initServer.sqf , to copy paste in your mission . Don't try to open this with the simple notepad. For everything that is with comment // in front or between /* means that it is disabled , so there is no need to delete the extra lines. You can open this ex: with notepad++ and also use the extra pluggins (this way will be better , it will give also some certain colours to be able to detect ex. problems ) or use any other program for editing . For the Compilation List of my GF Scripts , you can search in: Notes: Simple Map Markers and Symbols for AI and Players for SP - MP and debug purpose. It is also included a mod version , posible to unpack and edit. The mod has enabled only the playerSide markers. It is possible to filter the display . You can add in the init of a unit to exclude : this setVariable ["Var_GF_Units_Map_Markers", true]; this setVariable ["Var_GF_Units_Map_Symbols", true]; More information inside the .sqf Added support for : ACE3 mod , FAR , BTC and AIS revive. Credits and Thanks to : Thanks to All script contributors Thanks to everyone who tries to do the best for this game! Thanks to BIS for such a great platform . Thanks to BIS Community and BIS Community Forums . Thanks to Armaholic Community and Forums . Changelog: v3.0 Fixed the group icon error, for the size of the unit v2.0 Several Fixes , including type of markers , symbols and errors. Added markers depending on side. v1.0 Forum topic: - Armaholic forums Armaholic GF Units Map Markers and Symbols Script -
So I came across a problem today. I use Markers in one of my missions to set spawnpoints for loot which is spawned in groundweaponholders. So far so good. I placed a few thousand of those and one of my friends wanted to help me so he placed some markers himself. While playtesting i noticed that loot spawned on my markers, spawned correctly on the ground. BUT all loot spawned at his markers were like 10 meters in the air. He created his markers on a seperate mission and i merged both together. After i noticed this problem i tried just straight up copying his markers and pasting them into my mission but same result. The loot spawns, everywhere he created markers, exactly the same distance above ground as if they all have a height value that's 10 meters above 0. I even went into the map and took one of his markers and held ALT-Leftclick and dragged it like i would if i wanted to adjust its height and it then spawned inside the ground instead of in the air. I'm completly lost as to how i can fix this, without replacing all of his markers.
mission maker [RELEASE] Air Traffic Network Module FLY ArmA III
wogz187 posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
The FLY ArmA III Air Traffic Module makes it easy to create a network of airports. What's new: *Initial release version 0001 The number one request from Fly Tanoa Air was to make it useful for other maps and vehicles. Done. Check out the readme FLY ArmA III verion 0001 Mission Maker walkthrough video Demo video from tutorial NOTES: * Included: 3 airport markers. 3 approach vectors. 1 cargo box and 1 traffic marker. A small init block and a great big function library. Also a brief intro.sqf you may configure and use if you like. * A DEMO mission on Altis (not the one from the tutorial). * It's possible to add more airports but it isn't a 2 click solution. If you know how, go ahead. If you don't and need help, message me. The next version will make it simple to add more airports. Updates will be to the function library and the module assets will always remain the same. * There are extra functions in there and extra functionality within some of the functions which is unused/disabled. If you want something to be different-- different passengers or less often radio updates, for example-- there's probably already a built-in function for that, just look. * You can absolutely drop this into an existing scenario, just remember to add the init variables and exec the library. * There's no restriction on vehicle type so this is already a taxi service / cargo delivery module, too. Just hop in a car and start delivering people from airport to airport (you can reconfigure the names of destinations of course). * When you open the library the first thing you may think is, "Hey, if I replaced this civilian thing with a military thing, it'd be like a real mission.", and you would be right. I noticed that, too. There is another framework with those edits already made. * Since this is a community asset, community suggestions for features and script improvements are welcome. Have fun! -
Hi everyone, Need help with this script. I create a marker who spawn on tanks placed in Zeus on the map call T1, T2 etc... This marker could be dynamic. I mean its move with the tanks and show on the map, with a bliking effect only when the player will be at a defined distance. So I try this, but the marker don't move with the tank. I try to use setPos getPos player, to attach markers to tanks but nothing. The Marker will be create correctly, could see on the map, but didn't move with de tank... _tank = ["T1", "T2", "T3", "T4", "T5"]; while {((!alive _tank) && (player distance _tank < 1000))} do { (_marker1 = createMarker ["mark1", _tank]; _marker1 setMarkerShape "Ellypse"; _marker1 setMarkersize [500, 500]; _marker1 setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; mark1 attachTo [_tank]; ["mark1", 3, 50] spawn BIS_fnc_blinkMarker; }; Somebody could help me?
scripting Make AI Mortars fire on Random Markers.
Stank4K posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Looking to make AI fire on random preset markers. I have ripped and tinkered with some bits and pieces of code. Most come from GOM's posts and replies. Here is what I've come up with: [] Spawn { while {true} do { _arty = mortar1; _target = ["target1","target2","target3"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _artyAmmo = getArtilleryAmmo [_arty] select 0; _artyETA = _arty getArtilleryETA [getPosATL _target, _artyAmmo]; _inRange = (getPosATL _target) inRangeOfArtillery [[_arty], _artyAmmo]; systemchat format ["In range: %1",_inRange]; if (_artyETA > 0 AND _inRange) then { systemchat "Cleared to fire!"; systemchat format ["Impact ETA: %1s",_artyETA]; _arty commandArtilleryFire [getPosATL _target, _artyAmmo, 5]; sleep 45; } }}; But as far as I can tell, the target cannot be randomly selected. This bit here seems to break it: _target = ["target1","target2","target3"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; It works to fire on one position with it as this: _target = target1; The artillery fires nicely with the Do While loop and the sleep x; bit. But one other issue is that arty doesn't start firing until the sleep x time has passed. Which is a small issue in itself. Even with sleep being at the end of the code, it waits the full amount of time before firing. I thought these scripts ran top to bottom. TL;DR: Code works only for single target. I want to fire 5 shots, then pick another random preset target (target1,target2,target3,etc.) then fire 5 more with a sleep delay between barrages. Huge bonus: If someone can post a separate bit of code to fire on players current position. Once it fires, I just want it to hit where it was supposed to. As if players are running from the arty fire and if they stay still, RIP. I looked into getRelPos for players, but had no luck. Just errors. -
Hi everyone and happy new year! Introduction This is my first script in 2020. @Ori150418 posted a request about a marker searching system and this piqued my interest so I got to work. This script adds a searchable list with all markers to the right side of the map (see video below). Features Adds list with all markers Markers are searchable by their text Updates positions periodically Updates markers when opening the map Includes user made markers List is hideable Note: The performance might suffer in missions with a lot of markers. The example mission has a small test built into it which generates 100 markers randomly on the map. I'd appreciate feedback about the performance as I have a good enough system to not notice a difference. Usage Copy the file "fn_markersearch.sqf" to your mission directory Add the following line to your init.sqf/initPlayerLocal.sqf: ["init"] execVM "path\to\file\fn_markersearch.sqf" Video Downloads Have fun!
So, I already made a post about this, but I cant seem to find it or I posted it in the wrong area. Anyway. I was wondering if there was a way to create campaign like markers that display who's in charge, different icons of units and the type of division. This is basically what I want it to look like. I dont mind creating .sqf or .init files, I just want to know if there is ANY way of doing this without mods please.
how to make a marker or task owned by sides?
Eesh Sin Ger posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
hi like the title says how do you make a side give ownership to markers? because i want only like the side i chose can see that task or marker -
Hey, i'd like to create markers from initServer, but it doesn't work. How can I do? if (DArcadia isEqualTo "Ocupado") then { _MarcadorArcadia = createMarker ["ZonaArcadia", [7655.75,6335.19,0]]; _MarcadorArcadia setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; _MarcadorArcadia setMarkerSize [200,200]; _MarcadorArcadia setMarkerAlpha 100; ["eos\OpenMe.sqf"] remoteExec ["execVM", 0, true]; } else { deleteVehicle autonomoArcadia; _BanderaArcadia = createMarker ["", [7655.75,6335.19,0]]; _BanderaArcadia setMarkerShape "ICON"; _BanderaArcadia setMarkerType "hd_flag"; _BanderaArcadia setMarkerColor "ColorGreen"; }
markers Deny shared Markers and drawing
Crielaard posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
From the old days I remember there was a script which denied the shared markers on the map through indefinate range using chat. I have searched days now but cant find it. What I want to achieve is that markers are and stay local, until shared by direct interaction with a player. Even better would be that the markers are saved in the mapitem. Stopping people from sharing is simple, by disabling the chat channels. Does anyone know of have such a script? And Im an OK scripter myself. So maybe someone can give me a push in the right direction -
Hello Community. I'm sitting on a mission for 4 days now, and I'm now planing to involve 2-4 hostages which are in the same group. I've made some markers to set random start points. That works... kind of. The problem is that the group members are choosing their own marker to spawn at, but i want the whole group to spawn together at one of the markers. I tried to set the spawn-radius, but thats not working out for me. Thanks to everybody already =) - jam0
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- random start
- grouping
(and 1 more)
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Zeus starts but no longer tracks any units markers or triggers etc.
DOA posted a topic in ARMA 3 - ZEUS
On the last few missions I created in the eden editor, zeus will start and stills seems to function, but doesn't display any markers under the edit menu and there are no tracking markers on the 2D map or the world view. This just started today 20180409. I have two steam accounts, two separate computers and two ArmA3 Installs. Both are presenting the same issue. Missions made prior to this issue still work properly all objects markers are displayed in all views in Zeus. This issue occurring on two separate systems at the same time has me puzzled. I don't see any other end users reporting this issue. If this is a know issue, sorry I didn't find it. If anyone can help me out it would be much appreciated. I may have changed a setting or checked the wrong box somewhere? After further testing, Zeus will pick up units created by scripts or ALiVE but not units I manually place in the editor. Is this expected behavior? Thanks...dn -
I am hoping the community can help me out. I recently found a script that places a map maker on units as they move around the map. In the script there was a section that displayed TypeOf the vehicle the marker was attached to. You also had the ability to customized (Color, Shape, etc) the marker that followed. I unfortunately deleted the file that I now I can not find it. Can anyone help me find that script or know of a way to do it. Thanks
When a (backpack) respawn tent have been assembled and then disassembled, it seems that the respawn map-marker will not be removed. Further, trying to re-assemble the tent does not move the map-marker, and only the previous respawn-position is available in the respawn menu. Anyone know if this is an engine bug, or deliberate? PS! I'm using latest dev. build.