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  1. Lets say I am making a scenario. I use some custom mod unit in it. I publish to workshop, and in the workshop I add the mods the scenario needs. That all fine, but if a user forgets to enable a mod when wanting to run the scenario, he just gets some errors. How do I get arma to prompt him with message saying something like: "This scenario requires mod X and Y please install/enable those before you can play this scenario" Is there not some build in function that does that?
  2. *THIS IS A FICTIONAL MISSION. NOTHING HERE IS BASED ON REAL EVENTS. THE AUTHOR OF THIS MISSION, UNFORTUNATELY, ISN'T A MEMBER OF SAYERET MATKAL.* "Who Dare's Wins" "Unit 269, more commonly known as Sayeret Matkal (Hebrew: סיירת מטכ"ל‬) is a special forces unit of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). First and foremost a field intelligence-gathering unit, conducting deep reconnaissance behind enemy lines to obtain strategic intelligence, Sayeret Matkal is also tasked with counter-terrorism and hostage rescue beyond Israel's borders" The year is 2019. Assad's regime, with some help from the Russians, has managed to push ISIS back to Syria's original borders. That's great news for Assad, but not for us. ISIS has been considered a threat to Israel's national security since 2014, and we kept a close eye on all of their activities using everything at our disposal. With the Intel we gathered, we manage to thwart a lot of planned terrorist attacks against the State and it's citizens. But now, when ISIS is creeping along the border, surveying soldier and citizen movements alike, it's time for us to make them understand that Israeli lives, soldier and citizen alike, are not free game, and to make sure that they know the dangers of watching and logging military and citizen activity. Matkal, this may just be the most important mission you guys have conducted in the last 20 years. Make your families proud. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [FEATURES] 4 Tasks Stealth is an option, not a requirement. Co-op ONLY 2-6 Players Playtime: ~40-60 Minutes ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Additional Photos: Download: Steam Workshop P.S. This is my first mission, so please, leave a comment telling me what I can improve in. I want to get better at this, I loved every second (even when the entire mission broke because of a bugged vehicle) I put into this mission, and I want to make more missions in the future.
  3. Hello everyone. I made a no-mod-mission for ArmA 3 in the Eden editor and then wanted to add mods, so I saved it as a separate File. Unfortunately, later, the modded version overwrote the unmodded version, so is there a way I can remove the mod requirement and get back parts of the original file? Thank you already.
  4. _Winters_

    Malden Flight Training

    After playing lots of KOTH on C4G's Infantry No Towers server, and not wanting to crash helicopters in MP, I created a map for learning to fly on Malden based off the KOTH maps. This is the first thing I have made for Arma 3, but I dove in on scripting and think it came out very good, although i'm really hoping for some feedback. It allows the player to select 3 Zones to fly to (La Trinite, Le Port, Chapoi), each allowing the choice of spawnpoints for BLUFOR, OPFOR, and Independant, so 9 Spawnpoints in all. The player is offered an extra action on the scroll menu to respawn at base and to choose options at any time. In the unfortunate event you crash the helicopter, it 'respawns' you back at the base with a new helicopter. It allows the player to choose to have enemies active in town or not, and allows practicing 9 different types of helicopter plus the Blackfish. With Enemies set to 'on' it spawns 10 different squads consisting of 5 riflemen and one AA rifleman with a rocket. The AI are on opposing sides so they fight among one another as well as attacking the incoming helicopter which makes it seem more like a real KOTH match. As it is for practicing flying helicopters and landing in the KOTH zone there is no defined mission per se, however if you think of it like KOTH you know you have to land in the Zone. It has a distance to the center of the zone marker to indicate distance to the zone center at all times. Anyhow there is a link below, if you read this and try it, I hope you like it, and would love to hear any feedback. Malden Flight Training on Steam Workshop
  5. I'm working on series of singleplayer scenarios and, inorder to make them more fluid I would like to be able to switch from the first character to the next one via a trigger. How do I do this? Or is even possible with the Eden Editor?
  6. August One

    Community Kit

    I'm having difficulty with using the downloadable Community Kit. Where do I place the zip files / how do I import? And as a followup question to the above, is there a common place where people can upload/download player-made scenarios for the Eden Editor? Any assistance would be appreciated.
  7. Download through steam workshop. *You will need the Apex DLC for this map* This Georgetown Cash Heist Mission is heavily inspired by the game PAYDAY 2. You will have two ways to finish the mission - stealth or loud. You will have to find your way to the warehouse and steal all the cash you see. No mods are required for this mission, but feel free to add any addons to enhance your experiences. There are no fancy opening and ending animations, for now at least. This map is still in beta version, so please expect some issue/bugs. Also, feel free to send me feedbacks by commenting on the Steam workshop (This is my first ever map created). Features: -Plan A Stealth/ Plan B Loud -Support up to 4 players at the same time -Equivalent to the deathwish difficulty in Payday 2 -Mission fails when everyone in your team dies -Zeus supported for team leader -Random patrols -Stationary guards -Payday 2 theme music -Enemy attacking in waves -A challenging mission Change log: Ver. 0.1: Updated AI movements Ver. 0.2: Support up to 4 players Ver. 0.2a: Minor bug fix Planned content for update Ver. 0.3: -Changing HQ name into Bain -More detailed markings on the map -More sound effects -Bug fix DISCLAIMER: All Payday 2 related materials including photos and music were found online, and I do not own them. If it violates any community rules or creator's ownership, please do tell me and I will remove it asap. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1112027742
  8. If I want to play a steam workshop scenario with or without mods, does only need the host the data or does every single player need the used scenario/mods. Thank you
  9. OPERACIÓN ARDILLA Creada por Darius _______________________________________________________________________ STRATIS 09 de Septiembre de 2032 a las 18:54 horas Misión en Español El General Akhanteros de la FAA perdió su helicóptero que le iba a llevar a Altis, gracias al bombardeo de esta tarde la OTAN ha destruido casi todas las aeronaves de la FAA. Ahora él se ha escondido en su base militar al este de Agia Marina, vamos a asaltar esa base militar, acabar con los refuerzos y volver al campamento. Objetivos Destruir los refuerzos Matar el general de la FAA (Objetivo principal) Escapar de la zona Ejecución La operación se basa en una táctica de "golpe de mano" (entrar, cumplir objetivo y salir muy rápido). Alfa, se encarga de colocar cargas explosivas y emboscar los refuerzos que vienen por la carretera de la base aérea, la carretera que viene del Campamento Rogain y la otra carretera que viene desde Mike-26. ¡Destruyan todo lo que pase por esas carreteras! Los equipos Bravo y Charlie asaltarán la base militar. Salir de ahí e ir a un lugar seguro. _______________________________________________________________________ Co32_Op_Ardilla_v25.Stratis.pbo mega.nz Steam: Operación Ardilla en Steam
  10. Dynamic ISIS War System ATTENTION: - 01/22/2019: Mission is under development again! I will upload it to Steam, when I get something ready! Heavily modified version of the famous DUWS-M, originally developed by Kibot (DUWS), modified by Bigshot and rlex (DUWS-M) and enhanced by myself (DISWS). In this version player(s) have to fight the Islamic State as well as the Al-Nusra Front. On each restart you'll get a dynamic, procedurally generated campaign, playable on any map you like (not tested on all maps! Please report back!). It's all about asymetric warfare against an enemy who is sometimes difficult to find. Even when you cannot find any differences between the enemy and the civillian population! Face suicide bombers, ISIS supporters and a lot of new features which are making the famous and great DUWS even more enjoyable! NOTE: If you like this mission, please leave me a rating. Thx! ******** A.T.T.E.N.T.I.O.N ******** !!! This mission does NOT run on dedicated servers !!! I'm very sorry for this, but there are so many scripts and for now it's just too much work to change them all. I once started creating this mission for SP for myself. - Update 1.80 - See Changelog below --------------------------------------------------------- *** Check the LATEST required mods *** --------------------------------------------------------- FEATURES It's basically DUWS - but with a LOT of new stuff! I turned it into a Insurgency-style dynamic whole-map mission with a lot of atmosphere. All new elements are working seamless together with the DUWS mechanics. Commandpoints can be earned by shooting Al-Nusra fighters, disarming IEDs, get intel by locals, finish missions based on intel, and more. You can choose several winning conditions for your playthrough in the mission parameters (lobby). Additionally to taking over ISIS held zones you have to help the locals defending their villages against the Al-Nusra Front. If you help them, they will forgot about civilian casualties and there will be less suicuiders and other supporters. Also Al-Nusra and ISIS are hostile to each other. I.e. if you get intel from the locals about an ISIS weapons cache, that one might be placed on a location where Al-Nusra fighters are hiding - or attacking. They will fight each other and you can use this situation to your tactical advantage, just to name one example. The whole situation provides a nice "dynamic chaos" with unforseen situations happening. AL-Nusra also likes to ambush their enemies - for example they hide in buildings and shoot from windows. So you might need to kick in doors and search houses to get them out of the towns. There are so many possible things happening around a playthrough that I really cannot write it all down. For DETAILS about using new features please check the DISWS-Manual (map ingame diary)!! Reputation System: Civilians will whether like or hate you, or just being neutral. Depends on the amount of casualties and if you help them defending their towns against Al-Nusra. The occupied/attacked villages will change on each new playthrough. You will never know where they are, so you have to check the villages. A red marker will appear when you find a occupied/attacked village - and turns green when you defended it succesfully Al-Nusra is able to re-take villages in some rare cases. If you fail to defend a place against one of their attack waves, they will occupy it and you have to plan an attack to re-take it. The more civilians get killed, the more people will join the enemy = More suiciders and ISIS Supporters will operate against you! Civilians are "divided" into religious groups who hate each other (Sunni and Shia muslims) You can gain your reputation by defending towns against the Al-Nusra Front. Conversations: You can ask civilians about their opinion and thoughts. Talk to them to monitor your progress about occupied and defended villages, as well as civilian casualties. Search civilians and dead bodies for intel and items - but take care. A suicider doesn't like to get interrogated! More sidemission from found intel! (Weapons caches, HVTs) Perform your own playstyle (missions from HQ, from Intel, or just clear villages or fight against ISIS) Command your team or command the whole army! It's up to you. Like in DUWS there's an AI commander, but you can of course add HC squads however you want Full RHS U.S. troops and equipment for WEST. ISIS and Al-Nusra Front troops and equipment for enemies (and some stolen vehicles from the Syrian Army) IEDs Arsenal Buy, recruit units, vehicles, weapons, support, AI squads, platoons, tanks, planes, helicopters, etc. Fire for Effect (Immersive Artillery System. See ingame description) Supply Drop includes Arsenal Logistics (transport any object with vehicles like trucks, helis, etc..) Respawn at homebase or any established FOB There's a chance for a dead man's switch triggering when shooting a suicider. So keep distance. Immersive Mine Detector for IEDs (it detects also materials used to construct IEDs which can lead to false alarm) Ambient soundscape (Prayer call, music, radio at houses and other places, ambient chatter - ONLY with TPW MODS) Support for Weapon Mods (Can be equiped via Arsenal) All progress is persistent and will be saved with your savegame All scripts and features written with performance in mind! But if you still get low FPS, try these: Ingame distance view setting (CH View. See ingame Manual) AI limiter (can be enabled via mission poarameters) ZBE Caching (can be enabled via mission parameters, if you're encountering low performance after trying other settings) All DUWS-M features are included and working - I won't name them here, they're too many Commandpoints will also be rewarded for disarming IEDs, shooting Al-Nusra Fighters and finishing tasks provided by intel Select the win conditions in mission parameters (lobby) DISWS-Manual can be found ingame (map). Check it for full features description and How-To Currently work in progress - So far everything is fixed now! I'll be working on future plans soon. SINGLEPLAYER: Use the server-browser and start a local host (LAN session). Save your progress using the custom save function (radio: 0-8-1 - Sitrep). - Default map is Takistan! But you can play it on any map you like. It might case trouble on real small maps. On some maps the random placement of zones/hq may not work properly - or placing zones out of the maps range. First try to decrease the distance from HQ, the zone radius or place them manually. To play on another map, just rename the PBO, i.e. to DISWS_1_66.Altis.pbo (Keep in mind that Windows maybe does not show file endings! Just make sure the file ends with ".pbo") DOWNLOAD PBO: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B81rpxl19DuQQVRneW9iZHpjWGs/view?usp=sharing STEAM WORKSHOP: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1159 CHANGELOG: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1159462402 KNOWN BUGS: - If you loose the Request Menu and other action menu items after respawn or when resuming a save, just respawn again or use the Save/Rest action at HQ or FOBs. REQUIRED MODS - CBA_A3: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18767 - RHS_AFRF3: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27150 - RHS_USF3: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27149 - RHS GREF: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=30998 - RHS SAF: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=32203 - CUP Weapons: http://cup-arma3.org/download - CUP Units: http://cup-arma3.org/download - CUP Vehicles: http://cup-arma3.org/download - CUP Terrains CORE: http://cup-arma3.org/download - CUP Terrains MAPS: http://cup-arma3.org/download - Takistan Civillians for CUP: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=32020 - Iraqi-Syrian Conflict: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=28406 - Revos's Mine Detector: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=29929 STEAM-USER click here: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=908457911 *Thx, bcmaster Not needed, but HIGHLY RECOMMENDED - TPW Mods: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/154944-tpw-mods-v20170208-enhanced-realism-and-immersion-for-arma-3-sp/ - RYD Liability Insurance: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27485 A word on TPW Mods: Sometimes (dunno why) the mission fails to disable unnecessary features from TPW. Better disable those in TPW's userconfig file. Specially Civilians, Croud, Cars, Helis, Fall, Puddles, Fog and Animals. SUGGESTED MODS - JSRS-Soundmod: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=32317 - Unit_SFX: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=28888 - Virtual Projectile Sounds Reality: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=31799 I don't recommend ACE because the mission includes a lot of custom scripts. But when using ACE, you'll also need: - ACE3 RHS Compatibility files: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=31281 When using ACE, the 'Special Forces Training' Feature (no fatigue) might be overwritten by ACE Advanced Fatigue! Download this mod in this case: - Remove Stamina ACE (main mod required): http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=31792 Weapon Mods are supported. You're able to use them via Arsenal. CREDITS - BIS: Arma 3 - Kibot, BigShot, rlex: DUWS-Unofficial - BangaBob, ReVo: Their great scripts! - GigaS: Some partial scripts and support! - [ToS]HadeS, [ToS]AUT_Cyclon, [ToS]Zauberbesen: Help and testing! - R3vo: Mine Detector - TPW: TPW Scripts and helping me! Thank you! - AuTigerGrad: Ambient Sound Pack - Rydigier- Fire for Effect - Community for all the great stuff!
  11. I can start up a scenario mission in singleplayer perfectly fine, however when I attempt to resume my games progress it doesn't allow me and gives me this error message: " you cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.cup_chernarus_data " This happens on basically all of my scenarios. Any help is appreciated!
  12. Date: July 6, 2035, 04:00 Place: Stratis island Situation: NATO troops are returning to Stratis. Is planned large-scale operation, which is impossible without the support of naval forces and aviation. At AAF troops are missiles M5 'Sandstorm', which can cause significant damage to the attacker fleet. Delta Force tasked to penetrate into enemy territory, destroy missiles and coordinate the actions of SEAL units. Features: Game Modes - Singleplayer, 6 Player CO-OP + Zeus; Walkthrough duration - Long; Difficulty - Hard; No required addons; Voice acting - no; Titers and descriptions - eng | rus; Step-by-step operation - start playing a small party, then lead SEAL assault forces and complete the task; A lot of game mechanics that change the gameplay of ArmA 3 beyond recognition: Unlimited Virtual Arsenal; System revival; Mark objectives; Power Supply System; Arrest and interrogation system; Holograms; EMP; Explosive materials; And much more. Links: SteamWorkshop MediaFire Armaholic
  13. Comrade, If you are looking for a Russian-style unit in ARMA3, look no further! 28MRB is a realism/milsim unit that is focusing on PVP with other ARMA3 units This unit is run as a milsim unit but is very open to everyone for every type of player. We try to run this unit very realistically, but not like the real military. We are always open for recruiting. We value our Rank system, but there is no dividing between different ranks. We value every rank/soldier. Requirements: 16+ Proficient in English Be Social And most of all, Have Fun! WANTED: BMP-2 / BTR-60: Driver BMP-2 / BTR-60: Gunner / Commander Platoon Medic Machine Gunner RPG Gunner Grenadier Rifleman More... How do you become a member of 28MRB? It's easy! Fill in this Application-Form Just go to our website: http://www.28mrb.boards.net Or join us on Teamspeak: (Admins online 18:00-24:00 GMT+0) Further Server details will be given to you as soon as the recruitment process has started. We are an European Based Unit but everybody is welcome to join, as long as you speak English. We hope to see you soon!
  14. Hi. I have a number of missions on the Steam Workshop which I created some time ago that are no longer appearing in my, and other people’s, single player scenarios list. I believe it’s because, when they were put onto the workshop, they were not tagged as singleplayer scenarios (this was before an update which made it mandatory, I think). I experienced a catastrophic hard drive failure and lost all of my mission data – I’ve been able to un-pbo most of my missions back into their constituent parts, but as I cannot play the affected missions, I’m unable to get a save game which I can unpack. Is there any way for me to apply the single player tag to the missions as I am unable to open them from within the game. As an example - http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=202085246 Any help would be appreciated
  15. After six months of decisive yet fruitless fighting, BLUFOR has been forced to withdraw their forces in the Altis Theatre. However, the CSAT forces have made significant chase to the NATO's remaining battalions, and now hold the forces cornered in the North Eastern sector of Altis, near Molos. NATO has landed a mechanized force to repel the CSAT blockade, but an elite armored batallion with its motorized counterparts is denying any ground. On December 25th, 2016 , NATO HIGH COMMAND authorizes the mechanized batallions in conjunction with infantry forces to drive out the blockaders. Steam link: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=773687964 Features: COOP for 16 players ARSENAL STEALTH optional SYSTEMATIC OBJECTIVES ARMORED SUPPORT CINEMATIC GAMEPLAY
  16. Hello guys, Can person without any DLCs play a scenario that has objects like buildings, rocks from Apex DLC ? The ERROR that friend gets when he tries to open my mission in editor I'm making a mission that should not be dependant on any DLCs Mission uses several addons (image below) and a lot of Apex objects and clothing, though none on player, my friend has all the mods that are required but doesn't own any DLCs. He's unable launch the scenario, nothing happens when "Play" is pressed. I'm clueless what's wrong, would appreciate some help. Required addons (Map is Bornholm)
  17. Scenario developer looking to help with the creation of new scenarios and game mechanics for non-profit. Skills: - Extensive knowledge of the SQF scripting language, and best practices - Extensive experience with Arma mission/scenario creation - Good knowledge of Arma terrain creation - Good knowledge of configuration files and addon creation (as well as best practice) - Extensive knowledge of Arma Graphical Interface design and development - Competent with graphical imaging software - Good knowledge of website application programming and development (PHP and ASP.NET) - Can work as part of team Requirements: - Communication to be in good, full English language - Flexible and reasonable time constraints in order to complete work - Small to medium sized projects - End users willing to help debug so as to improve performance and error handling - Non-profit and end users must adhere to licences (APL, APL-SA as well as own licence) Contact: - Please contact me via Private Message (make sure to include your timezone if you are not GMT) Kind regards, Bull
  18. So as you may know (I didn't until today), you can preview the whole scenario you're creating (briefing, etc) by holding down SHIFT and click 'preview', and, for some reason, they play out quite differently: First thing I noticed was that ambientAnim didn't play any animations on the units, instead, they were in a frozen state with their weapons pointed forwards. Basically, it was as if 'disableAI "ANIM"' had been executed instead. Quit the preview and tried again and from that point on, the function worked. I've noticed many other scenarios and campaigns from other people that suffered from frozen units as well. Then, on a smaller, less impacting way, in the init file I added a code to add the TF Aegis insignia to all west units. It worked, but somehow it removed the insignias from the player's group which I had previously added from each unit's init. So why's this?
  19. I saw the news that BI published TOH Data Pack http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?169554-Sample-Models-and-Licensed-Data-Packs&p=2925206&viewfull=1#post2925206 Is it possible to activate it in arma 3? Will it work out of the box or this contect must be changed to work with arma 3?
  20. Hi all, In the link bellow you will find documentation and general guidelines so you can make your own custom End Game scenarios. End Game Scenario Guideline Have fun and we hope to be playing a few custom, user generated End Game missions soon. As always, if you have any questions or problems, feel free to post them here.
  21. Free Stratis by becario_alex Description: Stratis has been invaded by the OpFor army. They have taken control of the main settlements and facilities in the island and they are planning on launching a large scale attack on Altis from there. BluFor has been sent there to recover control of the island. They have secured Stratis Airbase and created a FOB there. They have also secured another small FOB on the east of the island. Take your men and regain control of the island. Features: VAS (Virtual Ammobox System). EOS (Enemy Ocupation System). Respawn selection (west or east). Vehicle Respawn. Disabled friendly IA. 10 conquerable sites. Installation: Extract the .pbo file(s) to your Steam/SteamApps/common/ArmA 3/MPMissions folder. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=22140 This is a simple mission I created to test EOS and see how it performs. I managed to create the different tasks for each settlement and a final one in case any of those settlements are recaptured by OpFor. I think it would suit any group of friends that want a quick action mission. I also removed the sniper rifles from VAS. If anyone is interested I can add more player slots and/or create different squads. Please tell me how can I improve it. A friend told me to include a admin panel in the mission but I have no idea of how to do it :confused: For testing purposes I just copied one from Wasteland, but I haven't tested it yet (it's not in this release).
  22. We plan to add quite some new tags categories ... logical complains or really worthy suggestions, ideas are welcomed NOTE: this is more of experimental so we get some feedback on it before enabled this is sister thread of STEAM discussion: http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/discussions/-1/864976115275259971/?appid=107410