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  1. I have found a Vigor Partner teaming with another player in a trios match with a lone wolf. I died to the lone wolf and all four were shrugging and teabagging my body all next to each other. They boosted, too, so it’s obvious they did it for free loot. Is this bannable? Can I report it?
  2. I have found a Vigor Partner teaming with another player in a trios match with a lone wolf. I died to the lone wolf and all four were shrugging and teabagging my body all next to each other. They boosted, too, so it’s obvious they did it for free loot. Is this bannable? Can I report it?
  3. Problem with mod CBA_A3 + ACE3 help please! Without these mods everything works as it should. When I install separately, the norms work, but ACE3 just swears that there is no CBA_A3 When I install CBA_A3 + ACE3, the launch is normal, but when the download ends and the main menu should open, the game just crashes and gives an error: 0xC0000005 - STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION Crash details: When I turn off the world view on the background of the main menu, it works, but when I turn on the scenario, it crashes again. Tried parameters: -malloc=system -maxmem=6144 -maxvram=2049 -noLogs does not work All mods latest version i can give rpt file
  4. Hello there, fellow arma enthusiasts! So a brief foreword. I’ve played around with editor for some time, made some missions for private plays with friends etc, and now finally set on a journey to compile a working public mission that runs as smoothly as possible. And it is, to some sort.. if played as intended - there are no problems from start to finish. BUT, as one might say - “there is no safety from fooling around”. So I called in my friends and we did a good bunch of stress testing, and oh boy did things go wrong.. Now to the problem. At a certain moment in the mission a helicopter arrives, carrying 3 AI VIPs, who then disembark and make way to a player convoy. Players are there waiting for them in vehicles, the main one is a humvee with 4 seats (in which the VIPs get in via a waypoint as passengers/cargo). Then the players drive around locations, sort of pmc vip style, where vips get out, do their job, get in again etc. The problem: when a player is a driver of a humvee, the AI vips get in as passengers no problem, even if the humvee is empty, they get in as cargo and wait until you drive them to the location. BUT, if at any time you switch seats with VIP inside the vehicle, they disembark and walk off to their business. I’ve spent a good amount of time on the solution to this, but seems as if interfering with those vips in sense of inside vehicle positions breaks the chain of waypoints and triggers of said AI. The VIPs are a separate squad, so the player does not have direct control over them* I’m looking for a smooth solution like locking cargo of a humvee, so that players can get in only as driver and not switch seats, but AI enter as passengers for example. That would solve the problem of interacting with AIs path through mission, and prevent any player from randomly getting in a spot that is reserved for that specific AI. If there is any script/command/handler on your mind, please share, that would save my day! I know there are things like lockCargo, but the option is general, so it locks the cargo for AI as well. There is however a lockplayer option over the whole vehicle lock, but then none can enter any position of the vehicle. I was not able to find a playerlockcargo variant, or any alternative sadly. Another interesting detail of behaviour I noticed and would like to try and fix. If the VIPs get in cargo of humvee, noone is driver, and a player group leader commands his squad to disembark from other convoy vehicles - the VIP will instantaneously get out and walk off to their business. However if a player or another players squad member is driver of a humvee, and disembark order is issued - the VIPs stay inside the humvee and wait until you bring them to their locations. I know it’s a lot of text, but the problem is quite unique it seems, since I was not able to find almost any solution in the open sources, so I try it here. Once again, I am not a pro in scripting and editing and would probably not understand huge chunks of code, but I will try my best, and thanks in advance if any of you have in mind a solution to this!
  5. I've added everything needed for the script such as the config and data and so on, yet the Vest shows up in the Arsenal but not on the character? (it's invisible) config: class CfgPatches { class MSWE_GEAR { author="Alex"; requiredAddons[]= { "A3_Data_F", "A3_Weapons_F", "A3_Characters_F" }; requiredVersion=1; units[]= { "MSWE1", "MSWE2" }; weapons[]= { "Krsk12" }; }; }; class CfgWeapons { class ItemCore; class VestItem; class MSWE_Krsk12_vest : ItemCore { author = "Alex"; scope=2; displayName="Krsk 12"; picture="\A3\characters_f\Data\UI\icon_v_tacvest_blk_ca.paa"; model="A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\V_CarrierRigKBT_01_light_Olive_F" descriptionShort="$STR_A3_SP_AL_IV"; hiddenSelections[]= {"camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[]= {"MSWE_Gear\Data\krsk12v1.paa"}; class ItemInfo: VestItem { uniformModel="A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\V_CarrierRigKBT_01_light_Olive_F"; containerClass="Supply120"; mass=100; hiddenSelections[]= {"camo"}; class HitpointsProtectionInfo { class Chest { HitpointName="HitChest"; armor=20; PassThrough=0.2; }; class Diaphragm { HitpointName="HitDiaphragm"; armor=20; PassThrough=0.2; }; class Abdomen { hitpointName="HitAbdomen"; armor=20; passThrough=0.2; }; class Body { hitpointName="HitBody"; passThrough=0.2; }; }; }; }; };
  6. First, some info for context: 1) I'm a scripting Noob and this is being made because of the noob perspective I hope to out grow but wish to utilize. 2) This forum is filled with incredibly talented and knowledgable people. Keep in mind many people reading these have no education at all in the subject and dont understand your explanations due to a lack of vocabulary. Now that that's out of the way! I've been browsing topics here for awhile and there are many introduction and tutorial threads available. However, as many of you may remember with your first time learning, a lot of vital information falls through the cracks that later become insurmountable obstacles filled with frustration. So I thought I'd provide the mind melting eureka information I got that solved many of my problems and hope you guys will to. Comment information, hints, and links to things most noobs miss or need to know before attempting a script of any kind. Heres mine: - Theres a huge difference between how mission editing and scripting needs to be organized and utilized between SinglePlayer amd MultiPlayer. Read this if you want to know more about multiplayer scripting (https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Multiplayer_Scripting) read this entire page start to finish and navigate hyperlinks to anything that's sus this will explain why you'll see 3 different explanations for the same problem and none of them are working for you because you dont know what a description.ext file is. - Arma3 has undergone updates to its scripting ( or it appears so) some functions you'll see being recommended to you from a youtube video from 2014 may not apply to the version you are using. This applies to the Eden editor and previous editors as well. Usually theres a link to new versions in and explanations to what changed in that functions wiki page. - You have to make your own sqf files. When you launch a mission the game will search for specific files. By naming you file that same title it will load that file in place of. Basically, its asking for butter and a song as you've labeled it butter, its gunna use it like butter. Learn all you sqf file names in the wiki. - If your using Notepad ++ there are plugins. for sqf file type that highlights relevant. variables the way you see everyone else's in videos. - half the battle is speaking the language. So click on every hyperlink presented to you and read it whether it makes sense or not. Sometimes it takes a single page to tie everything together. More experienced people please comment your own below, feel free to criticize anything I've said above, I'm also a noob. I know there is another thread for noobs (I've read it a million times believe me, I just want more posts just like it for the monkey brain level questions I have)
  7. I get it to work when I change "_killed say3D [_sound,10000,1];" to _killer instead. Then my player says those reactions when the enemy dies. But I want it to be coming from "_killed". I get no errors when doing so but there is NO SOUND at all. This is the code I'm running in my death_sounds.sqf. I would be so happy to get this working! { if (side _x == east) then { _x addEventHandler ["Killed", { _killer = _this select 1; _killed = _this select 0; if ( _killer in (units (group player)) ) then { _sounds = ["death1","death2","death3","death4"]; _sound = _sounds select (floor(random(count _sounds))); _killed say3D [_sound,10000,1]; }; } ]; }; } foreach allUnits; EDIT: I tried stripping the code trying to make it work but no success. No errors but also no sound: { if (side _x == east) then { _x addEventHandler ["Killed", { _downed = _this select 0; _sounds = ["death1","death2","death3","death4"]; _sound = _sounds select (floor(random(count _sounds))); _downed say3D [_sound,10000,1]; } ]; }; } foreach allUnits;
  8. OK. SO. its been maybe 4 years since i done arma 3 graphic design work. Back when i done it textures were downloadable such as ifrits etc. Im working on doing them again all cars etc but i cant seem to find out what is where all videos seem out dated now adays all downloads are expired and the addons file is non-sense can anyone point me in the right direction please Cheers
  9. I know I'm probably a bit late but I haven't played Arma 3 for a little while now. If I recall it correctly you used to be able to have up to 10 group members/subordinates in Warlords before. Have they changed it? Because I seem to only be able to recruit up to 4 subordinates now. And also if they have changed it, is there any way to "fix" it so that I can still play with such a large squad?
  10. Hey! I wrote a code for a random manhunt scenario, and for 2 players it works fine because i wrote all of the code in the init.sqf. But with more players everytime someone loads in the scenario gets randomised again and again. I tried to make a game object which will have an action to load in the scenario but it failed. I have to type the code in the debug console for it to work. anyone has a solution? Thanks! link for the code if you have time to figure out what is happening
  11. Hey! I am having an issue with the createMarker func. I have all the markers placed down, i search through many forums, but couldn't figue what could cause the problem. Any help would be appreciated! _ma1 = getPosATL marker1; _ma2 = getPosATL marker2; _ma3 = getPosATL marker3; _ma0 = getPosATL marker0; _newpos = +_ma1; _newpos set [1, (_newpos select 1) + random [500, 800, 1000]]; _newpos set [2, (_newpos select 2) + 1]; _newpos set [0, (_newpos select 0) + 1]; player setpos (_ma1); "respawn_west_1" setMarkerPos (_ma1); _respawneast = createMarker ["Runner Spawn", _newpos]; //the issue is with this one: error 0 elements provided, expected 3// _respawneast setMarkerType "b_med"; _respawneast setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; Edit: The goal of this script would be that the _respawneast marker would be at a random location of the _respawn_west_1 marker.
  12. Hello, i am struggling with animations in multiplayer, I am aware of methods using switchMove alternatively but as far as I know they do not have the animations i want. I am trying to make a unit sit in a chair, the issue i have is in SP everything works, in MP everything works but when I play MP with another person connected to the server the unit will spawn in the ground, or spawn in a completely different location, I tried to delay the animation, making it so the animation is called in the init.sqf at a later point, which worked initially but after testing again today was no longer working, and the units were back in the ground. I tried many different methods of calling the animation such as: if (isServer) then { [[UNIT_NAME, "SIT1", "ASIS"], BIS_fnc_ambientAnim] remoteExec ["call"]; }; if (local this) then {[UNIT_NAME, "SIT1", "ASIS"] call BIS_fnc_ambientAnim}; [UNIT_NAME,"SIT2"] call BIS_fnc_ambientAnim; The most annoying thing is debugging, it's super inconsistent, sometimes it just magically works sometimes it doesn't, and i can't test unless i have another person join the server, as it all works normally if i play the mission in MP alone. I would really appreciate any help, I'm quite lost and don't know what to try, I just want a consistent way to get animations to work, not change the units position and preferably keeping it vanilla not using any mods.
  13. Hello I have a problem with the tank countermeasures... Indeed I play a lot of Warlords and I usually take a tank and two crewmen with me. The problem is that when I get lock by a missile, my IA is not "screen-smoking" + the keyboard shortcut for countermeasures doesn't work when I drive the tank, I have to go to the captain's seat and only there I can activate them, but the missile has time to hit me every time... How can I force my capitain to activate them while being on the driver seat ?
  14. I can't for the life of me figure out how to set a distance condition on the 3den Enhanced add actions. I don't want players to be able to see it from miles away as long as they are scrolling. I know it should be ran on "condition show" but I don't know exactly what to put there: Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks
  15. My brother and I are attempting to use GTXgaming as a server host and although we got it to run once with mods, it crashed. He ran it last night and is saying - "The assets used set off exploding all at once then I guess Helios took off somehow with no pilots so stuff it normally shouldn’t" Seeing that there are some lines of warning that some things don't exist. Is this something to do with whether we have it on the server side or client side? Any help is appreciated, Thank you for your time
  16. Good day all, I've recently had an interest in sound modding for Arma 3, though after looking through a few examples and giving it my best go for a few hours I've decided that I am in a bit over my head and could use some community help. My knowledge base of Arma's coding language is beginner level at best so please assume that I have no idea what you're talking about before you start throwing pseudo code at me. What I'm trying to accomplish: I wanted to start out easy and make a simple mod that replaces the AR15 reloading sounds for RHSUSAF, as well as have the ability to expand on this concept as I learn. What I have so far: 1x Addon with the following contents: - Addons folder - MyMod.PBO - bin file (config) - Sound Folder config code: class CfgPatches { class New_RHS_Reloads { units[]={}; weapons[]={}; requiredVersion=0.1; requiredAddons[]= { "rhsusf_weapons" }; version="1"; projectName="New_RHS_Reloads"; author="Drummershocked"; }; }; class CfgAddons { class PreloadAddons { class CONFIG_SOUNDS_CLASS { list[]= { "New_RHS_Reloads" }; }; }; }; class CfgWeapons { class Rifle_Base_F; // External class reference class rhs_weap_m4_Base: Rifle_Base_F { reloadMagazineSound[]= "\Sounds\Reloads\M4_reload.ogg", 1, 1, 15 }; Issues that I'm having: I'm not gonna lie folks... It straight up doesn't work, game doesn't throw me any errors and my sound doesn't play when reloading any of the RHS AR15 type weapons. If there is some sort of in-game debug console I'm not sure how to access it either. What I am asking for: Any sort of guidance is welcome. Thank you all in advance!
  17. As the title says, when I select a mission on my server, I get to the role selection menu, I select one, client downloads mission, starts loading, then back to select the mission, been trying to see if the rpt tells me a missing mod or smth with no luck, anybody has any idea what might be happening first time it has happened to us. 5:58:20 RHS: GREF | @RHSGREF | false | false | GAME DIR | d45628bb1168a22a9554c18f8c1458615546af9a | 44ebb00b | @RHSGREF 5:58:20 RHS: Armed Forces of the Russian Federation | @RHSAFRF | false | false | GAME DIR | c099f9533a1d61a33bef449594ec01c28661aa62 | 9f03db96 | @RHSAFRF 5:58:20 @Resident Evil 7 Blue Umbrella Soldier | @Resident Evil 7 Blue Umbrella Soldier | false | false | GAME DIR | a7f41483a321961ba4d50b7eefb7dbd35d27e0d2 | e18e749d | @Resident Evil 7 Blue Umbrella Soldier 5:58:20 @Resident Evil 2 Remake HUNK | @Resident Evil 2 Remake HUNK | false | false | GAME DIR | e4409d21091f5d3bc242e86b0eca2dc567382962 | 2e0c3dbd | @Resident Evil 2 Remake HUNK 5:58:20 Real Engine | @Real Engine | false | false | GAME DIR | 8cf43bc8ebc43404e8141a6fe6241efe0fe8c923 | 5d5b2804 | @Real Engine 5:58:20 @Ragdoll Physics Plus+ v1.12 | @Ragdoll Physics Plus+ v1.12 | false | false | NOT FOUND | | | 5:58:20 Project Infinite | @Project Infinite - All in one | false | false | GAME DIR | 8412359d8ac064256f06594703e2ad5cdc732251 | a4fe433e | @Project Infinite - All in one 5:58:20 NIArsenal | @NIArms All in One | false | false | GAME DIR | 2292fd55b5b8c5dc04723d949aa39f8b139f8177 | 74234b2d | @NIArms All in One 5:58:20 Dingor Island | Dingor Island | false | false | NOT FOUND | | | 5:58:20 LAMBS Suppression | @LAMBS_Suppression | false | false | GAME DIR | d21f10f9205a2236d6c0b2ce3975dd0048b4e6c0 | aff9d7a3 | @LAMBS_Suppression 5:58:20 @LAMBS_Danger.fsm | @LAMBS_Danger.fsm | false | false | NOT FOUND | | | 5:58:20 KAT - Pharmacy | @KAT Pharmacy | false | false | GAME DIR | 6b6b72a0bfa05e56ee82ae2b44bd6723471257ed | fdbe073d | @KAT Pharmacy 5:58:20 KAT - Advanced Medical | @KAT - Advanced Medical REWRITE | false | false | GAME DIR | da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 | 11fdd19c | @KAT - Advanced Medical REWRITE 5:58:20 KAM - RHS Compatibility | @KAM - RHS Compatibility | false | false | GAME DIR | 5eac7af20e8a8cf5dfd72f58d9c332a236c033db | d8e7d07f | @KAM - RHS Compatibility 5:58:20 @JSRS SOUNDMOD - RHS AiO Mod Pack Sound Support | @JSRS SOUNDMOD - RHS AiO Mod Pack Sound Support | false | false | NOT FOUND | | | 5:58:20 JSRS Soundmod - CE.20.0423 | @JSRS SOUNDMOD | false | false | GAME DIR | 89c22d28229ca1bfa92aaae4cfc509aa70fbc33c | 397cdfa7 | @JSRS SOUNDMOD 5:58:20 Improved Melee System | @Improved Melee System | false | false | GAME DIR | bebe1ecabedd72885101455b97bece9cfa61e7fe | 8396467d | @Improved Melee System 5:58:20 @Immerse | @Immerse | false | false | GAME DIR | c9534405bd69ef0a15ab21a36a4ae74df2b5a0bc | 7f611797 | @Immerse 5:58:20 @Helicopter Dust Efx Mod | @Helicopter Dust Efx Mod | false | false | GAME DIR | 5eb501b16fc2de6b9cdb6cdc07eaab9390b05390 | c33ee11b | @Helicopter Dust Efx Mod 5:58:20 Gruppe Adler Trenches | @Gruppe Adler Trenches | false | false | GAME DIR | 1469bb9106e667d7257e5117e40516bea48b6001 | a300f1d0 | @Gruppe Adler Trenches 5:58:20 Ballistic impact with goko light & magic | @Goko Ballistic Impact | false | false | GAME DIR | 00afee064e6e525c159049e42b21c34a55dc4632 | 170e0811 | @Goko Ballistic Impact 5:58:20 FireSupport+ | @Fire Support Plus | false | false | GAME DIR | a04036b73981979089d58147cf6bd74ad0718b0a | 1592f7e5 | @Fire Support Plus 5:58:20 @Enhanced Soundscape | @Enhanced Soundscape | false | false | GAME DIR | fa8db044c2449f15ef7c800065e1ea8eea6c7d41 | b0707611 | @Enhanced Soundscape 5:58:20 Enhanced Movement Rework | @Enhanced Movement Rework | false | false | GAME DIR | 97d59d9039ca205be09e6ea870fd87d34754c28c | f4d4720e | @Enhanced Movement Rework 5:58:20 Enhanced Movement | @Enhanced Movement | false | false | GAME DIR | fbc1f582c89f11919f9c6ead5d842e6c1aea9b71 | a47fddc8 | @Enhanced Movement 5:58:20 @DCO Vehicle.FSM - Vehicle AI Enhancement | @DCO Vehicle.FSM - Vehicle AI Enhancement | false | false | NOT FOUND | | | 5:58:20 CUP Terrains - Core 1.17.1 | @CUP Terrains - Core | false | false | GAME DIR | dabf827d62e08c1ffe2cf7f5a06be6685b3a44e9 | 503b396c | @CUP Terrains - Core 5:58:20 Chemical Warfare | @Chemical Warfare | false | false | GAME DIR | 551a2e87a73d7a435f2053e45449e461454d0d9b | 563923d2 | @Chemical Warfare 5:58:20 Community Base Addons v3.15.6 | @CBA_A3 | false | false | GAME DIR | 00127cc3983804656fcdb4021c85a778b920cb3d | 5ca1ed2c | @CBA_A3 5:58:20 BloodLust | @BloodLust | false | false | GAME DIR | a9d424e3039a4b02c49dbc3df8d8d6914f85315f | efeb2b87 | @BloodLust 5:58:20 @Blastcore Edited (standalone version) | @Blastcore Edited (standalone version) | false | false | NOT FOUND | | | 5:58:20 BackpackOnChest | @BackpackOnChest | false | false | GAME DIR | de112924e5c924c919d2bc9d9ab785c6460b5875 | 3e3e4a7c | @BackpackOnChest 5:58:20 ARCC | @Animated Recoil coefficient changer | false | false | GAME DIR | bbe7df28d30087fa9052e61f3e1f35437e7ff00d | 2f855638 | @Animated Recoil coefficient changer 5:58:20 Advanced Urban Rappelling | @Advanced Urban Rappelling | false | false | GAME DIR | f89771ffb164eb32069350428c73bf5ace17fb12 | 7c4278a8 | @Advanced Urban Rappelling 5:58:20 Advanced Combat Radio Environment 2 | @ACRE2 | false | false | GAME DIR | ef0f5e4c0d322029d879d41d42f779d9173c0d8b | 26f05971 | @ACRE2 5:58:20 @ACE Compats - RHS Compats | @ACE Compats - RHS Compats | false | false | GAME DIR | f6664b77f9f3e9501ecfe5a1ee708a063129e04e | ec25e55 | @ACE Compats - RHS Compats 5:58:20 @ACE Compat - RHS: SAF | @ACE Compat - RHS: SAF | false | false | NOT FOUND | | | 5:58:20 @ACE Compat - RHS: GREF | @ACE Compat - RHS: GREF | false | false | NOT FOUND | | | 5:58:20 @ACE Compat - RHS USAF | @ACE Compat - RHS USAF | false | false | GAME DIR | da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 | 11fdd19c | @ACE Compat - RHS USAF 5:58:20 @ACE Compat - RHS AFRF | @ACE Compat - RHS AFRF | false | false | GAME DIR | da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 | 11fdd19c | @ACE Compat - RHS AFRF 5:58:20 @ACE 3 Extension (Animations and Actions) | @ACE 3 Extension (Animations and Actions) | false | false | NOT FOUND | | | 5:58:20 Advanced Combat Environment 0.0.0 | @ace | false | false | GAME DIR | 66bf9c0128a205354f9a4e4800a352b43e0a0838 | 44c0c00d | @ace 5:58:20 3den Enhanced | @3den Enhanced | false | false | GAME DIR | 953059fc6f9429f53599f14181359bf666a7b3aa | dbbc43d0 | @3den Enhanced 5:58:20 DEVGRU-服装包 | @[NSW] BSAA operator from Resident Evil Village | false | false | GAME DIR | 498525cea61587ee3063b6cebdec750b77760af4 | 7fda15f5 | @[NSW] BSAA operator from Resident Evil Village 5:58:20 Arma 3 Art of War | aow | true | true | GAME DIR | 0d4d518854024cf5824af507af9e16c050f38936 | bb26feb | aow 5:58:20 Arma 3 Contact (Platform) | enoch | true | true | GAME DIR | 4cd4bf722e1a360ab4199316041aad8a3b1afbe5 | c3ba4c1 | enoch 5:58:20 Arma 3 Tanks | tank | true | true | GAME DIR | 9adf766a3291df59d96561ef5bbac024cd5f103c | 6b26ff75 | tank 5:58:20 Arma 3 Tac-Ops | tacops | true | true | GAME DIR | b2aeee6afb4d22a907356a94f5db210e5207741b | 8646e5fd | tacops 5:58:20 Arma 3 Laws of War | orange | true | true | GAME DIR | 0591fa9ec992d8e862d32f574c67b54402598c63 | 630e5234 | orange 5:58:20 Arma 3 Malden | argo | true | true | GAME DIR | f049aea19468628fb3c360a8148a3867502024f2 | 3b10ba25 | argo 5:58:20 Arma 3 Jets | jets | true | true | GAME DIR | 959b3d22f9145707051b0c44855a7be4bc8c24ba | 456e1ae6 | jets 5:58:20 Arma 3 Apex | expansion | true | true | GAME DIR | 1f9076ab9257e5993e739ce0776c871e63d1260e | da0e3bbd | expansion 5:58:20 Arma 3 Marksmen | mark | true | true | GAME DIR | 120c22fcb20352b35c3ff18018a3787db228ba14 | a8e5ee75 | mark 5:58:20 Arma 3 Helicopters | heli | true | true | GAME DIR | 54fec03b56fd2cc0c3d608bd988b6be8d99c8373 | e9bda741 | heli 5:58:20 Arma 3 Karts | kart | true | true | GAME DIR | a5ffd00a3db67b30af623a4a4ae57e4c158e9642 | 58a5c510 | kart 5:58:20 Arma 3 Zeus | curator | true | true | GAME DIR | 7845d8b549e114fb683237da35d1677f17fd8640 | 925d03b0 | curator 5:58:20 Arma 3 | A3 | true | true | NOT FOUND | | | 5:58:20 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================== 5:58:20 InitSound ... 5:58:20 InitSound - complete 5:58:20 PhysX3 SDK Init started ... 5:58:20 PhysX3 SDK Init ended. 5:58:23 [CBA] (xeh) INFO: [0,18.659,0] PreStart started. 5:58:23 [CBA] (settings) INFO: Userconfig: Ignored. 5:58:24 String STR_A3_C_CfgVehicles_B_HMG_02_high_weapon_F0 not found 5:58:24 String STR_A3_C_CfgVehicles_O_HMG_02_high_weapon_F0 not found 5:58:28 [ACE] (medical) INFO: Checking uniforms for correct medical hitpoints [290 units] 5:58:29 [CBA] (xeh) INFO: [0,24.72,0] PreStart finished. 5:58:29 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: B_CBRN_Unarmed does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @Fire Support Plus 5:58:29 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: O_CBRN_Unarmed does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @Fire Support Plus 5:58:29 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: I_CBRN_Unarmed does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @Fire Support Plus 5:58:29 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: kat_stretcher does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @KAT Pharmacy 5:58:30 SW animation used for bloodsplatter\models\plane\bloodsplatter_plane.p3d - Not all levels have Keep Height set 5:58:32 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted. a3_characters_f 5:58:32 Loading movesType CfgGesturesMale 5:58:32 bin\config.bin/CfgGesturesMale/States/HLC_GestureReloadC96_stock_Prone.ConnectTo: Bad move AmovPpneMstpSrasWpstDnon 5:58:32 bin\config.bin/CfgGesturesMale/States/HLC_GestureReloadC96_stock_Partial_Prone.ConnectTo: Bad move AmovPpneMstpSrasWpstDnon 5:58:32 Creating action map cache 5:58:32 Error: Bone slot_backpack doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:32 Error: Bone slot_backwpnr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:32 Error: Bone slot_patrolwpn doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:32 Error: Bone slot_backwpnl doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:32 Error: Bone slot_buttpack doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:32 Error: Bone slot_backpack doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:32 Error: Bone slot_backwpnr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:32 Error: Bone slot_patrolwpn doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:32 Error: Bone slot_backwpnl doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:32 Error: Bone slot_buttpack doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:32 Error: Bone slot_backpack doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:32 Error: Bone slot_backwpnr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:32 Error: Bone slot_patrolwpn doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:32 Error: Bone slot_backwpnl doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:32 Error: Bone slot_buttpack doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:33 MovesType CfgGesturesMale load time 600.0 ms 5:58:33 Loading movesType CfgMovesMaleSdr 5:58:33 bin\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/starWars_lightsaber_heavyattack2.interpolateTo: item count not multiple of 2 (is 5) 5:58:33 Reading cached action map data 5:58:33 Error: Bone slot_backpack doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:33 Error: Bone slot_backwpnr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:33 Error: Bone slot_patrolwpn doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:33 Error: Bone slot_backwpnl doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:33 Error: Bone slot_buttpack doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:33 Error: Bone slot_backpack doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:33 Error: Bone slot_backwpnr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:33 Error: Bone slot_patrolwpn doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:33 Error: Bone slot_backwpnl doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:33 Error: Bone slot_buttpack doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:33 Error: Bone slot_backpack doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:33 Error: Bone slot_backwpnr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:33 Error: Bone slot_patrolwpn doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:33 Error: Bone slot_backwpnl doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:33 Error: Bone slot_buttpack doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:33 Error: Bone slot_backpack doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:33 Error: Bone slot_backwpnr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:33 Error: Bone slot_patrolwpn doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:33 Error: Bone slot_backwpnl doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:33 Error: Bone slot_buttpack doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:33 Error: Bone slot_backpack doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:33 Error: Bone slot_backwpnr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:33 Error: Bone slot_patrolwpn doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:33 Error: Bone slot_backwpnl doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:33 Error: Bone slot_buttpack doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:33 Error: Bone slot_backpack doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:33 Error: Bone slot_backwpnr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:33 Error: Bone slot_patrolwpn doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:33 Error: Bone slot_backwpnl doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:33 Error: Bone slot_buttpack doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:33 Error: Bone slot_backpack doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:33 Error: Bone slot_backwpnr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:33 Error: Bone slot_patrolwpn doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:33 Error: Bone slot_backwpnl doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:33 Error: Bone slot_buttpack doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:33 Error: Bone slot_backpack doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:33 Error: Bone slot_backwpnr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:33 Error: Bone slot_patrolwpn doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:33 Error: Bone slot_backwpnl doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:33 Error: Bone slot_buttpack doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:33 Error: Bone slot_backpack doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:33 Error: Bone slot_backwpnr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:33 Error: Bone slot_patrolwpn doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:33 Error: Bone slot_backwpnl doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:33 Error: Bone slot_buttpack doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:33 Error: Bone slot_backpack doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:33 Error: Bone slot_backwpnr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:33 Error: Bone slot_patrolwpn doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:33 Error: Bone slot_backwpnl doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:33 Error: Bone slot_buttpack doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:33 Error: Bone slot_backpack doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:33 Error: Bone slot_backwpnr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:33 Error: Bone slot_patrolwpn doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:33 Error: Bone slot_backwpnl doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:33 Error: Bone slot_buttpack doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:33 Error: Bone slot_backpack doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:33 Error: Bone slot_backwpnr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:33 Error: Bone slot_patrolwpn doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:33 Error: Bone slot_backwpnl doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:33 Error: Bone slot_buttpack doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:33 Error: Bone hips doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:33 Error: Bone headcutscene doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 5:58:34 Warning: looped for animation: a3\anims_f_epa\data\anim\sdr\cts\hubcleaned\briefing\hubbriefing_loop.rtm differs (looped now 0)! MoveName: hubbriefing_ext 5:58:34 Warning: looped for animation: a3\anims_f_epa\data\anim\sdr\cts\custom\a_in\acts_listeningtoradioloop.rtm differs (looped now 1)! MoveName: acts_listeningtoradio_loop 5:58:34 Warning: looped for animation: a3\anims_f_bootcamp\data\anim\sdr\cts\acts_kore_talkingoverradio_loop.rtm differs (looped now 1)! MoveName: acts_kore_talkingoverradio_loop 5:58:35 Warning: looped for animation: a3\anims_f_epa\data\anim\sdr\cts\hubcleaned\spectator\hubspectator_stand.rtm differs (looped now 1)! MoveName: hubspectator_stand_contact 5:58:35 Warning: looped for animation: a3\anims_f\data\anim\sdr\mov\pne\stp\non\non\amovppnemstpsnonwnondnon_amovppnemevasnonwnondl.rtm differs (looped now 1)! MoveName: amovppnemstpsnonwnondnon_amovppnemevasnonwnondl 5:58:35 Warning: looped for animation: a3\anims_f\data\anim\sdr\mov\pne\stp\non\non\amovppnemstpsnonwnondnon_amovppnemevasnonwnondr.rtm differs (looped now 1)! MoveName: amovppnemstpsnonwnondnon_amovppnemevasnonwnondr 5:58:35 MovesType CfgMovesMaleSdr load time 2554.0 ms 5:58:35 Warning: Gesture name 'riflereloadpronebase' in 'CfgGesturesMale' already defined in 'CfgMovesMaleSdr' 5:58:35 Warning: Gesture name 'pistolreloadpronebase' in 'CfgGesturesMale' already defined in 'CfgMovesMaleSdr' 5:58:35 Global namespace not passed during: false 5:58:35 Global namespace not passed during: false 5:58:35 Error in expression 5:58:35 Error position: 5:58:35 Error Local variable in global space 5:58:35 Global namespace not passed during: false 5:58:35 Global namespace not passed during: false 5:58:35 Error in expression 5:58:35 Error position: 5:58:35 Error Local variable in global space 5:58:36 Initializing Steam server - Game Port: 2321, Steam Query Port: 2322 5:58:36 Steam AppId from steam_appid.txt: 107410 5:58:36 Connected to Steam servers 5:59:25 Unsupported language English in stringtable 5:59:25 Unsupported language English in stringtable 5:59:25 Unsupported language English in stringtable 5:59:25 File description.ext, line 19: '.Saving': Missing ';' at the end of line 5:59:25 Item STR_action_takePackage_scout listed twice 5:59:25 Unexpected stringtable format inside 5:59:25 Unexpected stringtable format inside 5:59:25 Unexpected stringtable format inside 5:59:25 Unexpected stringtable format inside 5:59:25 Unsupported language English in stringtable 5:59:25 Item STR_action_takePackage_scout listed twice 5:59:25 Unexpected stringtable format inside 5:59:25 Unexpected stringtable format inside 5:59:25 Unexpected stringtable format inside 5:59:25 Unexpected stringtable format inside 5:59:25 Unsupported language English in stringtable 5:59:30 Admin logged in, player: Newton, playerUID: 76561198044395194, IP: 5:59:30 Unsupported language English in stringtable 5:59:30 Unsupported language English in stringtable 5:59:30 Unsupported language English in stringtable 5:59:30 File description.ext, line 19: '.Saving': Missing ';' at the end of line 5:59:30 Item STR_action_takePackage_scout listed twice 5:59:30 Unexpected stringtable format inside 5:59:30 Unexpected stringtable format inside 5:59:30 Unexpected stringtable format inside 5:59:30 Unexpected stringtable format inside 5:59:31 Unsupported language English in stringtable 5:59:31 Item STR_action_takePackage_scout listed twice 5:59:31 Unexpected stringtable format inside 5:59:31 Unexpected stringtable format inside 5:59:31 Unexpected stringtable format inside 5:59:31 Unexpected stringtable format inside 5:59:31 Unsupported language English in stringtable 5:59:35 Mission fear V3.lingor3: Missing 'description.ext::Header' 5:59:40 Starting mission: 5:59:40 Mission file: fear V3 (__cur_mp) 5:59:40 Mission world: lingor3 5:59:40 Mission directory: mpmissions\__cur_mp.lingor3\ 5:59:40 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWorlds.lingor3'. 5:59:41 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWorlds.lingor3'. 5:59:41 Warning Message: No entry '.gridNumbersOverLines'. 5:59:41 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 5:59:41 Warning Message: No entry '.centerPosition'. 5:59:41 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 5:59:41 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 5:59:41 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 5:59:41 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 5:59:41 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWorlds.lingor3'. 5:59:41 Warning Message: No entry '.gridNumbersOverLines'. 5:59:41 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 5:59:41 Warning Message: No entry '.centerPosition'. 5:59:41 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 5:59:41 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 5:59:41 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 5:59:41 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 5:59:41 [CBA] (xeh) INFO: [3602,96.785,0] PreInit started. v3.15.6.211004 5:59:41 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: One or more children of class CAManBase do not support Extended Event Handlers. Fall back to loop. 5:59:41 [CBA] (settings) INFO: Reading settings from settings file. 5:59:41 [CBA] (settings) INFO: Finished reading settings from settings file. 5:59:41 String STR_RHS_FAC_VDV_45 not found 5:59:41 Wrong location draw style - "ACRE_RequiredDrawStyle" 5:59:42 [ACE] (common) INFO: Parsed Settings Configs [0.0 ms] 5:59:42 Attempt to override final function - ace_interaction_fnc_addpassengersactions 5:59:42 Attempt to override final function - ace_medical_status_fnc_getbloodvolumechange 5:59:42 Attempt to override final function - ace_medical_status_fnc_hasstablevitals 5:59:42 Attempt to override final function - ace_dogtags_fnc_cancheckdogtag 5:59:42 Attempt to override final function - ace_dogtags_fnc_getdogtagdata 5:59:42 Attempt to override final function - ace_medical_fnc_setunconscious 5:59:42 Attempt to override final function - ace_medical_treatment_fnc_cprlocal 5:59:42 Attempt to override final function - ace_medical_treatment_fnc_fullheallocal 5:59:42 Attempt to override final function - ace_medical_treatment_fnc_treatment 5:59:42 Attempt to override final function - ace_medical_gui_fnc_displaypatientinformation 5:59:42 Attempt to override final function - ace_medical_gui_fnc_updateinjurylist 5:59:42 Attempt to override final function - ace_medical_gui_fnc_updateloglist 5:59:43 Attempt to override final function - kat_circulation_fnc_wrongbloodtreatment 5:59:43 [CBA] (xeh) INFO: [3602,98.598,0] PreInit finished. 5:59:43 Duplicate HitPoint name 'HitTurret' in 'O_Heli_Transport_04_F' 5:59:43 Duplicate HitPoint name 'HitGun' in 'O_Heli_Transport_04_F' 5:59:43 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWorlds.lingor3'. 5:59:43 Warning Message: No entry '.gridNumbersOverLines'. 5:59:43 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 5:59:43 Warning Message: No entry '.centerPosition'. 5:59:43 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 5:59:43 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 5:59:43 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 5:59:43 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 5:59:45 Error compiling '' in 'hitpitottube' 5:59:45 Error compiling '' in 'hitstaticport' 5:59:45 Unsupported language English in stringtable 5:59:45 Unsupported language English in stringtable 5:59:45 Unsupported language English in stringtable 5:59:45 File description.ext, line 19: '.Saving': Missing ';' at the end of line 5:59:45 Item STR_action_takePackage_scout listed twice 5:59:45 Unexpected stringtable format inside 5:59:45 Unexpected stringtable format inside 5:59:45 Unexpected stringtable format inside 5:59:45 Unexpected stringtable format inside 5:59:45 Unsupported language English in stringtable 5:59:46 Item STR_action_takePackage_scout listed twice 5:59:46 Unexpected stringtable format inside 5:59:46 Unexpected stringtable format inside 5:59:46 Unexpected stringtable format inside 5:59:46 Unexpected stringtable format inside 5:59:46 Unsupported language English in stringtable I've tried modifying the mission.sqm file to remove all mods dependencys sourceName="fear%20V3"; addons[]= { }; class AddonsMetaData { }; dlcs[]= { "Heli", "RHS_USAF", "Niarms_MP5", "Niarms_SAW", "RHS_AFRF", "ORANGE", "Expansion" }; With no luck, same result, im running out of ideas, I tried, removing all the enemy AI only leaving the players but no luck.
  18. I've created 2 virtual curator objects linked to 2 game masters with the variable names of zCreator and zCreator2 respectively and the game master owners of zCreator and zCreator2 . When selecting either of the slots on the lobby and then loading in, I cannot open the zeus interface, pressing Y just pings zeus rather than opens it. I've created a third game master with the name of #adminLogged and when I login as admin, I am able to use that slot. How can I fix this issue so I can use zeus as a non admin?
  19. Hello people I have dire need of help with identifying the source to a problem. Pic related: http:// Ignore the missing head and texture, they have simply not been added yet. The problem is the invisible gear, like vest and weapon's. I suspect that it has something to do with the model it self, and that some thing has to be done in Object Builder. The guide's and tutorial's that I have found are ofte incomplete, utdated, or just not touching on the subject of uniforms. Many are sadly also very difficult to understand. I am sadly quite new to modeling in 3d (blender) and I fear that have missed something important during the prosess. Posting config's just in case they are the source of the problem. Model config Config
  20. Magner85

    Ban Appeal steam: magner85

    Hello to whoever reads it. Sorry if my English is bad. The christmas holidays are coming, the period when I bought Arma3 nearly 3 years ago, maybe even more. Unfortunately I had to fight for my life a couple of days soon. Can`t tell the diagnosis but it doesn`t matter I think. The problem is that I managed it and live a relatively happy life. There`s only one issue. I had to return back my steam account because It was hacked or stolen, I don`t know. It took me 2 month to prove the steam support that that account actually is mine. When I finally returned it everything was ok except Arma3 game block... Maybe it`s too late to talk about it now, maybe no one plays Arma3 today, but I still would like to try ArmStalker or Arma3 DayZ or BreakingPoint. Tis game is quite expensive at the place i live, but that`s not the problem. Since 2018 theres no opportunity to transfer money anywhere outside Donetsk. Sorry if I waste your time, but... Please, remove the game block or at least tell me something about it. If it is impossible to remove ban, please delete the game from my steam account. I get upset every time I look through my game library and see the game I have but can`t play. Here is my steam profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198402495477/ I tried to contact Arma3 developers, but the only thing I got are letters about new game content to my e-mail. Hope you`ll have good holidays With best regards, Magner
  21. I have been trying to get an insignia to work as a mod but when i get ingame to put the insignia on it pops up with something like "insignia not identified" and when i put the insignia on there is no image of it i can just select the name.
  22. Hi after multiple contact with the server host provider and many many support topics I still cannot seem to get my server online It is still says keys are not accepted, and on the A3 launcher tell me that the server requires no mods RPT: https://zerobin.net/?6091d845bef973b3#p8mMccs9O/IM6/36k1qJYjWsxVhGDIAzdD9dJclMkF8= COMMANDLINE: https://zerobin.net/?6a7cb273b1c212ba#XPKZVbSC85wc4CMAM1uwwldnG3dlf86yv/0wQE5NqrA=
  23. Unwanted Double post sorry... Moderators can you delete this topic please (or tell me how to delete it).
  24. Hello, I've been having this issue for several months, if not years, and I've intermittently tried to get support on it or some forum moderator or staff to have a look over it. I've tried to update my username to the name I've been using for my work online and in the community for the past few years, but nothing has worked. I've searched the forums, I've asked in the Discord a few times, and all to no avail. I've already tried to go on my accounts.bistudio page / BI profile page and changing my name there, and nothing would change. I've logged out and logged back in into the website and that didn't change it either. Is there any chance I could get my name manually changed? The system doesn't seem to work for me, if possible if someone could check my accounts.bistudio page you'd see my nickname is changed there but not here. I'd also need my name changed in the BI feedback/bugtracker, unless they both change simulatenously. I'd really appreciate it. EDIT: It has been resolved, I contacted a community manager who helped me with it.
  25. As you can see by the title, I'm trying to make a custom support CAS menu by utilizing the CfgCommunicationMenu. The script that activates after u call in support would make the player say something with apex subtitles and send in chopper support. Problem is, that it seems like the script only activates to whoever calls in the support. What I mean is that the player who called in chopper support would see the apex subtitles and the chopper incoming for CAS. But to the other players, they won't see the apex subtitles and only see the chopper incoming. Is there any way to make the script activates for all players by utilizing the CfgCommunicationMenu? I'm still considered a rookie when it comes to scripting, so expect me to be a little dumb. And this is one of my first posts on the forums.