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About PazicPB

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  1. the .ppa is in the icon folder and it was a png before i put it in there https://gyazo.com/de1988238db96d46ff93111b17013e2d
  2. thanks that fixed the message but it still doesn't display the image it just has that clear background. btw i had to use texview 2 instead of imagetopaa software because the image wasnt popign up.
  3. do u know how to fix this problem? https://gyazo.com/214c055642a909a4d02a23e8180ea397
  4. do i need the p drive because i am having more issues with activating that now
  5. I dont know what the init fields or the identity fields are
  6. Thank you for the reply but it still gave me the same issue even when i changed the names of the files. Thanks for trying to help. 1. https://gyazo.com/b9b0d2436f16b65b26f11e9eaa8f3ab4 2. https://gyazo.com/515390c00669bc333c3a508ccb33b954 3. https://gyazo.com/92e3f0786b7cc4f77a851ee822cd771e
  7. I had it the same but i tried messing around with it and it didn't work but the I tired this layout and making my own: class CfgUnitInsignia { class insignia_test1 { displayName = "Test Insignia"; author = "You"; texture = "\insignia_addon\icon\test.paa"; textureVehicle = ""; }; };
  8. How can i have the pathway wrong? I also tried making an icon folder because it says it is missing that but it still hasnt worked. Pathway: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@novi\addons
  9. I have been trying to get an insignia to work as a mod but when i get ingame to put the insignia on it pops up with something like "insignia not identified" and when i put the insignia on there is no image of it i can just select the name.