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About Poupoko

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Poupoko

    Change class name?

    Thank you very much Indeed I was doing something wrong
  2. Poupoko

    Change class name?

    Hello, I'm trying to do the same and I struggle too... @killjoe_R3F this doesnt work on my mp mission, when I go into the lobby there's still "AT specialist" and I want to change it to "AT/AA Specialist"
  3. Hello ! I'm doing a mission where a BLUFOR talks to you when you get close with a trigger. It works very well, the problem is that I'd like it to have several sentences available, and that each time you move away from it then move back towards it, it would "randomly" choose between one of these sentences, to add realism and not repeat himself constantly. Can anyone help me on this ? Here is how I did the mission : (First code - brief.bkib Second - chat1.sqf Third - description.ext) class Sentences { class Brief_Bob_Line_1 { text = "What are you looking at ? Go to the fight you coward lazy ass motherfucker !" speech[] = { "\chat\lol.ogg" }; class Arguments {}; actor = "Bob"; }; }; class Arguments {}; class Special {}; startWithVocal[] = {hour}; startWithConsonant[] = {europe, university}; ["Briefing", "ConversationsAtBase"] call bis_fnc_kbtell; class CfgSentences { class ConversationsAtBase { class Briefing { file = "brief.bikb"; #include "brief.bikb" }; }; }; And I have a /chat file where I have the "lol.ogg" + "lol.lip" for the lip sync. In my mind there would be multiple .ogg files in the /chat that the IA could use each time the trigger gets activated.
  4. Poupoko

    Configuring Virtual Arsenal

    Up, I am in the EXACT same position x) The server "Bad Company" use this system
  5. Hello everyone, I've been trying to find for a weekend how to make AI that were in an animation, went in combat mode and killed the opfor to return into initial position and animation. Is that even possible ? 🤔
  6. Well, the AI capitain is supposed to be busy spotting nearby infantery 😞 I guess there's no real solution...
  7. I am in the driver's seat, my IA are in capitain and gunner's seats. The thing is my capitain (or gunner, I don't remember wich seat can do it) never drops CM (smoke screen) when the tank is being locked by a missile (*BIPBIPBIPBIPBIP*), so each time I have to manually go to the appropriate seat, wich makes the tank brutally stop, then activate the smoke screen, then going back to driver s... *BAM* tank is destroyed (yeah because AI can OS my tank 3 times out of 4 but when I try to hit a tank with my launcher it makes like 3-4 hits before it explodes lel)
  8. Because IA reflexes are extremely efficients while being used as a gunner , especially for soldiers hiding, laying down or just being far away, they take them down really quick. When I try to use a fellow player as a gunner they're struggling a LOT more to hit targets, it takes them a lot of time, more ammo, and it gives more chance for us to be hit by a missile.
  9. Poupoko

    How to change metric system?

    Hello fellow spanish friend (I love spanish women but like every other women they don't love me in return 😢 ) That's what I found :
  10. Hello I have a problem with the tank countermeasures... Indeed I play a lot of Warlords and I usually take a tank and two crewmen with me. The problem is that when I get lock by a missile, my IA is not "screen-smoking" + the keyboard shortcut for countermeasures doesn't work when I drive the tank, I have to go to the captain's seat and only there I can activate them, but the missile has time to hit me every time... How can I force my capitain to activate them while being on the driver seat ?
  11. Hi, I need to make an invisible wall on a mission but when I use hideObject on a barrier the collision does not work, is there a solution ?
  12. Thx now it works fine with your description.ext !! Just a last question : I want an IA to play a song when he's dead, still with say3D. I made a trigger with !alive bob; (bob is the IA), and I choose the song in the effect list, but how can I make it in the way that it's bob that will say aaaarg in say3D and not like a music in the backround ?
  13. Strange, it doesn't work last time I tried, I'll try again (thx for the link)