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  1. CONTENTS Setting up your server What you need how you do it Links Information useful Tools Useful Addons Selecting between Stable & Dev Builds, full or Dedi package installs Port Forwarding Battleye Configuration Location of files Server Admin Commands Running Dedicated Server and client on same machine Running multiple servers on one machine Re-locating MpMissions Bandwidth Optimisation Trouble Shooting & Help Best way to use this thread Live chat help What cannot be done Known Issues Example files CONFIG_Vanilla.cfg Arma3.cfg .Arma3Profile Advanced configuration -profiles AutoServer_Restart.bat File Firedeamon Addons and Mods Basic introduction Installation Miscellaneous Downloading & Addon Management Changelog The tutorial is intended for the lowest level of knowledge and skill, I make no apologies to those who think it is patronising. if you do, why are you reading a tutorial :j: LAST UPDATED: Thursday 21st March 2017 up too and including this post ************************************************************************************ IMPORTANT UPDATE (16th March 2017) arma3server_x64.exe 64 (Released 16th March 2017) 1) Update your firewall rules to include the 64 bit binary 2) BattleEye changes 64 bit binary runs the beserver_x64.dll It also needs a BEServer_x64.cfg (Which is simply a renamed copy of your BEServer.cfg If you run an addon server and are having issues, then try running the 32 bit arma3server.exe until the addon makers have fixed their content ************************************************************************************ SETTING UP YOUR SERVER What you need 1 Standalone Windows server (2008 or later) (Sound and GPU not required) 1 Steam Account Ownership of ArmA3 No longer required if installing the server using the the Dedicated server package. (Required for Headless client or full client install) According to this THIS POST you can run the ArmA3server on Win2003 now This is how you do it. Take note. There are additions within these instructions that you may not need, if you only intend running 1 instance of an Arma3 server on your machine However, adding these superfluous commands and content will not be detrimental to single instance servers Directory paths are all customisable but for the sake of this tutorial, all file examples and command lines used will be consistent with the tutorial instructions Login as Administrator: (You will need to run Arma3server.exe as "Administrator" or "System". Battleye requires it.) Install the latest version of DirectX Recommended to install install the 32 & 64-bit 2013 VC++ redist from https://www.microsoft.com/en-GB/download/details.aspx?id=40784 Create the following empty directories D:\Apps\Steam D:\Games\ArmA3\A3Master D:\Games\ArmA3\A3Files Download steamcmd.exe unpack it and save it to your targetted Steam install directory (E.g D:\Apps\Steam) Run the steamcmd.exe. (This will download and install the required steam files to your custom steam directory) Create an ArmA3_Steam_updater.cmd file, (Example shown below) and save it to D:\Games\ArmA3\A3Files Run the ArmA3_Steam_updater.cmd file Just after logging into Steam, the console window will hang and ask for a validation key Steam will have automatically sent you an email with this validation code, which you then need to input at the command prompt The Update console window should then continue to run and install ArmA3 ((DEV or STABLE) version to the target directory as defined in the .cmd file) eg (D:\Games\ArmA3\A3Master) Create a shortcut for the ArmA3Server_x64.exe on the server desktop Add the following parameters to the Target Line in the shortcut tab of the newly created desktop shortcut -port=2302 (Required if running multiple server instances) "-profiles=d:\Games\Arma3\A3Master" -config=CONFIG_Vanilla.cfg -world=empty -mod= -mod= (Exaclty as it looks, an empty mod parameter so it looks something similar to the following "D:\Games\Arma3\A3Master\arma3server_x64.exe" "-profiles=d:\Games\Arma3\A3Master" -port=2302 -config=CONFIG_Vanilla.cfg -world=empty -mod= Add firewall rules for the UDP ports (See below for -Port information) Add firewall rule for the arma3server_x64.exe Create a simple Notepad document called "CONFIG_vanilla.cfg" and save it to the root folder of your ArmA3 install on the server D:\Games\ArmA3\A3Master (See below for ".cfg" content) Then start up your shortcut, check the server runs. (You will see a console pop up in your desktop after a few seconds) Close the console window down, then you will need to edit the following files which will have been created D:\Games\Arma3\A3Master\Users\Adminstrator\Administrator.Arma3Profile D:\Games\Arma3\A3Master\Users\Administrator\Arma3.cfg These files contain minimal content, and require a lot of editing, so to make this easier, there are example files listed below which you can copy n paste from Restart the server Start up your client Arma3 (Running the same branch as the server, (eg Stable or DEV) and you should then be able to see your server in the server browser (Filters are available to reduce the server list) Login to your server using the password you defined in CONFIG_Vanilla.cfg by typing "/" to open the chat window and then type (#login ADMINPASSWORD followed by enter Once logged in you will be presented with a mission list, select one of the missions to start the game Prove the stability of your server by running BIS missions initially before you start adding user made content You should now have successfully installed and be running a stable "Vanilla" (Default) server You can then set up Battleye, The ArmA3 anti cheat system (See the Battleye Configuration section below) *** SUPPORTING INFORMATION *** USEFUL LINKS, TOOLS & ADDONS Open the spoiler for more info TICKETS RAISED that need your Vote SELECTING DEVELOPMENT OR STABLE BUILD Open the spoiler for more info PORT FORWARDING (ArmA3) (Firewalls) Open the spoiler for more info BATTLEYE CONFIGURATION Open the spoiler for more info LOCATION OF FILES (When setting parameters) Open the spoiler for more info SERVER ADMIN COMMANDS Open the spoiler for more info RUNNING DEDICATED SERVER & CLIENT ON SAME MACHINE If you have followed these instructions, the only known issue, is to make sure you start the server up before you start the steam client Failing to do this causes steam port issues and your client wont be able to connect to the server RUNNING MULTIPLE SERVERS ON SAME MACHINE Open the spoiler for more info RE-LOCATING MPmIssions (For example to a dropbox) Open the spoiler for more info BANDWIDTH OPTIMISATION Open the spoiler for more info TROUBLE SHOOTING Open the spoiler for more info EXAMPLE FILES Arma3_Steam_Updater.cmd CONFIG_Vanilla.cfg ****.Arma3Profile Important to note, the defaul;t B.I classes, Regular, veteran cannot be edited, so if you want to run an edited version, then edit the custom class and run that The following config is set to do just that Arma3.cfg ADVANCED CONFIGURATION -Profiles Open the spoiler for more info AUTO SERVER RESTART .BAT File Open the spoiler for more info Firedeamon Open the spoiler for more info ADDONS & MODS BASIC EXPLANATION Open the spoiler for more info WHITE-LISTING / BLACK-LISTING (How does it work) Open the spoiler for more info ADDON SIGNING Open the spoiler for more info INSTALLATION Open the spoiler for more info MISCELLANEOUS Open the spoiler for more info DOWNLOADING & ADDON MANAGEMENT Open the spoiler for more info CHANGELOG Open the spoiler for more info

    NAME.exe and PORTS.

    Hello. NOTE: Private HOST game, no dedicated server. I just want to double check that these are the required ports that should be forwarded in router: TCP = 2344 .. 2345 UDP = 2302 .. 2306 As my router doesn't provide a browse for file option i have to type in the exact name of the *.exe filename that the ports will be open for: arma3.exe arma3battleye.exe arma3launcher.exe arma3server.exe arma3server_x64.exe arma3_x64.exe Which .exe of these shall i use ? Thank you.
  3. Hi there I have had a Linux dedicated arma3 server running fine for a while, these last days an issue appeared from no where: I use the 1.82 version, so I can connect to it with the Linux native client, With BE enabled. Now, I cannot connect anymore: Error message: DLCs mismatch. Other symptoms: 1) All DLC are in red in the details pane of the MP interface of Arma3 Linux Client. 2) The details pane shows only 8 DLCs 3) My Linux client has the 10 DLCs 4) My Linux server's console shows the 10 DLCs ... 5) if related, I see this message now that I dont think it was here before: 13:03:51 Cannot register unknown string STR_3DEN_CAMERA_NAME 13:03:51 Cannot register unknown string STR_DIFF_SCENE_ONLY 13:03:51 Cannot register unknown string STR_DIFF_SCENE_AND_MAP 12:49:21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12:49:21 Arma 3 DLC Bundle 2 | dlcbundle2 | true | NOT FOUND | | | 12:49:21 Arma 3 DLC Bundle 1 | dlcbundle | true | NOT FOUND | | | 12:49:21 Arma 3 Tanks | tank | true | GAME DIR | 4df9fdc3af2a71c62627be80a7ab755a02dcf1df | 2ce77785 | /home/steamleg/arma3/tank 12:49:21 Arma 3 Tac-Ops | tacops | true | GAME DIR | 211c4e0554a0d385f9e06657f86014ea812e9c0a | 1ee5ddc3 | /home/steamleg/arma3/tacops 12:49:21 Arma 3 Laws of War | orange | true | GAME DIR | ef1cd56c40b4d010daf1fe1381a0d5cba5ee8ca9 | 9aa3097a | /home/steamleg/arma3/orange 12:49:21 Arma 3 Malden | argo | true | GAME DIR | 5bcf910df6383993f930b60be8d021bd84bf71ec | 71d3c487 | /home/steamleg/arma3/argo 12:49:21 Arma 3 Jets | jets | true | GAME DIR | 74f82e56aeb43fed4d356df93e4beac6ef325d51 | 8057ba80 | /home/steamleg/arma3/jets 12:49:21 Arma 3 Apex | expansion | true | GAME DIR | 64ea965281ee9614ad2faf70dfcb7f9bcfd819f3 | 8fe2dec7 | /home/steamleg/arma3/expansion 12:49:21 Arma 3 Marksmen | mark | true | GAME DIR | 6e50469e36f2352ccd7b1a42c8040c3c8ae34873 | f3c390b7 | /home/steamleg/arma3/mark 12:49:21 Arma 3 Helicopters | heli | true | GAME DIR | 82775a9a7fc84fa1b6778ac18afa572af8b14bce | 61ee9c5 | /home/steamleg/arma3/heli 12:49:21 Arma 3 Karts | kart | true | GAME DIR | 2d9f96493344582fe37d5b3ee10451e8166326c1 | f10e9c75 | /home/steamleg/arma3/kart 12:49:21 Arma 3 Zeus | curator | true | GAME DIR | e576b57de30c4fbaa7337db15aca30e906047e0e | 2e0f3c2b | /home/steamleg/arma3/curator 12:49:21 Arma 3 | A3 | true | NOT FOUND | | | 12:49:21 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================== Feel free to see it on your side, if you have time, my server is [FR] HAWCS3 ... in the MP listing / Steam ... the IP is
  4. So i will make a new post as it is a completely different issue from before, but only people on my LAN network are able to join my server. If they try with direct connect then it just backs them to the direct connect screen again. I don't even know where abouts to even sort this issue out
  5. Hi, So got an OVH server a month ago and it seems impossible to get it to allow traffic for arma and teamspeak. Their support was fairly helpful, they let me know that their anti ddos firewall was allowing the right ports through, but it was something on the OS. Issue is, I've opened the ports on every firewall. Using proxmox hypervisor. Really at wits end, anyone with an OVH server or otherwise know what I might be doing wrong? Thanks
  6. I have a dedicated server running windows server 2012 r2 with hyperV installed on it. Router: Netgear Nighthawk (server is setup as DNS on router but i forwarded the ports to it anyways just to make sure) My issue is that my server shows up on LAN tab (when start arma 3 client on server) but not publicly and I can not connect to the server putting the IP and port to the server.The arma 3 server is not on a VM but someone was saying hyper-v might cause an issue but I have other stuff running on hyper-v so i can not disable hyper-v for testing so if anyone knows if this is a known issue is there a work around for it? I am using TADST to host the arma 3 server. What I have done so far: Port Forwarded: 2300-2310 on my router/modem (is there anymore ports that i need to forward could not find any in tutorials that i have watched and read) I know I am doing it correctly because I forwarded ports to a minecraft server and it works fine. Windows firewall: I allowed the ports above on my firewall inbound and outbound. I also have made rules allowing all of the arma 3 exes inbound and outbound.I also have disabled my firewall multiple times to try trouble shooting. Port checker is where it gets interesting and frustrating for me. I can check all the other ports that I have forwarded for example, minecraft, and the port checker show that they are open. When i try the arma 3 ports (2302-2305) they all say they are closed. This confuses the heck out of me. Does anyone have any ideas? Also UPNP does not seem to be working, its enabled on the fire wall, i went into windows services and set UPNP and plug and play both to auto and started them. When I start the server with UPNP enabled it says it failed.
  7. Can someone tell what ports should i open in the firewall to enable squad.xml stuff ? Here's what i have already opened: 2302-2305, 3306, 80, 8080, 1080, 443, 50000-65000 But the squad is still not working on the server...(
  8. Having issues with an Arma 3 server cluster - some users have no issues at all seeing the server and connecting - other users can't find them - some users see one not the other. Any Help would be appreciated - if you need more details for diagnosis let me know what you need. Server 1 Arma 3 - Exile - OCP Server 4 Arma 3 - Exile Server 1 Ports are set to 2402-2410 UDP - Local and Remote Server 1 Process - Set All All All Server 4 Ports are set to 2442-2450 UDP - Local and Remote Server 4 Process - Set All All All Running Windows Server 2012 - All firewall rules are mirrored UDP Internal & External In the regular users its an insta list on Favorites and Recent On Semi Issue Users - No Favorite or Recent - shows in Server list - Internet Search from the Arma 3 Launcher and on the Problematic Issue Users - its not even showing up in the internet search after 6000 servers.
  9. Aspyr media? Black Element Software? Just out of curiosity. BIS says it isn't doing it directly. I am not trying to start a flame war or "which platform is better" contest, I am just wondering what studio/company is developing them.