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  1. he Sound overhaul that came with Tanks DLC and 1.82 audibly backfired. Two main problem manifested. 1.The engine pitch and RPM barly change when driving. Most vehicle seem to shift an endless set of gears at low rpm instead of shifting at a high rpm. This is particularly noticable uphill, when one would exspect to shift in low gear with high rpm. What we see on the dials is not what can be heard, the two factors, audible and intrument feedback don't corelate. 2. Volume and audible distance for vehicles. Audible range is simply much to short, onyl a few hundred meters. After 500m all vehicles, and that includes Tank, run completly silent. From my personal experience I remeber that MBT at med to high rev speed can be heard from a kilometer away and even beyond over an hill quite easily. Another issue is that you hear the road noise befor you even get to hear the tracks, but that road noise is that of a car on gravel. Much later you can barly hear the engine. This should be reversed...you hear the engine first, followed by the track noise and then, if not completly overlayed, you can hear gravel sound from track contact. The game entered a very strange stage now, introducing such problems at the end of its development. A Solution must make it into the planned hotfix.
  2. Today's dev-branch update brings in an improvement to ranging, weapon zeroing and deflection. Most of the rangefinding equipment in the game lost its ability to measure range continuously. If you want to know the distance of a target you're pointing at you first need to lase it. By the "Auto Elevation" action. (The default keybind has been updated to "T" in Arma 3 and Apex presets) All tanks and APCs have lost the ability to automatically track targets. (The Visual sensors that have been recently added to Tank and Wheeled APC base classes have been removed again. If your mod vehicle should have an automatic target tracker you need to define a new sensor component.) At the same time they've received a more tanky-proper fire-control with an ability to use the laser ranging for assisted gun laying. What that means for tank gunners: Whenever you lase a target your main gun and coax's zeroing and deflection will be automatically adjusted according to the target's distance and motion. Keep pointing at the target and fire. First-shot hit ensured. As long as your target moves in a predictable pattern. For everything else you'll need to use your skill ;) Dumping the deflection and zeroing is possible via manual zeroing. New or adjusted elements in the optics: Large 4-digit number (usually at the bottom of the reticle or top right corner) - measured distance Smaller 4-digit number with SPD (bottom left corner) - measured speed of the target Small square (Ready to fire box) - indicates that the gun's zeroing and lead have been adjusted (does not indicate whether the gun has been loaded and is ready to fire) We're pushing the FCS way ahead of the Tanks DLC itself because of how the mechanic complements the Jets DLC Sensor overhaul. Try it, use it, break it. Please let us know what you think!
  3. Now after the Tanks DLC, am making a pure OPFOR tank mission, meaning no hostile infantry. I made an infinite spawn of enemy tanks. The problem: The infantry that ejects from a disabled tank, often runs away and survives. And it stacks up. And stacks up. And stacks up. And crashes/lags the server. My solution is to make all BLUFOR infantry get detected via an eventhandler, then get the "CARELESS" stat assigned so they dont run around, and then give them a waypoint into a hidden place where players cannot see them, for example the edge of the map. There will be a trigger, which loops and deletes every blufor unit that enters it. My question: How do i create an eventhandler (has to work with JIPing players), that gives all Blufor infantry which isnt in a vehicle a waypoint and the CARELESS behaviour. Also, how do i create a black hole trigger, that eats blufor and only blufor? Just putting in "BLUFOR present" and making it repeatable might not work, as it might get stuck due to blufor still being present and not reactivating the trigger.
  4. Hello there, I've been making some player+AI vs AI tank-on-tank scenarios for quite some time and lately I'm getting somewhat tilted by the fact that in a head-on engagement NATO vs CSAT tank-on-tank scenarios, the results are often heavily skewed in favour of the CSAT t-100. I was sure the problem wasn't due to the tank per se. I've seen some partial unbinarized MLOG p3d of both the Slammer and t-100 and found that the slammer does have overall more armor thickness in the fire geometry. So I did some testing and I found out that when going up against the Slammer, an AI, especially a 100% skill one will converge its aim around the turret ring of the slammer, which is its weakest spot from the front, while when an AI goes up against the T-100, its aim converges around the upper plate, the strongest part of its frontal armor. My question is, how does the AI determine the point of aim against tank targets? Is this set in a cfg file somewhere? Is there any way to tweak AI's point of aim at all? Cheers.
  5. Hello all, Looking for the player overhead icons/tags from the Vanguard mode that came with Tanks DLC. I looked in functions viewer, found nothing. Tank DLC files are encrypted (EBO). Hopefully a BI dev can share how? We'll see, lol.
  6. I've run into an issue since the update for the Tanks DLC where my game downloads, then tries to validate and install the update but whenever it gets to the end of the install I get hit with an error such as "An error occurred while updating Arma 3 (corrupt content files) : F:\Program Files\steamapps\steamapps\common\Arma 3\Expansion\Addons\vegetation_f_exp.pbo". The exact error changes every time but it always seems to be in \Addons. I have tried several things such as restarting steam, restarting my pc, clearing download cache, verifying the integrity of my files, changing the download region to SEVERAL different regions, changed network/internet, and restarted network/internet. The only thing I can possibly think of at this point is to entirely re-install Arma 3 including all DLC and I believe mods as well. If this includes mods I'll be looking at a several hundred gigs I'll need to redownload which I am obviously not too excited about especially with my current download speeds. So that's the reason I'm here I'm hoping I can find some other solution other than completely re-installing everything and help if that doesn't fix my issue either. Complete rundown of what happens: My game downloads the 15.2GB update, goes through a validating period and then goes to installing which lasts up until about two-thirds of the loading bar is filled it then gradually increases the time up until "more than a year" (I originally thought this was pretty funny), and then if I have the "Launch game as soon as it's ready" checked it will spit me out an error like the one given above or just goes back to the validating stage if I don't have it checked. Error: An error occurred while updating Arma 3 (corrupt content files) : F:\Program Files\steamapps\steamapps\common\Arma 3\Expansion\Addons\vegetation_f_exp.pbo Many of the attempted fixes were found here https://help.steampowered.com/en/wizard/HelpWithAppError/?appid=107410&error=13 I haven't tried everything but I have tried about all of the ones that are reasonable.
  7. Hello. If we consider the upcoming update - DLC Tanks, then for me, creating the interiors (driver, commander, gunner) for armored vehicles - it would be the most welcome innovation for Arma3, which can be related to upcoming game update. Please Note. Today (v1.76) in Arma3, !only armored vehicles do not have interiors and this looks at least strange. Why such dislike for armored vehicles!? Why the player does have such a contrast in the simulation of controls of all vehicles and armor? I remember that OFP had interiors for armored vehicles and it was in 2001! I think in 2018, @BIS need to revive the old traditions, because any vehicle in Arma should have a interrior, then the player will have the same feeling from controlling all vehicles. In any case, equality it is a fair! I can imagine, that this is not a small amount of work, but such work, realy could raise the Arma3 gameplay to a new level! I want the users of Arma3 to express their thoughts about the interiors of armored vehicles, which are lacking in game. Subsequently, developers can consider this topic and draw useful conclusions. Welcome...
  8. Is there going to be importance to have a loader now? Or are the gunners still loading literally everything on their own still?
  9. scavenjer

    Tank elevation angles

    This is my first forum post here so if this is not in the right place feel free to move it, I, and probably others, have noticed that the gun depression values on some tanks are incorrect as compared to their real-life counterparts. This includes the MBT-52 Kuma (Leopard 2 revolution) and the Slammers (Merkava MK4). I have looked into the files and for the Kuma it appears to have -9°, this however isn't what we have in game because they changed it in patch 1.58. The cannon was clipping the back end of the vehicle (and still is) so they gave it -5° to stop it from clipping. But because elevation angles are uniform this overrides the -9°.... I suggest making two "gun depression variables", one for the "maximum" minimum elevation (-9°)and one for the "minimum" minimum elevation (0°).There should also be a transition between the two. Below I have a link to the feedback ticket, of you want Bohemia to fix this or take a look at it, please comment on that feedback ticket so it can get some traction :) https://feedback.bistudio.com/T123481 Thank you for your time!
  10. 7th Armoured Divsion With roots in the War Thunder Community 7th Armoured are looking to branch out into Arma and create a historically accurate unit based on the famous Desert Rats using combined arms tactics. We've picked two units that served together historically and are looking to form a Platoon of the 1st Rifle Brigade (Mechanised Infantry) and a Troop of 5th Royal Tank Regiment utilising period equipment, structures, and tactics. We already have a solid player base, server complete with mods, and teamspeak but are looking to fill our ranks with like minded gamers to allow us to organise full scale missions with German WW2 milsim units from within the community. As a milsim unit we are aiming to be quite structured but have always prided ourselves on our relaxed and friendly nature so we hope to find a good balance. If you're interested in finding out a little more about us or would like to join, please either send me a pm, leave a message here or join our Teamspeak: and ask to speak to an NCO/Officer.
  11. Shannon Sorg

    Self driving vehicles

    OK I have racked my mind out trying to figure this out. What setting(if their is any) do I use to prevent any vehicle from starting and driving once entered as a driver? Or how is this rectified? Vehicle control setting. https://youtu.be/F-DdfqhFEWI Thanks
  12. M1 Abrams 0.7 Included are now models for early M1 Abrams the Improved Performance M1 and the M1A1. Download M1 addon Want some action!? try -Snafu-'s Mission "Breach and Clear":
  13. Hello, the last update ruined the game experience completly, the disadvantage for people who play King of the Hill and are not playing with premates is now incredible big. The AA has to lock on again everytime one rocket was shot, the rockets hit even less than before, the new radar is not showing the right symbols and you cant see shit on it. The Tanks got no rangefinder? You cant lock on to enemy tanks? Where is the sense? Why do you downgrade the game? Why is the Minimap now on the otherside of the screen while driving a normal tank? Why cant you move it? What the hell is going on with the camera while flying chopper in 3rd person?? why cant you leave it as it was, now you need VR and a Headtracker to fly proper? Im angry and slowly but surely im losing the believe in this game and the dev's. Explanation would be great
  14. I everyone! I was hoping to find some help from the community. I'm having trouble with tracked vehicles, and the first problem is with the land contact. I'm not convinced it has anything to do with the LOD landcontact, since that seems pretty straight forward. There's a pic of the problem in my dA gallery: Well, that was supposed to be just a hyperlink, but it just displays the photo I wanted to show anyway. Tank 1 has different sized wheels. However, it's all just an illusion, because I set up the memory points on all wheels the same size as the 3 covered wheels' center and bounds. Mass is also weird, because it's supposed to be a total of 10kg for the components, and 4 weight boxes evenly distributed for actual mass. That's how the sample tank is done. The 3 wheels and drive wheels move, but the front and back wheels do not, as expected for what I did (btw, is there a better way given that same-size wheels are not an option?). The tracks move, and even an AI soldier can drive it, somewhat. IT stays in that position while moving. EDIT 1: I forgot to mention that all the wheels on this tank, except the front two, are dampened all the way up even though they don't touch the ground. When testing in buldozer, they rise and drop together. Tank 2 is about 10 cm off the ground. I placed my character in prone on the far side to sort of make it more clear. The wheels do not move in Eden (although they do in buldozer). The tracks also don't "move" or damper. The tank is driveable; though it is too slow, turns too tightly, and stutters about every 3 meters as if tapping the brakes. Same size wheels are not a problem with this tank, but none of them move. Weird. EDIT 2: This tank also has a similar mass set up as the sample tank, where 4 mass boxes distribute the weight. It seemed less important to mention that here, but I reconsidered. Ok so... I know I'm gonna need to post more pics or screenshots of the LODs in OB, or maybe paste sections of my config and model documents. For the sake of retaining some secrecy on my project and also not posting unnecessary pics on the servers, I want to limit what I post to only what is needed. So, where shall we start? Any help is much appreciated!!
  15. Blackbomber200

    Tanks DLC Unofficial Discussion.

    Hello there guys I'd like to start this forum to discuss Arma III's last DLC for the year. I know its still a longs way off, but its never too early to start discussing these things. Well actually Bohemia encouraged us to give feedback and ideas on the their DLC. So here are mine. I'd like to brainstorm or suggest Tanks and APCs or upgrades or fixes to the current Tanks we already have. This is simply just a place to discuss Ideas and I don't except Bohemia would choose all of them or any of them for the matter. Below I will put some of the Tanks I would like to see make their way with the Tank DLC. LET US BEGIN! P.S If this is in the wrong section I apologize Moderators, please move it the correct section. The first Armored Vehicle I would like to see is the AMV-7 Marshall Mortar variation from the Pre-alpha that was never put in the game. It looks really great and I think would be useful when you need mortar support but don't want to use the large long range mortar Tanks. A variation perhaps for all the factions including CSAT and AAF. I would also like to see the AMV-7 and all the Faction APCs get more armor or perhaps add the option to add Reactive armor I feel like the APCs defiantly can be taken down too easily with Grenade launchers which is a main reason why I think APCs don't see a lot of action or seen on the battlefield a lot which kinda sucks when you want to use armor. I personally like the AMV-7 Marshall and wish I could use it more. I also feel like the Wheels on APCs can get shot way too easily so maybe add light plating that covers half of the wheels making them harder too hit. Also if you could perhaps add a 12.7mm machine gun to it, either that or change the description of the tanks armament. Next I'd like to see the American Main Battle Tank, but instead have the M1A3 battle tank the Military is currently developing and working on. There currently no blueprints or pictures of it for obvious reasons so Bohemia could probably use some creativity in how they think it will look in 2035. Here are American APCs that the US Military currently uses that would be cool to add. The M113 Armored Personal Carrier. Stryker LAV-25 Also the M3 Bradly Next up I want to suggest maybe a tank for the CTRG or the British. The M2 Challenger is highly regarded as one of the strongest tanks in the World or was atleast with only one being destroyed by friendly fire (Quite tragic) Now this amazing futuristic tank is real and is currently being developed in Poland as their next main battle tank. Its considered a stealth tank and by far is one of the most futuristic looking tanks we are currently making in the world the PL-01 MBT. It would only be fair to in cooperate a polish tank since ironically they are only one of a few countries who actually pay their 2% to NATO. This gorgeous looking tank I believe I already spotted in the Roadmap Video on YouTube, but if that's not it I'd like to suggest it now. This tank is currently regarded as one of the most powerful tanks in the world and can beat any NATO or US Tank. It also has some of the most advanced weapon systems and counter measures in the world and the inside literary looks like the inside of a Spaceship. The T-14 Armata. The T-15 Armored Troop transport Carrier. The BTR Bumerang The 2S35 Artillery Tank Now moving onto the Chinese or Pacific CSAT Forces. Not much is really known about what new Main Battle Tanks or APCs the Chinese are developing so I'll just add the current ones they have and maybe futuristic versions can be made by Bohemia. Type-99 ZBL-09 Not a lot of new Chinese APCs are being made atleast from what I can find. I'm pretty sure the T-100 actually is already this, so maybe Bohemia is time travelers or has access to super classified intelligence but this is Iran's newest Main battle tank the Karrar just hit the production lines this year. The Type 10 is Japan's newest Main Battle Tank and would possibly be relevant for the Pacific in Tanoa. The Type 87 is Japan's current APC. Germany is currently using the Boxer I believe as their APC of choice, although it has a similar look as the Stryker, but Id thought Id just put it here anyway. The AFF Tank is already based off the Leopard MBT so I won't include it obviously. Next up is Itlay's Ariete Main Battle Tank which I think would be relevant to Altis since Altis is suppose to be near Greece and Italy. On top of that the Greece use the Leonidas IFV APC which would also be relative to Altis That's all the Tanks that I wouldn't mind seeing in the tanks DLC, now I know you won't add every single one of these or any of them on the list and some of tanks currently in the game might already be based off of some of these, but these are just some ideas. Outside of that I wouldn't mind seeing tweaks and balances to the older tanks with a Dynamic Loadout system (Nothing too crazy) Just changing ammunition types or the Machineguns on the Tanks with perhaps different types of Defense systems like the option to have Smokes or the newest Active Protection system that some of these tanks have. The Germans are currently working on a 130mm Cannon, but they don't know how feasible it will be, but this is in 2035. So maybe change out cannons on tanks? Also wouldn't mind having Reactive armor option to add too tanks, but this would make tanks slower and eat up more fuel as a disadvantage if you wanted to keep things balanced, or add harder hitting rounds to penetrate the Reactive armor, or make tanks harder to kill. Heck maybe Reactive armor is already on some of the tanks, doesn't feel like it though. Should be able to add to APCs though. Also maybe add TOW launchers to the APCs to help with dealing with Tanks (Although I know APCs aren't made to fight tanks, but sometimes you run into Tanks). Also possibly add Incendiary rounds for the Tanks Commander Machine gun. These are all the ideas and suggestions I have, if there is something I miss or forgot, be sure to comment your ideas too so we can make Tanks Great Again!
  16. Hey everyone, Is there a script that will restrict any other unit than crewman from getting in tanks; same with pilots and helicopters. Thanks, KdubyaDOG556
  17. Ok, so I have this tank that works fine in Arma 2, and I'm working to get it working as it should in Arma 3. I understand that for a vehicle to have engine sounds, it must have a physX simulation. So in the config, I (to my knowledge) changed the simulation and added the physx properties as they should be. In-game, my troubles are that the vehicle is stuck in the ground, and while the tracks spin, I cannot move anywhere with it. I believe it has to do with it being physx simulation. Originally there was no physx simulation until I realized I need physx simulation for engine sounds to work. Here are two screenshots of what it looks like, if anyone has ideas, please give them to me. I will provide more info upon request. Geometry Phys LOD - It is the same as the Geometry LOD, save that this one has no properties. What it looks like in game - as you can see, it sinks into the ground a few inches, you should be able to see the tracks touch the ground.
  18. Hi, i have this problem since ages, all tanks in random moment seems to have unexpected manner to jump like Hulk in the random direction. I know that most of ussers have the same issue with TRACKED vehicles, my question is - does anybody fix it somehow? Problem is totally ruining gameplay, it happen with all tracked vehicles with and without mods. Problem seems to be totally ignored by feedback tracker, and player need to face with the problem by himself. I see Bohemia is doing some changes, but most annnoying is, they marked solved the issue with tank reversing and it is not fixed. So we have now tanks jumping and crew which cannot reverse the vehicle. What is this, HOW IT COULD BE NAMED SIMULATOR?! Simulator of hulk vehicles? Lets paint all of them green and it will be better lookin.... All tracked amphibious vehicles cannot swim, but developers promissed that will be fixed with Tanoa I am not trolling, i'm just angry that devs are ignoring most gamebreaking issue since all Arma series (yes i know about FPS, but untill new expansion will come out, it will not be fixed), and keep pushing new stuff instead of fixing the basics. And now all RHS Escalation vehicles freeze as well and there is no way to move them. I'm not sure about vanilla tanks Arma version 1.52 Gigabyte Radeon R9 270 oc [2GB] i5 4690, 4 x 3,5 Ghz [3,9Ghz in turbo] 8GB RAM 1600 Mhz [ 2 x 4 GB HyperX in dual mode] 1 TB HDD, 7200rpm All drivers up-to-date (as allways, full version, no beta)
  19. Arma 3 Tanks Config Guidelines Feel free to use it according to our modding license. It roughly describes new features for tanks in Arma 3, You still would need to know the basics from A2/OA and how to set up cars in A3 first.
  20. Hi, Iv made a dogfighting mission on Altis where AI jets respawn after being downed on markers using Kronzky UPS vehicle respawn script. I also have moving map markers for enemy jets and a hint that comes up when you kill an AI saying the name of the AI enemy jet killed. The issue I'm having is that when the jets respawn they don't inherit the name of the AI jet that died so the map markers don't work and the hints don't work once onto the second batch of jets. Any ideas how to resolve this? Thanks