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  1. The APEX Drakon Finally, after 6 long months of development it's here... Introducing a new Unmanned Aerial System for Arma III. The jet-powered APEX Drakon offers a new way to control the battlefield in a sleek, effective way. Derived from the General Atomics Predator C 'Avenger', the Drakon comes equipped with a slew of incredible weapons and takes no prisoners. Not only was this model built from the ground up by none other than Kiory, this incredible machine comes equipped with a custom loadout editor made from scratch by AWOL, a well known Arma mod creator. Efficiency, design and quality were all key factors in creating this masterpiece. Prologue After a year into Arma's release, I had become frustrated with the vanilla UAV systems. With a game based in 2035, why were we using propeller driven aircraft? Also, why such a weak armament and why are they still extremely buggy? With those frustrations in mind, I set out to fix it myself. Meeting up with Kiory and AWOL, we began work on a new UAV system that would completely change the way UAV's would be viewed in Arma. 6 months later, the Drakon was released. While we still have a long way to go to get it where we want to, this is a step in the right direction. Addon Contents Includes the APEX Drakon .pbo file which comes with a single Drakon and a custom loadout editor built into the mod. FEATURES Jet-powered UAV system Nearly double the speed of vanilla UAV systems 4 external hardpoints and 1 internal bay Custom loadout editor and service menu (To be included in future builds) HELLAD Solid State Laser system Multiple camouflage patterns Stealth and Laser selectable variants Re-built UAV terminal TUTORIAL CREDITS Arma 3 engine: Bohemia Interactive Project lead: Church 3D Artist: Kiory Code/Scripts: AWOL Video Production: Church END USER LICENCE AGREEMENT: DISCLAIMER You are permitted to install and use this software for personal entertainment purposes only. You may not use this add-on (nor any of its parts) in any other add-on or mod (not even partially) nor redistribute or mirror it without Church's prior consent. This add-on is released under Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs For use with Arma III DONATIONS Our incredible mod team could use your help investing more into this mod! If you'd like, please donate to our cause! DOWNLOAD LINKS HOW TO INSTALL AND USE: Simply extract the @Drakon file from the .zip folder and drop it directly into your Arma directory folder! Once in game you must spawn an ammo support vehicle next to the Drakon in order to access the APEX Support Menu. Enjoy! KNOWN ISSUES Keep in mind the Drakon is still very much in an alpha state. This is our first release and there WILL be bugs. Here are a few we are aware of: The Drakon still uses Arma III's unfavorable UAV system. We know, it's something we want to get away from. The Laser Designator doesn't spawn on the UAV unless you first apply a loadout. The UAV flight model needs to be cleaned up. It currently floats too easily and the stall speed needs to be adjusted. The UAV turret cam works when it is stowed away, allowing you to see inside the drone. This will be fixed in a future patch. For some reason the Drakon doesn't get along with ACE's missile system very well. We're looking into that. For now, avoid using with ACE. There may be many others. These are just the ones we're very aware of. Feel free to PM me with any bugs you find outside of these ones. FOR MAKING WORK WITH ACE Thanks to Bamse for pointing this out. Remove these 6 .pbo files in order to avoid conflict with ACE. ace_javelin.pbo ace_laser.pbo ace_laser.pbo ace_laser_selfdesignate.pbo ace_laserpointer.pbo ace_missileguidance.pbo ace_yardarge450.pbo THANK YOU! PLEASE ENJOY OUR MOD!
  2. We've been expecting you, have you been expecting us?" - LT. Blake Do you have what it takes to become one of the most elite warriors in the world? Our Navy SEAL/s are highly trained in every aspect of Arma 3, from advanced sniping, to surviving in the arctic, to blowing up chain explosives. To become part of us, you must first go through the infamous BUD/s training, specially designed by one of our own members of ST2. IF you manage to pass BUD/s, you will then be sent to SQT (SEAL Qualification Training) which will test your skills even further than BUD/s. After passing SQT's, you are considered part of us and will be able to attend our classified operations. "The risk is high, but the reward is great here in SEAL Team 2" - LT. Blake The operations we conduct are custom made and are made to be hardcore and challenging. These operations are amazingly made but are extremely difficult to complete without a solid SEAL Team. Our Operations include: HALO and HAHO Insertions Fast extractions via multiple helicopter variations Desert environments Arctic Environments Woodland Environments Underwater/Maritime operations Recon Operations Fast paced, high action Multiple enemies Multiple variations of enemies 100% seriousness Awesome fun "There will never be a dull moment in Team 2" - LT. Blake SEAL Team 2 strives to entertain their members as much as possible. Being that said, you will rarely find a dull moment within the team, whether it's casual Team jargon, or fast paced action and training on our custom made SEAL Insurgency server. That being said, seriousness and maturity, as well as other rules are highly expected to be followed. You must earn your trident every day, meaning, you could be discharged at any time in our SEAL Team for any mistake you make that is against our rule set. Basic Code Of Conduct: ALWAYS Respect members and guests that are in our teamspeak, in game, on steam, or any other social or gaming media. Use of Foul language MUST be kept to a minimum. Any inappropriate content being shown or posted is strictly prohibited. Keep it clean and respectable. Respect higher ranks and their orders (within reason) as they are a higher rank for a reason. NSF reserve the right to discharge any member within the unit that is an NCO at anytime for any reason. If there is disagreement within the unit, this MUST be brought up to the CO and XO whom will then have the final say no matter the circumstances. "Banter" "Jargon" or any other sort of joking is permitted as long as it is controlled and non-offensive to anyone within the unit. You must try your hardest and best while in an operation. Some sense of Seriousness must be kept present within your behavior while on our ts3, or our game server. Any sort of hacking, scripting, or cheating is prohibited within our game server at any time. You will be a role model to others. You will earn your trident every day. CO and XO Reserve the right to modify this COC at any time and put it into effect at any time. If you think you can abide by our COC, you might have a chance at being part of us. "We promise you fairness" - LT. Blake SEAL Team 2 has a large selection of roles available at all times and are able to be applied for. Below is a list of roles within our unit. Squad Leader Rifleman Explosive Specialist Marksman Lead Breacher Heavy Weapons Operator Communicator Close Air Support Corpsman Point-man/Navigator Primary Driver/Navigator Explosive Ordnance Disposal Advanced Special Operations Sniper Spotter As you can see, we have quite the selection of roles to choose from. Teamspeak 3 Server: ts80.gameservers.com:9202 Website: www.SEALTeam2.enjin.com Well, what are you waiting for? MAN UP AND JOIN THE SEAL/s!
  3. Are you getting exhausted of hard-line milsim groups? Is Altis Life driving you insane? Do you just want to enjoy military combat in a relaxed environment? Then BromA is the place for you! WHAT IS BROMA? BromA is a veteran group founded in 2010 by a band of anonymous image board users which primarily used it for playing Arma 2. Over the years the group grew, broadened its demographic, and reshaped its playing experience to its current state, that being a seasoned group of skilled, but easy-going Arma 3 players. WHAT KIND OF A COMMUNITY IS BROMA? The easiest way to describe BromA would be to call it a relaxed, easy-going community. The mod roster is broad and non-specific, the mission makers are focused on creating a fun and colorful array of operations with a wide variety of factions, the players have a casual, fraternal attitude to one another, but everyone attempts to remains organized during operations, allowing us to behave like a casual group, while putting the skills of a milsim group in practice during operations. HOW DO YOU ORGANIZE UNITS? While there is a structure of Admins and Moderators, there is no coherent rank structure in-game. Groups are organized in the setup screen for each different operation. There are few bars of entry for anyone trying to change their role; Provided enough motivation and courage, yesterday's rifleman can be a tomorrow's platoon leader! Be sure, however, to listen to slotting recommendations/orders of the operation's leader. WHAT IF I'M AN UNSKILLED PLAYER? Don't worry: in BromA we accept players of all backgrounds and competences, as long as their attitude is up to par; If players however need some help learning the game itself, we have semi-regular Training Sessions where newbies can learn the ropes in a very relaxed and casual environment - we believe that this is a game where the more you know, the more fun you can have. WHAT KIND OF MISSIONS/OPS DO YOU PLAY? CAN I MAKE MISSIONS? The majority of missions and operations in BromA are COOP, though a certain amount of TVT and COTVT (where some players are enemies alongside the AI) are also present. They typically last 1-3 hours each. Sometimes longer missions are left running until the next session, or are split into longer campaign segments. All of them are built on the Broma Mark 3 Mission Framework, an in-house dynamic framework which can be configured for creating any kind of a mission. As it is very easy to learn and master, anyone can request a folder of the framework and use it to create new missions for the group. WHEN DO YOU PLAY MISSIONS? Missions are played on 20:00 GMT every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. Though, depending on the amount of new missions, changes to the server, PWS breaking, mods breaking, and Arma 3 breaking, pre-determined schedules may change. Always track the Steam Group and the TS3 channel for further info. Missions start after Pre-Ops, which are 30 minute to 1 hour sessions in a playground which give players time to try out equipment, mess around, and prepare for the incoming operation. Mandatory attendance is not required. You can also get on the server outside of scheduled mission times and re-play or test missions. CAN I JOIN THIS GROUP? Of course! The bar of entry is pretty low: Simply joining the TS3 server and the Arma 3 server upon game time is all that is needed. The correct attitude, however, is a must. It is expected from every newcomer to adapt to the language and behavior of BromA members, which may at times be acid, cynical and overtly banterous; But the spirit of friendship and camaraderie which surround the group makes it all worth it. WHAT DO I NEED TO PLAY WITH BROMA? 1. Arma 3. The DLC is entirely optional, but expect Tanoa to be mandatory upon release. 2. PlayWithSix. While it is regarded as bad and unreliable, it is the only current way of handling the BromA mod repo. 3. Broma Repo. Use the following link in your browser to acquire the mod list: pws://broma.co.uk\repo_a3\broma_a3.yml 4. TS3. All operational comms and player interaction is handled through TFAR. 5. Functional microphone. While talking is not mandatory, you cannot assume leadership roles without a microphone. 6. Time to attend any of the scheduled ops. 7. Being a good sport. WHAT ARE THE RULES? 1. Micspamming only with moderation and common-sense. 2. Intended friendly fire and medical overdosing is not allowed. 3. Command mismanagement and incompetence is punished by being banned from assuming FTL, SL, PL, and specialist roles. 4. Hacking is not allowed. 5. Grudges and attacks on other players are to be settled with admins present outside of ops. DO YOU HAVE WEBSITES/SERVERS? The following is a list where you can find BromA media, information, data, and game servers: http://bro.ma - The BromA Website. http://steamcommunity.com/groups/broma3- The BromA Steam Group Page. bro.ma - Arma 3 Server IP - The entry password is "nofun" bro.ma - Teamspeak 3 IP - The entry password is "allowed" pws://broma.co.uk/repo_a3/broma_a3.yml - The PWS Mod Repo Thank you for your attention. Be sure to check the group out and see new updates and content in this thread!
  4. Hello fellow Arma People, since a little bit now I have that arma 2 and 3 are running as a background app When I launch the game with the launcher it does the splash screen where it loads all the modules ect, and then arma 3 moves to the background. I have done 2 complete reinstals making sure no files are left behind anywhere (appdata/documents ect) but still no joy. I am running this through steam. I have tried launching it manualy with arma3.exe in the root folder bot still, no joy. for all that I know I have done everything I can, so I'm asking you guys for help. cheers, EDIT: I don't have any mods that I am running and here are my system specs: Intel Core i5-3570K @ 4.6 GHz 12GB ram Windows 10 OCZ Vertex 4 SSD 128GB WD 500GB (arma installed on here) 1TB drive (storage) 2x MSI Radeon HD 7870 2GB GDDR5 OC GHZ edition OCZ 600W power supply DxDiag: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qjhsx7c8k1cs5av/DxDiag.txt?dl=0
  5. theweresloth

    ARMA LAN w/ Casual friends

    I'm in the awkward situation of being a fan of ARMA, but having friends who aren't into it enough to buy it. I went to great lengths to work up some missions in ARMA 2 Free, but it's pretty limited and I have to do all the work (since all the custom missions people make are for the full game). I could go on, but whining isn't the point of this post. The idea occurred to me, "Wouldn't it be great if BIS released a limited multiplayer-client-only version of ARMA III so that I could host LANs without my friends needing to make a big investment?" In a sense it would be a bit like F2P, giving people who do pay more people to play with, and allowing more people to see what they're missing without needing to pay up front. Anyone else think this is a fine idea? (or have other options for me and my LAN dreams?)
  6. -Providing something new to the RP community- Divinity Gaming will be opening a new server that will excel in the community or RP, as we are using some very special mods to help push the RP experience that players can enjoy. Our team has been working around the clock to build up a server that will explore the Aussie map, combined with the custom Arma Life RPG infrastructure. A custom mod that takes players into a whole new RP environment. It was our mission to provide something bigger, something better and something new. With custom content, mods, designs and opportunities, we are here to provide to you what others can't, a great RP experience. We have brought together a strong, passionate and driven team of developers who are here to provide you with the greatest RP experience, it's our goal/mission to listen to our community, take feedback and provide them with the responses they deserve. Our staff team is under strict regulations to provide you with the support you need, the direction you seek and the help you require. Civilian White-listing This will ensure our community holds the best of the best, seeking out those who care and being rid of those who don't. Custom Content We provide custom content to our player, which include cars, clothes, buildings, weapons, etc. Strict Law Enforcement We have see a lot of corrupt forces, and we will not allow that to become an issue. Our law enforcement will be under strict guidelines & training Role-Play Experiences No more being stuck on what to do, we are going to provide players chances to seek out much more RP opportunities that don't revolve around violence, killing, kidnapping, robbing, etc. "MORE" is our motivation and the answer to a great RP experience. Companies We will allow our players to create companies that can access the ability to push RP to a higher level, gain the power to run a corporation, and provide players a fun and entertaining RP experience. Gangs Gangs can either cause havoc or join forces to help protect and serve. Or maybe your goal is to build an empire to control areas of the map. We will provide gangs who seek it, the opportunity to own their own gang hideouts/HQ's, which can be equipped with discounted stores, garages, etc. Houses We have a lot of opportunities for houses ranging from a small apartment to a mansion, players can use their hard earned money to purchase the luxury life within the server. It's your money, and you want it now! So do what you'd like. Airports Our server is using a massive map, meaning who got the time to drive when you can fly? Open up an airline to help transport civilians across the vast map. Operate private jest for those of higher class and be part of a growing business. The sky now becomes your world! Government Feeling like becoming a government official? Well our server will run on a strict and expansive Government system. Players can run for President, Governor, Congress, etc. To help establish new laws/rules, decide where funding goes, etc. The server will start with a certain amount of money supplied to the Government, they will decide where it goes (Business Spending, Emergency Upgrades, City expansions, etc.) Opportunities for growth It doesn't all stop there, we have great opportunities for players to grow in the community from member to Head Admin. We like to see those involved push themselves further, being able to be rewarded for their hard work and dedication to our community. Join us today! - Staff Positions are open TeamSpeak: | Website: Divinity Gaming Status of Server In-Development, public launch coming within this coming week 09/3/2015 - 09/13/2015 CHECK IT OUT! PROMO VIDEO PROMO VIDEO 2 |CIVILIAN| Vehicles have been updated Clothing has been updated Sounds/Audio have been updated (cars, sirens, weapons, atmosphere, etc.) New system has been put into place
  7. Visual Studio Code SQF Language v1.0.6 Lastest update: 22.10.2018 Microsoft Visual Studio Code is a new, but already very known Code Editor. Works on Linux, OS X and Windows. Now in the Visual Studio Marketplace -> Report bugs, ask questions or make suggestions <- Supported Products: Operation Flashpoint [OFP], Operation Flashpoint: Resistance ArmA, ArmA 2, ArmA 3 (DLCs & Extensions included) Take On Helicopters [ToH] Community Based Addons [CBA], ACE Easy Installation (Recommended) Download Visual Studio Code. Open the Editor and click on the extension icon to your left ( ) Enter "SQF" and hit enter Select "SQF Language" and click on "Install" Enjoy Manual Installation Only use this guide if the installation over the extension manager and/or marketplace isn't working! Download VS Code Download the latest release from GitHub ( https://github.com/Armitxes/VSCode_SQF/releases ) Install Visual Studio Code Navigate to your VS Code extension Folder. Windows: %USERPROFILE%\.vscode\extensions Mac/Linux: $HOME/.vscode/extensions In the plugins folder, you create a folder called Armitxes.SQF, if you have it already delete all files inside! Inside the Armitxes.SQF folder you then unzip the sources you obtained from GitHub That's it, now simply (re-)start Visual Studio Code (or just "Code") and it's done :) With VS Code, every folder is a project! To open your SQF Project simply go on File->Open Folder and choose your mission/mod folder. Feel free to ask any questions, aswell the Code of the GitHub Project was now simplified several times by me and is open for everyone for contribution! Cheers, Armitxes
  8. In modules, I'm trying to use Set Position/Rotation, however the module will not let me change "Rotation" from Yes to No for some reason. I have all the objects pointed in their own directions and I was wondering if there was a reason why this module won't let me change it to not force rotation. http://i.imgur.com/xFPFEnR.jpg (147 kB)
  9. build 1.63.130810 has just been released on Steam in Beta branch for Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead Engine: Data: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?191811 note: this is newer than released 'stable' 1.63 ! warning: as data differs to stable 1.63 it might cause issues on some servers / mods - please tell mission authors/mod creators/server owners to work on support new data before it become new stable
  10. UPDATE: In case you missed the End Game Multiplayer livestream, you can now watch the on Arma 3's official YouTube Channel. Plus, if you want to try out End Game yourself, you can play Arma 3 for free this weekend on Steam, and pick it up with a massive 50% discount! ------------------------------------ This Thursday, May 7 at 18:30 UTC - live from Bohemia Interactive HQ, the Arma 3 devteam is hosting a special End Game livestream! Introducing the brand new End Game multiplayer mode - which was recently released in a free platform update, members of the Arma 3 devteam and community will be sent into battle to fight for victory in a 'best out of 3' multiplayer session. Special guests include End Game's Multiplayer Designer Nelson Duarte and Arma 3's Creative Director Jay Crowe. P.S. Be sure to follow Arma 3 on Twitch and/or set yourself a reminder by joining the event on Arma 3's Facebook Page.
  11. Trying to kick a player from vehicles if they are not crew: _commander = commander _vehicle; _gunner = gunner _vehicle; _driver = driver _vehicle; if ( (!(_commander isKindOf "O_crew_F")) || (!(_commander isKindOf "B_crew_F"))) then { _commander action ["GetOut",_vehicle]; }; if ( (!(_gunner isKindOf "O_crew_F")) || (!(_gunner isKindOf "B_crew_F"))) then { _gunner action ["GetOut",_vehicle]; }; if ( (!(_driver isKindOf "O_crew_F")) || (!(_driver isKindOf "B_crew_F"))) then { _driver action ["GetOut",_vehicle]; }; However it kicks the player every time, even if the class is crewman. Something broken on the logic?
  12. therealdoge

    Zeus with Multiplayer

    I figured it out, can this thread be deleted? I had to set the Zeus module owner.
  13. In case you missed it, we now have official Arma 3 Steam Workshop Collections for the Make Arma Not War winners, finalists, and all other entries! *Not all Make Arma Not War contest entries are available on the Steam Workshop. For the full overview, please go to http://makearmanotwar.com/entries.
  14. ***If you do not have a way to view this video in 3D you can turn 3D off and watch it in normal 2D in the settings below the video. For those of you that have 3D glasses, 3DTV or 3D monitor.....prepare for bombs and bullets to fly out of your screen
  15. Similar to the Finalists forum medals, the Make Arma Not War winners should now have an exclusive 'Make Arma Not War Winner' forums medal connected to their Bohemia Interactive forums profile (see examples below). Once again, congratulations to all winners - and a massive thanks to everyone who participated in this contest, as well as the great feedback/discussions/support we've seen in this Make Arma Not War forum thread. For this medal to show up, your Make Arma Not War profile does have to be connected to your Bohemia Interactive profile. If you're a winner and this is not the case, but you would like to have this forum medal, please send me a PM and we can see if we can do this manually. Great weekend everyone - hope to see all of you in today's livestream!
  16. Hello, all! In our small community (40 vs 40) we play custom made hardmode missions without respawn. To make games better I am looking for a script that will allow Platoon Leader to buy vehicles on start: 1. On start Platoon Leader have X points. 2. Platoon Leader can spend this points to spawn vehicles. 3. Every vehicle cost different amount of points, so Platoon Leader may choose what is better for current situation. 4. After Z minutes Platoon Leader loses the ability to spawn vehicles. I am a real noob in scripting. Looking for help or script.
  17. UPDATE: We've announced the winners! http://makearmanotwar.com/winners This Thursday, March 26, we'll reveal the winners in the €500,000 Make Arma Not War contest. EXCITED!
  18. Hello viewers. Lets get straight to the point. This terrain is my very first terrain, I have ever made and got to run successfully in game. So this is a big plus 1 for me. I do not know a bunch of handy techniques of making the terrain look better. So any pointers will help me out a ton :rolleyes: My terrain is not a 100% recreation of Southern Wardak Province, Afghanistan. A lot of towns and roads are custom thought of by me. Features: * Will feature JBAD Buildings (Thanks to Smokedog and Milkman) * Foot patrol paths * 1 pave highway * Multiple dirt roads Work in Progress: * Multiple FOB's and check points * Towns / Villages * Foliage Videos: Click here for more pictures Pictures: Click here for more pictures Note: In the pictures the sat image is blurry, I know. Since this is my first terrain, I didn't want to spend a lot of time in Photoshop to puzzle the map together, just in case if my terrain didn't load in-game or crash. Changelog: To do list: Required addons: JBAD_Buildings -http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=26806 Download Links: ArmaHolic - http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=28535 Mediafire - http://www.mediafire.com/download/yugo6k8nh0gll08/Wardak.rar If their are any recommendations please state them here. Big thanks to: Smokedog and Milkman - For their JBAD Buildings =1stRB= MAJ. Gunner - For assisting me with the config work CAPTNCAPS - For his YouTube video tutorials 1st Ranger Battalion - For support Many thanks :rolleyes:
  19. To provide a more in-depth perspective on development, Bohemia Interactive deployed a two-part series of developer diaries about the upcoming Arma 3 Marksmen DLC. Exploring the new weapons and supporting platform features, in the first . Arma 3's Creative Director Jay Crowe, Project Lead Joris-Jan van ’t Land, and Encoding Lead Petr Kolar discuss the vision behind the Marksmen DLC, its development process, and the contribution it makes to the Arma 3 sandbox. The second developer diary, which we released today, takes a closer look at the new showcase scenarios, training courses and firing drills, Virtual Garage, the new End Game multiplayer mode, and some of the experimental multiplayer systems. More info can be found on the Arma 3 website.
  20. In follow up to the Marksmen Community Challenge, this Saturday March 7th starting at 17:00 UTC, we'll be hosting an exclusive First Look Livestream for the upcoming Arma 3 Marksmen DLC. Straight from Bohemia Interactive HQ in Prague, members of the Arma 3 development team will be showcasing the seven new DLC weapons - alongside much anticipated new features, such as Virtual Garage, weapon resting and bipods, the improved simulation of recoil and suppression, and various enhancements to sound. The session is expected to be about one and a half hour, and will be streamed to the official Arma 3 channel on Twitch. P.S. Be sure to set yourself a reminder and RSVP to the event on Arma 3's Facebook page!
  21. Hello All, Currently a friend and I have been running our server of off one of his machines. While running around 20 gbs of mods, some people are having serious frame rate issues when getting into urban combat with the AI. My assumption is that this is caused by the limits of his machine, because it is not a computer built to be a server host. Just wondering what companies you guys recommend for hosting our server that would give us no issues with loading all the mods and having full control of the missions we can put on. We would only need roughly 10-12 slots as well. Thanks for the help. Dig Doug
  22. Work together to obtain fresh intel on the 7 new weapons in the upcoming Arma 3 Marksmen DLC! What’s your mission? A certain number of all Arma 3 players needs to have unlocked the Bonus Targets achievement on Steam, after which new artwork from the upcoming Marksmen DLC will be declassified on www.arma3.com/marksmen-challenge/. So head over to the firing range, and invite your friends to participate in the challenge. Good luck soldiers! The Marksmen DLC Community Challenge runs from Wednesday February 25th 15:00 CET until March 5th 12:00 CET.
  23. The Make Arma Not War finalists now have an exclusive 'Make Arma Not War Finalist' forums medal connected to their Bohemia Interactive forums profile (see examples below). Hope you guys like it! For this medal to show up, your Make Arma Not War profile does have to be connected to your Bohemia Interactive profile. If you're a finalist and this is not the case, but you would like to have this forum medal, please send me a PM and we can see if we can do this manually. Once again congratulations to all!
  24. Hello everyone! Since the first release of my Island, i have reworked the Mask image few times, but today, i have a very big problems, when i try to generate my mask ( even the satmap or normal map ) Terrain Builder do not generate my titles. The screen where TB say " Generating Mask title " X/36 going super fast ( ~0.5sec ) and say 36 on 36 titles was generated and TB create indeed the layers folder in data but when I go on this folder no files was created ( rvmat, png, paa... ). I wonder if someone have a solution for that ? Thanks :cool:
  25. After evaluating more than 250 entries - with the help from the Arma 3 community, we're excited to reveal the 50 finalists in Bohemia Interactive’s €500,000 Make Arma Not War contest! In the Singleplayer Game Mode category, the finalists were selected by Arma 3 players, who were able to vote for their favorite entries. In the other categories, the finalists were selected by Bohemia Interactive. The entries that have made it into the next round will be evaluated by the Make Arma Not War jury – consisting of Bohemia Interactive representatives and other industry professionals. The winners will be announced in March 2015. Total Modification Addon Multiplayer Game Mode Singleplayer Game Mode The complete list of finalists can be found at www.makearmanotwar.com/finalists Ivan Buchta, Creative Director at Bohemia Interactive: "The Arma community rocks! We received a wide variety of quality content, which made it incredibly challenging for us to select our finalists. Fortunately, we had help in the Singleplayer category, where more than 1,500 Arma 3 players voted for their favorite entries. Not to forget, we also discovered more than 20 eligible candidates for the Health Care In Danger Special Award. With the most exciting part in the contest ahead of us, I wish all of the finalists the best of luck, and look forward to announcing the winners in March!" In the Make Arma Not War contest, Arma 3 content creators compete in four different categories: Total Modification, Singleplayer Game Mode, Multiplayer Game Mode, and Addon. The winner of the Total Modification category will take home €200,000, while in the other categories the prize money is divided between 1st place (€50,000), 2nd place (€30,000), and 3rd place (€20,000) winners. In collaboration with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Bohemia Interactive will also be handing out the Health Care in Danger Special Award (more info). More information about the Make Arma Not War contest, the rules, prizes, and categories is available on http://www.makearma.com.