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Found 13 results

  1. Hi! 🎁 It's me again! I spent all night making the montages for these last 3 posts I hope they will be useful and enjoyable to watch. This time I propose something similar to weapons but which would be on the player's progression directly and forever. The player will have to do a series of different challenges which can be very difficult for some in order to obtain a quantity of points. 🍅 After a certain number of points the player will be offered an outfit for all the efforts he has made 🎁 (this is what many new players tell me because they have no way of obtaining them without paying) The number of points varies depending on the difficulty of the challenges obviously as for example below, an expert challenge could bring 10 points while a novice challenge would only give 3! The challenges would be much more difficult than the seasonal challenges because they would have no time limit to complete them. What do you think? This could really be fun and give even more new features to everyone! 🏆🍅
  2. Hi, I'm playing on PC and I've encountered a progression bug. The early-game main challenge "For Chairty - Donate 200 food to the Charity Box". It is currently stuck at 24/200. I've given more than 200 food since this has occurred and the tracker/challenge hasn't moved. In-game name: davinohunk Thx 😮
  3. Yuuno -fr

    Challenges of the week

    Hi ! Today I propose to be able to have weekly challenges around 10 per week which would be interesting, more difficult and longer than daily challenges which can be completed for a week and which could bring better rewards. What do you think?
  4. SunlessPenny

    Night Mode

    Most Vigor matches take place at dusk or midday times, with some overcast. I think adding a nighttime mode or option would be very enjoyable. Sniping would be interesting as it would take a higher level of skill, shooting in general and spotting enemies would take more time and make more of a challenge. To even out this option, maybe add street lamps every now and then or have maybe lightning that lights up a general area for a couple seconds. A nighttime game mode would definitely make for a harder challenge that I would be down for.
  5. There is a long time until radiation pours in as it is, but I think the time can be extended. Having longer matches can allow for a more steadily paced and strategic game play than one of rushing to get in and out. Having more time in the map will allow for more loot to be grabbed and will make a need for strategic planning as more people will want to be the last ones alive to loot as much as possible. If having the game itself extended doesn't sound fun to some, maybe just adding a game mode like "Extended Encounter". Another thing is maybe less exits (by 1 or 2). Having 4 exits on the map makes it very easy to just hop in grab and go, it doesn't create pressure of survival or a need to be strategic in getting out. Maybe having just 2 exits on each end of the map and then the parkour exit on the side would be better. Making it harder to get out will make people stay in the map longer to loot and go against other slanderous, It would also make a necessity to be strategic as maneuvering to the exit safely would be a challenge. This idea could also be turned into a game mode of it's own, "single-exit" having just one exit, or making it just 2 on each end of the map.
  6. I killed 2 people in two separate encounters, which would have finished out my challenge to kill 10 people with rifles. Received no credit for either kill, recorded last one, definitely had a rifle as did first person. Also killed a couple more until I realized it was glitched, and logged off. Would really like to get this off my challenge screen, please help? Really enjoying the game keep up the great work thanks so much!!! Respectfully, Don
  7. Maybe one of you scripting/geometry gurus can write a script that generates move positions for a particular building model. For a building type, we can currently detect Building Positions, and Doors. But that is not enough positions to calculate a path for a scripted AI to move through (see topic JBOY Scripted Path). What I am hoping is possible, is to do the following: Find External Doors (entrances to buildings). Pick one External Door to be beginning of path. Create position on outside of door (outside building) (Red Marker 1 in screenshots below). Create position inside of building (Red Marker 2) Ray cast around, can entire room be seen from this inside position? Locate interior door or transitions to other rooms by line of sight and capture position. Bottom line, calculate a path as presented in the ordered Red markrs below. Key for screenshots: Yellow markers in door jambs are door positions (which we can get now) Blue markers are Building Positions we can get now (but may be of no use to Scripted AI Paths) Red markers are Positions we hope can be calculated to make a path through a building. They are numbered 1 through N to simulate the path we want AI to travel to clear rooms. For this building, we find an external door, and use that to calculate starting position of path: Two positions should be calculated (one outside door (1), and one inside door(2)). Then we enter the building. From here the layout is analyzed and find that we need to connect to the internal hallway across the room. There is no hard door, but we want a position calculated inside room we are in, and other side of door in hallway (positions 3 and 4 by the internal door). From position 4 we can see the whole hall way so do not have to go further down the hallway. Next we detect that this is a two story building, so we must find the bottom of the stairs (6), the landing corner (7), and the top of the stairs (8). When we know bottom of stairs (6) we need to connect our path from the hallway (4) to bottom of stairs (6). But this cannot be a straight line, because there is a wall blocking line from 4 to 6. So we calculate an intermediate position (5) in the room (so AI can walk from hallway (4) through position (5) then to bottom of stairs (6) -- i.e position 5 can see both 4 and 6 unobstructed). Next we move up to second floor. We have top of stairs position (8). This is a divide room, so position 8 cannot see entire room behind partial wall. So calculate the next position (9) which allows full unobstructed view of upper side room. Once he have position 9 we can see all the upstairs except for side room that has a physical door (position 10). Calculate a position on either side of door (10 and 11). Then AI can enter this 2nd floor side room. Once inside second floor side room (11), we need a position inside room (12) where we can see entire move for clearing. For clearing we may not need position 13 but maybe we want to move there because of the window. Not sure about that. If we were able to calculate all of the above, then an AI could clear every room in this 2 story building. BUT, this building has a back entrance also (see below). So we would want to calcualte a path for walking this building from this alternate entrance also. So beginning position outside door (1), another path is analyzed to walk the same building. Maybe if we already have a path segment for going upstairs, it only needs to calculate new path to position 4. And then it would use the same path segment to go upstairs that was previously calculated. This is some crazy stuff and I don't know if its doable. Maybe one of you cool geniuses out there can do it!!! Good luck!!!!
  8. Ok scripting gurus, we have another challenge for you. I'm working on an AI Scripted Path script to run an AI or AI team through a series of positions in buildings or anywhere else. And @madrussian is working on a badass script to map out all the nodes within any building. The 3rd piece we need is a script to calculate a path between 2 nodes. Path algorithms are well defined and can be found on the web. I like this particular site because it has a well defined example with expected outcomes: http://hansolav.net/sql/graphs.html I've put their example data into 2 SQF arrays; All you have to do is implement the algorithm to find the path between 2 nodes. The expected results are in that website, so when your code calculates the same results, you know it works. Your code should read the above sample input arrays, and calculate the same path as found in the web link. Any takers? Bonus Challenge: Calculate shortest path that touches all nodes. To clear a building, we need to sweep all rooms...that is different than shortest path between 2 nodes. We need to calculate shortest path that allows us to touch all nodes. I'll search for an algorithm for that also. Basically we choose an entry point (starting node), and go from there.
  9. Hello, sorry, if someone already started question like this, but I've been searching and didn't find anything. Well my problem is that I want to copy profile information to another PC...I could easily find the profile in documents/Arma 3 etc. I succesfully transferred profile data of my campaigns, showcases, challenges and settings. Now where is the problem, right? Well, in challenges, I see that I've completed them...but the times are gone! I had all the gold medals in those challenges I completed(all but marksman and helicopters, cos I haven't played the game since they were released) ...And in Virtual reality training, all the training places(explosives, weapons etc) are gone too...but those are not problem, I can easily get them back in a moment....yet the challenges really irritate me, because I spent a lot of time mastering them...If anyone knows where I can find data containing those times, please, tell me, it would be really painful to do them again... ;) Thank you very much Edit: I tried to search everywhere, even in registers, but couldn't find something that might be it.... EDIT2: I've finally found the solution..it is the vars file...somehow it always got reseted when i was playin Arma, but now it works properly and i have my times back...please DELETE THIS THREAD SO IT IS NO LONGER NEEDED
  10. Work together to obtain fresh intel on the 7 new weapons in the upcoming Arma 3 Marksmen DLC! What’s your mission? A certain number of all Arma 3 players needs to have unlocked the Bonus Targets achievement on Steam, after which new artwork from the upcoming Marksmen DLC will be declassified on www.arma3.com/marksmen-challenge/. So head over to the firing range, and invite your friends to participate in the challenge. Good luck soldiers! The Marksmen DLC Community Challenge runs from Wednesday February 25th 15:00 CET until March 5th 12:00 CET.
  11. Hello All, Currently a friend and I have been running our server of off one of his machines. While running around 20 gbs of mods, some people are having serious frame rate issues when getting into urban combat with the AI. My assumption is that this is caused by the limits of his machine, because it is not a computer built to be a server host. Just wondering what companies you guys recommend for hosting our server that would give us no issues with loading all the mods and having full control of the missions we can put on. We would only need roughly 10-12 slots as well. Thanks for the help. Dig Doug
  12. As a follow up and an extension to today's ARMA3 tweet I'd dare to challenge you all - show me how mad your Firing Drills skillz are :devil: Post your results - ideally a screenshot taken at the end of your run or a video as an ultimate proof! Competitive only. Try hard and keep it fair! [TABLE=class: grid, align: center] [TR] [TD][/TD] [TD]COMPETITOR [/TD] [TD]TIME [/TD] [TD]COMPETITOR [/TD] [TD]TIME [/TD] [TD]COMPETITOR [/TD] [TD]TIME [/TD] [TD]COMPETITOR [/TD] [TD]TIME [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]1st [/TD] [TD]Triggerman [/TD] [TD]01:33.168 [/TD] [TD]Triggerman [/TD] [TD]00:50.383 [/TD] [TD]Sneakson[/TD] [TD]00:38.244[/TD] [TD]rakowozz[/TD] [TD]00:38.711[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]2nd [/TD] [TD]Sneakson[/TD] [TD]01:33.294 [/TD] [TD]rakowozz[/TD] [TD]00:52.005 [/TD] [TD]rakowozz[/TD] [TD]00:41.247[/TD] [TD]Sneakson[/TD] [TD]00:38.757[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]3rd [/TD] [TD]ShocknAwe[/TD] [TD]01:34.486[/TD] [TD]Sneakson[/TD] [TD]00:53.539[/TD] [TD]runekn[/TD] [TD]00:48.940[/TD] [TD]EvenLease[/TD] [TD]00:46.015[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] I will try to keep the track and update the leader-board table manually.
  13. hey guys im having trouble setting up my mission :( im trying everything logical and it just isnt working. anyway this is what the problem is. i have a set up of 1 hostage named h1 and i have put in his init line "this setcaptive true;" and i have placed him inside a building with a opfor unit guarding him. i have placed a trigger with the activation as blufor not present (if he runs off for example) on activation ---- "h1 setcaptive false" however... when i run out of the trigger area they are still oblivious to me and will not shoot me. i want to make a mission where i have to escape an enemy camp :) ---------- Post added at 15:23 ---------- Previous post was at 14:20 ---------- this is why i hate scripting...