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Found 232 results

  1. FNskyline

    Xbox mods

    So my mods keep uninstalling, which wouldn’t be a big deal but they take all day to download. Im trying to play the darkgru #5 server. I have them saved to preset, but that hasn’t helped. Anything I could be doing wrong?
  2. I cant connect to arma servers from xbox series s, i deleted mods by xbox menu, but when i try to open game its texts me about synchronization of data, and xbox showing 24gb of my mods that they still be, but arma shows that theres 0 of them, and often i cant even check it in workshop bcs its texts me network issue and 999+, when i finally somehow connect to arma servers and go in workshop i see my mods and see that everyone from then is 0 bytes, i redownloaded arma and thats still be, i rebooted xbox, rebooted wi-fi, i even resected xbox to factory settings, but thats problem still be UPD: I dont have live gold on mane account, i have it on second account
  3. I'll keep it short and sweet, I want an m79 pirate gun like in pic but with a few differences, single weapon mod and I'm wondering if there is A. anyone willing to do this B. how much would it cost to have done?
  4. (sorry if this is in the wrong place I made an account just so I could ask about this I'm losing my mind with this issue) Ok so I'm literally so desperate I cant find any help apart from two obscure reddit/steam posts which have something I can do but its a last ditch effort. (high end pc, nothing to do with my performance; cpu: r7 7800x3d gpu: 3070 ram: 32gb 6000mhz ddr5 ssd: 2tb 7400mbps nvme drive) So my issue is that when I'm in menus, my displayed fps (according to Nvidia, steam and msi fps counters) is 200+ yet my screen is displaying like less than 5 and sometimes I don't even get 2 fps. It mainly happens in the menus and I can actually select things by alt tabbing, putting my cursor over the option, tabbing back in, pressing the button then redoing that cycle every time I want to select something. In arsenal (ace/virtual) my fps once again says 200+ but displays extremely low, it fixes when I look at the sky however not helpful when I'm trying to make a kit for my unit/just use the arsenal for anything. I've tried changing tons of parameters, tried profiling branch, main branch, system memory limits, hyperthreading blah blah just pretty much all settings in the parameters and all memory allocators. The last ditch effort things were to reinstall arma and clean install windows 11. Both of those I am willing to do however I'd prefer to not have to. I accidentally reset arma somehow and it fixed itself, however it removed all my binds etc. I am wondering whether it was shader caches or something idk but this is why I'm asking. A couple things as well: - I am in a unit and mainly play with a lot of mods HOWEVER nobody else in the unit has these issues and also the issues happen with 0 mods, 1 mod whatever, it just always happens -At Christmas I basically built a new pc (same drives as old one, just unplug and plugged into new pc) and then I got a new drive a month later, reinstalled arma onto that drive and didnt work. -Windows 11 hasn't been reinstalled since i made new pc -Doesnt happen on any other games including games on this same drive and happened when arma was on my other drive aswell. - i have reshade but once again it used to work fine now it doesnt and other people have my same preset and worse pcs, it works for them. any help at all would be really appreciated!
  5. Hey Guys, I have started a server with "Faster" and I wanted to play Antistasi Altis. The problem is we wanted to play it with some RHS mods (RHSGREF, RHSAFRF, RHSUSAF;). I installed and deployed the mods. But it still doesnt work. Everytime I try to join the server I get the error "Addon "rhsgref_airweapons" requires addon "rhs_main" ". Then I tried it without the RHS mods only with the advanced towing. Then it works but as soon as I want to join the server I get the key is not accepted by the server error. Even tho I cleared the old keys and copied the new ones (only the advanced towing mod). I tried so many things for like the last 10 hours. The server keys aint working and the RHS mods aint working as well. (And sorry if my english sucks. Is not my native language).
  6. Hello, I was wondering if there was still any place I could find mods for ArmA2/OA. Thank you.
  7. when i try to load a saved game inside my server it loads a mission i no longer have saved. I've tried deleting all my saved games and starting from scratch but it will still load the same thing.
  8. Hi, I'd like to be able to install more mods on arma Reforger. Unfortunately the mods are installed on my SSD (C:) where I've run out of space, and I'd like to be able to install the mods on my other disk. As arma 3 worked with the workshop, I had no problem, but now I can't find a way to change the directory.
  9. Hey, me again, There is a strange issue with my game, and I found no info about any bug resembling it while searching on the internet. I noticed that I was always get the same music when in the main menu (Through the Jungle - Apex DLC). I first thought that it came from one of the mods I was using, so I unloaded them all to find which one replaced the OG soundtrack. However, upon launching the game, the icons of the mods I used and the DLC I owned still appeared at the bottom of the screen, and the "you are using a modified version of the game" text appeared on loading screens. The mods that did not add any content, but rather slightly modified the game were still active (ex: no weapons sway), while those that added vehicles and units were absent. I then proceeded to unsubscribe from these mods on the workshop, then launched again using the "play without mods or optional DLC" button. This time, the icons for the DLC appeared, as well as the Steam IDs for the mods I used. I also still got the same music that seems to be exclusive to the Apex DLC in the same menu. However, the text did no longer appear on loading screens. The effects of the mods could still be observed. I deleted every Workshop file, the IDs disappeared, but the effects were the same as before. I reinstalled the game twice on 2 disks, deleted every file that had a connection to ArmA, to no avail. I even went as far as reinstalling Steam entirely. At this point I have no idea what to do about it. Is this an issue that some among you have faced / fixed, or is my PC cursed ? Optionally, is there a way to get the good music back in the menu even while using the DLC? (this one) If any other info is needed, I'll be happy to provide. Thanks in advance, Cheers. PS: Sorry if the language I use doesn't get to the point quickly enough, I'm Czech, so it's a bit tough speaking about technical stuff.
  10. Hi! I`m looking about how to make modded vehicles able to be requested by blayers on "light vehicle maintenance point" and "heavy vehicle maintenance point". I turned on few mods with vehicles and can spawn them from hamemaster menu but not with maintenance point.
  11. Does anyone know how I can add a customized head in Arma 3? I already have it ready for import, but I'm not sure of the steps to follow. The neck was derived from the default Arma 3 head model, but it's configured. What I don't know is how to transfer it to Arma 3. https://imgur.com/a/4BWloWn
  12. Is there any mods that increase weapons smoke effect when firing, not muzzle flash more like muzzle smoke/gas when firing guns? If no then is there any way too increase that effect?
  13. Im doing a custom bullpup AK, but looking at the samples I see some parts of the model has vertex groups with a name... But I dont if I have to make only one OBJ file to export at OB with vertex groups or shall I make the body OBJ and seperated the bolt as other OBJ but put both OBJs in a single file in Object Builder? (this applies to my muzzle, mag and other parts that are animated? I want to use the MSBS animations) EDIT EXTRA QUESTION: Is there any kind of proxy that allows the character to take the grip? Or I need to make my bullpup fit in the sample given in arma 3 samples?
  14. Hello, I want to make a scope pack with a lot of optics. But Im confused about how to do it. Looking at arma samples... I dont know if I have to seperate the lens from the tube or its another texture slot... So... How a scope should be modeled? Is there any guide or video where explains how to do it? Im using blender!
  15. Hi, Im trying to setup a server with some mods. Initally I started the server without mods and worked fine but now i keep getting this error and i can't find a solution: $ ./arma3server -mod="@CMBA_A3;@cupterrainscore;@LAMBS_Turrets;@LAMBS_Suppression;@LAMBS_Danger;@ace;@ACRE2;@ACRE_Animations;@dui_squadradar;@FOW_ACRE2_compatibility;@FrenchArmyS-35_MediumTankStandaloneMod;@IFA3_ACRE2_compatibility;@IFA3_AIO;@IronFrontArmA3-ACE3_compatibility_patch;@ironfrontarma3-facesofwar_compatibility_patch;@KAT-AdvancedMedical@NavalLegends;@ZeusEnhanced;@ZeusImmersionSounds;" -port=2302 -name="SM90 Mission" -config="server.cfg" OUTPUT: 12:47:18 Could not enable linux core dumps. Error 1 - X�����P�� 12:47:18 SteamAPI initialization failed. Steam features won't be accessible! 12:47:18 Initializing stats manager. 12:47:18 Stats config disabled. 12:47:18 sessionID: 7f9b501a2a8769a95a0b08035917bd8ab1efb263 ErrorMessage: Cannot open file '/home/steam/.local/share/Steam/steamcmd/arma3/@FrenchArmyS-35_MediumTankStandaloneMod\addons\gr_s35' Application terminated intentionally 12:47:22 ../lib/Network/networkServer.cpp ClearNetServer:NOT IMPLEMENTED - briefing! Cannot open file '/home/steam/.local/share/Steam/steamcmd/arma3/@FrenchArmyS-35_MediumTankStandaloneMod\addons\gr_s35' 12:47:22 Critical:Destroying running thread! 12:47:22 Critical:Destroying running thread! 12:47:22 Critical:Destroying running thread! 12:47:22 Critical:Destroying running thread! 12:47:22 Critical:Destroying running thread! 12:47:22 Critical:Destroying running thread! 12:47:22 Extensions: Thank You
  16. Hello everyone, I'm wondering if anyone has seen the issue that I am having with my game. When I load everything up and then go to the Workshop in order to find mods, etc., I am only seeing 2 pages of content. I have a first page and only like 3 things on the next page and that is it. My friend has over 100 pages of content when he loads his up. I'm trying to load up a scenario that he created and I can't find it due to the lack of pages and it will not find it if I search for it. Has anyone seen this before, and if so, how do I fix it? I have tried to re-install the game and do a verify of the game and that doesn't fix it. I really don't want to have to reinstall Steam as I have quite a few games installed and do not want to have to reinstall all of them again. Thanks!
  17. Everytime I try to load into a game with mods enabled I get "compile error. Can't compile "game" script module" from the xbox UI, then the game tells me it failed to start with selected mods. I've tried restarting, deleting mods and downloading one at a time, nothing seems to work and the forums I've seen are for a different error screen or PC. Is there something I'm missing to run mods? I only play coop scenarios at the moment by myself
  18. I am using a 400mbps internet speed but my download speed in Arma Reforger is still very slow. the server I am joining only has about 2.9gb of mods to download but its taking forever for me to join and to download all the files. all my friends doesnt seem to have any issue and were on the internet provider so I don't think that is the issue. if anyone know how to fix this, please help. it is very irritating.
  19. Hi all, I trying to make a custom mission using CUP Terrains and RHS US and Russia weapons, and after making a custom loadout my AI won't respawn with their main weapon, just a pistol. They have everything else from their custom loadout and the method I've used has worked perfectly before so I'm unsure what the issue is. I've created the description.ext, onPlayerKilled.sqf and onPlayerRespawn.sqf and put in the necessary code which has worked before. Any help will be appreciated. Also the code for onPlayerKilled is p1 setVariable["Saved_Loadout_p1",getUnitLoadout p1]; p2 setVariable["Saved_Loadout_p2",getUnitLoadout p2]; p3 setVariable["Saved_Loadout_p3",getUnitLoadout p3]; p4 setVariable["Saved_Loadout_p4",getUnitLoadout p4]; p5 setVariable["Saved_Loadout_p5",getUnitLoadout p5]; p6 setVariable["Saved_Loadout_p6",getUnitLoadout p6]; p7 setVariable["Saved_Loadout_p7",getUnitLoadout p7]; p8 setVariable["Saved_Loadout_p8",getUnitLoadout p8]; And for onPlayerRespawn removeAllWeapons p1; removeAllWeapons p2; removeAllWeapons p3; removeAllWeapons p4; removeAllWeapons p5; removeAllWeapons p6; removeAllWeapons p7; removeAllWeapons p8; removeGoggles p1; removeGoggles p2; removeGoggles p3; removeGoggles p4; removeGoggles p5; removeGoggles p6; removeGoggles p7; removeGoggles p8; removeHeadgear p1; removeHeadgear p2; removeHeadgear p3; removeHeadgear p4; removeHeadgear p5; removeHeadgear p6; removeHeadgear p7; removeHeadgear p8; removeVest p1; removeVest p2; removeVest p3; removeVest p4; removeVest p5; removeVest p6; removeVest p7; removeVest p8; removeUniform p1; removeUniform p2; removeUniform p3; removeUniform p4; removeUniform p5; removeUniform p6; removeUniform p7; removeUniform p8; removeAllAssignedItems p1; removeAllAssignedItems p2; removeAllAssignedItems p3; removeAllAssignedItems p4; removeAllAssignedItems p5; removeAllAssignedItems p6; removeAllAssignedItems p7; removeAllAssignedItems p8; clearAllItemsFromBackpack p1; clearAllItemsFromBackpack p2; clearAllItemsFromBackpack p3; clearAllItemsFromBackpack p4; clearAllItemsFromBackpack p5; clearAllItemsFromBackpack p6; clearAllItemsFromBackpack p7; clearAllItemsFromBackpack p8; removeBackpack p1; removeBackpack p2; removeBackpack p3; removeBackpack p4; removeBackpack p5; removeBackpack p6; removeBackpack p7; removeBackpack p8; p1 setUnitLoadout(p1 getVariable["Saved_Loadout_p1",[]]); p2 setUnitLoadout(p2 getVariable["Saved_Loadout_p2",[]]); p3 setUnitLoadout(p3 getVariable["Saved_Loadout_p3",[]]); p4 setUnitLoadout(p4 getVariable["Saved_Loadout_p4",[]]); p5 setUnitLoadout(p5 getVariable["Saved_Loadout_p5",[]]); p6 setUnitLoadout(p6 getVariable["Saved_Loadout_p6",[]]); p7 setUnitLoadout(p7 getVariable["Saved_Loadout_p7",[]]); p8 setUnitLoadout(p8 getVariable["Saved_Loadout_p8",[]]);
  20. I believe this feature could improve the current situation of the game, many players have difficulties to download modifications and load them in the game to play on modified servers. Do you think it's worth making this change in arma 3 or implementing this feature in a future game?
  21. Hello I used to run an arma 3 community and I am in the process of rebuilding my server rack. I used to run a kaby lake i5 processor with 16gb of DDR4 3000mhz ram for our old server in the same conditions. I have heard that arma 3 does not use multithreading so that feature would be useless? do older processors work well? If I used my Hyve Zeus with 64GB of DDR3 Ram and two Intel Xeon E5-2695 (12 cores each per processor) would that work beautifully or am I better off running a server with the newest raptor lake processor the i9 13900K ? I want a beefy server that can handle a lot of mods. Let me know your recommendations, Thank you!
  22. Someone pls halp, I am hosting one of the only populated servers in the game right now and I have been racking my brain trying to implement a custom scenario/map. I have applied the proper formatting for the mod in my config JSON file to no avail. "mods": [ { "modId": "5A54BB9103829754", "name": "BARZAN", "version": "1.3.0" }, What am I doing wrong? Right now, I suspect it is not possible at the moment but I am persistent and want to deliver a fresh experience for my community. Thank you for any clarification.
  23. Hi, I'm trying to make a scenario which involves the Irish Air Corps and I was wondering if there was any mods for the CN-235 or anything that looks similar. Thanks.
  24. Hi, I am new to using mods and I got the ZEN mod from github, but I don't know how to install it, please help