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  1. - Bohemia Interactive, creators of the critically acclaimed Arma series and the standalone version of DAYZ, today announce the €500,000 Make Arma Not War content creation contest for Arma 3. With cash prizes ranging from €20,000 to €200,000, spread across four different categories, Bohemia Interactive challenges people to deliver their best work yet - and potentially move onto the radar of hundreds of thousands of Arma 3 players. Using the game as their platform, people can compete in four different categories: Total Modification, Singleplayer Game Mode, Multiplayer Game Mode, and Addon. The headline prize will be awarded to the winner of the Total Modification category, where the sole victor will be taking home €200,000. In the other categories, prize money is divided between 1st place (€50,000), 2nd place (€30,000), and 3rd place (€20,000). Projects which show a lot of potential might also be offered a contract by Bohemia Interactive, whether they have won the contest or not. “We’re delighted to be running a contest of such an incredible scope. The Make Arma Not War contest was brought to life to support our dedicated community of content creators, and stimulate the exciting culture of creativity that has formed over the yearsâ€, said Ivan Buchta, Creative Director at Bohemia Interactive, and one of the contest organizers. “Of course, with the stakes being this high, we’re expecting people to raise the bar – and we hope Arma 3 players will be there with us, to boost morale, and enjoy the fruits of the contestants’ hard labor.†In addition to the €500,000 in cash prizes, Bohemia Interactive is also proud to announce a unique collaboration with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), who will be handing out the Health Care in Danger Special Award. Given to the entry which covers the topic of ‘health care in danger’ the best, the winner(s) will go on a one-week trip to an ICRC mission in a foreign country, organized by the ICRC. While the application period is scheduled to open in 2014, people are already welcome to start working on their project. The closing date for submissions is October 28, 2014, after which a jury of Bohemia Interactive representatives and other industry professionals will begin to evaluate the finalists in each category (10 in the Total Modification/Multiplayer Game Mode/Addon categories, 20 in the Singleplayer Game Mode category). The winners will be announced on January 15, 2015. More details, including how people can cast their vote and support their favorite projects, are to be announced at a later date. “With the launch of the first Arma game in 2001, we’ve laid the foundation for our series’ long-standing history in user-content and modifications. It has led us to enjoy many amazing creations, among which is the popular DAYZ modâ€, said Bohemia Interactive’s CEO Marek Spanel. “Support for mod-making has always been a priority, and with Arma 3, our goal is to take it to the next level. The Make Arma Not War contest, as well as Arma 3’s integration of the Steam Workshop, the updated EULAs, and our refreshed Arma 3 tool suite, is all part of this effort. We can’t wait to see what comes from it!†The rules for the contest, which also includes information on dates, prizes, and categories, can be found on www.makearmanotwar.com. The Make Arma Not War website will be updated regularly, starting with additional instructions on how to apply in the beginning of next year. Last but not least, to stay up to date with the latest developments, people can sign up for the Make Arma Not War newsletter. Important announcements regarding the contest will also be communicated via the official Arma 3 social channels (Facebook, Twitter).
  2. Hello modders! Bohemia Interactive a.s. has released sample files and data from their games for the community, to learn from examples, base their own creations on the existing content, and expand the Armaverse. These packs include configuration files, material files, 3D models, textures, animations as well as complete game data in the form of PBOs. The public data packages are released under Bohemia Interactive's content licenses, established to support the creative community evolving around its titles, and to set clear rules for the use of both Bohemia Interactive's and user-made content. Note that previous releases of sample model packages are replaced by the new ones, with new licenses applied to the content. You can learn more including the download links at http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Public_Data. We recommend to download the data using our torrents. Due to high demand the direct download links may be overloaded. Overview of the packages: Arma 1 Sample Models - Re-release of the Arma 1 complete sample models pack under new licenses, in ZIP archives divided according to the licenses applied. Arma 2 Sample Models - The pack of sample models and animations from Arma 2 and its expansions; contains unbinarized models, configs, model configs, RVMATs and scripts from Arma 2 including all DLCs in ZIP archives divided according to the licenses applied. Arma Licensed Data Pack - Binarized data from the Arma series (from CWC to A2:CO) in PBO files. The purpose of this package is to clearly identify which game data is licensed for public use and modification, and what are the related conditions and requirements. Sahrani Community Package - This archive contains source data for the Sahrani island from Arma 1 (Armed Assault), licensed under (APL-SA). Take On Helicopters Data Pack - Binarized data from the Take On Helicopters series in PBO files. Happy editing, folks! :)
  3. we need a tool or commands to adjust rgb values in configs in realtime ingame! i dont know how much work it would take to make it but until there might be official tools, if someone is able to create an notepad++ (or similar editor) plugin hat has 1. a direct preview function for rgb values and 2. can convert decimal to 255/255 rgb values automaticlly. just my humble and desperate request but i think this would also be a very handy tool for every mapmaker to easily addapt the island lighting to the specific geographical characteristics of the custom terrain. maybe this would be helpfull as well http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=10776
  4. Arma 3 Assets Navigating through 1000+ game objects can be a mess. To help you with finding a soldier, vehicle, object, item, weapon or magazine you want, we're going to maintain an official library of Arma 3 Assets on the Community Wiki. Entries are cross-linked, so you can easily access soldier's equipment, weapon accessories or addons they all belong to. Preview images are attached to every object and item with model, so you can check them without even starting the game. Have fun with modding ;) Objects By addons By side BLUFOR OPFOR Independent Civilian Empty Items By addons By type Weapons Vehicle Weapons Items Magazines
  5. first was unable to get it working now i'm getting error and still no good _trg=createTrigger ["EmptyDetector",getMarkerPos "AREA"]; _trg setTriggerArea [150,150,0,false]; _trg setTriggerActivation ["west","NOT PRESENT",false]; _trg setTriggerTimeout [0, 0, 0, false ] _trg setTriggerStatements ["this", "{ if (([thistrigger _x] call bis_fnc_inTrigger)) then {{deleteVehicle _x} foreach crew _x;deleteVehicle _x} } foreach allMissionObjects ''-[thistrigger]",""]; I've been looking at this way to long Thanks
  6. http://www.arma2.com/downloads/update/a2oa-server-1.63.112555.tar.bz2 http://www.arma2.com/downloads/update/a2oa-server-1.63.112555.tar.bz2 temporary mirror, as our FTP is down n/a Warning: WARNING: this build is major build 1.63.x thus not compatible backward with 1.62 clients ! both client and server must have this beta build Note: * it requires Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead data to be updated to version 1.62 first in order to run properly. * needs to combine with latest OA 1.63 beta client : http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?168767-ARMA-2-OA-beta-build-112555-(1-63-build-release-not-backward-compatible) Please provide us with feedback to this topic. * Contains some bug fixed not linux specific + timestamp in logfile (linux specific) * Fixed: Linux Date format wrong (https://dev-heaven.net/issues/17313) * this version brings OA dedicated linux server into sync with actual windows server improvements and ai/mp fixes (only up to it's nr. not higher)... http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Dedicated_Server previous thread about 1.62.xxxxx linux server :
  7. http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php WARNING: this build is major build 1.63.x thus not compatible backward with 1.62 clients ! both client and server must have this beta build the build contain quite some of crash fixes (if you still get any crashes, it's very important for us to get server's mdmp,bidmp,rpt files (compressed e.g. to my email (which is my BIForum nickname @ bistudio.com)with subject CRASH) BattlEye compatibility: ... SUPPORTED, enjoy ! ... note: also not yet deployed on STEAM! (inside "test" branch, default beta is 103419) +++ Data fixes and improvements by the Community Config Project (CCP) Changelog: https://dev-heaven.net/versions/1391 More info: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?141732-ARMA-2-Community-Configuration-Project-(A2CCP)
  8. I ask this question for others. If I have ARMA2+OA STEAM edition, or ARMA X STEAM edition, can I purchase the dlc(s) in BISTORE and play in STEAM?
  9. Hey all! I'm normally pretty savvy with the editor, however I'm running into a little bit of an issue with my current mission. I'm starting the mission with a helicopter insertion, so the players at the start of the mission spawn inside a helicopter, and are taken to the drop point. At the drop point, the swimmers are ejected, and the helicopter flies away, to be destructed off screen. However this is posing a problem with spawns for me. I want only the players that start this mission on time to spawn in the helicopter, and ones later to spawn on a beachhead by the drop zone, because the original spawn heli will not be present after the start. Does anyone have suggestions for how to do this? I tried to make a trigger switch spawn zones after the helicopter reaches a certain area, but that didn't work, probably because I was moving them into the helicopter in their init lines... So consider me stumped, for the moment. How do I make late players spawn on a beach rather than trying to spawn into a helicopter?? :confused: Many thanks, CodeMonkee
  10. rellikki

    Arma Tactics videos

    Dedicated thread for Arma Tactics videos. Please post your videos here instead of creating a new thread for them. I'd like to start with one I just made:
  11. Zombie outbreak response http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=186622783 Jason B The ultimate Military vs Zombie sandbox & Bandit mod is here! Designed for SP/COOP. -Play as the Z.O.R.T. with either AI or human controlled buddies and participate in a Special Forces mission to retrieve patient 0. Patient 0 is a civilian who is immune to the Z virus being held by bandits in the village of Gravia. How you go about it to complete the mission is up to you! Do you take command of your rifle squad and go at it on foot? Customise your soldiers gear to be the ultimate solo warrior? Or if you prefer, grab a vehicle if you like; perhaps a chopper or a tank and drive into the heart of the hornets’ nest with an A2 Slammer tank? All is possible! The choice is yours. Features -A three way war between the Military, Zombies & Bandits -Weapon/character customisation -Command a squad -Drive just about any Nato vehicle and use them to smash Zombies and Bandits. -Challenging and spooky game play (scary music) Screenshots [/img] [/img] [/img] [/img] [/img]
  12. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki?title=Special%3ASearch&search=classnames&go=Go Buildings and Guns with images http://www.armatechsquad.com/ArmA2Class
  13. Hi, Iv made a dogfighting mission on Altis where AI jets respawn after being downed on markers using Kronzky UPS vehicle respawn script. I also have moving map markers for enemy jets and a hint that comes up when you kill an AI saying the name of the AI enemy jet killed. The issue I'm having is that when the jets respawn they don't inherit the name of the AI jet that died so the map markers don't work and the hints don't work once onto the second batch of jets. Any ideas how to resolve this? Thanks
  14. Arma 3 Tanks Config Guidelines Feel free to use it according to our modding license. It roughly describes new features for tanks in Arma 3, You still would need to know the basics from A2/OA and how to set up cars in A3 first.
  15. Well, since we have a plane class now, I wanted to make something cool. I found a very nice free model of a Pilatus PC-21 in the web and thought that this would be an extremly cool plane to have. So I gave it a try and started working a bit in Blender. Parted cockpit frame and glass, and merged some groups into bigger groups. I am planning to do this aircraft propperly, so it will take a while until you guys can play with this bird. Cheers.
  16. Good news for all the Arma and Apple fans out there - Arma Tactics is now available at iTunes! Please be aware, though, that the game is compatible with: iPad 2 and up iPad mini iPod touch 5 and up iPhone 4S and up and IT WILL NOT RUN ON EARLIER DEVICES. So, soldier, if you are interested, you should grab one right now...
  17. Although the formations available are helpful, I would like to have the ability to set, and have a squad move in, a formation of my own design. Instead of being restricted to the formations that are recognized already, I could set the individuals into any configuration I want.
  18. Hi everyone, Jay and myself, with the support of our team, have written a blog about the campaign news that broke earlier this week. This was supposed to happen before it was reported anywhere else. Unfortunately a communications mishap between us and our friends at PC Games, led to it being revealed via their website first. We regret it happened in this way, rather than via a direct message from us. We hope the blog answers some of the questions you have. Survive / Adapt / Win
  19. hello, i remember i read somewhere that you could put satchels on walls, vehicles, and stuff like that. but i am not able to do anything of that. when i try to put them on vehicles they just happen to be put on the ground instead.. is this a planned feature?
  20. http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php mirror : the build contain quite some of crash fixes I mentioned last two weeks (if you still get any crashes, it's very important for us to get server's mdmp,bidmp,rpt files (compressed e.g. to my email (which is my BIForum nickname @ bistudio.com)with subject CRASH) BattlEye compatibility: ... SUPPORTED, enjoy ! ... note: also deployed on STEAM! (inside "test" branch, default beta is 103419) +++ Data fixes and improvements by the Community Config Project (CCP) Changelog: https://dev-heaven.net/versions/1391 More info: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?141732-ARMA-2-Community-Configuration-Project-(A2CCP)
  21. The smoke grenades are so ineffective. They should spread more smoke, which is also more 'leakproof'/heavy and more sustained. Take a look on smoke grenades on internet or in the BF 2 Mod 'Project Reality'. The smoke grenades must be tweaked.
  22. http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php mirror : the build contain quite some of crash fixes I mentioned last two weeks (if you still get any crashes, it's very important for us to get server's mdmp,bidmp,rpt files (compressed e.g. to my email (which is my BIForum nickname @ bistudio.com)with subject CRASH) BattlEye compatibility: ... SUPPORTED, enjoy ! ... note: also deployed on STEAM! (inside "test" branch, default beta is 103419) +++ Data fixes and improvements by the Community Config Project (CCP) Changelog: https://dev-heaven.net/versions/1391 More info: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?141732-ARMA-2-Community-Configuration-Project-(A2CCP)
  23. Couple of questions for the experts today. I've got a co-op mission that works perfectly if I set the number of respawns (I've got a basic respawn limiter) and the number of enemies. I have however, been trying to get the mission to auto-balance itself. So if more players join, more enemies are spawned and the respawn limit is upped. Initially I tried using: players = playersNumber west; publicvariable "players"; But as I'm sure you know that returns the number of playable AI, so the respawn limit always get set as if there are 10 players. Is there any work around for this as it is doing my head in! Also I was trying to use the "Condition of presence: players >=5;" field to spawn more AI when there are more players. I cannot get them to spawn, anyone got any ideas? Thanks in advance. J
  24. Good day, soldiers! Arma Tactics THD (build 1.1912) has been released and can be bought at Google Play Store. This version is compatible with following Tegra 3 / Tegra 4 devices only: Iconia A110 Iconia A210 or A211 Iconia Tab A510 Iconia Tab A700 or A701 Transformer Infinity Transformer Prime Transformer Pad 300 Arrows X F-02E Arrows V F-04E Arrows X F-10D Arrows Z ISW13F Fujitsu Stylistic M532 Fujitsu Arrows Tab F-05E Nexus 7 One X+ One X Idea Tab A2109 Optimus 4X HD Optimus Vu Pegatron Chagall Pegatron Olipad Xperia Tablet S Excite 10 SE Excite 10 Excite 7 Excite 13 V985 Nvidia SHIELD If you're interested in other platforms, please stay tuned and check again in two months. If, on the other hand, you own one of these devices, you can enter the action right away. That's all for today, soldiers and remember: No one gets left behind. Dismissed.
  25. ArgusNastyCrab

    Movement mode resets

    Taken from this post by Warmbrak: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?155675-Game-Update-0-58-Movement-mode-resets-between-crosshair-amp-iron-sights This thread was closed because the issue is apparently resolved in the feedbacktracker. It has also been confirmed a week ago on the forums that this would be fixed in the next dev update, but after a week the bug is still not fixed on the devbranch. I think this bug is very annoying and I hope BI did not forget about this one :-)