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Found 142 results

  1. Hey guys, I am currently working on a mission where I want to use the respawn menu from the MenuPosition template in Description.ext. It works basically but when I add coustom respawn positions they are displayed with a generic name created automatically by the game, e.g.: "near Lavalle". The main issue I have is that I want to label a ModuleRespwnPosition_F with a coustom name like "HQ" but it displays two spawn locations in the menu. One is the spawn with my coustom name and another duplicated one with the generic description, mentioned above. Unfortuneatly creating a classic map marker with respawn_west is not solving the problem either. Do you know what happens here? I couldnt find any help how to turn those generic respawn names off. Thank you! Description.ext: respawn = "BASE"; respawnDelay = 3; respawnButton = 1; respawnOnStart = 1; respawnDialog = 0; respawnTemplates[] = {"MenuPosition","Wave"}; disabledAI = 1; showSquadRadar = 1; joinUnassigned = 0; disableChannels[] = {0,2,4,3};
  2. hi guys! i've been plagued for many months now, by a really strange problem, that happens just sometimes, apparently at random times. here is what happens usually: i start the game, join a server, and when it should show the respawn menu, where you can select respawn position, the whole menu is not there! even tapping ESC key does nothing (usually it should show the game menu), and only way to exit from that situation is to ALT+F4 or if server close (being my dedicated, i tried shut it down, at that point i got an error aabout "connection lost" and from there i could open menu again). now after many months, for the first time, i got an error while in editor MP test, and the same symptoms as the ones usually happening on dedicated! i cant understand what that mean, but maybe someone can cast some light on this! thanks ! here is the error: https://ibb.co/fCh1XF
  3. I need help setting up roles and classes. I still keep getting an error that the roles are not loading up, and so its switching to the default. Things I've tried V https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Respawn:_New_Respawn_Screen And the only thing in my mission init is ... [missionNamespace,["WEST1",5,10]] call BIS_fnc_addRespawnInventory;
  4. Hello, I am using the following setup (see the image below) to create a mobile spawn point for human players in a multiplayer mission. Vehicle respawn module is synced to the MSE-3 Marid so that the vehicle will respawn if players will desert it or it gets destroyed. Respawn position is synced to the MSE-3 Marid thus creating a spawn position in the vehicle. This spawn position will also move with the vehicle. The trigger there is set to OPFOR (Present). With this there has to be OPFOR players inside the trigger area for the Respawn position to be available to players. Now, I would like this to be so that the trigger is attached to the MSE-3 Marid so that it would go everywhere where the vehicle is going. I know that I can achieve this easily by typing the following eg. in the Marid's INIT-field: toActivateOPFORPlayerRespawnInOPFORapc attachTo [OPFORapc,[0,0,0]]; Now the problem is that when the Marid gets respawned the trigger won't be attached to the vehicle anymore. How to make it so that the trigger would be attached to the MSE-3 Marid at all times (= would get reattached on respawn)?
  5. Hi, I'm having a slight issue with my respawn setup. Specifically, the respawn of playable characters that are AI at the moment of death. For some reason, they respawn on the exact location where they died, instead of at the respawn module - it works correctly on listening server. There is one respawn module placed on the map called 'respawn_west' and in the description.ext, I use this: // Respawn type, see the table below respawn = 3; // Delay in seconds before playable unit respawns. respawnDelay = 10; // Respawn templates from CfgRespawnTemplates. You can combine any number of them together. respawnTemplates[] = {"Revive","MenuPosition","Spectator"}; // 0 to disable the score table (it can still be opened manually by pressing 'P' key). respawnDialog = 0; // When 1, the score table contains score of all playable units as opposed to players only. aikills = 1; respawnOnStart = -1; I hope there's a fix for this, as it's really annoying to have AI basically take over the map, dying 20+ times in the process.. As a temporary fix, is there a way to turn off respawn for playable characters that are currently AI controlled? or have a 'onRespawn' script for those?
  6. Hud Dorph

    Zeus respawn issue

    Hello - Zeus issue - if i on my server use zeus to create an empty vehicle i cannot set respawn for it. If i push the "respawn on current position" button it seems to apply, but after clicking ok and reentering properties the respawn button if off again - its been like this for some time now - testet ofc with no mods - can anyone confirm/ deconfirm issue. Edit: Wow seems like its reported on 18may and still here :( https://feedback.bistudio.com/T124864
  7. Ok. I will put this simply, I have a mission file, it has alot of different things on it. (Not going into specifics unless it actually matters) and I added both a script for earplugs and a script that adds a scroll menu action for holstering your weapon and taking it back out again (so you can run faster with your weapon on your back). As of right now, I have them set to persist after respawning with this: (this is in init.sqf) player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {[] execVM "holster.sqf"}]; and a very similar setup with the earplugs with some extra strings at the start so you dont get multiple identical scroll menu actions: (this is in init.sqf) terminate ep; //Terminate the script (to avoid duplicate actions) sleep 1; //sleep player removeaction epi; player removeaction epo; sleep 1; 1 fadesound 1; ep = [] execVM "earplugs.sqf";}]; So as of right now, I can get EITHER one or the other to persist after respawn, and if I get both working, the earplugs fill up the entire left side of your screen with the scroll menu action... Any help would be appreciated, I am pretty new to scripting (for arma) and would love to learn how to make these scripts execute via a combination of HOTKEYS as well, instead of relying on the duplication of scroll menu actions, either one will work. ALSO, quick note, the mission file is running "Liberation v0.923" Again, many thanks to any who can help me, I am open to giving details if necessary.
  8. Hi there, I'm currently making a WW2 airborne style mission for me and a couple of friends, but I've run into a problem. After struggling with the respawning inside of a vehicle for a while I've finally managed to do it with the help of a trigger, but now I've run into a new problem: the vehicle they're spawning in is a C-47, but because the AI can't keep them in the air for long I've had to disable the simulation so that they don't spawn inside a crashed airplane. The problem with that is that when simulation is disabled, they are unable to move around inside it, and can't jump out. So I'm stuck with a respawn that is either a crashed plane, or a static plane they can't jump out of. Does anyone know of a way of making the plane stay static in the air but still being able to get out/getting kicked out as soon as they spawn inside it? Or is there a way to make the AI fly around the AO for a undetermined amount of time without it crashing? Any help would be appreciated!
  9. hello! i have a situation where i need to create a respawn marker, make all players and A.I. respawn, then delete the marker, so no more respawn are allowed. it works on players, but A.I. bots (all playable units) keep respawning also without a marker!! please help me stop this madness !! thanks !
  10. Hi, I'm trying to prevent players from force respawning when waiting for a revive (using the vanilla revive). To do this I'm trying to stop them from using the enter key or middle mouse button. I can stop the enter button, but the middle mouse button is eluding me. This is the code I'm using: _idKey = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown","if ((_this select 1) == 28) then {true}"]; _idMouse = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["MouseButtonDown","if ((_this select 1) == 2) then {true}"]; Now, in testing I got a return (_this select 1) of 28 and 2 for "KeyDown" and "MouseButtonDown" respectively, but when I apply that to the EH as I have done above, only the enter key is stopped. How do I stop a player using their middle mouse button (without disabling user input)? Edit: Worked it out, relevant post/s are below but here is the solution (big credit to Larrow for a step in the right direction): #include "\a3\functions_f_mp_mark\revive\defines.inc" nul = [player] spawn { params ["_unit"]; while {true} do { private ["_actionID"]; waitUntil {lifeState _unit == "INCAPACITATED"}; _actionID = _unit getVariable [VAR_ACTION_ID_RESPAWN,-1]; [_unit,_actionID] call bis_fnc_holdActionRemove; {SET_FORCING_RESPAWN(_unit,false)}; }; }; Add this to the initPlayerLocal.sqf and the option to force respawn will not be present for an incapacitated player. Or, better yet, use this updated code from Larrow: player addEventHandler["Dammaged",{ params ["_unit", "", "_damage","","_hitPoint","_source"]; if ( alive _unit && { _damage >= 1 && { _unit getVariable ["#rev_enabled", false] && { _hitPoint == "Incapacitated" && { _unit getVariable ["#rev_state", 0] isEqualTo 2 } } } } ) then { if ( vehicle _unit isEqualTo _unit ) then { _nul = [ _unit ] spawn { params[ "_unit" ]; waitUntil{ !( _unit getVariable [ "#rev_actionID_respawn", -1 ] isEqualTo -1 ) }; _actionID = _unit getVariable [ "#rev_actionID_respawn", -1 ]; [ _unit, _actionID ] call BIS_fnc_holdActionRemove; ["",false,_unit] call BIS_fnc_reviveOnForcingRespawn; _unit setVariable ["#revF", false, true]; waitUntil{ !( lifeState _unit == "Incapacitated" ) }; _unit setVariable [ "#rev_actionID_respawn", -1 ]; }; }; }; }];
  11. hello guys ! i searched all the forums and googled a lot, but still cannot find a solution to a very simple problem: i need to respawn players and A.I. on command (trigger or script). the goal is to have a sort of 1-life round (where if you die you go spectator), but when objective is achieved, all must respawn (both friendly and enemys, both players and A.I.) ...i tried "respawn in waves" but its not working like this.....any idea how achieve this ? thanks guys !!
  12. Hello, my question is : Is it possible to delete a respawn point OPFOR when a BLUFOR go into a trigger, I know how to create a respawn point with a trigger but I don't know if it's possible to do the reverse Thx for your help, And sorry if my English isn't good :/ PS: A second question : How to reserve a radio to the BLUFOR et an other to the OPFOR (For example; Alpha for BLUFOR et Beta for OPFOR) In other words I don't want that the Opfor use the radio of the Blufor ^^
  13. GF Custom Deathscreen Script by GEORGE FLOROS [GR] Description: Adding an image of blood and sound when killed to spice it a little bit . You are free to do anything but i would like to give me Credits for this! Simple and easy to use and adapt . Have Fun ! Installation: Installation / Usage: For usage instructions and information of how to use the GF Custom Deathscreen Script , please refer to the included documentation and/or example mission. Place in your mission the files . There is everything included , in the init.sqf and the description.ext , to copy paste in your mission . https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/SQF_syntax Don't try to open this with the simple notepad. For everything that is with comment // in front or between /* means that it is disabled , so there is no need to delete the extra lines. You can open this ex: with notepad++ https://notepad-plus-plus.org/ and also use the extra pluggins (this way will be better , it will give also some certain colours to be able to detect ex. problems ) http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8680 or use any other program for editing . For the Compilation List of my GF Scripts , you can search in: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/215850-compilation-list-of-my-gf-scripts/ Credits & Thanks: Thanks to All script contributors Thanks to everyone who tries to do the best for this game! Thanks to BIS for such a great platform . Thanks to BIS Community and BIS Community Forums . Thanks to Armaholic Community and Forums . Changelog: v1.1 fixed name v1.0 Forum topic: - Armaholic forums Armaholic GF Custom Deathscreen Script
  14. So here's the problem. I have AI guys with a custom loadout at the beginning of a mission. Then they respawn, and they go back to their default loadout. I want them to respawn with the loadout they started with. I'm currently using the following script for players, which works fine. I just don't know how to make it work with the AI. if (hasInterface) then { [] spawn { waitUntil {alive player}; player setVariable ["loadout",getUnitLoadout player,false]; player addEventHandler ["Respawn", { player setUnitLoadout (player getVariable "loadout"); }]; }; };
  15. Hey all. Perhaps you can help me with a problem. I've used the setObjectTexture command to great success on vehicles placed in EDEN, placing them and then putting something like setObjectTexture [0, "textures\police_heli.paa"]; in their init field. Bingo, the (in this case) helicopter is there, and it is wearing it's appropriate skin/texture. The problem is respawning. When the vehicle is destroyed, it respawns just fine (I am using the BIS respawn module in EDEN, linked to the vehicle in question). The problem is, that when the vehicle respawns, it respawns with a random skin/texture. Sometimes it's black, sometimes it's tiger-stripe, etc. I've searched the forums and google to no avail to try to fix this. All I want, is for when the vehicle is respawned, to have the same (custom) textures it started with.
  16. Hello. I have following problem: I made mission. It should be without respawn. In Description.ext I tried respawn = 0 and even to not define respawn. The problem is that I don't want that Init.sqf executes if someone joins in progress. He should be a seagull if he joins in progress (respawn = "BIRD" not worked, init.sqf executes anyway) and Init.sqf should not be executed on his machine. Is there some way to prevent this?
  17. I've made an addon that adds a texture to the texture list in "edit Vehicle Appearance" on the gryphon, but I can't figure out a way to keep the vehicle appearance and the pylon settings for the jet after respawn. Any ideas?
  18. I've made an addon that adds a texture to the texture list in "edit Vehicle Appearance" on the gryphon, but I can't figure out a way to keep the vehicle appearance and the pylon settings for the jet after respawn. Any ideas?
  19. I'm not sure if this is where this goes but Iv been searching for the past two days and I cannot seem to find an answer. Is there a way to make weapons respawn on the position they were placed after they have been picked up? Either with a timer or event or something, anything at all? Thanks in advance.
  20. Oconnell144

    Respawn Problem.

    Hi everyone ! Few days ago i've come accros a little problem while editing a mission, respawn are working if I host the mission on my pc, but if i upload this missions on my server and try it, respawn are not working anymore, i've tried one or two thing, but nothing seems to work. More info : I'm using eden editor, i put a respawn marker via the F5 menu," mupltiplayer > respawn position " when this is done, i go the Attributes section on the top left then multiplayer, and i set up everything ( custom respawn position, the revive thingy ). I Should add that i'm new the editor things, i know the basics thats all.
  21. Hey first time posting on here so please forgive me if I don't supply all the information needed! Recently I've been making a team vs team mission that is based on the rush gamemode from battlefield games, but I've come across an issue when testing it on a dedicated server that has pretty much made it impossible to resume without having to restart everytime somebody joins. I'm using the RespawnTemplates: Menuposition and MenuInventory, I've set the inventory in the description and I've got revive working, but whenever somebody joins in progress they get stuck on the map screen with no menu to allow them to choose a position or a loadout. Either i'm doing something silly for this to occur or I've came across a bug but I've tried Reddit with no replies and I've tried searching on google for countless hours with no success of a solution. The only thing I've really got that would interfere with it I guess would be the InitPlayerLocal.sqf and OnPlayerRespawn.sqf but I'm not 100% sure on how to fix this which is why I'm here Map = 1; saving = 0; disabledAI = 1; joinUnassigned = 1; enableSentences = false; disableChannels[]={0,4,5}; OnLoadName = "WW2: Battle For Szydlow"; loadScreen = "pictures\background.jpg"; Author = "J. Doddsy (RaptorSKA)"; // Respawn respawn = 3; respawnDelay = 10; respawnDialog = 1; respawnOnStart = 1; respawnTemplatesWest[] = {"MenuInventory","MenuPosition"}; respawnTemplatesEast[] = {"MenuInventory","MenuPosition","Tickets"}; // Revive ReviveMode = 1; ReviveUnconsciousStateMode = 0; ReviveRequiredTrait = 0; ReviveRequiredItems = 2; ReviveRequiredItemsFakConsumed = 1; ReviveDelay = 10; ReviveMedicSpeedMultiplier = 2; ReviveForceRespawnDelay = 3; ReviveBleedOutDelay = 40; // Misc showCompass = 1; showGPS = 1; showWatch = 1; showNotePad = 1; // Optimisation: wreckLimit = 4; wreckRemovalMinTime = 60; wreckRemovalMaxTime = 120; Ingame when the player joins after launching the session, he'll sometimes get the menu but It's just a slight chance. The players I've had join say they can only see the map screen, they have physically spawned at the respawn location - once killed they are able to actually see the menu.. I'm sorry if this has already been solved, I only took a quick look at the forums to see if anything resembled my error but it's something I've been trying to fix now for about 2 weeks and I'm still having no luck with Reddit or Google. I've tried looking at respawnonstart -1; I've even removed respawnonstart and it actually started working slightly.
  22. AI INFANTRY RESPAWN SP/MP Hi all, Here is a script to allow AIs respawning according to parameters. This works in SP or MP. Only infantry (on foot AI) concerned as far as the killed AIs while in vehicles is the object of a second script. parameters: SIDE(S) / POSITIONS / DELAY / MIN UNITS IN GROUPS / REMAINING LOADOUT Examples: [] spawn MGI_fnc_unitRespawn // [] passed as parameter equals to [ [WEST,EAST,RESISTANCE,CIVILIAN], "start", 10, 144, false] All ai units can respawn on their position at start, after 10 sec delay, with their initial loadout. [ [WEST,EAST], ["mrk1","death","start",""], nil, 3 ] spawn MGI_fnc_unitRespawn // equals to [ [WEST,EAST], ["mrk1","death"], 15, 3, false] here, only WEST & EAST ai units can respawn: - on the marker "mk1" if any, on death position if not, for BLUFOR - on the position of death for OPFOR, (other strings in positions array are useless), 10 second delay (default), if their group headcount is below 3 (delay already started at death), with their initial loadout. Code to be run on server. (trigger, server only, non-repeatable, condition true) or initServer.sqf
  23. Good Morning, for my SP/MP Mission i modified the script from Evo Dan's vehicle respawn script for vehilce respawn and made a new script for respawn AI Soldier-units. When the Chopper and the AI gets killed, the Chopper and pilot gets spawned at the Base, then the Pilot shall get in his specific vehicle. I have some more Pilots for CAS/EVAC/Halo/Support. My scripts are working, but my new Pilot doesnt know anymore where his old vehicle is, because the old vehicle got deleted and he didnt got the reference to the new vehicle. Here are my scripts, Vehicle Respawn Script: /* [EVO] Dan's vehicle respawn script modified by Steam-User immerfestedruv In the Unit Init Field insert <0 = [this,5] execVM "vehicle_respawn.sqf";> for example. Will run only on the server, as it only needs to run in one place, but obviously can be used in both singleplayer and multiplayer */ _vehicle = _this select 0; // First Argument, get vehicle's details _respawntime = _this select 1; // Second Argument, get the init set respawn time _facingofvehicle = getDir _vehicle; // get original facing _positionofvehicle = getPosATL _vehicle; // get original position _vehicletype = typeOf _vehicle; // get the vehicle type _vehicleName = vehicleVarName _vehicle; // get the Variable-Name from the Vehicle _n = 1; if(isServer) then{ while{_n == 1} do{ hint format ["Fahrzeug-Variablen-Name lautet ",_vehicleName]; if((!alive _vehicle) || (!canMove _vehicle)) then { //true if vehicle is not alive or it cannot move sleep 240; // respawn time between respawn/move and deletion deleteVehicle _vehicle; //clear up old vehicle sleep _respawntime; // respawn time between deletion and then respawn _vehicle = _vehicletype createVehicle _positionofvehicle; // create a new vehicle of same type at starting position _vehicle setPosATL _positionofvehicle; //set correct position _vehicle setDir _facingofvehicle; //set correct facing of the vehicle _vehicle setVehicleVarName _vehicleName; /* Next Code-Line will be executed for the new Object by your CPU, but time of execution unkown. This behaves similar to the code in the init-field of your object. */ [[[_vehicle,_respawntime],"vehicle_respawn.sqf"],"BIS_fnc_execVM",false,false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; _n = 0; // break out condition }; sleep 120; // sleep for a bit in order to reduce processing calls }; }; Unit Respawn Script: /* Based on [EVO] Dan's vehicle respawn script modified by Steam-User immerfestedruv In the Unit Init Field insert <0 = [this,5,blackfish_1,"Driver"] execVM "unit_respawn.sqf";> for example. Will run only on the server, as it only needs to run in one place, but obviously can be used in both singleplayer and multiplayer */ _unit = _this select 0; // First Argument, get Unit's details _respawntime = _this select 1; // Second Argument,get the init set respawn time _vehicle = _this select 2; // Third Argument, Vehicle in which the unit shall get in _vehicleSeat = _this select 3; // Forth Argument, on which Seat shall the unit sit _facingofunit = getDir _unit; // get original facing _positionofunit = getPosATL _unit; // get original position _unittype = typeOf _unit; // get the unit type _unitgroup = group _unit; // get group of the original unit _unitName = vehicleVarName _unit; // get the Variable-Name of the Vehicle _unitRank = rank _unit; // get the units orignal rank _unitSkill = skill _unit; // get the original skill of the unit _n = 1; if(isServer) then{ while{_n == 1} do{ if (alive _vehicle) then { hint format ["Fahrzeug %1 lebt noch.",_vehicle]; switch (_vehicleSeat) do { case "Driver": {_unit moveInDriver _vehicle}; case "Gunner": {_unit moveInGunner _vehicle}; case "Turret": {_unit moveInTurret _vehicle}; case "Commander": {_unit moveInCommander _vehicle}; default {_unit moveInCargo _vehicle}; }; } else {hint format ["Kein Fahrzeug für %1 ",_unit];}; if((!alive _unit) || (!canMove _unit)) then { //true if unit is not alive or it cannot move sleep 120; // additional time delay between unit being killed and unit being deleted _unit setPosATL [0,0,0]; // move old unit away before respawn new unit sleep 1; // wait a bit for safety // create a new unit of same type at starting position _unittype createUnit [_positionofunit, _unitgroup,"newUnit = this", _unitSkill, _unitRank]; newUnit setVehicleVarName _unitName; newUnit setPosATL _positionofunit; // set correct position newUnit setDir _facingofunit; // set correct facing of the unit sleep _respawntime; // respawn time between respawn/move and deletion deleteVehicle _unit; // clear up old units? /* Next Code-Line will be executed for the new Object by your CPU, but time of execution unkown. This behaves similar to the code in the init-field of your object. */ [[[newUnit,_respawntime,_vehicle,_vehicleSeat],"unit_respawn.sqf"],"BIS_fnc_execVM",false,false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; _n = 0; // break out condition }; sleep 60; // sleep for a bit in order to reduce processing calls }; }; How do i can get my Pilot in his new specific Chopper? And is it useful to use the command setVehicleVarName/vehicleVarName in a Multiplayer/Internet/Singleplayer Mission? Another idea would be to not delete the vehicle but to repair it and move it to origin position. How to? regards EDIT: Link to my working but not finished and optimized script, unit_respawn.sqf vehicle_respawn.sqf
  24. PLEASE I am searching how to respawn with a choice of classes, for example when the player die he can choose one of the multiple classes (Sniper, Rifleman ..) But the problem is that I can't make a choice I have just the sniper... Sorry for my English I am french :/ I hope that my screens are going to better explain my problem ^^
  25. In the two different missions I made, players spawn either in the water, or floating underneath their spawn point. I'm using the respawn on location of death setting, in case that matters. One of the maps is Altis, the other is Winter Chernarus. Any way to fix this?