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  1. Looking for immersive, narrative-driven Arma 3 campaigns with a mature community that offers something no other unit can? Welcome to the Varangian Guard. Our unit is designed to offer working adults a flexible and unique Arma 3 experience. The Varangian Guard aims to provide a mature environment where serious campaigns come to life, enhanced by light RP elements. With numerous upcoming campaigns and one currently active, we can uniquely provide high-quality variety and touch on topics other units cannot. The Varangian Guard focuses on narrative-driven campaigns with light RP, inspired by RPGs like D&D. We put a lot of time into planning, scripting, and research to create immersive, bi-weekly missions. We additionally understand all of our members are professionals, students, spouses, or parents, so we offer flexibility that other units might not. Campaign schedules are posted in advance to make it easier for you to plan ahead. When you join, you’ll create a character within the campaign’s world and interact with others in-character, giving you a unique sense of agency. While we use extensive military terminology as a Milsim unit, we won’t expect you to say “sir” or “ma’am”—you’ve already got a boss in real life. Operations run Saturdays at 19:30 EST, with additional community events like casual gameplay hosted weekly. We welcome players of all experience levels. Whether you have 3,000 hours in Arma or just 3, we’re happy to teach and work with you. Requirements to Join: Own Arma 3 Fluent speaker of English Mature attitude Willingness to learn DLC Policy: We primarily use mods, but some campaigns may require popular DLCs with advance notice. Attendance: You’re only required to make it to 80% of operations for the campaign you sign up for. Modpacks: Core mods include ACRE, ACE + KAT Medical, RHS/CUP, and other basic mods. Modpacks vary by campaign. If you have questions, our recruiters are happy to explain how we operate. Our Discord
  2. Long Range Strategic Strike Group - Task Force 036 "Rho Aias" ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Who are we? LRSSG is based from a flight squadron from the game called "ACE COMBAT 7: SKIES UNKNOWN". We as Task Force 036 "Rho Aias" provides a 'what if' scenarios as an SF Airborne/Air Assault focused unit to provide a sense of perspective from how the ground forces would be like when playing AC7 and we give you just that. We are currently a new unit with less than 10 members, so we're seeking every type of people from experienced to non-experienced. We are a semi-realism unit, trying to provide as much authenticity to how SF unit works but in a fictional world. We do not offer a very realistic theme from how IRL SF units work from SOP or anything like that, so everything here will be a more casual no in-depth stuff but still maintaining that semi-realism feel during ops and trainings to make sure everyone enjoys them at the end of the day. Who we're looking for specifically? Currently the list are as follows: Active Zeus Fixed/Rotary Wing Pilots Operators/Assaulters We have a variety of roles on fellow operators/assaulters from Basic Rifleman (which you'll be assigned to if you have no interest in other roles), MG-Autorifleman, AT/AA Specialist, Medic, Engineer, and so on. How to join? Simply head on to our Discord and fill in the application form, it's that easy. After your application has been accepted, you will go through a short interview mostly reviewing your application and about your experience in Arma. Then you'll be assigned to your desired roles, there will be no mandatory training however if you're new to Arma, we'll gladly help you out and show you the ropes of how the game and our mods work. Schedule and Attendance? As of right now, we're still undecided for what's the best schedule is at but right now we're looking to prefer at these times: Monday - Possible Side Ops/Trainings/Liberation @ 6 / 8 PM ICT (UTC+7) Tuesday - Possible Side Ops/Trainings/Liberation @ 6 / 8 PM ICT (UTC+7) Wednesday - Possible Side Ops/Trainings/Liberation @ 6 / 8 PM ICT (UTC+7) Thursday - Possible Side Ops/Trainings/Liberation @ 6 / 8 PM ICT (UTC+7) Friday - Possible Side Ops/Trainings/Liberation @ 6 / 8 PM ICT (UTC+7) Saturday - Main Trainings @ 6 / 8 PM ICT (UTC+7) Sunday - Main Operations @ 6 / 8 PM ICT (UTC+7) For attendance, we currently do not enforce any attendance but once our unit grows we'd like to have a more organized unit and we'll be asking you of your time in our unit to help us grow. Of course IRL is important and takes priority more than Arma, you can take your leave whenever you want. Modpack? We have 82 mods as of now, ranging from RHS, 3CB Factions, ALiVE, ACRE2, VSM, BJC, and many more to give a sense of variety though with some small restrictions but still not limiting much of the freedom of your playstyle. We also use the Ghost Recon 3rd Person mod so we also allow 3rd person for those who prefer that playstyle. Remarks We'd hope to see you join us, we'll be gladly to hear your comments, concerns, and suggestions when you join our unit to help further build and grow the unit with your help. Thank you for your time. ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Unit Name: LRSSG Task Force 036 "Rho Aias" Timezone & Location: ICT/Indochina Time (UTC+7), South East Asia. Discord: https://discord.gg/66bKW7QBfG Language: English
  3. BASTEK released December 16th, 2021 Hi all. I'm Vectif, I've worked on a few terrains previously (namely Djalka, and Straya), and I'd just like to come here to announce the next project I've begun working on; Bastek. A proof-of-concept terrain of attempting to create middle-eastern themed terrain for Arma 3 using Arma 3 assets. The idea of avoiding the usage of the Arma 2 assets nearly every middle east terrain uses will hopefully make Bastek have it's own style, and a unique one at it. The Arma 2 assets are great and lovely, but too many middle-east terrains look just like Takistan and Zargabad. So this is welcome, and feel free to join me on my journey of creating this terrain; I'm very excited for this project, and middle-east is one of my favourite themes in maps and videogames. I've been taking the time to research real life imagery and also playing multiple games set in middle-east to try and get as close as I possibly can to something believable and immersive. Not to mention something light in size and also very versatile. This project is fictional, and it's fully made from scratch. I drew the heightmap in greyscale and curated vanilla A3 objects that would fit the theme, alongside researching real-life images and playing games set in the theme. CLICK FOR ZOOM OR OPEN SEPARATELY FOR MORE DETAIL. Newer screenshots on newer replies to the thread. Story & Context Bastek is a fictional terrain, however, a lot of refferences and influences are taken from diverse areas of the world, such as; Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, Egypt, and Istanbul. So you may see a lot of variety in this regard as you go from area to area. Bastek is also canonically set in a time of economic and political turmoil. There is a vast difference between the richer and poorer areas, which has caused many riots and fights in the region. There's a lot of ideals in conflict that range from religion to politics and how the wealth should be divided in such regions, however, all this is often overshadowed by the success and beauty of the more popular and developed parts of the region. A once succesful country, now heading towards war. Insurgencies arise, countries begin to show support... and interest... meanwhile private military companies are starting to exploit the grey areas of their contracts. Technical details 8km size 2m cell size Expected filesize: under 200MB (this is very subject to change!) Current object count: 50k Goals First and foremost, I'd like to finish the terrain and get it out there, I hope this will provide the Arma community with a good and brand new middle eastern terrain, not to mention an unique one. I am putting my all into the design of the layouts and object placement of this terrain to try and make it the best I can both in terms of looks and gameplay. Everywhere I can I will try to place gaps, tactical vantage positions, ladders, stairs, connectors and much more to try and allow the players to be creative when traversing the terrain. Support the creator If you like my work, please consider donating! My computer is very budget and electronics are very expensive where I live, I don't have all the means nor the money to afford better hardware, I would appreciate having a more powerful computer for making more complex terrains in the future, not to mention work in a plethora of other projects I'm passionate about, all the things I make are passion projects of mine that I work on during my free time. Any amount is greatly appreciated and helpful, even just a single dollar is a lot for me. If you like what I do, this would help me a lot. Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/vectif If you have any ideas, suggestions, refferences, or would like to offer help or support me with anything in specific let me know! Thanks! -Vectif. Below in my thread replies you will see the progress of this terrain, from day one to current time as you progress in the timeline.
  4. GF Custom Deathscreen Script by GEORGE FLOROS [GR] Description: Adding an image of blood and sound when killed to spice it a little bit . You are free to do anything but i would like to give me Credits for this! Simple and easy to use and adapt . Have Fun ! Installation: Installation / Usage: For usage instructions and information of how to use the GF Custom Deathscreen Script , please refer to the included documentation and/or example mission. Place in your mission the files . There is everything included , in the init.sqf and the description.ext , to copy paste in your mission . https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/SQF_syntax Don't try to open this with the simple notepad. For everything that is with comment // in front or between /* means that it is disabled , so there is no need to delete the extra lines. You can open this ex: with notepad++ https://notepad-plus-plus.org/ and also use the extra pluggins (this way will be better , it will give also some certain colours to be able to detect ex. problems ) http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8680 or use any other program for editing . For the Compilation List of my GF Scripts , you can search in: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/215850-compilation-list-of-my-gf-scripts/ Credits & Thanks: Thanks to All script contributors Thanks to everyone who tries to do the best for this game! Thanks to BIS for such a great platform . Thanks to BIS Community and BIS Community Forums . Thanks to Armaholic Community and Forums . Changelog: v1.1 fixed name v1.0 Forum topic: - Armaholic forums Armaholic GF Custom Deathscreen Script
  5. 1st Royal Altian Marine Battalion The 1RAMB is completely fictional, as is the country we fight for. Bohemia Interactive Studios presented the AAF and so we took it upon ourselves to tell their story. Show that a Third-World military can still hold their own in the world. We use a few modifications to help enhance the realism and fun such as incorporating the FN FAL into our arsenal and the M60. We have a wide array of uniform combinations with certain clothing mods that help enhance our concealment from only ourselves as we try not to hit each other with Thermal Optics. We hope you’ll hop aboard as we are constantly looking to expand not only our unit but those around us in our community. We hope to see you soon. Requirements a. You must have Teamspeak 3 b. A working mic c. Download our mods d. Must be mature Open Positions in 1RAMB Rifleman Rifleman(AT) Automatic Rifleman Assistant Automatic Rifleman Grenadier Corpsman Our Platoon Staff? OC: JLt B. Santos NCOC: MSgt Z. Smith Corpsman: N/A RTO: Cpl C. Young How many people does 1RAMB have? We currently have 14 and it is our 1st week! We currently have one platoon open and are looking to fill that before we open any thing else such as air assets and tank assets. In each platoon there is 4 sections, 3 "regular" sections and then we have a weapons section. How to contact us? You can contact us by Steam, Teamspeak 3 or our website! Teamspeak3: Website: 1ramb.webs.com Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/arvilsaar