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  1. i tried attachTo, and tried many memoryPoints, none of them can make the object rotate and move perfectly with the weapon while the unit is running...
  2. HI. Maybe someone can find this usable. Iterate trough config weapon classes and returns array of weapons/ammo according to given parameters /* file : fnc_getWeapon.sqf author: DaVidoSS description: Iterate trough config weapon classes and returns array of weapons/ammo according to given parameters parameters: 0: STRING one from listed below "assault" "handgun" "submachine" "rocket launcher" "missile launcher" "grenade launcher" "light machine" "medium machine" "marksman" "sniper" "all" 1: SCALAR or STRING "all" for all available classes of param 0 NUMBER classes of param 0 2: BOOLEAN true - for return ammo classes too in form ["weapon",["ammo","ammo"...]] false - for return without ammo classes in form ["weapon","weapon"...] Return: ARRAY Usage: fnc_getWeapon = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "fnc_getWeapon.sqf"; _10assaultGunsWithAmmo = ["assault" ,10,true] call fnc_getWeapon; _1MarksmanGunWithoutAmmo = ["marksman" ,1,false] call fnc_getWeapon; _allGunsofAllTypeWithAmmo = ["all","all",true] call fnc_getWeapon; */ private _paramsCheck = params [["_type","all",[""]],["_allof","all",["",0]],["_withMags",false,[true]]]; if (!_paramsCheck) exitWith {["***********ERROR:fnc_getWeapon - exiting due wrong params given %1",str _this] call BIS_fnc_error; false}; private _array = []; private _return = []; { private _class = (configName _x); if (getNumber (configfile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _class >> "type") < 5) then { private _magazines = getArray (configfile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _class >> "magazines"); private _name = toLower (getText (configfile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _class >> "descriptionShort")); if !(_magazines isEqualTo []) then { if (toLower _type != "all") then { if ((_name find (toLower _type)) > -1) then { if (_withMags) then { _array pushBack [_class,_magazines]; } else { _array pushBack _class; }; }; } else { if (_withMags) then { _array pushBack [_class,_magazines]; } else { _array pushBack _class; }; }; }; }; } forEach ("isClass _x && {(getNumber (_x >> 'scope')) isEqualTo 2}" configClasses (configfile >> "CfgWeapons")); switch (true) do { case (_allof isEqualType 0): { if (_allof isEqualTo 1) exitWith { _return pushBack (selectRandom _array); }; if (_allof > 1 && {count _array >= _allof}) then { for "_i" from 1 to _allof do { _return pushBackUnique (selectRandom (_array - _return)); }; } else { if (_allof < 1) exitWith {_return pushBack (selectRandom _array)}; _return = _array; }; }; case (_allof isEqualType ""): { _return = _array; }; default {}; }; (_return) Enjoy :-)
  3. First off, I love Arma! It's my most played steam game and it's where I've met most of my best friends on steam. However, there are some things that I really dislike about Arma and I wish were done differently. [THIS WILL BE A LONG POST, SO I'LL PUT A TL;DR AT THE END] • Overall polish and attention to detail isn't very good. The damage models need a complete rework. It would be cool to see blood where I actually got shot or to see dents/scratches on a vehicle where I hit something. Actually seeing the rocket being loaded in your RPG and seeing the medkit when you use one, having proper animations for ladders and stairs and more fluid animations that affect what your character is interacting with, like opening doors on houses and vehicles, and Having your character pull his gun closer when hes near a wall so your barrel doesn't stick through. These things seem so little and useless, but they can actually go a long way in making players feel more immersed and like they're playing a more fleshed out game. Tarkov is a great example of good fleshed out animations. • Vehicles. They're good for getting you from point A to point B if you take the main road, they're a deathtrap if you use them for anything else. Hitting a bush shouldn't destroy my tires and headlights while almost killing me in the process. PLEASE, just turn off collision for any bush that's smaller than an offroad! Also, why does your vehicle explode after hitting enough things? Literally no vehicle does that. I play a lot of wasteland, and sometimes you have to use a vehicle as your main weapon, whether it be a hatchback or an offroad. If I ram into another vehicle, it's RNG whether I live and the enemy dies, the enemy lives and I die, we both live, we both die, or one or both of us goes flying off into space. It's extremely annoying. My solution is to make a new damage mechanic for vehicles. If I ram into the driver side of an enemy vehicle going less than 50KMH, the enemy should die and I should be severely injured. Anything over 50KMH and we both die. Something like that. Things should be switched up for armored vehicles as well. Nothing should be completely destroyed by 1 rocket or missile unless it's from a jet or a helicopter. Ifrits, Hunters, and Striders are completely useless if the AI or enemy has an RPG. Instead of having 1 rocket blow up the vehicle and killing everyone inside, make it so that 1 rocket just disables the vehicle and also make it RNG on who dies and who gets severely injured. Each launcher should have their own damage multiplier and each APC and tank should have a multiplier on every side (Front, back, left, right, top, and bottom). Hitting a specific part of a tank or APC like the track or turret should always disable it. IMO, this will make the combat between players and vehicles so much more balanced and fun. • Animations should be interruptible and be able to be performed while moving. If I'm healing and hear an enemy walking up, there's nothing I can do but spin around and hope they have the worst aim in existence. It would be nice if I could stop the animation and take my gun back out to take care of the enemy, then start healing again. If I could move while healing, then I could walk into a room or around the corner in order to finish the animation. Let me pull out my pistol to cancel the reload animation if I need to kill another player quickly. Also, this is something I saw on one of Crowbcat's videos, lets say that I just killed an enemy in KOTH and I only have 8 rounds left in my mag, I go to reload and then another enemy rounds the corner. It would be awesome if I could left click and have my character quickly put back in the mag that has 8 rounds left in order to finish off the enemy, rather than taking the time to get a new mag. Speaking of left click, that would be a good keybind to cancel animations. • This is kind of small, but having preferences for each gun and scope in the options so that each time a player picks up a gun or attaches a scope, it will be suited to their play style. If I pick up an MXC, I want it to be on full auto and zeroed to 200m, and I don't want that to change unless I change it manually in game or in the options. If I drop the weapon and pick it back up, it should be just the way I left it. • The AI is mega dumb. I shouldn't even need to explain how bad they are. There's literally more improvements you could make on the AI than you could on the actual game! They have god like aim, they just sit there and crawl around, they see you through bushes and walls, and they can even magically walk through solid objects. Not even full Lvl 5 armor will protect you from getting 1-tapped by these gods. My fondest memory of them was on Wasteland on the Stratis map. Me and some friend were driving to a mission when an AI on the airfield 1-tapped me out of the back of an offroad going 40KMH from over 600m away. • Weapon sway is unrealistic and annoying more than it is immersive. The sway is so slow and all over the place when it should be more controlled and shaky/twitchy. I mean, come on. You're a highly trained soldier and you can't even walk 10 feet in your gear and still have accurate aim? You literally need to stand still for 2 minutes or have a bipod to be accurate in this game. The current sway animation is just a handicap for gameplay and immersion. It should be reworked. • Player damage and Armor. Each armor piece should have a multiplier for each type of round, and the armor should lose durability each time it gets shot and have less protection the lower its durability is. Players should have a set HP that goes down every time they get hit, and it should continue to drop unless they use a medkit. If I get shot in the arm, my aim should be extremely shaky, if I get shot in the leg then my movement should be slower and I should have a limp. The slow painful limping animation your player gets when they take enough damage needs to go! With no armor and an MX, a player should be dead with 1 shot to the chest, head, and stomach, and 2 to the legs and arms. With All level 5 armor and an MX, a player should die in 2 shots the the helmet, 4 to the chest, 3 to the stomach, 5 to the legs, and 6 to the arms. There are times when I've killed players with level 5 armor using a TRG faster than I've killed players with level 3 armor using an AK-12. That's dumb. Damage and armor should be consistent. • Aiming and shooting should take priority over any other keys held. The delay from when you stop sprinting and ADS is a bit much IMO and one of the many annoyances in PVP. The moment I right click, my character should stop sprinting and ADS. Same with firing. • I'm all for extra content, but NOT if it offers a blatant advantage. The best guns in Arma 3 are DLC. The AK-12 outperforms all other assault rifles. Period. The Cyrus and Mar-10 are the highest caliber weapons that can be silenced and easily outperforms the MK18. Don't even get me started on the MMGs. There should have already been an AK style rifle in the game to begin with and they should have gave us at least 1 gun in .338 and 9.3 before or closely after they released the marksmen DLC. I know that a skilled player with an MX can easily beat an amateur with an SPMG, but not every gunfight in Arma is between a nub and a veteran player. TL;DR •Polish and detail is suck. Tarkov style animations and a better damage model would be nice. •Vehicles should have a different damage mechanic and tanks/APCs should have better/more consistent damage multipliers for each side of the vehicle. •Animations should be interruptible with a left click. •Having gun preferences in the options and having a gun stay the same after you drop it and pick it back up (Zeroing and fire mode.) •AI... •Weapon sway is OP •Armor and damage should be more consistent. •Aiming and shooting should take priority over any other keys held. •DLC is a bit on the P2W side. I'm sure there are more things I could mention and I could have elaborated better on some things, but It's late and I'm tired. Sorry if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes. I'd love to read what you guys think should be different or why some of the things I mentioned should not be!
  4. Hello, I wonder if I can export all items' image (weapon, attachment, ammo from vanilla, RHS, HAFM) or get at least the image path or what file they are in.
  5. So I want to make things easier when randomizing things. Right now I have an array of vehicles, air vehicles, and units class names that I manually pulled from the in game editor. Im alright with manually selecting individual units but now I want to randomize the units vest, weapons, and headgear but I do not want to go through the in games edit loadout screen and export each vest and items then have to search the text to find the class name of the vest to add it to an array. Is there a way for the game to provide a list of ALL vests and ALL weapons ect. in the game including addons? If this is possible is there a way to do that to ALL vehicles and units on a given side like EAST or WEST? Is there a possible way to do this without creating an array like calling a BIS_FN?
  6. Is the military complex eastern of the Malden Airport/-base the home of CSATs Seismic Weapon (Eastwind Device) ? From https://armedassault.wikia.com/wiki/Eastwind_device From https://arma3.com/news/argo-and-arma-3-malden-dlc-now-available#.W5x4o_aYSUk Or exist the complex since the crisis in 1985 ?
  7. Hello, I am a complete noob to scripting with virtually no experience in coding, so guidance would be much appreciated. Is there a way to use a script to equip an aircraft with a weapon that is not selectable in the dynamic loadouts menu? For example, equipping a BLUFOR A-164 Wipeout with an OPFOR Sharur AT missile? EDIT: For anyone else who finds this, I found sucess in this method: In a vehicles init field, enter: this setPylonLoadOut [PYLON NUMBER, "NAME OF MISSILE", true]; Example: this setPylonLoadOut [4, "ace_maverick_L_PylonRack_3Rnd", true];
  8. Hello, I've been playing with Put and Take event handlers to try and achieve functionality that's stated in the topic. For starters Put EH seems to only fire when you drop your weapon on the ground (groundWeaponHolder) or put the weapon into a container (box, vehicle) directly from your inventory. It doesn't fire when switching to a weapon that is on the ground even though (at least how I see it) you are still dropping your current weapon into a "groundWeaponHolder". Does anyone have an idea why this EH doesn't fire in that case? I used this shortie to test Put EH: player addEventHandler ["Put", {_unit = _this select 0; _content = _this select 1; _weapon = _this select 2; hint "This EH seems to be working";}]; Take EH on the other hand seems to work just fine for detecting the weapon pick up operation. But other than testing with simple hint that the EH fires when needed I haven't been able to come up with anything I'm looking to achieve. Now the ultimate question is: by using either of the aforementioned EHs how to delete the weapon that gets put on the ground during weapon switching operation?
  9. Hi all, I'm trying to remove a specific weapon (known by classname) from the cargo. The issue currently is that this seems only to be possible by clearing the complete weapon cargo and adding everything back but the weapon I want to remove. This however leads to issues as all attachements are lost. I found on the wiki the command "removeWeaponCargo", which possible could be used to delete only the weapon in question: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/removeWeaponCargo. This uses weaponID and creatorID as arguments. Does anyone know what those are, and where I can find them for the given weapon I want to delete?
  10. Great__Stuart

    Like to have more weapon

    Like to have some SCAR and MP5 mli based weapon......
  11. I am using this code to make an AI look like he is repairing a radio tower (found here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_ambientAnim), however, he loses his primary weapon upon animation canceling: [this,"REPAIR_VEH_KNEEL", "ASIS"] call BIS_fnc_ambientAnim; 0 = this spawn {waitUntil {behaviour _this == "combat"}; _this call BIS_fnc_ambientAnim__terminate;} This solves a previous problem I was having about AI not canceling their animations when their group enters combat. However, now that I can successfully get the AI to enter combat with the rest of their group, specifically the "REPAIR_VEH_x" animations cause the AI to lose their main weapon. As you can probably guess, this is quite the issue. I am using modded loadouts, but I have also tested it with vanilla loadouts. What is the best way to solve this? @pierremgi Since you literally wrote the code found on the wiki, do you have any suggestions?
  12. Hi! I'm having a issue with the animation of the fire mode selector of a gun that i'm doing. The issue is that the angle of rotation that I set in model.cfg do not work as indeed in game but in external view is perfect. Right position: Wrong: Here is the code of model.cfg: Anyone know what is causing this? Thanks
  13. Good morning/evening! This is my first post on the forums after years of reading and searching, so please bear with me! I have been attempting to put a weapon into the game, and I have had great success so far, currently it is working in game, the model, textures, configs (mostly) and all properties like firing speed, and the ammo and magazines work. However. I cannot, after 50+ times of trial and error, get the weapon firing sound effect to work. The empty sound effect, and reloading sound effect work but not my custom firing sound. Blow is a copy of my script in its current state. This is a Star Wars weapon, and I am 100% sure i have all my file names correct. I am convinced maybe I have the path to the sound effect "wpn_rep_blaster_fire.wss" located in the "DC15SMOD\sound\" folder incorrectly formatted, as the weapon reload and empty sounds are just dependencies from another star wars mod. Most of this is practice based off of the Weapon Sample config in ARMA Samples. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I know there is also a parameter for suppressed/non-suppressed weapon sounds, but this weapon will not be suppressed at all, and I could not find any information on how to set the sound configs up correctly either. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  14. This is the Tactical AK-74 With Magpul Gear original made by hotshotmike1001 back in 2013 ,orignal post here:https://forums.bistudio.com/forums/topic/159757-tactical-ak-74-with-magpul-gear/. Unfortunately Mike himself became non-actviated on Arma3 since 2015 and left many his weapon made un-fixed with lack of new sound effect and some features, so I made a fixed version of one of his AK-74 mod here, all credits to the orignal modder hotshotmike1001 The thing I fixed: -fixed non-weapon sound issue since the update after 1.24 -added compatibility for ACE3 visable laser pointer(need to have ACE3 installed if you want to use this feature) -added mod icon made by myself -change the weapon sounds for better feeling in game(firing sound, reload sound, change mode sound etc) -all others remain unchanged, for future testing Know issue: An pop up window would showed when choose this weapon from Arsenal about "RHS" if you use this mod with RHS, but so far it is not really effect to any futures about the weapon, just ignore it now, I would fixed it when I find the reason. Future plans: -Fixed other weapons that long abandoned by the orignal makers -maybe change some of the weapon models and animation if I could found my team one man who could did it(Yes I am asking for help) -add some other useful features -if possible, found the orignal makers Please report any bugs you found and enjoy. Workshop Link: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1121207260
  15. I need to blow up some tanks with rockets from a helicopter but the rockets are not strong enough. What is the best way to achieve this? The helicopter I am using does not incorporate the new payload-changing system.
  16. I have learned how to change weapon turrets and ammo on vehicles VIA inits, but can anyone tell me how to get the actual turret to be visible on the vehicle? As ridiculous as it sounds - I am trying to use twin 125mm cannons (and other weapons) from a Pawnee instead of the miniguns or DAR pods, and I would love to see them attached. Any help appreciated!
  17. Dear modders! I'm absolutely new in Arma modding, and I need your help to start, because I don't even know, which program to use for modifying the databases. We are speaking about Arma 3 Single player, I have the Arma 3 Tools installed from Steam, I guess, that is everything I need, since I'm about to modify only the mass of all the weapons, ammo and gear in the game. I have a collector's aproach in every game I play, that is the same thing I want to achieve here, don't want to become immortal, just want all the available stuff (Weapons, ammo, gear etc.) picked up (preferably), and not spawned in my backpack! I think, it is enough to modify only the mass of those items, so I don't have to worry about stamina etc. I have watched some tutorials, but I think they don't point me in the right direction, they try to explain how to do much more sophisticated modding, which I'm not interested in. So again, I need to modify only the mass of weapons, ammo and gear (uniforms, vests, helmets, medic/engineer etc. tools and so on...)! What files do I have to use for my mod, and how to edit them? Thanks for your help in advance, and I apologize for my bad english! :) ps.: I know, there is a Super Soldier mod by 2Fast, which can give me what I want (and much more), but it was ast updated back in 2014, and it does not seem to work with the current version. Also, if you can show me similar mods, I'll be happy to use them instead of making a similar.
  18. I seem to be having a little trouble assessing exactly what type of thing a unit has fired using the fired event handler. Basically I want to know if the unit is shooting a gun, shooting a launcher or throwing an item. So far I'm working with something like this, coming from the FIRED event handler: _unit = _this select 0; _weapon = _this select 1; _muzzle = _this select 2; _mode = _this select 3; _ammo = _this select 4; _magazine = _this select 5; _projectile = _this select 6; _vehicle = _this select 7; _muzzleActual = (_unit weaponAccessories currentMuzzle _unit) select 0; And then: _typeOfProjectile = (typeOf _projectile); if (_typeOfProjectile isKindOf ["Grenade",configFile >> "GrenadeCore"]) then {hint "Grenade Thrown"}; _typeOfProjectile = (typeOf _projectile); if (_typeOfProjectile isKindOf ["BulletBase",configFile >> "BulletCore"]) then {hint "Gun Fired"}; _typeOfProjectile = (typeOf _projectile); if (_typeOfProjectile isKindOf ["MissileBase",configFile >> "MissileCore"]) then {hint "Launcher Fired"}; I'm aware i'm probably not using these right; I was just messing around with using either strings or configFile until it stopped giving me errors. The grenade one works just fine, but I'm not getting notified if I fire a launcher or shoot a gun. It might be that it's better to assess the weapon or the magazine or whatever, but the furthest I managed to get so far used this approach. Thanks in advance Law
  19. What up guys, it's ya boy Night515 back at it again with another garbage mod adding the M8 5.56 mm, an assault rifle chambered in 5.56x45 mm, coming in several different variants including a standard carbine, a variant with an underslung grenade launcher, a compact carbine, a automatic rifle, and a designated marksman rifle. I wrote this at 6 AM please help my sleep schedule is destroyed. http://imgur.com/a/w1P7S Download
  20. Hello again! Tis' I, here again with another ridiculous addon. I want to get my thanks out of the way first and foremost. First to @Nirrti for his extensive field testing and constant pushing to make everything correct, he is also responsible for this piece existing, so you also have him to thank for that! Also a shout out to @laxemann for helping me iron out the sound issues I've been having, huge help and wealth of knowledge, thanks bud! With that out of the way, let's get down to it. "The 25 KKiv 2035 rifle is a 25mm payload rifle designed for sabotage and long range operations where you need the accuracy of a 12.7mm or comparable caliber, with the capabilities beyond the characteristics of such calibers, falling in between the niche of 12.7mm rifles and light anti-tank weapons. Being lighter than it's contemporaries (M320 LRR .408 and GM6 Lynx), and being able to reach comparable ranges with its 25mm payloads, the rifle is capable of firing two different rounds; the HEDP rounds are useful for soft targets and infantry, while the APFSDS rounds are designed to punch through hard targets such as armored cars (for example Hunter, Ifrit, or Strider), or even IFVs (like the Gorgon, Marid, or Marshall), though care and foresight must be applied when targeting such vehicles, as shots must be carefully placed into weak spots, such as engine or fuel tanks. Some rumours circulating among the men is that it might even be capable of damaging Main Battle Tanks, though through testing these rumours have been found unsubstantiated." If you would like to try this beast out for yourself, click the rifle below! Alternatively, grab it from the Steam Workshop: NOW WITH CBA - JOINT RAIL SUPPORT NOW WITH ACE3 SUPPORT If you prefer not to use steam, you can grab the CBA patch on dropbox here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lpemwmss7b7dlpt/%40Kio_KKiv_CBA.rar?dl=0 And you can grab Ace3 patch here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8vh38hbmdbotgu3/%40Kio_KKiv_Ace.rar?dl=0 Please report any issues you encounter with the rifle here and I will try my best to fix them ASAP! Here's a couple of promo shots showing it off in game: Sorry if the images are too big. I am also available for modelling commissions as well, serious offers only, no charge for Arma III implementation if required. Thanks for taking the time to check out this mod, if you find value here, consider throwing me a few bucks, it won't kill you and it certainly will help me.
  21. DarkSilence

    Rare Gun?

    This is the first time I have ever seen this weapon in the game. So I would just like to ask what is ammunition for this weapon and if it was just bad luck for me that I haven't seen it more regularly. Any other specifications of the weapon would also be nice (e.g. where it spawns, how much damage it does etc.). I saw this on the second island at a military barracks. Thanks for any information. Edit : For some reason the pictures don't seem to appear, so the name of the gun is SVD and it appears to be a sniper.
  22. Hiya everyone. I've decided to get back into modding after a long hiatus, creating a small weapon pack to kick things off. This mod adds the M9 9 mm, a handgun chambered in 9x21 mm, and comes in 6 different color variants. I wanted to create this mod because I've always been a fan of the M9 platform, and thought a M9A3 look-alike would fit nicely with Arma 3's futuristic setting. The mod was made in around 6 hours, so if you encounter any bugs please let me know. I haven't been able to do much because of real-life getting in the way; my cat that I've had since I was three was diagnosed with diabetes, final exams and my sophomore year wrapping up, and a lot of other depressing stuff. Download
  23. I'm not sure if this is where this goes but Iv been searching for the past two days and I cannot seem to find an answer. Is there a way to make weapons respawn on the position they were placed after they have been picked up? Either with a timer or event or something, anything at all? Thanks in advance.
  24. Greetings all! Going to be sharing my latest piece which will be coming to Arma, aren't you lucky?! Now, some of you may not like the fact that's it's an entirely fictional weapon, but we're keeping it realistic and based it off a few real world rifles, such as the Barrett M99, the Steyr HS-50 and so on. Here's some fluff for you to salivate over. So with that out of the way, here's some images to further titulate: Apologies if the images are too large, hopefully the forum can take care of this automatically. Anyway, I'd love to hear your thoughts and get some feedback, take care everyone. Later. o/
  25. Hello I juste want to know how to take of the ammo of this gun -- > Because I want the minigun but I don't want to have this gun so please help me ^^ (Sorry if my English is bad I am french)