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Found 661 results

  1. Hello, this is a simple script to make some (random) units of a side surrender in given area and range Does it work in Multiplayer? Yes, MultiPlayer and SinglePlayer. What does this script do? Makes some (random) units of a side surrender in given area and range How do I use this script? Place the script in a trigger by giving 3 parameters: - Position - Range - Side How do I call the script? From a trigger or a script: [getMarkerPos "markerName", 1000, east] execVM "surrender.sqf"; surrender.sqf //Uncomment the following if used as function params["_position","_distance","_side"]; //Uncomment the following if used as script _position = _this select 0; _distance = _this select 1; _side = _this select 2; _unitsToSurrender = [_position nearEntities ["Man", _distance], {side _x == _side}] call BIS_fnc_conditionalSelect; { if ((random 1) > 0.5) then { _x setCaptive true; _x action ["surrender", _x]; }; } forEach _unitsToSurrender;
  2. Hello everyone, I've been playing arma for about 11 years now and I've seen some pretty cool AI mods, however, I've noticed a lot of the really well functioning mods and scripts that were an absolute asset in ARMA 2 haven't been succesfully ported over to ARMA 3 and I wanted to remedy that. With that said, I wanted to create an AI medevac module that takes seriously wounded troops off of the battlefield and back to a pre-determined base/ area. For revival or death (50/50 percentage based on location of damage and severity). I know it can be done since there were a few good ones for arma 2 (especially the 9 line medevac module) any advice and or tips for me as I undergo this? Anyone want to partner up? Thank you all in advance for the comment's, suggestions, berations etc...
  3. Hello! ETHICS is a full solution script for ARMA 3 that provides wide creation and management over statics kill zones like minefields, UXO zones, and trap zones. Built for single-player and multiplayer, ETHICS include kill zone doctrines such as land anti-personnel, land anti-materiel, naval anti-materiel, unexploded ordnance, and booby-trap. How to install / Documentation: https://github.com/aldolammel/Arma-3-Ethics-Minefields-Script/blob/main/ethics-minefields.Altis/ETHICSMinefields/_ETH_Script_Documentation.pdf What to expect from ETHICS script:   Drag and drop a marker on Eden to create a full and unique kill zone such as minefields; Also easy to build naval minefields, Unexploded ordnance zones (UXO), and Trap zones; Ethics control (ON/OFF) to avoid planting explosive devices through civilian areas; Topography control (ON/OFF) to avoid planting over rock clusters and mountains; NEW v1.5 UXO doesn't respect Ethics or topography rules, and can be dropped under the water; NEW v1.5 Boobs-trap doesn't respect topography rules and they are always hidden, never in the open; Anti-personnel (AP) landmines avoid roads and streets; Anti-materiel (AM) landmines can be planted (ON/OFF) only on roads and streets; Classic minefields can be also hybrid, bringing AP and AM mines features; Customize each doctrine's explosive with devices from RHS, CUP, or anyone mod; Set (or not) for each kill zone has a faction owner; NEW v1.7 Set (or not) for each kill zone a percentage of presence, controlling the kill zone spawn probability; Easy explosive devices amount management through the global intensity presets: lowest, low, mid, high, or extreme; Easy way to hide all markers on the map (ON/OFF), even to kill zone owners; Debugging: friendly error handling; Debugging: a hint monitor, and systemChat feedbacks for the mission editor; Debugging: full documentation available. Video demo: Soon. Script config: Dependencies: None 😉 Download: On GitHub: https://github.com/aldolammel/Arma-3-Ethics-Minefields-Script On Steam Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2926204522 Missions using it: Escape from Kherson: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2878171355 Sharia in Raqqa: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1849325560 Adsumus: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1838939661 Tank hunting: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2468255648 - - - - - - - - - - - Changelog: Feb, 11th 2023 | v1.8: news, fixes and notes. Known issues: UXO cosmetic smokes are not working properly on Dedicated Server (WIP); Dynamic Simulation looks not work properly with mines; Mines is not editable by the Zeus module yet;
  4. Hello! im trying to make a script that spawns 1-3 helicopters on a random location on a map and they starts to patroling. what i have so far is this : _vehicle = createVehicle [ "B_Heli_Light_01_F", player getPos[ 100, getDir player ], [], 0, "FLY" ]; createVehicleCrew _vehicle; this is spawning it in the air but i cant seem to find anything that makes it spawn random, this makes it spawn over the player head. i know that BIS_fnc_randomPos exists but cant seem to get it to work. i also need the script to add " [group _unit, getPos _unit, 1000] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol; " to the helicopters init field to make it start patroling. and maybe if we are pushing it, maybe having to loiter a little around each waypoint i feel like i got almost all the pieces to the puzzle but have lost my glasses so i cant put it together... i hope you guys can help.
  5. Hi! I'm looking to force a custom display on top of the arma 3 loading displays. But currently I can't do it. Anyway all works except when I press the "ok" button in the lobby. That's when arma switches its displays to the top. And no way to counter it. I tried several ways: - used a oneacheframe with the command "createDialog ["displayName", true]" - used a oneacheframe with the command "createDisplay "displayName"" - used a oneacheframe with the command "createDisplay "RscText"; _dsp ctrlSetBackgroundColor [0,0,0,1];" - to override the arma 3 base classes in the config.cpp with their "onLoad" - create a control on the current display. - used an init.sqf (with respect to its initialization order) - used a preInit function (mission and mod side) - used a prestart function Do you have any ideas? Thanks in advance ^^
  6. Trying to make notifications. Arma returns "missing semicolon on line 2", but there is clearly different problem. Code: Techincally, is ctrl-c, ctrl-v from bohemia docs. Code reach line 2 for sure, but after that I have no idea. //////////////////// NOTIFICATIONS ////////////////////////////// class CfgNotifications // error here "class [#]CfgNotifications" { class Default { title = ""; iconPicture = ""; iconText = ""; description = ""; color [] = {1,1,1,1}; duration = 5; priority = 0; difficulty[] = {}; }; class TaskCompleted1 { title = "TASK COMPLETED"; iconPicture = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\mapcontrol\taskIcon_ca.paa"; description = "Poor vehicle."; }; }; //////////////////// NOTIFICATIONS END //////////////////////////// Please tell me, that I missed something obvious. I tried to comment out line by line, but for no succes.
  7. Hello everyone, I was hoping to find some help here. I just recently started tinkering with scripts to make missions for me and my friends to play. I want to implement a Huron that will fly to one randomly selected marker from an array of markers and place a cargo container, then fly off. The heli should start after a given time after mission start. For that I have a script that works in singleplayer, but not in multiplayer. 1) I have a systemchat message that displays when the script runs but it only shows on my machine. What do I need to do here? the relevant code is: systemChat str(format ["You can hear a Helicopter in the distance."]); 2) If I launch the mission in Editor MP, the debug message informs me that the variable _heli for my huron is "undefined variable in expression". I don't understand why it considers it "undefined". the relevant code is this: _heli_spawn = [_spawn, 0, _heli_class, West] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; _heli = _heli_spawn select 0; ---------------------------------------------------------- Whole script is this (taken from some guy in the forum and slightly edited for my needs): P.S. i have the following in the init file: 0 = ["B_Heli_Transport_03_F","Land_Cargo10_military_green_F","spawn","destination",10] execVM "slingload.sqf"; Thank you guys in advance.
  8. Hello, Disclaimer: This is my first time delving into arma mission files, a have a small idea of what I am doing, but do not know what these files or folders should look like, nor have I ever dealt with a script before. Thank you for any help in advance. I am trying to set the addon free radio script into my LAN Antistasi Plus server. I have done what the video tutorial and what the written tutorial say to do, but cannot seem to get it to work. The script in question: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/200791-release-addon-free-arma-radio/ these are the photos of my folders, description.ext, and init.sqf file: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/14UhTYxi86fVse8sKlMElOdvngPFOnRse?usp=sharing (Idk how elese to link photos, I am horribly unsavvy with tech, sorry for odd formatting. Again, thank you.) -PlagueDoctorCat
  9. Korskyi

    arma3 editor

    Greetings Arma players! I hope you are doing well. Recently I bought Arma3 and spent quite an amount of time in this game, needless to say, I have enjoyed it so far. Then I decided to try something new - create my own mission (Like a single operation nothing big). Now I am learning what this magnificent thing called "Eden editor" is, many things are understandable but here comes the more complicated part - scripting. The idea of what I have in mind is next: there is a task to clear the city out of enemy units after it's completed the marker on the map should change to another type and the player will receive a task to defend a position and after that comes an enemy attack of a few prepared npc's. I know it's not the best idea for a newbie to start with something complicated, but I'm really fired up for this. So I was wondering if you, honored arma veterans, could give me some advice or tips on where to start or which direction I should take. Thank you in advance!
  10. Hello, A server owner has tasked me with creating a script to teleport him and his group of admins to a position on the map determined by a mouse click. We're doing this via "player addAction" and he already has a trigger set up to "removeAllActions player" when done. The owner needs the action to first open the map, where he will LeftAlt-LMB click on a position, and the script to teleport him and his group to that position without breaking formation. For the sake of simplicity, could the addAction possibly be put in the Init field of a playable character which execVM's a squiff? I also found this elsewhere on the forum: fnc_teleportGroup = { params ["_group", "_position"]; private _leader = leader _group; { private _dir = _leader getDir _x; private _dist = _x distance2D _leader; _x setPos (_position getPos [_dist, _dir]); } forEach units _group - [_leader]; _leader setPos (_position getPos [0, 0]); }; [group player, [x,y,z]] call fnc_teleportGroup; How can this be modified to both open the map on the addAction's activation and close it after the teleport is done? I want the xyz to be replaced with the leader's relative coords. Like a translation of a shape whose vertices are members of the group, except done with a script. I used to be able to do this but in the years since 2015 I have lost my ability and patience to write scripts myself. Big, ginormous thanks in advance.
  11. 🙂 PAC is a script for ARMA 3 that provides a full solution to control the map limits for players in multiplayer (Coop, PvP, TvT), preventing players from leaving the mission area. Creation concept: to be super easy to implement and customize, compatible with any mainstream mod, and functional for all types of servers: coop missions, PvP, and TvT. How to install / Documentation: https://github.com/aldolammel/Arma-3-Playable-Area-Control-Script/blob/main/_PAC_Script_Documentation.pdf What to expect from PAC script: No dependencies from other mods or scripts; PAC functions are in server's side (run once), but the checking (looping) is on the client's side; Easy installation: the playable area is defined by one named trigger added on the Eden Editor; The editor has the option to allow or not air vehicles (including drones and parachuters) to be tolerated when outside the playable area and on air; The editor has the option to allow or not minimum speed restriction if there's air-tolerance out of the playable area; The editor has the option to allow or not to notify the player about rules if they break some; Full documentation available. Video demo (old): Check the file above on GitHub. Check this data frame. Dependencies: None 🙃 Download: From Github: https://github.com/aldolammel/Arma-3-Playable-Area-Control-Script From Steam Workshop (no respawn): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2835758829 From Steam Workshop (with respawn): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2835759780 Missions running it: All my missions - - - - - - - - - - - Changelog: Nov, 30th 2023, v1.7: changelog Known issues: None. Feel free to bring some.
  12. Hi Guys, Background I want a simple script that spawns certain random vehicles from a pool at random intervals and attacks a random player. Here using the example of helicopters, the whole thing will follow later for jets, ground vehicles, etc. Distances and timings are greatly reduced for testing. Choice of Randomplayer is double made because of testings. Observation The script starts as expected, but when the helis reach the AO over Player they don't really attack with main or ship guns. Rarely a short salvo but no real attack. Trials doFire normally lets AI auto-aim, so I've tried without doTarget as well. But same result. If I read the table at the bottom of the BI Wiki, (Link: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/fireAtTarget) fireAtTarget could be a solution.# What I wanted to avoid was spwawing AI, forming groups, occupying a vehicle and then acting via waypoints. Since I would like to send random vehicles from a larger pool and that would make things very extensive. Script My Question Do you have any tips and recommendations that could help me with my desired scenario goal of dealing with the AI? Am I on the right track or should I solve it completely differently? Thanks for your support.
  13. Hello everyone, Im new to editing missions, so i'm strugling with 3 addons that i downloaded from the steam workshop, in the editor when i add few modded flags and save the mission, put the mission the mpmission file and start the server, when i join it says "Error Loading Mission", also theses 3 mods are added as required mods but when joining the server they appear as optionnal and all other mods work perfecly and are categorized as required, and if i go back to the editor and i delete the modded flags entities, save the mission and put the mission in the mpmission file, the server work perfectly, so why theses 3 mods are categorised as optionnal when i put them as required by the server. Thanks to anyone who help me. Addons i'm talking about http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2576006559 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2474961310 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2764329011
  14. Hi there, Vehicles Overhauling (VO) is a system of repairing, refueling, and rearming vehicles by proximity and with any asset of your choice. Also, the services are divided by doctrine: Ground, Air, and Nautical. Each doctrine and even service is easily turned Off or On, according to the editor's needs. If needed, the editor can allow repairing just for ground vehicles while unavailable for air ones, for example. Triggering or code via Eden Editor is needless. VO is configured through only one file, prioritizing implementation simplicity and quick change management that the mission editor might want. How to install / Documentation: https://github.com/aldolammel/Arma-3-Vehicles-Overhauling-Script/blob/main/vehicles-overhauling.VR/vehiclesOverhauling/_VO_Script_Documentation.pdf What to expect from VO script: Define what vehicle type have automatically access to ground, air or nautical services (rearm, repair, refuel); Define what service each station (asset) will provide: repair, refuel or rearm or all of them (full service); Every object/asset on Eden Editor can be traceable as station automatically, it's up to the mission-editor; Once defined which assets are stations, on Eden you just drag and drop the asset and the script will track them; All repair, refuel, and rearm Arma 3 and its DLCs assets are already tracked; All repair, refuel, and rearm RHS and CUP assets are already tracked; 100% compatible with CBA+ACE. No code or triggers is needed on Eden Editor; Just one file to set your mission needs easily: fn_VO_parameters.sqf; Script working as gold on hosted and dedicated servers; Demo: Main file > fn_VO_parameters.sqf: Dependencies: None! Download: From Github: https://github.com/aldolammel/Arma-3-Vehicles-Overhauling-Script From Steam Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2758919670 Missions running it: Tanks & Helicopters (Light) Tanks & Helicopters Livonia Tanks Theater TvT Bradley Furious - - - - - - - - - - - Changelog: 2022-Oct-07, v2.2: news, fixes and notes here. Known issues: Critical > Dedicated Server > If two or more players are in the same armed vehicle, the vehicle will rearm two or more times after spend some ammo ------ (WIP) Critical > RHS on > Air Doctrine > RHS airplanes are NOT rearming properly. ------ (WIP) Important > ACE on > Repairing > if the vehicle got damage only in wheels/tracks, guns and/or turret, the repairing doesn't run; Minor > ACE on > Refueling > I'm trying to hide the pump hose; Minor > ACE on > Repairing > If the vehicle starts to cook-off with a repair station close, the vehicle gets repaired, but still cooking. Cheers, thy
  15. Hi everyone, anyone know how can do infinite ammo for uav's, I tryed this script but didn't worked on the any uav's, so anyone can help me? My mod list; https://prnt.sc/eflQWhwdEtem https://prnt.sc/-deVg_rMlDUc
  16. Hi guys, I am trying to do a script, which allow me to spawn a "fuel smuggler" (trader) who buys fuel crates only and gives the player 500 cash for every fuel barrel he buys. After 10 min he will disappear only to show 20 minutes later on another place. Monetary system is Grad Money Menu. while {true} do { sleep 1200; _pos1 = [1323.44,7742.14,0]; _pos2 = [11845.7,7733.76,0]; _pos3 = [2177.42,10840.1,0]; _pos4 = [2936.97,3438.3,0]; _rpos = [_pos1,_pos2,_pos3,_pos4] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _smugveh = "C_Truck_02_fuel_F" createVehicle _rpos; _smugveh setFuel 0; _spos = [_rpos, 3, 15, 3, 0, 0.5, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; private _grp = createGroup [civilian,true]; _smuggler = _grp createUnit ["CUP_C_TK_Man_02",_spos]; _smuggler enableAI "PATH"; _smugtrig = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector",_spos]; _smugtrig setTriggerArea [5,5,0,false]; _smugtrig setTriggerActivation ["STATIC","PRESENT",true]; _smugtrig setTriggerStatements ["{_x isKindOf "CargoNet_01_barrels_F"} count thisList == 1", "_delete = nearestObjects [_smuggler, ["CargoNet_01_barrels_F"],50]; {deleteVehicle _x;} forEach _delete; [player, 500] call grad_moneymenu_fnc_addFunds;",""]; _marker = createMarker ["Smuggler present!", _rpos]; _marker setMarkerType "loc_LetterS"; _marker setMarkerColor "colorCivilian"; sleep 600; deleteMarker "Smuggler present!" deleteVehicle _smugtrig; deleteVehicle _smugveh; deleteVehicle _smuggler; }; No luck so far, nothing spawns. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I wonder where my mistake is ...
  17. Hey guys, I've searched for while but I can't find any solution for my problem. I'm creating a training map for our clan and I want to include a dogfight training. I want to spawn a pool of enemy jets at one of a predefined position and it have to give the jet one of a predefined movepoint to circle until he detects the player. I'm not the fittest in sqf and that's what I created yet: Pool of enemy jets (included in "init.sqf"): I set 5 "empty markers" to spawn on and 5 to move on at the map and included them in "init.sqf": After that I wrote a script to pick all three randomly and set the variables in my "cas.sqf"-file: Until here it worked fine. The script picks randomly the units and positions. Now the problem is to spawn it in and there I depair. =( I tried it like that... _jet = [_randomAirSpawn, "0", _randomAirTarget, east] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; ...and nothing happens. =( And after that I've no idea how to give a waypoint to "_jet". What am I doing wrong?
  18. Hi, there. I am trying to make two "factories" in my mission - one producing fuel and the other vehicle ammo points. Both factories should produce a box filled with fuel and "ammo points" respectively. The fuel and ammo points use ACE3 framework. For the fuel factory I made these script and it works perfectly (executed via initServer) : while {true} do { sleep 1800; _fuel = "CargoNet_01_barrels_F" createVehicle [4694.33,9483.27,0]; [_fuel, 1000] call ace_refuel_fnc_makeSource; _marker = createMarker ["Fuel Produced!", [4697.51,9475.91,0]]; _marker setMarkerType "loc_Truck"; sleep 300; deleteMarker "Fuel Produced!" }; Every half hour it produces one barrel with 1000 fuel (ACE). I tried to make the same thing with ammo points for vehicle rearming but no success. I am trying to implement ACE3 Rearm framework code (taken from https://ace3.acemod.org/wiki/framework/rearm-framework.html) : while {true} do { sleep 600; _ammobox = "CargoNet_01_box_F" createVehicle [5058.03,6888.37,0]; _ammobox = setVariable ["ace_rearm_isSupplyVehicle",true]; [_ammobox, 1200] call ace_rearm_fnc_setSupplyCount; _marker = createMarker ["Ammo Produced!", [5056.13,6886.58,0]]; _marker setMarkerType "loc_Truck"; sleep 300; deleteMarker "Ammo Produced!" }; But it doesn't spawn anything, it doesn't show any error and I have no clue why isn't working. Big thanks to everyone who wants to help a big script nOOb like myself.
  19. I'm trying to edit the autorun script from [Release] Auto Run Script I want to set the keys that interrupt auto running to be only Shift, Tab, W, A, S, and D, but it seems that only Shift and WASD work. Any idea why? initPlayerLocal.sqf: //-------------------------AUTORUN------------------------------------- if (hasInterface) then{ waitUntil {!isNull findDisplay 46}; (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", { if (_this select 1 == (actionKeys 'uavView') select 0) then { if (isNil "AR_active") then {AR_active = false}; if (AR_active) exitWith {AR_active = false}; if (!isNull objectParent player) exitWith {}; if (surfaceIsWater (getPos player)) exitWith {}; _legdamage = player getHit "legs"; AR_active = true; AR_weapon = currentWeapon player; AR_animation = switch (true) do { case (AR_weapon isEqualTo ""): {"AmovPercMevaSnonWnonDf"}; case (AR_weapon isEqualTo (handgunWeapon player)): {"AmovPercMevaSlowWpstDf"}; case (AR_weapon isEqualTo (primaryWeapon player)): {"AmovPercMevaSlowWrflDf"}; case (AR_weapon isEqualTo (secondaryWeapon player)): {"AmovPercMevaSlowWlnrDf"}; }; player addEventHandler ["AnimDone", { if ((!AR_active) || {!((currentWeapon player) isEqualTo AR_weapon)} || {!isNull objectParent player} || {surfaceIsWater (getPos player)} || {_this select 1 == AR_animation && speed (vehicle player) <= 0}) exitWith { player removeEventHandler ["AnimDone", _thisEventHandler]; AR_active = false; AR_weapon = nil; AR_animation = nil; }; player playMoveNow AR_animation; }]; player playMoveNow AR_animation; }; }]; // Stop running (uavView = Tab) (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", { if ((_this select 1 == (actionKeys 'MoveForward') select 0) || (_this select 1 == (actionKeys 'vehicleTurbo') select 0) || (_this select 1 == (actionKeys 'uavView') select 0) || (_this select 1 == (actionKeys 'MoveBack') select 0) || (_this select 1 == (actionKeys 'TurnRight') select 0) || (_this select 1 == (actionKeys 'TurnLeft') select 0)) then { if (AR_active) then {AR_active = false}; }; }]; };
  20. I can't for the life of me figure out how to set a distance condition on the 3den Enhanced add actions. I don't want players to be able to see it from miles away as long as they are scrolling. I know it should be ran on "condition show" but I don't know exactly what to put there: Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks
  21. So I’m new to coding in general and thought I’d try out scripting in arma 3, I have written code but it does not do as intended. And I don’t even know if I’m using the right commands, I’m done trying to rack my brain scouring BI script command list and random YouTube videos if anyone know how to achieve this please post it here or reference me to where I can get help. so here’s what I want to do: 1. Give variable name in Eden editor. 2. Get variable name given in Eden editor for reference in script as a “class”. 3. Use variable name “class” to run a specific script. plot example: Object (unit) variable name given in editor = Assault //in script code to get the variable name of “This” unit. code to check if the variable name is equal to a specific class name. code that executes another code if the check returns true. if you have any insight on how to achieve this or even close to it please reply
  22. Greetings Community, I needed a gas mask overlay script for a MP mission I'm making. Unfortunately, I couldn't find anything that works across respawns... so I modified the overlay part of the script made by ALIAS - "Radiation - DEMO", after heavy modification the overlay is now MP compatible. There are currently some issues, which I hope I can resolve in near future: * Gas mask overlay will remain after respawn until the player equips and then unequips the "Gas mask" * For some reason the script doesn't work with the "Contact DLC" gas masks. It actually works. It appears the unit (cbrn_specialist) spawns with "G_AirPurifyingRespirator_01_nofilter_F" and later respawns with "G_AirPurifyingRespirator_01_F", keep that in mind. Feel free to contribute, I'm stuck as it is. I'll provide further updates in the github repository Enjoy! Modified multiplayer compatible overlay script. https://github.com/SubXi/arma3-2d-mask-overlay Original script: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=909790601
  23. Hi guys, I'm creating a fun map for my friends and after destroying a unit or vehicle I cannot hack UAV or operate another uav. UAV terminal disables. Here is a video: Arma 3 Editor problem. (youtube) Can you help me about it?
  24. I have created a simple menu. I want every player to be able to bring it up and use it with a scroll wheel when they enter the server. I put addAction into initPlayerLocal.sqf and added a hint as a run marker. But when I enter the server I get the message but no option to add. I ran my addAction code in the debug console and it proved that it works. How do I get the option to be added automatically for each player entering the server?
  25. JBOY Mace Trap for Prairie Fire is released! The jungles of Nam just got a little more dangerous! This is not MP tested yet, but hopefully will work. Please report any bugs found in this thread. Fun release vid: Editor demonstration showing how to set up mace traps: Original pre-release teaser video: Get sample mission here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/erki8qb50f9his9/JBOY_MacePunjiTrapDemo.vn_khe_sanh.7z?dl=0 Credits: Savage Game Design for objects and voice files used in the script. Bohemia Interactive for voice files and sound fx. How to add Mace Traps to mission in the Editor: Copy the JBOY folder from sample mission into your mission folder. Include these two lines (copy from sample mission init.sqf) into you init.sqf file. // ********************************************************************** // Compile JBOY functions // ********************************************************************** _n = execVM "JBOY\JBOY_compileFuncs.sqf"; // Compile general JBOY functions call compile preprocessFile "JBOY\mace\compileMaceScripts.sqf"; // Compile all Mace functions Place a Whip Trap object in the editor. The direction you set the trap will be the direction the mace will swing. Note that AI may be inclined to walk around the trap, so you might want to place more objects on map to funnel the AI path into the trap. In the Whip Trap object's init field, put the following code: [this,'WEST'] spawn {sleep 3; _this spawn JBOY_maceTrapCreate;}; The second parameter above determines who can activate the trap. This script creates a trigger for the trap, so these are the values you canuse for this parameter: "EAST", "WEST", "GUER", "CIV", "LOGIC", "ANY", "ANYPLAYER" For a Prairie Fire mission you might want to set it to WEST so only West units activate the trap. This simulates the locals (VC and Civs) knowing to avoid the trap.