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Ok, just one simple thing that is seriously begging me now. When typing, no matter when, or where, the keys you press will also interact your character actions. So i'm typing, leaning left and right, moving forward, backward, and sideways, opening my compass and watch, and it's SOOOOOOOOOOO annoying, you have no idea. Can this be fixed? Like, seriously, in the next update?

IMO only happens when you don't wait for the game to initialise and alt tab during start up.

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^^^ Sounds like it would be a nightmare to sync especially if used in high volume.

Surprisingly no. I've had (in editor, not multiplayer) around 20+ choppers all lifting objects, and all of them looked smooth. No issues with lots of rope in scene what so ever.

---------- Post added at 19:28 ---------- Previous post was at 19:18 ----------

IMO only happens when you don't wait for the game to initialise and alt tab during start up.

Really? Hmmm... ill try this.

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Reloading and inventory management is still broken on a dedicated server. Tested on todays DEV branch EXE rev. 127101 and both server and client running vanilla, empty mission with just a soldier and ammo boxes. Reloading works, I pick up a new gun from a box, reloading still works. I try to get ammo from another box, the magazines just vanish. After that reloading plays no anim and removes a magazine from my inventory. Couldn't reproduce on a listen server or in singleplayer, but everytime on dedicated server.

, is this a known bug and on the tracker already? Sounds like the fixed one from

Still there in todays DEV version 127127, I now created a ticket on the bugtracker. http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=20716

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Getting a lot of this spam about missing sounds:

Cannot load sound 'a3\sounds_f\characters\stances\low_rifle.wav'
Error: Failed to open file a3\sounds_f\characters\stances\low_rifle.wav

Checked integrity etc.

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IMO only happens when you don't wait for the game to initialise and alt tab during start up.

For me, it usually happens if I die and respawn in MP. There's an age old ticket on FT for this bug.

EDIT: and there's also a suggestion about player list action causing it, added since I last checked.

Edited by DarkWanderer

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Multiplayer, un-hooking a sling load = CTD.

rpt, bidmp, mdmp files please ? (or url to a3 feedback tracker ticket where you attached it)

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I remember that devs have fixed the erratic Darter "AI pilot" flying. However it's happening again. When Darter/Taryan flies near enemy it does some crazy evasive maneuvers. It is then impossible to designate a target even with new turret stabilization. Also AI can't fly straight, it flies in a S-pattern way. Again, very pissing off. Checked both on stable and DEV. I think DEV version with RotorLib is even worse.

It would be great if, by enabling auto-hover manually, UAV would stay in place no matter what.

I could swear there was a thread dedicated to UAV development. Have it been deleted?

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I could swear there was a thread dedicated to UAV development. Have it been deleted?

Nope, it's here. :)

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Lesson 2: Do not trust forum search engine :D

Edit: Uncheking Autonomous box fixes that? I hope so :D

Now question regarding tracked artillery. It has laser guided shells which are indeed laser guided.

It has also guided shells which should have much smaller spread region. However they're not guided at all. Try yourself. In my tests only 1 out of 5 shots hit the target. Rest went even beyond the spread range. It would be great if, by default, artillery had more laser guided rounds when we have Laser Designators, Uavs and such.

Or just make guided shells precise :D

Thanks guys!

Edited by prykpryk

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after the last patch i don't hear the pain sound, when i hit a character

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May I direct the dev's attention to this bug, please ? This affects all vehicles, once you had control of a UAV, you will *always* get stuck in a vehicle and you won't be able to get out again. This just ruined a long mission for me since I wasn't able to even get out of the damn car again.

Honestly, this is a MAJOR bug that needs fixing ASAP.

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May I direct the dev's attention to this bug, please ? This affects all vehicles, once you had control of a UAV, you will *always* get stuck in a vehicle and you won't be able to get out again. This just ruined a long mission for me since I wasn't able to even get out of the damn car again.

Honestly, this is a MAJOR bug that needs fixing ASAP.

Last week it ruined a mission for me as well and for two others who had the same problem.

This really calls for a an urgent fix.

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Last week it ruined a mission for me as well and for two others who had the same problem.

This really calls for a an urgent fix.

Same here. Pretty annoying to spend a one hour missing on the back of a pickup truck picking your nose thinking "gosh, I wish I could be having fun now".

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What objects can the Hummingbird pick up?

Also @DnA; your next post will be your 1337th. ;)

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What objects can the Hummingbird pick up?

Also @DnA; your next post will be your 1337th. ;)

Ammo Supply Crate, Quadbikes, and Go-Karts.

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ammo supply crate, quadbikes, and go-karts.

+ b4rr3l5 :)

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Is onLBDrop (with listbox) working right? (((_this select 4)select 0)select 1) returns always 0 for me, shouldnt it return the dragged index instead?

Edit: Nevermind, seems like that is meant for value.

Edited by SaOk

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It's something that has to do with weapon and magazines being strings for the game engine if I'm not mistaken.

Still one of the most glaring and borderline unacceptable issues: a game that tends towards (not "is") simulation like ArmA should definetely implement convincing gun mechanichs.


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It's something that has to do with weapon and magazines being strings for the game engine if I'm not mistaken.

Still one of the most glaring and borderline unacceptable issues: a game that tends towards (not "is") simulation like ArmA should definetely implement convincing gun mechanichs.


Just wait for the Marksman DLC, guys. They longer they have to work on it (like 3-4 months) the more detailed and fine-tuned it will be. If they release it too soon, people will complain it hasn't been worked on enough. If it's released too late, people will complain it is overdue. I think 3-4 months is a good amount of time to work on a realistic representation of marksmanship.

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Just wait for the Marksman DLC, guys.

Has there been any indication that this is an issue which the Marksman DLC will address?

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Based on what I know, the issue is related to the engine and is not fixable. I guss at least one mod would have surfaced if that wasn't the case.


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