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garage Virtual Garage Custom List not working for BIS_fnc_garage
npmproductions13 posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
I cannot seem to get the custom/filtered list working for the BIS_fnc_garage function. The documentation for the function does not seem to work when I add the BIS_fnc_garage_data which takes an array of whitelisted vehicles. Official Docs: Here is my code: I put this together with an example from Larow and the documentation if memory serves me right. Any help with getting this working would be appreciated. 👍 -
I am trying to add the virtual garage to my mission, but I am unable to limit the vehicle selection. this addaction [ "<t color='#0000FF'>CustomGarage</t>",{ BIS_fnc_garage_data = [ [ '\a3\soft_f\mrap_01\mrap_01_unarmed_f', [ ( configFile >> 'cfgVehicles' >> 'B_MRAP_01_F' ) ] ] ]; _pos = [ player, 30, getDir player ] call BIS_fnc_relPos; BIS_fnc_garage_center = createVehicle [ "Land_HelipadEmpty_F", _pos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE" ]; ["Open",true] call BIS_fnc_garage; h = [] spawn { waitUntil { isNull ( uinamespace getvariable ["BIS_fnc_arsenal_cam",objnull] ) }; BIS_fnc_garage_data = nil; }; }, [], 1, true, true, "", "isNull cursortarget"]; This is the code so far, but even if I edit the "BIS_fnc_garage_data" there are still all vehicles available. I want to limit the access to the vehicles by type: Wheeled, Tracked, Rotary, Fixed Wing and Naval and static. Later in the process I want to limit it to the players side. Any help would be appreciated
Hello, first im a completely noob and take scripts from this forum in my mission. But now i cant find any solution or script to make this arrows (see on the picture) to move up and down like in the tutorials. Maybe someone can help me out with a nice script?
Just need a little start up. If you edit a vehicle in the Virutal Arsenal (Garage), like doors open, beacon on. I thought you press Export and than you can place that in the Init field when you place the object in the Editor. Example, I want to place some cars that block the road. The Offroad Comms (new with the DLC Contact). I open the back doors and put the becon on. But placing the export in the init field doesn't work. Also pressed import and save it.. but that I cannot find back Hard to find something about this... virtual arsenal give all the times results in virtual ammo-boxes. Export is like this: _veh = createVehicle ["I_E_Offroad_01_comms_F",position player,[],0,"NONE"]; [ _veh, ["EAF",1], ["hidePolice",1,"HideServices",1,"HideCover",0,"StartBeaconLight",1,"HideRoofRack",0,"HideLoudSpeakers",0,"HideAntennas",0,"HideBeacon",0,"HideSpotlight",0,"HideDoor3",0,"OpenDoor3",1,"HideDoor1",0,"HideDoor2",0,"HideBackpacks",1,"HideBumper1",1,"HideBumper2",0,"HideConstruction",0,"BeaconsStart",0] ] call BIS_fnc_initVehicle; So, a little start up on this would be great. how do I use this? Thanks in advance!
Zeus Multiplayer Virtual Entities Die on Start
smashballs posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
My Zeus Game Master mission works near flawlessly, except for some reason all the virtual entities die when the mission starts. I will select the Zeus virtual entity at the start screen, and when it goes to the briefing it shows "No Signal", then starts with the screen pointing up and it shows me the death screen. Why is this happening? The Zeus can work if being used by a regular unit, but that causes strange re-spawning bugs. I want a normal virtual Zeus entity to be the Game Master, but that is impossible if it dies for no reason. Am I missing something for my virtual entities to be dying? I am using version 1.56 for the Eden editor, is that the cause of this strange bug? Description.ext author="Smash Balls"; onLoadName = "Overlord 42+1 Master Altis"; OnLoadMission = "There is an almighty Overlord of which I wouldn't disobey! The NATO faction has a starting desert HQ with a handful of starting assets to use."; loadScreen = "overlordCastle.jpg"; overviewText = "Our lord of death and destruction has arrived!"; displayName = "Overlord 42+1 Master Altis|Preset Base(NATO)"; respawnVehicleDelay = 30; respawn = "BASE"; respawndelay = 15; respawnDialog = 1; respawnTemplatesWest[] = {"MenuPosition","MenuInventory"}; respawnTemplatesCiv[] = {"MenuPosition","MenuInventory"}; respawnTemplatesVirtual[] = {}; respawnOnStart = 0; disabledAI = 1; joinUnassigned = 1; aiKills = 1; class Header { gameType = ZGM; //DM, Team, Coop, ... minPlayers = 1; //min # of players the mission supports maxPlayers = 43; //Max # of players the mission supports playerCountMultipleOf = 1; }; -
Hi, I have searched far and wide for an answer but have gotten nowhere any help appreciated. Heres the issue. My MP mission has MHQ bikes that work perfect however when they are destroyed they lose the virtual arsenal. I have tried various methods to fix it hoever nothing seems to be working even when no errors are displayed. Ive tried via init and add actions also by following the guidelines on arsenal from BIS. Ive also tried doing via expression field in the vehicle respawn. Thanks.
CBA_A3 Removing weapon attatchments in the virtual arsenal
GoShieldGlobal posted a topic in ARMA 3 - TROUBLESHOOTING
I've been trying to play modded missions with my friends and allow them to make custom load outs using the virtual arsenal. I've done many missions in the past without problems and i'm not sure whats going on now. Basically when I place a unit or play as a unit and go into the arsenal i have the attachment on my gun that it spawned with. Then when I click on the weapons tab in the arsenal the current attachments that I spawned in with will disappear and there will not be any attachments options showing up in the right corner like normal. If someone could help I would appreciate it a ton! this has been driving me crazy! -
Hey guys, I know someone is going to tell me to use the search bar, which I have, but I haven't seen a specific answer. Is there any way to use the VIVE in Arma for head tracking? I bought it as an alternative to TrackIR and hoped there was I way that I could utilize it in the game. I'd appreciate any feedback on the matter!
[Code Snippet] Transfer loadouts from VAS to Virtual Arsenal
fn_Quiksilver posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
QS_fnc_clientVAS2VA = { /* File: fn_clientVAS2VA.sqf Author: Quiksilver Last modified: 22/12/2015 ArmA 1.54 by Quiksilver Description: Transfer loadouts from Virtual Ammobox System to Virtual Arsenal ________________________________________________________________*/ if (isDedicated) exitWith {}; if (!isNil {profileNamespace getVariable 'QS_VAStoArsenal'}) exitWith {}; profileNamespace setVariable ['QS_VAStoArsenal',TRUE]; saveProfileNamespace; private [ '_index','_vasLoadout','_vasLoadout_title','_vasLoadout_primary','_vasLoadout_launcher','_vasLoadout_handgun','_vasLoadout_magazines', '_vasLoadout_uniform','_vasLoadout_vest','_vasLoadout_backpack','_vasLoadout_items','_vasLoadout_primItems','_vasLoadout_secItems', '_vasLoadout_handgunItems','_vasLoadout_uItems','_vasLoadout_vItems','_vasLoadout_bItems','_headgearTypes','_headgear','_gogglesTypes', '_binocularTypes','_binocular','_export','_data','_newName','_namespace' ]; _index = 0; _headgear = ''; _goggles = ''; _binocularTypes = ['Rangefinder','Binocular','Laserdesignator','Laserdesignator_02','Laserdesignator_03']; _binocular = ''; _namespace = profileNamespace; for '_x' from 0 to 24 step 1 do { _vasLoadout = profileNamespace getVariable [format ['vas_gear_new_%1',_index],[]]; if (!(_vasLoadout isEqualTo [])) then { _vasLoadout params [ '_vasLoadout_title', '_vasLoadout_primary', '_vasLoadout_launcher', '_vasLoadout_handgun', '_vasLoadout_magazines', '_vasLoadout_uniform', '_vasLoadout_vest', '_vasLoadout_backpack', '_vasLoadout_items', '_vasLoadout_primItems', '_vasLoadout_secItems', '_vasLoadout_handgunItems', '_vasLoadout_uItems', '_vasLoadout_vItems', '_vasLoadout_bItems' ]; { if (['H_',_x,FALSE] call (missionNamespace getVariable 'BIS_fnc_inString')) then { _headgear = _x; }; if (_x in _binocularTypes) then { _binocular = _x; }; } forEach _vasLoadout_items; _export = []; _export = [ [_vasLoadout_uniform,_vasLoadout_uItems], [_vasLoadout_vest,_vasLoadout_vItems], [_vasLoadout_backpack,_vasLoadout_bItems], _headgear, _goggles, _binocular, [_vasLoadout_primary,_vasLoadout_primItems,((getArray (configFile >> 'CfgWeapons' >> _vasLoadout_primary >> 'magazines')) select 0)], [_vasLoadout_launcher,_vasLoadout_secItems,((getArray (configFile >> 'CfgWeapons' >> _vasLoadout_launcher >> 'magazines')) select 0)], [_vasLoadout_handgun,_vasLoadout_handgunItems,((getArray (configFile >> 'CfgWeapons' >> _vasLoadout_handgun >> 'magazines')) select 0)], ['ItemMap','ItemCompass','ItemWatch','ItemRadio','ItemGPS'], [(face player),'',''] ]; _newName = format ['%1 (Imported %2)',_vasLoadout_title,_index]; _data = _namespace getVariable ['bis_fnc_saveInventory_data',[]]; _nameID = _data find _newName; if (_nameID < 0) then { _nameID = count _data; _data set [_nameID,_newName]; }; _data set [_nameID + 1,_export]; _namespace setVariable ['bis_fnc_saveInventory_data',_data]; saveProfileNamespace; }; _index = _index + 1; uiSleep 0.1; }; }; Compile(final) that function with the CfgFunctions library (or whatever compiler you use) and call it in player init (such as initPlayerLocal.sqf or init.sqf). Will run only once per profile. I'm not sure if BI changed the ordering of their Virtual Arsenal inventory loadouts regarding magazines, that could be an issue, someone would have to doublecheck how Arsenal saves/loads inventory, as this function may predate those changes. There also may be a new Laser Designator or Rangefinder class with Apex, if anyone knows the new ones, I'll update the post with it. Use like this: comment "Insert the below line into initPlayerLocal.sqf or init.sqf or wherever your client files initialize from"; call QS_fnc_clientVAS2VA; -
Can anyone help with Virtual Supports - winched vehicles and reinforcements
ivlatty posted a topic in ARMA 3 - QUESTIONS & ANSWERS
Hey all, I've been trying to add greater variety to the virtual supports, mainly so that i have some easy systems that i can copy into new maps. I've got the hang of adding my own vehicle names into the virtual support modules, and amazingly have discovered that i can use enemy vehicles and my allies will still be flying them. There's a vehicle init field for the virtual supports, and i'm wondering if anyone can help me with achieving what i want, which is; - Reinforcements option; troops via heli that flies to requested location. Troops get out and join player squad. I'm really not sure how to do this as it doesn't fit any of the virtual supports (heli attack or heli transport) - Vehicle dropped off via heli to requested location. Vehicle can be empty if need be, or with allies that join players squad. Main vehicle i'd love this for is UGV drone. Currently there is an issue with all CUP planes (harrier, C130J) spawning in stationary as virtual supports, whereas the vanilla vehicles spawn in at speed, so i can't get my head around fixing that. Lastly, a taru dropping it's bench of troops upon support request would be amazing. If you have any advice or other ideas of features that can be done with the virtual supports, i'd love to hear them. -
The challenge: I decided to try and find a purpose for the Virtual Reality terrain! :lol: This is the first TvT scenario I've ever created and was looking to see what others thought. Steam Workshop download: and a direct .pbo download
So I got Virtual Garage to work in my mission, I can walk up to AI:s, scroll to get a option to enter Virtual Garage and spawn in any vehicle I want at a given location. What I want to do now is so that I at these AI:s only can access certain vehicles, for example I have a Car Dealer, Heli Dealer and a Armor Dealer in wich I only want to display the right type of vehicles. How can I do this? Also if the regular way is to add in every single vehicle to a list then is there a quicker way to do it since I have a lot of mods x)
Custom Grenade and Explosive not showing up in arsenal
7Y-Loki posted a topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS - CONFIGS & SCRIPTING
Good day, I have been searching this forum for a solution but either I can't find it or it is not yet here. I belong to a small group of modders and we have done our own smoke grenade and dinamite models and added them succesfuly into an also custom cratebox. We can then lay down the cratebox in the editor and access these items from there, or by putting them directly into a custom faction soldier's inventory. However, we cannot see them in the virtual arsenal, and would really appreciate it if someone could point us in the right direction. Here are the configs: (DINAMITE): class CfgPatches { class go9_dinamita { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 1.0.0; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Weapons_F","A3_Modules_F_Misc"}; }; }; class cfgAmmo { class SatchelCharge_Remote_Ammo; class Dinamita: SatchelCharge_Remote_Ammo { author = "RealityTeamMod"; scope = 2; displayName="Carga de Dinamita"; picture = "\go9_dinamita\data\ico\dinamita.paa"; hit=8000; indirectHit=8000; indirectHitRange=15; deflecting = 25; model = "\go9_dinamita\go9_dinamita.p3d"; mineModelDisabled = "\go9_dinamita\go9_dinamita.p3d"; soundHit[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\explosives\mines\Explosive_Charge_01",3.1622777,1,1500}; defaultMagazine = "DinamitaM"; ExplosionEffects = "MineNondirectionalExplosion"; CraterEffects = "MineNondirectionalCrater"; whistleDist = 32; mineInconspicuousness = 5; mineTrigger = "RemoteTrigger"; triggerWhenDestroyed = 0; }; class Dinamita_Scripted: SatchelCharge_Remote_Ammo { triggerWhenDestroyed = 1; }; }; class cfgMagazines { class SatchelCharge_Remote_Mag; class DinamitaM: SatchelCharge_Remote_Mag { author = "Reality Team Mod"; scope = 2; mass = 12; displayName="Carga de dinamita"; picture = "\go9_dinamita\data\ico\dinamita.paa"; model = "\go9_dinamita\go9_dinamita.p3d"; ammo = "Dinamita"; descriptionShort = "¡Cuidado con los dedos!"; class Library { libTextDesc = "Carga de dinamita"; }; }; }; (SMOKE GRENADE): class CfgPatches { class go9_granada_s_v { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {"granada_humo_throw"}; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_weapons_F"}; }; }; class cfgAmmo { class Default; // External class reference class Grenade : Default {}; class GrenadeHand : Grenade {}; class SmokeShell: GrenadeHand {}; class go9_granada_Sammo_b: SmokeShell { model = "\go9_granada_s_v\go9_granada_s_v.p3d"; timeToLive = 80; smokeColor[] = {1,1,1,1}; effectsSmoke = "SmokeShellWhiteEffect"; }; class go9_granada_Sammo_v: SmokeShell { model = "\go9_granada_s_v\go9_granada_s_v.p3d"; timeToLive = 80; smokeColor[] = {0.2125,0.6258,0.48909998,1}; effectsSmoke = "SmokeShellGreenEffect"; }; class go9_granada_Sammo_r: SmokeShell { model = "\go9_granada_s_v\go9_granada_s_v.p3d"; timeToLive = 80; smokeColor[] = {0.8438,0.1383,0.1353,1}; effectsSmoke = "SmokeShellRedEffect"; }; }; class cfgMagazines { class Default; // External class reference class CA_Magazine : Default {}; class HandGrenade : CA_Magazine {}; class SmokeShell : HandGrenade {}; class go9_granada_Sshell_b: SmokeShell { author = "RealityTeamMod"; scope = 2; displayName = "Granada S Blanco"; displayNameShort = "Humo Blanco"; picture = "\go9_granada_s_v\data\ico\go9_granada_s_blanco.paa"; model = "\go9_granada_s_v\go9_granada_s_v.p3d"; ammo = "go9_granada_Sammo_b"; descriptionShort = "Granada S de humo blanco RTM"; }; class go9_granada_Sshell_r: SmokeShell { author = "RealityTeamMod"; scope = 2; displayName = "Granada S Rojo"; displayNameShort = "Humo Rojo"; picture = "\go9_granada_s_v\data\ico\go9_granada_s_rojo.paa"; model = "\go9_granada_s_v\go9_granada_s_v.p3d"; ammo = "go9_granada_Sammo_r"; descriptionShort = "Granada S de humo rojo RTM"; }; class go9_granada_Sshell_v: SmokeShell { author = "RealityTeamMod"; scope = 2; displayName = "Granada S Verde"; displayNameShort = "Humo Verde"; picture = "\go9_granada_s_v\data\ico\go9_granada_s_verde.paa"; model = "\go9_granada_s_v\go9_granada_s_v.p3d"; ammo = "go9_granada_Sammo_v"; descriptionShort = "Granada S de humo verde RTM"; }; }; class cfgWeapons { class Default; class GrenadeLauncher : Default {}; class Throw : GrenadeLauncher {}; class go9_granada_Sthrow : Throw { displayname = "Throw"; baseWeapon = "go9_granada_Sthrow" scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2; scopeArsenal = 2; muzzles[] = {"go9_granada_S_Muzzle"}; class ThrowMuzzle: GrenadeLauncher { aidispersioncoefx = 6; aidispersioncoefy = 6; autoreload = 1; cursor = "EmptyCursor"; cursoraim = "throw"; enableattack = 0; keepininventory = 1; magazinereloadtime = 0; maxrange = 60; maxrangeprobab = 0.03; midrange = 45; midrangeprobab = 0.9; minrange = 10; minrangeprobab = 0.2; modeloptics = ""; reloadsound[] = {"", 0.000316228, 1}; reloadtime = 0; showempty = 0; sound[] = {"", 0.000316228, 1}; }; class go9_granada_S_Muzzle: ThrowMuzzle { magazines[] = {"go9_granada_Sshell_b","go9_granada_Sshell_r","go9_granada_Sshell_v"}; }; }; }; Thank you for your time in advance! Peace out B) -
Hello, sorry, if someone already started question like this, but I've been searching and didn't find anything. Well my problem is that I want to copy profile information to another PC...I could easily find the profile in documents/Arma 3 etc. I succesfully transferred profile data of my campaigns, showcases, challenges and settings. Now where is the problem, right? Well, in challenges, I see that I've completed them...but the times are gone! I had all the gold medals in those challenges I completed(all but marksman and helicopters, cos I haven't played the game since they were released) ...And in Virtual reality training, all the training places(explosives, weapons etc) are gone too...but those are not problem, I can easily get them back in a moment....yet the challenges really irritate me, because I spent a lot of time mastering them...If anyone knows where I can find data containing those times, please, tell me, it would be really painful to do them again... ;) Thank you very much Edit: I tried to search everywhere, even in registers, but couldn't find something that might be it.... EDIT2: I've finally found the is the vars file...somehow it always got reseted when i was playin Arma, but now it works properly and i have my times back...please DELETE THIS THREAD SO IT IS NO LONGER NEEDED