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About gabberxxl

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  1. gabberxxl


    Congratulations on the release, really good work! Is there a full list of all classnames for weapons, infantry and vehicles?
  2. Yes, I am aware of "enableSimulationGlobal", the reason why I am not using it is because I want to have AI battles going on on the other side of the map (server vs hc1) without having any connected clients calculate the simulation of said units. The can't see them anyway.
  3. Hey there, I am trying to implement a caching script similar to ZBE_HCCache to free up some resources on my custom beCTI mission. It is working as intended so far, when any unit gets in range to any enemy unit it will be reenabled via _x enableSimulation true; on all machines (server, hc1, hc2, hcX and so on), BUT in the enemy check all aircraft are somehow being ignored. They do not get their simulation reenabled other than on the client they are local to. Here is the code: { _y = _x; _count_enemies = count ((_y nearEntities [["CAManBase", "Air", "Car", "Motorcycle", "Tank", "Ship"], CTI_GRAPHICS_VD_MAX/2]) select {side _x != side _y && side _x != civilian}); if ((_count_enemies > 0) || (local _y) || (isPlayer _y)) then { if (_y != (vehicle _y)) then { if !(simulationEnabled _y) then { (vehicle _y) enableSimulation true; _y enableSimulation true; }; } else { if !(simulationEnabled _y) then { _y enableSimulation true; }; }; } else { if (_y != (vehicle _y)) then { if (simulationEnabled _y) then { (vehicle _y) enableSimulation false; _y enableSimulation false; }; } else { if (simulationEnabled _y) then { _y enableSimulation false; }; }; }; } forEach allUnits; _cachedUnits = (count allUnits - ({simulationEnabled _x} count allUnits)); _cachedVehicles = (count vehicles - ({simulationEnabled _x} count vehicles)); diag_log format["All/Cached Units %1/%2::All/Cached Vehicles %3/%4",count allUnits, _cachedUnits, count vehicles, _cachedVehicles]; _time = time + 5; Do I need to create an exception for all "AIR", or am I missing sth? I thought nearEntities creates a 3D sphere with given range? Oh and feel free to criticize my code above, it runs in an FSM with several checks to make sure it all runs on server/hc side. Performance is key! (Ignore the diag_log, it's just a check for personal use, will be removed later)
  4. I am trying to add the virtual garage to my mission, but I am unable to limit the vehicle selection. this addaction [ "<t color='#0000FF'>CustomGarage</t>",{ BIS_fnc_garage_data = [ [ '\a3\soft_f\mrap_01\mrap_01_unarmed_f', [ ( configFile >> 'cfgVehicles' >> 'B_MRAP_01_F' ) ] ] ]; _pos = [ player, 30, getDir player ] call BIS_fnc_relPos; BIS_fnc_garage_center = createVehicle [ "Land_HelipadEmpty_F", _pos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE" ]; ["Open",true] call BIS_fnc_garage; h = [] spawn { waitUntil { isNull ( uinamespace getvariable ["BIS_fnc_arsenal_cam",objnull] ) }; BIS_fnc_garage_data = nil; }; }, [], 1, true, true, "", "isNull cursortarget"]; This is the code so far, but even if I edit the "BIS_fnc_garage_data" there are still all vehicles available. I want to limit the access to the vehicles by type: Wheeled, Tracked, Rotary, Fixed Wing and Naval and static. Later in the process I want to limit it to the players side. Any help would be appreciated
  5. gabberxxl

    Field of war [CTI] [SP/MP]

    Pastebin is down for me, I have sent you the *.rpt files via direct message.
  6. gabberxxl

    Field of war [CTI] [SP/MP]

    Unfortunately the mission is still now working as described. I am using your mods version linked here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1o9bRhd2TyjGud0X6ENqHt6Ma4A9xuiAM/view?usp=sharing and the mission file linked here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1343tTm1uRRgHp28hjtZiLVSqqRbLm1DF/view This is the error that gets spammed every second in the *.rpt file 21:34:29 Error in expression < = { !((_x # 0) isKindOf "man") } count _9008; _9012 = (count _9008) - _9010; _9> 21:34:29 Error position: <_9008; _9012 = (count _9008) - _9010; _9> 21:34:29 Error Undefined variable in expression: _9008 21:34:29 File fow\server\groupFns.sqf..., line 757
  7. gabberxxl

    Field of war [CTI] [SP/MP]

    Nice, I will upload it to my server and test it on the weekend again!
  8. gabberxxl

    Field of war [CTI] [SP/MP]

    They are exactly the same, uploaded the files to the server via FTP. No. Yes.
  9. gabberxxl

    Field of war [CTI] [SP/MP]

    21:34:44 Error in expression < = { !((_x # 0) isKindOf "man") } count _8983; _8987 = (count _8983) - _8985; _8> 21:34:44 Error position: <_8983; _8987 = (count _8983) - _8985; _8> 21:34:44 Error Undefined variable in expression: _8983 21:34:44 File fow\server\groupFns.sqf..., line 754 Sometimes the server starts and posts this error in the *.rpt. When this happens, the game cannot be played at all.
  10. gabberxxl

    Field of war [CTI] [SP/MP]

    Yes the menu was there, but nothing could be done, no gear and no units could be bought.
  11. gabberxxl

    Field of war [CTI] [SP/MP]

    No problem. I have a server up and running now, will test some more the next days. I was playing on BLUFOR, no mods, all vanilla. The item name was not shown. I really like what you did so far! Keep it up! Oh and expect the suggestion list to grow even further 😉
  12. gabberxxl

    Field of war [CTI] [SP/MP]

    I did a playtest with a friend using mod version "0.9.13 RC1" and using your latest mission version. We wrote down anything we noticed and added some suggestions. ISSUES: Insane performance drops, server FPS drop from solid 45-48 to 2 and stays there. Default settings, nothing has been changed Players joining the mission in progress are on the island in the upper north and cannot do anything Gear menu not available sometimes, no indication why Heli landing pad gets placed on rough terrain -> AI lands, heli tilts and explodes causing mayhem Units disappear in the unit menu, although close to the player AI killing enemies does not reward any $ West gear not available: "CNQ Error: invalid item in shop" Unable to interact with captives, they get added to the player group and thats it. 1sec lag when new task is created Unable to capture town. Massive AI presence and player waiting for 15 minutes at flag and nothing happened Vehicle maintenance does not repair damage to fuel tank, tested with Prawler and HEMMTT Income says players get 750$, per what? Played for 1.5 hours and havent gotten any income No reward for "Download data task" SUGGESTIONS: If all gear available option is set, allow players to choose gear via ingame arsenal (BIS_fnc_arsenal https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_arsenal) , add functionality to AI too, via action menu Use BIS_fnc_advHint https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_advHint to display any info popup, allows users to hide and display last info via "H" key Provide more detail to tasks, see above, cannot complete tasks when eg captives wont do anything and players cannot interact with them at all Give info about units or vehicles bought, when and where they have been built Add player and vehicle health indicators
  13. gabberxxl

    Field of war [CTI] [SP/MP]

    Thank you very much. Regarding the mod, is it a server only mod, client only mod or server/client mod? The Steam mod cannot be used on the server, as the files are not signed.
  14. gabberxxl

    Field of war [CTI] [SP/MP]

    Oh ok, thx! Is there a binarized version available?
  15. gabberxxl

    Field of war [CTI] [SP/MP]

    I tried hosting this mission today, but it doesn't work. It spams the console with "Mission fow 0.9.13 RC1.pbo read from bank" and thats it. It doesn't start and I am unable to connect to the game.