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  1. Hi, i just want to create a simple Sector Control scenario - me vs. AI, 3 to 5 sectors. Strange for me, that the Sectrol Control modul is to find in mulitplayer, but more strange for me is, that i can't save the scenario! I want to play it in single player mode and the butten is greyed out. Is the Sectrol Control mode for multiplayer (server) only or is ther a trick to play it in singleplayer with gamesaving?
  2. Hey guys. I have been pulling my hair out trying to get this to work for the last 2 days and decided I really need help here. I have a mission using JEBUS spawn scripts that spawn infantry to certain sectors depending on if the enemy is present in those sectors. I play as Zeus and have a set amount of resources to try and bleed the enemy out of tickets before they defeat me. In init.sqf I have this in the code: [east, 600] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets; [independent, 300] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets; EAST_KILLED = {private []; if (isServer) then {[east, -1] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets;};}; {if (side _x == east) then {_x addEventHandler ["Killed", EAST_KILLED];};} forEach AllUnits; INDEP_KILLED = {private []; if (isServer) then {[independent, -1] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets;};}; {if (side _x == independent) then {_x addEventHandler ["Killed", INDEP_KILLED];};} forEach AllUnits; while {true} do { { deleteVehicle _x; sleep 0.01; } forEach allDeadMen; sleep 600; }; In order to give 600 tickets to OpFor, 300 to Independent, subtract a ticket for each killed, and cycle to clean up the dead bodies after a set time to reduce lag. The ticket deduction works fantastic if units are not spawned in and are placed on the map prior. I finally got it to work with spawned units by placing an opfor soldier named en1 that spawns in with the rest of the guys, placed him on a far off island away from everything, and put this in his init field 0 = [this, "LIVES=", [100,101]] spawn jebus_fnc_main; 0 = [this, "INIT=", "[en1, 'agia'] execVM 'subtractTicket.sqf'"] spawn jebus_fnc_main; So I removed the code to subtract the tickets from those killed in the init.sqf and added it in subtractTicket.sqf I have: EAST_KILLED = {private []; if (hasInterface) then {[east, -1] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets;};}; {if (side _x == east) then {_x addEventHandler ["Killed", EAST_KILLED];};} forEach allUnits; INDEP_KILLED = {private []; if (isServer) then {[independent, -1] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets;};}; {if (side _x == independent) then {_x addEventHandler ["Killed", INDEP_KILLED];};} forEach AllUnits; This works great for the first units spawned, however if I kill them, then upon respawning they no longer deduct tickets. Only the first wave spawned actually deduct tickets. Lastly, I tried to loop the code via a script like this in subtractTicket.sqf: while {true} do { EAST_KILLED = {private []; if (hasInterface) then {[east, -1] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets;};}; {if (side _x == east) then {_x addEventHandler ["Killed", EAST_KILLED];};} forEach allUnits; INDEP_KILLED = {private []; if (isServer) then {[independent, -1] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets;};}; {if (side _x == independent) then {_x addEventHandler ["Killed", INDEP_KILLED];};} forEach AllUnits; sleep 5; }; The issue is that it compounds each time it's looped, so every 5 seconds the amount of tickets deducted increases and suddenly one person killed subtracts dozens of tickets after a short time. I went through every forum I could about spawned units deducting tickets and the closest I found to a solution was here: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/191209-problem-with-getting-ai-to-reduce-tickets-on-death-in-sector-control/ But got lost since I'm very new to scripting and I'm not using the spawn module, so I have no expression field like it does and don't know the equivalent of an expression field for what I'm trying to do with JEBUS. If anyone can point me in the right direction that would be greatly appreciated. I tried to use all the resources I could before having someone check this out for me that knows what they're doing. I'm sorry if the answer is pretty obvious, I'm sure there's something I'm overlooking and there's also probably redundancy in the code I have gathered and compiled off the internet, lol. Thanks!
  3. Hi, I'm playing with sector control module. I got spawn and remove modules by script but I want to count for sector conquer just unit on foot but I cannot find how. here my script. It just need a marker "mrk_1". if !(isNull sec_0) exitWith{systemChat "esiste"}; _pos = getMarkerPos "mrk_1"; _name = "Noa"; _sides = [west, east]; _trgSize = 50; _logic = (createGroup sideLogic) createUnit ["ModuleSector_F", _pos, [], 0, "NONE"]; //Default setting, which are optional _logic setVariable ["DefaultOwner","-1"]; _logic setVariable ["OnOwnerChange",""]; _logic setVariable ["OwnerLimit","0"]; _logic setVariable ["ScoreReward","0"]; _logic setVariable ["TaskOwner","0"]; _logic setVariable ["Name", _name]; _logic setVariable ["CostInfantry", "1"]; _logic setVariable ["CostWheeled", "1"]; _logic setVariable ["CostTracked", "0"]; _logic setVariable ["CostWater", "0"]; _logic setVariable ["CostAir", "0"]; _logic setVariable ["CostPlayer", "1"]; //Set the sides for the sector _logic setVariable ["sides", _sides]; _logic setVariable[ 'BIS_fnc_initModules_disableAutoActivation', false, true ]; _handle = [ _logic, _trgSize ] spawn { params[ '_logic', '_trgSize' ]; waitUntil { !isNil { _logic getVariable [ 'finalized', nil ] } && { !( _logic getVariable [ 'finalized', true ] ) } }; _logic setVariable [ 'size', _trgSize ]; [ _logic, [], true, 'area' ] call BIS_fnc_moduleSector; _trg = ( _logic getVariable 'areas' ) select 0; _mrk = ( _trg getVariable 'markers' ) select 0; _mrk setMarkerSize [ _trgSize, _trgSize ]; }; _logic setVehicleVarName "sec_0"; sec_0 = _logic; Inside BIS_fnc_sectorModule there is a local function: _fnc_threat = { private ["_veh","_coef","_scanCrew","_threat","_score"]; _veh = _this select 0; _coef = _this select 1; _scanCrew = _this select 2; _threat = getarray (configfile >> "cfgvehicles" >> typeof _veh >> "threat"); _score = 0.1; //--- Use non-zero value, so even objects with threat[]={0,0,0} can capture {_score = _score + _x} foreach _threat; _score = _score * _coef; if (isplayer _veh) then {_score = _score * _costPlayersLocal;}; if (_scanCrew) then { { _score = _score + ([_x,_costInfantry,false] call _fnc_threat); if (isplayer _x) then {_score = _score * _costPlayersLocal;}; } foreach (crew _veh - [_veh]); }; _score }; called localy with third argument always true. If I could define _scancrew to always false I could get the solution but I don't know if it's possibile. One way would be to attach to the module a new function. But I cannot get if working. Any help?
  4. Hi all, I'm trying ti create a big scenario set in Livonia, in Sector Control mode, inspired by Prairie Fire Mike Force mode. In Livonia, as NATO and LDF have garrisoned some key towns and locations, a small group of Spetsnaz ( player ) has the task of capturing those Sectors. Both factions will patrol the locations outskirts and some remote areas. As in the title of the post, this is a single player scenario, and i want it to be a mission complete when ALL sectors are captured by the player. Is there a tutorial for this somewhere? even better if it is a video, and i would like NOT to use a ticket system. Thank you all. Preview: https://postimg.cc/4n6rLq7c
  5. Warlords Survival is a SP, COOP mission set in the Scottish Highlands. Mixing survival elements from Ravage with Sector Control objectives from Warlords. RFG Survivors (BLUFOR) and Moss Troopers (OPFOR) are the contesting factions. Playing as the Survivors, the main objective is to seize the Moss Troopers Stronghold. Captured sectors periodically generate Command Points (CP) for players of the controlling faction. Request Menu: Command Points can used to airdrop additional Survivors, Vehicles and Survival Crates. Command Points can be used to unlock strategic advantages. Respawn will return players to the Survivor Stronghold (BLUFOR Base). Mission Parameters to customise the experience. Fast Travel between seized sectors is enabled by default. (Can be disabled in Mission Parameters} Players hunger and thirst has to be managed, loot the land for essential supplies. If you amass enough Command Points, airdrop a Survival Crate! Be cautious, shambling Walkers roam the Highlands. Be extra cautious, the bodies of the dead will return to life. For single-players, the mission can be played solo by disabling AI in the server lobby. Alternatively, AI can be individually selected to join the single-player. AI units selected this way cannot be commanded, they will participate on their own, these AI units will also respawn at the Survivor base if killed then make their way back to the battleground. Mod requirements are listed on the Workshop. Known Issues: Feedback is welcome. (Please note, mission has only been tested in Single Player over LAN.)
  6. I came across this post recently and while it has solved most of the visual issues I have with Sector control, I still have no idea how to change the last grey ellipse shapes to something else. I wanted to use flags for both the neutral and captured state. Earlier post:
  7. I want to make a big Sector Control mission in the editor and then export to Singleplayer to play. I put a lot of Sector Control Modules on the map in the editor, I set Spawn AI Modules for BLU and OPF and exported to Singleplayer, in the beginning everything worked as it should, AI spawns, moves, fights with each other and conquers Sector Controls by map, then after I clicked Save & Exit to continue this mission later. But after reloading the save game I noticed that me and the AI (BLU and OPF) can´t capture Sector Controls. Sector Controls do not change color, they remain gray. The modules seem to have stopped working after the reload and need to be reactivated via script? How can I reactivate this? I wish I could save this mission so I could easily reload and continue later. Not that I have to play the whole mission in one piece. This is very important to me! If anyone can help, I will be very grateful.
  8. Intrusion 1.02 Description Engage in this timed sector control battle where all units coordinate fighting, support and strategy in a common effort to capture and hold the key winner’s location when the battle ends! Philosophy The philosophy behind this game mode is to create some fun cooperating and TvT gameplay by balancing the imaginary slider between gaming (strafe jumps and hot action) and reality (strategy, losses and waiting times) at a good position somewhere in the middle. Further, it aims to offer good gameplay for the lone player just trying to find a server for some evening gameplay, as well as for friends who whants to join, and even leagues fighting each other. This game is meant to attract players that have some patience and the ability to feel rewarded by doing a bit of good military work before getting the ”ah” feeling of seing their targets getting blown into pieces. Features A Sector Control mission for 1-60 players (that supports SP, COOP and TvT). Capture flags and collect resources to get vehicles and weapons gaining you advantage over your enemy. AI bots can be used to fill up one or both sides, so the feeling of a great battle can be achieved even when you play alone or with just a few of your friends. Easy to get started for beginners. Start capturing the flags, and you will be valuable immediately. It’s also relatively easy to understand the deeper mechanics. It may require a small effort, but it’s all in the briefing. Progressive gameplay. You start out as infantry with standard weapons, but as resources are ticking in, your side will unlock and establish more and more advanced materiel. Fight as an individual. Be strong, do good, and earn higher ranks! Fight as a squad. Team up with friends, share responsibilities, be tactical, help each other out, and earn higher ranks together! Fight as a brigade. Follow the brigade leader’s orders, find a superior strategy, utilize the squads' different abilities, and win the battle together! All squads has a ”profession” (dependent on choice and rank). Like in reality, each squad has one role, and one specialized vehicle assigned that noone else is allowed to use. Download At Armaholic (coming soon) Direct download at OneDrive: Intrusion Malden v1.01, Intrusion Malden v1.02 Intrusion Tanoa v1.02 At Steam Workshop Intrusion Malden Intrusion Tanoa Advice For Best Gameplay Feature rich missions like these run best on dedicated server. Player on hosted server may experience some FPS drop, a bit dependant on number of players and AI in the mission. Code The code for this mission is written entierly in SQX using the TypeSqf Editor. The code is shared at Github. Licence MIT. Dependencies Arma 3. Version History Version 1.02 New Move Base Dialog Rating increase is now "reduced" instead of "blocked" when player respawns/dies etc. Made top screen info appear on one line instead of two. Made rating and rating for next rank visible for players. AI now refuels their vehicles if no human player is on their side. Introducing Intrusion Tanoa. Version 1.01 Added battle locations. Removed AI movement debug information when running locally. Improved the loading screen. Version 1.0. First version. My Other Missions Escape Tanoa by Engima (built on the original Escape Chernarus branch from Arma 2) Operation Shoe Lace Operation Broken Arrow Night in July
  9. INVASION SCENARIO: AI are meant to be left ENABLED!!! This scenario was born out of my desire for a fun sandbox-like game mode that me and a/few friends could setup quickly and replay. Essentially an entertaining "classic" for me and my buddies to fall-back on. What i ended up with was a procedurally - generated, PVE, Sector Control mission. With that being said, let’s go over some of what I think are the more interesting features (all of them DUH!😆). Combined arms style combat Whole map, or hemispherical sector placement of Enemy Sectors and objectives Heavily modified variants of EOS and COS to create a more believable and varied world while minimizing CPU demand Randomized civilian and enemy ground and air traffic Custom revive system accompanied by a custom “auto-medic” system Command Points scoring system & stores Randomized and changing weather and randomized or selectable time of day 1-8 player co-op multiplayer up to two squads of 4 people Fully works with vanilla save system ONLY MOD REQUIRED - CBA_A3 The scenario essentially plays out like this: You can have one to so many Enemy Sectors (amount of sectors based on the map) spread out over the whole map randomly, or in a more collected randomly chosen hemisphere (to keep travel times and logistics to a minimum (When you ain't got time for that ****!)). You start at HQ or base (DUH!) and plop down a Forward Operating Position. The FOP will function as a re-spawn point for you and KIA squad mates (AI or otherwise), as well as a Command Point (CP) store and arsenal. The objective is to occupy all Enemy Sectors and hold them all simultaneously. The enemy will continuously send reinforcements to replenish the ranks (as you do) unless you locate and destroy the enemy Forward Command Center. Doing so will halt all future reinforcements (although this isn't necessary for victory). All of this will be handled by the vanilla tasks system. New side task possibilities will be added as discovered on the battlefield. There may even be some prerequisite tasks to complete before you can take on the Enemy Sectors for victory. All tasks will of course reward the completing squad with CP to be spent at the Command Point Store. How to earn Command Points: You earn CP by killing enemies and completing tasks, as well as holding sectors. Killing civilians however, loses you 5 CP. “What the f*** do command points buy?” The Command Store and Support Stores can be accessed by the squad leader and will allow you to deploy vehicles for your squad as well as commendable units (using High Command mode (Left Ctrl + Space)) and supports (i.e. artillery strikes, various air support, and supply drops ). Steam Workshop 3rd party credits: COS: EOS: Original EOS & COS of course belong to bangabob! Dynamic Weather 2 by tortuosit http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=28563 REQUIRED MOD: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=450814997 Sorry this is primarily a Steam Workshop release. It's easier for me to manage updates and the like that way. Also if the description seems a little passé, please forgive me ...it's...well it's a different crowd over there. 🙄 Questions & Comments are good! Try to keep the negative constructive, if you would please. Thanks for any love or support!
  10. I need a way to bleed tickets once per second as the Bleed Tickets module does, but with the bleed amount being equivalent to the number of sectors controlled by that team. For example, if Blufor has 5 objectives while Opfor has 3, Opfor will lose 5 tickets each second while Blufor will lose 3 tickets each second. Below are a few things I have tried so far which seemed to either not work or freeze my game. I apologize if I have no clue what I'm doing. [sector_alpha, "ownerChanged", { params["_sector", "_owner", "_ownerOld"]; while { true } do { [_owner, 1] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets; sleep 1; }; }] call BIS_fnc_addScriptedEventHandler; [sector_alpha, "ownerChanged", { params["_sector", "_owner", "_ownerOld"]; waitUntil { sleep 1; [_owner, 1] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets; }; }] call BIS_fnc_addScriptedEventHandler;
  11. So I'm currently trying to make a mission like that from Ace Combat's multiplayer where each team is trying to take out the other's ground or sea assets first while in aircraft. Currently I'm just using a sector control game mode that works fine just using modules. What I've done is make it so dying and respawing for players doesn't take away tickets and the cap area is a tiny area in the middle of the map which players will ignore (this is a private multiplayer things so we just agree to ignore it) Now the point of the question. There is also a bunch of AI trucks driving around, when one of them dies I want it to take a specific number of tickets away from the side it belonged too. Therefore, destroying all of Opfor's teams AI trucks would mean they have no tickets and Blufor Would win. Is there something I could stick in the AI trucks "Init" in the editor that would just remove a number of sector control tickets for it's side die upon death?
  12. I'm doing some sector control missions, and I wanted to know is there a way to subtract more than 1 ticket on a player death?
  13. Immersive-sim Arma 3 gamemod set in the decades following the downfall of modern society to a deadly viral outbreak. Your goal is carve out your own space in this hostile world and decide whether or not to take part in a war that is raging between the rival factions that have taken over the land. Surviving means making alliances and taking what you need from opposing factions, whether that be skills, resources, or their lives. Features - Persistent multiplayer sandbox environment. - Factions: The order: Rangers, Nomads, Survivalists. Anarchists: Outlaws, Scavengers. Outsiders: Hunters. Undead (WIP). - Strongholds: Fight and capture various persistent points of interest. Get rewards that depend on the captured point. (WIP) - Custom animations/Interaction system: Parkour. New melee weapon system. Various interaction animations(WIP). - Custom Damage system: Broken bones, Bloodloss, Wound effects, Fixed various arma damage behaviour bugs(clipping, floating). - Hybrid 1st/3rd person system: Custom 3rd person view camera. Vehicle 1st person view. - Tools: Inflame players with crossbow Fire Bolts or using Fuel + matches. Set traps using Bear traps and Tripwire mines. Tranquilize players using tranquilizing needles or ammo. - Arsenal: Custom guns, including hunting rifles and shotguns. Custom realistic soundshaders, including realistic attachments(suppressor) sounds. - Immersion/Horror: Custom lighting, including natural nighttime lighting and full use of TrueSky system. Ambient music. Mystic creatures (WIP). - Hunting/animals: Track and hunt animals. Chop woods, make campfire and cook meat. - Dogs/Taming: Tame dogs, give them commands. Watch their state, heal and feed them. Kill and defend yourself versus hostile player's pets. - Survival: Desease, Radiation (WIP), Scarce fuel resources, Hunger, Thirst. - Construction: World: Build crates, camonet stashes, secret stone stashes. Havens: Lock your own haven. Reinforce and modify it. Build various furniture. Raid(destroy) and rob other havens. Reinforce your haven to protect it. Gameplay: - Explore hostile post-apocalyptic environment. - Progress your character. - Cooperate with friendly classes. - Fight for objectives. - Try to survive. - Raid, steal and rob / Build, hide and reinforce. Or just give up on this hopeless and unforgiving world. This is a multiplayer-only addon that is required by BreakingPoint Second Wind servers. Links: Steam Workshop Discord How To play?: Servers: Sunken Altis: Server name: [EU#1] Second Wind Address: Port: 2402 Screenshots: Livonia server has been shut down and will be replaced by Katya terrain by Blud when it comes out. Server name: BreakingPoint[#1]: SecondWind Address: Port: 2302 Videos: Screenshots: Custom Lighting: Gameplay: ##Credits: - Breaking Point team for their open-source gamemod platform. - LordJarhead for permission to use and build custom soundshaders utilizing legacy version of JSRS framework. - lordFrith for permission and kind sharing of his Frith's Ruin mod work. - dame2010 for providing source models and assets of his Horror mod: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1556296528 - IN005 for permission to use his headgear assets which you can find in his MadArma mod: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=815962700 - Lythium team for permission to work with their custom skybox. ###License: Content is released under Arma Public License No Derivatives (APL-ND): https://www.bohemia.net/community/licenses/arma-public-license-nd with the exception of open-source parts which are specified in README-LICENSE.md file (can be found in gamemod folder).
  14. Hey guys! So basically I've got a bit of an issue with a sector control mission I've been making. It's a fairly standard framework for sector control. Currently running it on a dedicated server. If only one player is on the server when one team's tickets are depleted, the mission ends and resets as normal, but when there are multiple players the mission ends, but doesn't reset. Players are sent back to the role screen as usual, but then on respawn are sent back into the old mission again; tickets and capture points do not reset either. Also, the server is not set to persistent. The mission resets if no human players are spawned in. Any ideas? Here is a link to my mission on dropbox.... https://www.dropbox.com/sh/rjvr8ng8719ujzy/AAAXPA1TpRdvHuJfymsztJwQa?dl=0 Thanks, Billy.
  15. Watch the introduction video Description Arma At War or short AAW is a teamwork oriented Player vs Player Gamemode Modifciation for Arma 3. We, the developers have been working on something very similar for the past year but have decided to work on our project under a different name. Arma At War is an attempt to capture the gameplay elements of the popular games like the Project Reality: Battlefield 2 mod or Squad and deliver them in a separate game mode for ArmA 3. Gameplay, coordination and communication play as big of a role as the openness to modern concepts and influences. While we are trying to make the entry barrier as low as possible, we will still include the depth and complexity the would be expected from a Project Reality version in ArmA 3. The catch phrase 'Easy to learn, hard to master' really shapes the whole project. Core Features Advance And Secure Gamemode [Done] Capture and hold zones in a pre-determined order. Custom User Interface [In Progress] Including Spawn Screens, custom compass etc. High Performance [In Progress] Code is written to ensure high performance gameplay at high server and client frames and fast networking code. Logistics System [In Progress] Assist your team by resupplying the frontlines, build FOBs or emplacements. Medical System [Done] Treat wounds, revive and transport wounded team mates with our intuitive Medical System. Marker System [Done] Assign order markers to guide your squad or spot enemies on the map. Squad Management System [Done] Create, join and manage your squad and squad members. Deployment System [Done] Choose from a variety of Kits and join the fight on an allied Base, Rally Point or FOB. Kit & Vehicle Restrictions [Done] No more solo-tanking in lone-wolf snipers thanks to our Restriction System. Commander [In Progress] Guide your team to victory by assigning orders to Squads or make use of Support Weaponry like artillery or mortar strikes. Mod Support [In Progress] Want your favourite factions to battle against each other? AAW allows to be modified extensively. Learn more Join our discord discord.me/atwar-mod Follow us on twitter https://twitter.com/war_mod Servers Armaworld Teamspeak: Website: http://armaworld.de/ Contact: @Katho ; @eckart ; @Raven ; @[FDS] Nordmann http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ Region: EU/GER Mods: no Language: International IP: Port: 2312 Hostile Takeover Teamspeak: TS.HT-Community.com Discord: https://discord.gg/pTyGxNH Website: http://hostiletakeover.co/ Contact: @SofaKing1337 ; @WARHAWK_HT ; @Jakob HT http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ Region: US Mods: no Language: International IP: Port: 2302 Onion Gamers Teamspeak: ts3.oniongamers.com Discord: https://discord.gg/Uqc668V Website: www.oniongamers.com Contact: @AJAX ; @Mobius Region: US Mods: no Language: International IP: bmr3.oniongamers.com Port: 2302 LibertyGaming Teamspeak: ts.libertyrp.net Discord: https://discord.gg/YMkymHY Contact: @Hyypperionn Region: Australia Mods: no Language: International IP: Port: 2312 RU27 Discord: https://discord.me/ru27 Contact: @Ghosto http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ Region: RU Mods: no Language: International IP: Port: 2332 AMFR Teamspeak: ts.teamamfr.fr Contact: @AMFR_Kendose Region: EU Mods: RHS & TFAR Language: French IP: Port: 2302
  16. I have an issue in sector control. I want players to be able to cap an objective IF AND ONLY IF they are on the ground. I tried adding in isTouchingGround player; into my script, but that didn't help me. There are a few work around that I added to a "Example.sqf" for simplicity. /* Methood 1: Pros: Prevents Player from interacting with the trigger Cons: May adjust the trigger size globally */ [] spawn { _triggerWidth = triggerArea _this # 0; _triggerLength = triggerArea _this # 1; _this setTriggerArea [ 0 ,0 ]; waitUntil{isTouchingGround player || !alive player}; _this setTriggerArea [ _triggerLength ,_triggerWidth ]; }; /* Methood 2: Make module Pros: I'd be able to set the trigger condition specificly for capturing the objective Cons: https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/008/342/ihave.jpg */ /* Methood 3: By Far, the best Methood Pros: I'd be able to locally disable the trigger/capture area from some players Cons: I don't think this methood would remove the trigger condition, let alone the sector control area, but it's worth a shot anyways */ [] spawn { _this disableCollisionWith player; waitUntil{isTouchingGround player || !alive player}; _this enableCollisionWith player; } Is there anyway to A. Disable certain players from capturing a sector B. Inject a conditional into a Sector
  17. damsous

    [TvT 42] ATB

    Advanced Tactical Battlefield Short description : -Team versus Team mission from 2 to 42 players. (NATO vs AAF) -Simple, balanced and high performance mission that require team play to win. -Battlefield like mission with sector, ticket and class restriction. Rules : Each team must capture and hold sector, the first team at 0 ticket loose the game, each death consume 1 ticket. Mission Feature : -Each team start in a outpost near the combat zone, they can buy vehicle or paradrop to the battlefield. -Each team got a limited amount of credit for buy vehicle so the player must manage how they spend the credit (Repair, Rearm...), there is no way to earn credit so if a team run out of credit the only way to get one its to steal a vehicle. -Few class get special abilities : * Squadleader can call limited support (mortar, airstrike, ammodrop). * Sapper can build sandbag wall. * Medic got unlimited revive, (everyone can revive but that consume a first aid kit and that take more time) -TAW view distance script. -Mag repack script. -No Virtual Arsenal or ammobox (only paradrop), cause i want to make a balanced game, for exemple there is 1 Sniper for each team, 1 AA Specialist for each team....... Mission File : ATB Mission pack
  18. Alleged Accomplice

    WWII 7 sectors

    WWII 7 sectors Slightly improved version of the modern one posted. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1238574779 WWII for 7 sectors of German versus Soviet good times. Select everything on the map and save to your custom compositions. Spawn points that work, the sectors flip. You can spawn in any sector you own (except the enemy main and you can easily change that) which is a problem sometimes in sector control, well it is not a problem with this setup. The spawn in vehicles cannot be destroyed Then add tanks planes and vehicles soldiers and loadouts . I will soon post a loadout framework for these 2 sides. Then I will post a vehicle framework. It is setup for a Soviet attack so the Germans own all but one sector, just change the sector owner if need be.
  19. 1. I wonder if it is possible to place Spawned AI from Spawn AI module under high command control? I want to make a sector control scenario for which command get to control spawned units. 2. Also, if a unit is dead, the high command function is lost. If this is possible to achieve?
  20. Hello, By default when placing a Sector module the Seize reward is set to 10. But where is that number supposed to be added when a side captures the said sector? To the current amount of respawn respawn tickets the side that captured the sector has? There's a small description for the Seize reward: "Score awarded to the side which seized the sector". Ok then, but what score? While testing this I created a simple mission with: two playable characters (OPFOR and BLUFOR) one sector module that I synced with OPFOR and BLUFOR side logic entitites respawn tickets module with 200 respawn tickets to both OPFOR and BLUFOR Testing with that configuration through in-game editor's multiplayer mode doesn't yield any results that would prove that the seize reward is working as expected. But.. I guess that's the thing that what is the actual expectation. Like what is supposed to actually happen when there's a number set in the seize reward field. Would someone else have any experience to share here whether the Sector module's Seize reward functionality is working as expected?
  21. I have placed six (BIS) Sectors that can be captured by either BLUFOR or OPFOR. Now, I want BLUFOR start bleeding tickets with 1 ticket per 10 seconds when OPFOR has captured two sectors. The same goes to OPFOR when BLUFOR has captured two sectors. For this I've set the Dominance ratio in the Bleed Tickets module to 0.2. With this setup everything works as expected so long when only either of the two sides captures two sectors of the available total of six sectors. The aforementioned setup "breaks" immediately when both sides capture two sectors (doesn't need to happen at the same time). I'll explain below how the setup breaks: let's say BLUFOR is the first one to capture two sectors, OPFOR tickets will bleed (1 ticket/10 seconds) so long that also OPFOR captures two sectors then when OPFOR captures two sectors BLUFOR will start bleeding (1 ticket/10 seconds) BUT OPFOR ticket bleeding will stop even if the situation is now 50/50 when both sides own two sectors (and there's two neutral sectors) when the aforementioned situation has been reached BLUFOR now needs to capture additional two sectors (totaling to four sectors) so that OPFOR would start bleeding tickets. When BLUFOR owns four sectors (out of six) OPFOR will bleed two tickets per 10 seconds Can someone offer some insight on what is happening there? Is the Dominance ratio option broken or is this just another user error?
  22. Hello Arma 3 fans I need this times your help, I have the nice Starwars Mod downloaded and wants to write a mission with Sector control Sectors Works West KI Spawn East KI dont Spawn i found a erro but i dont understand him It would me gladly if someone once over my mission can look where I made the error My Mission with the Picture https://www.hidrive.strato.com/lnk/yOAy35ZK Many Thanks Lord Gohlem class CfgGroups { class West { name = $STR_A3_CfgGroups_West0; side = TWest; class BLU_F { name = $STR_A3_CfgGroups_West_BLU_F0; class Infantry { name = $STR_A3_CfgGroups_West_BLU_F_Infantry0; class BUS_InfSquad8 { name = $STR_A3_CfgGroups_West_BLU_F_Infantry_BUS_InfSquad0; side = TWest; faction = BLU_F; class Unit0 {side = TWest; vehicle = swop_501_ARF; rank = "SERGEANT";}; class Unit1 {side = TWest; vehicle = swop_501_ARF; rank = "SERGEANT";}; class Unit2 {side = TWest; vehicle = swop_501_ARF; rank = "CORPORAL";}; class Unit3 {side = TWest; vehicle = swop_501_ARF; rank = "PRIVATE";}; class Unit4 {side = TWest; vehicle = swop_501_ARF; rank = "PRIVATE";}; class Unit5 {side = TWest; vehicle = swop_501_ARF; rank = "CORPORAL";}; class Unit6 {side = TWest; vehicle = swop_501_ARF; rank = "PRIVATE";}; class Unit7 {side = TWest; vehicle = swop_501_ARF; rank = "PRIVATE";}; }; }; }; }; }; class East { name = $STR_A3_CfgGroups_East0; side = TEast; class OPF_F { name = $STR_A3_CfgGroups_East_OPF_F0; class Infantry { name = $STR_A3_CfgGroups_East_OPF_F_Infantry0; class BUS_InfSquad8 { name = $STR_A3_CfgGroups_East_OPF_F_Infantry_BUS_InfSquad0; side = TEast; faction = OPF_F; class Unit0 {side = TEast; vehicle = SWOP_CIS_droid; rank = "SERGEANT";}; class Unit1 {side = TEast; vehicle = SWOP_CIS_droid; rank = "SERGEANT";}; class Unit2 {side = TEast; vehicle = SWOP_CIS_droid; rank = "CORPORAL";}; class Unit3 {side = TEast; vehicle = SWOP_CIS_droid; rank = "PRIVATE";}; class Unit4 {side = TEast; vehicle = SWOP_CIS_droid; rank = "PRIVATE";}; class Unit5 {side = TEast; vehicle = SWOP_CIS_droid; rank = "CORPORAL";}; class Unit6 {side = TEast; vehicle = SWOP_CIS_droid; rank = "PRIVATE";}; class Unit7 {side = TEast; vehicle = SWOP_CIS_droid; rank = "PRIVATE";}; }; }; }; };
  23. Afternoon all, Working on a current project and I have hit a little snag. So I don't need to code a whole function from scratch using markers I decided to use the ingame Sector modules. The sectors themselves save so the battlefield is constantly persistent, so in the mission file all the sectors are marked as empty and call a script that does the resource (currency) and assigned west/east accordingly. This works perfectly.. however every time the mission is restart (in SP & MP) You'll get a lovely spam of notification "A was captured by x" "B was captured by x" ect ect I've tried moving this to initserver, isdedicated ect ect, The client however will always seem to show the notification, anyone know a way to disable these for the sector modules?
  24. I have made a sector control mission. It worked previously, but I made minor changes and now it doesn't work.It only really started once I added in the system where the re spawn on the sectors changes owners depended on who owns the sector. What I mean is when I load up the game on localhost, it loads, asks me to re spawn, and then goes back to the loading screen, displaying unnamed mission, and I am stuck forever. Any ideas? I will post the mods it needs and you can see for yourself. Mods used- CUP_AirVehicles_CH53E CUP_AirVehciles_AW159 A3_Missions_F_Curator CUP_TrackedVehicles_M113 CUP_Creatures_Military_USArmy CUP_TrackedVehicles_ChallengerII sab_CU CUP_WheeledVehicles_LR CUP_WheeledVehicles_Coyote CUP_WheeledVehicles_Ridgeback CUP_AirVehicles_AH64 CUP_WheeledVehicles_Wolfhound CUP_TrackedVehicles_FV510 CUP_Creatures_Military_BAF CUP_AirVehicles_Mi8 CUP_TrackedVehicles_2S6M CUP_Creatures_StaticWeapons A3_Air_F_Heli CUP_AirVehicles_Ka52 CUP_Creatures_Military_Russia CUP_TrackedVehicles_T90 A3_Soft_F_Exp CUP_WheeledVehicles_UAZ CUP_WheeledVehicles_BRDM2 CUP_WheeledVehicles_BTR90 A3_Weapons_F A3_Structures_F_Households A3_Modules_F CUP_CAStructures_E_Misc_Misc_Market CUP_CAMisc CUP_Misc3_Config CUP_Weapons_AmmoBoxes A3_Characters_F A3_Structures_F_EPC A3_Supplies_F_Heli A3_Static_F A3_Structures_F_EPB A3_Soft_F A3_Structures_F_Ind A3_Structures_F_Heli A3_Structures_F_EPA A3_Structures_F_Mil A3_Structures_F
  25. Original post in spoiler above. This topic is no longer supported, because the project has moved to another development team. Our continuation of PRA3 will be available soon. Thanks.