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  1. Good day armates. I search for some kind of intel to be filled with text depending on mission conditions on the field. If there is a mod or script structure or any kind of way to do this nice and clean, please refer to it. To be precise about what I need, I will put a situation: there are randomly placed, underwater mines in a depth range of -5 to -100 meters and in random horizontal area placement of 600 m2. They are used in exercises for underwater orientation, not as part of operation strategy. So the goal is only to provide recruits with enough info to find and disarm them in specific aquatorium using these commands: systemChat format ["АЗИМУТ: %1", (player getDir nm1)]; //azimuth systemChat format ["ДУБИНА: %1", ((getPosASL nm1) select 2)+45]; //depth systemChat format ["ДИСТАНЦА: %1", (player distance nm1)]; //dist where nm1, nm2... are names for mines of course, so a compass and depth gauge will be enough to complete the task. My question: Is there a way to place this information in intel so that looks more realistic than just providing them using systemChat . Maybe some addon with picture intel with empty fields ready to be filled with a script? It will be easy to use in normal ways but the info package is always changing and it is random for every new exercise so I need to solve that using systemChat every time a new course begins. Of course, I was searching Steam for an addon like that but every one I found was "static" intel - not changeable depending on the mission conditions. Every idea is welcome, it doesn't have to be an add-on, just to be more realistic than hints or system chats. Thanks in advance edited/added: the whole script for placing mine (if needed): .sqf //CENTAR-1 cntr1 = createVehicle ["Land_WoodenLog_F", [0,0,1000], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; cntr1 allowDamage false; cntr1 setPos getMarkerPos "mrk_1"; cntr1 hideObject true; sleep .5; //HORIZONT POS nm1 = createMine ["UnderwaterMine", getMarkerPos "mrk_1", [], 0]; sleep .5; //POZ-1 DEFINICIJA _poz1 = [cntr1, 5, 600, 10, 2, 1, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; sleep .5; nm1 setPos _poz1; //VERTICAL POS _depth = selectRandom [40,35,30,25,20,15,10,5,0,-5,-10,-15,-20,-25,-30,-35,-40,-45,-50,-55]; sleep .5; nm1 setPos [getPos nm1 select 0, getPos nm1 select 1, (getPos nm1 select 2) +_depth];
  2. Some of you who followed my stream know that I was able to put my hands on two great rigs, thanks to the good colleagues and friends I have (kudos to them). I did spend a bit of time to benchmark both rigs - that differ only in the CPU and Motherboard - to get an idea on which one was "best" for ArmA 3 in 2020. Some details on the testing: the benchmark scenario is YAAB v1.0 created by Greenfist each setting (low/ultra) was tested 5 times and I picked the best of 5 the delta was consistently ~2 fps for each run, in both rigs this means that the difference in % between the worst AMD run and the worst Intel run is the same difference between the average AMD and the average Intel.. and the same between the best AMD and the best Intel I did run the same background tasks and killed unnecessary things, trying to keep things as consistent as possible I did keep the NVIDIA Drivers the same (the latest released at the time of the test) Things I want to make clear: I am not bashing any brand or taking a side, I do not own any of the two rigs I compared so I am not even attached to them on financial grounds I'd be happy to answer your questions in case you are about to spend money and want to have more info before committing I am not an expert at overclocking but I did document myself at the best of my possibilities before committing (especially in order to avoid breaking stuff that is not mine) I did get a lot of help from people in here, namely Oldbear, Groove_C and Tankbuster, plus on other channels by other people I am opening this thread so it's easier to find for future reference I had fun making this comparison and I hope this is as much fun to you when watching it I noticed AMD vs Intel topics can get pretty toxic (as if other threads wouldn't) but I know the ArmA 3 community knows better See you on the field
  3. Hi, Originally I made this custom memory allocator as a fun project because I dreaded of slow A3 performance. Features 64-bit only custom memory allocator for Arma 3 Based on Intel Threading Building Blocks (TBB) 2018 Update 4 Large Page support Optimized for both AMD and Intel CPU with AVX/AVX2 Drop-in replacement for BI-provided TBB4 malloc How to install You can read the installation guide in the ZIP package. Notes Not BattlEye compatible. I only tested INTEL64 AVX2 binary on my own PC (i7-8750h with RTX 2070). I cant afford to test all binaries. As an unwanted side effect, some trainers/cheats will not working or crash if you use this custom memory allocator 😁 Performance could be better or worst. I am not responsible if something happens to your games or PC. I am not taking any profits or benefits from this. Virus-free: VirusTotal result (scanned with 60+ engines) . Only one false positive with one of the binaries, I already contacted the AV gave me false positive result. (fixed) Source code will be uploaded once I clean up the code (I built this long time ago and just recently dusting it up). If you have any question or report about this please contact me via this thread/forum or "spektykles" on official Arma 3 Discord server. I am all ears 😀 Download ZippyShare
  4. Hello, I ran into some small trouble with my upcoming horror mission: SILENT ABDERA | COMING SOON™... The problem is that I'm using objects/items in my mission that are interactive. And I simply want to have them as props. Here's two examples: I have tried to disable simulation as well as turning them into simple objects, but it doesn't help. This is not the only object action problems I have. In the mission I'm having quite a lot of these items what I call notes, but they work as leaflets. I wanted the leaflet to have a look of a document, so I used a intel document. I pasted the leaflet script into init, and it works and looks great. But, it also has the dreaded take intel action, and I don't want that. Thanks in advance! I hope the images give clear description of what I want to achieve. Enjoy your weekend soldiers!
  5. Hello, I'd like to ask you if you could help me with this script. I'd like to make intel that is possible to collect by one side and that's BLUFOR. So there would be visible action on intel for BLUFOR but OPFOR would not see that action. Any ideas please?
  6. Hey guys! Total Rookie comeing to scripts and need help with a smaller problem. I wan´t a function where players on a dedicated server, can walk up to a object and with the holdactionkey get intel, and new tasks etc. And also send the intel aswell as create the task for all players on the server. Thing is I have got everything working (sorta) For some reason the intel and the new task thats being created is only being created for the player thats interacting with the object. example, a group of players walks up to the object. Only one of them interacts with the object thats giving them Intel in a intel tab. after a while it creates a new task. Only the player that picked it up can see it on the map. Played through a couple of missions and sure it´s emmersive thats players need to share the intel, however it causes some problems that not everyone can see it. here is the setup i´m using: on the mission I place down 1 object and nameing it in the veriable field: Intel1 Then i place down a trigger with: Heres whats inside intel1, I know theres alot of stuff, but might aswell keep it all so you pros can see whats wrong. Thank you all! BR Killet
  7. this setVariable ["RscAttributeDiaryRecord_texture","Clues\Clue1.jpg", true]; data = [this,"RscAttributeDiaryRecord",["Clue","<br /><execute expression='[] spawn GOM_fnc_showImage1'>View the Document</execute>","Clues\Clue1.jpg"]] call bis_fnc_setServerVariable; GOM_fnc_shownImage1 = false; GOM_fnc_showImage1 = { if (GOM_fnc_shownImage1) exitWith {false}; GOM_fnc_shownImage1 = true; with uiNamespace do { intelIMG1 = findDisplay 46 ctrlCreate ["RscPicture", -1]; intelIMG1 ctrlSetPosition [ 0.5 - ( 350 * pixelW ), 0.5 - ( 350 * pixelH ), 700 * pixelW, 700 * pixelH ]; intelIMG1 ctrlCommit 0.4; intelIMG1 ctrlSetText "Clues\Clue1.jpg"; }; waitUntil {!visibleMap}; hint "ClosedMap"; with uiNamespace do { ctrlDelete intelIMG1; }; GOM_fnc_shownImage1 = false; }; I have this code inside an intel file, that is supposed to show a picture (Located inside the mission folder), but it doesn't work for other people, only for myself when in multiplayer. What is happening?
  8. Hi there. I'm having an issue with setting a trigger to activate when all items are collected, but I'm having trouble properly formatting an "and" statement. When the item is collected, the deleteVehicle command is used to remove the item from the world space, so I have a statement that basically says "When money 1 AND money2 AND money3 AND money4 AND money5 are not alive, then activate the settaskstate module. The variables for the money items are all set and have a script to delete each item on pickup. What is the proper way to format this statement? I've tried many variants, but this is my current code currently in the init field of the trigger. (!alive money1) && (!alive money2) && (!alive money3) && (!alive money4) && (!alive money5)
  9. Hey guys, wondering if you can help me... I am trying to make a mission where if you shoot one guy and he dies then the task is complete and a new task is quickly generated on taking out another guy. So 2 tasks in one setup. Though I have a problem, when I kill the first guy it works and put the 2nd guy as the new task, but when I kill him it makes the task of killing him unassigned as if I need to do it again. I want it to complete on the first guy killed, then onto the 2nd guy and once he dies it will complete but I just can't get it to work the way I want it too. Image of my setup Link to an example mission. Any help, please? thanks :)
  10. I'm trying to change the years available as the date in Intel, the old a2 ca_valueyear class doesnt work, anyone have any ideas?
  11. Hello everyone, I'm working on an insurgency mission, I'm doing it on the map Fallujah, I've done all the spawn part of AI (ALIVE) only missing the main one: A script for AI to drop intel to reveal ammo cache and another to spawn The ammo cache. I tried copying from "ALiVE Insurgency Revived by Hazey", but it does not work ... Grateful
  12. Hello, i am writing a mission and I am hitting a hurdle that I can not get over. I have not been able to find any info on the web about what I am trying to do. I am making a mission that involves a hostage providing you with Intel. I want there to be a 50/50 chance that the Intel they provide is good or bad Intel. If good info is randomly generated I want to take the squad down the storyline if bad Intel is provided I want to send the squad into an ambush. Thank you
  13. Hey guys! I'm having a bit of trouble with some scripting involving intel items that the player is meant to pick up. In the mission, they're like notes that the player will find, detailing the events that transpired years, months or weeks ago. I've got one of them set up to show a picture, a child's drawing but for some reason the colours change when I view it in Arma 3. Instead of a blue sky for example, it goes green, and the yellow sun is cyan. In TexView2 it looks normal, it's only when I view it in-game that it's like that. Not sure what I've done wrong, but any help would be much appreciated. I've done the picture in a PNG and then converted it to PAA using TexView2 if that helps. I've even tried converting it from a TGA to a PAA with the same result. Edit: I've just found the solution to my problem, so I'm all set now. If anyone else looks this up and is having similar troubles, this post should set you on the right path: https://forums.bistudio.com/forums/topic/157041-wrong-color-with-paa-files/
  14. Alright I'm so close I have at most 5 fixes left before this server/mission is perfect. So what I need done I feel like should be simple I just cannot figure out a way to do it. So in Zeus there's an option to add a briefing. Every time you add a briefing with the same name it just adds it and the update time. What I need is for regular players to be able to trigger this interface and add "Intel" to this briefing.
  15. SURROUNDED, COMBATANTS, AREAS-OF-OPERATION, and REINFORCEMENTS by Richard Von Quest VERSION: v0.6.7 beta UPDATED: 23 DEC 2020 DONATE: Support Project // INTRODUCTION: Enemy Spawner, Ambient Real-Time Combat, and Map Occupation System! WORKS WITH ANY and ALL ADDONs & FACTIONS. This is the Stand-Alone Module system of my DARK Project from SpookWarCom. Fully customizable, with numerous User Option Settings for intensely dynamic game-play for any and ALL ArmA Maps. Even NEW Maps!! Create anything from quiet stealthy "Behind-Enemy-Lines" Black-Op Missions, or Defending a NATO Base. Maybe some Terrorists and War Lord controlled 3rd-World territory, or perhaps an epic full-blown chaotic War-Zone where you are fighting for the freedom of an occupied sovereign country that lasts for months. The choice is yours... The heart of the System is the Areas-of-Operation. You can select 'Known' Intel, or probable 'Unknown' Intel. Select the EXACT number of AOs or select RANDOM for each group. Mix-n-Match the Modules and Options as you wish for a gazillion of variations. Very Easy to use. Very very noob friendly! Just enter Config Paths, and/or Classnames for a fully customized scenario. Control your Maps with precision! Spawn 1 Terrorist, 100 Civilians, or thousands of Enemy Squads. I give all the power to the player. "Behind Enemy Lines" // FEATURES: Ease of Use! Noob & FPS Friendly! Spawn ANY Unit from ANY ADDON!!! ALL Maps, Mods, Factions Supported Supports all styles of Gameplay Supports User Custom .sqf Files Create 1 AO or an entire WarZone Spawns BLUFOR, OPFOR, INDEP, CIVs Hyper-Flexible with complete freedom! De-spawns Units over 3km away Enemy can Radio nearby Helis for CAS "Bad Guys", MERCs, etc (non-military) Reinforcements: ParaTroops, Arty, etc Great ALiVE alternitive for ease-of-use Flies Buzzing on Dead Bodies Random "Items" for looting/immersion Areas-of-Operation for Hot/Cold spots Intel for AOs with Static/Probable % Custom Marker Details for EACH AO Too much to list here - check it out! // NOTES: Module #1 -- SURROUNDED This Module Spawns Units all around the Player, at all times, at all locations in a user-set (continuing or limited) loop. You will be surrounded by these Units anywhere. They spawn around you at all times. Use for BLUFOR and/or OPFOR. Control any and all details. Set to have the units patrol at random or use the Player has the focus/center point. Module #2 -- COMBATANTS & CIVs This Module Spawns Units both normal Civilians and Units that are "Armed Civillian" Units. These are the Non-Military Units (Terrorists, Freedom Fighters, Civilians, War Lords, Rebels, Resistance Fighters, Gangs, Black-Ops, Locals, MERCs, etc). They Spawn all around the Player, at all times, at all locations. They spawn as single units, or as loose groups that have a higher probability to seek out Buildings and interior locations. Often disorganized, unarmored, little discipline, etc. Module #3 -- AREAS-OF-OPERATION This Module sets "AOs" randomly around Map. These Units ONLY Spawn when you are near these Areas. This will create Hot & Cold areas scattered around the entire Map for a more organic and realistic experience. Set as STATIC Intel (100%) or DYNAMIC (Unknown 0%-100%) Intel. Player has complete control for all settings. Set from the Config Level, and/or Classnames. Set Marker type, color, etc. NOTES / INFO: Module #4 -- REINFORCEMENTS This Module adds Enemy Reinforcements to the Map. When the enemy feels threatened, or overun, they can call for help. You can set the probability of how likely they will make that radio call. Reinforcements can be in the form of QRF Heli Teams, Paratroops, Artillery, and Mortars. Make sure you always set this to the ENEMY. // REQUIRED: 1. n/a // DONATE: ENEMY SPAWN SYSTEM Von Quest Industries // LICENSE: // USAGE: Place ANY Module. Set your settings as needed. More info is right INSIDE the Modules - just hover over the option for the popup tool-tip. // CREDIT & THANKS: *TPW (w/ Larrow) for the Ambient Aircraft Script
  16. Is it possible to have a custom map on an OPFOR, and when retrieved it updates the BLUFOR map, or is this more like a piece of intel with a picture embedded on it? My idea is as you are moving along in the game, you are checking OPFOR for intel and if you find a map it gives locations and information or another objective. Thanks.
  17. SIGINT, OPERATIONS, COVERT OBJECTIVES and MISSIONS by Richard Von Quest VERSION: v0.6.8 beta UPDATED: 14 MAR 2021 DONATE: Support Project // INTRODUCTION: This is the Stand-Alone Module of my Mission Generator & Intelligence System from my SpookWarCom Project. SOCOM Module is a Spec-Ops/Black-Ops random Mission Generator with unlimited combinations of dark and eerie "behind-the-lines" Objectives & Missions. More TBA at a latter time. "CLASSIFIED: EYES-ONLY" // FEATURES: Select Probability (0-100%) for EACH Type Numerous Custom User Options for EACH Mission Custom User .sqf File Options for Units and Objects Enter Unlimited Classnames for Objectives Enter User Classnames for Enemy Guards/Units Generic System for ANY/ALL Styles, Timelines, Ops, etc Select ArmA 3 TASK, Generic Marker, or MapGrid Turn ON STEALTH Options for any Mission Full User Customization & Settings for Micro-Detail All Factions, Addons, Mods, and Maps Supported Marker Blacklist, Urban vs Rural, and many more!!! 30+ Mission Types Under Construction..... // MISSION TYPES: Mission -- Assault / Direct Action Mission -- Reconnaissance 1-26 (Alpha - Zulu) Mission -- Ambush / Intercept Mission -- Destroy / Demo Mission -- Recover Intelligence Mission -- Search & Recover Mission -- High Value Target Mission -- Defend Area or BASE Mission -- Steal Enemy Vehicle Mission -- Attack Vehicle Convoy Mission -- Sniper's "Hogstooth" // NOTES: n/a // REQUIRED: n/a // DONATE: MISSIONS & INTELLIGENCE Von Quest Industries // LICENSE: // CREDIT & THANKS: *n/a