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About AveryTheKitty

  • Rank
    Sergeant Major

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    New London, United States

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  1. AveryTheKitty

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    The Kitbag backpack has a Camo selection in its shadow LOD, resulting in shadow artifacts when hiddenSelectionsMaterials is used. Can this be fixed please?
  2. AveryTheKitty

    Arma 3 Aegis

    Arma 3 Atlas includes the Horizon Islands Military Forces (HIMF). 🙂
  3. AveryTheKitty

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    https://feedback.bistudio.com/T153805 Respawn bags can't be moved around - you will always spawn at the first place you deployed it.
  4. AveryTheKitty

    Arma 3 Aegis

    Hey y'all - new update out! Check out the thread for images and links:
  5. AveryTheKitty

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    AK-74U aka 5.45 magazine has missing camo selections in its 2 LOD(?). Also, can we get a camo selection for the signs texture on the Xi'an (and Blackfish if it doesn't have them)?
  6. AveryTheKitty

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    ZSU-39 Tigris has a inverted handle on the turret hatch. The UH-80 Ghost Hawk's co-pilot stick is inverted in the 1st LOD. Kamysh and Tigris have driver / gunner / commander hatches which aren't part of the camo selection in distant LODs.
  7. AveryTheKitty

    Arma 3 Aegis

    This was answered over on the Arma 3 Aegis discord but for those wondering, Bohemia recently added a new hiddenSelection to the Zamak which Aegis uses to fix the white wheels on pre-Apex Zamak trucks. Simply add: hiddenSelections[] = { camo1, camo2, camo3 }; Or alternatively another texture path (ex: "\A3\Soft_F_Beta\Truck_02\Data\Truck_02_chassis_CO.paa") to "hiddenSelectionsTextures" to fix this.
  8. AveryTheKitty

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Can "O_NVGoggles_blk_F.p3d" and "O_NVGoggles_blk_off_F.p3d" in "A3\Weapons_F_Exp\Binocular\" please be moved to platform? None of the other CSAT NVGs require Apex and this one isn't even available without mods. Cheers, Avery.
  9. AveryTheKitty

    Arma 3 Aegis

    Use the Steam Workshop. 🙂 Link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1898751111
  10. AveryTheKitty

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    The Beret (Black) - headgear_beret01 - model has a camo selection in its shadow volume. Please fix. Thanks!
  11. AveryTheKitty

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Kipchak Vest clips with the CSAT uniform. https://feedback.bistudio.com/T150037 The ghillie_hide selection is also broken for it, and it doesn't hide under ghillie suits. And again, can we please add hiddenSelections to all NVGs and Binocs for modders?
  12. AveryTheKitty

    Arma 3 Aegis

    Thank you! Something similar was considered in the past and might be attempted in the future. 😉
  13. AveryTheKitty

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    class NVGogglessdasdfsa: NVGoggles { hiddenSelections[] = {camo}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"TEXTURE HERE"}; class ItemInfo: ItemInfo { hiddenSelections[] = {camo}; }; };
  14. AveryTheKitty

    [Criticism] Arma 3 shouldnt exist?!

    Oh yeah, the AAF Crew Helmet is also from Arma 2, but none of the other helmets are. Also that first picture of the To-199 is from an Arma 3 mod.