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Everything posted by maxl30

  1. i didnt see that, sorry xD
  2. implement the challenger 2, there is on cadnav a royalty free 3d model, it needs only the interior
  3. This is my Zamak Collection. Implement it wherever u want but its forbidden to edit the textures, when u implement it in a Mod/Addon, mention me, thanks. Textures: CDF Syndikat (olive, brown) UNO Fuel Island Port Authority Rainbow (Pixel) Red White Black Blue Green Orange Coming soon: Takistan NVA Soviet Armed Forces Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1383093546&searchtext=zamak
  4. maxl30

    Arma 3 Aegis

    No, i mean a kind of "2037 AAF", its known that a third of the AAF was destroyed, on the end of "Altis Requiem" he said (when you didnt kill a civillian) "I quit the army and came home, leaving all i could of the war behind me", so he quit the army and not the army him, so i think they had tanks or had plans to buy some in the future. It would be very interessting to have a "after civillian war AAF", maybe with new tanks like the challenger 2 or any other mbt (NATO and CSAT are rebuilding the AAF together) http://www.cadnav.com/3d-models/model-35834.html
  5. Nice, but where are the muddy/sandy areas ? :D
  6. maxl30

    Retexturing RHS uniform

    ugh, "reskins" are terrible, "retexture" that or let it be, we have so much amateur plastic "reskins", we do not need more of it
  7. maxl30

    Arma 3 Aegis

    Can you make a after civil war AAF faction as single mod ? Arma Wiki: "Though not fully elaborated on, the hardline AAF is presumably dismantled and restructured from the ground up in order to return it back to its pre-civil war days."
  8. maxl30

    Tanks DLC Feedback

    I know, we are slow with it but I would really like that for the future ...
  9. maxl30

    Tanks DLC: A3 Samples

    When come the Tanks DLC texture samples out ?
  10. It would also be wonderful for naval forces, or a mission like: Start on the carrier and capture stratis, start from stratis and capture altis But i think it would be better, they take the A3 vanilla maps (altis, stratis, tanoa, malden) under the public license, than can modder do that and much more like "Altis 2037" (edit legal the hight map and more)
  11. Hello, i put a rhino into the V-44 X Blackfish, no problem, than i put a gorgon into the V-44 X Blackfish, its to big, heavy, huges, idk The same with the hemtt transport, marid, 2x zamak trucks, 2x striders but you can 2x Nyx loading -_-
  12. You mean that system: Its sad to see that we become with the Encore Update only trailer whit radar and sam systems without any trailer function (static object) https://arma3.com/news/arma-3-roadmap-2018#.WyrRnmZAuUk
  13. nice mod, here is a idea, add the green mountains region and build a borderline of russia and chernarus
  14. maxl30

    Global Mobilization

    I love it, cant wait. But is the Mil Mi 17/8 also incoming ?
  15. maxl30

    Arma 3 Aegis

    @Night515 How you become the mud/earth/dirt texture for the vehicles like zamak or the tanks ?
  16. i dont know, but i think its new "coveralls_urbancamo_co.paa"
  17. Ouhman i need only the equip of it, but thx
  18. whats with the paramilitary equipment and clothes ? is the equipment a single part (vest) or on the uniform ?