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yeah they are more shiny than matt mil vehicles but have you seen the chopper in fog and 50% overcast ? it is like it is made of ice, ? or maybe it is my settings

from north side 50% fog, 50% overcast


south side looks better not so icy


how to add the doors to blufor AH9?

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Would also prefer if black versions were available in the editor for taru but hey ho.... Can we get info on how to specify the skin for the m900 rather than it just being random please

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No update this day - the Arma 3 development team will be at a shooting range

Post pictures, we want to see what guns you are shooting!

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Post pictures, we want to see what guns you are shooting!

I wonder if there's some Marksmen DLC thing going on :cool: Let's see if we get any pictures tomorrow because that's when they're at the shooting range

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Yes while shooting don't forget to shoot some with cameras too. :bounce3:

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No update this day - the Arma 3 development team will be at a shooting range

- Take notes on the recoil, isn't equal to the game

- take notes on weapon inertia

- Bullet in the chamber after a reload (30+1)

- Fire selector don't make sound switching


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- Take notes on the recoil, isn't equal to the game

- take notes on weapon inertia

There's "taking notes on weapon inertia" and then there's deciding how to translate real phenomena to something doable with a mouse and keyboard alone -- the OPREP already said that they weren't going to attempt a 1:1 translation because of the mouse/keyboard thing.
- Bullet in the chamber after a reload (30+1)
I'm certain that this is a known thing but is either hard-coded (devs can't/don't know how to fix it) or no one at BI actually minds this.
- Fire selector don't make sound switching
Any particular weapon? I could have sworn that the capability by was in the engine by now. EDIT: What supercereal4 below me said. Edited by Chortles

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- Fire selector don't make sound switching


I can't speak for all weapons, but on the m16s and ak47s I've used, I could hear the selector switch.

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They made the selector switch sounds way too low volume , when the selector sounds came in the volume was fine ...

I guess it was because of that MP issue that makes you could hear the selector from far distance - anyway this should been fixed or even removed from MP

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I was talking about inertia/arms fatigue by holding big guns standing up in optics view. Its difficult to maintain that posture after a while.

The sound that we hear are the pins/rollers fitting into fire selector/receiver holes, giving a loud sound isn't realistic.

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The sound that we hear are the pins/rollers fitting into fire selector/receiver holes, giving a loud sound isn't realistic.

Selector isnt loud in reality but you hear clear click while in A3 you barely hear it almost none

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I wonder if there's some Marksmen DLC thing going on :cool: Let's see if we get any pictures tomorrow because that's when they're at the shooting range

Hopefully it is also to do with their commitment to keep improving sounds.

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Two short questions regarding Zeus + Devbranch.

a) Can Zeus somehow spawn the Taru Pods? If not, how (where in the menu) can they be spawned? I mean the single Pods, i know how to spawn the Helicopter with Pod.

b) In the changelog, it said, "Zeus is now able to spawn structures based on the floating_c_something class." - does this mean i can now spawn the large fishing trawler and the Static Submarine via Zeus? If not, is there any way to do so? I have only found some rowboats and a buoy.

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Don't know if this is technically possible, but wouldn't it make sense to disable the DLC lock alltogether until release?

1) All of us who already own the DLC could actually provide valuable feedback on the new helos and their full functionality (which is the whole point of releasing it on dev branch prior to release, right?)

2) Those who don't own it yet could get a few days of testing the new assets for free, which might help them to decide whether it's worth purchasing the DLC for them or not.

Just a thought.


has anyone been able to get into the load master seat of Taru yet? Is there any special action that the load master can take, like releasing the pods?

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In devblog


No update this day - the Arma 3 development team will be at a shooting range

from Dna.

That's awesome. No better way to spend time ( i go as often as i can). But it's especially awesome if you're developing weapon handling and operation based on your experience. and if it's research for the marksman mod!:coop:

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Was there any change in soldiers animations? Running seems too stiff right now. And even weapon handling feels strange animation-wise.

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Something I'd love to see is the ability to access files from the DLC you've bought. Maybe make the game download PBOs and replace the EBOs with them or something? I dunno, but I've been dying to whip up some textures for the Huron.

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Hi Zukov - How did you get the black version? When I did as Pettka instructed in the init field (null = [this] execVM "\a3\Air_F_Heli\Heli_Transport_04\Scripts\Heli_Transport_04_basic_black.sqf") I get errror saying script not found...

Thanks for any help

Never mind - got it to work - cheers

Edited by petek

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Still restricted for me.

Same for me.


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Anyone else noticed some ai pathfinding issues when ordering your team into the Taru with benches? From a group of 4 men, usually one keeps getting stuck on one of the side wheels of the Taru. I have to issue a getin order again for him, so he backs off and then is finally able to getin.

This makes the helicopter variant a bit shitty to use with ai teams. Haven't tested it yet with the normal transport pod, but if the soldiers get inside it from the back and not the sides, I'll guess this issue won't appear there.

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The new helicopters, well the helicopters that aren't the Ghost hawk at least, are really weak in doing roll-on landings. I can come in at 70kph and detonate, which is no bueno.

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I would like to again apologize to any A3 Supporters or DLC Bundle owners still having issues accessing the Helicopters content and update you all on the progress.

Thanks to help of the few of you I was able to check and verify that the accounts affected do in fact own helicopters DLC app - Steam WebAPI reports it as a permanent ownership (exactly as it should). This means that everything is set up as it should be for the Helicopters release, but it also means that it is not some stupid mistake or omission, which we can fix easily, but rather a system problem in the Steam - Steam was never really made to handle pre-release of DLCs.

We are trying to fix the issue with Valve, but it is entirely possible we might not be able to do so before the release of the Helicopters (at which point the issue should disappear).

So please be patient and stay tuned for more updates.

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