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In that case, turn down object detail. And visibility, set that to 1000 or so.

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Well I was hoping that the game would have been more optimized with more patch but I guess it's not a big deal to lower my settings until I get a better PC, thank you guys!

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 4 Beta

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Oh come on BIs, you just had to release that patch as I´m leaving on vacation...

I´ll be back at the back at home in September and I´m really curious how the game will change until then...

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Oh come on BIs, you just had to release that patch as I´m leaving on vacation...

I´ll be back at the back at home in September and I´m really curious how the game will change until then...

I think the full game will be out by then. :bounce3:

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drowning after submerging your head underwater/diving...you can swim with your head well above the water afterwords, but you can still hear the underwater sound effect, and the 'death tunnel' keeps closing in till you die.

someone elses ticket:


although it seems in the dev build, simply spawning in water, diving under and resurfacing is a death sentence. sure adds to the fun :D

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Now if only the weird warping effect of the clouds could be resolved then all would be good in my world :)

The warping is caused by high fov value. The higher the field of view, the worse it gets.

Unfortunatly BIS cloud system is extremely prone to this.

Set your fov close to a realistic 1:1 value, and the rolling will be gone.

Not very playable though, unless you have a multi monitor setup.

You can see this fish eye effect in all games, all objects get distorted at the edges of the screen.

It's a trade off between realistic proportions, and pheripheral vision.


Lol, I just watched a video you posted in the shadow thread.

You have turned your game into a warped smudge with a ridiculous fov, and you complain about the clouds?

Edited by Bullet Purveyor

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Just a question.. Are the tracer rounds of the Kamysh really supposed to be red?

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The warping is caused by high fov value. The higher the field of view, the worse it gets.

Unfortunatly BIS cloud system is extremely prone to this.

Set your fov close to a realistic 1:1 value, and the rolling will be gone.

Not very playable though, unless you have a multi monitor setup.

You can see this fish eye effect in all games, all objects get distorted at the edges of the screen.

It's a trade off between realistic proportions, and pheripheral vision.


Lol, I just watched a video you posted in the shadow thread.

You have turned your game into a warped smudge with a ridiculous fov, and you complain about the clouds?

Ugh, don't bring the FOV debate here, I've had enough of it on the sim racing forums. ;)

The clouds shifting is an issue, but I don't see it as being too major. Those are fantastic looking clouds for just about 0 FPS loss, and I'm not complaining. I'm not really sure how it could be fixed, a shitty quality and performance way would be to have an envmap drawn for your character position that only renders the clouds.

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The warping is caused by high fov value. The higher the field of view, the worse it gets.

Unfortunatly BIS cloud system is extremely prone to this.

Set your fov close to a realistic 1:1 value, and the rolling will be gone.

Not very playable though, unless you have a multi monitor setup.

You can see this fish eye effect in all games, all objects get distorted at the edges of the screen.

It's a trade off between realistic proportions, and pheripheral vision.


Lol, I just watched a video you posted in the shadow thread.

You have turned your game into a warped smudge with a ridiculous fov, and you complain about the clouds?

Your theory is fine until you realize that the rest of the world looks fine and doesn't warp in the way the clouds do. I'm not talking about the "fish-eye" lens effect that happens with high FOV. I'm talking about the way that clouds change their actual shape and rotation as you spin the camera around. Things in the middle of the screen horizon wise end up morphing as you turn. Please note this isn't the same as the fish eye effect. I understand and accept that part. The way the volumetric clouds change their actual form is the real issue I am talking about.

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I could be very wrong but I think part of this issue with the clouds is something that's been present in volumetric clouds for sometime, including the ones in ArmA2. The particles that make up the clouds move when you change the direction you are facing. When we had round simple particles making up the clouds this wasn't nearly as noticeable, but with the newer clouds which have the additional frayed edges to them (an effect of which I do not know the name of) it now stands out like a sore thumb when you're looking at them. As far as I know these clouds have been like this since TOH and I doubt there's anything BI can do to fix them unless they find a different way to render clouds, and honestly it doesn't bother me so much as the clouds look miles better than the previous ones.

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I get a "fishy eye" effect, weapon too long, not sure when this started. I checked the FOV in .arma3profile and it has the same values like 2 weeks ago. How to change it back?

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We're particularly interested in feedback regarding this. Duke Vespa has already done some basic testing, but we're rolling this tweak out perhaps a bit earlier than usual to identify any potential problems early.

It's considered to be a 'small evolutionary step', but it should help reduce unexpected clunkiness particularly when navigating urban environments.

  • Reduced sticking/snagging in confined spaces
  • Clipping through walls reduced
  • Looking through walls using Q/E reduced



New rotational behavior for rifles:

There are some problems with this, you can now very easily clip your back side through walls and "hide", especially if you point your weapon upwards.

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And, well, rotation just seems weird with the head (or well better explanation would be "place where the head would be if you were standing straight") being the focal point of the rotation. To demonstrate.

New collision envelope:

Now I'm assuming this is a new set of geometry for infantry collision and it applies to both pistols and rifles. There seems to be problems with this as even slight elevation of the "roadway" now gets you stuck, there are a few places where this is incredibly obvious. The little military outpost overlooking the Stratis airbase has a watchtower and a prefab HQ thing, their stairs (except the the ones inside the HQ) will get you stuck trying to climb them every time until you "shuffle around" and "reason" with the geometry. The tolerance for such things seems to be reduced to the point where it actually can get a bit frustrating.

Overall I don't view the current state of these two changes as an improvement over what is currently in the stable build.

Ladder state / speed change:

This in it's current and past states has been the sore point of Arma, present and past. The slow speed of climb and the high speed of the animation looks and plays very bad, ladders are something I try to generally avoid if I have a choice because I feel like playing russian roulette when I get to the top as in most cases you will be bumped back and fall to damage yourself or die. The transition and snapping to and from both ends of the ladders is also very ugly.

Here's what the current state is:

1. The animation does not hit ladder pegs and is generally in a visual disconnect from what's going on

2. Getting on ladders plays the same animation, this is even ok when you're on the ground and getting on the ladder that's going up, but when you are on top of the object and are about to get on the ladder to go down, it looks horrible

3. The animation loop extends past the ladder end and you end up climbing invisible ladders

4. The top ends of the ladder always have the potential to kill you if you're about to exit on the edge of an object in case the collision geometry decides that you're not on the object

Some observations on potential fixes for the above issues:

1. If we are limited to one animation for all ladders in the game, then make sure the distance between pegs and the width of the ladder are constant then adjust the animation and speeds so that it corresponds to the ladder and looks coherent

2. You can already tell which end of the ladder the player is getting on to, different animations for different ends of the ladder could improve the experience

3. To avoid the "climbing the invisible end of the ladder", introduce a "finishing animation" when you're at the end of the ladder or near the end

4. Introduce some way to make sure that when player is finishing the ladder loop, that he is in a safe spot that will not bump him off the object, maybe an additional memory point

In addition to this, the ladder could be improved with the following additions:

Include a way to define in the config different ladder types and animations for them for example, climbing a ladder with the side supports, climbing a ladder with only pegs and no vertical "pipe" segment, climbing a pipe, climbing a rope, etc.

Include a way to define which animation each end of the ladder uses. For example, currently there are "complete" ladder and "segmented" ladder. The complete ladder are where the ladder begins on the ground and ends with an edge with the ladder not going any further (dock ladder, silo ladder) and the segmented ladder is what we see on the radio towers where you can "step off" on each floor. The "edge-end" ladder could use a different "finishing" animation where the person climbs the edge and the "step-off end" ladder could use the current step off animation because that would look appropriate there.

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Im not sure this is the right thread but I have a problem after the latest stable branch update.

If I put the new armored vehicles to an empty editor I get the following error when I press the preview.

Noentry 'binconfig.bin.CfgSkeletons

So what happens is that after a long loading time waiting for the game to start , it throws me back to the editor with the error message.

Never happened before so I'm clueless

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Im not sure this is the right thread but I have a problem after the latest stable branch update.

If I put the new armored vehicles to an empty editor I get the following error when I press the preview.

Noentry 'binconfig.bin.CfgSkeletons

So what happens is that after a long loading time waiting for the game to start , it throws me back to the editor with the error message.

Never happened before so I'm clueless

It's a known issue, they're working on it:


As a temporary fix you can either avoid it by getting rid of the -world startup parameter in your Arma 3 launch options so the game has a chance to load the Stratis menu mission, or play as a man class unit before you try playing as an armoured vehicle.

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... detailed feedback ...

Thanks for the great feedback. I'll ping Vespa (if he's not already stalking these forums) :)

Now I'm assuming this is a new set of geometry for infantry collision and it applies to both pistols and rifles.

Ah, actually, I believe it's only for rifles; pistols represent the old state. I thought I'd disclaimed that somewhere .. my disclaimer firehose must be dry. Ach, it's a hot summer.

:o Ok, you're right. But let's make a deal. When we say:

"Oh hai guys! We just hopefully did something cool! Here you go! Enjoy!"

I'd request at least 5 minute 'grace period', where you are not allowed to break it. Or even try to break it. At least, not tell me you've broken it. Or, hell, just use the secret code word: The Banana is Dancing in the Hot Summer Sun.

After that 5 minutes is up.. hell, let rip. But give me that 5 minutes for the sanctity my soul. :D



Edited by RoyaltyinExile

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Okay played through the "Infantry Showcase" (my standard test for changes to the Beta) a few times now and some thoughts on the changes to AI behaviour. They're definitely spending too much time on the ground. Hitting the dirt is expected in the open on having a contact but these guys now are using crawling to advance on a known enemy position. I'd retreated to some rocks on distant AI was shooting at me as expected. One on the valley floor rather than trying to flank / rush me was crawling along the valley about 10 metres away. (and was promptly shot by me). Think it needs to be more like it was before this last update. I understand that behaviour may be exaggerated at the mo to get feedback (..and not sure if this should be in the "AI thread" accordingly.) AI is still pulling pistols inappropriately too. I would expect to see pistols drawn only if no rifle ammo left or CQB / indoors. They still had rifle ammo - I checked after I shot the guy who'd brought a pistol to a rifle fight! It's great to see things are being adjusted and look forward to where it's all going!


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Please change the action menu just like Dslyecxi has mentioned here

I dont know about you guy's but I would like something like this with using the F key.


Edited by pillpopper123

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Ah, actually, I believe it's only for rifles; pistols represent the old state. I thought I'd disclaimed that somewhere .. my disclaimer firehose must be dry. Ach, it's a hot summer.
Correct, the changelog mentioned that pistol envelopes were unchanged specifically for comparison to the new rifle envelopes. The new rifle envelopes are getting my player group's seal of approval though! :D
This was a change I just noticed in dev branch. I just tried it out by running up the stairs of the ATC with a rifle and a pistol to test how they both feel. It just feels amazingly better with a rifle and that weird clippy movement I used to experience indoors seems to be gone. Bravo BI.
That's awesome news. The atrocious handling as soon you try moving through a door at any angle other than head-on was one of my bigger frustrations with the game.
Don't forget to ping Vespa with my players' approval too... ;)

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I'm personally against any highlighting of doors that you want to open, it will ruin the immersion. It simply will not suit Arma.

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I'm personally against any highlighting of doors that you want to open, it will ruin the immersion. It simply will not suit Arma.

People dying because they opened a door 2m behind them whilst pulling out their sidearm, on the other hand...

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I'm personally against any highlighting of doors that you want to open, it will ruin the immersion. It simply will not suit Arma.

it always can be option in settings and disabled on veteran/regular or so

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I'm personally against any highlighting of doors that you want to open, it will ruin the immersion. It simply will not suit Arma.

So does the white crossair in the center of the screen, atm we have a picture popup on the screen which breaks immersion, an option for arcade/sim controls mode might help some of us. :)

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