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Steam under the flight deck of the aircraft carrier
Babylon1984 posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Hi everyone, 😀 Today, i would like to add a steam effect under the flight deck of the aircraft carrier. I have placed 4 aircraft on the 4 catapults, and I have a trigger that activates a script allowing the aircraft to take off (with the blast deflector panel animation), but... I would like to add the steam effect under the flight deck of the aircraft carrier on each catapult. How can I do this? As shown in the image. The idea would be that after the script starts (which works with the 'go' trigger), another trigger adds the steam effect for all the catapults on the aircraft carrier. Name of the aircraft carrier variable: Freedom Trigger that activates the steam effect: - Condition : triggerActivated go - On Act ?????? Does anyone have an idea?😕 -
With JDog's kind permission here comes a preview release of the Nimitz in Arma3. Please download the mod from: [Update 2020-05-06] New release video: [Update 2018-03-30] New release video: [Update 2017-01-21] Jacky created a tutorial and documentation video on the Nimitz that explains the carrier operations: The curent version is 0.103 and available on Armaholic and Steam Workshop. CREDITS KNOWN ISSUES WORK AROUND Changelog Enjoy, TeTeT
Hi, I would like to create a script that allows me to transport a stretcher with 2 people, one in front and one in back. Any movement is controlled by the front-line player and I would like the stretcher and the rear player both be connected to the front player with attachTo. Could anyone help me? like this video:
After a 3 year hiatus all the boats are back! Nautical mines, nautical barricades, Nautical Minefields supporting editor / script placement, SOC-R special operations boats, and the tugboat and freighter. Freighter also has a vehicle-in-vehicle configuration option. The 8-man life raft is back too! Air-launched sea mines including US-designed Quick Strike sea mines, and Russian/Soviet design MDM-3 and MDM-5 models. Air-launched mines support Jets dynamic loadouts for vanilla and several mod factions to include CUP, pook BOMBER pack, pook EF-2000, and VME PLA mods. More mod support may be added in the future. Upload to Steam complete. Upload to my OneDrive is complete (150mb 7zip) Fully signed; bikey is included as well:!156706&cid=5B54FC51A7917265 CHANGELOG I'M KING OF THE WORLD!!! Yes the SOC-R boats too! (yes these are A2 pics) Nautical Mines also made it back! Support for dynamic loadouts for numerous mods including CUP, POOK Bombers, POOK EF2000, Vanilla BIS, and VME PLA. Minelayer can lay individual mines that spawn directly behind the boat (15 second charging delay), or lay a minefield with a 30-second arming delay. Minefield is a 150m area with randomly placed mines! 🙂 Editor/script-based minefield placement can consist of any of the mine types and automatically selects shallow mines depending on water depth. Available in either 150m- or 300m sizes. Beach barricades include mined concrete Dragon Teeth barricades and mined Hedgehog.
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The Zeus Deck Boss mod allows the placement of objects on a carriers fligthdeck. For this you need to add an event handler to the game master object. Add the following line to the game master init box: this addEventHandler ["CuratorObjectPlaced", ttt_curatorcv_fnc_place]; When the Zeus with the eventhandler now places an object on the Freedom, Nimitz or CUP LHD, the object's height will be automatically adjusted. Written by TeTeT, based on an idea by Leshrack. Mirrors: Armaholic: PWS: TBD SW:
Steam Workshop AI squadmates that better help you fight. Magazine Passing When you load the last magazine of any particular type, or when you try to reload with no compatible magazines remaining, nearby AI squadmates who have a compatible magazine will pass it to you. If you are in an FFV vehicle seat, AI squadmates in the same vehicle will be able to pass you a magazine. Use settings to configure how far they can do so, and how you want to be notified. Works in Singleplayer and MP. If you are in a group local to the server, or is led by another player who does not have this mod loaded, the AI in that group will not pass magazines to you. Salvo Fire AI squadmates fire a devastating salvo on your lead. Currently only grenades (UGL and launcher soon to come). 1. Select squadmates (currently only by [`] or F1..F10) 2. Switch to the weapon 3. Squadmates report "Ready to fire" 4. Fire! Steam Workshop
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- ai squadmates
- pass
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Hey, tudo bem com você? 🤓 Gentlemen, I've read the Jets DLC functions to understand how the USS Freedom Carrier accepts landings by planes with tailhook, 'cause I wanna print out a hintSilent "You did it!", but only and precisely at that cables area (X, Y, Z), even if the Mission Editor changes the carrier's spot. A3_Jets > BIS_fnc_AircraftTailhook A3_Jets > BIS_fnc_AircraftTailhookAi How can I smartly track that area to print out the message with no triggers and hidden objects dropped around?
pierremgi posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Hi all, I decided to give some time on existing Navy assets in community, even if Arma is much more a Land force milsim,... with few air assets. First of all, BI has produced: - the CVN Freedom, an object not really dynamic, but stated as a "dynamic airport" with some added components as radar or AA defenses from BI, but also cats and arresting wires. - the FA 18 Black Wasp II , the only aircraft with a tail hook (mandatory if you want to stay aboard 😉) On the other hand, the community produced, at least: - the USS Nimitz, unfortunately also a "static dynamic airport", but with much more possibilities (moving excepted) than the USS Freedom, - many outstanding mods, with plenty of aircraft, but for Navy, so planes with tail hook, the award is for Unsung one. In fact, I'm not sure you will find any other mod with Navy jets and planes able to land on deck of a carrier. After that... some mods are worth the trial, sometimes with better aerodynamics and realism: RHS, IFA3, CUP... Why all aircraft carrier are static? Probably make them sailing and able to recover some played (or AI) aircraft is far too complex.(We are not on DCS). The Vehicle In Vehicle possibility (since Apex) is for transportation but doesn't really meet the requirement for deck handling. Can we make them move (for a scenery or an attack by enemy)? Yes, at least for CVN USS Freedom. Here is a little code I wrote for a pattern. The CVN start a leg of x seconds, turns left or right, and so on. The position is at the first leg start, choose the orientation of the pattern (no matter the orientation of the object (Land_Carrier_01_base_F) in editor, the leg duration (in sec.) , and the direction of the turn (right = true). This pattern is optimized for 60FPS which make it U-turn in 5 minutes (fast but realistic) and move the CVN at 60 km/h (roughly). I'd rather write 32 knots. CVN PATTERN (CVN1 is the name of the BI aircraft carrier) MGI_CVN_PATTERN = { params [["_CVN",objNull],["_firstDir",0],["_leg",300],["_rightTurn",TRUE]]; if (!isServer) exitWith {}; _CVN setdir ((_firstDir + 180) mod 360); _CVN setVariable ["CVNPattern",[_firstDir, getDir _CVN]]; _CVN setVariable ["CVNTrueDir",_firstDir]; _CVN setVariable ["CVNTimer",0.1 - diag_tickTime]; ["movingCarrier","onEachFrame", { private _CVN = _this param [0,objNull]; private _leg = _this param [1,300]; private _rightTurn = _this param [2,TRUE]; private _dir = _CVN getVariable "CVNTrueDir"; private _t = _CVN getVariable "CVNTimer"; _CVN setdir ((_dir + 180) mod 360); _CVN setPosWorld ASLToATL (_CVN getpos [0.3,_dir]); [_CVN] call BIS_fnc_Carrier01PosUpdate; if (((diag_tickTime + (_CVN getVariable "CVNTimer")) mod _leg) < 0.1) then { _CVN setVariable ["CVNTimer", - diag_tickTime]; _CVN setVariable ["CVNTrueDir",_dir + ([-0.01,0.01] select _rightTurn)]; if (abs((360 +(_CVN getVariable "CVNTrueDir") mod 360) mod 360 - (_CVN getVariable "CVNPattern")#1) < 0.5) then { _CVN setVariable ["CVNTrueDir",(_CVN getVariable "CVNPattern")#1]; reverse (_CVN getVariable "CVNPattern"); _CVN setVariable ["CVNTimer",0.1 - diag_tickTime]; }; }; }, [_CVN,_leg,_rightTurn] ] call bis_fnc_addStackedEventHandler; }; [CVN1,45,120,FALSE] call MGI_CVN_PATTERN; So, the dynamic airport starts to be dynamic. I added also the rescue helicopter "pedro" , following the CVN. You can take control on it, or let it do his job. It takes few seconds to be on station, at start. PEDRO RESCUE: MGI_rescuePedro = { params [["_helo",objNull],["_CVN",objNull]]; if (!isServer or [_helo,_CVN] findIf {isNull _x} > -1) exitWith {}; currentPilot _helo disableAI "radioProtocol"; _helo setdir (getdir _CVN +180); _helo setpos (_CVN modelToWorld [200,0,35]); _helo flyInHeight 30; _helo flyInHeightASL [50,50,50]; [_helo,_CVN] spawn { params ["_helo","_CVN"]; waitUntil {!isNil{_CVN getVariable "CVNTrueDir"} or !alive _helo}; while {alive _helo} do { _dir = _CVN getVariable "CVNTrueDir"; _helo move (_CVN modelToWorld [200,-400,35]); _helo limitSpeed (diag_fps * (1+ (0.005 * ((_helo distance2D (expectedDestination _helo #0))-500)))); sleep 5 } } }; [this,CVN1] call MGI_rescuePedro; What about deck landing? You can test an approach, even a touch, but you can't stay aboard as for any other moving objects. Now, for the fun you can attach the jet on deck. I did a little trigger, itself attached to the CVN, but that is not really sexy. What about USS Nimitz (mod)? Unfortunately, I didn't succeed in making it sail properly... The result is a full flush deck, as the bridge dives... No time for workaround relative positions of all the parts. So, we are still far from a realistic Navy ambiance. For example, the main tool for a deck landing: the Optical Landing System (OLS) is missing. In a second step, I will comment the airplane simulation. I'm not a modder but there are some tips which could improve the game playability and immersion. That's not incompatible. Have fun. All comments and remarks welcome as usual. Pierre -
I don't know if this is the correct place to put it, but my friend and I did a modification of the USS Enterprise from Naval Legends so you can take off and land properly. I didn't see any other WW2 static carrer where you could take off and land without any big problem, so we wanted to add it. It's just a bunch of platforms from IFA 3, and I used some Weapons from Secret Weapons and the Enterprise from Naval Legends. Don't go anywhere but the main deck, or you'll get stuck. Don't use the anti air weapons, nor use the ladders. They're just there for AI or so it looks better. When using the arresting cable, you might find that the plane is slow. You just need to get out from the plane and get inside again, and that will be it. Mods: CBA - IFA - CUP Core - Naval Legends - Secret Weapons - MAAS - Workshop link: Thanks to Sabre for helping me with the Enterprise in his mod! 🙂 Tell me what you think!
- ww2
- static carrier
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Please use this thread for discussion specific to the Jets DLC. Content is already available on Dev-Branch for you to try and if you have any feedback or suggestions please feel free to post them below. Please remember that the content is still in beta and the preferred method of reporting issues is the Feedback Tracker. Thanks!
Some video capture using Firewill's F-14D and Mikey74's CarCom Script (2nd video has bug shown on Tomcat "gear down in flight" Has anyone seen this or know of any fixes? UPDATED: By ACTUALLY SEARCHING for the answer, I found (stumbled across) a snippet of aircraft actions in response to a post in 2011, by the great kylania. on activation trigger anyUnit action ["LandGearUp", plane]; at end of deck. Gear up. So, in brief it's fixed.... I think.I mean it works all of the time. Thank you! Mods please lock post as solved
Some chance to fix Ai that don't move on Carrier/Deck?
sberla101 posted a topic in ARMA 3 - TROUBLESHOOTING
I don't know if it's always been like that or if it's a temporary bug.... -
I just got info that F/A-181 Land to carrier Arrest Max Allowed Speed = 275kmh When Jet DLC first release, the landing speed for a correct AoA with full flaps landing config is around 210kmh, but after one or two updates, the landing speed changed to 275kmh ± 5kmh (in game data says 265kmh on speed = 275kmh AoA too high (too slow) = 270kmh or below AoA too low (too fast) = 280kmh or higher So, with the wire snap speed at 275+, and a correct landing speed at 275kmh ± 5kmh, you will have a big chance of getting a wire snap even landing in a perfect way, which I tested it for a long time and have years of carrier landing experience in ArmA3. Can any devs answer this question: Is the setting intended or just someone forget to change the data? Before update: After update:
[Bug report request] Spawn module does not work on carriers
Tyl3r99 posted a topic in ARMA 3 - TROUBLESHOOTING
Hello ive been trying to get my account details to report this bug, however the CAPTCHA robot verify thingy says a problem about a key.. however, can someone please report this issue please. [BUG] - respawn module does not work on carrier(s) [Description] - When respawning, you end up in the water below the carrier(s), ive tried placing a platform on the deck but still start in the water. [Repo steps] - place USS freedom in water place multiplayer respawn module on the deck set up respawning in multiplayer options i.e. "select respawn position" place playable unit preview in MP or LAN you will start under the carrier this also is happening with all the other modded carriers i.e. Nimitz Ive tried teleporting script but no joy. if someone could post a ticket for me as i cant recover my account. -
carrier Landing AI Helicopter on Carrier
QuiveringT posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Three AI helicopters will not land on the USS Freedom if I give them a waypoint to land on the deck. Each waypoint is to a different location on the flight deck, and each waypoint is in line with the flight deck. If I change the waypoints to a 'get out' waypoint, one helicopter will successfully land and the other two will nervously watch, then fly back to the nearest beach to land. There are planes and such on the deck, but more than enough space for multiple pilots to land. I realize that the AI is their own breed of unintelligence, but I am enthusing any options that simply get them to land on the carrier, like setting their fuel to 0 when the get close or something like that (for the record, I have not gotten this option to work).- 2 replies
- helicopter
- land
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Jet catapult without aircraft carrier?
Nemesis99 posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Hey guys i was wondering if its possible to place the jet catapult seperatly from the USS Freedome. I was trying to make a relay short runway so i thoght a catapult on a sperat runway on land would be cool. Fast help needed every answer could be helpfull :)-
- aircraft carrier
- aircraft
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- I cannot share much more as I am having troubling figuring out how to link my p3ds together (and I assume you don't want to see disjointed hull sections) but LODS are done on all of them just need the damn thing textured.
Hi everyone, I am enjoying the Jets DLC so far, but I can't seem to find the U.S.S. Freedom in the 3D editor. Can someone tell me where I could find it please? I looked in boats, and everything else. Thanks! LTthom
Hello all. I'm trying to set up a simple Zeus template mission using the Nimitz as a base. I'm having issues with player and vehicle respawn. Player Respawn: I'm using the respawn module and have set the following parameters. My problem is players respawn under the carrier at ocean level. If I sync the players to the respawn module, they respawn where they die despite having the "respawn on custom position" selected. I've also tried setting an invisible heli pad as a respawn point but to no avail. What am I doing wrong? Vehicle Respawn: Vehicles respawn on their original position as they are supposed to however they start with their engine on as if I spawned them in the air even thought they are empty. Settings and screencap of the problem below. Any help is appreciated. Thanks. :)
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- uss nimitz
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So it doesn't look "bad" however it isn't as pretty as other carrier models. This is the port from the Mukcep free planes pack. Colors are washed out (probably just needs some RVMAT tweaks) and the deck isn't walkable past 60m due to the way the INIT script attaches the roadway models. AND the hull has no bottom :D I might work on this some this year. I have a lot on my plate but since this is a free model it should be accessible by anyone... which begs the question whether anyone else is working on a Russian carrier?
Nice surprise I just got this morning! My Steam version of the game got updated to 1.6.0004. I'm eager to put this one to the test. :cool: The first thing that struck me, is that Walrus AI definitely seems to be better. Well, I haven't played long with it but so far, they're following pretty smoothly. As for the lighting issue, I can't tell yet, because I'm currently in the campaign, at one of those snowy islands. Thus, not very sunny... Well, good work BI. Thanks a bunch for the continuing support! :)
Carrier Command: Gaea Mission 1.06 BETA Patch
Johny posted a topic in CARRIER COMMAND: GAEA MISSION - NEWS
It has been a while so we have decided to roll out new version of beta patch for CCGM: CRC-32: 9c9d5d7f MD4: 3118af22585f4a7c09e79261df707846 MD5: 6d7a4d75a6894693d012e25d44699020 SHA-1: af99c358dde314af05de53bff22cd3b0ddc26ff0 Patch 1.06.0004 Changelog --------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed Enemy carrier units were sometimes missing equipped weapons. - Fixed When the enemy finished building a Command Center on player's current island, player was unable to shut down firewalls. - Fixed Assert when enemy starts Command Center creation on player's current island. - Fixed Enemy carrier deployed units too far from player's carrier in a fight (and they don't take part in a fight). - Added Turbo and forsage and manta shield visualization into 3rd person view. - Fixed Units are destroyed directly after "yes" selection in "Abandon Units" dialog (not in tutorial mission till Outpost in GM Campaign). - Fixed Bug when player's carrier units dock instantly. - Fixed Current task setting in both campaigns. - Fixed "No Generic Mission" no longer visible in island info, shiplog screen etc. - Fixed New manta added to command bar (from carrier stock ) always has full fuel. - Fixed After capturing island which is changing its alignment the process is stopped. - Fixed After capturing island the autoaim no longer sticks on friendly target. - Fixed Objective "Build Command Center" will not be marked as complete when enemy builds a Command Center on the player's current island. - Fixed Island alignment icon will be hidden when the player leaves the island without a connection to his island. - Fixed Waypoints displaying in firewall mission when recapturing an island. - Fixed The strategy game will not end in an untimely manner - the player has to recapture all islands again (if the enemy takes some over after the player conquers all islands and doesn't sink the enemy carrier). - Added new tech level step on strategy campaign starting screen (4) - all items available. - Fixed Removed some turrets on fulcrum island (Command Center Base). - Added "+" and "-" signs for production and mining in IslandInfo Screen in Gaea Campaign. - Improved Walruses from garages can be fitted with a weapon in the second slot (plasma, AA Gun etc.). - Fixed One turret on Bacchus is no longer under enemy control when the island is under the player's control. - Fixed Removed walrus from neutral Avernus. - Improved AI walrus pathfinding. - Fixed Missions with Firewalls and shield boosters can sometimes reduce telemetry range of carrier Download from -
Using a Joystick an Logitech Attack 3
Is there any kind soul there that can explain in Layman terms how to use a Joystick with this game, i can get a simple guide anywhere, usually i go to U Tube, but its all reviews there, kinda difficult to play the game as i have lost a few fingers, i thought i had got the wrong game when it looked like at first a FPS game, thanks. Cabunag60 -
Carrier Command: Gaea Mission - Updates
Korneel posted a topic in CARRIER COMMAND: GAEA MISSION - NEWS
Hi all, We hope you're enjoying our brand new game Carrier Command: Gaea Mission. We've already seen many people posting their experiences, suggestions and issues on the forums and we hope you continue to do so! In the meantime, if you're playing the Windows PC version of the game, make sure to keep track of the official Carrier Command website, Facebook, Twitter and forums, so you'll know when a new patch has been released: Update 1.02 Released 28-09-2012 Fixes include save game corruption bug fixed, improved stability, various Walrus AI improvements, numerous localization fixes, and various campaign script fixes and improvements (complete README file is included with the download). Please note that save games made with a previous version are not compatible with this patch. Steam versions receive this update automatically. Update 1.03 Released 07-12-2012 Fixes include improved stability, improvements to Walrus AI and island navigation data and fixed achievements (for the complete list check out the README file provided with the installer). Steam versions receive this update automatically. Update 1.04 Released 15-02-2013 Various game and campaign fixes, improved support for modding, DRM is removed and there is a separate patch version for the SDK installer (for the complete list check out the README file provided with the installer). Steam versions receive this update automatically. -
Carrier Command: Gaea Mission - Windows PC & Xbox 360 release
Korneel posted a topic in CARRIER COMMAND: GAEA MISSION - NEWS
Twenty four years after the original Carrier Command was released, it's modern-day successor is finally here: Carrier Command: Gaea Mission is now available in stores worldwide for both Windows PC and the Xbox 360®! Bohemia Interactive's Carrier Command: Gaea Mission offers a blend of first- and third-person vehicular combat with tactical and strategic elements. In a massive sandbox, consisting of 33 unique islands hosting 6 distinct climatic zones, players are put in command of a futuristic military carrier holding multiple remotely controllable and customizable units. By traversing the seas and establishing a strategic network of island bases for mining, production and defense, players will set sail for a titanic game of conquest. Unlike the original, Carrier Command: Gaea Mission also features a story-driven campaign. Alternatively, people can go head on with a mode similar to the original Carrier Command, named Strategy Game. The full release announcements can be found here and here. We've also just shipped the game's launch trailer: 8A6twsbdDzE For more videos and intel on where to order the game, be sure to visit - welcome back on board!