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About saul

  • Rank
    Staff Sergeant


  • Interests
    Game Design, Shooting, Gaming
  • Occupation
    Firearms Instructor

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  • Biography
    Amateur Environmental and Character Designer, specializing in modeling and texturing. Huge gun nut and full time firearms instructor.
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  1. saul

    Jets DLC Official Feedback

    @WurschtBanane This is the first for this issue, we will be looking into it.
  2. saul

    Jets DLC Official Feedback

    We are aware of planes sinking into the carrier and is being investigated .
  3. saul

    Jets DLC Official Feedback

    1) Is the 'throttle % indicator' in the UI ever coming to helicopters? Not likely. 3) Is there a chance that the wheelbrakes for planes will be separated from the 'decrease throttle' input just like they were for helicopters in AFM? Yes, they already have been. We have dedicated key for wheel/air brake, throttle is separate with new system 4) Was the keybinding for collision lights left out intentionally or was this an oversight? Can't comment/don't have such information. 5) Is there a chance that the 'open/close ramp' action might also be added as a keybinding? Can't comment/don't have such information. 6) Is there a chance of control profiles being implemented, so that you can save and load your keybindings? Most likely no but it's not a bad idea :D
  4. saul

    Jets DLC Official Feedback

    Yes we are monitoring these threads... always.
  5. saul

    Jets DLC Official Feedback

    Where exactly did you find a hole (or holes) in the model? PM me with pictures plz.
  6. Please use this thread for discussion specific to the Jets DLC. Content is already available on Dev-Branch for you to try and if you have any feedback or suggestions please feel free to post them below. Please remember that the content is still in beta and the preferred method of reporting issues is the Feedback Tracker. Thanks!
  7. saul

    F/a-18x black wasp

    Ya, we aren't dead. Just REALLY REALLY REALLY busy. ;)
  8. saul

    F/a-18x black wasp

    @All - Currently John and I are still undecided one which units may be protrayed. Our current project is taking up a lot of our time and unfortunately the F18X is suffering because of this. This does not mean that work has stopped, just slowed. We will keep you all up to date as things progress. @devil - As of the most recent update (0.99) I have not been able to reproduce the spawning issue on a hosted server via scripts or Zeus. John and I will do another test run to varify our findings but it is entirely possible that another mod or script that you or your community is using is conflicting with the F18X spawn.
  9. John and I would also like to congratulate our fellow winners in the competition, to the finalists as well as our fellow competitors for all of the great addons and missions. Together we have raised the bar for the mod community of Arma and have set the examples of what to work up to. I see a bright future of the mod community so lets keep’em coming.
  10. saul

    F/a-18x black wasp

    First off John and I would like to say thank you all for the wonderful support. For over two years now John and I have worked tirelessly to bring the best quality aircraft mods that we can make. We know however that without the community we would not be where we are today. John and I would also like to congratulate our fellow winners in the competition, to the finalists as well as our fellow competitors for all of the great addons and missions. Together we have raised the bar for the mod community of Arma and have set the examples of what to work up to. I see a bright future of the mod community so lets keep’em coming. With all that said, thank you all again for the wonderful support and good hunting gents.
  11. saul

    F/a-18x black wasp

    @Rlex - pretty sure that is a mission maker issue and not the mods.
  12. saul

    F/a-18x black wasp

    Keep'em coming :D
  13. saul

    F/a-18x black wasp

    @Dragon - The odds of a two seater variant of the Black Wasp is extremely low mostly due to our current projects (John and I haven't even reached our goals with the F18X as is) and also due the wasp would require extensive remodeling, texturing, and scripting. It's not to say it may never happen but as things stand right now with John and myself we have no plans for a two seater. @All - Here is a small preview of what is to come with future update 1.0 of the Black Wasp. We are currently in the process of upgrading most of the textures for the Wasp with (as you can see in the image) the introduction of a modern U.S. Navy color scheme. Unfortunately I can't say when update 1.0 will be released as 1.0 will be a big update but we are setting a goal of early summer at the earliest. One thing though I would love to ask from the community is this. What squadrons do you think should be represented in a 2035 U.S. Navy? Post your answers below and we will take the best ones (probably no more then 3 or 4) and will add them to the mod.